
  • Version 3.723.0
  • Published
  • 53.3 kB
  • 2 dependencies
  • Apache-2.0 license


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Types for the AWS SDK



interface AnonymousIdentity

interface AnonymousIdentity extends Identity {}
  • Modifiers

    • @public

interface AwsIdentityProperties

interface AwsIdentityProperties {}
  • Modifiers

    • @public

property callerClientConfig

callerClientConfig?: {
region(): Promise<string>;
profile?: string;

    interface Credentials

    interface Credentials extends AwsCredentialIdentity {}
    • An object representing temporary or permanent AWS credentials.


      • @public


      Use AwsCredentialIdentity

    interface Headers

    interface Headers extends Map<string, string> {}
    • A collection of key/value pairs with case-insensitive keys.


      • @public

    method withHeader

    withHeader: (headerName: string, headerValue: string) => Headers;
    • Returns a new instance of Headers with the specified header set to the provided value. Does not modify the original Headers instance.

      Parameter headerName

      The name of the header to add or overwrite

      Parameter headerValue

      The value to which the header should be set

    method withoutHeader

    withoutHeader: (headerName: string) => Headers;
    • Returns a new instance of Headers without the specified header. Does not modify the original Headers instance.

      Parameter headerName

      The name of the header to remove

    interface HostAddress

    interface HostAddress {}
    • Modifiers

      • @public

    property address

    address: string;
    • The resolved numerical address represented as a string.

    property addressType

    addressType: HostAddressType;

    property hostName

    hostName: string;
    • The host name the address was resolved from.

    property service

    service?: string;

    interface HostResolver

    interface HostResolver {}
    • Host Resolver interface for DNS queries


      • @public

    method purgeCache

    purgeCache: (args?: HostResolverArguments) => void;

    method reportFailureOnAddress

    reportFailureOnAddress: (addr: HostAddress) => void;
    • Reports a failure on a HostAddress so that the cache (if implemented) can accomodate the failure and likely not return the address until it recovers.

      Parameter addr

      host address to report a failure on

    method resolveAddress

    resolveAddress: (args: HostResolverArguments) => Promise<HostAddress[]>;
    • Resolves the address(es) for HostResolverArguments and returns a list of addresses with (most likely) two addresses, one HostAddressType.AAAA and one HostAddressType.A. Calls to this function will likely alter the cache (if implemented) so that if there's multiple addresses, a different set will be returned on the next call. In the case of multi-answer, still only a maximum of two records should be returned. The resolver implementation is responsible for caching and rotation of the multiple addresses that get returned. Implementations don't have to explictly call getaddrinfo(), they can use high level abstractions provided in their language runtimes/libraries.

      Parameter args

      arguments with host name query addresses for


      promise with a list of HostAddress

    interface HostResolverArguments

    interface HostResolverArguments {}
    • Modifiers

      • @public

    property hostName

    hostName: string;
    • The host name to resolve.

    property service

    service?: string;

    interface LoggerOptions

    interface LoggerOptions {}
    • An object consumed by Logger constructor to initiate a logger object.


      • @public

    property logger

    logger?: Logger;

      property logLevel

      logLevel?: LogLevel;

        interface LoginIdentity

        interface LoginIdentity extends Identity {}
        • Modifiers

          • @public

        property password

        readonly password: string;
        • Identity password

        property username

        readonly username: string;
        • Identity username

        interface ResolvedHttpResponse

        interface ResolvedHttpResponse extends HttpResponse {}
        • Represents HTTP message whose body has been resolved to a string. This is used in parsing http message.


          • @public

        property body

        body: string;

          interface Token

          interface Token extends TokenIdentity {}
          • An object representing temporary or permanent AWS token.


            • @public


            Use TokenIdentity


          enum HostAddressType

          enum HostAddressType {
          AAAA = 'AAAA',
          A = 'A',
          • DNS record types


            • @public

          member A

          A = 'A'
          • IPv4

          member AAAA

          AAAA = 'AAAA'
          • IPv6

          Type Aliases

          type AttributedAwsCredentialIdentity

          type AttributedAwsCredentialIdentity = AwsCredentialIdentity & {
          $source?: AwsSdkCredentialsFeatures;
          • AwsCredentialIdentity with source attribution metadata.


            • @public

          type CredentialProvider

          type CredentialProvider = Provider<Credentials>;

          type CredentialProviderOptions

          type CredentialProviderOptions = {
          * This logger is only used to provide information
          * on what credential providers were used during resolution.
          * It does not log credentials.
          logger?: Logger;
          * Present if the credential provider was created by calling
          * the defaultCredentialProvider in a client's middleware, having
          * access to the client's config.
          * The region of that parent or outer client is important because
          * an inner client used by the credential provider may need
          * to match its default partition or region with that of
          * the outer client.
          * @internal
          * @deprecated - not truly deprecated, marked as a warning to not use this.
          parentClientConfig?: {
          region?: string | Provider<string>;
          profile?: string;
          [key: string]: unknown;
          • Common options for credential providers.


            • @public

          type LoginIdentityProvider

          type LoginIdentityProvider = IdentityProvider<LoginIdentity>;
          • Modifiers

            • @public

          type LogLevel

          type LogLevel =
          | 'all'
          | 'trace'
          | 'debug'
          | 'log'
          | 'info'
          | 'warn'
          | 'error'
          | 'off';
          • A list of logger's log level. These levels are sorted in order of increasing severity. Each log level includes itself and all the levels behind itself.

            Example 1

            new Logger({logLevel: 'warn'}) will print all the warn and error message.


            • @public

          type RuntimeConfigAwsCredentialIdentityProvider

          type RuntimeConfigAwsCredentialIdentityProvider =
          • Variation of AwsCredentialIdentityProvider which accepts a contextual client configuration that includes an AWS region and potentially other configurable fields.

            Used to link a credential provider to a client if it is being called in the context of a client.


            • @public

          type RuntimeConfigIdentityProvider

          type RuntimeConfigIdentityProvider<T> = (
          awsIdentityProperties?: AwsIdentityProperties
          ) => Promise<T>;
          • Variation of IdentityProvider which accepts a contextual client configuration that includes an AWS region and potentially other configurable fields.

            Used to link a credential provider to a client if it is being called in the context of a client.


            • @public

          type TokenProvider

          type TokenProvider = Provider<Token>;

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          No peer dependencies.


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