- Version 2.1.6
- Published
- 10.2 MB
- 65 dependencies
- Apache-2.0 license
npm i @atomist/sdm
yarn add @atomist/sdm
pnpm add @atomist/sdm
Atomist Software Delivery Machine SDK
- AddressNoChannels
- and
- AnyPush
- ApproveGoalIfErrorComments
- ApproveGoalIfWarnComments
- AtomistContinuationMimeType
- AutofixProgressReporter
- AutofixProgressTests
- BaseContext
- CFamilyLanguageSourceFiles
- CloningProjectLoader
- createEphemeralProgressLog
- DefaultCancelOptions
- DefaultExtractAuthor
- DefaultGoalNameGenerator
- DefaultMockOptions
- DefaultPredicateMappingCostAnalyzer
- DefaultQueueOptions
- DoNotSetAnyGoals
- DoNotSetAnyGoalsAndLock
- DryRunParameter
- FailGoalIfErrorComments
- FailGoalIfWarnComments
- FromAtomist
- GeneratorTag
- GitBranchRegExp
- GitHubNameRegExp
- githubTeamVoter
- GitShaRegExp
- GoalSetGoalCompletionListener
- HasTravisFile
- Immaterial
- ImmaterialGoals
- IndependentOfEnvironment
- InspectionTag
- IsDeployEnabled
- IsPushToBranchWithPullRequest
- JobDescriptionParameter
- JobNameParameter
- JobRequiredParameter
- Locking
- LogSuppressor
- MsgIdParameter
- NamedSeedRepo
- NonEmpty
- NoOpExtractAuthor
- NoParameterPrompt
- NoPreferenceStore
- NoProgressReport
- not
- or
- ProductionEnvironment
- ProjectDisposalEnvironment
- SemVerRegExp
- ServiceRegistrationGoalDataKey
- StagingEnvironment
- SuccessIsReturn0ErrorFinder
- ToDefaultBranch
- TransformTag
- UnanimousGoalApprovalRequestVoteDecisionManager
- actionableButton()
- actionableMenu()
- adaptHandleCommand()
- addMappedParameters()
- addParameters()
- addressChannelsFor()
- addressChannelsProgressLog()
- addressDestinations()
- addSecrets()
- addValues()
- afterListener()
- all()
- allOf()
- allPredicatesSatisfied()
- allReposInTeam()
- allSatisfied()
- announceTransformResults()
- any()
- anyFileChanged()
- anyFileChangedSuchThat()
- anyFileChangedWithExtension()
- anyPredicateSatisfied()
- anySatisfied()
- appendOrCreateFileContent()
- attachFacts()
- beforeListener()
- branchAwareCodeTransform()
- cacheKey()
- cancelableGoal()
- chattyDryRunAwareEditor()
- chooseAndSetGoals()
- codeInspectionRegistrationToCommand()
- codeTransformRegistrationToCommand()
- commandHandlerRegistrationToCommand()
- commandRequestParameterPromptFactory()
- computeShaOf()
- computeStartingPoint()
- confirmEditedness()
- constructGoalSet()
- constructProvenance()
- constructSdmGoal()
- constructSdmGoalImplementation()
- copyFileFromUrl()
- copyFiles()
- copyFilesFrom()
- createCommand()
- createJob()
- createPredicatedGoal()
- createPredicatedGoalExecutor()
- createPushImpactListenerInvocation()
- createRetryingGoalExecutor()
- createSkillContext()
- decode()
- descriptionFromState()
- determineGoals()
- doWithProject()
- doWithRepos()
- encode()
- enrichGoalSetters()
- environmentFromGoal()
- eventHandlerRegistrationToEvent()
- executeAutofixes()
- executeAutoInspects()
- executeCancelGoalSets()
- executeGoal()
- executeHook()
- executePushImpact()
- executeSendMessageToSlack()
- fakeCommandListenerInvocation()
- fakeContext()
- fakeGoalInvocation()
- fakePush()
- fetchCommitForSdmGoal()
- fetchGoalsForCommit()
- fetchGoalsFromPush()
- fileContent()
- filesChangedSince()
- filteredView()
- filterImmediateAutofixes()
- findSdmGoalOnCommit()
- firstAvailableProgressLog()
- format()
- formatDate()
- formatReviewerError()
- generateCommitMessageForAutofix()
- generatorCommand()
- generatorRegistrationToCommand()
- getGoalDefinitionFrom()
- gitBranchCompatible()
- gitHubTeamVoter()
- given()
- goal()
- goalContributors()
- goalCorrespondsToSdmGoal()
- goalData()
- goalKeyEquals()
- goalKeyString()
- goals()
- goalSetState()
- goalTest()
- handleSdmGoalSetEvent()
- hasCommit()
- hasFile()
- hasFileContaining()
- hasFileWithExtension()
- hasGoalSettingStructure()
- hasPreconditions()
- hasResourceProvider()
- isBranch()
- isDeployEnabled()
- isExplicableMapping()
- isFailure()
- isGoal()
- isGoalCanceled()
- isGoalDefinition()
- isGoalFulfillment()
- isGoalImplementation()
- isGoals()
- isGoalSideEffect()
- isImplementation()
- isLazyProjectLoader()
- isMapping()
- isMaterialChange()
- isPredicatedStaticValue()
- isRepo()
- isRepoTargetingParameters()
- isSdmEnabled()
- isSeedDrivenGeneratorParameters()
- isSideEffect()
- isSuccess()
- isTransformModeSuggestion()
- isValidationError()
- killAndWait()
- lastLinesLogInterpreter()
- mapKeyToGoal()
- mapMapping()
- markStatus()
- matchStringOrRegexp()
- memoize()
- mergeGoalData()
- mergeOptions()
- messageDestinationsFor()
- metadata()
- minimalClone()
- mockGoalExecutor()
- notGoalOrOutputTest()
- notPredicate()
- onAnyPush()
- patternMatchReviewer()
- planGoals()
- preconditionsAreMet()
- predicatePushTest()
- prepareGoalExecutor()
- prepareGoalInvocation()
- projectConfigurationValue()
- projectLoaderRepoLoader()
- pushTest()
- randomize()
- registerRegistrable()
- registrableManager()
- relevantCodeActions()
- reportFailureInterpretation()
- resetRegistrableManager()
- resolveCredentialsPromise()
- save()
- sdmGoalTimeout()
- serializeResult()
- severityReviewListener()
- slackErrorMessage()
- slackFooter()
- slackInfoMessage()
- slackQuestionMessage()
- slackReviewListener()
- slackReviewListenerRegistration()
- slackSuccessMessage()
- slackSupportLink()
- slackTs()
- slackWarningMessage()
- spawnAutofix()
- spawnCodeTransform()
- spawnLog()
- storeGoal()
- storeGoalSet()
- streamFiles()
- streamFilesFrom()
- suggestAction()
- sumSdmGoalEvents()
- testProgressReporter()
- toCommandListenerInvocation()
- toGeneratorParametersMaker()
- toGoals()
- toMachineOptions()
- toParametersListing()
- toPredicateMapping()
- toProjectAwareGoalInvocation()
- toPushReactionRegistration()
- toRepoTargetingParametersMaker()
- toScalarProjectEditor()
- toToken()
- transformToProjectListener()
- updateGoal()
- validateConfigurationValues()
- visitPredicateMappings()
- whenNot()
- whenPushSatisfies()
- wrapPredicateMapping()
- wrapTest()
- addCodeInspectionCommand()
- addCodeTransformCommand()
- addCommand()
- addEvent()
- addExtensionPacks()
- addGeneratorCommand()
- addGoalApprovalRequestVoter()
- addGoalContributions()
- addGoalImplementation()
- addGoalSideEffect()
- addIngester()
- commandHandlers
- configuration
- disposalGoalSetters
- eventHandlers
- extensionPacks
- goalApprovalRequestVoteDecisionManager
- goalApprovalRequestVoters
- goalFulfillmentMapper
- ingesters
- name
- notifyStartupListeners()
- pushMapping
- registrationManager
- scheduleTriggeredListeners()
- setGoalApprovalRequestVoteDecisionManager()
- withPushRules()
- addChannelLinkListener()
- addClosedIssueListener()
- addFirstPushListener()
- addGoalCompletionListener()
- addGoalExecutionListener()
- addGoalsSetListener()
- addNewIssueListener()
- addPullRequestListener()
- addRepoCreationListener()
- addRepoOnboardingListener()
- addStartupListener()
- addTagListener()
- addTriggeredListener()
- addUpdatedIssueListener()
- addUserJoiningChannelListener()
- channelLinkListeners
- closedIssueListeners
- firstPushListeners
- goalCompletionListeners
- goalExecutionListeners
- goalsSetListeners
- newIssueListeners
- pullRequestListeners
- repoCreationListeners
- repoOnboardingListeners
- startupListeners
- tagListeners
- triggeredListeners
- updatedIssueListeners
- userJoiningChannelListeners
- addChannelLinkListener()
- addClosedIssueListener()
- addFirstPushListener()
- addGoalCompletionListener()
- addGoalExecutionListener()
- addGoalsSetListener()
- addNewIssueListener()
- addPullRequestListener()
- addRepoCreationListener()
- addRepoOnboardingListener()
- addStartupListener()
- addTagListener()
- addTriggeredListener()
- addUpdatedIssueListener()
- addUserJoiningChannelListener()
- channelLinkListeners
- closedIssueListeners
- firstPushListeners
- goalCompletionListeners
- goalExecutionListeners
- goalsSetListeners
- newIssueListeners
- pullRequestListeners
- repoCreationListeners
- repoOnboardingListeners
- startupListeners
- tagListeners
- updatedIssueListeners
- userJoiningChannelListeners
Type Aliases
- AddJobTasksMutation
- AddJobTasksMutationVariables
- AddressChannels
- Application
- ApplicationCommitsArgs
- ApplyPolicyLog
- ArtifactoryMavenRepositoryInput
- ArtifactoryMavenRepositoryProvider
- ArtifactoryMavenRepositoryProviderWebhooksArgs
- AspectRegistration
- AtmJob
- AtmJobInput
- AtmJobTask
- AtmJobTaskInput
- AtmJobTaskStateInput
- AtmTaskRequest
- AtomistChatCommand
- AtomistChatCommandInput
- AtomistDockerSkillArtifactInput
- AtomistDockerSkillResourcesLimit
- AtomistDockerSkillResourcesRequest
- AtomistGcfSkillArtifactInput
- AtomistKeyValuePair
- AtomistLog
- AtomistLogAutomation
- AtomistLogCorrelationContext
- AtomistLogCorrelationContextAutomationArgs
- AtomistPagedConfiguredSkills
- AtomistPagedRegisteredSkills
- AtomistRegistration
- AtomistSkill
- AtomistSkillArtifact
- AtomistSkillArtifactsInput
- AtomistSkillBooleanParameterInput
- AtomistSkillBooleanParameterSpec
- AtomistSkillBooleanParameterSpecInput
- AtomistSkillBooleanParameterValue
- AtomistSkillCapabilitiesInput
- AtomistSkillCapabilitiesSpec
- AtomistSkillCapabilityProviderDetails
- AtomistSkillCapabilityProviderInput
- AtomistSkillCapabilityProviders
- AtomistSkillCapabilityProvidersInput
- AtomistSkillCapabilityProvidersOtherArgs
- AtomistSkillCapabilityProvidersOwnedArgs
- AtomistSkillCapabilityProviderValue
- AtomistSkillCategory
- AtomistSkillChatChannelInput
- AtomistSkillChatChannelParameterValue
- AtomistSkillChatChannelsInput
- AtomistSkillChatChannelsParameterSpec
- AtomistSkillChatChannelsParameterSpecInput
- AtomistSkillChatChannelsParameterValue
- AtomistSkillChoice
- AtomistSkillChoiceInput
- AtomistSkillConfiguration
- AtomistSkillConfigurationAuthor
- AtomistSkillConfigurationInput
- AtomistSkillConfigurationInstance
- AtomistSkillConfigurationRepository
- AtomistSkillDatalogSubscription
- AtomistSkillDatalogSubscriptionInput
- AtomistSkillDockerArtifact
- AtomistSkillDockerResources
- AtomistSkillDockerResourcesInput
- AtomistSkillDockerResourcesLimitInput
- AtomistSkillDockerResourcesRequestInput
- AtomistSkillEnvironmentVariable
- AtomistSkillEnvVariableInput
- AtomistSkillExecution
- AtomistSkillExecutionContext
- AtomistSkillExecutionLogsArgs
- AtomistSkillExecutionPagedLogsArgs
- AtomistSkillExecutionStatus
- AtomistSkillExecutionTriggerEvent
- AtomistSkillFileFilterInput
- AtomistSkillFileFilterParameterSpec
- AtomistSkillFileFilterParameterSpecInput
- AtomistSkillFileFilterParameterValue
- AtomistSkillFloatParameterInput
- AtomistSkillFloatParameterSpec
- AtomistSkillFloatParameterSpecInput
- AtomistSkillFloatParameterValue
- AtomistSkillGcfArtifact
- AtomistSkillIngestionSchema
- AtomistSkillIngestionSchemaInput
- AtomistSkillInput
- AtomistSkillIntParameterInput
- AtomistSkillIntParameterSpec
- AtomistSkillIntParameterSpecInput
- AtomistSkillIntParameterValue
- AtomistSkillLog
- AtomistSkillLogsPage
- AtomistSkillMultiChoiceParameterInput
- AtomistSkillMultiChoiceParameterSpec
- AtomistSkillMultiChoiceParameterSpecInput
- AtomistSkillMultiChoiceParameterValues
- AtomistSkillParameterInput
- AtomistSkillParameterSpec
- AtomistSkillParameterSpecInput
- AtomistSkillParameterValue
- AtomistSkillProvidedCapabilityInput
- AtomistSkillProvidedCapabilitySpec
- AtomistSkillRepoFilterInclusionParameterValue
- AtomistSkillRepoFilterInput
- AtomistSkillRepoFilterParameterSpecInput
- AtomistSkillRepoFilterParameterValue
- AtomistSkillRepoFilterParameterValueDetail
- AtomistSkillRepoFiltersInput
- AtomistSkillRepoFilterSpec
- AtomistSkillRepoFiltersValueInput
- AtomistSkillRequiredCapabilityInput
- AtomistSkillRequiredCapabilitySpec
- AtomistSkillResourceProviderInput
- AtomistSkillResourceProviderSpec
- AtomistSkillResourceProviderSpecInput
- AtomistSkillResourceProviderValue
- AtomistSkills
- AtomistSkillScheduleInput
- AtomistSkillScheduleParameterSpec
- AtomistSkillScheduleParameterSpecInput
- AtomistSkillScheduleParameterValue
- AtomistSkillScheduleParameterValueDetail
- AtomistSkillScheduleValueInput
- AtomistSkillsConfiguredArgs
- AtomistSkillSecretParameterInput
- AtomistSkillSecretParameterSpec
- AtomistSkillSecretParameterSpecInput
- AtomistSkillSecretParameterValue
- AtomistSkillSelectedResourceProvider
- AtomistSkillSelectedResourceProviderInput
- AtomistSkillSingleChoiceParameterInput
- AtomistSkillSingleChoiceParameterSpec
- AtomistSkillSingleChoiceParameterSpecInput
- AtomistSkillSingleChoiceParameterValue
- AtomistSkillsOwnedArgs
- AtomistSkillsSearchInput
- AtomistSkillStatus
- AtomistSkillStringArrayParameterInput
- AtomistSkillStringArrayParameterSpec
- AtomistSkillStringArrayParameterSpecInput
- AtomistSkillStringArrayParameterValue
- AtomistSkillStringParameterInput
- AtomistSkillStringParameterSpec
- AtomistSkillStringParameterSpecInput
- AtomistSkillStringParameterValue
- AtomistSkillWebhookParameterInput
- AtomistSkillWebhookParameterSpec
- AtomistSkillWebhookParameterSpecInput
- AtomistSkillWebhookParameterValue
- AtomistSkillWebhookParameterValueDetail
- AtomistSkillWebhookParameterValueInput
- BinaryRepositoryProvider
- BinaryRepositoryProviderQuery
- BinaryRepositoryProviderQueryVariables
- BinaryRepositoryProviderWebhooksArgs
- Branch
- BranchCommitArgs
- BranchForNameQuery
- BranchForNameQueryVariables
- BranchPullRequestsArgs
- BranchRepoArgs
- Build
- BuildCommitArgs
- BuildListener
- BuildPullRequestArgs
- BuildPushArgs
- BuildRepoArgs
- BuildTagArgs
- BuildUrlByShaQuery
- BuildUrlByShaQueryVariables
- BuildWorkflowArgs
- CanceledSdmGoalQuery
- CanceledSdmGoalQueryVariables
- Card
- CardAction
- CardActionConfirmation
- CardActionGroup
- CardActionParameter
- CardActionParameterOption
- CardActionParameterOptionGroup
- CardBody
- CardCollaborator
- CardCollaboratorsArgs
- CardCorrelation
- CardEvent
- CardGoalSetsArgs
- CardProvenance
- CardProvenanceArgs
- CardReaction
- CardRepository
- CardRepositoryArgs
- CardSdmGoal
- CardSdmGoalSet
- CardTitle
- ChannelLink
- ChannelLinkChannelArgs
- ChannelLinked
- ChannelLinkListener
- ChannelLinkRepoArgs
- ChatChannel
- ChatChannelCreatedByArgs
- ChatChannelInput
- ChatChannelLinksArgs
- ChatChannelMembersArgs
- ChatChannelReposArgs
- ChatChannelTeamArgs
- ChatId
- ChatIdChannelsArgs
- ChatIdChannelsCreatedArgs
- ChatIdChatTeamArgs
- ChatIdEmailsArgs
- ChatIdInput
- ChatIdPersonArgs
- ChatTeam
- ChatTeamChannelsArgs
- ChatTeamMembersArgs
- ChatTeamOrgsArgs
- ChatTeamTeamArgs
- CheckRun
- CheckSuite
- ClosedIssueListener
- CodeInspection
- CodeTransform
- CodeTransformOrTransforms
- CodeTransformRegistrationDecorator
- CommandListener
- Comment
- CommentByArgs
- CommentIssueArgs
- CommentPullRequestArgs
- CommentReviewArgs
- Commit
- CommitAnalysisArgs
- CommitAppsArgs
- CommitAuthorArgs
- CommitBuildsArgs
- CommitCheckSuitesArgs
- CommitCommitterArgs
- CommitEmailArgs
- CommitFingerprintImpact
- CommitForSdmGoalQuery
- CommitForSdmGoalQueryVariables
- CommitHerokuAppsArgs
- CommitImageArgs
- CommitImagesArgs
- CommitIssueRelationship
- CommitIssueRelationshipCommit
- CommitIssueRelationshipCommitArgs
- CommitIssueRelationshipIssue
- CommitIssueRelationshipIssueArgs
- CommitLink
- CommitPipelinesArgs
- CommitPullRequestsArgs
- CommitPushesArgs
- CommitRepoArgs
- CommitResolvesArgs
- CommitStatusesArgs
- CommitsWithFingerprints
- CommitTagsArgs
- ConfiguredAtomistSkill
- ConfiguredAtomistSkillConfigurationArgs
- ConfigureMachine
- CoreCommitFieldsFragment
- CoreRepoFieldsAndChannelsFragment
- CorrelationBody
- CreateJobMutation
- CreateJobMutationVariables
- Credential
- CredentialInput
- CustomApplyPolicyLogInput
- CustomAspectRegistrationInput
- CustomCardActionConfirmationInput
- CustomCardActionGroupInput
- CustomCardActionInput
- CustomCardActionParameterInput
- CustomCardActionParameterOptionGroupInput
- CustomCardActionParameterOptionInput
- CustomCardBodyInput
- CustomCardCollaboratorInput
- CustomCardCorrelationInput
- CustomCardEventInput
- CustomCardInput
- CustomCardProvenanceInput
- CustomCardReactionInput
- CustomCardRepositoryInput
- CustomCardSdmGoalInput
- CustomCardSdmGoalSetInput
- CustomCardTitleInput
- CustomCommitIssueRelationshipCommitInput
- CustomCommitIssueRelationshipInput
- CustomCommitIssueRelationshipIssueInput
- CustomCorrelationBodyInput
- CustomDeploymentCommitInput
- CustomDeploymentInput
- CustomIssueRelationshipInput
- CustomIssueRelationshipIssueInput
- CustomLifecycleAttachmentInput
- CustomManageSubscriptionPolicyLogInput
- CustomManageTargetPolicyLogInput
- CustomNotificationActionGroupInput
- CustomNotificationActionInput
- CustomNotificationActionParameterInput
- CustomNotificationActionParameterOptionGroupInput
- CustomNotificationActionParameterOptionInput
- CustomNotificationInput
- CustomNotificationRecipientInput
- CustomPolicyComplianceAspectInput
- CustomPolicyComplianceFingerprintInput
- CustomPolicyComplianceInput
- CustomPolicyLogInput
- CustomPolicyTargetInput
- CustomPolicyTargetStreamInput
- CustomSdmBuildIdentifierInput
- CustomSdmBuildIdentifierRepositoryInput
- CustomSdmConditionInput
- CustomSdmDeployEnablementInput
- CustomSdmExternalUrlInput
- CustomSdmGoalDescriptionsInput
- CustomSdmGoalDisplayInput
- CustomSdmGoalFulfillmentInput
- CustomSdmGoalInput
- CustomSdmGoalNameInput
- CustomSdmGoalSetBadgeInput
- CustomSdmGoalSetBadgeRepositoryInput
- CustomSdmGoalSetInput
- CustomSdmGoalSetTagInput
- CustomSdmPreferenceInput
- CustomSdmProvenanceInput
- CustomSdmRepoProvenanceInput
- CustomSdmRepositoryInput
- CustomSdmVersionInput
- CustomSdmVersionRepositoryInput
- DeepLink
- DefaultFacts
- DeletedBranch
- DeletedBranchCommitArgs
- DeletedBranchPullRequestsArgs
- DeletedBranchRepoArgs
- DeleteResourceProviderMutation
- DeleteResourceProviderMutationVariables
- DeleteTeamConfigurationMutation
- DeleteTeamConfigurationMutationVariables
- Deployment
- DeploymentCommit
- DeploymentCommitArgs
- DeprecatedPushImpact
- DeprecatedPushImpactPushArgs
- DockerHubInput
- DockerHubRegistryProvider
- DockerHubRegistryProviderWebhooksArgs
- DockerImage
- DockerImageCommitsArgs
- DockerImageContainersArgs
- DockerImagePodsArgs
- DockerRegistry
- DockerRegistryImage
- DockerRegistryImageInput
- DockerRegistryProvider
- DockerRegistryProviderAllQuery
- DockerRegistryProviderAllQueryVariables
- DockerRegistryProviderQuery
- DockerRegistryProviderQueryVariables
- DockerRegistryProviderWebhooksArgs
- EditorFactory
- EmailChatIdArgs
- EmailGitHubIdArgs
- EmailInput
- EmailPersonArgs
- EmailScmIdArgs
- EndpointVerificationListener
- EnrichGoal
- ErrorFinder
- EventsReportRow
- ExecuteGoal
- ExplicitCodeTransform
- ExtractAuthor
- FingerprintAggregates
- FingerprintCounts
- FingerprintDiff
- FingerprintedCommit
- FingerprintInput
- FingerprintsForCommitsInput
- FingerprintTarget
- FingerprintTargetInput
- FingerprintTypeCount
- FinterprintNameCount
- Fulfillment
- GenericResourceProvider
- GenericResourceProviderQuery
- GenericResourceProviderQueryVariables
- GenericResourceProviderWebhooksArgs
- GenericResourceUser
- GenericResourceUserProviderArgs
- GenericSourceFingerprint
- GitHubAppInstallation
- GitHubAppInstallationByOwnerQuery
- GitHubAppInstallationByOwnerQueryVariables
- GitHubAppInstallationToken
- GitHubAppResourceProvider
- GitHubAppResourceProviderGitHubAppInstallationsArgs
- GitHubAppResourceProviderOrgsArgs
- GitHubAppResourceProviderQuery
- GitHubAppResourceProviderQueryVariables
- GitHubAppResourceProviderWebhooksArgs
- GitHubAppResourceUser
- GitHubAppResourceUserProviderArgs
- GitHubAppUserInstallation
- GitHubId
- GitHubIdEmailsArgs
- GitHubIdPersonArgs
- GitHubIdProviderArgs
- GitHubLoginQuery
- GitHubLoginQueryVariables
- GitHubNpmRegistryProvider
- GitHubNpmRegistryProviderInput
- GitHubNpmRegistryProviderWebhooksArgs
- GitHubProvider
- GitHubProviderTeamArgs
- GitHubStatusContext
- GoalApprovalRequestVoteDecisionManager
- GoalApprovalRequestVoter
- GoalCompletionListener
- GoalComponent
- GoalEnvironment
- GoalExecutionListener
- GoalFulfillment
- GoalProjectListener
- GoalSetter
- GoalsSetListener
- GoogleCloudPlatformInput
- GoogleCloudPlatformProvider
- GoogleCloudPlatformProviderWebhooksArgs
- GoogleContainerRegistryInput
- GoogleContainerRegistryProvider
- GoogleContainerRegistryProviderWebhooksArgs
- HerokuApp
- HerokuAppCommitsArgs
- HmacSha1AuthInput
- ImageLinked
- ImageLinkedCommitArgs
- ImageLinkedImageArgs
- InProcessSdmGoalSetsQuery
- InProcessSdmGoalSetsQueryVariables
- InProcessSdmGoalsQuery
- InProcessSdmGoalsQueryVariables
- InterpretLog
- Issue
- IssueAssigneesArgs
- IssueClosedByArgs
- IssueCommentsArgs
- IssueLabelsArgs
- IssueLastAssignedByArgs
- IssueOpenedByArgs
- IssueRelationship
- IssueRelationshipIssue
- IssueRelationshipSourceArgs
- IssueRelationshipTargetArgs
- IssueRepoArgs
- IssueResolvingCommitsArgs
- JFrogDockerRegistryInput
- JFrogDockerRegistryProvider
- JFrogDockerRegistryProviderWebhooksArgs
- Job
- K8Container
- K8ContainerImageArgs
- K8ContainerPodArgs
- K8Pod
- K8PodContainersArgs
- K8PodImagesArgs
- KubernetesCluster
- KubernetesClusterInput
- KubernetesClusterProvider
- KubernetesClusterProviderWebhooksArgs
- KubernetesDeployRequestedSdmGoalSubscription
- KubernetesDeployRequestedSdmGoalSubscriptionVariables
- Label
- LabelRepoArgs
- LastEndpointQuery
- LastEndpointQueryVariables
- LifecycleAttachment
- ListenerInvocation
- MachineOrMachineOptions
- ManageSubscriptionPolicyLog
- ManageTargetPolicyLog
- MappedParameterOrSecretObjectValue
- Mapper
- MappingResult
- MavenDependency
- MavenRepositoryProvider
- Maybe
- Mod
- Mutation
- MutationAddAtmJobTasksArgs
- MutationAddBotToSlackChannelArgs
- MutationAddWebhookTagArgs
- MutationConfigureGitHubResourceProviderArgs
- MutationCreateArtifactoryMavenRepositoryProviderArgs
- MutationCreateAtmJobArgs
- MutationCreateBinaryRepositoryProviderArgs
- MutationCreateBitBucketResourceProviderArgs
- MutationCreateDockerContainerImageArgs
- MutationCreateDockerHubRegistryProviderArgs
- MutationCreateDockerRegistryProviderArgs
- MutationCreateGenericResourceProviderArgs
- MutationCreateGheAppResourceProviderArgs
- MutationCreateGheResourceProviderArgs
- MutationCreateGitHubAppInstallationArgs
- MutationCreateGitHubComAppResourceProviderArgs
- MutationCreateGitHubNpmRegistryProviderArgs
- MutationCreateGitLabResourceProviderArgs
- MutationCreateGoogleCloudPlatformProviderArgs
- MutationCreateGoogleContainerRegistryProviderArgs
- MutationCreateJFrogDockerRegistryProviderArgs
- MutationCreateKubernetesClusterProviderArgs
- MutationCreateNpmJsRegistryProviderArgs
- MutationCreateResourceUserArgs
- MutationCreateSecretProviderArgs
- MutationCreateSlackChannelArgs
- MutationCreateWebhookArgs
- MutationDeleteAspectFingerprintsArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomAspectRegistrationArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomAspectRegistrationByIdArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomCardArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomCardByIdArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomCommitIssueRelationshipArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomCommitIssueRelationshipByIdArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomDeploymentArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomDeploymentByIdArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomIssueRelationshipArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomIssueRelationshipByIdArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomLifecycleAttachmentArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomLifecycleAttachmentByIdArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomNotificationArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomNotificationByIdArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomPolicyComplianceArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomPolicyComplianceByIdArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomPolicyLogArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomPolicyLogByIdArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomPolicyTargetArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomPolicyTargetByIdArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomPolicyTargetStreamArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomPolicyTargetStreamByIdArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomSdmBuildIdentifierArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomSdmBuildIdentifierByIdArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomSdmDeployEnablementArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomSdmDeployEnablementByIdArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomSdmGoalArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomSdmGoalByIdArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomSdmGoalDisplayArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomSdmGoalDisplayByIdArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomSdmGoalSetArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomSdmGoalSetBadgeArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomSdmGoalSetBadgeByIdArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomSdmGoalSetByIdArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomSdmPreferenceArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomSdmPreferenceByIdArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomSdmRepoProvenanceArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomSdmRepoProvenanceByIdArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomSdmVersionArgs
- MutationDeleteCustomSdmVersionByIdArgs
- MutationDeleteFingerprintsArgs
- MutationDeleteOrgArgs
- MutationDeleteRepoArgs
- MutationDeleteResourceProviderArgs
- MutationDeleteTeamConfigurationArgs
- MutationDeleteWebhookArgs
- MutationDisableRegistrationArgs
- MutationDisconnectGitHubAppOrgArgs
- MutationEnableRegistrationArgs
- MutationIngestChatChannelsArgs
- MutationIngestChatIdsArgs
- MutationIngestCustomAspectRegistrationArgs
- MutationIngestCustomCardArgs
- MutationIngestCustomCommitIssueRelationshipArgs
- MutationIngestCustomDeploymentArgs
- MutationIngestCustomIssueRelationshipArgs
- MutationIngestCustomLifecycleAttachmentArgs
- MutationIngestCustomNotificationArgs
- MutationIngestCustomPolicyComplianceArgs
- MutationIngestCustomPolicyLogArgs
- MutationIngestCustomPolicyTargetArgs
- MutationIngestCustomPolicyTargetStreamArgs
- MutationIngestCustomSdmBuildIdentifierArgs
- MutationIngestCustomSdmDeployEnablementArgs
- MutationIngestCustomSdmGoalArgs
- MutationIngestCustomSdmGoalDisplayArgs
- MutationIngestCustomSdmGoalSetArgs
- MutationIngestCustomSdmGoalSetBadgeArgs
- MutationIngestCustomSdmPreferenceArgs
- MutationIngestCustomSdmRepoProvenanceArgs
- MutationIngestCustomSdmVersionArgs
- MutationIngestScmCommitArgs
- MutationIngestScmOrgsArgs
- MutationIngestScmReposArgs
- MutationInviteUserToSlackChannelArgs
- MutationKickUserFromSlackChannelArgs
- MutationLinkCredentialToResourceProviderArgs
- MutationLinkGitHubAppInstallationArgs
- MutationLinkResourceToGraphArgs
- MutationLinkResourceUserArgs
- MutationLinkSlackChannelToRepoArgs
- MutationPublishSkillArgs
- MutationRegisterSkillArgs
- MutationRemoveChatChannelsArgs
- MutationRemoveChatIdsArgs
- MutationRemoveChatTeamArgs
- MutationRemoveSkillConfigurationArgs
- MutationResumeAtmJobArgs
- MutationSaveSkillConfigurationArgs
- MutationSetAtmJobTaskStateArgs
- MutationSetChatTeamPreferenceArgs
- MutationSetChatUserPreferenceArgs
- MutationSetCommitFingerprintsArgs
- MutationSetCredentialArgs
- MutationSetFingerprintTargetArgs
- MutationSetOwnerLoginArgs
- MutationSetRepoLoginArgs
- MutationSetResourceProviderStateArgs
- MutationSetScmOrgInitializationStateArgs
- MutationSetScmProviderStateArgs
- MutationSetSkillMaturityArgs
- MutationSetTeamConfigurationArgs
- MutationSetTeamPropertiesArgs
- MutationSetWebhookTagsArgs
- MutationTakeTasksArgs
- MutationUnlinkSlackChannelFromRepoArgs
- MutationUnpublishSkillArgs
- MutationUpdateArtifactoryMavenRepositoryProviderArgs
- MutationUpdateDockerHubRegistryProviderArgs
- MutationUpdateGitHubNpmRegistryProviderArgs
- MutationUpdateGoogleCloudPlatformProviderArgs
- MutationUpdateGoogleContainerRegistryProviderArgs
- MutationUpdateJFrogDockerRegistryProviderArgs
- MutationUpdateKubernetesClusterProviderArgs
- MutationUpdateNpmJsRegistryProviderArgs
- MutationUpdateResourceUserArgs
- MutationUpdateSecretProviderArgs
- MutationUpdateWebhookArgs
- NamedParameter
- NamedValue
- NeverMatch
- NewIssueListener
- Notification
- NotificationAction
- NotificationActionGroup
- NotificationActionParameter
- NotificationActionParameterOption
- NotificationActionParameterOptionGroup
- NotificationRecipient
- NotificationRecipientArgs
- NpmDependency
- NpmJsRegistryProvider
- NpmJsRegistryProviderInput
- NpmJsRegistryProviderWebhooksArgs
- NpmRegistryProvider
- OAuthInput
- OAuthToken
- Ok
- OnAnyApprovedSdmGoalSubscription
- OnAnyApprovedSdmGoalSubscriptionVariables
- OnAnyCompletedSdmGoalSubscription
- OnAnyCompletedSdmGoalSubscriptionVariables
- OnAnyFailedSdmGoalSubscription
- OnAnyFailedSdmGoalSubscriptionVariables
- OnAnyJobTaskSubscription
- OnAnyJobTaskSubscriptionVariables
- OnAnyRequestedSdmGoalSubscription
- OnAnyRequestedSdmGoalSubscriptionVariables
- OnAnySdmGoalSetSubscription
- OnAnySdmGoalSetSubscriptionVariables
- OnAnySuccessfulSdmGoalSubscription
- OnAnySuccessfulSdmGoalSubscriptionVariables
- OnBuildCompleteForDryRunSubscription
- OnBuildCompleteForDryRunSubscriptionVariables
- OnBuildCompleteSubscription
- OnBuildCompleteSubscriptionVariables
- OnChannelLinkSubscription
- OnChannelLinkSubscriptionVariables
- OnClosedIssueSubscription
- OnClosedIssueSubscriptionVariables
- OnFirstPushToRepoSubscription
- OnFirstPushToRepoSubscriptionVariables
- OnIssueActionSubscription
- OnIssueActionSubscriptionVariables
- OnNewIssueSubscription
- OnNewIssueSubscriptionVariables
- OnPullRequestSubscription
- OnPullRequestSubscriptionVariables
- OnPushToAnyBranchSubscription
- OnPushToAnyBranchSubscriptionVariables
- OnRepoCreationSubscription
- OnRepoCreationSubscriptionVariables
- OnRepoOnboardedSubscription
- OnRepoOnboardedSubscriptionVariables
- OnSchedule
- OnSpecificCanceledSdmGoalSubscription
- OnSpecificCanceledSdmGoalSubscriptionVariables
- OnSuccessStatusSubscription
- OnSuccessStatusSubscriptionVariables
- OnTagSubscription
- OnTagSubscriptionVariables
- OnUserJoiningChannelSubscription
- OnUserJoiningChannelSubscriptionVariables
- Org
- OrgChatTeamArgs
- OrgProviderArgs
- OrgRepoArgs
- OrgReposArgs
- OrgScmProviderArgs
- OrgTeamArgs
- OwnerLogin
- PagingInfo
- PagingInfoInput
- ParameterPrompt
- ParameterPromptFactory
- ParametersDefinition
- ParametersObject
- ParametersObjectValue
- ParametersPromptObject
- Password
- PasswordInput
- PasswordQuery
- PasswordQueryVariables
- Person
- PersonByChatIdQuery
- PersonByChatIdQueryVariables
- PersonChatIdArgs
- PersonEmailsArgs
- PersonFieldsFragment
- PersonGitHubIdArgs
- PersonQueryQuery
- PersonQueryQueryVariables
- PersonResourceUsersArgs
- PersonScmIdArgs
- PersonTeamArgs
- Pipeline
- PlannedGoals
- PolicyCompliance
- PolicyComplianceAspect
- PolicyComplianceFingerprint
- PolicyLog
- PolicyLogSubscribeArgs
- PolicyTarget
- PolicyTargetStream
- PredicateMappingCostAnalyzer
- PredicateMappingTerm
- PredicateMappingVisitor
- PreferenceStoreFactory
- PrepareForGoalExecution
- ProgressLogFactory
- ProjectAction
- ProjectAwareGoalInvocation
- ProjectListener
- ProjectPredicate
- PullRequest
- PullRequestAssigneesArgs
- PullRequestAuthorArgs
- PullRequestBaseArgs
- PullRequestBranchArgs
- PullRequestBuildsArgs
- PullRequestCommentsArgs
- PullRequestCommitsArgs
- PullRequestDestinationBranchArgs
- PullRequestForShaQuery
- PullRequestForShaQueryVariables
- PullRequestHeadArgs
- PullRequestImpact
- PullRequestImpactPullRequestArgs
- PullRequestLabelsArgs
- PullRequestLastAssignedByArgs
- PullRequestListener
- PullRequestMergeCommitArgs
- PullRequestMergerArgs
- PullRequestRepoArgs
- PullRequestReviewersArgs
- PullRequestReviewsArgs
- PullRequestsForBranchQuery
- PullRequestsForBranchQueryVariables
- PullRequestSourceBranchArgs
- Push
- PushAfterArgs
- PushBeforeArgs
- PushBuildsArgs
- PushCommitsArgs
- PushComplianceArgs
- PushFieldsFragment
- PushForCommitQuery
- PushForCommitQueryVariables
- PushForSdmGoalQuery
- PushForSdmGoalQueryVariables
- PushGoalsArgs
- PushGoalsDisplayStateArgs
- PushGoalSetsArgs
- PushImpactListener
- PushImpactListenerRegisterable
- PushImpactListenerRegistration
- PushLink
- PushListener
- PushPipelinesArgs
- PushRepoArgs
- PushTestOrProjectPredicate
- Query
- QueryActiveSkillArgs
- QueryApplicationArgs
- QueryArtifactoryMavenRepositoryProviderArgs
- QueryAspectRegistrationArgs
- QueryAtmJobArgs
- QueryAtmJobTaskArgs
- QueryAtomistLogArgs
- QueryAtomistSkillArgs
- QueryBinaryRepositoryProviderArgs
- QueryBranchArgs
- QueryBuildArgs
- QueryCardArgs
- QueryChannelLinkArgs
- QueryChatChannelArgs
- QueryChatIdArgs
- QueryChatTeamArgs
- QueryCheckRunArgs
- QueryCheckSuiteArgs
- QueryCommentArgs
- QueryCommitArgs
- QueryCommitByShaArgs
- QueryCommitFingerprintImpactArgs
- QueryCommitIssueRelationshipArgs
- QueryCommitsWithFingerprintsArgs
- QueryCredentialArgs
- QueryDeletedBranchArgs
- QueryDeploymentArgs
- QueryDistinctHeadCommitFingerprintsArgs
- QueryDockerHubRegistryProviderArgs
- QueryDockerImageArgs
- QueryDockerRegistryArgs
- QueryDockerRegistryImageArgs
- QueryDockerRegistryProviderArgs
- QueryEmailArgs
- QueryEventsReportArgs
- QueryFingerprintAggregatesArgs
- QueryFingerprintTargetsArgs
- QueryGenericResourceProviderArgs
- QueryGenericResourceUserArgs
- QueryGetSkillArgs
- QueryGitHubAppInstallationArgs
- QueryGitHubAppResourceProviderArgs
- QueryGitHubAppResourceUserArgs
- QueryGitHubIdArgs
- QueryGitHubNpmRegistryProviderArgs
- QueryGitHubProviderArgs
- QueryGoogleCloudPlatformProviderArgs
- QueryGoogleContainerRegistryProviderArgs
- QueryHeadCommitFingerprintCountsArgs
- QueryHeadCommitsWithFingerprintArgs
- QueryHerokuAppArgs
- QueryImageLinkedArgs
- QueryIssueArgs
- QueryIssueRelationshipArgs
- QueryJFrogDockerRegistryProviderArgs
- QueryJobArgs
- QueryK8ContainerArgs
- QueryK8PodArgs
- QueryKubernetesClusterProviderArgs
- QueryLabelArgs
- QueryLifecycleAttachmentArgs
- QueryLinkedFingerprintArgs
- QueryLinkedRepoArgs
- QueryMavenRepositoryProviderArgs
- QueryNotificationArgs
- QueryNpmJsRegistryProviderArgs
- QueryNpmRegistryProviderArgs
- QueryOAuthTokenArgs
- QueryOrgArgs
- QueryPasswordArgs
- QueryPersonArgs
- QueryPipelineArgs
- QueryPolicyComplianceArgs
- QueryPolicyLogArgs
- QueryPolicyTargetArgs
- QueryPolicyTargetStreamArgs
- QueryPullRequestArgs
- QueryPullRequestByIdArgs
- QueryPullRequestImpactArgs
- QueryPushArgs
- QueryPushByShaArgs
- QueryPushImpactArgs
- QueryReleaseArgs
- QueryRepoArgs
- QueryResourceArgs
- QueryResourceProviderArgs
- QueryResourceUserArgs
- QueryReviewArgs
- QueryScmIdArgs
- QueryScmProviderArgs
- QuerySdmBuildIdentifierArgs
- QuerySdmDeployEnablementArgs
- QuerySdmGoalArgs
- QuerySdmGoalDisplayArgs
- QuerySdmGoalSetArgs
- QuerySdmGoalSetBadgeArgs
- QuerySdmPreferenceArgs
- QuerySdmRepoProvenanceArgs
- QuerySdmVersionArgs
- QuerySecretProviderArgs
- QuerySkillExecutionArgs
- QuerySkillExecutionsArgs
- QuerySourceFingerprintArgs
- QueryStageArgs
- QueryStatusArgs
- QuerySystemAccountArgs
- QueryTagArgs
- QueryTeamArgs
- QueryTeamConfigurationArgs
- QueryThrottledEventsReportArgs
- QueryUserJoinedChannelArgs
- QueryWebhookArgs
- QueryWorkflowArgs
- RegisteredAtomistSkill
- Release
- ReleaseTagArgs
- Repo
- RepoBranchesArgs
- RepoBranchTipsQuery
- RepoBranchTipsQueryVariables
- RepoChannelsArgs
- RepoCreationListener
- RepoIssueArgs
- RepoIssuesArgs
- RepoLabelsArgs
- RepoLinksArgs
- RepoListener
- RepoListenerInvocation
- RepoLogin
- RepoOnboarded
- RepoOrgArgs
- RepoPullRequestArgs
- RepoPullRequestsArgs
- RepoPushesArgs
- ReportProgress
- RepoScmProviderQuery
- RepoScmProviderQueryVariables
- ReposInTeamQuery
- ReposInTeamQueryVariables
- RepositoryByOwnerAndNameQuery
- RepositoryByOwnerAndNameQueryVariables
- RepositoryMappedChannelsQuery
- RepositoryMappedChannelsQueryVariables
- Resource
- ResourceLinks
- ResourceProvider
- ResourceProviderMetadata
- ResourceProviderState
- ResourceProviderStateInput
- ResourceProviderWebhooksArgs
- ResourceUser
- ResourceUserProviderArgs
- ResourceUserQuery
- ResourceUserQueryVariables
- ResumeJobMutation
- ResumeJobMutationVariables
- Review
- ReviewByArgs
- ReviewCommentsArgs
- ReviewCommitArgs
- ReviewListener
- ReviewPullRequestArgs
- Scalars
- ScmAuthorInput
- ScmCommitInput
- ScmId
- ScmIdEmailsArgs
- ScmIdPersonArgs
- ScmIdProviderArgs
- ScmOrgInput
- ScmOrgsInput
- ScmProvider
- ScmProviderByTypeQuery
- ScmProviderByTypeQueryVariables
- ScmProviderFieldsFragment
- ScmProviderOrgsArgs
- ScmProviderQuery
- ScmProviderQueryVariables
- ScmProviderRepoSpec
- ScmProviderSpec
- ScmProvidersQuery
- ScmProvidersQueryVariables
- ScmProviderStateInput
- ScmProviderWebhooksArgs
- ScmRepoInput
- ScmReposInput
- ScmResourceProviderInput
- ScmResourceProviderRepoInput
- SdmBuildIdentifier
- SdmBuildIdentifierRepoArgs
- SdmBuildIdentifierRepository
- SdmCondition
- SdmDeployEnablement
- SdmExternalUrl
- SdmGoal
- SdmGoalByShaAndBranchQuery
- SdmGoalByShaAndBranchQueryVariables
- SdmGoalDescriptions
- SdmGoalDisplay
- SdmGoalFieldsFragment
- SdmGoalFulfillment
- SdmGoalFulfillmentArgs
- SdmGoalName
- SdmGoalProvenanceArgs
- SdmGoalRepoArgs
- SdmGoalRepoFragment
- SdmGoalsByGoalSetIdAndUniqueNameQuery
- SdmGoalsByGoalSetIdAndUniqueNameQueryVariables
- SdmGoalSet
- SdmGoalSetBadge
- SdmGoalSetBadgeRepoArgs
- SdmGoalSetBadgeRepository
- SdmGoalSetFieldsFragment
- SdmGoalSetForIdQuery
- SdmGoalSetForIdQueryVariables
- SdmGoalSetProvenanceArgs
- SdmGoalSetRepoArgs
- SdmGoalSetTag
- SdmGoalsForCommitQuery
- SdmGoalsForCommitQueryVariables
- SdmGoalWithGoalsFieldsFragment
- SdmListener
- SdmPreference
- SdmPreferenceByKeyQuery
- SdmPreferenceByKeyQueryVariables
- SdmProvenance
- SdmRepoProvenance
- SdmRepoProvenanceRepoArgs
- SdmRepository
- SdmVersion
- SdmVersionForCommitQuery
- SdmVersionForCommitQueryVariables
- SdmVersionRepoArgs
- SdmVersionRepository
- SecretProvider
- SecretProviderInput
- SecretProviderWebhooksArgs
- SetJobTaskStateMutation
- SetJobTaskStateMutationVariables
- SetResourceProviderStateMutation
- SetResourceProviderStateMutationVariables
- SetTeamConfigurationMutation
- SetTeamConfigurationMutationVariables
- SlackChannel
- SourceFingerprint
- SourceFingerprintStats
- SpawnLogResult
- Stage
- StartingPoint
- StartupListener
- StartupListenerInvocation
- Status
- StatusCommitArgs
- Subscription
- SubscriptionApplicationArgs
- SubscriptionArtifactoryMavenRepositoryProviderArgs
- SubscriptionAspectRegistrationArgs
- SubscriptionAtmJobArgs
- SubscriptionAtmJobTaskArgs
- SubscriptionAtomistLogArgs
- SubscriptionBinaryRepositoryProviderArgs
- SubscriptionBranchArgs
- SubscriptionBuildArgs
- SubscriptionCardArgs
- SubscriptionChannelLinkArgs
- SubscriptionChatChannelArgs
- SubscriptionChatIdArgs
- SubscriptionChatTeamArgs
- SubscriptionCheckRunArgs
- SubscriptionCheckSuiteArgs
- SubscriptionCommentArgs
- SubscriptionCommitArgs
- SubscriptionCommitFingerprintImpactArgs
- SubscriptionCommitIssueRelationshipArgs
- SubscriptionCredentialArgs
- SubscriptionDeletedBranchArgs
- SubscriptionDeploymentArgs
- SubscriptionDockerHubRegistryProviderArgs
- SubscriptionDockerImageArgs
- SubscriptionDockerRegistryArgs
- SubscriptionDockerRegistryImageArgs
- SubscriptionDockerRegistryProviderArgs
- SubscriptionEmailArgs
- SubscriptionGenericResourceProviderArgs
- SubscriptionGenericResourceUserArgs
- SubscriptionGitHubAppInstallationArgs
- SubscriptionGitHubAppResourceProviderArgs
- SubscriptionGitHubAppResourceUserArgs
- SubscriptionGitHubIdArgs
- SubscriptionGitHubNpmRegistryProviderArgs
- SubscriptionGitHubProviderArgs
- SubscriptionGoogleCloudPlatformProviderArgs
- SubscriptionGoogleContainerRegistryProviderArgs
- SubscriptionHerokuAppArgs
- SubscriptionImageLinkedArgs
- SubscriptionIssueArgs
- SubscriptionIssueRelationshipArgs
- SubscriptionJFrogDockerRegistryProviderArgs
- SubscriptionJobArgs
- SubscriptionK8ContainerArgs
- SubscriptionK8PodArgs
- SubscriptionKubernetesClusterProviderArgs
- SubscriptionLabelArgs
- SubscriptionLifecycleAttachmentArgs
- SubscriptionMavenRepositoryProviderArgs
- SubscriptionNotificationArgs
- SubscriptionNpmJsRegistryProviderArgs
- SubscriptionNpmRegistryProviderArgs
- SubscriptionOAuthTokenArgs
- SubscriptionOrgArgs
- SubscriptionPasswordArgs
- SubscriptionPersonArgs
- SubscriptionPipelineArgs
- SubscriptionPolicyComplianceArgs
- SubscriptionPolicyLogArgs
- SubscriptionPolicyTargetArgs
- SubscriptionPolicyTargetStreamArgs
- SubscriptionPullRequestArgs
- SubscriptionPullRequestImpactArgs
- SubscriptionPushArgs
- SubscriptionPushImpactArgs
- SubscriptionReleaseArgs
- SubscriptionRepoArgs
- SubscriptionResourceArgs
- SubscriptionResourceProviderArgs
- SubscriptionResourceUserArgs
- SubscriptionReviewArgs
- SubscriptionScmIdArgs
- SubscriptionScmProviderArgs
- SubscriptionSdmBuildIdentifierArgs
- SubscriptionSdmDeployEnablementArgs
- SubscriptionSdmGoalArgs
- SubscriptionSdmGoalDisplayArgs
- SubscriptionSdmGoalSetArgs
- SubscriptionSdmGoalSetBadgeArgs
- SubscriptionSdmPreferenceArgs
- SubscriptionSdmVersionArgs
- SubscriptionSecretProviderArgs
- SubscriptionStageArgs
- SubscriptionStatusArgs
- SubscriptionSystemAccountArgs
- SubscriptionTagArgs
- SubscriptionTeamArgs
- SubscriptionUserJoinedChannelArgs
- SubscriptionWebhookArgs
- SubscriptionWorkflowArgs
- SystemAccount
- SystemAccountProviderArgs
- Tag
- TagBuildsArgs
- TagCommitArgs
- TagContainersArgs
- TagGoalSet
- TagInput
- TagListener
- TagReleaseArgs
- Team
- TeamChatTeamsArgs
- TeamConfiguration
- TeamConfigurationArgs
- TeamConfigurationByNamespaceQuery
- TeamConfigurationByNamespaceQueryVariables
- TeamOrgsArgs
- TeamPersonsArgs
- TeamPreference
- TeamProvidersArgs
- TeamResourceProvidersArgs
- TeamScmProvidersArgs
- TransformPresentation
- TransformResult
- TransformReturnable
- TriggeredListener
- TriggeredListenerInvocation
- UpdatedIssueListener
- UpdateSdmGoalMutation
- UpdateSdmGoalMutationVariables
- UpdateSdmGoalSetMutation
- UpdateSdmGoalSetMutationVariables
- UpdateSdmVersionMutation
- UpdateSdmVersionMutationVariables
- UserJoinedChannel
- UserJoinedChannelChannelArgs
- UserJoinedChannelUserArgs
- UserJoiningChannelListener
- UserPreference
- ValueDeclaration
- ValueParameterObjectValue
- Webhook
- WebhookInput
- WebhookUpdateInput
- WhatIsRunningQuery
- WhatIsRunningQueryVariables
- WithLoadedLazyProject
- WithLoadedProject
- Workflow
- WorkflowBuildsArgs
variable AddressNoChannels
const AddressNoChannels: AddressChannels;
Throw away contents. Use when we know that there can be no linked channels.
variable and
const and: (...pushTests: PushTestOrProjectPredicate[]) => PushTest;
Wrap all these PushTests or ProjectPredicates in a single PushTest AND: Return true if all are satisfied
variable AnyPush
const AnyPush: PushTest;
Match on any push
Parameter p
variable ApproveGoalIfErrorComments
const ApproveGoalIfErrorComments: ReviewListenerRegistration;
Listener that requires approval on the code inspection if the review has any error comments.
variable ApproveGoalIfWarnComments
const ApproveGoalIfWarnComments: ReviewListenerRegistration;
Listener that requires approval on the code inspection if the review has any warn comments.
variable AtomistContinuationMimeType
const AtomistContinuationMimeType: string;
variable AutofixProgressReporter
const AutofixProgressReporter: ReportProgress;
Default ReportProgress for running autofixes
variable AutofixProgressTests
const AutofixProgressTests: ProgressTest[];
variable BaseContext
const BaseContext: string;
variable CFamilyLanguageSourceFiles
const CFamilyLanguageSourceFiles: string;
Glob patterns for C family languages
variable CloningProjectLoader
const CloningProjectLoader: ProjectLoader;
Non caching ProjectLoader that uses a separate clone for each project accessed
variable createEphemeralProgressLog
const createEphemeralProgressLog: ProgressLogFactory;
variable DefaultCancelOptions
const DefaultCancelOptions: CancelOptions;
variable DefaultExtractAuthor
const DefaultExtractAuthor: ExtractAuthor;
variable DefaultGoalNameGenerator
const DefaultGoalNameGenerator: SourceLocationGoalNameGenerator;
variable DefaultMockOptions
const DefaultMockOptions: MockOptions;
Default mock options to be merged into custom options provided on configuration.sdm.mock
variable DefaultPredicateMappingCostAnalyzer
const DefaultPredicateMappingCostAnalyzer: PredicateMappingCostAnalyzer<any>;
Estimate cost by looking at code to see if it goes through a project
Parameter pm
variable DefaultQueueOptions
const DefaultQueueOptions: QueueOptions;
variable DoNotSetAnyGoals
const DoNotSetAnyGoals: Goals;
Constant to indicate we should never match. {any}
variable DoNotSetAnyGoalsAndLock
const DoNotSetAnyGoalsAndLock: Goals;
Should be used in additive goal setting when no more goals should be scheduled.
variable DryRunParameter
const DryRunParameter: any;
variable FailGoalIfErrorComments
const FailGoalIfErrorComments: ReviewListenerRegistration;
Listener that fails the code inspection if the review has any error comments.
variable FailGoalIfWarnComments
const FailGoalIfWarnComments: ReviewListenerRegistration;
Listener that fails the code inspection if the review has any warn comments.
variable FromAtomist
const FromAtomist: PushTest;
Is this a push originated by Atomist? Note that we can't look at the committer, as if a user invoked a command handler, their credentials will be used
Parameter p
variable GeneratorTag
const GeneratorTag: string;
variable GitBranchRegExp
const GitBranchRegExp: BaseParameter;
variable GitHubNameRegExp
const GitHubNameRegExp: BaseParameter;
variable githubTeamVoter
const githubTeamVoter: (team?: string) => GoalApprovalRequestVoter;
since 1.0.0 use gitHubTeamVoter instead
variable GitShaRegExp
const GitShaRegExp: BaseParameter;
variable GoalSetGoalCompletionListener
const GoalSetGoalCompletionListener: Function1<I, Promise<R>>;
Update the state of the SdmGoalSet as the goals progress
Parameter gcl
variable HasTravisFile
const HasTravisFile: PredicatePushTest;
Does this project use Travis?
variable Immaterial
const Immaterial: GoalWithFulfillment;
Goal that should be scheduled for immaterial changes. Uses a no-op goalExecutor.
variable ImmaterialGoals
const ImmaterialGoals: Goals;
Goals instance for Immaterial changes
variable IndependentOfEnvironment
const IndependentOfEnvironment: GoalEnvironment;
variable InspectionTag
const InspectionTag: string;
variable IsDeployEnabled
const IsDeployEnabled: PushTest;
Is repo enabled for deployment
Parameter pi
variable IsPushToBranchWithPullRequest
const IsPushToBranchWithPullRequest: PushTest;
Is this push to a non-default branch that has an open pull request?
variable JobDescriptionParameter
const JobDescriptionParameter: any;
variable JobNameParameter
const JobNameParameter: any;
variable JobRequiredParameter
const JobRequiredParameter: any;
variable Locking
const Locking: Goal;
variable LogSuppressor
const LogSuppressor: InterpretLog<any>;
Use when we don't want to report the log to the user under any circumstances {InterpretedLog}
variable MsgIdParameter
const MsgIdParameter: any;
variable NamedSeedRepo
const NamedSeedRepo: PushTest;
Is this a seed repo, based on the naming convention that such repos have "-seed" in their name
Parameter pi
variable NonEmpty
const NonEmpty: PredicatePushTest;
PushTest that returns true if project is non empty {PredicatePushTest}
variable NoOpExtractAuthor
const NoOpExtractAuthor: ExtractAuthor;
variable NoParameterPrompt
const NoParameterPrompt: ParameterPrompt<any>;
No-op NoParameterPrompt implementation that never prompts for new parameters
variable NoPreferenceStore
const NoPreferenceStore: PreferenceStore;
NoOp PreferenceStore implementation useful for situations in which the SDM does not support preferences or tests.
variable NoProgressReport
const NoProgressReport: ReportProgress;
Don't report any progress
variable not
const not: <F>(t: PredicateMapping<F>) => PredicateMapping<F>;
Return the opposite of this push test
variable or
const or: (...pushTests: PushTestOrProjectPredicate[]) => PushTest;
Wrap all these PushTests or ProjectPredicates in a single PushTest OR: Return true if any is satisfied
variable ProductionEnvironment
const ProductionEnvironment: GoalEnvironment;
variable ProjectDisposalEnvironment
const ProjectDisposalEnvironment: GoalEnvironment;
variable SemVerRegExp
const SemVerRegExp: BaseParameter;
Validation pattern for semantic versions {{displayName: string; description: string; pattern: RegExp; validInput: string; minLength: number; maxLength: number}}
variable ServiceRegistrationGoalDataKey
const ServiceRegistrationGoalDataKey: string;
Key under which services can be found in goal data.
variable StagingEnvironment
const StagingEnvironment: GoalEnvironment;
variable SuccessIsReturn0ErrorFinder
const SuccessIsReturn0ErrorFinder: ErrorFinder;
Default ErrorFinder that regards everything but a return code of 0 as failure.
Parameter code
process exit status true if exit status is not zero
variable ToDefaultBranch
const ToDefaultBranch: PushTest;
variable TransformTag
const TransformTag: string;
variable UnanimousGoalApprovalRequestVoteDecisionManager
const UnanimousGoalApprovalRequestVoteDecisionManager: GoalApprovalRequestVoteDecisionManager;
Default GoalApprovalRequestVoteDecisionManager that decides unanimously on votes. One denied vote will deny the approval request; all granted votes with grant the request. All other votes with result in an abstained approval request.
Parameter votes
function actionableButton
actionableButton: <T extends ParameterType>( buttonSpec: ButtonSpecification, commandHandlerRegistration: CommandRegistration<T> | string, parameters?: ParameterType) => Action;
Create an actionable button invoking the given command
Parameter buttonSpec
Parameter commandHandlerRegistration
command registration or command name
Parameter parameters
parameters to the command
function actionableMenu
actionableMenu: <T extends ParameterType>( menuSpec: MenuSpecification, commandHandlerRegistration: CommandRegistration<T> | string, parameterName: string, parameters?: ParameterType) => Action;
Create an actionable menu invoking the given command
Parameter menuSpec
Parameter commandHandlerRegistration
command registration or command name
Parameter parameterName
name of the parameter to bind the menu to
Parameter parameters
parameters to the command
function adaptHandleCommand
adaptHandleCommand: ( maker: Maker<HandleCommand<any>>) => CommandHandlerRegistration;
Convert an decorator-style HandleCommand to a SDM-style CommandHandlerRegistration
function addMappedParameters
addMappedParameters: ( p: NamedMappedParameter, ...more: NamedMappedParameter[]) => ParametersBuilder;
Declare a new mapped parameter for the given command {ParametersBuilder}
function addParameters
addParameters: ( p: NamedParameter, ...more: NamedParameter[]) => ParametersBuilder;
Declare a new parameter for the given command {ParametersBuilder}
function addressChannelsFor
addressChannelsFor: ( hasChannels: HasChannels, ctx: HandlerContext) => AddressChannels;
Address the chat channels associated with this object. Typically used to address channels associated with a repo.
Parameter hasChannels
Parameter ctx
function addressChannelsProgressLog
addressChannelsProgressLog: ( name: string, hasChannels: HasChannels, ctx: HandlerContext) => ProgressLog;
Stream the ProgressLog output to any channels associated with the current model element (such a repo) in Slack or elswhere.
Parameter name
name for the log. Should relate to the activity we're logging
Parameter hasChannels
Parameter ctx
function addressDestinations
addressDestinations: ( ctx: HandlerContext, ...destinations: Destination[]) => AddressChannels;
function addSecrets
addSecrets: (s: NamedSecret, ...more: NamedSecret[]) => ParametersBuilder;
Declare a new secret parameter for the given command {ParametersBuilder}
function addValues
addValues: (s: NamedValue, ...more: NamedValue[]) => ParametersBuilder;
Declare a new configuration value parameter for the given command {ParametersBuilder}
function afterListener
afterListener: (listener: PrepareForGoalExecution) => GoalProjectListener;
Convenience function that takes a PrepareForGoalExecution and invokes it for after goal project events.
Parameter listener
function all
all: <F>( predicates: Array<PredicateMapping<F>>, analyzer?: PredicateMappingCostAnalyzer<F>) => PredicateMapping<F>;
Wrap all these predicates in a single predicate AND: Return true if all are satisfied
Parameter predicates
Parameter analyzer
analyzer to use for performance optimization {PredicateMapping}
function allOf
allOf: <F>( pred1: PredicateMappingTerm<F>, ...preds: Array<PredicateMappingTerm<F>>) => PredicateMapping<F>;
Predicate mapping DSL method. Allows use of booleans and functions returning boolean in predicate expressions
Parameter pred1
Parameter preds
function allPredicatesSatisfied
allPredicatesSatisfied: (...predicates: ProjectPredicate[]) => ProjectPredicate;
Wrap all these ProjectPredicates in a single ProjectPredicate AND: Return true if all are satisfied
Parameter predicates
function allReposInTeam
allReposInTeam: (rrr: RepoRefResolver) => RepoFinder;
Use a GraphQL query to find all repos for the current team
Parameter rrr
RepoRefResolver used to find RepoRef from GraphQL result
function allSatisfied
allSatisfied: (...pushTests: PushTestOrProjectPredicate[]) => PushTest;
Wrap all these PushTests or ProjectPredicates in a single PushTest AND: Return true if all are satisfied
Parameter pushTests
function announceTransformResults
announceTransformResults: ( trs: TransformResult[], cli: CommandListenerInvocation) => Promise<void>;
This is a useful function to pass to CodeTransformRegistration.onTransformResults. It sends a message per repository describing any errors that occurred while saving the transforms, and also where the transform was applied. It gives you the branch name.
Parameter trs
results of transforms
Parameter cli
original command invocation
function any
any: <F>( predicates: Array<PredicateMapping<F>>, analyzer?: PredicateMappingCostAnalyzer<F>) => PredicateMapping<F>;
Wrap all these predicates in a single predicate OR: Return true if any is satisfied
Parameter predicates
Parameter analyzer
analyzer to use for performance optimization {PredicateMapping}
function anyFileChanged
anyFileChanged: ( options: MaterialChangeOptions, changedFiles: string[]) => boolean;
function anyFileChangedSuchThat
anyFileChangedSuchThat: ( changedFilePaths: string[], test: (path: string) => boolean) => boolean;
Does a file satisfying this text exist within the set of changed files?
Parameter changedFilePaths
Parameter test
test for the file change {boolean}
function anyFileChangedWithExtension
anyFileChangedWithExtension: ( changedFilePaths: string[], extensions: string[]) => boolean;
function anyPredicateSatisfied
anyPredicateSatisfied: (...predicates: ProjectPredicate[]) => ProjectPredicate;
Wrap all these ProjectPredicates in a single ProjectPredicate OR: Return true if any is satisfied
Parameter predicates
function anySatisfied
anySatisfied: (...pushTests: PushTestOrProjectPredicate[]) => PushTest;
Wrap all these PushTests or ProjectPredicates in a single PushTest OR: Return true if any is satisfied
Parameter pushTests
function appendOrCreateFileContent
appendOrCreateFileContent: ( command: AppendOrCreateCommand) => SimpleProjectEditor;
Return an editor to append the given content to the end of the file at the specified path, creating the file with only this content if it doesn't exist. Adds no whitespace.
Parameter command
command {SimpleProjectEditor}
function attachFacts
attachFacts: <FACT, F extends SdmContext = PushListenerInvocation>( compute: (f: F) => Promise<FACT>) => GoalContribution<F>;
Enrich the invocation, attaching some facts. The returned object will be merged with any facts already on the invocation.
Parameter compute
additional facts. {GoalContribution}
function beforeListener
beforeListener: (listener: PrepareForGoalExecution) => GoalProjectListener;
Convenience function that takes a PrepareForGoalExecution and invokes it for before goal project events.
Parameter listener
function branchAwareCodeTransform
branchAwareCodeTransform: ( codeTransformRegistration: CodeTransformRegistration<any>, sdm: SoftwareDeliveryMachine) => CommandHandlerRegistration<RepoTargetingParameters>;
Wrap a CodeTransform to determine the target branch of the transform.
If the target branch, as expressed by the CodeTransformRegistration.transformPresentation, already exists, the wrapped CodeTransform will run against that branch instead of the requested branch.
Parameter codeTransformRegistration
Parameter sdm
function cacheKey
cacheKey: (params: ProjectLoadingParameters) => string;
Compute a cache key from the given ProjectLoadingParameters.
In this context undefined and false are functionally equivalent, so undefined values are coerced to false.
Parameter id
function cancelableGoal
cancelableGoal: ( sdmGoal: SdmGoalEvent, configuration: Configuration) => Promise<boolean>;
Can goal be canceled
function chattyDryRunAwareEditor
chattyDryRunAwareEditor: ( ctr: CodeTransformRegistration<any>, underlyingEditor: AnyProjectEditor) => ProjectEditor;
Wrap this editor to make it chatty, so it responds to Slack if there's nothing to do. It also honors the dryRun parameter flag to just capture the git diff and send it back to Slack instead of pushing changes to Git.
function chooseAndSetGoals
chooseAndSetGoals: ( rules: ChooseAndSetGoalsRules, parameters: { context: HandlerContext; credentials: ProjectOperationCredentials; push: PushFields.Fragment; }) => Promise<Goals | undefined>;
Choose and set goals for this push
Parameter rules
: configuration for handling incoming pushes
Parameter parameters
details of incoming request {Promise<Goals | undefined>}
function codeInspectionRegistrationToCommand
codeInspectionRegistrationToCommand: <R>( sdm: MachineOrMachineOptions, cir: CodeInspectionRegistration<R, any>) => Maker<HandleCommand>;
function codeTransformRegistrationToCommand
codeTransformRegistrationToCommand: ( sdm: MachineOrMachineOptions, ctr: CodeTransformRegistration<any>) => Maker<HandleCommand>;
function commandHandlerRegistrationToCommand
commandHandlerRegistrationToCommand: <P = NoParameters>( sdm: MachineOrMachineOptions, c: CommandHandlerRegistration<P>) => Maker<HandleCommand<P>>;
function commandRequestParameterPromptFactory
commandRequestParameterPromptFactory: <T>( ctx: HandlerContext) => ParameterPrompt<T>;
Default ParameterPromptFactory that uses the WebSocket connection to send parameter prompts to the backend.
Parameter ctx
function computeShaOf
computeShaOf: (s: string) => string;
Compute the sha of the given string
Parameter s
function computeStartingPoint
computeStartingPoint: <P extends SeedDrivenGeneratorParameters>( params: P, ctx: HandlerContext, repoLoader: RepoLoader, details: GeneratorCommandDetails<any>, startingPoint: StartingPoint<P>, cr: CommandRegistration<P>, sdmo: SoftwareDeliveryMachineOptions) => Promise<Project>;
Retrieve a seed. Set the seed location on the parameters if possible and necessary.
function confirmEditedness
confirmEditedness: (editResult: EditResult) => Promise<EditResult>;
Try to work out whether a project was edited, looking at git status if we can't find out from the edit result
Parameter editResult
function constructGoalSet
constructGoalSet: ( ctx: HandlerContext, goalSetId: string, goalSet: string, sdmGoals: SdmGoalMessage[], tags: GoalSetTag[], push: OnPushToAnyBranch.Push) => SdmGoalSetMessage;
function constructProvenance
constructProvenance: (ctx: HandlerContext) => SdmProvenance;
function constructSdmGoal
constructSdmGoal: ( ctx: HandlerContext, parameters: { goalSet: string; goalSetId: string; goal: Goal; state: SdmGoalState; id: RemoteRepoRef; providerId: string; url?: string; fulfillment?: SdmGoalFulfillment; }) => SdmGoalMessage;
function constructSdmGoalImplementation
constructSdmGoalImplementation: ( gi: GoalImplementation, registration: string) => SdmGoalFulfillment;
function copyFileFromUrl
copyFileFromUrl: (url: string, path: string) => CodeTransform;
Add the downloaded content to the given project
Parameter url
url of the content. Must be publicly accessible
Parameter path
function copyFiles
copyFiles: ( donorProject: Project, fileMappings: Array<FileMapping | string>) => CodeTransform;
function copyFilesFrom
copyFilesFrom: ( donorProjectId: RemoteRepoRef, fileMappings: Array<FileMapping | string>, credentials: ProjectOperationCredentials) => CodeTransform;
Take the specified files from the donor project
Parameter donorProjectId
Parameter fileMappings
Parameter credentials
function createCommand
createCommand: <PARAMS = NoParameters>( sdm: MachineOrMachineOptions, commandMaker: (sdm: MachineOrMachineOptions) => OnCommand<PARAMS>, name: string, paramsMaker?: Maker<PARAMS>, details?: CommandDetails) => HandleCommand<PARAMS>;
Wrap a function in a command handler, allowing use of custom parameters. Targeting (targets property) is handled automatically if the parameters do not implement TargetsParams
Parameter sdm
machine or options
Parameter commandMaker
function to create command function
Parameter name
command name
Parameter paramsMaker
parameters factory, typically the name of a class with a no arg constructor
Parameter details
optional details to customize behavior Add intent "edit "
function createJob
createJob: <T extends ParameterType>( details: JobDetails<T>, ctx: HandlerContext) => Promise<{ id: string }>;
Create a Job in the backend with the provided name and tasks
A job can execute any registered command in the same or other connected SDM:
command: name of the CommandRegistration or the registration instance itself registration: optional name of the SDM this job should be send to; defaults to the current SDM parameters: Record type with all required parameters for this command name: optional name of the job description: optional description of the job used to display to the user in chat or web
function createPredicatedGoal
createPredicatedGoal: ( egi: EssentialGoalInfo, goalExecutor: ExecuteGoal, w: WaitRules) => Goal;
Create a goal from the given executor, waiting until a condition is satisfied, with a given timeout.
Parameter egi
Parameter goalExecutor
Parameter w
rules for waiting {Goal}
function createPredicatedGoalExecutor
createPredicatedGoalExecutor: ( uniqueName: string, goalExecutor: ExecuteGoal, w: WaitRules, unref?: boolean) => ExecuteGoal;
Wrap provided ExecuteGoal instance with WaitRules processing
Parameter uniqueName
Parameter goalExecutor
Parameter w
rules for waiting {ExecuteGoal}
function createPushImpactListenerInvocation
createPushImpactListenerInvocation: ( goalInvocation: GoalInvocation, project: GitProject) => Promise<PushImpactListenerInvocation>;
Create a PushImpactListenerInvocation from the given context. Includes both the complete project and the changed files.
Parameter goalInvocation
Parameter project
function createRetryingGoalExecutor
createRetryingGoalExecutor: ( uniqueName: string, goalExecutor: ExecuteGoal, retry: RetryOptions) => ExecuteGoal;
function createSkillContext
createSkillContext: <C extends Record<string, any> = any>( ctx: HandlerContext) => SkillContext<C>;
Helper function to create a SkillContext instance from the passed in HandlerContext
function decode
decode: (coded: string) => string;
Decode the given Base 64 string
Parameter coded
function descriptionFromState
descriptionFromState: ( goal: Goal, state: SdmGoalState, goalEvent?: SdmGoalEvent) => string;
function determineGoals
determineGoals: ( rules: { projectLoader: ProjectLoader; repoRefResolver: RepoRefResolver; goalSetter: GoalSetter; implementationMapping: GoalImplementationMapper; enrichGoal: EnrichGoal; tagGoalSet?: TagGoalSet; }, circumstances: { credentials: ProjectOperationCredentials; id: RemoteRepoRef; context: HandlerContext; configuration: Configuration; push: PushFields.Fragment; addressChannels: AddressChannels; preferences?: PreferenceStore; goalSetId: string; }) => Promise<{ determinedGoals: Goals | undefined; goalsToSave: SdmGoalMessage[]; tags: GoalSetTag[];}>;
function doWithProject
doWithProject: ( action: (pa: ProjectAwareGoalInvocation) => Promise<void | ExecuteGoalResult>, cloneOptions?: CloneOptions & { readOnly: boolean }) => ExecuteGoal;
Convenience method to create goal implementations that require a local clone of the project.
Parameter action
Parameter cloneOptions
function doWithRepos
doWithRepos: ( sdm: SoftwareDeliveryMachine, i: SdmContext, action: WithLoadedProject<any>) => Promise<any>;
Perform an action on all accessible repos in parallel up to a configurable max concurrency limit. This is normally readonly. If you want to perform an update, use a CodeTransform.
Parameter sdm
Parameter i
Parameter action
function encode
encode: (str: string) => string;
Base 64 encode the given string
Parameter str
function enrichGoalSetters
enrichGoalSetters: <F extends SdmContext = StatefulPushListenerInvocation<any>>( mapping: GoalContribution<F>, contributor: GoalContribution<F>, ...contributors: Array<GoalContribution<F>>) => Mapping<F, Goals> & GoalSettingStructure<F, Goals>;
Enrich the given push mapping with our own contributions
Parameter mapping
Parameter contributor
Parameter contributors
{Mapping<F extends SdmContext, Goals>}
function environmentFromGoal
environmentFromGoal: (goal: Goal) => string;
function eventHandlerRegistrationToEvent
eventHandlerRegistrationToEvent: ( sdm: MachineOrMachineOptions, e: EventHandlerRegistration<any, any>) => Maker<HandleEvent>;
function executeAutofixes
executeAutofixes: ( registrations: AutofixRegistration[], transformPresentation?: TransformPresentation<GoalInvocationParameters>, extractAuthor?: ExtractAuthor) => ExecuteGoal;
Execute autofixes against this push Throw an error on failure
Parameter registrations
function executeAutoInspects
executeAutoInspects: (options: AutoInspectOptions) => ExecuteGoal;
Execute auto inspections and route or react to review results using review listeners
Parameter autoInspectRegistrations
Parameter reviewListeners
listeners to respond to reviews {ExecuteGoal}
function executeCancelGoalSets
executeCancelGoalSets: (options: CancelOptions, name: string) => ExecuteGoal;
Cancel any pending goals that are on the previous commit of the goal's branch
Parameter options
Parameter name
function executeGoal
executeGoal: ( rules: { projectLoader: ProjectLoader; goalExecutionListeners: GoalExecutionListener[]; }, implementation: GoalImplementation, gi: GoalInvocation) => Promise<ExecuteGoalResult>;
Central function to execute a goal with progress logging
function executeHook
executeHook: ( rules: { projectLoader: ProjectLoader }, goalInvocation: GoalInvocation, sdmGoal: SdmGoalEvent, stage: 'post' | 'pre') => Promise<HandlerResult>;
function executePushImpact
executePushImpact: ( registrations: PushImpactListenerRegisterable[]) => ExecuteGoal;
Execute arbitrary code reactions against a codebase
Parameter registrations
function executeSendMessageToSlack
executeSendMessageToSlack: (msg: string | SlackMessage) => ExecuteGoal;
* Execute a goal by sending a message to the linked Slack channels
Parameter msg
function fakeCommandListenerInvocation
fakeCommandListenerInvocation: <P>( opts?: Partial<CommandListenerInvocation<P>>) => CommandListenerInvocation<P>;
function fakeContext
fakeContext: (workspaceId?: string) => HandlerContext & AutomationContextAware;
Convenient function to allow creating fake contexts. Useful for testing
Parameter workspaceId
function fakeGoalInvocation
fakeGoalInvocation: ( id: RemoteRepoRef, options?: SoftwareDeliveryMachineOptions) => GoalInvocation;
Useful testing support
Parameter id
function fakePush
fakePush: ( project?: Project, pli?: Partial<PushListenerInvocation>) => PushListenerInvocation;
Used for testing
Parameter project
Parameter pli
function fetchCommitForSdmGoal
fetchCommitForSdmGoal: ( ctx: HandlerContext, goal: SdmGoalFields.Fragment & SdmGoalRepo.Fragment) => Promise<CommitForSdmGoal.Commit>;
function fetchGoalsForCommit
fetchGoalsForCommit: ( ctx: HandlerContext, id: RemoteRepoRef, providerId: string, goalSetId?: string) => Promise<SdmGoalEvent[]>;
function fetchGoalsFromPush
fetchGoalsFromPush: (sdmGoal: SdmGoalEvent) => SdmGoalEvent[];
function fileContent
fileContent: ( token: string, rr: GitHubRepoRef, path: string) => Promise<string | undefined>;
function filesChangedSince
filesChangedSince: ( project: GitProject, push: PushFields.Fragment) => Promise<string[] | undefined>;
Use git to list the files changed since the given sha or undefined if we cannot determine it
Parameter project
Parameter push
function filteredView
filteredView: <P extends Project = Project>( p: Project, filter: (path: string) => boolean) => P;
Create a filtered view of the given project. Changes to the filtered view will affect the source project.
Parameter p
Parameter filter
function to filter file paths. Return true to eliminate a file {Promise}
function filterImmediateAutofixes
filterImmediateAutofixes: ( autofixes: AutofixRegistration[], gi: GoalInvocation) => AutofixRegistration[];
Filter any provided autofixes whose results were included in the commits of the current push.
Parameter autofixes
Parameter gi
function findSdmGoalOnCommit
findSdmGoalOnCommit: ( ctx: HandlerContext, id: RemoteRepoRef, providerId: string, goal: Goal) => Promise<SdmGoalEvent>;
function firstAvailableProgressLog
firstAvailableProgressLog: ( log: ProgressLog, ...moreLogs: ProgressLog[]) => Promise<ProgressLog>;
Return the first available progress log. Error if none is available: Pass in a fallback that's always available.
Parameter log
first log
Parameter moreLogs
function format
format: (msg: string, ...args: any[]) => string;
Returns a formatted string replacing any placeholders in msg with provided args
See npm springf-js for more details on what args and placeholder patterns are supported.
function formatDate
formatDate: (date?: Date, format?: string, utc?: boolean) => string;
Format the date with provided format. Defaults to formatting the current UTC date with 'yyyymmddHHMMss' format.
Parameter date
Date object to format
Parameter format
dateformat compatible format
Parameter utc
if true, use UTC time, otherwise use local time zone properly formatted date string
function formatReviewerError
formatReviewerError: (err: ReviewerError) => slack.SlackMessage;
function generateCommitMessageForAutofix
generateCommitMessageForAutofix: (autofix: AutofixRegistration) => string;
Generate a commit message for the provided autofix.
Parameter autofix
function generatorCommand
generatorCommand: <P>( sdm: MachineOrMachineOptions, editorFactory: EditorFactory<P>, name: string, paramsMaker: Maker<P>, fallbackTarget: Maker<RepoCreationParameters>, startingPoint: StartingPoint<P>, details: Partial<GeneratorCommandDetails<any>>, cr: GeneratorRegistration<P>) => HandleCommand;
Create a command handler for project generation
Parameter sdm
this machine or its options
Parameter editorFactory
to create editorCommand to perform transformation
Parameter paramsMaker
Parameter name
Parameter details
function generatorRegistrationToCommand
generatorRegistrationToCommand: <P = any>( sdm: MachineOrMachineOptions, e: GeneratorRegistration<P>) => Maker<HandleCommand<P>>;
function getGoalDefinitionFrom
getGoalDefinitionFrom: ( goalDetails: FulfillableGoalDetails | string, uniqueName: string, definition?: GoalDefinition) => { uniqueName: string } | PredicatedGoalDefinition;
Construct a PredicatedGoalDefinition from the provided goalDetails
Parameter goalDetails
Parameter uniqueName
Parameter definition
function gitBranchCompatible
gitBranchCompatible: (name: string) => string;
Takes a potential git branch name and returns a legalised iteration of it
Parameter name
the git branch name to sanitise.
function gitHubTeamVoter
gitHubTeamVoter: (team?: string) => GoalApprovalRequestVoter;
Goal approval request vote implementation that checks for GitHub team membership of the person who is requesting the approval .
Parameter team
function given
given: <V>(...givenPushTests: PushTest[]) => TreeContext<V>;
Simple DSL to create a decision tree. Trees and subtrees can compute variables as interim values for future use. Example usage, showing computed state:
let count = 0; // Initialize a counter we'll use laterconst pm: PushMapping<Goals> = given<Goals>(TruePushTest, ...) // Use any push tests.init(() => count = 0) // Init to set state.itMeans("no frogs coming").then(given<Goals>(TruePushTest, ...).itMeans("case1").compute(() => count++) // Increment the counter for this branch.then(// Compute terminal ruleswhenPushSatisfies(count > 0, FalsePushTest).itMeans("nope").setGoals(NoGoals),whenPushSatisfies(TruePushTest).itMeans("yes").setGoals(HttpServiceGoals),),);Parameter givenPushTests
PushTests interim DSL structure
function goal
goal: ( details?: FulfillableGoalDetails, goalExecutor?: ExecuteGoal, options?: { pushTest?: PushTest; logInterpreter?: InterpretLog; progressReporter?: ReportProgress; plan?: ( pli: StatefulPushListenerInvocation, goals: Goals ) => Promise<PlannedGoals | PlannedGoal>; }) => GoalWithFulfillment;
Creates a new GoalWithFulfillment instance using conventions if overwrites aren't provided
Call this from your machine.ts where you configure your sdm to create a custom goal.
Caution: if you wrap this in another function, then you MUST provide details.uniqueName, because the default is based on where in the code this
function is called.Parameter details
It is highly recommended that you supply at least uniqueName.
Parameter goalExecutor
Parameter options
function goalContributors
goalContributors: <F extends SdmContext = StatefulPushListenerInvocation<any>>( contributor: GoalContribution<F>, ...contributors: Array<GoalContribution<F>>) => Mapping<F, Goals>;
Contribute goals based on a series of contribution rules.
Instead of stopping at the first match, each push will get _all_ the goals it qualifies for.
Duplicates will be removed.
Parameter contributor
first contributor
Parameter contributors
a mapping to goals
function goalCorrespondsToSdmGoal
goalCorrespondsToSdmGoal: (goal: Goal, sdmGoal: SdmGoalKey) => boolean;
function goalData
goalData: (sdmGoal: SdmGoalEvent) => any;
Read and parse goal event data. If the goal event has no data, return an empty object. Note: this purposely only works if the data field is stringified JSON.
Parameter sdmGoal
JSON parsed goal event data property
function goalKeyEquals
goalKeyEquals: (a: SdmGoalKey, b: SdmGoalKey) => boolean;
function goalKeyString
goalKeyString: (gk: SdmGoalKey) => string;
function goals
goals: (name: string) => Goals & GoalsBuilder;
Create Goals instance using a fluent API.
const simpleGoals = goals("Simple Goals") .plan(CodeInspectionGoal) .plan(BuildGoal, Autofix).after(CodeInspectionGoal) .plan(StagingEndpointGoal).after(BuildGoal) .plan(ProductionDeploymentGoal).after(BuildGoal, StagingEndpointGoal);
Parameter name
{Goals & GoalsBuilder}
function goalSetState
goalSetState: ( goals: Array<Pick<SdmGoalMessage, 'name' | 'state'>>) => SdmGoalState;
function goalTest
goalTest: ( name: string, goalMapping: ( goal: SdmGoalEvent, pli: StatefulPushListenerInvocation ) => Promise<boolean>, pushTest?: PushTest) => GoalTest;
function handleSdmGoalSetEvent
handleSdmGoalSetEvent: ( options: QueueOptions, definition: GoalDefinition, configuration: SoftwareDeliveryMachineConfiguration) => OnEvent<OnAnySdmGoalSetSubscription>;
function hasCommit
hasCommit: (test: RegExp) => PushTest;
Push test that tests commit messages for a provided regular expression match
function hasFile
hasFile: (path: string) => PredicatePushTest;
Return a PushTest testing for the existence of the given file
Parameter path
function hasFileContaining
hasFileContaining: (pattern: string | string[], content?: RegExp) => PushTest;
Return a PushTest testing for the existence of the given file containing the pattern
Parameter path
Parameter pattern
regex to look for {PushTest}
function hasFileWithExtension
hasFileWithExtension: (extension: string) => PredicatePushTest;
Is there at least one file with the given extension?
Parameter extension
function hasGoalSettingStructure
hasGoalSettingStructure: <F, V>( m: Mapping<F, V>) => m is GoalSettingStructure<F, V>;
function hasPreconditions
hasPreconditions: (goal: Goal) => goal is GoalWithPrecondition;
function hasResourceProvider
hasResourceProvider: ( type: 'docker' | 'npm' | 'maven2', name?: string) => PushTest;
Return a PushTest that checks if a certain resource provider exists in the graph
function isBranch
isBranch: (re: RegExp) => PushTest;
Return a push test that matches the repository branch against regular expression.
Parameter re
Regular expression to match against using RegExp.test() Push test performing the match
function isDeployEnabled
isDeployEnabled: (parameters: { context: HandlerContext; id: RepoRef;}) => Promise<boolean>;
function isExplicableMapping
isExplicableMapping: <F, V>( input: Mapping<F, V>) => input is ExplicableMapping<F, V, V>;
function isFailure
isFailure: (result: ExecuteGoalResult | void) => boolean;
Assert if a given ExecuteGoalResult describe a failure result
Parameter result
function isGoal
isGoal: (options?: { name?: string | RegExp; state?: SdmGoalState; output?: string | RegExp; pushTest?: PushTest; data?: string | RegExp;}) => GoalTest;
function isGoalCanceled
isGoalCanceled: (sdmGoal: SdmGoalEvent, ctx: HandlerContext) => Promise<boolean>;
Check if current goal is already canceled
function isGoalDefinition
isGoalDefinition: (f: Goal | GoalDefinition) => f is GoalDefinition;
function isGoalFulfillment
isGoalFulfillment: (g: { fulfillment?: PlannedGoal['fulfillment'];}) => g is { fulfillment: PlannedGoal['fulfillment'] };
function isGoalImplementation
isGoalImplementation: (f: GoalFulfillment) => f is GoalImplementation;
function isGoals
isGoals: (a: any) => a is Goals;
function isGoalSideEffect
isGoalSideEffect: (f: GoalFulfillment) => f is GoalSideEffect;
function isImplementation
isImplementation: (f: Fulfillment) => f is Implementation;
function isLazyProjectLoader
isLazyProjectLoader: (pl: ProjectLoader) => pl is LazyProjectLoader;
function isMapping
isMapping: (a: any) => a is Mapping<any, any>;
function isMaterialChange
isMaterialChange: (options?: MaterialChangeOptions) => PushTest;
Check if a Push represents a material change.
Material changes are changes to files that should trigger certain activity or goals. Often simple changes to MD or html files should not trigger a full CI/CD process.
function isPredicatedStaticValue
isPredicatedStaticValue: <T>( pushMapping: PushMapping<T>) => pushMapping is StaticPushMapping<T> & Predicated<PushListenerInvocation>;
function isRepo
isRepo: (re: RegExp) => PushTest;
Return a push test that matches the repository owner/repo slug against regular expression.
Parameter re
Regular expression to match against using RegExp.test() Push test performing the match
function isRepoTargetingParameters
isRepoTargetingParameters: (p: any) => p is RepoTargetingParameters;
function isSdmEnabled
isSdmEnabled: (name: string) => PushTest;
Is this SDM enabled on the current project. Checks the .atomist/config.json at key sdm.enabled to see if the current SDM is listed.
function isSeedDrivenGeneratorParameters
isSeedDrivenGeneratorParameters: (p: any) => p is SeedDrivenGeneratorParameters;
function isSideEffect
isSideEffect: (f: Fulfillment) => f is SideEffect;
function isSuccess
isSuccess: (result: ExecuteGoalResult | void) => boolean;
Assert if a given ExecuteGoalResult describe a successful result
Parameter result
function isTransformModeSuggestion
isTransformModeSuggestion: (p: any) => p is TransformModeSuggestion;
function isValidationError
isValidationError: (vr: ValidationResult) => vr is ValidationError;
function killAndWait
killAndWait: (childProcess: ChildProcess, wait?: number) => Promise<void>;
Kill the process and wait for it to shut down. This can take a while as processes may have shut down hooks. On win32, the process is killed and the Promise is rejected if the process does not exit within
milliseconds. On other platforms, first the process is sent the default signal, SIGTERM. Afterwait
milliseconds, it is sent SIGKILL. After anotherwait
milliseconds, an error is thrown.Parameter childProcess
Child process to kill
Parameter wait
Number of milliseconds to wait before sending SIGKILL and then erroring, default is 30000 ms
function lastLinesLogInterpreter
lastLinesLogInterpreter: (message: string, lines?: number) => InterpretLog;
Generally useful InterpretLog that takes the last n logs of the log
Parameter message
Parameter lines
number of lines to take {InterpretLog}
function mapKeyToGoal
mapKeyToGoal: <T extends SdmGoalKey>(goals: T[]) => (k: SdmGoalKey) => T;
function mapMapping
mapMapping: <F, V1, V2>( inputMapping: Mapping<F, V1>, f: (v1: V1) => V2) => Mapping<F, V2> & ExplicableMapping<F, V2, V1>;
function markStatus
markStatus: (parameters: { context: HandlerContext; goalEvent: SdmGoalEvent; goal: Goal; result: ExecuteGoalResult; error?: Error; progressLogUrl: string;}) => Promise<void>;
function matchStringOrRegexp
matchStringOrRegexp: (pattern: string | RegExp, toMatch: string) => boolean;
function memoize
memoize: (pt: PushTest) => PushTest;
Cache the PushTest results for this push. The results will be cached based on the name of the pushTest and the ID of the push. Make sure your push test has a unique name!
Parameter pt
function mergeGoalData
mergeGoalData: (data: any, sdmGoal: SdmGoalEvent) => any;
Return a shallow merge the provided
and the goal event data property, parsed as JSON. Properties indata
take precedence over those in the parsed goal event data object.Parameter data
Parameter sdmGoal
shallow merge of data and SDM goal event data property
function mergeOptions
mergeOptions: <OPTIONS>( defaults: OPTIONS, explicit: OPTIONS, configurationPath?: string) => OPTIONS;
Merge Goal configuration options into a final options object. Starts off by merging the explicitly provided options over the provided defaults; finally merges the configuration values at the given configuration path (prefixed with sdm.) over the previous merge.
Parameter defaults
Parameter explicit
Parameter configurationPath