
  • Version 2.0.0-alpha.8-3
  • Published
  • No dependencies
  • MIT license


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pnpm add @angular2-material/input


Angular 2 Material input






    class MdHint

    class MdHint {}
    • The hint directive, used to tag content as hint labels (going under the input).

    property align

    align: 'start' | 'end';

      class MdInput

      class MdInput implements ControlValueAccessor, AfterContentInit, OnChanges {}
      • Component that represents a text input. It encapsulates the HTMLElement and improve on its behaviour, along with styling it according to the Material Design.

      property align

      align: 'start' | 'end';
      • Bindings.

      property ariaDisabled

      ariaDisabled: boolean;

        property ariaInvalid

        ariaInvalid: boolean;

          property ariaLabel

          ariaLabel: string;
          • Aria related inputs.

          property ariaLabelledBy

          ariaLabelledBy: string;

            property ariaRequired

            ariaRequired: boolean;

              property autocapitalize

              autocapitalize: string;

                property autocomplete

                autocomplete: string;

                  property autocorrect

                  autocorrect: string;

                    property autofocus

                    autofocus: boolean;

                      property characterCount

                      readonly characterCount: number;

                        property disabled

                        disabled: boolean;

                          property dividerColor

                          dividerColor: 'primary' | 'accent' | 'warn';

                            property empty

                            readonly empty: boolean;

                              property floatingPlaceholder

                              floatingPlaceholder: boolean;

                                property focused

                                readonly focused: boolean;
                                • Readonly properties.

                                property hintLabel

                                hintLabel: string;

                                  property id

                                  id: string;

                                    property inputId

                                    readonly inputId: string;

                                      property list

                                      list: string;

                                        property max

                                        max: string | number;

                                          property maxlength

                                          maxlength: number;

                                            property min

                                            min: string | number;

                                              property minlength

                                              minlength: number;

                                                property name

                                                name: string;

                                                  property onBlur

                                                  readonly onBlur: Observable<FocusEvent>;

                                                    property onFocus

                                                    readonly onFocus: Observable<FocusEvent>;

                                                      property placeholder

                                                      placeholder: string;

                                                        property readonly

                                                        readonly: boolean;

                                                          property required

                                                          required: boolean;

                                                            property spellcheck

                                                            spellcheck: boolean;

                                                              property step

                                                              step: number;

                                                                property tabindex

                                                                tabindex: number;

                                                                  property type

                                                                  type: string;

                                                                    property value

                                                                    value: any;

                                                                      method focus

                                                                      focus: () => void;
                                                                      • Set focus on input

                                                                      method ngAfterContentInit

                                                                      ngAfterContentInit: () => void;
                                                                      • TODO: internal

                                                                      method ngOnChanges

                                                                      ngOnChanges: (changes: { [key: string]: SimpleChange }) => void;
                                                                      • TODO: internal

                                                                      method registerOnChange

                                                                      registerOnChange: (fn: any) => void;
                                                                      • Implemented as part of ControlValueAccessor. TODO: internal

                                                                      method registerOnTouched

                                                                      registerOnTouched: (fn: any) => void;
                                                                      • Implemented as part of ControlValueAccessor. TODO: internal

                                                                      method writeValue

                                                                      writeValue: (value: any) => void;
                                                                      • Implemented as part of ControlValueAccessor. TODO: internal

                                                                      class MdInputDuplicatedHintError

                                                                      class MdInputDuplicatedHintError extends MdError {}


                                                                        constructor(align: string);

                                                                          class MdInputModule

                                                                          class MdInputModule {}

                                                                            method forRoot

                                                                            static forRoot: () => ModuleWithProviders;

                                                                              class MdInputPlaceholderConflictError

                                                                              class MdInputPlaceholderConflictError extends MdError {}



                                                                                  class MdInputUnsupportedTypeError

                                                                                  class MdInputUnsupportedTypeError extends MdError {}


                                                                                    constructor(type: string);

                                                                                      class MdPlaceholder

                                                                                      class MdPlaceholder {}
                                                                                      • The placeholder directive. The content can declare this to implement more complex placeholders.

                                                                                      Package Files (2)

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                                                                                      No dependencies.

                                                                                      Dev Dependencies (0)

                                                                                      No dev dependencies.

                                                                                      Peer Dependencies (2)


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