
  • Version 0.24.0
  • Published
  • 44.3 kB
  • 5 dependencies
  • Apache-2.0 license


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Wotan plugin to behave almost like TSLint



function createModule

createModule: () => ContainerModule;


    class TslintConfigurationProvider

    class TslintConfigurationProvider implements ConfigurationProvider {}


      resolver: Resolver,
      fs: CachedFileSystem,
      cacheFactory: CacheFactory,
      builtinResolver: BuiltinResolver,
      directories: DirectoryService,
      options: GlobalOptions

        method find

        find: (fileName: string) => string | undefined;

          method load

          load: (filename: string) => Configuration;

            method parse

            parse: (
            raw: TSLint.Configuration.IConfigurationFile,
            filename: string
            ) => Configuration;

              method resolve

              resolve: (name: string, basedir: string) => string;

                class TslintFormatterLoaderHost

                class TslintFormatterLoaderHost implements FormatterLoaderHost {}

                  property loadCoreFormatter

                  loadCoreFormatter: (name: string) => any;

                    property loadCustomFormatter

                    loadCustomFormatter: (name: string) => any;

                      class TslintLineSwitchParser

                      class TslintLineSwitchParser implements LineSwitchParser {}

                        method parse

                        parse: ({ sourceFile }: LineSwitchParserContext) => RawLineSwitch[];

                          class TslintRuleLoaderHost

                          class TslintRuleLoaderHost implements RuleLoaderHost {}

                            method loadCoreRule

                            loadCoreRule: (name: string) => RuleConstructor | undefined;

                              method loadCustomRule

                              loadCustomRule: (name: string, dir: string) => RuleConstructor | undefined;

                                Package Files (5)

                                Dependencies (5)

                                Dev Dependencies (2)

                                Peer Dependencies (2)


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