
  • Version 6.2.0
  • Published
  • 394 kB
  • 1 dependency
  • MIT license


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Capacitor: Cross-platform apps with JavaScript and the web



variable Capacitor

const Capacitor: CapacitorGlobal;

    variable CapacitorCookies

    const CapacitorCookies: CapacitorCookiesPlugin;

      variable CapacitorHttp

      const CapacitorHttp: CapacitorHttpPlugin;

        variable CapacitorPlatforms

        const CapacitorPlatforms: CapacitorPlatformsInstance;
        • Deprecated

          Set CapacitorCustomPlatform on the window object prior to runtime executing in the web app instead

        variable Plugins

        const Plugins: PluginRegistry;
        • Deprecated

          Provided for backwards compatibility for Capacitor v2 plugins. Capacitor v3 plugins should import the plugin directly. This "Plugins" export is deprecated in v3, and will be removed in v4.

        variable registerPlugin

        const registerPlugin: RegisterPlugin;

          variable WebView

          const WebView: WebViewPlugin;


            function addPlatform

            addPlatform: (name: string, platform: CapacitorPlatform) => void;
            • Deprecated

              Set CapacitorCustomPlatform on the window object prior to runtime executing in the web app instead

            function buildRequestInit

            buildRequestInit: (options: HttpOptions, extra?: RequestInit) => RequestInit;
            • Build the RequestInit object based on the options passed into the initial request

              Parameter options

              The Http plugin options

              Parameter extra

              Any extra RequestInit values

            function registerWebPlugin

            registerWebPlugin: (plugin: WebPlugin) => void;
            • Provided for backwards compatibility. Use the registerPlugin() API instead, and provide the web plugin as the "web" implmenetation. For example

              export const Example = registerPlugin('Example', { web: () => import('./web').then(m => new m.Example()) })


              Deprecated in v3, will be removed from v4.

            function setPlatform

            setPlatform: (name: string) => void;
            • Deprecated

              Set CapacitorCustomPlatform on the window object prior to runtime executing in the web app instead


            class CapacitorException

            class CapacitorException extends Error {}


              constructor(message: string, code?: ExceptionCode, data?: ExceptionData);

                property code

                readonly code?: ExceptionCode;

                  property data

                  readonly data?: ExceptionData;

                    property message

                    readonly message: string;

                      class WebPlugin

                      class WebPlugin implements Plugin {}
                      • Base class web plugins should extend.


                      constructor(config?: WebPluginConfig);

                        property config

                        config?: WebPluginConfig;
                        • Deprecated

                          WebPluginConfig deprecated in v3 and will be removed in v4.

                        property listeners

                        protected listeners: { [eventName: string]: ListenerCallback[] };

                          property retainedEventArguments

                          protected retainedEventArguments: { [eventName: string]: any[] };

                            property windowListeners

                            protected windowListeners: { [eventName: string]: WindowListenerHandle };

                              method addListener

                              addListener: (
                              eventName: string,
                              listenerFunc: ListenerCallback
                              ) => Promise<PluginListenerHandle>;

                                method hasListeners

                                protected hasListeners: (eventName: string) => boolean;

                                  method notifyListeners

                                  protected notifyListeners: (
                                  eventName: string,
                                  data: any,
                                  retainUntilConsumed?: boolean
                                  ) => void;

                                    method registerWindowListener

                                    protected registerWindowListener: (
                                    windowEventName: string,
                                    pluginEventName: string
                                    ) => void;

                                      method removeAllListeners

                                      removeAllListeners: () => Promise<void>;

                                        method unavailable

                                        protected unavailable: (msg?: string) => CapacitorException;

                                          method unimplemented

                                          protected unimplemented: (msg?: string) => CapacitorException;


                                            interface CancellableCallback

                                            interface CancellableCallback {}
                                            • CancellableCallback is a simple wrapper that a method will return to make it easy to cancel any repeated callback the method might have set up. For example: a geolocation watch.


                                            property cancel

                                            cancel: (...args: any[]) => any;
                                            • The cancel function for this method


                                            interface CapacitorGlobal

                                            interface CapacitorGlobal {}

                                              property addListener

                                              addListener?: (
                                              pluginName: string,
                                              eventName: string,
                                              callback: PluginCallback
                                              ) => PluginListenerHandle;
                                              • Add a listener for a plugin event.

                                              property convertFileSrc

                                              convertFileSrc: (filePath: string) => string;
                                              • Utility function to convert a file path into a usable src depending on the native WebView implementation value and environment.

                                              property DEBUG

                                              DEBUG?: boolean;

                                                property Exception

                                                Exception: typeof CapacitorException;
                                                • The Exception class used when generating plugin Exceptions from bridge calls.

                                                property getPlatform

                                                getPlatform: () => string;
                                                • Gets the name of the platform, such as android, ios, or web.

                                                property isLoggingEnabled

                                                isLoggingEnabled?: boolean;

                                                  property isNative

                                                  isNative?: boolean;
                                                  • Deprecated

                                                    Use isNativePlatform() instead

                                                  property isNativePlatform

                                                  isNativePlatform: () => boolean;
                                                  • Boolean if the platform is native or not. android and ios would return true, otherwise false.

                                                  property isPluginAvailable

                                                  isPluginAvailable: (name: string) => boolean;
                                                  • Used to check if a platform is registered and available.

                                                  property platform

                                                  platform?: string;
                                                  • Deprecated

                                                    Use getPlatform() instead

                                                  property pluginMethodNoop

                                                  pluginMethodNoop: (
                                                  target: any,
                                                  key: PropertyKey,
                                                  pluginName: string
                                                  ) => Promise<never>;
                                                  • Called when a plugin method is not available. Defaults to console logging a warning. Provided for backwards compatibility.


                                                    Deprecated in v3, will be removed from v4

                                                  property Plugins

                                                  Plugins: PluginRegistry;
                                                  • Deprecated

                                                    Plugins should be imported instead. Deprecated in v3 and Capacitor.Plugins property definition will not be exported in v4.

                                                  property registerPlugin

                                                  registerPlugin: RegisterPlugin;

                                                    property removeListener

                                                    removeListener?: (
                                                    pluginName: string,
                                                    callbackId: string,
                                                    eventName: string,
                                                    callback: PluginCallback
                                                    ) => void;
                                                    • Remove a listener to a plugin event.

                                                    interface HttpHeaders

                                                    interface HttpHeaders {}

                                                      index signature

                                                      [key: string]: string;
                                                      • A key/value dictionary of Http headers.

                                                      interface HttpOptions

                                                      interface HttpOptions {}

                                                        property connectTimeout

                                                        connectTimeout?: number;
                                                        • How long to wait for the initial connection in milliseconds.

                                                        property data

                                                        data?: any;
                                                        • Note: On Android and iOS, data can only be a string or a JSON. FormData, Blob, ArrayBuffer, and other complex types are only directly supported on web or through enabling CapacitorHttp in the config and using the patched window.fetch or XMLHttpRequest.

                                                          If you need to send a complex type, you should serialize the data to base64 and set the headers["Content-Type"] and dataType attributes accordingly.

                                                        property dataType

                                                        dataType?: 'file' | 'formData';
                                                        • This is used if we've had to convert the data from a JS type that needs special handling in the native layer

                                                        property disableRedirects

                                                        disableRedirects?: boolean;
                                                        • Sets whether automatic HTTP redirects should be disabled

                                                        property headers

                                                        headers?: HttpHeaders;
                                                        • Http Request headers to send with the request.

                                                        property method

                                                        method?: string;
                                                        • The Http Request method to run. (Default is GET)

                                                        property params

                                                        params?: HttpParams;
                                                        • URL parameters to append to the request.

                                                        property readTimeout

                                                        readTimeout?: number;
                                                        • How long to wait to read additional data in milliseconds. Resets each time new data is received.

                                                        property responseType

                                                        responseType?: HttpResponseType;
                                                        • This is used to parse the response appropriately before returning it to the requestee. If the response content-type is "json", this value is ignored.

                                                        property shouldEncodeUrlParams

                                                        shouldEncodeUrlParams?: boolean;
                                                        • Use this option if you need to keep the URL unencoded in certain cases (already encoded, azure/firebase testing, etc.). The default is _true_.

                                                        property url

                                                        url: string;
                                                        • The URL to send the request to.

                                                        property webFetchExtra

                                                        webFetchExtra?: RequestInit;
                                                        • Extra arguments for fetch when running on the web

                                                        interface HttpParams

                                                        interface HttpParams {}

                                                          index signature

                                                          [key: string]: string | string[];
                                                          • A key/value dictionary of URL parameters to set.

                                                          interface HttpResponse

                                                          interface HttpResponse {}

                                                            property data

                                                            data: any;
                                                            • Additional data received with the Http response.

                                                            property headers

                                                            headers: HttpHeaders;
                                                            • The headers received from the Http response.

                                                            property status

                                                            status: number;
                                                            • The status code received from the Http response.

                                                            property url

                                                            url: string;
                                                            • The response URL recieved from the Http response.

                                                            interface Plugin

                                                            interface Plugin {}

                                                              method addListener

                                                              addListener: (
                                                              eventName: string,
                                                              listenerFunc: (...args: any[]) => any
                                                              ) => Promise<PluginListenerHandle>;

                                                                method removeAllListeners

                                                                removeAllListeners: () => Promise<void>;

                                                                  interface PluginConfig

                                                                  interface PluginConfig {}
                                                                  • Deprecated

                                                                  property id

                                                                  id: string;

                                                                    property name

                                                                    name: string;

                                                                      interface PluginListenerHandle

                                                                      interface PluginListenerHandle {}

                                                                        property remove

                                                                        remove: () => Promise<void>;

                                                                          interface PluginRegistry

                                                                          interface PluginRegistry {}
                                                                          • Deprecated

                                                                          index signature

                                                                          [pluginName: string]: {
                                                                          [prop: string]: any;

                                                                            interface PluginResultData

                                                                            interface PluginResultData {}

                                                                              index signature

                                                                              [key: string]: any;

                                                                                interface PluginResultError

                                                                                interface PluginResultError {}

                                                                                  property message

                                                                                  message: string;

                                                                                    interface WebPluginConfig

                                                                                    interface WebPluginConfig {}
                                                                                    • Deprecated

                                                                                      Deprecated in v3, removing in v4.

                                                                                    property name

                                                                                    readonly name: string;
                                                                                    • Deprecated

                                                                                      Deprecated in v3, removing in v4.

                                                                                    property platforms

                                                                                    platforms?: string[];
                                                                                    • Deprecated

                                                                                      Deprecated in v3, removing in v4.

                                                                                    interface WebViewPath

                                                                                    interface WebViewPath {}

                                                                                      property path

                                                                                      path: string;

                                                                                        interface WebViewPlugin

                                                                                        interface WebViewPlugin extends Plugin {}
                                                                                        • ****** WEB VIEW PLUGIN *******

                                                                                        method getServerBasePath

                                                                                        getServerBasePath: () => Promise<WebViewPath>;

                                                                                          method persistServerBasePath

                                                                                          persistServerBasePath: () => Promise<void>;

                                                                                            method setServerAssetPath

                                                                                            setServerAssetPath: (options: WebViewPath) => Promise<void>;

                                                                                              method setServerBasePath

                                                                                              setServerBasePath: (options: WebViewPath) => Promise<void>;


                                                                                                enum ExceptionCode

                                                                                                enum ExceptionCode {
                                                                                                Unimplemented = 'UNIMPLEMENTED',
                                                                                                Unavailable = 'UNAVAILABLE',

                                                                                                  member Unavailable

                                                                                                  Unavailable = 'UNAVAILABLE'
                                                                                                  • API is not available.

                                                                                                    This means the API can't be used right now because: - it is currently missing a prerequisite, such as network connectivity - it requires a particular platform or browser version

                                                                                                  member Unimplemented

                                                                                                  Unimplemented = 'UNIMPLEMENTED'
                                                                                                  • API is not implemented.

                                                                                                    This usually means the API can't be used because it is not implemented for the current platform.

                                                                                                  Type Aliases

                                                                                                  type CallbackID

                                                                                                  type CallbackID = string;
                                                                                                  • Deprecated

                                                                                                  type ClearCookieOptions

                                                                                                  type ClearCookieOptions = Omit<HttpCookie, 'key' | 'value'>;

                                                                                                    type DeleteCookieOptions

                                                                                                    type DeleteCookieOptions = Omit<HttpCookie, 'value'>;

                                                                                                      type HttpResponseType

                                                                                                      type HttpResponseType = 'arraybuffer' | 'blob' | 'json' | 'text' | 'document';
                                                                                                      • How to parse the Http response before returning it to the client.

                                                                                                      type ISODateString

                                                                                                      type ISODateString = string;
                                                                                                      • Deprecated

                                                                                                      type ListenerCallback

                                                                                                      type ListenerCallback = (err: any, ...args: any[]) => void;

                                                                                                        type PermissionState

                                                                                                        type PermissionState = 'prompt' | 'prompt-with-rationale' | 'granted' | 'denied';

                                                                                                          type PluginCallback

                                                                                                          type PluginCallback = (data: PluginResultData, error?: PluginResultError) => void;

                                                                                                            type PluginImplementations

                                                                                                            type PluginImplementations = {
                                                                                                            [platform: string]: (() => Promise<any>) | any;
                                                                                                            • A map of plugin implementations.

                                                                                                              Each key should be the lowercased platform name as recognized by Capacitor, e.g. 'android', 'ios', and 'web'. Each value must be an instance of a plugin implementation for the respective platform.

                                                                                                            type SetCookieOptions

                                                                                                            type SetCookieOptions = HttpCookie & HttpCookieExtras;

                                                                                                              Package Files (8)

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                                                                                                              No peer dependencies.


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