
  • Version 0.2.2
  • Published
  • 37.8 kB
  • 1 dependency
  • MIT license


npm i @fortawesome/react-fontawesome
yarn add @fortawesome/react-fontawesome
pnpm add @fortawesome/react-fontawesome


Official React component for Font Awesome



function FontAwesomeIcon

FontAwesomeIcon: (props: FontAwesomeIconProps) => JSX.Element;


    interface FontAwesomeIconProps

    interface FontAwesomeIconProps
    extends BackwardCompatibleOmit<
    'children' | 'mask' | 'transform'
    RefAttributes<SVGSVGElement> {}

      property beat

      beat?: boolean;

        property beatFade

        beatFade?: boolean;

          property border

          border?: boolean;

            property bounce

            bounce?: boolean;

              property className

              className?: string;

                property color

                color?: string;

                  property fade

                  fade?: boolean;

                    property fixedWidth

                    fixedWidth?: boolean;

                      property flip

                      flip?: FlipProp;

                        property icon

                        icon: IconProp;

                          property inverse

                          inverse?: boolean;

                            property listItem

                            listItem?: boolean;

                              property mask

                              mask?: IconProp;

                                property maskId

                                maskId?: string;

                                  property pull

                                  pull?: PullProp;

                                    property pulse

                                    pulse?: boolean;

                                      property rotation

                                      rotation?: RotateProp;

                                        property shake

                                        shake?: boolean;

                                          property size

                                          size?: SizeProp;

                                            property spin

                                            spin?: boolean;

                                              property spinPulse

                                              spinPulse?: boolean;

                                                property spinReverse

                                                spinReverse?: boolean;

                                                  property style

                                                  style?: CSSProperties;

                                                    property swapOpacity

                                                    swapOpacity?: boolean;

                                                      property symbol

                                                      symbol?: FaSymbol;

                                                        property tabIndex

                                                        tabIndex?: number;

                                                          property title

                                                          title?: string;

                                                            property titleId

                                                            titleId?: string;

                                                              property transform

                                                              transform?: string | Transform;

                                                                Type Aliases

                                                                type BackwardCompatibleOmit

                                                                type BackwardCompatibleOmit<T, K extends keyof any> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>;

                                                                  type Props

                                                                  type Props = FontAwesomeIconProps;
                                                                  • Deprecated

                                                                    use FontAwesomeIconProps

                                                                  Package Files (1)

                                                                  Dependencies (1)

                                                                  Dev Dependencies (36)

                                                                  Peer Dependencies (2)


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