- Version 5.7.0
- Published
- 80.9 kB
- 1 dependency
- MIT license
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yarn add @ethersproject/bytes
pnpm add @ethersproject/bytes
Bytes utility functions for ethers.
Type Aliases
function arrayify
arrayify: ( value: BytesLike | Hexable | number, options?: DataOptions) => Uint8Array;
function concat
concat: (items: ReadonlyArray<BytesLike>) => Uint8Array;
function hexConcat
hexConcat: (items: ReadonlyArray<BytesLike>) => string;
function hexDataLength
hexDataLength: (data: BytesLike) => number;
function hexDataSlice
hexDataSlice: (data: BytesLike, offset: number, endOffset?: number) => string;
function hexlify
hexlify: ( value: BytesLike | Hexable | number | bigint, options?: DataOptions) => string;
function hexStripZeros
hexStripZeros: (value: BytesLike) => string;
function hexValue
hexValue: (value: BytesLike | Hexable | number | bigint) => string;
function hexZeroPad
hexZeroPad: (value: BytesLike, length: number) => string;
function isBytes
isBytes: (value: any) => value is Bytes;
function isBytesLike
isBytesLike: (value: any) => value is BytesLike;
function isHexString
isHexString: (value: any, length?: number) => boolean;
function joinSignature
joinSignature: (signature: SignatureLike) => string;
function splitSignature
splitSignature: (signature: SignatureLike) => Signature;
function stripZeros
stripZeros: (value: BytesLike) => Uint8Array;
function zeroPad
zeroPad: (value: BytesLike, length: number) => Uint8Array;
interface Hexable
interface Hexable {}
method toHexString
toHexString: () => string;
interface Signature
interface Signature {}
property compact
compact: string;
property r
r: string;
property recoveryParam
recoveryParam: number;
property s
s: string;
property v
v: number;
property yParityAndS
yParityAndS: string;
Type Aliases
type Bytes
type Bytes = ArrayLike<number>;
type BytesLike
type BytesLike = Bytes | string;
type DataOptions
type DataOptions = { allowMissingPrefix?: boolean; hexPad?: 'left' | 'right' | null;};
type SignatureLike
type SignatureLike = | { r: string; s?: string; _vs?: string; recoveryParam?: number; v?: number; } | BytesLike;
Package Files (1)
Dependencies (1)
Dev Dependencies (0)
No dev dependencies.
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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