
  • Version 21.6.0
  • Published
  • 883 kB
  • 14 dependencies
  • MIT license


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SQL ORM built on top of Active Record pattern



variable stubsRoot

const stubsRoot: string;


    function configure

    configure: (command: Configure) => Promise<void>;
    • Configures the package

    function defineConfig

    defineConfig: (config: DatabaseConfig) => DatabaseConfig;


      namespace errors

      module 'build/src/errors.d.ts' {}
      • The "E_ROW_NOT_FOUND" exception is raised when no row is found in a database single query

        The "error.model" can be used to know the model which raised the error. This will only be present when using Lucid models not Database queries


      args?: any,
      options?: ErrorOptions
      ) => Exception;


        const E_INVALID_DATE_COLUMN_VALUE: new (
        args: [string, string | null],
        options?: ErrorOptions
        ) => Exception;

          variable E_INVALID_REPLICAS_CONFIG

          const E_INVALID_REPLICAS_CONFIG: new (
          args?: any,
          options?: ErrorOptions
          ) => Exception;

            variable E_MISSING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTE

            const E_MISSING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTE: new (
            args: [string, string, string],
            options?: ErrorOptions
            ) => Exception;

              variable E_MISSING_SCHEMA_FILES

              const E_MISSING_SCHEMA_FILES: new (args?: any, options?: ErrorOptions) => Exception;

                variable E_MODEL_DELETED

                const E_MODEL_DELETED: new (args?: any, options?: ErrorOptions) => Exception;

                  variable E_ROW_NOT_FOUND

                  const E_ROW_NOT_FOUND: {
                  new (model?: LucidModel): {
                  model?: LucidModel;
                  name: string;
                  help?: string;
                  code?: string;
                  status: number;
                  toString(): string;
                  message: string;
                  stack?: string;
                  cause?: unknown;
                  readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: string;
                  readonly status: number;
                  readonly code: string;
                  readonly message: string;
                  help?: string;
                  captureStackTrace(targetObject: object, constructorOpt?: Function): void;
                  prepareStackTrace?: (err: Error, stackTraces: NodeJS.CallSite[]) => any;
                  stackTraceLimit: number;
                  • The "E_ROW_NOT_FOUND" exception is raised when no row is found in a database single query

                    The "error.model" can be used to know the model which raised the error. This will only be present when using Lucid models not Database queries

                  variable E_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION

                  const E_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION: new (args?: any, options?: ErrorOptions) => Exception;

                    variable E_UNABLE_ACQUIRE_LOCK

                    const E_UNABLE_ACQUIRE_LOCK: new (args?: any, options?: ErrorOptions) => Exception;

                      variable E_UNABLE_RELEASE_LOCK

                      const E_UNABLE_RELEASE_LOCK: new (args?: any, options?: ErrorOptions) => Exception;

                        variable E_UNDEFINED_RELATIONSHIP

                        const E_UNDEFINED_RELATIONSHIP: new (
                        args?: any,
                        options?: ErrorOptions
                        ) => Exception;

                          variable E_UNMANAGED_DB_CONNECTION

                          const E_UNMANAGED_DB_CONNECTION: new (
                          args: [string],
                          options?: ErrorOptions
                          ) => Exception;

                            variable E_UNSUPPORTED_CLIENT

                            const E_UNSUPPORTED_CLIENT: new (
                            args: [string],
                            options?: ErrorOptions
                            ) => Exception;
                            • The client is not supported by Lucid

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                            Dependencies (14)

                            Dev Dependencies (36)

                            Peer Dependencies (4)


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