- Version 7.0.0
- Published
- 536 kB
- 14 dependencies
- Apache-2.0 license
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0x TS utils
Type Aliases
variable AbiEncoderConstants
variable abiUtils
const abiUtils: { parseEthersParams: typeof parseEthersParams; isAbiDataEqual: typeof isAbiDataEqual; splitTupleTypes: typeof splitTupleTypes; parseFunctionParam(param: DataItem): string; getFunctionSignature(methodAbi: MethodAbi): string; renameOverloadedMethods(inputContractAbi: ContractAbi): ContractAbi;};
variable addressUtils
const addressUtils: { isChecksumAddress(address: string): boolean; isAddress(address: string): boolean; padZeros(address: string): string; generatePseudoRandomAddress(): string;};
variable classUtils
const classUtils: { bindAll(self: any, exclude?: string[], thisArg?: any): void };
variable errorUtils
const errorUtils: { spawnSwitchErr(name: string, value: any): Error };
variable hexUtils
const hexUtils: { concat: typeof concat; random: typeof random; leftPad: typeof leftPad; rightPad: typeof rightPad; invert: typeof invert; slice: typeof slice; hash: typeof hash; size: typeof size; toHex: typeof toHex; isHex: typeof isHex;};
variable intervalUtils
const intervalUtils: { setAsyncExcludingInterval( fn: () => Promise<void>, intervalMs: number, onError: (err: Error) => void ): NodeJS.Timer; clearAsyncExcludingInterval(intervalId: NodeJS.Timer): void; setInterval( fn: () => void, intervalMs: number, onError: (err: Error) => void ): NodeJS.Timer; clearInterval(intervalId: NodeJS.Timer): void;};
variable logUtils
const logUtils: { log(...args: any[]): void; header(text: string, padStr?: string): void; warn(...args: any[]): void; table(columnarData: { [rowName: string]: any }): void; logWithTime(arg: string): void;};
const NULL_ADDRESS: string;
variable NULL_BYTES
const NULL_BYTES: string;
variable providerUtils
const providerUtils: { startProviderEngine(providerEngine: any): void; standardizeOrThrow(supportedProvider: SupportedProvider): ZeroExProvider; getChainIdAsync(supportedProvider: SupportedProvider): Promise<number>;};
variable signTypedDataUtils
const signTypedDataUtils: { generateTypedDataHash(typedData: EIP712TypedData): Buffer; generateTypedDataHashWithoutDomain(typedData: EIP712TypedData): Buffer; generateDomainHash(domain: EIP712Object): Buffer; _findDependencies( primaryType: string, types: EIP712Types, found?: string[] ): string[]; _encodeType(primaryType: string, types: EIP712Types): string; _encodeData(primaryType: string, data: EIP712Object, types: EIP712Types): string; _normalizeValue(type: string, value: any): EIP712ObjectValue; _typeHash(primaryType: string, types: EIP712Types): Buffer; _structHash(primaryType: string, data: EIP712Object, types: EIP712Types): Buffer;};
variable ZeroExRevertErrors
const ZeroExRevertErrors: { Common: any; Proxy: any; SimpleFunctionRegistry: any; Ownable: any; Spender: any; TransformERC20: any; Wallet: any; MetaTransactions: any; SignatureValidator: any; LiquidityProvider: any;};
function coerceThrownErrorAsRevertError
coerceThrownErrorAsRevertError: (error: Error) => RevertError;
Coerce a thrown error into a
. Always succeeds.Parameter error
Any thrown error. A RevertError object.
function decodeBytesAsRevertError
decodeBytesAsRevertError: ( bytes: string | Buffer, coerce?: boolean) => RevertError;
Decode an ABI encoded revert error. Throws if the data cannot be decoded as a known RevertError type.
Parameter bytes
The ABI encoded revert error. Either a hex string or a Buffer.
Parameter coerce
Coerce unknown selectors into a
type. A RevertError object.
function decodeThrownErrorAsRevertError
decodeThrownErrorAsRevertError: (error: Error, coerce?: boolean) => RevertError;
Decode a thrown error. Throws if the data cannot be decoded as a known RevertError type.
Parameter error
Any thrown error.
Parameter coerce
Coerce unknown selectors into a
type. A RevertError object.
function deleteNestedProperty
deleteNestedProperty: (obj: any, propPath: string) => void;
function fetchAsync
fetchAsync: ( endpoint: string, options?: RequestInit, timeoutMs?: number) => Promise<Response>;
function fromTokenUnitAmount
fromTokenUnitAmount: (units: Numberish, decimals?: number) => BigNumber;
Convert a token unit amount to weis. E.g., 10.1 ETH -> 10100000000000000000.
function generatePseudoRandom256BitNumber
generatePseudoRandom256BitNumber: () => BigNumber;
Generates a pseudo-random 256-bit number. A pseudo-random 256-bit number.
function registerRevertErrorType
registerRevertErrorType: (revertClass: RevertErrorType, force?: boolean) => void;
Register a RevertError type so that it can be decoded by
.Parameter revertClass
A class that inherits from RevertError.
Parameter force
Allow overwriting registered types.
function toTokenUnitAmount
toTokenUnitAmount: (weis: Numberish, decimals?: number) => BigNumber;
Convert a wei amount to token units. E.g., 10100000000000000000 -> 10.1 ETH.
class AbiDecoder
class AbiDecoder {}
AbiDecoder allows you to decode event logs given a set of supplied contract ABI's. It takes the contract's event signature from the ABI and attempts to decode the logs using it.
constructor(abiArrays: AbiDefinition[][]);
Instantiate an AbiDecoder
Parameter abiArrays
An array of contract ABI's AbiDecoder instance
method addABI
addABI: (abiArray: AbiDefinition[], contractName?: string) => void;
Adds a set of ABI definitions, after which calldata and logs targeting these ABI's can be decoded. Additional properties can be included to disambiguate similar ABI's. For example, if two functions have the same signature but different parameter names, then their ABI definitions can be disambiguated by specifying a contract name.
Parameter abiDefinitions
ABI definitions for a given contract.
Parameter contractName
Name of contract that encapsulates the ABI definitions (optional). This can be used when decoding calldata to disambiguate methods with the same signature but different parameter names.
method decodeCalldataOrThrow
decodeCalldataOrThrow: ( calldata: string, contractName?: string) => DecodedCalldata;
Decodes calldata for a known ABI.
Parameter calldata
hex-encoded calldata.
Parameter contractName
used to disambiguate similar ABI's (optional). Decoded calldata. Includes: function name and signature, along with the decoded arguments.
method tryToDecodeLogOrNoop
tryToDecodeLogOrNoop: <ArgsType extends DecodedLogArgs>( log: LogEntry) => LogWithDecodedArgs<ArgsType> | RawLog;
Attempt to decode a log given the ABI's the AbiDecoder knows about.
Parameter log
The log to attempt to decode The decoded log if the requisite ABI was available. Otherwise the log unaltered.
class AnyRevertError
class AnyRevertError extends RevertError {}
Special RevertError type that matches with any other RevertError instance.
class RawRevertError
class RawRevertError extends RevertError {}
Special RevertError type that is not decoded.
constructor(encoded: any);
class RevertError
abstract class RevertError extends Error {}
Base type for revert errors.
protected constructor( name: string, declaration?: string, values?: ObjectMap<any>, raw?: string);
Create a RevertError instance with optional parameter values. Parameters that are left undefined will not be tested in equality checks.
Parameter declaration
Function-style declaration of the revert (e.g., Error(string message))
Parameter values
Optional mapping of parameters to values.
Parameter raw
Optional encoded form of the revert error. If supplied, this instance will be treated as a
, meaning it can only match otherRawRevertError
types with the same encoded payload.
property [Symbol.toStringTag]
readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: string;
property abi
readonly abi?: RevertErrorAbi;
property arguments
readonly arguments: DataItem[];
Get the ABI arguments for this revert.
property name
readonly name: string;
Get the ABI name for this revert.
property selector
readonly selector: string;
Get the hex selector for this revert (without leading '0x').
property signature
readonly signature: string;
Get the signature for this revert: e.g., 'Error(string)'.
property typeName
readonly typeName: string;
Get the class name of this type.
property values
readonly values: ObjectMap<any>;
method decode
static decode: ( bytes: string | Buffer | RevertError, coerce?: boolean) => RevertError;
Decode an ABI encoded revert error. Throws if the data cannot be decoded as a known RevertError type.
Parameter bytes
The ABI encoded revert error. Either a hex string or a Buffer.
Parameter coerce
Whether to coerce unknown selectors into a
type. A RevertError object.
method encode
encode: () => string;
method equals
equals: (other: RevertError | Buffer | string) => boolean;
Compares this instance with another. Fails if instances are not of the same type. Only fields/values defined in both instances are compared.
Parameter other
Either another RevertError instance, hex-encoded bytes, or a Buffer of the ABI encoded revert. True if both instances match.
method registerType
static registerType: (revertClass: RevertErrorType, force?: boolean) => void;
Register a RevertError type so that it can be decoded by
.Parameter revertClass
A class that inherits from RevertError.
Parameter force
Allow overwriting existing registrations.
method toString
toString: () => string;
class StringRevertError
class StringRevertError extends RevertError {}
RevertError type for standard string reverts.
constructor(message?: string);
interface DecodedCalldata
interface DecodedCalldata {}
property functionArguments
functionArguments: any;
property functionName
functionName: string;
property functionSignature
functionSignature: string;
interface DecodingRules
interface DecodingRules {}
property isStrictMode
isStrictMode: boolean;
property shouldConvertStructsToObjects
shouldConvertStructsToObjects: boolean;
interface EncodingRules
interface EncodingRules {}
property shouldAnnotate
shouldAnnotate?: boolean;
property shouldOptimize
shouldOptimize?: boolean;
interface FunctionInfo
interface FunctionInfo {}
property abiEncoder
abiEncoder?: AbiEncoder.Method;
property chainId
chainId?: number;
property contractAddress
contractAddress?: string;
property contractName
contractName?: string;
property functionSignature
functionSignature: string;
interface SelectorToFunctionInfo
interface SelectorToFunctionInfo {}
index signature
[index: string]: FunctionInfo[];
Type Aliases
type Numberish
type Numberish = BigNumber | string | number;
Package Files (20)
- lib/src/abi_decoder.d.ts
- lib/src/abi_encoder/utils/constants.d.ts
- lib/src/abi_encoder/utils/rules.d.ts
- lib/src/abi_utils.d.ts
- lib/src/address_utils.d.ts
- lib/src/class_utils.d.ts
- lib/src/constants.d.ts
- lib/src/delete_nested_property.d.ts
- lib/src/error_utils.d.ts
- lib/src/fetch_async.d.ts
- lib/src/hex_utils.d.ts
- lib/src/index.d.ts
- lib/src/interval_utils.d.ts
- lib/src/log_utils.d.ts
- lib/src/provider_utils.d.ts
- lib/src/random.d.ts
- lib/src/revert_error.d.ts
- lib/src/sign_typed_data_utils.d.ts
- lib/src/token_utils.d.ts
- lib/src/types.d.ts
Dependencies (14)
Dev Dependencies (13)
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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