- Version 2.0.0-rc.2
- Published
- No dependencies
- MIT license
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Overview not available.
- auxRouter()
- childRouter()
- commit()
- config()
- currentInstruction
- deactivate()
- generate()
- hostComponent
- isRouteActive()
- lastNavigationAttempt
- navigate()
- navigateByInstruction()
- navigateByUrl()
- navigating
- parent
- recognize()
- registerAuxOutlet()
- registerPrimaryOutlet()
- registry
- renavigate()
- root
- subscribe()
- unregisterPrimaryOutlet()
const ROUTER_BINDINGS: any[];
A list of directives. To use the router directives like RouterOutlet and RouterLink, add this to your
array in the View decorator of your component.### Example ([live demo](http://plnkr.co/edit/iRUP8B5OUbxCWQ3AcIDm))
import {Component} from '@angular/core';import {ROUTER_DIRECTIVES, ROUTER_PROVIDERS, RouteConfig} from '@angular/router-deprecated';@Component({directives: [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES]})@RouteConfig([{...},])class AppCmp {// ...}bootstrap(AppCmp, [ROUTER_PROVIDERS]);
Token used to bind the component with the top-level RouteConfigs for the application.
### Example ([live demo](http://plnkr.co/edit/iRUP8B5OUbxCWQ3AcIDm))
import {Component} from '@angular/core';import {ROUTER_DIRECTIVES,ROUTER_PROVIDERS,RouteConfig} from '@angular/router-deprecated';@Component({directives: [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES]})@RouteConfig([{...},])class AppCmp {// ...}bootstrap(AppCmp, [ROUTER_PROVIDERS]);
const ROUTER_PROVIDERS: any[];
A list of providers. To use the router, you must add this to your application.
### Example ([live demo](http://plnkr.co/edit/iRUP8B5OUbxCWQ3AcIDm))
import {Component} from '@angular/core';import {ROUTER_DIRECTIVES,ROUTER_PROVIDERS,RouteConfig} from '@angular/router-deprecated';@Component({directives: [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES]})@RouteConfig([{...},])class AppCmp {// ...}bootstrap(AppCmp, [ROUTER_PROVIDERS]);
The Platform agnostic ROUTER PROVIDERS
function CanActivate
CanActivate: ( hook: ( next: ComponentInstruction, prev: ComponentInstruction ) => Promise<boolean> | boolean) => ClassDecorator;
Defines route lifecycle hook
, which is called by the router to determine if a component can be instantiated as part of a navigation.Note that unlike other lifecycle hooks, this one uses an annotation rather than an interface. This is because the
function is called before the component is instantiated.The
hook is called with two ComponentInstructions as parameters, the first representing the current route being navigated to, and the second parameter representing the previous route ornull
.@CanActivate((next, prev) => boolean | Promise<boolean>)If
returns or resolves tofalse
, the navigation is cancelled. IfCanActivate
throws or rejects, the navigation is also cancelled. IfCanActivate
returns or resolves totrue
, navigation continues, the component is instantiated, and the OnActivate hook of that component is called if implemented.### Example
function RouteConfig
RouteConfig: (configs: RouteDefinition[]) => ClassDecorator;
decorator defines routes for a given component.It takes an array of RouteDefinitions.
class AsyncRoute
class AsyncRoute extends AbstractRoute {}
is a type of RouteDefinition used to route a path to an asynchronously loaded component.It has the following properties: -
is a string that uses the route matcher DSL. -loader
is a function that returns a promise that resolves to a component. -name
is an optionalCamelCase
string representing the name of the route. -data
is an optional property of any type representing arbitrary route metadata for the given route. It is injectable via RouteData. -useAsDefault
is a boolean value. Iftrue
, the child route will be navigated to if no child route is specified during the navigation.### Example
import {RouteConfig, AsyncRoute} from '@angular/router-deprecated';@RouteConfig([new AsyncRoute({path: '/home', loader: () => Promise.resolve(MyLoadedCmp), name:'MyLoadedCmp'})])class MyApp {}@ts2dart_const
constructor({ name, useAsDefault, path, regex, regex_group_names, serializer, data, loader,}: RouteDefinition);
property aux
aux: string;
property loader
loader: () => Promise<Type>;
class AuxRoute
class AuxRoute extends AbstractRoute {}
is a type of RouteDefinition used to define an auxiliary route.It takes an object with the following properties: -
is a string that uses the route matcher DSL. -component
a component type. -name
is an optionalCamelCase
string representing the name of the route. -data
is an optional property of any type representing arbitrary route metadata for the given route. It is injectable via RouteData.### Example
import {RouteConfig, AuxRoute} from '@angular/router-deprecated';@RouteConfig([new AuxRoute({path: '/home', component: HomeCmp})])class MyApp {}@ts2dart_const
constructor({ name, useAsDefault, path, regex, regex_group_names, serializer, data, component,}: RouteDefinition);
property component
component: any;
class ComponentInstruction
class ComponentInstruction {}
represents the route state for a single component.ComponentInstructions
is a public API. Instances ofComponentInstruction
are passed to route lifecycle hooks, like CanActivate.ComponentInstruction
s are [hash consed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_consing). You should never construct one yourself with "new." Instead, rely on router's internal recognizer to constructComponentInstruction
s.You should not modify this object. It should be treated as immutable.
property componentType
componentType: any;
property params
params: { [key: string]: string };
property reuse
reuse: boolean;
property routeData
routeData: RouteData;
property routeName
routeName: string;
property specificity
specificity: string;
property terminal
terminal: boolean;
property urlParams
urlParams: string[];
property urlPath
urlPath: string;
class Instruction
abstract class Instruction {}
is a tree of ComponentInstructions with all the information needed to transition each component in the app to a given route, including all auxiliary routes.Instruction
s can be created using Router#generate, and can be used to perform route changes with Router#navigateByInstruction.### Example
import {Component} from '@angular/core';import {bootstrap} from '@angular/platform-browser/browser';import {Router, ROUTER_DIRECTIVES, ROUTER_PROVIDERS, RouteConfig} from'@angular/router-deprecated';@Component({directives: [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES]})@RouteConfig([{...},])class AppCmp {constructor(router: Router) {var instruction = router.generate(['/MyRoute']);router.navigateByInstruction(instruction);}}bootstrap(AppCmp, ROUTER_PROVIDERS);
constructor( component: ComponentInstruction, child: Instruction, auxInstruction: { [key: string]: Instruction });
property auxInstruction
auxInstruction: { [key: string]: Instruction };
property child
child: Instruction;
property component
component: ComponentInstruction;
property specificity
specificity: string;
property urlParams
urlParams: string[];
property urlPath
urlPath: string;
method replaceChild
replaceChild: (child: Instruction) => Instruction;
Returns a new instruction that shares the state of the existing instruction, but with the given child Instruction replacing the existing child.
method resolveComponent
abstract resolveComponent: () => Promise<ComponentInstruction>;
method toLinkUrl
toLinkUrl: () => string;
method toRootUrl
toRootUrl: () => string;
converts the instruction into a URL string
method toUrlPath
toUrlPath: () => string;
If the final URL for the instruction is ``
method toUrlQuery
toUrlQuery: () => string;
class Redirect
class Redirect extends AbstractRoute {}
is a type of RouteDefinition used to route a path to a canonical route.It has the following properties: -
is a string that uses the route matcher DSL. -redirectTo
is an array representing the link DSL.Note that redirects **do not** affect how links are generated. For that, see the
option.### Example
import {RouteConfig, Route, Redirect} from '@angular/router-deprecated';@RouteConfig([new Redirect({path: '/', redirectTo: ['/Home'] }),new Route({path: '/home', component: HomeCmp, name: 'Home'})])class MyApp {}@ts2dart_const
constructor({ name, useAsDefault, path, regex, regex_group_names, serializer, data, redirectTo,}: RouteDefinition);
property redirectTo
redirectTo: any[];
class RootRouter
class RootRouter extends Router {}
constructor(registry: RouteRegistry, location: Location, primaryComponent: Type);
method commit
commit: ( instruction: Instruction, _skipLocationChange?: boolean) => Promise<any>;
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
class Route
class Route extends AbstractRoute {}
is a type of RouteDefinition used to route a path to a component.It has the following properties: -
is a string that uses the route matcher DSL. -component
a component type. -name
is an optionalCamelCase
string representing the name of the route. -data
is an optional property of any type representing arbitrary route metadata for the given route. It is injectable via RouteData. -useAsDefault
is a boolean value. Iftrue
, the child route will be navigated to if no child route is specified during the navigation.### Example
import {RouteConfig, Route} from '@angular/router-deprecated';@RouteConfig([new Route({path: '/home', component: HomeCmp, name: 'HomeCmp' })])class MyApp {}@ts2dart_const
constructor({ name, useAsDefault, path, regex, regex_group_names, serializer, data, component,}: RouteDefinition);
property aux
aux: string;
property component
component: any;
class RouteData
class RouteData {}
is an immutable map of additional data you can configure in your Route.You can inject
into the constructor of a component to use it.### Example
import {Component} from '@angular/core';import {bootstrap} from '@angular/platform-browser/browser';import {Router, ROUTER_DIRECTIVES, ROUTER_PROVIDERS, RouteConfig, RouteData} from'angular2/router';@Component({directives: [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES]})@RouteConfig([{path: '/user/:id', component: UserCmp, name: 'UserCmp', data: {isAdmin: true}},])class AppCmp {}@Component({...,template: 'user: {{isAdmin}}'})class UserCmp {string: isAdmin;constructor(data: RouteData) {this.isAdmin = data.get('isAdmin');}}bootstrap(AppCmp, ROUTER_PROVIDERS);
constructor(data?: { [key: string]: any });
property data
data: { [key: string]: any };
method get
get: (key: string) => any;
class RouteParams
class RouteParams {}
is an immutable map of parameters for the given route based on the url matcher and optional parameters for that route.You can inject
into the constructor of a component to use it.### Example
import {Component} from '@angular/core';import {bootstrap} from '@angular/platform-browser/browser';import {Router, ROUTER_DIRECTIVES, ROUTER_PROVIDERS, RouteConfig, RouteParams} from'angular2/router';@Component({directives: [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES]})@RouteConfig([{path: '/user/:id', component: UserCmp, name: 'UserCmp'},])class AppCmp {}@Component({ template: 'user: {{id}}' })class UserCmp {id: string;constructor(params: RouteParams) {this.id = params.get('id');}}bootstrap(AppCmp, ROUTER_PROVIDERS);
constructor(params: { [key: string]: string });
property params
params: { [key: string]: string };
method get
get: (param: string) => string;
class Router
class Router {}
is responsible for mapping URLs to components.You can see the state of the router by inspecting the read-only field
. This may be useful for showing a spinner, for instance.## Concepts
Routers and component instances have a 1:1 correspondence.
The router holds reference to a number of RouterOutlet. An outlet is a placeholder that the router dynamically fills in depending on the current URL.
When the router navigates from a URL, it must first recognize it and serialize it into an
. The router uses theRouteRegistry
to get anInstruction
constructor( registry: RouteRegistry, parent: Router, hostComponent: any, root?: Router);
property currentInstruction
currentInstruction: Instruction;
The current
for the router
property hostComponent
hostComponent: any;
property lastNavigationAttempt
lastNavigationAttempt: string;
property navigating
navigating: boolean;
property parent
parent: Router;
property registry
registry: RouteRegistry;
property root
root: Router;
method auxRouter
auxRouter: (hostComponent: any) => Router;
Constructs a child router. You probably don't need to use this unless you're writing a reusable component.
method childRouter
childRouter: (hostComponent: any) => Router;
Constructs a child router. You probably don't need to use this unless you're writing a reusable component.
method commit
commit: ( instruction: Instruction, _skipLocationChange?: boolean) => Promise<any>;
Updates this router and all descendant routers according to the given instruction
method config
config: (definitions: RouteDefinition[]) => Promise<any>;
Dynamically update the routing configuration and trigger a navigation.
### Usage
router.config([{ 'path': '/', 'component': IndexComp },{ 'path': '/user/:id', 'component': UserComp },]);
method deactivate
deactivate: (instruction: Instruction) => Promise<any>;
Removes the contents of this router's outlet and all descendant outlets
method generate
generate: (linkParams: any[]) => Instruction;
Generate an
based on the provided Route Link DSL.
method isRouteActive
isRouteActive: (instruction: Instruction) => boolean;
Given an instruction, returns
if the instruction is currently active, otherwisefalse
method navigate
navigate: (linkParams: any[]) => Promise<any>;
Navigate based on the provided Route Link DSL. It's preferred to navigate with this method over
.### Usage
This method takes an array representing the Route Link DSL:
['./MyCmp', {param: 3}]See the RouterLink directive for more.
method navigateByInstruction
navigateByInstruction: ( instruction: Instruction, _skipLocationChange?: boolean) => Promise<any>;
Navigate via the provided instruction. Returns a promise that resolves when navigation is complete.
method navigateByUrl
navigateByUrl: (url: string, _skipLocationChange?: boolean) => Promise<any>;
Navigate to a URL. Returns a promise that resolves when navigation is complete. It's preferred to navigate with
instead of this method, since URLs are more brittle.If the given URL begins with a
, router will navigate absolutely. If the given URL does not begin with/
, the router will navigate relative to this component.
method recognize
recognize: (url: string) => Promise<Instruction>;
Given a URL, returns an instruction representing the component graph
method registerAuxOutlet
registerAuxOutlet: (outlet: RouterOutlet) => Promise<any>;
Register an outlet to notified of auxiliary route changes.
You probably don't need to use this unless you're writing a reusable component.
method registerPrimaryOutlet
registerPrimaryOutlet: (outlet: RouterOutlet) => Promise<any>;
Register an outlet to be notified of primary route changes.
You probably don't need to use this unless you're writing a reusable component.
method renavigate
renavigate: () => Promise<any>;
Navigates to either the last URL successfully navigated to, or the last URL requested if the router has yet to successfully navigate.
method subscribe
subscribe: ( onNext: (value: any) => void, onError?: (value: any) => void) => Object;
Subscribe to URL updates from the router
method unregisterPrimaryOutlet
unregisterPrimaryOutlet: (outlet: RouterOutlet) => void;
Unregister an outlet (because it was destroyed, etc).
You probably don't need to use this unless you're writing a custom outlet implementation.
class RouteRegistry
class RouteRegistry {}
The RouteRegistry holds route configurations for each component in an Angular app. It is responsible for creating Instructions from URLs, and generating URLs based on route and parameters.
constructor(_rootComponent: Type);
method config
config: (parentComponent: any, config: RouteDefinition) => void;
Given a component and a configuration object, add the route to this registry
method configFromComponent
configFromComponent: (component: any) => void;
Reads the annotations of a component and configures the registry based on them
method generate
generate: ( linkParams: any[], ancestorInstructions: Instruction[], _aux?: boolean) => Instruction;
Given a normalized list with component names and params like:
['user', {id: 3 }]
generates a url with a leading slash relative to the providedparentComponent
.If the optional param
, then we generate starting at an auxiliary route boundary.
method generateDefault
generateDefault: (componentCursor: Type) => Instruction;
method hasRoute
hasRoute: (name: string, parentComponent: any) => boolean;
method recognize
recognize: ( url: string, ancestorInstructions: Instruction[]) => Promise<Instruction>;
Given a URL and a parent component, return the most specific instruction for navigating the application into the state specified by the url
class RouterLink
class RouterLink {}
The RouterLink directive lets you link to specific parts of your app.
Consider the following route configuration:
@RouteConfig([{ path: '/user', component: UserCmp, name: 'User' }]);class MyComp {}When linking to this
route, you can write:<a [routerLink]="['./User']">link to user component</a>RouterLink expects the value to be an array of route names, followed by the params for that level of routing. For instance
['/Team', {teamId: 1}, 'User', {userId: 2}]
means that we want to generate a link for theTeam
route with params{teamId: 1}
, and with a child routeUser
with params{userId: 2}
.The first route name should be prepended with
, or../
. If the route begins with/
, the router will look up the route from the root of the app. If the route begins with./
, the router will instead look in the current component's children for the route. And if the route begins with../
, the router will look at the current component's parent.
constructor(_router: Router, _location: Location);
property isRouteActive
isRouteActive: boolean;
property routeParams
routeParams: any[];
property target
target: string;
property visibleHref
visibleHref: string;
method onClick
onClick: () => boolean;
class RouterOutlet
class RouterOutlet implements OnDestroy {}
A router outlet is a placeholder that Angular dynamically fills based on the application's route.
## Use
constructor( _viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef, _loader: DynamicComponentLoader, _parentRouter: routerMod.Router, nameAttr: string);
property activateEvents
activateEvents: EventEmitter<any>;
property name
name: string;
method activate
activate: (nextInstruction: ComponentInstruction) => Promise<any>;
Called by the Router to instantiate a new component during the commit phase of a navigation. This method in turn is responsible for calling the
hook of its child.
method deactivate
deactivate: (nextInstruction: ComponentInstruction) => Promise<any>;
Called by the Router when an outlet disposes of a component's contents. This method in turn is responsible for calling the
hook of its child.
method ngOnDestroy
ngOnDestroy: () => void;
method reuse
reuse: (nextInstruction: ComponentInstruction) => Promise<any>;
Called by the Router during the commit phase of a navigation when an outlet reuses a component between different routes. This method in turn is responsible for calling the
hook of its child.
method routerCanDeactivate
routerCanDeactivate: (nextInstruction: ComponentInstruction) => Promise<boolean>;
Called by the Router during recognition phase of a navigation.
If this resolves to
, the given navigation is cancelled.This method delegates to the child component's
hook if it exists, and otherwise resolves to true.
method routerCanReuse
routerCanReuse: (nextInstruction: ComponentInstruction) => Promise<boolean>;
Called by the Router during recognition phase of a navigation.
If the new child component has a different Type than the existing child component, this will resolve to
. You can't reuse an old component when the new component is of a different Type.Otherwise, this method delegates to the child component's
hook if it exists, or resolves to true if the hook is not present.
interface CanDeactivate
interface CanDeactivate {}
Defines route lifecycle method
, which is called by the router to determine if a component can be removed as part of a navigation.The
hook is called with two ComponentInstructions as parameters, the first representing the current route being navigated to, and the second parameter representing the previous route.If
returns or resolves tofalse
, the navigation is cancelled. If it returns or resolves totrue
, then the navigation continues, and the component will be deactivated (the OnDeactivate hook will be run) and removed.If
throws or rejects, the navigation is also cancelled.### Example
method routerCanDeactivate
routerCanDeactivate: ( nextInstruction: ComponentInstruction, prevInstruction: ComponentInstruction) => boolean | Promise<boolean>;
interface CanReuse
interface CanReuse {}
Defines route lifecycle method
, which is called by the router to determine whether a component should be reused across routes, or whether to destroy and instantiate a new component.The
hook is called with two ComponentInstructions as parameters, the first representing the current route being navigated to, and the second parameter representing the previous route.If
returns or resolves totrue
, the component instance will be reused and the OnDeactivate hook will be run. IfrouterCanReuse
returns or resolves tofalse
, a new component will be instantiated, and the existing component will be deactivated and removed as part of the navigation.If
throws or rejects, the navigation will be cancelled.### Example
method routerCanReuse
routerCanReuse: ( nextInstruction: ComponentInstruction, prevInstruction: ComponentInstruction) => boolean | Promise<boolean>;
interface ComponentDefinition
interface ComponentDefinition {}
Represents either a component type (
) or a loader function (type
).See also RouteDefinition.
interface OnActivate
interface OnActivate {}
Defines route lifecycle method
, which is called by the router at the end of a successful route navigation.For a single component's navigation, only one of either OnActivate or OnReuse will be called depending on the result of CanReuse.
hook is called with two ComponentInstructions as parameters, the first representing the current route being navigated to, and the second parameter representing the previous route ornull
returns a promise, the route change will wait until the promise settles to instantiate and activate child components.### Example
method routerOnActivate
routerOnActivate: ( nextInstruction: ComponentInstruction, prevInstruction: ComponentInstruction) => any | Promise<any>;
interface OnDeactivate
interface OnDeactivate {}
Defines route lifecycle method
, which is called by the router before destroying a component as part of a route change.The
hook is called with two ComponentInstructions as parameters, the first representing the current route being navigated to, and the second parameter representing the previous route.If
returns a promise, the route change will wait until the promise settles.### Example
method routerOnDeactivate
routerOnDeactivate: ( nextInstruction: ComponentInstruction, prevInstruction: ComponentInstruction) => any | Promise<any>;
interface OnReuse
interface OnReuse {}
Defines route lifecycle method
, which is called by the router at the end of a successful route navigation when CanReuse is implemented and returns or resolves to true.For a single component's navigation, only one of either OnActivate or OnReuse will be called, depending on the result of CanReuse.
hook is called with two ComponentInstructions as parameters, the first representing the current route being navigated to, and the second parameter representing the previous route ornull
.### Example
method routerOnReuse
routerOnReuse: ( nextInstruction: ComponentInstruction, prevInstruction: ComponentInstruction) => any | Promise<any>;
interface RouteDefinition
interface RouteDefinition {}
defines a route within a RouteConfig decorator.Supported keys: -
(requires exactly one of these) -component
(requires exactly one of these) -name
(optional) -data
(optional)See also Route, AsyncRoute, AuxRoute, and Redirect.
property aux
aux?: string;
property component
component?: Type | ComponentDefinition;
property data
data?: any;
property loader
loader?: () => Promise<Type>;
property name
name?: string;
property path
path?: string;
property redirectTo
redirectTo?: any[];
property regex
regex?: string;
property regex_group_names
regex_group_names?: string[];
property serializer
serializer?: RegexSerializer;
property useAsDefault
useAsDefault?: boolean;
Package Files (14)
- index.d.ts
- router.d.ts
- src/directives/router_link.d.ts
- src/directives/router_outlet.d.ts
- src/instruction.d.ts
- src/interfaces.d.ts
- src/lifecycle/lifecycle_annotations.d.ts
- src/route_config/route_config_decorator.d.ts
- src/route_config/route_config_impl.d.ts
- src/route_definition.d.ts
- src/route_registry.d.ts
- src/router.d.ts
- src/router_providers.d.ts
- src/router_providers_common.d.ts
Dependencies (0)
No dependencies.
Dev Dependencies (0)
No dev dependencies.
Peer Dependencies (3)
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