
  • Version 6.0.27
  • Published
  • 1.29 MB
  • 5 dependencies
  • Apache-2.0 license


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Storage category of aws-amplify



variable list

const list: ListApi;


    function copy

    copy: (input: CopyInput) => Promise<CopyOutput>;
    • Copy an object from a source object to a new object within the same bucket. Can optionally copy files across different level or identityId (if source object's level is 'protected').

      Parameter input

      The CopyInput object.


      Output containing the destination key.


      service: S3Exception - Thrown when checking for existence of the object


      validation: StorageValidationErrorCode - Thrown when source or destination key are not defined.

    function downloadData

    downloadData: (input: DownloadDataInput) => DownloadDataOutput;
    • Download S3 object data to memory

      Parameter input

      The DownloadDataInput object.


      A cancelable task exposing result promise from result property.


      service: S3Exception - thrown when checking for existence of the object


      validation: StorageValidationErrorCode - Validation errors

      Example 1

      // Download a file from s3 bucket
      const { body, eTag } = await downloadData({ key, data: file, options: {
      onProgress, // Optional progress callback.
      } }).result;

      Example 2

      // Cancel a task
      const downloadTask = downloadData({ key, data: file });
      try {
      await downloadTask.result;
      } catch (error) {
      if(isCancelError(error)) {
      // Handle error thrown by task cancelation.

    function getProperties

    getProperties: (input: GetPropertiesInput) => Promise<GetPropertiesOutput>;
    • Gets the properties of a file. The properties include S3 system metadata and the user metadata that was provided when uploading the file.

      Parameter input

      The GetPropertiesInput object.


      Requested object properties.


      A S3Exception when the underlying S3 service returned error.


      A StorageValidationErrorCode when API call parameters are invalid.

    function getUrl

    getUrl: (input: GetUrlInput) => Promise<GetUrlOutput>;
    • Get a temporary presigned URL to download the specified S3 object. The presigned URL expires when the associated role used to sign the request expires or the option expiresIn is reached. The expiresAt property in the output object indicates when the URL MAY expire.

      By default, it will not validate the object that exists in S3. If you set the options.validateObjectExistence to true, this method will verify the given object already exists in S3 before returning a presigned URL, and will throw StorageError if the object does not exist.

      Parameter input

      The GetUrlInput object.


      Presigned URL and timestamp when the URL MAY expire.


      service: S3Exception - thrown when checking for existence of the object


      validation: StorageValidationErrorCode - Validation errors thrown either username or key are not defined.

    function isCancelError

    isCancelError: (error: unknown) => error is CanceledError;
    • Check if an error is caused by user calling cancel() on a upload/download task. If an overwriting error is supplied to task.cancel(errorOverwrite), this function will return false.

    function remove

    remove: (input: RemoveInput) => Promise<RemoveOutput>;
    • Remove a file from your S3 bucket.

      Parameter input

      The RemoveInput object. Output containing the removed object key


      service: S3Exception - S3 service errors thrown while getting properties


      validation: StorageValidationErrorCode - Validation errors thrown

    function uploadData

    uploadData: (input: UploadDataInput) => UploadDataOutput;
    • Upload data to specified S3 object. By default, it uses single PUT operation to upload if the data is less than 5MB. Otherwise, it uses multipart upload to upload the data. If the data length is unknown, it uses multipart upload.

      Limitations: * Maximum object size is 5TB. * Maximum object size if the size cannot be determined before upload is 50GB.

      Parameter input

      The UploadDataInput object.


      A cancelable and resumable task exposing result promise from result property.


      service: S3Exception - thrown when checking for existence of the object


      validation: StorageValidationErrorCode - Validation errors.

      Example 1

      // Upload a file to s3 bucket
      await uploadData({ key, data: file, options: {
      onProgress, // Optional progress callback.
      } }).result;

      Example 2

      // Cancel a task
      const uploadTask = uploadData({ key, data: file });
      try {
      await uploadTask.result;
      } catch (error) {
      if(isCancelError(error)) {
      // Handle error thrown by task cancelation.

      Example 3

      // Pause and resume a task
      const uploadTask = uploadData({ key, data: file });
      await uploadTask.result;


    class StorageError

    class StorageError extends AmplifyError {}


      constructor(params: AmplifyErrorParams);


        interface TransferProgressEvent

        interface TransferProgressEvent {}

          property totalBytes

          totalBytes?: number;

            property transferredBytes

            transferredBytes: number;

              Type Aliases

              type CopyInput

              type CopyInput = StorageCopyInput<CopySourceOptions, CopyDestinationOptions>;
              • Input type for S3 copy API.

              type CopyOutput

              type CopyOutput = Pick<Item, 'key'>;
              • Output type for S3 copy API.

              type DownloadDataInput

              type DownloadDataInput = StorageDownloadDataInput<DownloadDataOptions>;
              • Input type for S3 downloadData API.

              type DownloadDataOutput

              type DownloadDataOutput = DownloadTask<StorageDownloadDataOutput<Item>>;
              • Output type for S3 downloadData API.

              type GetPropertiesInput

              type GetPropertiesInput = StorageGetPropertiesInput<GetPropertiesOptions>;
              • Input type for S3 getProperties API.

              type GetPropertiesOutput

              type GetPropertiesOutput = Item;
              • Output type for S3 getProperties API.

              type GetUrlInput

              type GetUrlInput = StorageGetUrlInput<GetUrlOptions>;
              • Input type for S3 getUrl API.

              type GetUrlOutput

              type GetUrlOutput = StorageGetUrlOutput;
              • Output type for S3 getUrl API.

              type ListAllInput

              type ListAllInput = StorageListInput<ListAllOptions>;
              • Input type for S3 list API. Lists all bucket objects.

              type ListAllOutput

              type ListAllOutput = StorageListOutput<ListOutputItem>;
              • Output type for S3 list API. Lists all bucket objects.

              type ListPaginateInput

              type ListPaginateInput = StorageListInput<ListPaginateOptions>;
              • Input type for S3 list API. Lists bucket objects with pagination.

              type ListPaginateOutput

              type ListPaginateOutput = StorageListOutput<ListOutputItem> & {
              nextToken?: string;
              • Output type for S3 list API. Lists bucket objects with pagination.

              type RemoveInput

              type RemoveInput = StorageRemoveInput<RemoveOptions>;
              • Input type for S3 remove API.

              type RemoveOutput

              type RemoveOutput = Pick<Item, 'key'>;
              • Output type for S3 remove API.

              type UploadDataInput

              type UploadDataInput = StorageUploadDataInput<UploadDataOptions>;
              • Input type for S3 uploadData API.

              type UploadDataOutput

              type UploadDataOutput = UploadTask<Item>;
              • Output type for S3 uploadData API.

              Package Files (13)

              Dependencies (5)

              Dev Dependencies (3)

              Peer Dependencies (1)


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