API extraction from unlicensed or proprietary packages is not supported
- Version 1.8.3-1.8-fixes.20230418232200
- Published
- 4.6 MB
- 106 dependencies
- Custom license
npm i @atomist/automation-client
yarn add @atomist/automation-client
pnpm add @atomist/automation-client
Atomist API for software low-level client
Dependencies (106)
- @atomist/microgrammar
- @atomist/slack-messages
- @atomist/tree-path
- @graphql-codegen/core
- @graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers
- @graphql-codegen/typescript
- @graphql-codegen/typescript-compatibility
- @graphql-codegen/typescript-operations
- @octokit/rest
- @typed/curry
- @types/app-root-path
- @types/base-64
- @types/body-parser
- @types/cors
- @types/cross-spawn
- @types/express
- @types/fs-extra
- @types/helmet
- @types/inquirer
- @types/isomorphic-fetch
- @types/json-stringify-safe
- @types/lodash
- @types/micromatch
- @types/node
- @types/node-statsd
- @types/passport
- @types/passport-http
- @types/passport-http-bearer
- @types/power-assert
- @types/promise-retry
- @types/retry
- @types/semver
- @types/shelljs
- @types/tmp
- @types/utf8
- @types/uuid
- @types/ws
- apollo
- apollo-cache-inmemory
- apollo-client
- apollo-link
- apollo-link-error
- apollo-link-http
- app-root-path
- asciify
- async-exit-hook
- axios
- axios-fetch
- base-64
- body-parser
- chalk
- chokidar
- cors
- cross-spawn
- es6-promise-pool
- express
- express-session
- fast-glob
- find-up
- flat
- fs-extra
- git-url-parse
- graphql
- graphql-tag
- graphql-tag-pluck
- graphql-toolkit
- graphql-tools
- heavy
- helmet
- hot-shots
- https-proxy-agent
- isbinaryfile
- json-diff
- json-stringify-safe
- lodash
- logform
- lru_map
- metrics
- micromatch
- murmurhash3js
- node-cache
- node-statsd
- passport
- passport-http
- passport-http-bearer
- passport-http-header-token
- portfinder
- power-assert
- promise-retry
- proper-lockfile
- retry
- semver
- serialize-error
- source-map-support
- stack-trace
- stream-spigot
- strip-ansi
- tinyqueue
- tmp-promise
- tree-kill
- typescript
- utf8
- uuid
- winston
- winston-transport
- ws
Dev Dependencies (15)
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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- Updated .0
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