
  • Version 7.1.0
  • Published
  • 34.4 kB
  • 1 dependency
  • MIT license


npm i @ant-design/colors
yarn add @ant-design/colors
pnpm add @ant-design/colors


Color palettes calculator of Ant Design



variable blue

const blue: string[] & { primary?: string };

    variable blueDark

    const blueDark: string[] & { primary?: string };

      variable cyan

      const cyan: string[] & { primary?: string };

        variable cyanDark

        const cyanDark: string[] & { primary?: string };

          variable geekblue

          const geekblue: string[] & { primary?: string };

            variable geekblueDark

            const geekblueDark: string[] & { primary?: string };

              variable gold

              const gold: string[] & { primary?: string };

                variable goldDark

                const goldDark: string[] & { primary?: string };

                  variable gray

                  const gray: string[] & { primary?: string };

                    variable green

                    const green: string[] & { primary?: string };

                      variable greenDark

                      const greenDark: string[] & { primary?: string };

                        variable grey

                        const grey: string[] & { primary?: string };

                          variable greyDark

                          const greyDark: string[] & { primary?: string };

                            variable lime

                            const lime: string[] & { primary?: string };

                              variable limeDark

                              const limeDark: string[] & { primary?: string };

                                variable magenta

                                const magenta: string[] & { primary?: string };

                                  variable magentaDark

                                  const magentaDark: string[] & { primary?: string };

                                    variable orange

                                    const orange: string[] & { primary?: string };

                                      variable orangeDark

                                      const orangeDark: string[] & { primary?: string };

                                        variable presetDarkPalettes

                                        const presetDarkPalettes: PalettesProps;

                                          variable presetPalettes

                                          const presetPalettes: PalettesProps;

                                            variable presetPrimaryColors

                                            const presetPrimaryColors: Record<string, string>;

                                              variable purple

                                              const purple: string[] & { primary?: string };

                                                variable purpleDark

                                                const purpleDark: string[] & { primary?: string };

                                                  variable red

                                                  const red: string[] & { primary?: string };

                                                    variable redDark

                                                    const redDark: string[] & { primary?: string };

                                                      variable volcano

                                                      const volcano: string[] & { primary?: string };

                                                        variable volcanoDark

                                                        const volcanoDark: string[] & { primary?: string };

                                                          variable yellow

                                                          const yellow: string[] & { primary?: string };

                                                            variable yellowDark

                                                            const yellowDark: string[] & { primary?: string };


                                                              function generate

                                                              generate: (color: string, opts?: Opts) => string[];

                                                                Type Aliases

                                                                type Palette

                                                                type Palette = string[] & {
                                                                primary?: string;

                                                                  type PalettesProps

                                                                  type PalettesProps = Record<string, Palette>;

                                                                    Package Files (4)

                                                                    Dependencies (1)

                                                                    Dev Dependencies (12)

                                                                    Peer Dependencies (0)

                                                                    No peer dependencies.


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