
  • Version 0.9.2
  • Published
  • 9.56 kB
  • No dependencies
  • Apache-2.0 license


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@firebase/app Types



class FirebaseApp

class FirebaseApp {}

    property automaticDataCollectionEnabled

    automaticDataCollectionEnabled: boolean;
    • The settable config flag for GDPR opt-in/opt-out

    property name

    name: string;
    • The (read-only) name (identifier) for this App. '[DEFAULT]' is the default App.

    property options

    options: FirebaseOptions;
    • The (read-only) configuration options from the app initialization.

    method delete

    delete: () => Promise<void>;
    • Make the given App unusable and free resources.


    interface FirebaseAppConfig

    interface FirebaseAppConfig {}

      property automaticDataCollectionEnabled

      automaticDataCollectionEnabled?: boolean;

        property name

        name?: string;

          interface FirebaseNamespace

          interface FirebaseNamespace {}

            property app

            app: {
            * Retrieve an instance of a FirebaseApp.
            * Usage: firebase.app()
            * @param name The optional name of the app to return ('[DEFAULT]' if omitted)
            (name?: string): FirebaseApp;
            * For testing FirebaseApp instances:
            * app() instanceof firebase.app.App
            * DO NOT call this constuctor directly (use firebase.app() instead).
            App: typeof FirebaseApp;

              property apps

              apps: FirebaseApp[];
              • A (read-only) array of all the initialized Apps.

              property SDK_VERSION

              SDK_VERSION: string;

                method initializeApp

                initializeApp: {
                (options: FirebaseOptions, config?: FirebaseAppConfig): FirebaseApp;
                (options: FirebaseOptions, name?: string): FirebaseApp;
                • Create (and initialize) a FirebaseApp.

                  Parameter options

                  Options to configure the services used in the App.

                  Parameter config

                  The optional config for your firebase app

                • Create (and initialize) a FirebaseApp.

                  Parameter options

                  Options to configure the services used in the App.

                  Parameter name

                  The optional name of the app to initialize ('[DEFAULT]' if omitted)

                method onLog

                onLog: (logCallback: LogCallback, options?: LogOptions) => void;

                  method registerVersion

                  registerVersion: (library: string, version: string, variant?: string) => void;
                  • Registers a library's name and version for platform logging purposes.

                    Parameter library

                    Name of 1p or 3p library (e.g. firestore, angularfire)

                    Parameter version

                    Current version of that library.

                  method setLogLevel

                  setLogLevel: (logLevel: LogLevelString) => void;

                    interface VersionService

                    interface VersionService {}

                      property library

                      library: string;

                        property version

                        version: string;

                          Type Aliases

                          type FirebaseOptions

                          type FirebaseOptions = {
                          apiKey?: string;
                          authDomain?: string;
                          databaseURL?: string;
                          projectId?: string;
                          storageBucket?: string;
                          messagingSenderId?: string;
                          appId?: string;
                          measurementId?: string;

                            Package Files (1)

                            Dependencies (0)

                            No dependencies.

                            Dev Dependencies (1)

                            Peer Dependencies (0)

                            No peer dependencies.


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