
  • Version 2.1.0
  • Published
  • 314 kB
  • 3 dependencies
  • MIT license


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pnpm add @azure/ms-rest-azure-js


Isomorphic Azure client runtime for Typescript/node.js/browser javascript client libraries generated using AutoRest



variable BaseResourceMapper

const BaseResourceMapper: CompositeMapper;

    variable CloudErrorMapper

    const CloudErrorMapper: CompositeMapper;

      variable DEFAULT_LANGUAGE

      const DEFAULT_LANGUAGE: string;
      • The default language in the request header.


      variable msRestAzureVersion

      const msRestAzureVersion: string;
      • The ms-rest-azure version. {string}


      function createLROPollerFromInitialResponse

      createLROPollerFromInitialResponse: (
      azureServiceClient: AzureServiceClient,
      initialResponse: HttpOperationResponse,
      options?: RequestOptionsBase
      ) => LROPoller;

        function createLROPollerFromPollState

        createLROPollerFromPollState: (
        azureServiceClient: AzureServiceClient,
        lroMemento: LROPollState
        ) => LROPoller;

          function getDefaultUserAgentValue

          getDefaultUserAgentValue: () => string;


            class AzureServiceClient

            class AzureServiceClient extends ServiceClient {}
            • Initializes a new instance of the AzureServiceClient class.

              Parameter credentials

              ApplicationTokenCredentials or UserTokenCredentials object used for authentication.

              Parameter options

              The parameter options used by AzureServiceClient


            constructor(credentials: any, options?: AzureServiceClientOptions);

              property acceptLanguage

              acceptLanguage: string;

                property longRunningOperationRetryTimeout

                longRunningOperationRetryTimeout?: number;
                • The retry timeout in seconds for Long Running Operations. Default value is 30.

                method beginLongRunningRequest

                beginLongRunningRequest: (
                request: RequestPrepareOptions | WebResource,
                options?: RequestOptionsBase
                ) => Promise<LROPoller>;
                • Send the initial request of a LRO (long running operation) and get back an HttpLongRunningOperationResponse that provides methods for polling the LRO and checking if the LRO is finished.

                  Parameter request

                  The request object

                  Parameter options

                  Additional options to be sent while making the request


                  {Promise} The HttpLongRunningOperationResponse that provides methods for interacting with the LRO.

                method restoreLROPoller

                restoreLROPoller: (lroPollState: LROPollState) => LROPoller;
                • Restore an LROPoller from the provided LROPollState. This method can be used to recreate an LROPoller on a different process or machine.

                method sendLongRunningRequest

                sendLongRunningRequest: (
                request: RequestPrepareOptions | WebResource,
                options?: RequestOptionsBase
                ) => Promise<HttpOperationResponse>;
                • Provides a mechanism to make a request that will poll and provide the final result.

                  Parameter request

                  The request object

                  Parameter options

                  Additional options to be sent while making the request


                  {Promise<msRest.HttpOperationResponse>} The HttpOperationResponse containing the final polling request, response and the responseBody.

                method sendLRORequest

                sendLRORequest: (
                operationArguments: OperationArguments,
                operationSpec: OperationSpec,
                options?: RequestOptionsBase
                ) => Promise<LROPoller>;
                • Send the initial request of a LRO (long running operation) and get back an LROPoller that provides methods for polling the LRO and checking if the LRO is finished.

                  Parameter operationArguments

                  The arguments to the operation.

                  Parameter operationSpec

                  The specification for the operation.

                  Parameter options

                  Additional options to be sent while making the request.


                  The LROPoller object that provides methods for interacting with the LRO.

                class CognitiveServicesCredentials

                class CognitiveServicesCredentials extends ApiKeyCredentials {}
                • Creates a new CognitiveServicesCredentials object.

                  Parameter subscriptionKey

                  The CognitiveServices subscription key


                constructor(subscriptionKey: string);

                  class LROPoller

                  class LROPoller {}
                  • An HTTP operation response that provides special methods for interacting with LROs (long running operations).


                  _lroPollStrategy: LROPollStrategy,
                  _initialResponse: HttpOperationResponse
                  • Create a new HttpLongRunningOperationResponse.

                    Parameter _lroPollStrategy

                    The LROPollStrategy that this HttpLongRunningOperationResponse will use to interact with the LRO.

                  method getInitialResponse

                  getInitialResponse: () => HttpOperationResponse;
                  • Get the first response that the service sent back when the LRO was initiated.

                  method getMostRecentResponse

                  getMostRecentResponse: () => HttpOperationResponse;
                  • Get the most recent response that the service sent back during this LRO.

                  method getOperationResponse

                  getOperationResponse: () => Promise<HttpOperationResponse | undefined>;
                  • If the LRO is finished and in an acceptable state, then return the HttpOperationResponse. If the LRO is finished and not in an acceptable state, then throw the error that the LRO produced. If the LRO is not finished, then return undefined.

                  method getOperationStatus

                  getOperationStatus: () => LongRunningOperationStates;
                  • Get the current status of the LRO.

                  method getPollState

                  getPollState: () => LROPollState | undefined;
                  • Get an LROPollState object that can be used to poll this LRO in a different context (such as on a different process or a different machine). If the LRO couldn't produce an LRO polling strategy, then this will return undefined.

                  method isFinalStatusAcceptable

                  isFinalStatusAcceptable: () => boolean | undefined;
                  • Get whether or not the LRO is finished and its final state is acceptable. If the LRO has not finished yet, then undefined will be returned. An "acceptable" final state is determined by the LRO strategy that the Azure service uses to perform long running operations.

                  method isFinished

                  isFinished: () => boolean;
                  • Get whether or not the LRO is finished.

                  method poll

                  poll: () => Promise<LongRunningOperationStates>;
                  • Send a single poll request and return the LRO's state.

                  method pollUntilFinished

                  pollUntilFinished: () => Promise<RestResponse>;
                  • Send poll requests that check the LRO's status until it is determined that the LRO is finished.


                  interface AzureServiceClientOptions

                  interface AzureServiceClientOptions extends ServiceClientOptions {}
                  • Options to be provided while creating the client.

                  property acceptLanguage

                  acceptLanguage?: string;
                  • {string} [options.acceptLanguage] - Gets or sets the preferred language for the response. Default value is: "en-US".

                  property longRunningOperationRetryTimeout

                  longRunningOperationRetryTimeout?: number;
                  • {number} [options.longRunningOperationRetryTimeout] - Gets or sets the retry timeout in seconds for Long Running Operations. Default value is 30.

                  interface BaseResource

                  interface BaseResource {}
                  • An empty interface.

                  interface CloudError

                  interface CloudError extends Error {}
                  • Provides additional information about an http error response returned from a Microsoft Azure service.

                  property additionalInfo

                  additionalInfo?: AdditionalInfoElement;
                  • {AdditionalInfoElement} [innerError] The additional error information

                  property code

                  code: string;
                  • {string} code The error code parsed from the body of the http error response.

                  property details

                  details?: Array<CloudError>;
                  • {Array} [details] An array of CloudError objects specifying the details.

                  property innerError

                  innerError?: any;
                  • {any} [innerError] The inner error parsed from the body of the http error response

                  property message

                  message: string;
                  • {string} message The error message parsed from the body of the http error response.

                  property target

                  target?: string;
                  • {string} [target] The target of the error.

                  Type Aliases

                  type LongRunningOperationStates

                  type LongRunningOperationStates =
                  | 'InProgress'
                  | 'Succeeded'
                  | 'Failed'
                  | 'Canceled'
                  | 'Cancelled';
                  • Defines constants for long running operation states.


                  Package Files (7)

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                  Dev Dependencies (22)

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                  No peer dependencies.


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