
  • Version 4.1.0
  • Published
  • 176 kB
  • 2 dependencies
  • MIT license


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Lightweight, semantic and modular actor framework




const CONTEXT_KEY_LOGGER: ActionContextKey<Logger>;


    function failTest

    failTest: (message: string) => TestResultFailed;
    • Create a new test result that represents a test failure.

      Parameter message

      The error message that describes the failure.

    function passTest

    passTest: <T>(value: T) => TestResultPassed<T, undefined>;
    • Create a new test result that represents a passed value.

      Parameter value

      The value the test passed with.

    function passTestVoid

    passTestVoid: () => TestResultPassed<any, undefined>;
    • Create a new test result that represents a passed void value.

    function passTestVoidWithSideData

    passTestVoidWithSideData: <TS>(sideData: TS) => TestResultPassed<any, TS>;
    • Create a new test result that represents a passed void value with side data.

      Parameter sideData

      Additional data to pass to the run phase.

    function passTestWithSideData

    passTestWithSideData: <T, S>(value: T, sideData: S) => TestResultPassed<T, S>;
    • Create a new test result that represents a passed value with side data.

      Parameter value

      The value the test passed with.

      Parameter sideData

      Additional data to pass to the run phase.


    class ActionContext

    class ActionContext implements IActionContext {}


    constructor(data?: Record<string, any>);

      method delete

      delete: <V>(key: IActionContextKey<V>) => IActionContext;

        method ensureActionContext

        static ensureActionContext: (
        maybeActionContext?: IActionContext | Record<string, any>
        ) => IActionContext;
        • Convert the given object to an action context object if it is not an action context object yet. If it already is an action context object, return the object as-is.

          Parameter maybeActionContext

          An action context or record. {ActionContext} An action context object.

        method get

        get: <V>(key: IActionContextKey<V>) => V | undefined;

          method getRaw

          getRaw: (key: string) => any | undefined;

            method getSafe

            getSafe: <V>(key: IActionContextKey<V>) => V;

              method has

              has: <V>(key: IActionContextKey<V>) => boolean;

                method hasRaw

                hasRaw: (key: string) => boolean;

                  method keys

                  keys: () => IActionContextKey<any>[];

                    method merge

                    merge: (...contexts: IActionContext[]) => IActionContext;

                      method set

                      set: <V>(key: IActionContextKey<V>, value: V) => IActionContext;

                        method setDefault

                        setDefault: <V>(key: IActionContextKey<V>, value: V) => IActionContext;
                        • Will only set the value if the key is not already set.

                        method setRaw

                        setRaw: (key: string, value: any) => IActionContext;

                          method toJS

                          toJS: () => any;

                            method toString

                            toString: () => string;

                              class ActionContextKey

                              class ActionContextKey<V> implements IActionContextKey<V> {}


                              constructor(name: string);

                                property dummy

                                readonly dummy: {};

                                  property name

                                  readonly name: string;
                                  • A unique context key name.

                                  class ActionObserver

                                  abstract class ActionObserver<
                                  I extends IAction,
                                  O extends IActorOutput,
                                  TS = undefined
                                  > {}
                                  • An ActionObserver can passively listen to Actor#run inputs and outputs for all actors on a certain bus.

                                    ActionObserver should not edit inputs and outputs, they should be considered immutable.

                                    See Also

                                    • Actor

                                    • Bus

                                      I The input type of an actor. O The output type of an actor. TS The test side data type.


                                  protected constructor(args: IActionObserverArgs<I, O, undefined>);
                                  • All enumerable properties from the args object are inherited to this observer.

                                    The observer will NOT automatically subscribe to the given bus when this constructor is called.

                                    Parameter args

                                    Arguments object


                                    When required arguments are missing.

                                  property bus

                                  readonly bus: Bus<Actor<I, IActorTest, O, TS>, I, IActorTest, O, TS>;

                                    property name

                                    readonly name: string;

                                      method onRun

                                      abstract onRun: (
                                      actor: Actor<I, IActorTest, O, TS>,
                                      action: I,
                                      output: Promise<O>
                                      ) => void;
                                      • Invoked when an action was run by an actor.

                                        Parameter actor

                                        The action on which the Actor#run method was invoked.

                                        Parameter action

                                        The original action input.

                                        Parameter output

                                        A promise resolving to the final action output.

                                      class Actor

                                      abstract class Actor<
                                      I extends IAction,
                                      T extends IActorTest,
                                      O extends IActorOutput,
                                      TS = undefined
                                      > implements IActorArgs<I, T, O, TS> {}
                                      • An actor can act on messages of certain types and provide output of a certain type.

                                        The flow of an actor is as follows: 1. Send a message to Actor#test to test if an actor can run that action. 2. If the actor can reply to the message, let the actor run the action using Actor#run.

                                        An actor is typically subscribed to a bus, using which the applicability to an action can be tested.

                                        See Also

                                        • Bus

                                          I The input type of an actor. T The test type of an actor. O The output type of an actor. TS The test side data type.


                                      protected constructor(args: IActorArgs<I, T, O, TS>);
                                      • All enumerable properties from the args object are inherited to this actor.

                                        The actor will subscribe to the given bus when this constructor is called.

                                        Parameter args

                                        Arguments object


                                        {string} args.name The name for this actor.


                                        {Bus<A extends Actor<I, T, O>, I extends IAction, T extends IActorTest, O extends IActorOutput>} args.bus The bus this actor subscribes to.


                                        When required arguments are missing.

                                      property beforeActors

                                      readonly beforeActors: Actor<I, T, O, TS>[];

                                        property bus

                                        readonly bus: Bus<Actor<I, T, O, TS>, I, T, O, TS>;

                                          property name

                                          readonly name: string;

                                            method getContextLogger

                                            static getContextLogger: (context: IActionContext) => Logger | undefined;
                                            • Get the logger from the given context.

                                              Parameter context

                                              An optional context. {Logger} The logger or undefined.

                                            method getDefaultLogData

                                            protected getDefaultLogData: (context: IActionContext, data?: () => any) => any;

                                              method logDebug

                                              protected logDebug: (
                                              context: IActionContext,
                                              message: string,
                                              data?: () => any
                                              ) => void;

                                                method logError

                                                protected logError: (
                                                context: IActionContext,
                                                message: string,
                                                data?: () => any
                                                ) => void;

                                                  method logFatal

                                                  protected logFatal: (
                                                  context: IActionContext,
                                                  message: string,
                                                  data?: () => any
                                                  ) => void;

                                                    method logInfo

                                                    protected logInfo: (
                                                    context: IActionContext,
                                                    message: string,
                                                    data?: () => any
                                                    ) => void;

                                                      method logTrace

                                                      protected logTrace: (
                                                      context: IActionContext,
                                                      message: string,
                                                      data?: () => any
                                                      ) => void;

                                                        method logWarn

                                                        protected logWarn: (
                                                        context: IActionContext,
                                                        message: string,
                                                        data?: () => any
                                                        ) => void;

                                                          method run

                                                          abstract run: (action: I, sideData: TS) => Promise<O>;
                                                          • Run the given action on this actor.

                                                            In most cases, this method should not be called directly. Instead, should be called.

                                                            Parameter action

                                                            The action to run. {Promise} A promise that resolves to the run result.

                                                          method runObservable

                                                          runObservable: (action: I, sideData: TS) => Promise<O>;
                                                          • Run the given action on this actor AND invokes the Bus#onRun method.

                                                            Parameter action

                                                            The action to run. {Promise} A promise that resolves to the run result.

                                                          method test

                                                          abstract test: (action: I) => Promise<TestResult<T, TS>>;
                                                          • Check if this actor can run the given action, without actually running it.

                                                            Parameter action

                                                            The action to test. {Promise} A promise that resolves to the test result.

                                                          class Bus

                                                          class Bus<
                                                          A extends Actor<I, T, O, TS>,
                                                          I extends IAction,
                                                          T extends IActorTest,
                                                          O extends IActorOutput,
                                                          TS = undefined
                                                          > implements IBusArgs {}
                                                          • A publish-subscribe bus for sending actions to actors to test whether or not they can run an action.

                                                            This bus does not run the action itself, for that a Mediator can be used.

                                                            See Also

                                                            • Actor

                                                            • Mediator

                                                              A The actor type that can subscribe to the sub. I The input type of an actor. T The test type of an actor. O The output type of an actor. TS The test side data type.


                                                          constructor(args: IBusArgs);
                                                          • All enumerable properties from the args object are inherited to this bus.

                                                            Parameter args

                                                            Arguments object


                                                            {string} args.name The name for the bus


                                                            When required arguments are missing.

                                                          property actors

                                                          protected readonly actors: A[];
                                                            protected readonly dependencyLinks: Map<A, A[]>;

                                                              property failMessage

                                                              failMessage: string;

                                                                property name

                                                                readonly name: string;

                                                                  property observers

                                                                  protected readonly observers: ActionObserver<I, O, TS>[];

                                                                    method addDependencies

                                                                    addDependencies: (dependent: A, dependencies: A[]) => void;
                                                                    • Indicate that the given actor has the given actor dependencies.

                                                                      This will ensure that the given actor will be present in the bus *before* the given dependencies.

                                                                      Parameter dependent

                                                                      A dependent actor that will be placed before the given actors.

                                                                      Parameter dependencies

                                                                      Actor dependencies that will be placed after the given actor.

                                                                    method onRun

                                                                    onRun: (actor: Actor<I, T, O, TS>, action: I, output: Promise<O>) => void;
                                                                    • Invoked when an action was run by an actor.

                                                                      Parameter actor

                                                                      The action on which the Actor#run method was invoked.

                                                                      Parameter action

                                                                      The original action input.

                                                                      Parameter output

                                                                      A promise resolving to the final action output.

                                                                    method publish

                                                                    publish: (action: I) => IActorReply<A, I, T, O, TS>[];
                                                                    • Publish an action to all actors in the bus to test if they can run the action.

                                                                      Parameter action

                                                                      An action to publish {IActorReply<A extends Actor<I, T, O>, I extends IAction, T extends IActorTest, O extends IActorOutput>[]} An array of reply objects. Each object contains a reference to the actor, and a promise to its Actor#test result.

                                                                    method reorderForDependencies

                                                                    reorderForDependencies: () => void;
                                                                    • Reorder the bus based on all present dependencies.

                                                                    method subscribe

                                                                    subscribe: (actor: A) => void;
                                                                    • Subscribe the given actor to the bus. After this, the given actor can be unsubscribed from the bus by calling Bus#unsubscribe.

                                                                      An actor that is subscribed multiple times will exist that amount of times in the bus.

                                                                      Parameter actor

                                                                      The actor to subscribe.

                                                                    method subscribeObserver

                                                                    subscribeObserver: (observer: ActionObserver<I, O, TS>) => void;
                                                                    • Subscribe the given observer to the bus. After this, the given observer can be unsubscribed from the bus by calling Bus#unsubscribeObserver.

                                                                      An observer that is subscribed multiple times will exist that amount of times in the bus.

                                                                      Parameter observer

                                                                      The observer to subscribe.

                                                                    method unsubscribe

                                                                    unsubscribe: (actor: A) => boolean;
                                                                    • Unsubscribe the given actor from the bus.

                                                                      An actor that is subscribed multiple times will be unsubscribed only once.

                                                                      Parameter actor

                                                                      The actor to unsubscribe {boolean} If the given actor was successfully unsubscribed, otherwise it was not subscribed before.

                                                                    method unsubscribeObserver

                                                                    unsubscribeObserver: (observer: ActionObserver<I, O, TS>) => boolean;
                                                                    • Unsubscribe the given observer from the bus.

                                                                      An observer that is subscribed multiple times will be unsubscribed only once.

                                                                      Parameter observer

                                                                      The observer to unsubscribe. {boolean} If the given observer was successfully unsubscribed, otherwise it was not subscribed before.

                                                                    class BusIndexed

                                                                    class BusIndexed<
                                                                    A extends Actor<I, T, O, any>,
                                                                    I extends IAction,
                                                                    T extends IActorTest,
                                                                    O extends IActorOutput
                                                                    > extends Bus<A, I, T, O> {}
                                                                    • A bus that indexes identified actors, so that actions with a corresponding identifier can be published more efficiently.

                                                                      Multiple actors with the same identifier can be subscribed.

                                                                      If actors or actions do not have a valid identifier, then this will fallback to the normal bus behaviour.

                                                                      See Also

                                                                      • Bus

                                                                        A The actor type that can subscribe to the sub. I The input type of an actor. T The test type of an actor. O The output type of an actor.


                                                                    constructor(args: IBusIndexedArgs);
                                                                    • All enumerable properties from the args object are inherited to this bus.

                                                                      Parameter args

                                                                      Arguments object


                                                                      {string} args.name The name for the bus


                                                                      When required arguments are missing.

                                                                    property actionIdentifierFields

                                                                    protected readonly actionIdentifierFields: string[];

                                                                      property actorIdentifierFields

                                                                      protected readonly actorIdentifierFields: string[];

                                                                        property actorsIndex

                                                                        protected readonly actorsIndex: Record<string, A[]>;

                                                                          method getActionIdentifier

                                                                          protected getActionIdentifier: (action: I) => string;

                                                                            method getActorIdentifiers

                                                                            protected getActorIdentifiers: (actor: A) => string[] | undefined;

                                                                              method publish

                                                                              publish: (action: I) => IActorReply<A, I, T, O>[];

                                                                                method subscribe

                                                                                subscribe: (actor: A) => void;

                                                                                  method unsubscribe

                                                                                  unsubscribe: (actor: A) => boolean;

                                                                                    class Mediator

                                                                                    abstract class Mediator<
                                                                                    A extends Actor<I, T, O, TS>,
                                                                                    I extends IAction,
                                                                                    T extends IActorTest,
                                                                                    O extends IActorOutput,
                                                                                    TS = undefined
                                                                                    > implements IMediatorArgs<A, I, T, O, TS> {}
                                                                                    • A mediator can mediate an action over a bus of actors.

                                                                                      It does the following: 1. Accepts an action in Mediator#mediate. 2. Sends the action to the bus to test its applicability on all actors. 3. It _mediates_ over these test results. 4. It selects the _best_ actor. 5. The action is run by the _best_ actor, and the result if returned.

                                                                                      The _mediates_ and _best_ parts are filled in by subclasses of this abstract Mediator class.

                                                                                      A The type of actor to mediator over. I The input type of an actor. T The test type of an actor. O The output type of an actor.


                                                                                    protected constructor(args: IMediatorArgs<A, I, T, O, TS>);
                                                                                    • All enumerable properties from the args object are inherited to this mediator.

                                                                                      Parameter args

                                                                                      Arguments object


                                                                                      {string} args.name The name for this mediator.


                                                                                      {Bus<A extends Actor<I, T, O>, I extends IAction, T extends IActorTest, O extends IActorOutput>} args.bus The bus this mediator will mediate over.


                                                                                      When required arguments are missing.

                                                                                    property bus

                                                                                    readonly bus: Bus<A, I, T, O, TS>;

                                                                                      property name

                                                                                      readonly name: string;

                                                                                        method constructFailureMessage

                                                                                        protected constructFailureMessage: (
                                                                                        action: I,
                                                                                        actorFailures: string[]
                                                                                        ) => string;
                                                                                        • Construct a human-friendly failure message that accumulates the given actors's failure messages.

                                                                                          Parameter action

                                                                                          The action that was executed.

                                                                                          Parameter actorFailures

                                                                                          The failure messages that were collected from actor tests based on the given executed action.

                                                                                        method getObjectValue

                                                                                        protected static getObjectValue: (obj: any, path: string[]) => any;

                                                                                          method mediate

                                                                                          mediate: (action: I) => Promise<O>;
                                                                                          • Mediate for the given action.

                                                                                            This will send the test action on all actors in the bus. The action will be run on the actor that tests _best_, of which the result will be returned.

                                                                                            Parameter action

                                                                                            The action to mediate for. {Promise<O extends IActorOutput>} A promise that resolves to the mediation result.

                                                                                          method mediateActor

                                                                                          mediateActor: (action: I) => Promise<TestResult<A, TS>>;
                                                                                          • Mediate for the given action to get an actor.

                                                                                            This will send the test action on all actors in the bus. The actor that tests _best_ will be returned.

                                                                                            Parameter action

                                                                                            The action to mediate for. {Promise<O extends IActorOutput>} A promise that resolves to the _best_ actor.

                                                                                          method mediateTestable

                                                                                          mediateTestable: (action: I) => Promise<TestResult<O, TS>>;
                                                                                          • Mediate for the given action.

                                                                                            This will send the test action on all actors in the bus. The action will be run on the actor that tests _best_, of which the result will be returned.

                                                                                            Parameter action

                                                                                            The action to mediate for. {Promise<O extends IActorOutput>} A promise that resolves to the mediation result.

                                                                                          method mediateWith

                                                                                          protected abstract mediateWith: (
                                                                                          action: I,
                                                                                          testResults: IActorReply<A, I, T, O, TS>[]
                                                                                          ) => Promise<TestResult<A, TS>>;
                                                                                          • Mediate for the given action with the given actor test results for the action.

                                                                                            One actor must be returned that provided the _best_ test result. How '_best_' is interpreted, depends on the implementation of the Mediator.

                                                                                            Parameter action

                                                                                            The action to mediate for.

                                                                                            Parameter testResults

                                                                                            The actor test results for the action. {Promise<A extends Actor<I, T, O>>} A promise that resolves to the _best_ actor.

                                                                                          method publish

                                                                                          publish: (action: I) => IActorReply<A, I, T, O, TS>[];
                                                                                          • Publish the given action in the bus.

                                                                                            This will send the test action on all actors in the bus. All actor replies will be returned.

                                                                                            Parameter action

                                                                                            The action to mediate for. {IActorReply<A extends Actor<I, T, O>, I extends IAction, T extends IActorTest, O extends IActorOutput>[]} The list of actor replies.

                                                                                          class TestResultFailed

                                                                                          class TestResultFailed {}
                                                                                          • A failed test result. This should not be constructed manually. Instead, testFail should be used.


                                                                                          constructor(failMessage: string);

                                                                                            property failMessage

                                                                                            protected readonly failMessage: string;

                                                                                              method get

                                                                                              get: () => undefined;
                                                                                              • Get the value of the passed test, or undefined if the test failed.

                                                                                              method getFailMessage

                                                                                              getFailMessage: () => string;
                                                                                              • Get the failure message callback of the failed test, or undefined if the test passed.

                                                                                              method getOrThrow

                                                                                              getOrThrow: () => never;
                                                                                              • Get the value of the passed test, or throw an error if the test failed.

                                                                                              method getSideData

                                                                                              getSideData: () => never;
                                                                                              • The side data that will be passed to run.

                                                                                              method isFailed

                                                                                              isFailed: () => this is TestResultFailed;
                                                                                              • Check if the test has failed. If true, it will contain a failure message.

                                                                                              method isPassed

                                                                                              isPassed: () => this is TestResultPassed<any, any>;
                                                                                              • Check if the test has passed. If true, it will contain a value.

                                                                                              method map

                                                                                              map: () => TestResultFailed;
                                                                                              • For passed tests, map the passed value to another value. Failed tests will remain unchanged.

                                                                                                This will not mutate the test result, and instead return a new test result.

                                                                                              method mapAsync

                                                                                              mapAsync: () => Promise<TestResultFailed>;
                                                                                              • For passed tests, asynchronously map the passed value to another value. Failed tests will remain unchanged.

                                                                                                This will not mutate the test result, and instead return a new test result.

                                                                                              class TestResultPassed

                                                                                              class TestResultPassed<T, TS> {}
                                                                                              • A passed test result. This should not be constructed manually. Instead, testPass should be used.


                                                                                              constructor(passValue: {}, sideData: {});

                                                                                                property sideData

                                                                                                protected readonly sideData: {};

                                                                                                  property value

                                                                                                  protected readonly value: {};

                                                                                                    method get

                                                                                                    get: () => T;
                                                                                                    • Get the value of the passed test, or undefined if the test failed.

                                                                                                    method getFailMessage

                                                                                                    getFailMessage: () => undefined;
                                                                                                    • Get the failure message callback of the failed test, or undefined if the test passed.

                                                                                                    method getOrThrow

                                                                                                    getOrThrow: () => T;
                                                                                                    • Get the value of the passed test, or throw an error if the test failed.

                                                                                                    method getSideData

                                                                                                    getSideData: () => TS;
                                                                                                    • The side data that will be passed to run.

                                                                                                    method isFailed

                                                                                                    isFailed: () => this is TestResultFailed;
                                                                                                    • Check if the test has failed. If true, it will contain a failure message.

                                                                                                    method isPassed

                                                                                                    isPassed: () => this is TestResultPassed<T, TS>;
                                                                                                    • Check if the test has passed. If true, it will contain a value.

                                                                                                    method map

                                                                                                    map: <T2>(mapper: (value: T, sideData: TS) => T2) => TestResultPassed<T2, TS>;
                                                                                                    • For passed tests, map the passed value to another value. Failed tests will remain unchanged.

                                                                                                      This will not mutate the test result, and instead return a new test result.

                                                                                                      Parameter mapper

                                                                                                      A function that will transform the passed value.

                                                                                                    method mapAsync

                                                                                                    mapAsync: <T2>(
                                                                                                    mapper: (value: T, sideData: TS) => Promise<T2>
                                                                                                    ) => Promise<TestResultPassed<T2, TS>>;
                                                                                                    • For passed tests, asynchronously map the passed value to another value. Failed tests will remain unchanged.

                                                                                                      This will not mutate the test result, and instead return a new test result.

                                                                                                      Parameter mapper

                                                                                                      A function that will transform the passed value.


                                                                                                    interface IAction

                                                                                                    interface IAction {}
                                                                                                    • Data interface for the type of action.

                                                                                                    property context

                                                                                                    context: IActionContext;
                                                                                                    • The input context that is passed through by actors.

                                                                                                    interface IActionObserverArgs

                                                                                                    interface IActionObserverArgs<
                                                                                                    I extends IAction,
                                                                                                    O extends IActorOutput,
                                                                                                    TS = undefined
                                                                                                    > {}

                                                                                                      property bus

                                                                                                      bus: Bus<Actor<I, IActorTest, O, TS>, I, IActorTest, O, TS>;
                                                                                                      • The bus this observer can subscribe to.

                                                                                                      property name

                                                                                                      name: string;
                                                                                                      • The name for this observer. {<rdf:subject>}

                                                                                                      interface IActorArgs

                                                                                                      interface IActorArgs<
                                                                                                      I extends IAction,
                                                                                                      T extends IActorTest,
                                                                                                      O extends IActorOutput,
                                                                                                      TS = undefined
                                                                                                      > {}

                                                                                                        property beforeActors

                                                                                                        beforeActors?: Actor<I, T, O, TS>[];
                                                                                                        • Actor that must be registered in the bus before this actor.

                                                                                                        property bus

                                                                                                        bus: Bus<Actor<I, T, O, TS>, I, T, O, TS>;
                                                                                                        • The bus this actor subscribes to.

                                                                                                        property busFailMessage

                                                                                                        busFailMessage?: string;
                                                                                                        • The message that will be configured in the bus for reporting failures.

                                                                                                          This message may be a template string that contains references to the executed action. For example, the following templated string is allowed: "RDF dereferencing failed: no actors could handle ${action.handle.mediaType}"

                                                                                                        property name

                                                                                                        name: string;
                                                                                                        • The name for this actor. {<rdf:subject>}

                                                                                                        interface IActorOutput

                                                                                                        interface IActorOutput {}
                                                                                                        • Data interface for the type of an actor run result.

                                                                                                        interface IActorReply

                                                                                                        interface IActorReply<
                                                                                                        A extends Actor<I, T, O, TS>,
                                                                                                        I extends IAction,
                                                                                                        T extends IActorTest,
                                                                                                        O extends IActorOutput,
                                                                                                        TS = undefined
                                                                                                        > {}
                                                                                                        • Data interface for holding an actor and a promise to a reply from that actor.

                                                                                                        property actor

                                                                                                        actor: A;

                                                                                                          property reply

                                                                                                          reply: Promise<TestResult<T, TS>>;

                                                                                                            interface IActorTest

                                                                                                            interface IActorTest {}
                                                                                                            • Data interface for the type of an actor test result.

                                                                                                            interface IBusArgs

                                                                                                            interface IBusArgs {}

                                                                                                              property name

                                                                                                              name: string;
                                                                                                              • The name for this bus. {<rdf:subject>}

                                                                                                              interface IBusIndexedArgs

                                                                                                              interface IBusIndexedArgs extends IBusArgs {}

                                                                                                                property actionIdentifierFields

                                                                                                                actionIdentifierFields: string[];
                                                                                                                • Keys to follow down from the action object. The value at the location following these keys should be a string or be undefined.

                                                                                                                property actorIdentifierFields

                                                                                                                actorIdentifierFields: string[];
                                                                                                                • Keys to follow down from the actor object. The value at the location following these keys should be a string, a string array, or undefined. If the value is a string array, all strings will be registered as keys that map to the actor.

                                                                                                                interface IMediatorArgs

                                                                                                                interface IMediatorArgs<
                                                                                                                A extends Actor<I, T, O, TS>,
                                                                                                                I extends IAction,
                                                                                                                T extends IActorTest,
                                                                                                                O extends IActorOutput,
                                                                                                                TS = undefined
                                                                                                                > {}

                                                                                                                  property bus

                                                                                                                  bus: Bus<A, I, T, O, TS>;
                                                                                                                  • The bus this mediator will mediate over.

                                                                                                                  property name

                                                                                                                  name: string;
                                                                                                                  • The name for this mediator. {<rdf:subject>}

                                                                                                                  Type Aliases

                                                                                                                  type IBus

                                                                                                                  type IBus<
                                                                                                                  I extends IAction = IAction,
                                                                                                                  O extends IActorOutput = IActorOutput,
                                                                                                                  T extends IActorTest = IActorTest,
                                                                                                                  TS = undefined
                                                                                                                  > = Bus<Actor<I, T, O, TS>, I, T, O, TS>;

                                                                                                                    type IReply

                                                                                                                    type IReply<
                                                                                                                    I extends IAction = IAction,
                                                                                                                    O extends IActorOutput = IActorOutput,
                                                                                                                    T extends IActorTest = IActorTest,
                                                                                                                    TS = undefined
                                                                                                                    > = IActorReply<Actor<I, T, O, TS>, I, T, O, TS>;

                                                                                                                      type Mediate

                                                                                                                      type Mediate<
                                                                                                                      I extends IAction,
                                                                                                                      O extends IActorOutput,
                                                                                                                      T extends IActorTest = IActorTest,
                                                                                                                      TS = undefined
                                                                                                                      > = Mediator<Actor<I, T, O, TS>, I, T, O, TS>;

                                                                                                                        type TestResult

                                                                                                                        type TestResult<T, TS = undefined> = TestResultPassed<T, TS> | TestResultFailed;
                                                                                                                        • A test result represents the result of an actor test that can either be passed or failed.

                                                                                                                          Test results are immutable.

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                                                                                                                        No peer dependencies.


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