- Version 0.94.3
- Published
- 789 kB
- 5 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i @glimmer/syntax
yarn add @glimmer/syntax
pnpm add @glimmer/syntax
Overview not available.
Type Aliases
- AtHead
- AttrNode
- AttrPart
- AttrValue
- BaseNode
- Block
- BlockStatement
- BooleanLiteral
- CallableExpression
- CallNode
- CallParts
- CommentStatement
- CommonProgram
- ConcatStatement
- ElementModifierStatement
- ElementNode
- EntityEncodingState
- Expression
- ExpressionName
- Expressions
- Hash
- HashPair
- Literal
- LiteralName
- MinimalPathExpression
- MustacheCommentStatement
- MustacheStatement
- Node
- Nodes
- NodeType
- NullLiteral
- NumberLiteral
- ParentNode
- PathExpression
- PathHead
- Position
- Program
- SourceLocation
- SourcePosition
- Statement
- StatementName
- Statements
- StringLiteral
- StripFlags
- SubExpression
- SubNode
- SubNodes
- SubNodeType
- Template
- TextNode
- ThisHead
- TopLevelStatement
- UndefinedLiteral
- VarHead
- AtHead
- AttrNode
- AttrPart
- AttrValue
- BaseNode
- Block
- BlockStatement
- BooleanLiteral
- CallableExpression
- CallNode
- CallParts
- CommentStatement
- CommonProgram
- ConcatStatement
- ElementModifierStatement
- ElementNode
- EntityEncodingState
- Expression
- ExpressionName
- Expressions
- Hash
- HashPair
- Literal
- LiteralName
- MinimalPathExpression
- MustacheCommentStatement
- MustacheStatement
- Node
- Nodes
- NodeType
- NullLiteral
- NumberLiteral
- ParentNode
- PathExpression
- PathHead
- Position
- Program
- SourceLocation
- SourcePosition
- Statement
- StatementName
- Statements
- StringLiteral
- StripFlags
- SubExpression
- SubNode
- SubNodes
- SubNodeType
- Template
- TextNode
- ThisHead
- TopLevelStatement
- UndefinedLiteral
- VarHead
- AppendContent
- ArgReference
- Args
- AttrBlockNode
- AttrNode
- AttrNodeOptions
- BaseNodeFields
- Block
- CalleeNode
- CallExpression
- CallFields
- CallNode
- ComponentArg
- ContentNode
- ElementModifier
- ElementNode
- ExpressionNode
- FreeVarReference
- FreeVarResolution
- GlimmerComment
- GlimmerParentNodeOptions
- HtmlAttr
- HtmlComment
- HtmlOrSplatAttr
- HtmlResolution
- HtmlText
- InterpolateExpression
- InvokeBlock
- InvokeComponent
- isLiteral()
- isStrictResolution()
- KeywordExpression
- LiteralExpression
- LiteralTypes
- LiteralValue
- loadResolution()
- LocalVarReference
- LooseModeResolution
- NamedArgument
- NamedArguments
- NamedBlock
- NamedBlockFields
- NamedBlocks
- node()
- NodeConstructor
- PathExpression
- PositionalArguments
- SerializedBaseNode
- SerializedResolution
- SimpleElement
- SplatAttr
- StrictResolution
- StringLiteral
- Template
- ThisReference
- TypedNodeConstructor
- VariableReference
variable builders
const builders: { mustache: typeof buildMustache; block: typeof buildBlock; comment: typeof buildComment; mustacheComment: typeof buildMustacheComment; element: typeof buildElement; elementModifier: typeof buildElementModifier; attr: typeof buildAttr; text: typeof buildText; sexpr: typeof buildSexpr; concat: typeof buildConcat; hash: typeof buildHash; pair: typeof buildPair; literal: typeof buildLiteral; program: typeof buildProgram; blockItself: typeof buildBlockItself; template: typeof buildTemplate; loc: typeof buildLoc; pos: typeof buildPosition; path: typeof buildPath; fullPath: typeof buildCleanPath; head: typeof buildHeadFromString; at: typeof buildAtName; var: typeof buildVar; this: typeof buildThis; string: (value: string) => ASTv1.StringLiteral; boolean: (value: boolean) => ASTv1.BooleanLiteral; number: (value: number) => ASTv1.NumberLiteral; undefined(): ASTv1.UndefinedLiteral; null(): ASTv1.NullLiteral;};
const KEYWORDS_TYPES: { action: ('Call' | 'Modifier')[]; component: ('Block' | 'Call' | 'Append')[]; debugger: 'Append'[]; 'each-in': 'Block'[]; each: 'Block'[]; 'has-block-params': ('Call' | 'Append')[]; 'has-block': ('Call' | 'Append')[]; helper: ('Call' | 'Append')[]; if: ('Block' | 'Call' | 'Append')[]; 'in-element': 'Block'[]; let: 'Block'[]; log: ('Call' | 'Append')[]; modifier: ('Call' | 'Modifier')[]; mount: 'Append'[]; mut: ('Call' | 'Append')[]; outlet: 'Append'[]; readonly: ('Call' | 'Append')[]; unbound: ('Call' | 'Append')[]; unless: ('Block' | 'Call' | 'Append')[]; yield: 'Append'[];};
This includes the full list of keywords currently in use in the template language, and where their valid usages are.
variable visitorKeys
const visitorKeys: { readonly Template: readonly ['body']; readonly Block: readonly ['body']; readonly MustacheStatement: readonly ['path', 'params', 'hash']; readonly BlockStatement: readonly [ 'path', 'params', 'hash', 'program', 'inverse' ]; readonly ElementModifierStatement: readonly ['path', 'params', 'hash']; readonly CommentStatement: readonly []; readonly MustacheCommentStatement: readonly []; readonly ElementNode: readonly [ 'attributes', 'modifiers', 'children', 'comments' ]; readonly AttrNode: readonly ['value']; readonly TextNode: readonly []; readonly ConcatStatement: readonly ['parts']; readonly SubExpression: readonly ['path', 'params', 'hash']; readonly PathExpression: readonly []; readonly StringLiteral: readonly []; readonly BooleanLiteral: readonly []; readonly NumberLiteral: readonly []; readonly NullLiteral: readonly []; readonly UndefinedLiteral: readonly []; readonly Hash: readonly ['pairs']; readonly HashPair: readonly ['value'];};
function cannotRemoveNode
cannotRemoveNode: ( node: ASTv1.Node, parent: ASTv1.Node, key: string) => TraversalError;
function cannotReplaceNode
cannotReplaceNode: ( node: ASTv1.Node, parent: ASTv1.Node, key: string) => TraversalError;
function generateSyntaxError
generateSyntaxError: ( message: string, location: src.SourceSpan) => GlimmerSyntaxError;
function getTemplateLocals
getTemplateLocals: ( html: string, options?: GetTemplateLocalsOptions) => string[];
Parses and traverses a given handlebars html template to extract all template locals referenced that could possible come from the parent scope. Can exclude known keywords optionally.
function getVoidTags
getVoidTags: () => string[];
function hasSpan
hasSpan: (span: MaybeHasSourceSpan) => span is HasSourceSpan;
function isKeyword
isKeyword: { (word: string): word is | 'action' | 'component' | 'debugger' | 'each-in' | 'each' | 'has-block-params' | 'has-block' | 'helper' | 'if' | 'in-element' | 'let' | 'log' | 'modifier' | 'mount' | 'mut' | 'outlet' | 'readonly' | 'unbound' | 'unless' | 'yield'; (word: string, type: KeywordType): boolean;};
function isVoidTag
isVoidTag: (tag: string) => boolean;
Examples when true: - link - liNK
Examples when false: - Link (component)
function loc
loc: (span: HasSourceSpan) => SourceSpan;
function maybeLoc
maybeLoc: (location: MaybeHasSourceSpan, fallback: SourceSpan) => SourceSpan;
function node
node: { (): { fields<Fields extends object>(): NodeConstructor<Fields & BaseNodeFields>; }; <T extends string>(name: T): { fields<Fields extends object>(): TypedNodeConstructor< T, Fields & BaseNodeFields >; };};
This is a convenience function for creating ASTv2 nodes, with an optional name and the node's options.
export class HtmlText extends node('HtmlText').fields<{ chars: string }>() {}This creates a new ASTv2 node with the name
and one fieldchars: string
(in addition to aloc: SourceOffsets
field, which all nodes have).export class Args extends node().fields<{positional: PositionalArguments;named: NamedArguments}>() {}This creates a new un-named ASTv2 node with two fields (
positional: Positional
and `named: Named, in addition to the generic
loc: SourceOffsets` field).Once you create a node using
, it is instantiated with all of its fields (includingloc
):new HtmlText({ loc: offsets, chars: someString });
function normalize
normalize: ( source: Source, options?: PrecompileOptionsWithLexicalScope) => [ast: ASTv2.Template, locals: string[]];
function preprocess
preprocess: ( input: string | src.Source | HBS.Program, options?: PreprocessOptions) => ASTv1.Template;
function print
print: (ast: ASTv1.Node, options?: PrinterOptions) => string;
function sortByLoc
sortByLoc: (a: ASTv1.Node, b: ASTv1.Node) => -1 | 0 | 1;
function traverse
traverse: (node: ASTv1.Node, visitor: NodeVisitor) => void;
class BlockSymbolTable
class BlockSymbolTable extends SymbolTable {}
constructor(parent: SymbolTable, symbols: string[], slots: number[]);
property locals
readonly locals: string[];
property slots
slots: number[];
property symbols
symbols: string[];
method allocate
allocate: (identifier: string) => number;
method allocateBlock
allocateBlock: (name: string) => number;
method allocateFree
allocateFree: (name: string, resolution: ASTv2.FreeVarResolution) => number;
method allocateNamed
allocateNamed: (name: string) => number;
method get
get: (name: string) => [number, boolean];
method getDebugInfo
getDebugInfo: () => [ locals: Record<string, number>, upvars: Record<string, number>];
method getKeyword
getKeyword: (name: string) => number;
method getLocalsMap
getLocalsMap: () => Dict<number>;
method has
has: (name: string) => boolean;
method hasKeyword
hasKeyword: (name: string) => boolean;
method hasLexical
hasLexical: (name: string) => boolean;
method root
root: () => ProgramSymbolTable;
class Path
class Walker {}
constructor(order?: {});
property order
order?: {};
property stack
stack: unknown[];
method children
children: <N extends ASTv1.Node>( node: N & ASTv1.Node, callback: NodeCallback<N & ASTv1.Node>) => void;
method visit
visit: <N extends ASTv1.Node>( node: Nullable<N>, visitor: NodeCallback<N>) => void;
class ProgramSymbolTable
class ProgramSymbolTable extends SymbolTable {}
constructor( templateLocals: readonly string[], keywords: readonly string[], options: SymbolTableOptions);
property blocks
readonly blocks: Dict<number>;
property named
readonly named: Dict<number>;
property symbols
readonly symbols: string[];
property upvars
readonly upvars: string[];
property usedTemplateLocals
readonly usedTemplateLocals: string[];
method allocate
allocate: (identifier: string) => number;
method allocateBlock
allocateBlock: (name: string) => number;
method allocateFree
allocateFree: (name: string, resolution: ASTv2.FreeVarResolution) => number;
method allocateNamed
allocateNamed: (name: string) => number;
method get
get: (name: string) => [number, boolean];
method getDebugInfo
getDebugInfo: () => Core.DebugSymbols;
method getKeyword
getKeyword: (name: string) => number;
method getLocalsMap
getLocalsMap: () => Dict<number>;
method getUsedTemplateLocals
getUsedTemplateLocals: () => string[];
method has
has: (name: string) => boolean;
method hasKeyword
hasKeyword: (name: string) => boolean;
method hasLexical
hasLexical: (name: string) => boolean;
method root
root: () => this;
class SourceSlice
class SourceSlice<Chars extends string = string> {}
constructor(options: { loc: src.SourceSpan; chars: Chars });
property chars
readonly chars: string;
property loc
readonly loc: src.SourceSpan;
method getString
getString: () => string;
method load
static load: ( source: src.Source, slice: SerializedSourceSlice<string>) => SourceSlice;
method serialize
serialize: () => SerializedSourceSlice<Chars>;
method synthetic
static synthetic: <S extends string>(chars: S) => SourceSlice<S>;
class SpanList
class SpanList {}
constructor(span?: SourceSpan[]);
method add
add: (offset: SourceSpan) => void;
method getRangeOffset
getRangeOffset: (fallback: SourceSpan) => SourceSpan;
method range
static range: { (span: PresentArray<HasSourceSpan>): SourceSpan; (span: HasSourceSpan[], fallback: SourceSpan): SourceSpan;};
class SymbolTable
abstract class SymbolTable {}
method allocate
abstract allocate: (identifier: string) => number;
method allocateBlock
abstract allocateBlock: (name: string) => number;
method allocateFree
abstract allocateFree: ( name: string, resolution: ASTv2.FreeVarResolution) => number;
method allocateNamed
abstract allocateNamed: (name: string) => number;
method child
child: (locals: string[]) => BlockSymbolTable;
method get
abstract get: (name: string) => [symbol: number, isRoot: boolean];
method getDebugInfo
abstract getDebugInfo: () => Core.DebugSymbols;
method getKeyword
abstract getKeyword: (name: string) => number;
method getLocalsMap
abstract getLocalsMap: () => Dict<number>;
method has
abstract has: (name: string) => boolean;
method hasKeyword
abstract hasKeyword: (name: string) => boolean;
method hasLexical
abstract hasLexical: (name: string) => boolean;
method root
abstract root: () => ProgramSymbolTable;
method top
static top: ( locals: readonly string[], keywords: readonly string[], options: SymbolTableOptions) => ProgramSymbolTable;
class Walker
class Walker {}
constructor(order?: {});
property order
order?: {};
property stack
stack: unknown[];
method children
children: <N extends ASTv1.Node>( node: N & ASTv1.Node, callback: NodeCallback<N & ASTv1.Node>) => void;
method visit
visit: <N extends ASTv1.Node>( node: Nullable<N>, visitor: NodeCallback<N>) => void;
class WalkerPath
class WalkerPath<N extends ASTv1.Node> {}
constructor( node: ASTv1.Node, parent?: WalkerPath<ASTv1.Node>, parentKey?: string);
property node
node: ASTv1.Node;
property parent
parent: WalkerPath<ASTv1.Node>;
property parentKey
parentKey: string;
property parentNode
readonly parentNode: ASTv1.Node;
method parents
parents: () => Iterable<WalkerPath<ASTv1.Node> | null>;
interface ASTPlugin
interface ASTPlugin {}
interface ASTPluginBuilder
interface ASTPluginBuilder< TEnv extends ASTPluginEnvironment = ASTPluginEnvironment> {}
ASTPlugins can make changes to the Glimmer template AST before compilation begins.
call signature
(env: TEnv): ASTPlugin;
interface ASTPluginEnvironment
interface ASTPluginEnvironment {}
interface GlimmerSyntaxError
interface GlimmerSyntaxError extends Error {}
interface PrecompileOptions
interface PrecompileOptions extends PreprocessOptions {}
property customizeComponentName
customizeComponentName?: ((input: string) => string) | undefined;
In loose mode, this hook allows embedding environments to customize the name of an angle-bracket component. In practice, this means that
<HelloWorld />
in Ember is compiled by Glimmer as an invocation of a component namedhello-world
.It's a little weird that this is needed in addition to the resolver, but it's a classic-only feature and it seems fine to leave it alone for classic consumers.
property id
id?: TemplateIdFn;
property keywords
keywords?: readonly string[];
Additional non-native keywords.
Local variables (block params or lexical scope) always takes precedence, but otherwise, suitable free variable candidates (e.g. those are not part of a path) are matched against this list and turned into keywords.
In strict mode compilation, keywords suppresses the undefined reference error and will be resolved by the runtime environment.
In loose mode, keywords are currently ignored and since all free variables are already resolved by the runtime environment.
interface PrecompileOptionsWithLexicalScope
interface PrecompileOptionsWithLexicalScope extends PrecompileOptions {}
property emit
emit?: | { debugSymbols?: boolean; } | undefined;
is set totrue
, the name of lexical local variables will be included in the wire format.
property lexicalScope
lexicalScope: (variable: string) => boolean;
interface PreprocessOptions
interface PreprocessOptions {}
property customizeComponentName
customizeComponentName?: ((input: string) => string) | undefined;
property locals
locals?: string[] | undefined;
property meta
meta?: | { moduleName?: string | undefined; } | undefined;
property mode
mode?: 'codemod' | 'precompile' | undefined;
Useful for specifying a group of options together.
we disable all whitespace control in handlebars (to preserve as much as possible) and we also avoid any escaping/unescaping of HTML entity codes.
property parseOptions
parseOptions?: HandlebarsParseOptions | undefined;
property plugins
plugins?: | { ast?: ASTPluginBuilder[] | undefined; } | undefined;
property strictMode
strictMode?: boolean | undefined;
interface Syntax
interface Syntax {}
interface TemplateIdFn
interface TemplateIdFn {}
call signature
(src: string): Nullable<string>;
Type Aliases
type HasSourceSpan
type HasSourceSpan = | { loc: SourceSpan; } | SourceSpan | [HasSourceSpan, ...HasSourceSpan[]];
type KeywordType
type KeywordType = 'Call' | 'Modifier' | 'Append' | 'Block';
type MaybeHasSourceSpan
type MaybeHasSourceSpan = | { loc: SourceSpan; } | SourceSpan | MaybeHasSourceSpan[];
type NodeVisitor
type NodeVisitor = { [P in keyof ASTv1.Nodes]?: NodeTraversal<ASTv1.Nodes[P]>;} & { All?: NodeTraversal<ASTv1.Node>; /** * @deprecated use Template or Block instead */ Program?: NodeTraversal<ASTv1.Template | ASTv1.Block>;};
namespace AST
module 'dist/dev/lib/v1/api.d.ts' {}
interface AtHead
interface AtHead {}
interface AttrNode
interface AttrNode extends BaseNode {}
interface Block
interface Block extends CommonProgram {}
property blockParams
blockParams: string[];
string accessor for params.name
property chained
chained?: boolean;
property params
params: VarHead[];
property type
type: 'Block';
interface BlockStatement
interface BlockStatement extends BaseNode {}
property chained
chained?: boolean;
property closeStrip
closeStrip: StripFlags;
property hash
hash: Hash;
property inverse
inverse?: Nullable<Block>;
property inverseStrip
inverseStrip: StripFlags;
property openStrip
openStrip: StripFlags;
property params
params: Expression[];
property path
path: CallableExpression;
property program
program: Block;
property type
type: 'BlockStatement';
interface BooleanLiteral
interface BooleanLiteral extends BaseNode {}
interface CallParts
interface CallParts {}
interface CommentStatement
interface CommentStatement extends BaseNode {}
interface CommonProgram
interface CommonProgram extends BaseNode {}
property body
body: Statement[];
interface ConcatStatement
interface ConcatStatement extends BaseNode {}
interface ElementModifierStatement
interface ElementModifierStatement extends BaseNode {}
interface ElementNode
interface ElementNode extends BaseNode {}
property attributes
attributes: AttrNode[];
property blockParams
blockParams: string[];
string accessor for params.name
property children
children: Statement[];
property closeTag
closeTag: Nullable<src.SourceSpan>;
span for the close tag, null for void or self-closing tags
property comments
comments: MustacheCommentStatement[];
property modifiers
modifiers: ElementModifierStatement[];
property openTag
openTag: src.SourceSpan;
span for the open tag
property params
params: VarHead[];
property path
path: PathExpression;
property selfClosing
selfClosing: boolean;
property tag
tag: string;
string accessor for path.original
property type
type: 'ElementNode';
interface Hash
interface Hash extends BaseNode {}
interface HashPair
interface HashPair extends BaseNode {}
interface MinimalPathExpression
interface MinimalPathExpression extends BaseNode {}
interface MustacheCommentStatement
interface MustacheCommentStatement extends BaseNode {}
interface MustacheStatement
interface MustacheStatement extends BaseNode {}
interface NullLiteral
interface NullLiteral extends BaseNode {}
interface NumberLiteral
interface NumberLiteral extends BaseNode {}
interface PathExpression
interface PathExpression extends MinimalPathExpression {}
property data
readonly data: boolean;
use `head.type' instead
property head
head: PathHead;
property original
original: string;
property parts
parts: readonly string[];
property tail
tail: string[];
property this
readonly this: boolean;
property type
type: 'PathExpression';
interface Position
interface SourcePosition {}
interface SourceLocation
interface SourceLocation {}
interface SourcePosition
interface SourcePosition {}
interface StringLiteral
interface StringLiteral extends BaseNode {}
interface StripFlags
interface StripFlags {}
interface SubExpression
interface SubExpression extends BaseNode {}
interface Template
interface Template extends CommonProgram {}
property blockParams
blockParams: string[];
property type
type: 'Template';
interface TextNode
interface TextNode extends BaseNode {}
interface ThisHead
interface ThisHead {}
interface UndefinedLiteral
interface UndefinedLiteral extends BaseNode {}
interface VarHead
interface VarHead {}
type AttrPart
type AttrPart = TextNode | MustacheStatement;
type AttrValue
type AttrValue = TextNode | MustacheStatement | ConcatStatement;
type CallableExpression
type CallableExpression = SubExpression | PathExpression;
type CallNode
type CallNode = | MustacheStatement | BlockStatement | ElementModifierStatement | SubExpression;
type EntityEncodingState
type EntityEncodingState = 'transformed' | 'raw';
type Expression
type Expression = Nodes[ExpressionName];
type ExpressionName
type ExpressionName = 'SubExpression' | 'PathExpression' | LiteralName;
type Expressions
type Expressions = Pick<Nodes, ExpressionName>;
type Literal
type Literal = Nodes[LiteralName];
type LiteralName
type LiteralName = | 'StringLiteral' | 'BooleanLiteral' | 'NumberLiteral' | 'UndefinedLiteral' | 'NullLiteral';
type Node
type Node = Nodes[NodeType];
type Nodes
type Nodes = { Template: Template; Block: Block; MustacheStatement: MustacheStatement; BlockStatement: BlockStatement; ElementModifierStatement: ElementModifierStatement; CommentStatement: CommentStatement; MustacheCommentStatement: MustacheCommentStatement; ElementNode: ElementNode; AttrNode: AttrNode; TextNode: TextNode; ConcatStatement: ConcatStatement; SubExpression: SubExpression; PathExpression: PathExpression; StringLiteral: StringLiteral; BooleanLiteral: BooleanLiteral; NumberLiteral: NumberLiteral; NullLiteral: NullLiteral; UndefinedLiteral: UndefinedLiteral; Hash: Hash; HashPair: HashPair;};
type NodeType
type NodeType = keyof Nodes;
type ParentNode
type ParentNode = Template | Block | ElementNode;
type PathHead
type PathHead = ThisHead | AtHead | VarHead;
type Program
type Program = Template | Block;
use Template or Block instead
type Statement
type Statement = Nodes[StatementName];
type StatementName
type StatementName = | 'MustacheStatement' | 'CommentStatement' | 'BlockStatement' | 'MustacheCommentStatement' | 'TextNode' | 'ElementNode';
type Statements
type Statements = Pick<Nodes, StatementName>;
type SubNode
type SubNode = SubNodes[SubNodeType];
type SubNodes
type SubNodes = { ThisHead: ThisHead; AtHead: AtHead; VarHead: VarHead;};
type SubNodeType
type SubNodeType = keyof SubNodes;
type TopLevelStatement
type TopLevelStatement = Statement | Nodes['Block'];
namespace ASTv1
module 'dist/dev/lib/v1/api.d.ts' {}
interface AtHead
interface AtHead {}
interface AttrNode
interface AttrNode extends BaseNode {}
interface Block
interface Block extends CommonProgram {}
property blockParams
blockParams: string[];
string accessor for params.name
property chained
chained?: boolean;
property params
params: VarHead[];
property type
type: 'Block';
interface BlockStatement
interface BlockStatement extends BaseNode {}
property chained
chained?: boolean;
property closeStrip
closeStrip: StripFlags;
property hash
hash: Hash;
property inverse
inverse?: Nullable<Block>;
property inverseStrip
inverseStrip: StripFlags;
property openStrip
openStrip: StripFlags;
property params
params: Expression[];
property path
path: CallableExpression;
property program
program: Block;
property type
type: 'BlockStatement';
interface BooleanLiteral
interface BooleanLiteral extends BaseNode {}
interface CallParts
interface CallParts {}
interface CommentStatement
interface CommentStatement extends BaseNode {}
interface CommonProgram
interface CommonProgram extends BaseNode {}
property body
body: Statement[];
interface ConcatStatement
interface ConcatStatement extends BaseNode {}
interface ElementModifierStatement
interface ElementModifierStatement extends BaseNode {}
interface ElementNode
interface ElementNode extends BaseNode {}
property attributes
attributes: AttrNode[];
property blockParams
blockParams: string[];
string accessor for params.name
property children
children: Statement[];
property closeTag
closeTag: Nullable<src.SourceSpan>;
span for the close tag, null for void or self-closing tags
property comments
comments: MustacheCommentStatement[];
property modifiers
modifiers: ElementModifierStatement[];
property openTag
openTag: src.SourceSpan;
span for the open tag
property params
params: VarHead[];
property path
path: PathExpression;
property selfClosing
selfClosing: boolean;
property tag
tag: string;
string accessor for path.original
property type
type: 'ElementNode';
interface Hash
interface Hash extends BaseNode {}
interface HashPair
interface HashPair extends BaseNode {}
interface MinimalPathExpression
interface MinimalPathExpression extends BaseNode {}
interface MustacheCommentStatement
interface MustacheCommentStatement extends BaseNode {}
interface MustacheStatement
interface MustacheStatement extends BaseNode {}
interface NullLiteral
interface NullLiteral extends BaseNode {}
interface NumberLiteral
interface NumberLiteral extends BaseNode {}
interface PathExpression
interface PathExpression extends MinimalPathExpression {}
property data
readonly data: boolean;
use `head.type' instead
property head
head: PathHead;
property original
original: string;
property parts
parts: readonly string[];
property tail
tail: string[];
property this
readonly this: boolean;
property type
type: 'PathExpression';
interface Position
interface SourcePosition {}
interface SourceLocation
interface SourceLocation {}
interface SourcePosition
interface SourcePosition {}
interface StringLiteral
interface StringLiteral extends BaseNode {}
interface StripFlags
interface StripFlags {}
interface SubExpression
interface SubExpression extends BaseNode {}
interface Template
interface Template extends CommonProgram {}
property blockParams
blockParams: string[];
property type
type: 'Template';
interface TextNode
interface TextNode extends BaseNode {}
interface ThisHead
interface ThisHead {}
interface UndefinedLiteral
interface UndefinedLiteral extends BaseNode {}
interface VarHead
interface VarHead {}
type AttrPart
type AttrPart = TextNode | MustacheStatement;
type AttrValue
type AttrValue = TextNode | MustacheStatement | ConcatStatement;
type CallableExpression
type CallableExpression = SubExpression | PathExpression;
type CallNode
type CallNode = | MustacheStatement | BlockStatement | ElementModifierStatement | SubExpression;
type EntityEncodingState
type EntityEncodingState = 'transformed' | 'raw';
type Expression
type Expression = Nodes[ExpressionName];
type ExpressionName
type ExpressionName = 'SubExpression' | 'PathExpression' | LiteralName;
type Expressions
type Expressions = Pick<Nodes, ExpressionName>;
type Literal
type Literal = Nodes[LiteralName];
type LiteralName
type LiteralName = | 'StringLiteral' | 'BooleanLiteral' | 'NumberLiteral' | 'UndefinedLiteral' | 'NullLiteral';
type Node
type Node = Nodes[NodeType];
type Nodes
type Nodes = { Template: Template; Block: Block; MustacheStatement: MustacheStatement; BlockStatement: BlockStatement; ElementModifierStatement: ElementModifierStatement; CommentStatement: CommentStatement; MustacheCommentStatement: MustacheCommentStatement; ElementNode: ElementNode; AttrNode: AttrNode; TextNode: TextNode; ConcatStatement: ConcatStatement; SubExpression: SubExpression; PathExpression: PathExpression; StringLiteral: StringLiteral; BooleanLiteral: BooleanLiteral; NumberLiteral: NumberLiteral; NullLiteral: NullLiteral; UndefinedLiteral: UndefinedLiteral; Hash: Hash; HashPair: HashPair;};
type NodeType
type NodeType = keyof Nodes;
type ParentNode
type ParentNode = Template | Block | ElementNode;
type PathHead
type PathHead = ThisHead | AtHead | VarHead;
type Program
type Program = Template | Block;
use Template or Block instead
type Statement
type Statement = Nodes[StatementName];
type StatementName
type StatementName = | 'MustacheStatement' | 'CommentStatement' | 'BlockStatement' | 'MustacheCommentStatement' | 'TextNode' | 'ElementNode';
type Statements
type Statements = Pick<Nodes, StatementName>;
type SubNode
type SubNode = SubNodes[SubNodeType];
type SubNodes
type SubNodes = { ThisHead: ThisHead; AtHead: AtHead; VarHead: VarHead;};
type SubNodeType
type SubNodeType = keyof SubNodes;
type TopLevelStatement
type TopLevelStatement = Statement | Nodes['Block'];
namespace ASTv2
module 'dist/dev/lib/v2/api.d.ts' {}
const HELPER_NAMESPACE: string;
const HTML_RESOLUTION: { isAngleBracket: true; resolution: () => GetContextualFreeOpcode; serialize: () => SerializedResolution;};
const STRICT_RESOLUTION: { resolution: () => GetContextualFreeOpcode; serialize: () => SerializedResolution; isAngleBracket: false;};
Strict resolution is used:
1. in a strict mode template 2. in an local variable invocation with dot paths
function isLiteral
isLiteral: <K extends keyof LiteralTypes = keyof LiteralTypes>( node: ExpressionNode, kind?: K) => node is StringLiteral;
Returns true if an input is a literal.
function isStrictResolution
isStrictResolution: ( value: unknown) => value is { resolution: () => GetContextualFreeOpcode; serialize: () => SerializedResolution; isAngleBracket: false;};
function loadResolution
loadResolution: (resolution: SerializedResolution) => FreeVarResolution;
function node
node: { (): { fields<Fields extends object>(): NodeConstructor<Fields & BaseNodeFields>; }; <T extends string>(name: T): { fields<Fields extends object>(): TypedNodeConstructor< T, Fields & BaseNodeFields >; };};
This is a convenience function for creating ASTv2 nodes, with an optional name and the node's options.
export class HtmlText extends node('HtmlText').fields<{ chars: string }>() {}This creates a new ASTv2 node with the name
and one fieldchars: string
(in addition to aloc: SourceOffsets
field, which all nodes have).export class Args extends node().fields<{positional: PositionalArguments;named: NamedArguments}>() {}This creates a new un-named ASTv2 node with two fields (
positional: Positional
and `named: Named, in addition to the generic
loc: SourceOffsets` field).Once you create a node using
, it is instantiated with all of its fields (includingloc
):new HtmlText({ loc: offsets, chars: someString });
class AppendContent
class AppendContent extends AppendContent_base {}
class ArgReference
class ArgReference extends ArgReference_base {}
Corresponds to
at the beginning of an expression.
class Args
class Args extends Args_base {}
Corresponds to syntaxes with positional and named arguments:
- SubExpression - Invoking Append - Invoking attributes - InvokeBlock
is empty, theSourceOffsets
for this node should be the collapsed position immediately after the parent call node'scallee
class Block
class Block extends Block_base {}
Represents a block. In principle this could be merged with
, because all cases involving blocks have at least a notional name.
class CallExpression
class CallExpression extends CallExpression_base {}
Corresponds to a parenthesized call expression.
(x)(x.y)(x y)(x.y z)
class ComponentArg
class ComponentArg extends ComponentArg_base {}
Corresponds to an argument passed by a component (
method toNamedArgument
toNamedArgument: () => NamedArgument;
Convert the component argument into a named argument node
class ElementModifier
class ElementModifier extends ElementModifier_base {}
is just a normal call node in modifier position.
class FreeVarReference
class FreeVarReference extends FreeVarReference_base {}
Corresponds to
at the beginning of an expression, when<ident>
is *not* in the current block's scope.The
resolution: FreeVarResolution
field describes how to resolve the free variable.Note: In strict mode, it must always be a variable that is in a concrete JavaScript scope that the template will be installed into.
class GlimmerComment
class GlimmerComment extends GlimmerComment_base {}
class HtmlAttr
class HtmlAttr extends HtmlAttr_base {}
nodes are valid HTML attributes, with or without a value.Exceptions:
class HtmlComment
class HtmlComment extends HtmlComment_base {}
class HtmlText
class HtmlText extends HtmlText_base {}
class InterpolateExpression
class InterpolateExpression extends InterpolateExpression_base {}
Corresponds to an interpolation in attribute value position.
<a href="{{url}}.html"
class InvokeBlock
class InvokeBlock extends InvokeBlock_base {}
class InvokeComponent
class InvokeComponent extends InvokeComponent_base {}
Corresponds to a component invocation. When the content of a component invocation contains no named blocks,
contains a single named block named"default"
. When a component invocation is self-closing,blocks
is empty.
property args
readonly args: Args;
class KeywordExpression
class KeywordExpression extends KeywordExpression_base {}
Corresponds to a known strict-mode keyword. It behaves similarly to a PathExpression with a FreeVarReference, but implies StrictResolution and is guaranteed to not have a tail, since
would have been illegal.
class LiteralExpression
class LiteralExpression extends LiteralExpression_base {}
Corresponds to a Handlebars literal.
See Also
method toSlice
toSlice: (this: StringLiteral) => SourceSlice;
class LocalVarReference
class LocalVarReference extends LocalVarReference_base {}
Corresponds to
at the beginning of an expression, when<ident>
is in the current block's scope.
class LooseModeResolution
class LooseModeResolution {}
includes one or more namespaces to resolve the variable inIn practice, there are a limited number of possible combinations of these degrees of freedom, and they are captured by the
union below.
constructor(namespaces: Namespaces, isAngleBracket?: boolean);
property isAngleBracket
readonly isAngleBracket: boolean;
property namespaces
readonly namespaces: Namespaces;
method append
static append: () => LooseModeResolution;
Append resolution is used when the variable should be resolved in both the
namespaces.{{x}}{{x y}}^ In either case,
should be resolved in thecomponent
method namespaced
static namespaced: ( namespace: FreeVarNamespace, isAngleBracket?: boolean) => LooseModeResolution;
Namespaced resolution is used in an unambiguous syntax position:
) 2.{{#block}}
) 3.<a {{modifier}}>
) 4.<Component />
method resolution
resolution: () => GetContextualFreeOpcode;
method serialize
serialize: () => SerializedResolution;
method trustingAppend
static trustingAppend: () => LooseModeResolution;
Trusting append resolution is used when the variable should be resolved only in the
namespaces.{{{x}}}{{{x y}}}^ In either case,
should be resolved in thehelper
class NamedArgument
class NamedArgument {}
Corresponds to a single named argument.
constructor(options: { name: SourceSlice; value: ExpressionNode });
property loc
readonly loc: SourceSpan;
property name
readonly name: SourceSlice<string>;
property value
readonly value: ExpressionNode;
class NamedArguments
class NamedArguments extends NamedArguments_base {}
Corresponds to named arguments.
are empty, theSourceOffsets
for this node should be the same as theArgs
node that contains this node.If
is not empty butNamedArguments
is empty, theSourceOffsets
for this node should be the collapsed position immediately after the last positional argument.
class NamedBlock
class NamedBlock extends NamedBlock_base {}
Corresponds to a single named block. This is used for anonymous named blocks (
property args
readonly args: Args;
class NamedBlocks
class NamedBlocks extends NamedBlocks_base {}
Corresponds to a collection of named blocks.
method get
get: { (name: 'default'): NamedBlock; (name: string): NamedBlock };
Get the
for a given name.
class PathExpression
class PathExpression extends PathExpression_base {}
Corresponds to a path in expression position.
class PositionalArguments
class PositionalArguments extends PositionalArguments_base {}
Corresponds to positional arguments.
is empty, theSourceOffsets
for this node should be the collapsed position immediately after the parent call node'scallee
class SimpleElement
class SimpleElement extends SimpleElement_base {}
Corresponds to a simple HTML element. The AST allows component arguments and modifiers to support future extensions.
property args
readonly args: Args;
class SplatAttr
class SplatAttr extends SplatAttr_base {}
class Template
class Template extends Template_base {}
Corresponds to an entire template.
class ThisReference
class ThisReference extends ThisReference_base {}
Corresponds to
at the head of an expression.
interface AttrNodeOptions
interface AttrNodeOptions {}
interface BaseNodeFields
interface BaseNodeFields {}
property loc
loc: SourceSpan;
interface CallFields
interface CallFields extends BaseNodeFields {}
interface GlimmerParentNodeOptions
interface GlimmerParentNodeOptions extends BaseNodeFields {}
property body
body: readonly ContentNode[];
interface LiteralTypes
interface LiteralTypes {}
interface NamedBlockFields
interface NamedBlockFields extends BaseNodeFields {}
property attrs
attrs: readonly HtmlOrSplatAttr[];
property block
block: Block;
property componentArgs
componentArgs: readonly ComponentArg[];
property modifiers
modifiers: readonly ElementModifier[];
property name
name: SourceSlice;
interface NodeConstructor
interface NodeConstructor<Fields> {}
construct signature
new (fields: Fields): Readonly<Fields>;
interface SerializedBaseNode
interface SerializedBaseNode {}
property loc
loc: SerializedSourceSpan;
interface TypedNodeConstructor
interface TypedNodeConstructor<T extends string, Fields> {}
construct signature
new (options: Fields): TypedNode<T, Fields>;
type AttrBlockNode
type AttrBlockNode = AttrNode | ElementModifier;
"Attr Block" nodes are allowed inside an open element tag in templates. They interact with the element (or component).
type AttrNode
type AttrNode = HtmlAttr | SplatAttr | ComponentArg;
Attr nodes look like HTML attributes, but are classified as:
, which means a regular HTML attribute in Glimmer 2.SplatAttr
, which means...attributes
, which means an attribute whose name begins with@
, and it is therefore a component argument.
type CalleeNode
type CalleeNode = KeywordExpression | PathExpression | CallExpression;
type CallNode
type CallNode = | CallExpression | InvokeBlock | AppendContent | InvokeComponent | ElementModifier;
type ContentNode
type ContentNode = | HtmlText | HtmlComment | AppendContent | InvokeBlock | InvokeComponent | SimpleElement | GlimmerComment;
Content Nodes are allowed in content positions in templates. They correspond to behavior in the [Data][data] tokenization state in HTML.
[data]: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/parsing.html#data-state
type ElementNode
type ElementNode = NamedBlock | InvokeComponent | SimpleElement;
type ExpressionNode
type ExpressionNode = | LiteralExpression | PathExpression | KeywordExpression | CallExpression | InterpolateExpression;
type FreeVarResolution
type FreeVarResolution = StrictResolution | HtmlResolution | LooseModeResolution;
type HtmlOrSplatAttr
type HtmlOrSplatAttr = HtmlAttr | SplatAttr;
are grouped together because the order of theSplatAttr
node, relative to other attributes, matters.
type HtmlResolution
type HtmlResolution = typeof HTML_RESOLUTION;
type LiteralValue
type LiteralValue = string | boolean | number | undefined | null;
A Handlebars literal.
type SerializedResolution
type SerializedResolution = | 'Strict' | 'Helper' | 'Modifier' | 'Component' | 'ComponentOrHelper';
type StrictResolution
type StrictResolution = typeof STRICT_RESOLUTION;
type StringLiteral
type StringLiteral = LiteralExpression & { value: string;};
type VariableReference
type VariableReference = | ThisReference | ArgReference | LocalVarReference | FreeVarReference;
namespace src
module 'dist/dev/lib/source/api.d.ts' {}
const NON_EXISTENT_LOCATION: Readonly<{ readonly source: '(nonexistent)'; readonly start: Readonly<{ readonly line: 1; readonly column: 0 }>; readonly end: Readonly<{ readonly line: 1; readonly column: 0 }>;}>;
const SYNTHETIC_LOCATION: Readonly<{ readonly source: '(synthetic)'; readonly start: Readonly<{ readonly line: 1; readonly column: 0 }>; readonly end: Readonly<{ readonly line: 1; readonly column: 0 }>;}>;
const UNKNOWN_POSITION: Readonly<{ readonly line: 1; readonly column: 0 }>;
function hasSpan
hasSpan: (span: MaybeHasSourceSpan) => span is HasSourceSpan;
function loc
loc: (span: HasSourceSpan) => SourceSpan;
function maybeLoc
maybeLoc: (location: MaybeHasSourceSpan, fallback: SourceSpan) => SourceSpan;
class Source
class Source {}
constructor(source: string, module?: string);
property module
readonly module: string;
property source
readonly source: string;
method charPosFor
charPosFor: (position: SourcePosition) => number | null;
method from
static from: (source: string, options?: PrecompileOptions) => Source;
method hbsPosFor
hbsPosFor: (offset: number) => Nullable<SourcePosition>;
method offsetFor
offsetFor: (line: number, column: number) => SourceOffset;
method slice
slice: (start: number, end: number) => string;
method spanFor
spanFor: ({ start, end }: Readonly<SourceLocation>) => SourceSpan;
method validate
validate: (offset: number) => boolean;
Validate that the character offset represents a position in the source string.
class SourceOffset
class SourceOffset {}
represents a single position in the source.There are three kinds of backing data for
, which contains a character offset into the raw source string -HbsPosition
, which contains aSourcePosition
from the Handlebars AST, which can be converted to aCharPosition
on demand. -InvisiblePosition
, which represents a position not in source (@see {InvisiblePosition})
constructor(data: PositionData & AnyPosition);
property data
readonly data: PositionData & AnyPosition;
property offset
readonly offset: number;
Get the character offset for this
, if possible.
method broken
static broken: (pos?: SourcePosition) => SourceOffset;
Create a
that corresponds to a brokenSourcePosition
. This means that the calling code determined (or knows) that theSourceLocation
doesn't correspond correctly to any part of the source.
method collapsed
collapsed: () => SourceSpan;
Create a new
that represents a collapsed range at this source offset. Avoid computing the character offset if it has not already been computed.
method eql
eql: (right: SourceOffset) => boolean;
Compare this offset with another one.
If both offsets are
s, they're equivalent as long as their lines and columns are the same. This avoids computing offsets unnecessarily.Otherwise, two
s are equivalent if their successfully computed character offsets are the same.
method forHbsPos
static forHbsPos: (source: Source, pos: SourcePosition) => SourceOffset;
Create a
from a HandlebarsSourcePosition
. It's stored as-is, and converted into a character offset on demand, which avoids unnecessarily computing the offset of everySourceLocation
, but also means that brokenSourcePosition
s are not always detected.
method move
move: (by: number) => SourceOffset;
Create a
by moving the character position represented by this source offset forward or backward (ifby
is negative), if possible.If this
can't compute a valid character offset,move
returns a broken offset.If the resulting character offset is less than 0 or greater than the size of the source,
returns a broken offset.