
  • Version 17.3.5
  • Published
  • 1.44 MB
  • 64 dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i @angular-devkit/build-angular
yarn add @angular-devkit/build-angular
pnpm add @angular-devkit/build-angular


Angular Webpack Build Facade





Type Aliases



function buildApplication

buildApplication: {
options: ApplicationBuilderOptions,
context: BuilderContext,
plugins?: Plugin[]
): AsyncIterable<ApplicationBuilderOutput>;
options: ApplicationBuilderOptions,
context: BuilderContext,
extensions?: ApplicationBuilderExtensions
): AsyncIterable<ApplicationBuilderOutput>;
  • Builds an application using the application builder with the provided options.

    Usage of the plugins parameter is NOT supported and may cause unexpected build output or build failures.

    Direct usage of this function is considered experimental.

    Parameter options

    The options defined by the builder's schema to use.

    Parameter context

    An Architect builder context instance.

    Parameter plugins

    An array of plugins to apply to the main code bundling.


    The build output results of the build.


    • @experimental
  • Builds an application using the application builder with the provided options.

    Usage of the extensions parameter is NOT supported and may cause unexpected build output or build failures.

    Direct usage of this function is considered experimental.

    Parameter options

    The options defined by the builder's schema to use.

    Parameter context

    An Architect builder context instance.

    Parameter extensions

    An object contain extension points for the build.


    The build output results of the build.


    • @experimental

function executeBrowserBuilder

executeBrowserBuilder: (
options: BrowserBuilderSchema,
context: BuilderContext,
transforms?: {
webpackConfiguration?: ExecutionTransformer<webpack.Configuration>;
logging?: WebpackLoggingCallback;
indexHtml?: IndexHtmlTransform;
) => Observable<any>;
  • Direct usage of this function is considered experimental.


    • @experimental

function executeDevServerBuilder

executeDevServerBuilder: (
options: DevServerBuilderOptions,
context: BuilderContext,
transforms?: {
webpackConfiguration?: ExecutionTransformer<import('webpack').Configuration>;
logging?: import('@angular-devkit/build-webpack').WebpackLoggingCallback;
indexHtml?: IndexHtmlTransform;
extensions?: {
buildPlugins?: Plugin[];
middleware?: ((
req: http.IncomingMessage,
res: http.ServerResponse,
next: (err?: unknown) => void
) => void)[];
builderSelector?: (
info: BuilderSelectorInfo,
logger: BuilderContext
) => string;
) => Observable<any>;
  • A Builder that executes a development server based on the provided browser target option.

    Usage of the transforms and/or extensions parameters is NOT supported and may cause unexpected build output or build failures.

    Parameter options

    Dev Server options.

    Parameter context

    The build context.

    Parameter transforms

    A map of transforms that can be used to hook into some logic (such as transforming webpack configuration before passing it to webpack).

    Parameter extensions

    An optional object containing an array of build plugins (esbuild-based) and/or HTTP request middleware.

    Direct usage of this function is considered experimental.


    • @experimental

function executeExtractI18nBuilder

executeExtractI18nBuilder: (
options: ExtractI18nBuilderOptions,
context: BuilderContext,
transforms?: {
webpackConfiguration?: ExecutionTransformer<webpack.Configuration>;
) => Promise<BuilderOutput>;
  • Direct usage of this function is considered experimental.


    • @experimental

function executeKarmaBuilder

executeKarmaBuilder: (
options: KarmaBuilderOptions,
context: BuilderContext,
transforms?: {
webpackConfiguration?: ExecutionTransformer<Configuration>;
karmaOptions?: (options: KarmaConfigOptions) => KarmaConfigOptions;
) => Observable<BuilderOutput>;
  • Direct usage of this function is considered experimental.


    • @experimental

function executeNgPackagrBuilder

executeNgPackagrBuilder: (
options: NgPackagrBuilderOptions,
context: BuilderContext
) => Observable<BuilderOutput>;
  • Direct usage of this function is considered experimental.


    • @experimental

function executeProtractorBuilder

executeProtractorBuilder: (
options: ProtractorBuilderOptions,
context: BuilderContext
) => Promise<BuilderOutput>;
  • Direct usage of this function is considered experimental.


    • @experimental

function executeServerBuilder

executeServerBuilder: (
options: ServerBuilderOptions,
context: BuilderContext,
transforms?: {
webpackConfiguration?: ExecutionTransformer<webpack.Configuration>;
) => Observable<any>;
  • Direct usage of this function is considered experimental.


    • @experimental

function executeSSRDevServerBuilder

executeSSRDevServerBuilder: (
options: SSRDevServerBuilderOptions,
context: BuilderContext
) => Observable<any>;


    interface ApplicationBuilderOptions

    interface Schema {}
    • Application builder target options

    property allowedCommonJsDependencies

    allowedCommonJsDependencies?: string[];
    • A list of CommonJS or AMD packages that are allowed to be used without a build time warning. Use '*' to allow all.

    property aot

    aot?: boolean;
    • Build using Ahead of Time compilation.

    property appShell

    appShell?: boolean;
    • Generates an application shell during build time.

    property assets

    assets?: AssetPattern[];
    • List of static application assets.

    property baseHref

    baseHref?: string;
    • Base url for the application being built.

    property browser

    browser: string;
    • The full path for the browser entry point to the application, relative to the current workspace.

    property budgets

    budgets?: Budget[];
    • Budget thresholds to ensure parts of your application stay within boundaries which you set.

    property clearScreen

    clearScreen?: boolean;
    • Automatically clear the terminal screen during rebuilds.

    property crossOrigin

    crossOrigin?: CrossOrigin;
    • Define the crossorigin attribute setting of elements that provide CORS support.

    property define

    define?: {
    [key: string]: string;
    • Defines global identifiers that will be replaced with a specified constant value when found in any JavaScript or TypeScript code including libraries. The value will be used directly. String values must be put in quotes. Identifiers within Angular metadata such as Component Decorators will not be replaced.

    property deleteOutputPath

    deleteOutputPath?: boolean;
    • Delete the output path before building.

    property deployUrl

    deployUrl?: string;
    • Customize the base path for the URLs of resources in 'index.html' and component stylesheets. This option is only necessary for specific deployment scenarios, such as with Angular Elements or when utilizing different CDN locations.

    property externalDependencies

    externalDependencies?: string[];
    • Exclude the listed external dependencies from being bundled into the bundle. Instead, the created bundle relies on these dependencies to be available during runtime.

    property extractLicenses

    extractLicenses?: boolean;
    • Extract all licenses in a separate file.

    property fileReplacements

    fileReplacements?: FileReplacement[];
    • Replace compilation source files with other compilation source files in the build.

    property i18nDuplicateTranslation

    i18nDuplicateTranslation?: I18NTranslation;
    • How to handle duplicate translations for i18n.

    property i18nMissingTranslation

    i18nMissingTranslation?: I18NTranslation;
    • How to handle missing translations for i18n.

    property index

    index: IndexUnion;
    • Configures the generation of the application's HTML index.

    property inlineStyleLanguage

    inlineStyleLanguage?: InlineStyleLanguage;
    • The stylesheet language to use for the application's inline component styles.

    property loader

    loader?: {
    [key: string]: any;
    • Defines the type of loader to use with a specified file extension when used with a JavaScript import. text inlines the content as a string; binary inlines the content as a Uint8Array; file emits the file and provides the runtime location of the file; empty considers the content to be empty and not include it in bundles.

    property localize

    localize?: Localize;
    • Translate the bundles in one or more locales.

    property namedChunks

    namedChunks?: boolean;
    • Use file name for lazy loaded chunks.

    property optimization

    optimization?: OptimizationUnion;
    • Enables optimization of the build output. Including minification of scripts and styles, tree-shaking, dead-code elimination, inlining of critical CSS and fonts inlining. For more information, see https://angular.io/guide/workspace-config#optimization-configuration.

    property outputHashing

    outputHashing?: OutputHashing;
    • Define the output filename cache-busting hashing mode.

    property outputPath

    outputPath: OutputPathUnion;
    • Specify the output path relative to workspace root.

    property poll

    poll?: number;
    • Enable and define the file watching poll time period in milliseconds.

    property polyfills

    polyfills?: string[];
    • A list of polyfills to include in the build. Can be a full path for a file, relative to the current workspace or module specifier. Example: 'zone.js'.

    property prerender

    prerender?: PrerenderUnion;
    • Prerender (SSG) pages of your application during build time.

    preserveSymlinks?: boolean;
    • Do not use the real path when resolving modules. If unset then will default to true if NodeJS option --preserve-symlinks is set.

    property progress

    progress?: boolean;
    • Log progress to the console while building.

    property scripts

    scripts?: ScriptElement[];
    • Global scripts to be included in the build.

    property server

    server?: string;
    • The full path for the server entry point to the application, relative to the current workspace.

    property serviceWorker

    serviceWorker?: ServiceWorker;
    • Generates a service worker configuration.

    property sourceMap

    sourceMap?: SourceMapUnion;
    • Output source maps for scripts and styles. For more information, see https://angular.io/guide/workspace-config#source-map-configuration.

    property ssr

    ssr?: SsrUnion;
    • Server side render (SSR) pages of your application during runtime.

    property statsJson

    statsJson?: boolean;
    • Generates a 'stats.json' file which can be analyzed with https://esbuild.github.io/analyze/.

    property stylePreprocessorOptions

    stylePreprocessorOptions?: StylePreprocessorOptions;
    • Options to pass to style preprocessors.

    property styles

    styles?: StyleElement[];
    • Global styles to be included in the build.

    property subresourceIntegrity

    subresourceIntegrity?: boolean;
    • Enables the use of subresource integrity validation.

    property tsConfig

    tsConfig: string;
    • The full path for the TypeScript configuration file, relative to the current workspace.

    property verbose

    verbose?: boolean;
    • Adds more details to output logging.

    property watch

    watch?: boolean;
    • Run build when files change.

    property webWorkerTsConfig

    webWorkerTsConfig?: string;
    • TypeScript configuration for Web Worker modules.

    interface AssetPatternObject

    interface AssetPatternClass {}
      followSymlinks?: boolean;
      • Allow glob patterns to follow symlink directories. This allows subdirectories of the symlink to be searched.

      property glob

      glob: string;
      • The pattern to match.

      property ignore

      ignore?: string[];
      • An array of globs to ignore.

      property input

      input: string;
      • The input directory path in which to apply 'glob'. Defaults to the project root.

      property output

      output: string;
      • Absolute path within the output.

      interface BrowserBuilderOptions

      interface Schema {}
      • Browser target options

      property allowedCommonJsDependencies

      allowedCommonJsDependencies?: string[];
      • A list of CommonJS or AMD packages that are allowed to be used without a build time warning. Use '*' to allow all.

      property aot

      aot?: boolean;
      • Build using Ahead of Time compilation.

      property assets

      assets?: AssetPattern[];
      • List of static application assets.

      property baseHref

      baseHref?: string;
      • Base url for the application being built.

      property budgets

      budgets?: Budget[];
      • Budget thresholds to ensure parts of your application stay within boundaries which you set.

      property buildOptimizer

      buildOptimizer?: boolean;
      • Enables advanced build optimizations when using the 'aot' option.

      property commonChunk

      commonChunk?: boolean;
      • Generate a seperate bundle containing code used across multiple bundles.

      property crossOrigin

      crossOrigin?: CrossOrigin;
      • Define the crossorigin attribute setting of elements that provide CORS support.

      property deleteOutputPath

      deleteOutputPath?: boolean;
      • Delete the output path before building.

      property deployUrl

      deployUrl?: string;
      • Customize the base path for the URLs of resources in 'index.html' and component stylesheets. This option is only necessary for specific deployment scenarios, such as with Angular Elements or when utilizing different CDN locations.

      property extractLicenses

      extractLicenses?: boolean;
      • Extract all licenses in a separate file.

      property fileReplacements

      fileReplacements?: FileReplacement[];
      • Replace compilation source files with other compilation source files in the build.

      property i18nDuplicateTranslation

      i18nDuplicateTranslation?: I18NTranslation;
      • How to handle duplicate translations for i18n.

      property i18nMissingTranslation

      i18nMissingTranslation?: I18NTranslation;
      • How to handle missing translations for i18n.

      property index

      index: IndexUnion;
      • Configures the generation of the application's HTML index.

      property inlineStyleLanguage

      inlineStyleLanguage?: InlineStyleLanguage;
      • The stylesheet language to use for the application's inline component styles.

      property localize

      localize?: Localize;
      • Translate the bundles in one or more locales.

      property main

      main: string;
      • The full path for the main entry point to the app, relative to the current workspace.

      property namedChunks

      namedChunks?: boolean;
      • Use file name for lazy loaded chunks.

      property ngswConfigPath

      ngswConfigPath?: string;
      • Path to ngsw-config.json.

      property optimization

      optimization?: OptimizationUnion;
      • Enables optimization of the build output. Including minification of scripts and styles, tree-shaking, dead-code elimination, inlining of critical CSS and fonts inlining. For more information, see https://angular.io/guide/workspace-config#optimization-configuration.

      property outputHashing

      outputHashing?: OutputHashing;
      • Define the output filename cache-busting hashing mode.

      property outputPath

      outputPath: string;
      • The full path for the new output directory, relative to the current workspace.

      property poll

      poll?: number;
      • Enable and define the file watching poll time period in milliseconds.

      property polyfills

      polyfills?: Polyfills;
      • Polyfills to be included in the build.

      preserveSymlinks?: boolean;
      • Do not use the real path when resolving modules. If unset then will default to true if NodeJS option --preserve-symlinks is set.

      property progress

      progress?: boolean;
      • Log progress to the console while building.

      property resourcesOutputPath

      resourcesOutputPath?: string;
      • The path where style resources will be placed, relative to outputPath.

      property scripts

      scripts?: ScriptElement[];
      • Global scripts to be included in the build.

      property serviceWorker

      serviceWorker?: boolean;
      • Generates a service worker config for production builds.

      property sourceMap

      sourceMap?: SourceMapUnion;
      • Output source maps for scripts and styles. For more information, see https://angular.io/guide/workspace-config#source-map-configuration.

      property statsJson

      statsJson?: boolean;
      • Generates a 'stats.json' file which can be analyzed using tools such as 'webpack-bundle-analyzer'.

      property stylePreprocessorOptions

      stylePreprocessorOptions?: StylePreprocessorOptions;
      • Options to pass to style preprocessors.

      property styles

      styles?: StyleElement[];
      • Global styles to be included in the build.

      property subresourceIntegrity

      subresourceIntegrity?: boolean;
      • Enables the use of subresource integrity validation.

      property tsConfig

      tsConfig: string;
      • The full path for the TypeScript configuration file, relative to the current workspace.

      property vendorChunk

      vendorChunk?: boolean;
      • Generate a seperate bundle containing only vendor libraries. This option should only be used for development to reduce the incremental compilation time.

      property verbose

      verbose?: boolean;
      • Adds more details to output logging.

      property watch

      watch?: boolean;
      • Run build when files change.

      property webWorkerTsConfig

      webWorkerTsConfig?: string;
      • TypeScript configuration for Web Worker modules.

      interface Budget

      interface Budget {}

        property baseline

        baseline?: string;
        • The baseline size for comparison.

        property error

        error?: string;
        • The threshold for error relative to the baseline (min & max).

        property maximumError

        maximumError?: string;
        • The maximum threshold for error relative to the baseline.

        property maximumWarning

        maximumWarning?: string;
        • The maximum threshold for warning relative to the baseline.

        property minimumError

        minimumError?: string;
        • The minimum threshold for error relative to the baseline.

        property minimumWarning

        minimumWarning?: string;
        • The minimum threshold for warning relative to the baseline.

        property name

        name?: string;
        • The name of the bundle.

        property type

        type: Type;
        • The type of budget.

        property warning

        warning?: string;
        • The threshold for warning relative to the baseline (min & max).

        interface DevServerBuilderOptions

        interface Schema {}
        • Dev Server target options for Build Facade.

        property allowedHosts

        allowedHosts?: string[];
        • List of hosts that are allowed to access the dev server. This option has no effect when using the 'application' or other esbuild-based builders.

        property browserTarget

        browserTarget?: string;
        • A browser builder target to serve in the format of project:target[:configuration]. You can also pass in more than one configuration name as a comma-separated list. Example: project:target:production,staging.


          Use 'buildTarget' instead.

        property buildTarget

        buildTarget?: string;
        • A build builder target to serve in the format of project:target[:configuration]. You can also pass in more than one configuration name as a comma-separated list. Example: project:target:production,staging.

        property disableHostCheck

        disableHostCheck?: boolean;
        • Don't verify connected clients are part of allowed hosts. This option has no effect when using the 'application' or other esbuild-based builders.

        property forceEsbuild

        forceEsbuild?: boolean;
        • Force the development server to use the 'browser-esbuild' builder when building. This is a developer preview option for the esbuild-based build system.

        property headers

        headers?: {
        [key: string]: string;
        • Custom HTTP headers to be added to all responses.

        property hmr

        hmr?: boolean;
        • Enable hot module replacement.

        property host

        host?: string;
        • Host to listen on.

        property liveReload

        liveReload?: boolean;
        • Whether to reload the page on change, using live-reload.

        property open

        open?: boolean;
        • Opens the url in default browser.

        property poll

        poll?: number;
        • Enable and define the file watching poll time period in milliseconds.

        property port

        port?: number;
        • Port to listen on.

        property prebundle

        prebundle?: PrebundleUnion;
        • Enable and control the Vite-based development server's prebundling capabilities. To enable prebundling, the Angular CLI cache must also be enabled. This option has no effect when using the 'browser' or other Webpack-based builders.

        property proxyConfig

        proxyConfig?: string;
        • Proxy configuration file. For more information, see https://angular.io/guide/build#proxying-to-a-backend-server.

        property publicHost

        publicHost?: string;
        • The URL that the browser client (or live-reload client, if enabled) should use to connect to the development server. Use for a complex dev server setup, such as one with reverse proxies. This option has no effect when using the 'application' or other esbuild-based builders.

        property servePath

        servePath?: string;
        • The pathname where the application will be served.

        property ssl

        ssl?: boolean;
        • Serve using HTTPS.

        property sslCert

        sslCert?: string;
        • SSL certificate to use for serving HTTPS.

        property sslKey

        sslKey?: string;
        • SSL key to use for serving HTTPS.

        property verbose

        verbose?: boolean;
        • Adds more details to output logging.

        property watch

        watch?: boolean;
        • Rebuild on change.

        interface ExtractI18nBuilderOptions

        interface Schema {}
        • Extract i18n target options for Build Facade.

        property browserTarget

        browserTarget?: string;
        • A browser builder target to extract i18n messages in the format of project:target[:configuration]. You can also pass in more than one configuration name as a comma-separated list. Example: project:target:production,staging.


          Use 'buildTarget' instead.

        property buildTarget

        buildTarget?: string;
        • A builder target to extract i18n messages in the format of project:target[:configuration]. You can also pass in more than one configuration name as a comma-separated list. Example: project:target:production,staging.

        property format

        format?: Format;
        • Output format for the generated file.

        property outFile

        outFile?: string;
        • Name of the file to output.

        property outputPath

        outputPath?: string;
        • Path where output will be placed.

        property progress

        progress?: boolean;
        • Log progress to the console.

        interface FileReplacement

        interface FileReplacement {}

          property replace

          replace?: string;

            property replaceWith

            replaceWith?: string;

              property src

              src?: string;

                property with

                with?: string;

                  interface KarmaBuilderOptions

                  interface Schema {}
                  • Karma target options for Build Facade.

                  property assets

                  assets?: AssetPattern[];
                  • List of static application assets.

                  property browsers

                  browsers?: Browsers;
                  • Override which browsers tests are run against. Set to false to not use any browser.

                  property codeCoverage

                  codeCoverage?: boolean;
                  • Output a code coverage report.

                  property codeCoverageExclude

                  codeCoverageExclude?: string[];
                  • Globs to exclude from code coverage.

                  property exclude

                  exclude?: string[];
                  • Globs of files to exclude, relative to the project root.

                  property fileReplacements

                  fileReplacements?: FileReplacement[];
                  • Replace compilation source files with other compilation source files in the build.

                  property include

                  include?: string[];
                  • Globs of files to include, relative to project root. There are 2 special cases: - when a path to directory is provided, all spec files ending ".spec.@(ts|tsx)" will be included - when a path to a file is provided, and a matching spec file exists it will be included instead.

                  property inlineStyleLanguage

                  inlineStyleLanguage?: InlineStyleLanguage;
                  • The stylesheet language to use for the application's inline component styles.

                  property karmaConfig

                  karmaConfig?: string;
                  • The name of the Karma configuration file.

                  property main

                  main?: string;
                  • The name of the main entry-point file.

                  property poll

                  poll?: number;
                  • Enable and define the file watching poll time period in milliseconds.

                  property polyfills

                  polyfills?: Polyfills;
                  • Polyfills to be included in the build.

                  preserveSymlinks?: boolean;
                  • Do not use the real path when resolving modules. If unset then will default to true if NodeJS option --preserve-symlinks is set.

                  property progress

                  progress?: boolean;
                  • Log progress to the console while building.

                  property reporters

                  reporters?: string[];
                  • Karma reporters to use. Directly passed to the karma runner.

                  property scripts

                  scripts?: ScriptElement[];
                  • Global scripts to be included in the build.

                  property sourceMap

                  sourceMap?: SourceMapUnion;
                  • Output source maps for scripts and styles. For more information, see https://angular.io/guide/workspace-config#source-map-configuration.

                  property stylePreprocessorOptions

                  stylePreprocessorOptions?: StylePreprocessorOptions;
                  • Options to pass to style preprocessors

                  property styles

                  styles?: StyleElement[];
                  • Global styles to be included in the build.

                  property tsConfig

                  tsConfig: string;
                  • The name of the TypeScript configuration file.

                  property watch

                  watch?: boolean;
                  • Run build when files change.

                  property webWorkerTsConfig

                  webWorkerTsConfig?: string;
                  • TypeScript configuration for Web Worker modules.

                  interface NgPackagrBuilderOptions

                  interface Schema {}
                  • ng-packagr target options for Build Architect. Use to build library projects.

                  property project

                  project: string;
                  • The file path for the ng-packagr configuration file, relative to the current workspace.

                  property tsConfig

                  tsConfig?: string;
                  • The full path for the TypeScript configuration file, relative to the current workspace.

                  property watch

                  watch?: boolean;
                  • Run build when files change.

                  interface OptimizationObject

                  interface OptimizationClass {}

                    property fonts

                    fonts?: FontsUnion;
                    • Enables optimization for fonts. This option requires internet access. HTTPS_PROXY environment variable can be used to specify a proxy server.

                    property scripts

                    scripts?: boolean;
                    • Enables optimization of the scripts output.

                    property styles

                    styles?: StylesUnion;
                    • Enables optimization of the styles output.

                    interface ProtractorBuilderOptions

                    interface Schema {}
                    • Protractor target options for Build Facade.

                    property baseUrl

                    baseUrl?: string;
                    • Base URL for protractor to connect to.

                    property devServerTarget

                    devServerTarget?: string;
                    • A dev-server builder target to run tests against in the format of project:target[:configuration]. You can also pass in more than one configuration name as a comma-separated list. Example: project:target:production,staging.

                    property grep

                    grep?: string;
                    • Execute specs whose names match the pattern, which is internally compiled to a RegExp.

                    property host

                    host?: string;
                    • Host to listen on.

                    property invertGrep

                    invertGrep?: boolean;
                    • Invert the selection specified by the 'grep' option.

                    property port

                    port?: number;
                    • The port to use to serve the application.

                    property protractorConfig

                    protractorConfig: string;
                    • The name of the Protractor configuration file.

                    property specs

                    specs?: string[];
                    • Override specs in the protractor config.

                    property suite

                    suite?: string;
                    • Override suite in the protractor config.

                    property webdriverUpdate

                    webdriverUpdate?: boolean;
                    • Try to update webdriver.

                    interface ServerBuilderOptions

                    interface Schema {}

                      property assets

                      assets?: AssetPattern[];
                      • List of static application assets.

                      property buildOptimizer

                      buildOptimizer?: boolean;
                      • Enables advanced build optimizations.

                      property deleteOutputPath

                      deleteOutputPath?: boolean;
                      • Delete the output path before building.

                      property deployUrl

                      deployUrl?: string;
                      • Customize the base path for the URLs of resources in 'index.html' and component stylesheets. This option is only necessary for specific deployment scenarios, such as with Angular Elements or when utilizing different CDN locations.

                      property externalDependencies

                      externalDependencies?: string[];
                      • Exclude the listed external dependencies from being bundled into the bundle. Instead, the created bundle relies on these dependencies to be available during runtime.

                      property extractLicenses

                      extractLicenses?: boolean;
                      • Extract all licenses in a separate file, in the case of production builds only.

                      property fileReplacements

                      fileReplacements?: FileReplacement[];
                      • Replace compilation source files with other compilation source files in the build.

                      property i18nDuplicateTranslation

                      i18nDuplicateTranslation?: I18NTranslation;
                      • How to handle duplicate translations for i18n.

                      property i18nMissingTranslation

                      i18nMissingTranslation?: I18NTranslation;
                      • How to handle missing translations for i18n.

                      property inlineStyleLanguage

                      inlineStyleLanguage?: InlineStyleLanguage;
                      • The stylesheet language to use for the application's inline component styles.

                      property localize

                      localize?: Localize;
                      • Translate the bundles in one or more locales.

                      property main

                      main: string;
                      • The name of the main entry-point file.

                      property namedChunks

                      namedChunks?: boolean;
                      • Use file name for lazy loaded chunks.

                      property optimization

                      optimization?: OptimizationUnion;
                      • Enables optimization of the build output. Including minification of scripts and styles, tree-shaking and dead-code elimination. For more information, see https://angular.io/guide/workspace-config#optimization-configuration.

                      property outputHashing

                      outputHashing?: OutputHashing;
                      • Define the output filename cache-busting hashing mode.

                      property outputPath

                      outputPath: string;
                      • Path where output will be placed.

                      property poll

                      poll?: number;
                      • Enable and define the file watching poll time period in milliseconds.

                      preserveSymlinks?: boolean;
                      • Do not use the real path when resolving modules. If unset then will default to true if NodeJS option --preserve-symlinks is set.

                      property progress

                      progress?: boolean;
                      • Log progress to the console while building.

                      property resourcesOutputPath

                      resourcesOutputPath?: string;
                      • The path where style resources will be placed, relative to outputPath.

                      property sourceMap

                      sourceMap?: SourceMapUnion;
                      • Output source maps for scripts and styles. For more information, see https://angular.io/guide/workspace-config#source-map-configuration.

                      property statsJson

                      statsJson?: boolean;
                      • Generates a 'stats.json' file which can be analyzed using tools such as 'webpack-bundle-analyzer'.

                      property stylePreprocessorOptions

                      stylePreprocessorOptions?: StylePreprocessorOptions;
                      • Options to pass to style preprocessors

                      property tsConfig

                      tsConfig: string;
                      • The name of the TypeScript configuration file.

                      property vendorChunk

                      vendorChunk?: boolean;
                      • Generate a seperate bundle containing only vendor libraries. This option should only be used for development to reduce the incremental compilation time.

                      property verbose

                      verbose?: boolean;
                      • Adds more details to output logging.

                      property watch

                      watch?: boolean;
                      • Run build when files change.

                      interface SourceMapObject

                      interface SourceMapClass {}

                        property hidden

                        hidden?: boolean;
                        • Output source maps used for error reporting tools.

                        property scripts

                        scripts?: boolean;
                        • Output source maps for all scripts.

                        property styles

                        styles?: boolean;
                        • Output source maps for all styles.

                        property vendor

                        vendor?: boolean;
                        • Resolve vendor packages source maps.

                        interface StylePreprocessorOptions

                        interface StylePreprocessorOptions {}
                        • Options to pass to style preprocessors.

                        property includePaths

                        includePaths?: string[];
                        • Paths to include. Paths will be resolved to workspace root.


                        enum CrossOrigin

                        enum CrossOrigin {
                        Anonymous = 'anonymous',
                        None = 'none',
                        UseCredentials = 'use-credentials',
                        • Define the crossorigin attribute setting of elements that provide CORS support.

                        member Anonymous

                        Anonymous = 'anonymous'

                          member None

                          None = 'none'

                            member UseCredentials

                            UseCredentials = 'use-credentials'

                              enum OutputHashing

                              enum OutputHashing {
                              All = 'all',
                              Bundles = 'bundles',
                              Media = 'media',
                              None = 'none',
                              • Define the output filename cache-busting hashing mode.

                              member All

                              All = 'all'

                                member Bundles

                                Bundles = 'bundles'

                                  member Media

                                  Media = 'media'

                                    member None

                                    None = 'none'

                                      enum Type

                                      enum Type {
                                      All = 'all',
                                      AllScript = 'allScript',
                                      Any = 'any',
                                      AnyComponentStyle = 'anyComponentStyle',
                                      AnyScript = 'anyScript',
                                      Bundle = 'bundle',
                                      Initial = 'initial',
                                      • The type of budget.

                                      member All

                                      All = 'all'

                                        member AllScript

                                        AllScript = 'allScript'

                                          member Any

                                          Any = 'any'

                                            member AnyComponentStyle

                                            AnyComponentStyle = 'anyComponentStyle'

                                              member AnyScript

                                              AnyScript = 'anyScript'

                                                member Bundle

                                                Bundle = 'bundle'

                                                  member Initial

                                                  Initial = 'initial'

                                                    Type Aliases

                                                    type AssetPattern

                                                    type AssetPattern = AssetPatternClass | string;

                                                      type BrowserBuilderOutput

                                                      type BrowserBuilderOutput = BuilderOutput & {
                                                      stats: BuildEventStats;
                                                      baseOutputPath: string;
                                                      outputs: {
                                                      locale?: string;
                                                      path: string;
                                                      baseHref?: string;
                                                      • Direct usage of this type is considered experimental.


                                                        • @experimental

                                                      type DevServerBuilderOutput

                                                      type DevServerBuilderOutput = DevServerBuildOutput & {
                                                      baseUrl: string;
                                                      stats: BuildEventStats;
                                                      • Direct usage of this type is considered experimental.


                                                        • @experimental

                                                      type ExecutionTransformer

                                                      type ExecutionTransformer<T> = (input: T) => T | Promise<T>;
                                                      • Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.

                                                        Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license

                                                      type KarmaConfigOptions

                                                      type KarmaConfigOptions = ConfigOptions & {
                                                      buildWebpack?: unknown;
                                                      configFile?: string;

                                                        type OptimizationUnion

                                                        type OptimizationUnion = boolean | OptimizationClass;
                                                        • Enables optimization of the build output. Including minification of scripts and styles, tree-shaking, dead-code elimination, inlining of critical CSS and fonts inlining. For more information, see https://angular.io/guide/workspace-config#optimization-configuration.

                                                        type ServerBuilderOutput

                                                        type ServerBuilderOutput = BuilderOutput & {
                                                        baseOutputPath: string;
                                                        outputPath: string;
                                                        outputs: {
                                                        locale?: string;
                                                        path: string;
                                                        • Direct usage of this type is considered experimental.


                                                          • @experimental

                                                        type SourceMapUnion

                                                        type SourceMapUnion = boolean | SourceMapClass;
                                                        • Output source maps for scripts and styles. For more information, see https://angular.io/guide/workspace-config#source-map-configuration.

                                                        type SSRDevServerBuilderOptions

                                                        type SSRDevServerBuilderOptions = Schema & json.JsonObject;

                                                          type SSRDevServerBuilderOutput

                                                          type SSRDevServerBuilderOutput = BuilderOutput & {
                                                          baseUrl?: string;
                                                          port?: string;


                                                            namespace @babel/core

                                                            module '@babel/core' {}
                                                            • Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.

                                                              Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license

                                                            namespace @babel/generator

                                                            module '@babel/generator' {}

                                                              namespace @babel/helper-annotate-as-pure

                                                              module '@babel/helper-annotate-as-pure' {}
                                                              • Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.

                                                                Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license

                                                              function annotateAsPure

                                                              annotateAsPure: (
                                                              pathOrNode: import('@babel/types').Node | { node: import('@babel/types').Node }
                                                              ) => void;

                                                                namespace @babel/helper-split-export-declaration

                                                                module '@babel/helper-split-export-declaration' {}

                                                                  function splitExportDeclaration

                                                                  splitExportDeclaration: (exportDeclaration: any) => void;

                                                                    namespace babel-loader

                                                                    module 'babel-loader' {}
                                                                    • Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.

                                                                      Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license

                                                                    function custom

                                                                    custom: <T>(customizer: BabelLoaderCustomizer<T>) => any;

                                                                      type BabelLoaderCustomizer

                                                                      type BabelLoaderCustomizer<T> = (babel: typeof import('@babel/core')) => {
                                                                      this: import('webpack').loader.LoaderContext,
                                                                      loaderOptions: Record<string, unknown>,
                                                                      loaderArguments: { source: string; map?: unknown }
                                                                      ): Promise<{ custom?: T; loader: Record<string, unknown> }>;
                                                                      this: import('webpack').loader.LoaderContext,
                                                                      configuration: import('@babel/core').PartialConfig,
                                                                      loaderArguments: { source: string; map?: unknown; customOptions: T }
                                                                      ): import('@babel/core').TransformOptions;
                                                                      this: import('webpack').loader.LoaderContext,
                                                                      result: import('@babel/core').BabelFileResult,
                                                                      context: {
                                                                      source: string;
                                                                      map?: unknown;
                                                                      customOptions: T;
                                                                      configuration: import('@babel/core').PartialConfig;
                                                                      options: import('@babel/core').TransformOptions;
                                                                      ): import('@babel/core').BabelFileResult;

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                                                                        No dev dependencies.

                                                                        Peer Dependencies (13)


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