
  • Version 5.7.0
  • Published
  • 94.8 kB
  • 2 dependencies
  • MIT license


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The Cycle.js run() function to use with xstream



function run

run: <D extends MatchingDrivers<D, M>, M extends MatchingMain<D, M>>(
main: M,
drivers: D
) => DisposeFunction;
  • Takes a main function and circularly connects it to the given collection of driver functions.


    import run from '@cycle/run';
    const dispose = run(main, drivers);
    // ...

    The main function expects a collection of "source" streams (returned from drivers) as input, and should return a collection of "sink" streams (to be given to drivers). A "collection of streams" is a JavaScript object where keys match the driver names registered by the drivers object, and values are the streams. Refer to the documentation of each driver to see more details on what types of sources it outputs and sinks it receives.

    Parameter main

    a function that takes sources as input and outputs sinks.

    Parameter drivers

    an object where keys are driver names and values are driver functions. {Function} a dispose function, used to terminate the execution of the Cycle.js program, cleaning up resources used. run

function setup

setup: <D extends MatchingDrivers<D, M>, M extends MatchingMain<D, M>>(
main: M,
drivers: D
) => CycleProgram<D, M>;
  • A function that prepares the Cycle application to be executed. Takes a main function and prepares to circularly connects it to the given collection of driver functions. As an output, setup() returns an object with three properties: sources, sinks and run. Only when run() is called will the application actually execute. Refer to the documentation of run() for more details.


    import {setup} from '@cycle/run';
    const {sources, sinks, run} = setup(main, drivers);
    // ...
    const dispose = run(); // Executes the application
    // ...

    Parameter main

    a function that takes sources as input and outputs sinks.

    Parameter drivers

    an object where keys are driver names and values are driver functions. {Object} an object with three properties: sources, sinks and run. sources is the collection of driver sources, sinks is the collection of driver sinks, these can be used for debugging or testing. run is the function that once called will execute the application. setup

function setupReusable

setupReusable: <D extends Drivers>(drivers: D) => Engine<D>;
  • A partially-applied variant of setup() which accepts only the drivers, and allows many main functions to execute and reuse this same set of drivers.

    Takes an object with driver functions as input, and outputs an object which contains the generated sources (from those drivers) and a run function (which in turn expects sinks as argument). This run function can be called multiple times with different arguments, and it will reuse the drivers that were passed to setupReusable.


    import {setupReusable} from '@cycle/run';
    const {sources, run, dispose} = setupReusable(drivers);
    // ...
    const sinks = main(sources);
    const disposeRun = run(sinks);
    // ...
    // ...
    dispose(); // ends the reusability of drivers

    Parameter drivers

    an object where keys are driver names and values are driver functions. {Object} an object with three properties: sources, run and dispose. sources is the collection of driver sources, run is the function that once called with 'sinks' as argument, will execute the application, tying together sources with sinks. dispose terminates the reusable resources used by the drivers. Note also that run returns a dispose function which terminates resources that are specific (not reusable) to that run. setupReusable


interface CycleProgram

interface CycleProgram<
D extends MatchingDrivers<D, M>,
M extends MatchingMain<D, M>
> {}

    property sinks

    sinks: Sinks<M>;

      property sources

      sources: Sources<D>;

        method run

        run: () => DisposeFunction;

          interface Engine

          interface Engine<D extends Drivers> {}

            property sources

            sources: Sources<D>;

              method dispose

              dispose: () => void;

                method run

                run: <M extends MatchingMain<D, M>>(sinks: Sinks<M>) => DisposeFunction;

                  Type Aliases

                  type DevToolEnabledSource

                  type DevToolEnabledSource = {
                  _isCycleSource: string;

                    type DisposeFunction

                    type DisposeFunction = () => void;

                      type Driver

                      type Driver<Si, So> = Si extends void ? () => So : (stream: Si) => So;

                        type Drivers

                        type Drivers = {
                        [name: string]: Driver<Stream<any>, any | void>;

                          type FantasyObservable

                          type FantasyObservable<T> = {
                          subscribe(observer: FantasyObserver<T>): FantasySubscription;

                            type FantasyObserver

                            type FantasyObserver<T> = {
                            next(x: T): void;
                            error(err: any): void;
                            complete(c?: any): void;

                              type FantasySubscription

                              type FantasySubscription = {
                              unsubscribe(): void;

                                type GetValidInputs

                                type GetValidInputs<D extends Driver<any, any>> = D extends Driver<infer S, any>
                                ? S extends Stream<infer T>
                                ? T
                                : never
                                : never;

                                  type Main

                                  type Main = (...args: Array<any>) => any;

                                    type MatchingDrivers

                                    type MatchingDrivers<D extends Drivers, M extends Main> = Drivers & {
                                    [k in string & keyof Sinks<M>]:
                                    | (() => Sources<D>[k])
                                    | ((
                                    si: Stream<WidenStream<ToStream<Sinks<M>[k]>, GetValidInputs<D[k]>>>
                                    ) => Sources<D>[k]);

                                      type MatchingMain

                                      type MatchingMain<D extends Drivers, M extends Main> =
                                      | (Main & {
                                      (so: Sources<D>): Sinks<M>;
                                      | (Main & {
                                      (): Sinks<M>;

                                        type SinkProxies

                                        type SinkProxies<Si> = {
                                        [P in keyof Si]: Stream<any>;

                                          type Sinks

                                          type Sinks<M extends Main> = ReturnType<M>;

                                            type Sources

                                            type Sources<D extends Drivers> = {
                                            [k in keyof D]: ReturnType<D[k]>;

                                              type WidenStream

                                              type WidenStream<S, U> = S extends Stream<infer T> ? (T extends U ? U : never) : any;

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                                                No peer dependencies.


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