- Version 4.2.0
- Published
- 4.14 MB
- 10 dependencies
- MIT license
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Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB Service Node.js SDK for NOSQL API
- batch()
- bulk()
- clearSessionToken()
- create()
- delete()
- diagnosticLevel
- execute()
- getClientConfig()
- getDatabaseAccount()
- getQueryPlan()
- getReadEndpoint()
- getReadEndpoints()
- getWriteEndpoint()
- getWriteEndpoints()
- initializeDiagnosticSettings()
- partitionKeyDefinitionCache
- patch()
- queryFeed()
- queryPartitionKeyRanges()
- read()
- recordDiagnostics()
- replace()
- upsert()
- add()
- clientSideMetrics
- createFromArray()
- createFromDelimitedString()
- documentLoadTime
- documentWriteTime
- indexHitDocumentCount
- indexHitRatio
- indexLookupTime
- outputDocumentCount
- outputDocumentSize
- queryPreparationTimes
- retrievedDocumentCount
- retrievedDocumentSize
- runtimeExecutionTimes
- toDelimitedString()
- totalQueryExecutionTime
- vmExecutionTime
- zero
- add()
- additionDoesOverflow()
- compare()
- compareTo()
- days()
- duration()
- equals()
- fromDays()
- fromHours()
- fromMilliseconds()
- fromMinutes()
- fromSeconds()
- fromTicks()
- hours()
- interval()
- isTimeSpan()
- maxValue
- milliseconds()
- minValue
- negate()
- seconds()
- subtract()
- subtractionDoesUnderflow()
- ticks()
- totalDays()
- totalHours()
- totalMilliseconds()
- totalMinutes()
- totalSeconds()
- zero
- accessCondition
- allowUnboundedNonStreamingQueries
- bufferItems
- continuation
- continuationToken
- continuationTokenLimitInKB
- disableNonStreamingOrderByQuery
- enableScanInQuery
- forceQueryPlan
- maxDegreeOfParallelism
- maxItemCount
- partitionKey
- populateIndexMetrics
- populateQueryMetrics
- useIncrementalFeed
- vectorSearchBufferSize
- ContainerCreateItems
- ContainerCreateStoreProcedure
- ContainerCreateTriggers
- ContainerCreateUserDefinedFunctions
- ContainerDeleteConflicts
- ContainerDeleteItems
- ContainerDeleteStoreProcedure
- ContainerDeleteTriggers
- ContainerDeleteUserDefinedFunctions
- ContainerExecuteQueries
- ContainerExecuteStoredProcedure
- ContainerFullAccess
- ContainerReadAny
- ContainerReadConflicts
- ContainerReadFeeds
- ContainerReadStoreProcedure
- ContainerReadTriggers
- ContainerReadUserDefinedFunctions
- ContainerReplaceItems
- ContainerReplaceStoreProcedure
- ContainerReplaceTriggers
- ContainerReplaceUserDefinedFunctions
- ContainerUpsertItems
- ItemDelete
- ItemFullAccess
- ItemRead
- ItemReadAny
- ItemReplace
- ItemUpsert
- StoreProcedureDelete
- StoreProcedureExecute
- StoreProcedureRead
- StoreProcedureReplace
- TriggerDelete
- TriggerRead
- TriggerReplace
- UserDefinedFuntionDelete
- UserDefinedFuntionRead
- UserDefinedFuntionReplace
Type Aliases
- AggregateType
- BulkOperationResponse
- BulkPatchOperation
- ClientConfigDiagnostic
- ClientSideRequestStatistics
- CreateOperation
- DeleteOperation
- DiagnosticDataValue
- ExistingKeyOperation
- GatewayStatistics
- GroupByExpressions
- JSONValue
- MetadataLookUpDiagnostics
- Next
- NonePartitionKeyType
- NullPartitionKeyType
- Operation
- OperationInput
- OperationWithItem
- PartitionKey
- PatchOperation
- PatchRequestBody
- Plugin
- PrimitivePartitionKeyValue
- ReadOperation
- RemoveOperation
- ReplaceOperation
- RetryDiagnostics
- StatusCode
- SubStatusCode
- TokenProvider
- UpsertOperation
variable BulkOperationType
const BulkOperationType: { readonly Create: 'Create'; readonly Upsert: 'Upsert'; readonly Read: 'Read'; readonly Delete: 'Delete'; readonly Replace: 'Replace'; readonly Patch: 'Patch';};
variable Constants
const Constants: { HttpHeaders: { Authorization: string; ETag: string; MethodOverride: string; Slug: string; ContentType: string; LastModified: string; ContentEncoding: string; CharacterSet: string; UserAgent: string; IfModifiedSince: string; IfMatch: string; IfNoneMatch: string; ContentLength: string; AcceptEncoding: string; KeepAlive: string; CacheControl: string; TransferEncoding: string; ContentLanguage: string; ContentLocation: string; ContentMd5: string; ContentRange: string; Accept: string; AcceptCharset: string; AcceptLanguage: string; IfRange: string; IfUnmodifiedSince: string; MaxForwards: string; ProxyAuthorization: string; AcceptRanges: string; ProxyAuthenticate: string; RetryAfter: string; SetCookie: string; WwwAuthenticate: string; Origin: string; Host: string; AccessControlAllowOrigin: string; AccessControlAllowHeaders: string; KeyValueEncodingFormat: string; WrapAssertionFormat: string; WrapAssertion: string; WrapScope: string; SimpleToken: string; HttpDate: string; Prefer: string; Location: string; Referer: string; A_IM: string; Query: string; IsQuery: string; IsQueryPlan: string; SupportedQueryFeatures: string; QueryVersion: string; Continuation: string; ContinuationToken: string; PageSize: string; ItemCount: string; ChangeFeedWireFormatVersion: string; ActivityId: string; CorrelatedActivityId: string; PreTriggerInclude: string; PreTriggerExclude: string; PostTriggerInclude: string; PostTriggerExclude: string; IndexingDirective: string; SessionToken: string; ConsistencyLevel: string; XDate: string; CollectionPartitionInfo: string; CollectionServiceInfo: string; RetryAfterInMilliseconds: string; RetryAfterInMs: string; IsFeedUnfiltered: string; ResourceTokenExpiry: string; EnableScanInQuery: string; EmitVerboseTracesInQuery: string; EnableCrossPartitionQuery: string; ParallelizeCrossPartitionQuery: string; ResponseContinuationTokenLimitInKB: string; PopulateQueryMetrics: string; QueryMetrics: string; PopulateIndexMetrics: string; IndexUtilization: string; Version: string; OwnerFullName: string; OwnerId: string; PartitionKey: string; PartitionKeyRangeID: string; StartEpk: string; EndEpk: string; ReadFeedKeyType: string; MaxEntityCount: string; CurrentEntityCount: string; CollectionQuotaInMb: string; CollectionCurrentUsageInMb: string; MaxMediaStorageUsageInMB: string; CurrentMediaStorageUsageInMB: string; RequestCharge: string; PopulateQuotaInfo: string; MaxResourceQuota: string; OfferType: string; OfferThroughput: string; AutoscaleSettings: string; DisableRUPerMinuteUsage: string; IsRUPerMinuteUsed: string; OfferIsRUPerMinuteThroughputEnabled: string; IndexTransformationProgress: string; LazyIndexingProgress: string; IsUpsert: string; SubStatus: string; EnableScriptLogging: string; ScriptLogResults: string; ALLOW_MULTIPLE_WRITES: string; IsBatchRequest: string; IsBatchAtomic: string; BatchContinueOnError: string; DedicatedGatewayPerRequestCacheStaleness: string; DedicatedGatewayPerRequestBypassCache: string; ForceRefresh: string; PriorityLevel: string; }; WritableLocations: string; ReadableLocations: string; LocationUnavailableExpirationTimeInMs: number; ENABLE_MULTIPLE_WRITABLE_LOCATIONS: string; DefaultUnavailableLocationExpirationTimeMS: number; ThrottleRetryCount: string; ThrottleRetryWaitTimeInMs: string; CurrentVersion: string; AzureNamespace: string; AzurePackageName: string; SDKName: string; SDKVersion: string; CosmosDbDiagnosticLevelEnvVarName: string; DefaultMaxBulkRequestBodySizeInBytes: number; Quota: { CollectionSize: string }; Path: { Root: string; DatabasesPathSegment: string; CollectionsPathSegment: string; UsersPathSegment: string; DocumentsPathSegment: string; PermissionsPathSegment: string; StoredProceduresPathSegment: string; TriggersPathSegment: string; UserDefinedFunctionsPathSegment: string; ConflictsPathSegment: string; AttachmentsPathSegment: string; PartitionKeyRangesPathSegment: string; SchemasPathSegment: string; OffersPathSegment: string; TopologyPathSegment: string; DatabaseAccountPathSegment: string; }; PartitionKeyRange: PartitionKeyRangePropertiesNames; QueryRangeConstants: { MinInclusive: string; MaxExclusive: string; min: string }; EffectiveParitionKeyConstants: { MinimumInclusiveEffectivePartitionKey: string; MaximumExclusiveEffectivePartitionKey: string; }; EffectivePartitionKeyConstants: { MinimumInclusiveEffectivePartitionKey: string; MaximumExclusiveEffectivePartitionKey: string; }; AllVersionsAndDeletesChangeFeedWireFormatVersion: string; ChangeFeedIfNoneMatchStartFromNowHeader: string;};
variable PatchOperationType
const PatchOperationType: { readonly add: 'add'; readonly replace: 'replace'; readonly remove: 'remove'; readonly set: 'set'; readonly incr: 'incr';};
variable QueryMetricsConstants
const QueryMetricsConstants: { RetrievedDocumentCount: string; RetrievedDocumentSize: string; OutputDocumentCount: string; OutputDocumentSize: string; IndexHitRatio: string; IndexHitDocumentCount: string; TotalQueryExecutionTimeInMs: string; QueryCompileTimeInMs: string; LogicalPlanBuildTimeInMs: string; PhysicalPlanBuildTimeInMs: string; QueryOptimizationTimeInMs: string; IndexLookupTimeInMs: string; DocumentLoadTimeInMs: string; VMExecutionTimeInMs: string; DocumentWriteTimeInMs: string; QueryEngineTimes: string; SystemFunctionExecuteTimeInMs: string; UserDefinedFunctionExecutionTimeInMs: string; RetrievedDocumentCountText: string; RetrievedDocumentSizeText: string; OutputDocumentCountText: string; OutputDocumentSizeText: string; IndexUtilizationText: string; TotalQueryExecutionTimeText: string; QueryPreparationTimesText: string; QueryCompileTimeText: string; LogicalPlanBuildTimeText: string; PhysicalPlanBuildTimeText: string; QueryOptimizationTimeText: string; QueryEngineTimesText: string; IndexLookupTimeText: string; DocumentLoadTimeText: string; WriteOutputTimeText: string; RuntimeExecutionTimesText: string; TotalExecutionTimeText: string; SystemFunctionExecuteTimeText: string; UserDefinedFunctionExecutionTimeText: string; ClientSideQueryMetricsText: string; RetriesText: string; RequestChargeText: string; FetchExecutionRangesText: string; SchedulingMetricsText: string;};
variable StatusCodes
const StatusCodes: StatusCodesType;
function createAuthorizationSasToken
createAuthorizationSasToken: ( masterKey: string, sasTokenProperties: SasTokenProperties) => Promise<string>;
Experimental internal only Generates the payload representing the permission configuration for the sas token.
function setAuthorizationTokenHeaderUsingMasterKey
setAuthorizationTokenHeaderUsingMasterKey: ( verb: HTTPMethod, resourceId: string, resourceType: ResourceType, headers: CosmosHeaders, masterKey: string) => Promise<void>;
The default function for setting header token using the masterKey
class ChangeFeedIterator
class ChangeFeedIterator<T> {}
Provides iterator for change feed.
to get an instance of the iterator.
property hasMoreResults
readonly hasMoreResults: boolean;
Gets a value indicating whether there are potentially additional results that can be retrieved.
Initially returns true. This value is set based on whether the last execution returned a continuation token.
Boolean value representing if whether there are potentially additional results that can be retrieved.
method fetchNext
fetchNext: () => Promise<ChangeFeedResponse<Array<T & Resource>>>;
Read feed and retrieves the next page of results in Azure Cosmos DB.
method getAsyncIterator
getAsyncIterator: () => AsyncIterable<ChangeFeedResponse<Array<T & Resource>>>;
Gets an async iterator which will yield pages of results from Azure Cosmos DB.
class ChangeFeedIteratorResponse
class ChangeFeedIteratorResponse<T> {}
A single response page from the Azure Cosmos DB Change Feed
property activityId
readonly activityId: string;
Gets the activity ID for the request from the Azure Cosmos DB service.
property continuationToken
readonly continuationToken: string;
Gets the continuation token to be used for continuing enumeration of the Azure Cosmos DB service.
property count
readonly count: number;
Gets the number of items returned in the response from Azure Cosmos DB
property diagnostics
readonly diagnostics: CosmosDiagnostics;
Cosmos Diagnostic Object.
property headers
headers: CosmosHeaders;
Response headers of the response from Azure Cosmos DB
property requestCharge
readonly requestCharge: number;
Gets the request charge for this request from the Azure Cosmos DB service.
property result
readonly result: {};
Gets the items returned in the response from Azure Cosmos DB
property sessionToken
readonly sessionToken: string;
Gets the session token for use in session consistency reads from the Azure Cosmos DB service.
property statusCode
readonly statusCode: number;
Gets the status code of the response from Azure Cosmos DB
property subStatusCode
readonly subStatusCode?: number;
Gets the subStatusCodes of the response from Azure Cosmos DB. Useful in partition split or partition gone.
class ChangeFeedPolicy
class ChangeFeedPolicy {}
Represents the change feed policy configuration for a container in the Azure Cosmos DB service.
constructor(retentionDuration: ChangeFeedRetentionTimeSpan);
property retentionDuration
retentionDuration: number;
class ChangeFeedResponse
class ChangeFeedResponse<T> {}
A single response page from the Azure Cosmos DB Change Feed
property activityId
readonly activityId: string;
Gets the activity ID for the request from the Azure Cosmos DB service.
property continuation
readonly continuation: string;
Gets the continuation token to be used for continuing enumeration of the Azure Cosmos DB service.
This is equivalent to the
property count
readonly count: number;
Gets the number of items returned in the response from Azure Cosmos DB
property diagnostics
readonly diagnostics: CosmosDiagnostics;
property etag
readonly etag: string;
Gets the entity tag associated with last transaction in the Azure Cosmos DB service, which can be used as If-Non-Match Access condition for ReadFeed REST request or
property ofChangeFeedOptions
parameter forItems.changeFeed()
to get feed changes since the transaction specified by this entity tag.This is equivalent to the
property headers
headers: CosmosHeaders;
Response headers of the response from Azure Cosmos DB
property requestCharge
readonly requestCharge: number;
Gets the request charge for this request from the Azure Cosmos DB service.
property result
readonly result: {};
Gets the items returned in the response from Azure Cosmos DB
property sessionToken
readonly sessionToken: string;
Gets the session token for use in session consistency reads from the Azure Cosmos DB service.
property statusCode
readonly statusCode: number;
Gets the status code of the response from Azure Cosmos DB
class ChangeFeedRetentionTimeSpan
class ChangeFeedRetentionTimeSpan {}
method fromMinutes
static fromMinutes: (minutes: number) => ChangeFeedRetentionTimeSpan;
Specifies the retention window in minutes for which processing the change feed with allVersionsAndDeletes mode will be available.
class ChangeFeedStartFrom
abstract class ChangeFeedStartFrom {}
Base class for where to start a ChangeFeedIterator.
method Beginning
static Beginning: ( cfResource?: PartitionKey | FeedRange) => ChangeFeedStartFromBeginning;
Returns an object that tells the ChangeFeedIterator to start from the beginning of time.
Parameter cfResource
PartitionKey or FeedRange for which changes are to be fetched. Leave blank for fetching changes for entire container.
method Continuation
static Continuation: ( continuationToken: string) => ChangeFeedStartFromContinuation;
Returns an object that tells the ChangeFeedIterator to start reading changes from a save point.
Parameter continuation
The continuation to resume from.
method Now
static Now: (cfResource?: PartitionKey | FeedRange) => ChangeFeedStartFromNow;
Returns an object that tells the ChangeFeedIterator to start reading changes from this moment onward.
Parameter cfResource
PartitionKey or FeedRange for which changes are to be fetched. Leave blank for fetching changes for entire container.
method Time
static Time: ( startTime: Date, cfResource?: PartitionKey | FeedRange) => ChangeFeedStartFromTime;
Returns an object that tells the ChangeFeedIterator to start reading changes from some point in time onward.
Parameter startTime
Date object specfiying the time to start reading changes from.
Parameter cfResource
PartitionKey or FeedRange for which changes are to be fetched. Leave blank for fetching changes for entire container.
class ClientContext
class ClientContext {}
constructor( cosmosClientOptions: CosmosClientOptions, globalEndpointManager: GlobalEndpointManager, clientConfig: ClientConfigDiagnostic, diagnosticLevel: CosmosDbDiagnosticLevel);
property diagnosticLevel
diagnosticLevel: CosmosDbDiagnosticLevel;
property partitionKeyDefinitionCache
partitionKeyDefinitionCache: { [containerUrl: string]: any };
method batch
batch: <T>({ body, path, partitionKey, resourceId, options, diagnosticNode,}: { body: T; path: string; partitionKey: PartitionKey; resourceId: string; options?: RequestOptions; diagnosticNode: DiagnosticNodeInternal;}) => Promise<Response_2<any>>;
method bulk
bulk: <T>({ body, path, partitionKeyRangeId, resourceId, bulkOptions, options, diagnosticNode,}: { body: T; path: string; partitionKeyRangeId: string; resourceId: string; bulkOptions?: BulkOptions; options?: RequestOptions; diagnosticNode: DiagnosticNodeInternal;}) => Promise<Response_2<any>>;
method clearSessionToken
clearSessionToken: (path: string) => void;
method create
create: <T, U = T>({ body, path, resourceType, resourceId, diagnosticNode, options, partitionKey,}: { body: T; path: string; resourceType: ResourceType; resourceId: string; diagnosticNode: DiagnosticNodeInternal; options?: RequestOptions; partitionKey?: PartitionKey;}) => Promise<Response_2<T & U & Resource>>;
method delete
delete: <T>({ path, resourceType, resourceId, options, partitionKey, method, diagnosticNode,}: { path: string; resourceType: ResourceType; resourceId: string; options?: RequestOptions; partitionKey?: PartitionKey; method?: HTTPMethod; diagnosticNode: DiagnosticNodeInternal;}) => Promise<Response_2<T & Resource>>;
method execute
execute: <T>({ sprocLink, params, options, partitionKey, diagnosticNode,}: { sprocLink: string; params?: any[]; options?: RequestOptions; partitionKey?: PartitionKey; diagnosticNode: DiagnosticNodeInternal;}) => Promise<Response_2<T>>;
method getClientConfig
getClientConfig: () => ClientConfigDiagnostic;
method getDatabaseAccount
getDatabaseAccount: ( diagnosticNode: DiagnosticNodeInternal, options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<Response_2<DatabaseAccount>>;
Gets the Database account information.
Parameter options
in the options is the endpoint url whose database account needs to be retrieved. If not present, current client's url will be used.
method getQueryPlan
getQueryPlan: ( path: string, resourceType: ResourceType, resourceId: string, query: SqlQuerySpec | string, options: FeedOptions, diagnosticNode: DiagnosticNodeInternal, correlatedActivityId?: string) => Promise<Response_2<PartitionedQueryExecutionInfo>>;
method getReadEndpoint
getReadEndpoint: (diagnosticNode: DiagnosticNodeInternal) => Promise<string>;
method getReadEndpoints
getReadEndpoints: () => Promise<readonly string[]>;
method getWriteEndpoint
getWriteEndpoint: (diagnosticNode: DiagnosticNodeInternal) => Promise<string>;
method getWriteEndpoints
getWriteEndpoints: () => Promise<readonly string[]>;
method initializeDiagnosticSettings
initializeDiagnosticSettings: (diagnosticLevel: CosmosDbDiagnosticLevel) => void;
method patch
patch: <T>({ body, path, resourceType, resourceId, options, partitionKey, diagnosticNode,}: { body: any; path: string; resourceType: ResourceType; resourceId: string; options?: RequestOptions; partitionKey?: PartitionKey; diagnosticNode: DiagnosticNodeInternal;}) => Promise<Response_2<T & Resource>>;
method queryFeed
queryFeed: <T>({ path, resourceType, resourceId, resultFn, query, options, diagnosticNode, partitionKeyRangeId, partitionKey, startEpk, endEpk, correlatedActivityId,}: { path: string; resourceType: ResourceType; resourceId: string; resultFn: (result: { [key: string]: any }) => any[]; query: SqlQuerySpec | string; options: FeedOptions; diagnosticNode: DiagnosticNodeInternal; partitionKeyRangeId?: string; partitionKey?: PartitionKey; startEpk?: string | undefined; endEpk?: string | undefined; correlatedActivityId?: string;}) => Promise<Response_2<T & Resource>>;
method queryPartitionKeyRanges
queryPartitionKeyRanges: ( collectionLink: string, query?: string | SqlQuerySpec, options?: FeedOptions) => QueryIterator<PartitionKeyRange>;
method read
read: <T>({ path, resourceType, resourceId, options, partitionKey, diagnosticNode,}: { path: string; resourceType: ResourceType; resourceId: string; options?: RequestOptions; partitionKey?: PartitionKey; diagnosticNode: DiagnosticNodeInternal;}) => Promise<Response_2<T & Resource>>;
method recordDiagnostics
recordDiagnostics: (diagnostic: CosmosDiagnostics) => void;
method replace
replace: <T>({ body, path, resourceType, resourceId, options, partitionKey, diagnosticNode,}: { body: any; path: string; resourceType: ResourceType; resourceId: string; options?: RequestOptions; partitionKey?: PartitionKey; diagnosticNode: DiagnosticNodeInternal;}) => Promise<Response_2<T & Resource>>;
method upsert
upsert: <T, U = T>({ body, path, resourceType, resourceId, options, partitionKey, diagnosticNode,}: { body: T; path: string; resourceType: ResourceType; resourceId: string; options?: RequestOptions; partitionKey?: PartitionKey; diagnosticNode: DiagnosticNodeInternal;}) => Promise<Response_2<T & U & Resource>>;
class ClientSideMetrics
class ClientSideMetrics {}
constructor(requestCharge: number);
property requestCharge
readonly requestCharge: number;
property zero
static readonly zero: ClientSideMetrics;
method add
add: (...clientSideMetricsArray: ClientSideMetrics[]) => ClientSideMetrics;
Adds one or more ClientSideMetrics to a copy of this instance and returns the result.
method createFromArray
static createFromArray: ( ...clientSideMetricsArray: ClientSideMetrics[]) => ClientSideMetrics;
class Conflict
class Conflict {}
constructor( container: Container, id: string, clientContext: ClientContext, partitionKey?: PartitionKey);
property container
readonly container: Container;
property id
readonly id: string;
property url
readonly url: string;
Returns a reference URL to the resource. Used for linking in Permissions.
method delete
delete: (options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<ConflictResponse>;
Delete the given ConflictDefinition.
method read
read: (options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<ConflictResponse>;
Read the ConflictDefinition for the given Conflict.
class ConflictResponse
class ConflictResponse extends ResourceResponse<ConflictDefinition & Resource> {}
constructor( resource: ConflictDefinition & Resource, headers: CosmosHeaders, statusCode: number, conflict: Conflict, diagnostics: CosmosDiagnostics);
property conflict
readonly conflict: Conflict;
A reference to the Conflict corresponding to the returned ConflictDefinition.
class Conflicts
class Conflicts {}
constructor(container: Container, clientContext: ClientContext);
property container
readonly container: Container;
method query
query: { (query: string | SqlQuerySpec, options?: FeedOptions): QueryIterator<any>; <T>(query: string | SqlQuerySpec, options?: FeedOptions): QueryIterator<T>;};
Queries all conflicts.
Parameter query
Query configuration for the operation. See SqlQuerySpec for more info on how to configure a query.
Parameter options
Use to set options like response page size, continuation tokens, etc.
QueryIterator Allows you to return results in an array or iterate over them one at a time.
Queries all conflicts.
Parameter query
Query configuration for the operation. See SqlQuerySpec for more info on how to configure a query.
Parameter options
Use to set options like response page size, continuation tokens, etc.
QueryIterator Allows you to return results in an array or iterate over them one at a time.
method readAll
readAll: (options?: FeedOptions) => QueryIterator<ConflictDefinition & Resource>;
Reads all conflicts
Parameter options
Use to set options like response page size, continuation tokens, etc.
class Container
class Container {}
Operations for reading, replacing, or deleting a specific, existing container by id.
See Also
Containers for creating new containers, and reading/querying all containers; use
.Note: all these operations make calls against a fixed budget. You should design your system such that these calls scale sublinearly with your application. For instance, do not call
before every singleitem.read()
call, to ensure the container exists; do this once on application start up.
constructor(database: Database, id: string, clientContext: ClientContext);
Returns a container instance. Note: You should get this from
, rather than creating your own object.Parameter database
The parent Database.
Parameter id
The id of the given container.
property conflicts
readonly conflicts: Conflicts;
Operations for reading and querying conflicts for the given container.
For reading or deleting a specific conflict, use
property database
readonly database: Database;
property id
readonly id: string;
property items
readonly items: Items;
Operations for creating new items, and reading/querying all items
For reading, replacing, or deleting an existing item, use
.Example 1
Create a new item
const {body: createdItem} = await container.items.create({id: "<item id>", properties: {}});
property scripts
readonly scripts: Scripts;
All operations for Stored Procedures, Triggers, and User Defined Functions
property url
readonly url: string;
Returns a reference URL to the resource. Used for linking in Permissions.
method conflict
conflict: (id: string, partitionKey?: PartitionKey) => Conflict;
method delete
delete: (options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<ContainerResponse>;
Delete the container
method deleteAllItemsForPartitionKey
deleteAllItemsForPartitionKey: ( partitionKey: PartitionKey, options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<ContainerResponse>;
Delete all documents belong to the container for the provided partition key value
Parameter partitionKey
The partition key value of the items to be deleted
method getFeedRanges
getFeedRanges: () => Promise<ReadonlyArray<FeedRange>>;
all the feed ranges for which changefeed could be fetched.
method getPartitionKeyDefinition
getPartitionKeyDefinition: () => Promise< ResourceResponse<PartitionKeyDefinition>>;
Gets the partition key definition first by looking into the cache otherwise by reading the collection.
This method has been renamed to readPartitionKeyDefinition.
method getQueryPlan
getQueryPlan: ( query: string | SqlQuerySpec) => Promise<Response_2<PartitionedQueryExecutionInfo>>;
method item
item: (id: string, partitionKeyValue?: PartitionKey) => Item;
Used to read, replace, or delete a specific, existing Item by id.
for creating new items, or querying/reading all items.Parameter id
The id of the Item.
Parameter partitionKeyValue
The value of the Item partition key
Example 1
Replace an item
const {body: replacedItem} = await container.item("<item id>", "<partition key value>").replace({id: "<item id>", title: "Updated post", authorID: 5});
method read
read: (options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<ContainerResponse>;
Read the container's definition
method readInternal
readInternal: ( diagnosticNode: DiagnosticNodeInternal, options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<ContainerResponse>;
method readOffer
readOffer: (options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<OfferResponse>;
Gets offer on container. If none exists, returns an OfferResponse with undefined.
method readPartitionKeyDefinition
readPartitionKeyDefinition: ( diagnosticNode: DiagnosticNodeInternal) => Promise<ResourceResponse<PartitionKeyDefinition>>;
Gets the partition key definition first by looking into the cache otherwise by reading the collection.
method readPartitionKeyRanges
readPartitionKeyRanges: ( feedOptions?: FeedOptions) => QueryIterator<PartitionKeyRange>;
method replace
replace: ( body: ContainerDefinition, options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<ContainerResponse>;
Replace the container's definition
class ContainerResponse
class ContainerResponse extends ResourceResponse<ContainerDefinition & Resource> {}
Response object for Container operations
constructor( resource: ContainerDefinition & Resource, headers: CosmosHeaders, statusCode: number, container: Container, diagnostics: CosmosDiagnostics);
property container
readonly container: Container;
A reference to the Container that the returned ContainerDefinition corresponds to.
class Containers
class Containers {}
Operations for creating new containers, and reading/querying all containers
See Also
Container for reading, replacing, or deleting an existing container; use
.Note: all these operations make calls against a fixed budget. You should design your system such that these calls scale sublinearly with your application. For instance, do not call
before every singleitem.read()
call, to ensure the container exists; do this once on application start up.
constructor(database: Database, clientContext: ClientContext);
property database
readonly database: Database;
method create
create: ( body: ContainerRequest, options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<ContainerResponse>;
Creates a container.
A container is a named logical container for items.
A database may contain zero or more named containers and each container consists of zero or more JSON items.
Being schema-free, the items in a container do not need to share the same structure or fields.
Since containers are application resources, they can be authorized using either the master key or resource keys.
Parameter body
Represents the body of the container.
Parameter options
Use to set options like response page size, continuation tokens, etc.
method createIfNotExists
createIfNotExists: ( body: ContainerRequest, options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<ContainerResponse>;
Checks if a Container exists, and, if it doesn't, creates it. This will make a read operation based on the id in the
, then if it is not found, a create operation. You should confirm that the output matches the body you passed in for non-default properties (i.e. indexing policy/etc.)A container is a named logical container for items.
A database may contain zero or more named containers and each container consists of zero or more JSON items.
Being schema-free, the items in a container do not need to share the same structure or fields.
Since containers are application resources, they can be authorized using either the master key or resource keys.
Parameter body
Represents the body of the container.
Parameter options
Use to set options like response page size, continuation tokens, etc.
method createInternal
createInternal: ( diagnosticNode: DiagnosticNodeInternal, body: ContainerRequest, options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<ContainerResponse>;
method query
query: { (query: SqlQuerySpec, options?: FeedOptions): QueryIterator<any>; <T>(query: SqlQuerySpec, options?: FeedOptions): QueryIterator<T>;};
Queries all containers.
Parameter query
Query configuration for the operation. See SqlQuerySpec for more info on how to configure a query.
Parameter options
Use to set options like response page size, continuation tokens, etc.
QueryIterator Allows you to return specific containers in an array or iterate over them one at a time.
Example 1
Read all containers to array.
const querySpec: SqlQuerySpec = {query: "SELECT * FROM root r WHERE r.id = @container",parameters: [{name: "@container", value: "Todo"}]};const {body: containerList} = await client.database("<db id>").containers.query(querySpec).fetchAll();Queries all containers.
Parameter query
Query configuration for the operation. See SqlQuerySpec for more info on how to configure a query.
Parameter options
Use to set options like response page size, continuation tokens, etc.
QueryIterator Allows you to return specific containers in an array or iterate over them one at a time.
Example 1
Read all containers to array.
const querySpec: SqlQuerySpec = {query: "SELECT * FROM root r WHERE r.id = @container",parameters: [{name: "@container", value: "Todo"}]};const {body: containerList} = await client.database("<db id>").containers.query(querySpec).fetchAll();
method readAll
readAll: ( options?: FeedOptions) => QueryIterator<ContainerDefinition & Resource>;
Read all containers.
Parameter options
Use to set options like response page size, continuation tokens, etc.
QueryIterator Allows you to return all containers in an array or iterate over them one at a time.
Example 1
Read all containers to array.
const {body: containerList} = await client.database("<db id>").containers.readAll().fetchAll();
class CosmosClient
class CosmosClient {}
Provides a client-side logical representation of the Azure Cosmos DB database account. This client is used to configure and execute requests in the Azure Cosmos DB database service.
Example 1
Instantiate a client and create a new database
const client = new CosmosClient({endpoint: "<URL HERE>", key: "<KEY HERE>"});await client.databases.create({id: "<database name here>"});Example 2
Instantiate a client with custom Connection Policy
const client = new CosmosClient({endpoint: "<URL HERE>",key: "<KEY HERE>",connectionPolicy: {requestTimeout: 10000,},});
constructor(connectionString: string);
Creates a new CosmosClient object from a connection string. Your database connection string can be found in the Azure Portal
constructor(options: CosmosClientOptions);
Creates a new CosmosClient object. See CosmosClientOptions for more details on what options you can use.
Parameter options
bag of options; require at least endpoint and auth to be configured
property databases
readonly databases: Databases;
Used for creating new databases, or querying/reading all databases.
to read, replace, or delete a specific, existing database by id.Example 1
Create a new database
const {resource: databaseDefinition, database} = await client.databases.create({id: "<name here>"});
property offers
readonly offers: Offers;
Used for querying & reading all offers.
to read, or replace existing offers.
method database
database: (id: string) => Database;
Used for reading, updating, or deleting a existing database by id or accessing containers belonging to that database.
This does not make a network call. Use
to get info about the database after getting the Database object.Parameter id
The id of the database.
Example 1
Create a new container off of an existing database
const container = client.database("<database id>").containers.create("<container id>");Example 2
Delete an existing database
await client.database("<id here>").delete();
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Clears background endpoint refresher. Use client.dispose() when destroying the CosmosClient within another process.
method getDatabaseAccount
getDatabaseAccount: ( options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<ResourceResponse<DatabaseAccount>>;
Get information about the current DatabaseAccount (including which regions are supported, etc.)
method getDatabaseAccountInternal
getDatabaseAccountInternal: ( diagnosticNode: DiagnosticNodeInternal, options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<ResourceResponse<DatabaseAccount>>;
method getReadEndpoint
getReadEndpoint: () => Promise<string>;
Gets the currently used read endpoint. Useful for troubleshooting purposes.
The url may contain a region suffix (e.g. "-eastus") if we're using location specific endpoints.
method getReadEndpoints
getReadEndpoints: () => Promise<readonly string[]>;
Gets the currently used read endpoint. Useful for troubleshooting purposes.
The url may contain a region suffix (e.g. "-eastus") if we're using location specific endpoints.
method getWriteEndpoint
getWriteEndpoint: () => Promise<string>;
Gets the currently used write endpoint url. Useful for troubleshooting purposes.
The url may contain a region suffix (e.g. "-eastus") if we're using location specific endpoints.
method getWriteEndpoints
getWriteEndpoints: () => Promise<readonly string[]>;
Gets the known write endpoints. Useful for troubleshooting purposes.
The urls may contain a region suffix (e.g. "-eastus") if we're using location specific endpoints.
method offer
offer: (id: string) => Offer;
Used for reading, or updating a existing offer by id.
Parameter id
The id of the offer.
class CosmosDiagnostics
class CosmosDiagnostics {}
* This is a Cosmos Diagnostic type that holds collected diagnostic information during a client operations. ie. Item.read(), Container.create(). It has three members - 1.
member contains aggregate diagnostic information, including - - metadata lookups. Here all the server requests, apart from the final intended resource are considered as metadata calls. i.e. for item.read(id), if the client makes server call to discover endpoints it would be considered as metadata call. - retries - endpoints contacted. - request, response payload stats. - gatewayStatistics - Information corresponding to main operation. For example during Item.read(), the client might perform many operations i.e. metadata lookup etc, but gatewayStatistics represents the diagnostics information for actual read operation.2. diagnosticNode - Is a tree like structure which captures detailed diagnostic information. By default it is disabled, and is intended to be used only for debugging on non production environments. The kind of details captured in diagnosticNode is controlled by
. - CosmosDbDiagnosticLevel.info - Is default value. In this level only clientSideRequestStatistics are captured. Is is meant for production environments. - CosmosDbDiagnosticLevel.debug - Captures diagnosticNode and clientConfig. No request and response payloads are captured. Is not meant to be used in production environment. - CosmosDbDiagnosticLevel.debug-unsafe - In addition to data captured in CosmosDbDiagnosticLevel.debug, also captures request and response payloads. Is not meant to be used in production environment. 3. clientConfig - Captures information related to how client was configured during initialization.
property clientConfig
readonly clientConfig?: ClientConfigDiagnostic;
property clientSideRequestStatistics
readonly clientSideRequestStatistics: ClientSideRequestStatistics;
property diagnosticNode
readonly diagnosticNode: DiagnosticNode;
class Database
class Database {}
Operations for reading or deleting an existing database.
See Also
Databases for creating new databases, and reading/querying all databases; use
.Note: all these operations make calls against a fixed budget. You should design your system such that these calls scale sublinearly with your application. For instance, do not call
before every singleitem.read()
call, to ensure the database exists; do this once on application start up.
constructor(client: CosmosClient, id: string, clientContext: ClientContext);
Returns a new Database instance.
Note: the intention is to get this object from CosmosClient via
, not to instantiate it yourself.
property client
readonly client: CosmosClient;
property containers
readonly containers: Containers;
Used for creating new containers, or querying/reading all containers.
to read, replace, or delete a specific, existing Database by id.Example 1
Create a new container
const {body: containerDefinition, container} = await client.database("<db id>").containers.create({id: "<container id>"});
property id
readonly id: string;
property url
readonly url: string;
Returns a reference URL to the resource. Used for linking in Permissions.
property users
readonly users: Users;
Used for creating new users, or querying/reading all users.
to read, replace, or delete a specific, existing User by id.
method container
container: (id: string) => Container;
Used to read, replace, or delete a specific, existing Database by id.
creating new containers, or querying/reading all containers.Example 1
Delete a container
await client.database("<db id>").container("<container id>").delete();
method delete
delete: (options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<DatabaseResponse>;
Delete the given Database.
method read
read: (options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<DatabaseResponse>;
Read the definition of the given Database.
method readInternal
readInternal: ( diagnosticNode: DiagnosticNodeInternal, options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<DatabaseResponse>;
method readOffer
readOffer: (options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<OfferResponse>;
Gets offer on database. If none exists, returns an OfferResponse with undefined.
method user
user: (id: string) => User;
Used to read, replace, or delete a specific, existing User by id.
for creating new users, or querying/reading all users.
class DatabaseAccount
class DatabaseAccount {}
Represents a DatabaseAccount in the Azure Cosmos DB database service.
constructor(body: { [key: string]: any }, headers: CosmosHeaders);
property consistencyPolicy
readonly consistencyPolicy: ConsistencyLevel;
Gets the UserConsistencyPolicy settings.
property ConsistencyPolicy
readonly ConsistencyPolicy: ConsistencyLevel;
Gets the UserConsistencyPolicy settings.
property currentMediaStorageUsageInMB
readonly currentMediaStorageUsageInMB: number;
Current attachment content (media) usage in MBs (Retrieved from gateway )
Value is returned from cached information updated periodically and is not guaranteed to be real time.
property CurrentMediaStorageUsageInMB
readonly CurrentMediaStorageUsageInMB: number;
Current attachment content (media) usage in MBs (Retrieved from gateway )
Value is returned from cached information updated periodically and is not guaranteed to be real time.
property databasesLink
readonly databasesLink: string;
The self-link for Databases in the databaseAccount.
property DatabasesLink
readonly DatabasesLink: string;
The self-link for Databases in the databaseAccount.
property enableMultipleWritableLocations
readonly enableMultipleWritableLocations: boolean;
property maxMediaStorageUsageInMB
readonly maxMediaStorageUsageInMB: number;
Attachment content (media) storage quota in MBs ( Retrieved from gateway ).
property MaxMediaStorageUsageInMB
readonly MaxMediaStorageUsageInMB: number;
Attachment content (media) storage quota in MBs ( Retrieved from gateway ).
property mediaLink
readonly mediaLink: string;
The self-link for Media in the databaseAccount.
property MediaLink
readonly MediaLink: string;
The self-link for Media in the databaseAccount.
property readableLocations
readonly readableLocations: Location[];
The list of readable locations for a geo-replicated database account.
property writableLocations
readonly writableLocations: Location[];
The list of writable locations for a geo-replicated database account.
class DatabaseResponse
class DatabaseResponse extends ResourceResponse<DatabaseDefinition & Resource> {}
Response object for Database operations
constructor( resource: DatabaseDefinition & Resource, headers: CosmosHeaders, statusCode: number, database: Database, diagnostics: CosmosDiagnostics);
property database
readonly database: Database;
A reference to the Database that the returned DatabaseDefinition corresponds to.
class Databases
class Databases {}
Operations for creating new databases, and reading/querying all databases
See Also
Database for reading or deleting an existing database; use
.Note: all these operations make calls against a fixed budget. You should design your system such that these calls scale sublinearly with your application. For instance, do not call
before every singleitem.read()
call, to ensure the database exists; do this once on application start up.
constructor(client: CosmosClient, clientContext: ClientContext);
Parameter client
The parent CosmosClient for the Database.
property client
readonly client: CosmosClient;
method create
create: ( body: DatabaseRequest, options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<DatabaseResponse>;
Send a request for creating a database.
A database manages users, permissions and a set of containers. Each Azure Cosmos DB Database Account is able to support multiple independent named databases, with the database being the logical container for data.
Each Database consists of one or more containers, each of which in turn contain one or more documents. Since databases are an administrative resource, the Service Master Key will be required in order to access and successfully complete any action using the User APIs.
Parameter body
The DatabaseDefinition that represents the Database to be created.
Parameter options
Use to set options like response page size, continuation tokens, etc.
method createIfNotExists
createIfNotExists: ( body: DatabaseRequest, options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<DatabaseResponse>;
Check if a database exists, and if it doesn't, create it. This will make a read operation based on the id in the
, then if it is not found, a create operation.A database manages users, permissions and a set of containers. Each Azure Cosmos DB Database Account is able to support multiple independent named databases, with the database being the logical container for data.
Each Database consists of one or more containers, each of which in turn contain one or more documents. Since databases are an an administrative resource, the Service Master Key will be required in order to access and successfully complete any action using the User APIs.
Parameter body
The DatabaseDefinition that represents the Database to be created.
Parameter options
Additional options for the request
method createInternal
createInternal: ( diagnosticNode: DiagnosticNodeInternal, body: DatabaseRequest, options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<DatabaseResponse>;
method query
query: { (query: string | SqlQuerySpec, options?: FeedOptions): QueryIterator<any>; <T>(query: string | SqlQuerySpec, options?: FeedOptions): QueryIterator<T>;};
Queries all databases.
Parameter query
Query configuration for the operation. See SqlQuerySpec for more info on how to configure a query.
Parameter options
Use to set options like response page size, continuation tokens, etc.
QueryIterator Allows you to return all databases in an array or iterate over them one at a time.
Example 1
Read all databases to array.
const querySpec: SqlQuerySpec = {query: "SELECT * FROM root r WHERE r.id = @db",parameters: [{name: "@db", value: "Todo"}]};const {body: databaseList} = await client.databases.query(querySpec).fetchAll();Queries all databases.
Parameter query
Query configuration for the operation. See SqlQuerySpec for more info on how to configure a query.
Parameter options
Use to set options like response page size, continuation tokens, etc.
QueryIterator Allows you to return all databases in an array or iterate over them one at a time.
Example 1
Read all databases to array.
const querySpec: SqlQuerySpec = {query: "SELECT * FROM root r WHERE r.id = @db",parameters: [{name: "@db", value: "Todo"}]};const {body: databaseList} = await client.databases.query(querySpec).fetchAll();
method readAll
readAll: (options?: FeedOptions) => QueryIterator<DatabaseDefinition & Resource>;
Reads all databases.
Parameter options
Use to set options like response page size, continuation tokens, etc.
QueryIterator Allows you to return all databases in an array or iterate over them one at a time.
Example 1
Read all databases to array.
const {body: databaseList} = await client.databases.readAll().fetchAll();
class DiagnosticNodeInternal
class DiagnosticNodeInternal implements DiagnosticNode {}
This is Internal Representation for DiagnosticNode. It contains useful helper functions to collect diagnostic information throughout the lifetime of Diagnostic session. The functions toDiagnosticNode() & toDiagnostic() are given to convert it to public facing counterpart.
property children
children: DiagnosticNodeInternal[];
property data
data: Partial<DiagnosticDataValue>;
property diagnosticLevel
diagnosticLevel: CosmosDbDiagnosticLevel;
property durationInMs
durationInMs: number;
property id
id: string;
property nodeType
nodeType: DiagnosticNodeType;
property parent
parent: DiagnosticNodeInternal;
property startTimeUTCInMs
startTimeUTCInMs: number;
class ErrorResponse
class ErrorResponse extends Error {}
property activityId
activityId?: string;
property body
body?: ErrorBody;
property code
code?: string | number;
property diagnostics
diagnostics?: CosmosDiagnostics;
property headers
headers?: CosmosHeaders;
property retryAfterInMilliseconds
retryAfterInMilliseconds?: number;
property retryAfterInMs
retryAfterInMs?: number;
property substatus
substatus?: number;
class FeedRange
abstract class FeedRange {}
Specifies a feed range for the changefeed.
property maxExclusive
readonly maxExclusive: string;
Max value for the feed range.
property minInclusive
readonly minInclusive: string;
Min value for the feed range.
class FeedResponse
class FeedResponse<TResource> {}
constructor( resources: TResource[], headers: CosmosHeaders, hasMoreResults: boolean, diagnostics: CosmosDiagnostics);
property activityId
readonly activityId: string;
property continuation
readonly continuation: string;
property continuationToken
readonly continuationToken: string;
property correlatedActivityId
readonly correlatedActivityId: string;
property diagnostics
readonly diagnostics: CosmosDiagnostics;
property hasMoreResults
readonly hasMoreResults: boolean;
property indexMetrics
readonly indexMetrics: string;
property queryMetrics
readonly queryMetrics: string;
property requestCharge
readonly requestCharge: number;
property resources
readonly resources: TResource[];
class GlobalEndpointManager
class GlobalEndpointManager {}
This internal class implements the logic for endpoint management for geo-replicated database accounts.
property enableEndpointDiscovery
enableEndpointDiscovery: boolean;
Flag to enable/disable automatic redirecting of requests based on read/write operations.
property preferredLocationsCount
preferredLocationsCount: number;
method canUseMultipleWriteLocations
canUseMultipleWriteLocations: ( resourceType?: ResourceType, operationType?: OperationType) => boolean;
method getReadEndpoint
getReadEndpoint: (diagnosticNode: DiagnosticNodeInternal) => Promise<string>;
Gets the current read endpoint from the endpoint cache.
method getReadEndpoints
getReadEndpoints: () => Promise<ReadonlyArray<string>>;
method getWriteEndpoint
getWriteEndpoint: (diagnosticNode: DiagnosticNodeInternal) => Promise<string>;
Gets the current write endpoint from the endpoint cache.
method getWriteEndpoints
getWriteEndpoints: () => Promise<ReadonlyArray<string>>;
method markCurrentLocationUnavailableForRead
markCurrentLocationUnavailableForRead: ( diagnosticNode: DiagnosticNodeInternal, endpoint: string) => Promise<void>;
method markCurrentLocationUnavailableForWrite
markCurrentLocationUnavailableForWrite: ( diagnosticNode: DiagnosticNodeInternal, endpoint: string) => Promise<void>;
method refreshEndpointList
refreshEndpointList: (diagnosticNode: DiagnosticNodeInternal) => Promise<void>;
Refreshes the endpoint list by clearning stale unavailability and then retrieving the writable and readable locations from the geo-replicated database account and then updating the locations cache. We skip the refreshing if enableEndpointDiscovery is set to False
method resolveServiceEndpoint
resolveServiceEndpoint: ( diagnosticNode: DiagnosticNodeInternal, resourceType: ResourceType, operationType: OperationType, startServiceEndpointIndex?: number) => Promise<string>;
class Item
class Item {}
Used to perform operations on a specific item.
See Also
Items for operations on all items; see
constructor( container: Container, id: string, clientContext: ClientContext, partitionKey?: PartitionKey);
property container
readonly container: Container;
property id
readonly id: string;
property url
readonly url: string;
Returns a reference URL to the resource. Used for linking in Permissions.
method delete
delete: <T extends ItemDefinition = any>( options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<ItemResponse<T>>;
Delete the item.
Any provided type, T, is not necessarily enforced by the SDK. You may get more or less properties and it's up to your logic to enforce it.
Parameter options
Additional options for the request
method patch
patch: <T extends ItemDefinition = any>( body: PatchRequestBody, options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<ItemResponse<T>>;
Perform a JSONPatch on the item.
Any provided type, T, is not necessarily enforced by the SDK. You may get more or less properties and it's up to your logic to enforce it.
Parameter options
Additional options for the request
method read
read: <T extends ItemDefinition = any>( options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<ItemResponse<T>>;
Read the item's definition.
Any provided type, T, is not necessarily enforced by the SDK. You may get more or less properties and it's up to your logic to enforce it. If the type, T, is a class, it won't pass
comparisons, because it won't have a match prototype. It's recommended to only use interfaces.There is no set schema for JSON items. They may contain any number of custom properties.
Parameter options
Additional options for the request
Example 1
Using custom type for response
interface TodoItem {title: string;done: bool;id: string;}let item: TodoItem;({body: item} = await item.read<TodoItem>());
method replace
replace: { (body: ItemDefinition, options?: RequestOptions): Promise< ItemResponse<ItemDefinition> >; <T extends ItemDefinition>(body: T, options?: RequestOptions): Promise< ItemResponse<T> >;};
Replace the item's definition.
There is no set schema for JSON items. They may contain any number of custom properties.
Parameter body
The definition to replace the existing Item's definition with.
Parameter options
Additional options for the request
Replace the item's definition.
Any provided type, T, is not necessarily enforced by the SDK. You may get more or less properties and it's up to your logic to enforce it.
There is no set schema for JSON items. They may contain any number of custom properties.
Parameter body
The definition to replace the existing Item's definition with.
Parameter options
Additional options for the request
class ItemResponse
class ItemResponse<T extends ItemDefinition> extends ResourceResponse< T & Resource> {}
constructor( resource: ItemDefinition & Resource, headers: CosmosHeaders, statusCode: number, subsstatusCode: number, item: Item, diagnostics: CosmosDiagnostics);
property item
readonly item: Item;
Reference to the Item the response corresponds to.
class Items
class Items {}
Operations for creating new items, and reading/querying all items
See Also
Item for reading, replacing, or deleting an existing container; use
constructor(container: Container, clientContext: ClientContext);
property container
readonly container: Container;
method batch
batch: ( operations: OperationInput[], partitionKey?: PartitionKey, options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<Response_2<OperationResponse[]>>;
Execute transactional batch operations on items.
Batch takes an array of Operations which are typed based on what the operation does. Batch is transactional and will rollback all operations if one fails. The choices are: Create, Upsert, Read, Replace, and Delete
Usage example:
// The partitionKey is a required second argument. If it’s undefined, it defaults to the expected partition key format.const operations: OperationInput[] = [{operationType: "Create",resourceBody: { id: "doc1", name: "sample", key: "A" }},{operationType: "Upsert",resourceBody: { id: "doc2", name: "other", key: "A" }}]await database.container.items.batch(operations, "A")Parameter operations
List of operations. Limit 100
Parameter options
Used for modifying the request
method bulk
bulk: ( operations: OperationInput[], bulkOptions?: BulkOptions, options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<BulkOperationResponse>;
Execute bulk operations on items.
Bulk takes an array of Operations which are typed based on what the operation does. The choices are: Create, Upsert, Read, Replace, and Delete
Usage example:
// partitionKey is optional at the top level if present in the resourceBodyconst operations: OperationInput[] = [{operationType: "Create",resourceBody: { id: "doc1", name: "sample", key: "A" }},{operationType: "Upsert",partitionKey: 'A',resourceBody: { id: "doc2", name: "other", key: "A" }}]await database.container.items.bulk(operations)Parameter operations
List of operations. Limit 100
Parameter bulkOptions
Optional options object to modify bulk behavior. Pass { continueOnError: false } to stop executing operations when one fails. (Defaults to true)
Parameter options
Used for modifying the request.
method changeFeed
changeFeed: { ( partitionKey: PartitionKey, changeFeedOptions?: ChangeFeedOptions ): ChangeFeedIterator<any>; (changeFeedOptions?: ChangeFeedOptions): ChangeFeedIterator<any>; <T>( partitionKey: PartitionKey, changeFeedOptions?: ChangeFeedOptions ): ChangeFeedIterator<T>; <T>(changeFeedOptions?: ChangeFeedOptions): ChangeFeedIterator<T>;};
Create a
to iterate over pages of changesExample 1
Read from the beginning of the change feed.
const iterator = items.readChangeFeed({ startFromBeginning: true });const firstPage = await iterator.fetchNext();const firstPageResults = firstPage.resultconst secondPage = await iterator.fetchNext();Create a
to iterate over pages of changes
method create
create: <T extends ItemDefinition = any>( body: T, options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<ItemResponse<T>>;
Create an item.
Any provided type, T, is not necessarily enforced by the SDK. You may get more or less properties and it's up to your logic to enforce it.
There is no set schema for JSON items. They may contain any number of custom properties.
Parameter body
Represents the body of the item. Can contain any number of user defined properties.
Parameter options
Used for modifying the request (for instance, specifying the partition key).
method getChangeFeedIterator
getChangeFeedIterator: <T>( changeFeedIteratorOptions?: ChangeFeedIteratorOptions) => ChangeFeedPullModelIterator<T>;
Returns an iterator to iterate over pages of changes. The iterator returned can be used to fetch changes for a single partition key, feed range or an entire container.
method query
query: { (query: string | SqlQuerySpec, options?: FeedOptions): QueryIterator<any>; <T>(query: string | SqlQuerySpec, options?: FeedOptions): QueryIterator<T>;};
Queries all items.
Parameter query
Query configuration for the operation. See SqlQuerySpec for more info on how to configure a query.
Parameter options
Used for modifying the request (for instance, specifying the partition key).
Example 1
Read all items to array.
const querySpec: SqlQuerySpec = {query: "SELECT * FROM Families f WHERE f.lastName = @lastName",parameters: [{name: "@lastName", value: "Hendricks"}]};const {result: items} = await items.query(querySpec).fetchAll();Queries all items.
Parameter query
Query configuration for the operation. See SqlQuerySpec for more info on how to configure a query.
Parameter options
Used for modifying the request (for instance, specifying the partition key).
Example 1
Read all items to array.
const querySpec: SqlQuerySpec = {query: "SELECT firstname FROM Families f WHERE f.lastName = @lastName",parameters: [{name: "@lastName", value: "Hendricks"}]};const {result: items} = await items.query<{firstName: string}>(querySpec).fetchAll();
method readAll
readAll: { (options?: FeedOptions): QueryIterator<ItemDefinition>; <T extends ItemDefinition>(options?: FeedOptions): QueryIterator<T>;};
Read all items.
There is no set schema for JSON items. They may contain any number of custom properties.
Parameter options
Used for modifying the request (for instance, specifying the partition key).
Example 1
Read all items to array.
const {body: containerList} = await items.readAll().fetchAll();Read all items.
Any provided type, T, is not necessarily enforced by the SDK. You may get more or less properties and it's up to your logic to enforce it.
There is no set schema for JSON items. They may contain any number of custom properties.
Parameter options
Used for modifying the request (for instance, specifying the partition key).
Example 1
Read all items to array.
const {body: containerList} = await items.readAll().fetchAll();
method readChangeFeed
readChangeFeed: { ( partitionKey: PartitionKey, changeFeedOptions?: ChangeFeedOptions ): ChangeFeedIterator<any>; (changeFeedOptions?: ChangeFeedOptions): ChangeFeedIterator<any>; <T>( partitionKey: PartitionKey, changeFeedOptions?: ChangeFeedOptions ): ChangeFeedIterator<T>; <T>(changeFeedOptions?: ChangeFeedOptions): ChangeFeedIterator<T>;};
Create a
to iterate over pages of changesExample 1
Read from the beginning of the change feed.
const iterator = items.readChangeFeed({ startFromBeginning: true });const firstPage = await iterator.fetchNext();const firstPageResults = firstPage.resultconst secondPage = await iterator.fetchNext();Deprecated
instead.Create a
to iterate over pages of changesDeprecated
instead.Create a
to iterate over pages of changesDeprecated
method upsert
upsert: { (body: unknown, options?: RequestOptions): Promise< ItemResponse<ItemDefinition> >; <T extends ItemDefinition>(body: T, options?: RequestOptions): Promise< ItemResponse<T> >;};
Upsert an item.
There is no set schema for JSON items. They may contain any number of custom properties.
Parameter body
Represents the body of the item. Can contain any number of user defined properties.
Parameter options
Used for modifying the request (for instance, specifying the partition key).
Upsert an item.
Any provided type, T, is not necessarily enforced by the SDK. You may get more or less properties and it's up to your logic to enforce it.
There is no set schema for JSON items. They may contain any number of custom properties.
Parameter body
Represents the body of the item. Can contain any number of user defined properties.
Parameter options
Used for modifying the request (for instance, specifying the partition key).
class Offer
class Offer {}
constructor(client: CosmosClient, id: string, clientContext: ClientContext);
Parameter client
The parent CosmosClient for the Database Account.
Parameter id
The id of the given Offer.
property client
readonly client: CosmosClient;
property id
readonly id: string;
property url
readonly url: string;
Returns a reference URL to the resource. Used for linking in Permissions.
method read
read: (options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<OfferResponse>;
Read the OfferDefinition for the given Offer.
method replace
replace: ( body: OfferDefinition, options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<OfferResponse>;
Replace the given Offer with the specified OfferDefinition.
Parameter body
The specified OfferDefinition
class OfferResponse
class OfferResponse extends ResourceResponse<OfferDefinition & Resource> {}
constructor( resource: OfferDefinition & Resource, headers: CosmosHeaders, statusCode: number, diagnostics: CosmosDiagnostics, offer?: Offer);
property offer
readonly offer: Offer;
A reference to the Offer corresponding to the returned OfferDefinition.
class Offers
class Offers {}
constructor(client: CosmosClient, clientContext: ClientContext);
Parameter client
The parent CosmosClient for the offers.
property client
readonly client: CosmosClient;
method query
query: { (query: SqlQuerySpec, options?: FeedOptions): QueryIterator<any>; <T>(query: SqlQuerySpec, options?: FeedOptions): QueryIterator<T>;};
Query all offers.
Parameter query
Query configuration for the operation. See SqlQuerySpec for more info on how to configure a query.
method readAll
readAll: (options?: FeedOptions) => QueryIterator<OfferDefinition & Resource>;
Read all offers.
Example 1
Read all offers to array.
const {body: offerList} = await client.offers.readAll().fetchAll();
class PartitionKeyBuilder
class PartitionKeyBuilder {}
Builder class for building PartitionKey.
property values
readonly values: PrimitivePartitionKeyValue[];
method addNoneValue
addNoneValue: () => PartitionKeyBuilder;
method addNullValue
addNullValue: () => PartitionKeyBuilder;
method addValue
addValue: (value: string | boolean | number) => PartitionKeyBuilder;
method build
build: () => PartitionKey;
class Permission
class Permission {}
Use to read, replace, or delete a given Permission by id.
See Also
Permissions to create, upsert, query, or read all Permissions.
constructor(user: User, id: string, clientContext: ClientContext);
property id
readonly id: string;
property url
readonly url: string;
Returns a reference URL to the resource. Used for linking in Permissions.
property user
readonly user: User;
method delete
delete: (options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<PermissionResponse>;
Delete the given Permission.
method read
read: (options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<PermissionResponse>;
Read the PermissionDefinition of the given Permission.
method replace
replace: ( body: PermissionDefinition, options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<PermissionResponse>;
Replace the given Permission with the specified PermissionDefinition.
Parameter body
The specified PermissionDefinition.
class PermissionResponse
class PermissionResponse extends ResourceResponse< PermissionDefinition & PermissionBody & Resource> {}
constructor( resource: PermissionDefinition & PermissionBody & Resource, headers: CosmosHeaders, statusCode: number, permission: Permission, diagnostics: CosmosDiagnostics);
property permission
readonly permission: Permission;
A reference to the Permission corresponding to the returned PermissionDefinition.
class Permissions
class Permissions {}
Use to create, replace, query, and read all Permissions.
See Also
Permission to read, replace, or delete a specific permission by id.
constructor(user: User, clientContext: ClientContext);
Parameter user
The parent User.
property user
readonly user: User;
method create
create: ( body: PermissionDefinition, options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<PermissionResponse>;
Create a permission.
A permission represents a per-User Permission to access a specific resource e.g. Item or Container.
Parameter body
Represents the body of the permission.
method query
query: { (query: SqlQuerySpec, options?: FeedOptions): QueryIterator<any>; <T>(query: SqlQuerySpec, options?: FeedOptions): QueryIterator<T>;};
Query all permissions.
Parameter query
Query configuration for the operation. See SqlQuerySpec for more info on how to configure a query.
method readAll
readAll: ( options?: FeedOptions) => QueryIterator<PermissionDefinition & Resource>;
Read all permissions.
Example 1
Read all permissions to array.
const {body: permissionList} = await user.permissions.readAll().fetchAll();
method upsert
upsert: ( body: PermissionDefinition, options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<PermissionResponse>;
Upsert a permission.
A permission represents a per-User Permission to access a specific resource e.g. Item or Container.
class QueryIterator
class QueryIterator<T> {}
Represents a QueryIterator Object, an implementation of feed or query response that enables traversal and iterating over the response in the Azure Cosmos DB database service.
constructor( clientContext: ClientContext, query: string | SqlQuerySpec, options: FeedOptions, fetchFunctions: FetchFunctionCallback | FetchFunctionCallback[], resourceLink?: string, resourceType?: ResourceType);
method fetchAll
fetchAll: () => Promise<FeedResponse<T>>;
Fetch all pages for the query and return a single FeedResponse.
method fetchAllInternal
fetchAllInternal: ( diagnosticNode: DiagnosticNodeInternal) => Promise<FeedResponse<T>>;
method fetchNext
fetchNext: () => Promise<FeedResponse<T>>;
Retrieve the next batch from the feed.
This may or may not fetch more pages from the backend depending on your settings and the type of query. Aggregate queries will generally fetch all backend pages before returning the first batch of responses.
method getAsyncIterator
getAsyncIterator: () => AsyncIterable<FeedResponse<T>>;
Gets an async iterator that will yield results until completion.
NOTE: AsyncIterators are a very new feature and you might need to use polyfils/etc. in order to use them in your code.
If you're using TypeScript, you can use the following polyfill as long as you target ES6 or higher and are running on Node 6 or higher.
if (!Symbol || !Symbol.asyncIterator) {(Symbol as any).asyncIterator = Symbol.for("Symbol.asyncIterator");}Example 1
Iterate over all databases
for await(const { resources: db } of client.databases.readAll().getAsyncIterator()) {console.log(`Got ${db} from AsyncIterator`);}
method hasMoreResults
hasMoreResults: () => boolean;
Determine if there are still remaining resources to process based on the value of the continuation token or the elements remaining on the current batch in the QueryIterator.
true if there is other elements to process in the QueryIterator.
method reset
reset: () => void;
Reset the QueryIterator to the beginning and clear all the resources inside it
class QueryMetrics
class QueryMetrics {}
constructor( retrievedDocumentCount: number, retrievedDocumentSize: number, outputDocumentCount: number, outputDocumentSize: number, indexHitDocumentCount: number, totalQueryExecutionTime: TimeSpan, queryPreparationTimes: QueryPreparationTimes, indexLookupTime: TimeSpan, documentLoadTime: TimeSpan, vmExecutionTime: TimeSpan, runtimeExecutionTimes: RuntimeExecutionTimes, documentWriteTime: TimeSpan, clientSideMetrics: ClientSideMetrics);
property clientSideMetrics
readonly clientSideMetrics: ClientSideMetrics;
property documentLoadTime
readonly documentLoadTime: TimeSpan;
property documentWriteTime
readonly documentWriteTime: TimeSpan;
property indexHitDocumentCount
readonly indexHitDocumentCount: number;
property indexHitRatio
readonly indexHitRatio: number;
Gets the IndexHitRatio
property indexLookupTime
readonly indexLookupTime: TimeSpan;
property outputDocumentCount
readonly outputDocumentCount: number;
property outputDocumentSize
readonly outputDocumentSize: number;
property queryPreparationTimes
readonly queryPreparationTimes: QueryPreparationTimes;
property retrievedDocumentCount
readonly retrievedDocumentCount: number;
property retrievedDocumentSize
readonly retrievedDocumentSize: number;
property runtimeExecutionTimes
readonly runtimeExecutionTimes: RuntimeExecutionTimes;
property totalQueryExecutionTime
readonly totalQueryExecutionTime: TimeSpan;
property vmExecutionTime
readonly vmExecutionTime: TimeSpan;
property zero
static readonly zero: QueryMetrics;
method add
add: (queryMetricsArray: QueryMetrics[]) => QueryMetrics;
returns a new QueryMetrics instance that is the addition of this and the arguments.
method createFromArray
static createFromArray: (queryMetricsArray: QueryMetrics[]) => QueryMetrics;
Returns a new instance of the QueryMetrics class that is the aggregation of an array of query metrics.
method createFromDelimitedString
static createFromDelimitedString: ( delimitedString: string, clientSideMetrics?: ClientSideMetrics) => QueryMetrics;
Returns a new instance of the QueryMetrics class this is deserialized from a delimited string.
method toDelimitedString
toDelimitedString: () => string;
Output the QueryMetrics as a delimited string.
class QueryPreparationTimes
class QueryPreparationTimes {}
constructor( queryCompilationTime: TimeSpan, logicalPlanBuildTime: TimeSpan, physicalPlanBuildTime: TimeSpan, queryOptimizationTime: TimeSpan);
property logicalPlanBuildTime
readonly logicalPlanBuildTime: TimeSpan;
property physicalPlanBuildTime
readonly physicalPlanBuildTime: TimeSpan;
property queryCompilationTime
readonly queryCompilationTime: TimeSpan;
property queryOptimizationTime
readonly queryOptimizationTime: TimeSpan;
property zero
static readonly zero: QueryPreparationTimes;
method add
add: ( ...queryPreparationTimesArray: QueryPreparationTimes[]) => QueryPreparationTimes;
returns a new QueryPreparationTimes instance that is the addition of this and the arguments.
method createFromArray
static createFromArray: ( queryPreparationTimesArray: QueryPreparationTimes[]) => QueryPreparationTimes;
Returns a new instance of the QueryPreparationTimes class that is the aggregation of an array of QueryPreparationTimes.
method createFromDelimitedString
static createFromDelimitedString: ( delimitedString: string) => QueryPreparationTimes;
Returns a new instance of the QueryPreparationTimes class this is deserialized from a delimited string.
method toDelimitedString
toDelimitedString: () => string;
Output the QueryPreparationTimes as a delimited string.
class ResourceResponse
class ResourceResponse<TResource> {}
constructor( resource: {}, headers: CosmosHeaders_2, statusCode: number, diagnostics: CosmosDiagnostics, substatus?: number);
property activityId
readonly activityId: string;
property diagnostics
readonly diagnostics: CosmosDiagnostics;
property etag
readonly etag: string;
property headers
readonly headers: CosmosHeaders_2;
property requestCharge
readonly requestCharge: number;
property resource
readonly resource: {};
property statusCode
readonly statusCode: number;
property substatus
readonly substatus?: number;
class RuntimeExecutionTimes
class RuntimeExecutionTimes {}
constructor( queryEngineExecutionTime: TimeSpan, systemFunctionExecutionTime: TimeSpan, userDefinedFunctionExecutionTime: TimeSpan);
property queryEngineExecutionTime
readonly queryEngineExecutionTime: TimeSpan;
property systemFunctionExecutionTime
readonly systemFunctionExecutionTime: TimeSpan;
property userDefinedFunctionExecutionTime
readonly userDefinedFunctionExecutionTime: TimeSpan;
property zero
static readonly zero: RuntimeExecutionTimes;
method add
add: ( ...runtimeExecutionTimesArray: RuntimeExecutionTimes[]) => RuntimeExecutionTimes;
returns a new RuntimeExecutionTimes instance that is the addition of this and the arguments.
method createFromArray
static createFromArray: ( runtimeExecutionTimesArray: RuntimeExecutionTimes[]) => RuntimeExecutionTimes;
Returns a new instance of the RuntimeExecutionTimes class that is the aggregation of an array of RuntimeExecutionTimes.
method createFromDelimitedString
static createFromDelimitedString: ( delimitedString: string) => RuntimeExecutionTimes;
Returns a new instance of the RuntimeExecutionTimes class this is deserialized from a delimited string.
method toDelimitedString
toDelimitedString: () => string;
Output the RuntimeExecutionTimes as a delimited string.
class SasTokenProperties
class SasTokenProperties {}
property containerName
containerName: string;
property controlPlaneReaderScope
controlPlaneReaderScope: number;
property controlPlaneWriterScope
controlPlaneWriterScope: number;
property cosmosContainerChildResourceKind
cosmosContainerChildResourceKind: CosmosContainerChildResourceKind;
property cosmosKeyType
cosmosKeyType: CosmosKeyType;
property databaseName
databaseName: string;
property dataPlaneReaderScope
dataPlaneReaderScope: number;
property dataPlaneWriterScope
dataPlaneWriterScope: number;
property expiryTime
expiryTime: Date;
property keyType
keyType: number | CosmosKeyType;
property partitionKeyValueRanges
partitionKeyValueRanges: string[];
property resourceKind
resourceKind: CosmosContainerChildResourceKind;
property resourceName
resourceName: string;
property resourcePath
resourcePath: string;
property startTime
startTime: Date;
property user
user: string;
property userTag
userTag: string;
class Scripts
class Scripts {}
constructor(container: Container, clientContext: ClientContext);
Parameter container
The parent Container.
property container
readonly container: Container;
property storedProcedures
readonly storedProcedures: StoredProcedures;
Operations for creating new stored procedures, and reading/querying all stored procedures.
For reading, replacing, or deleting an existing stored procedure, use
property triggers
readonly triggers: Triggers;
Operations for creating new triggers, and reading/querying all triggers.
For reading, replacing, or deleting an existing trigger, use
property userDefinedFunctions
readonly userDefinedFunctions: UserDefinedFunctions;
Operations for creating new user defined functions, and reading/querying all user defined functions.
For reading, replacing, or deleting an existing user defined function, use
method storedProcedure
storedProcedure: (id: string) => StoredProcedure;
Used to read, replace, or delete a specific, existing StoredProcedure by id.
for creating new stored procedures, or querying/reading all stored procedures.Parameter id
The id of the StoredProcedure.
method trigger
trigger: (id: string) => Trigger;
method userDefinedFunction
userDefinedFunction: (id: string) => UserDefinedFunction;
Used to read, replace, or delete a specific, existing UserDefinedFunction by id.
for creating new user defined functions, or querying/reading all user defined functions.Parameter id
The id of the UserDefinedFunction.
class StoredProcedure
class StoredProcedure {}
Operations for reading, replacing, deleting, or executing a specific, existing stored procedure by id.
For operations to create, read all, or query Stored Procedures,
constructor(container: Container, id: string, clientContext: ClientContext);
Creates a new instance of StoredProcedure linked to the parent Container.
Parameter container
The parent Container.
Parameter id
The id of the given StoredProcedure.
property container
readonly container: Container;
property id
readonly id: string;
property url
readonly url: string;
Returns a reference URL to the resource. Used for linking in Permissions.
method delete
delete: (options?: RequestOptions) => Promise<StoredProcedureResponse>;
Delete the given StoredProcedure.
method execute
execute: <T = any>( partitionKey: PartitionKey, params?: any