- Version 11.2.0
- Published
- 5.13 MB
- 16 dependencies
- Apache-2.0 license
npm i @google-cloud/logging
yarn add @google-cloud/logging
pnpm add @google-cloud/logging
Cloud Logging Client Library for Node.js
Type Aliases
- ClientLibraryDestination
- ClientLibraryOrganization
- ClientLibrarySettings
- CommonLanguageSettings
- CppSettings
- CustomHttpPattern
- Distribution
- DotnetSettings
- FieldBehavior
- GoSettings
- Http
- HttpRule
- IClientLibrarySettings
- ICommonLanguageSettings
- ICppSettings
- ICustomHttpPattern
- IDistribution
- IDotnetSettings
- IGoSettings
- IHttp
- IHttpRule
- IJavaSettings
- ILabelDescriptor
- IMethodSettings
- IMetric
- IMetricDescriptor
- IMonitoredResource
- IMonitoredResourceDescriptor
- IMonitoredResourceMetadata
- INodeSettings
- IPhpSettings
- IPublishing
- IPythonSettings
- IResourceDescriptor
- IResourceReference
- IRubySettings
- JavaSettings
- LabelDescriptor
- LaunchStage
- MethodSettings
- Metric
- MetricDescriptor
- MonitoredResource
- MonitoredResourceDescriptor
- MonitoredResourceMetadata
- NodeSettings
- PhpSettings
- Publishing
- PythonSettings
- ResourceDescriptor
- ResourceReference
- RubySettings
- BigQueryDataset
- BigQueryOptions
- BucketMetadata
- CmekSettings
- ConfigServiceV2
- CopyLogEntriesMetadata
- CopyLogEntriesRequest
- CopyLogEntriesResponse
- CreateBucketRequest
- CreateExclusionRequest
- CreateLinkRequest
- CreateLogMetricRequest
- CreateSinkRequest
- CreateViewRequest
- DeleteBucketRequest
- DeleteExclusionRequest
- DeleteLinkRequest
- DeleteLogMetricRequest
- DeleteLogRequest
- DeleteSinkRequest
- DeleteViewRequest
- GetBucketRequest
- GetCmekSettingsRequest
- GetExclusionRequest
- GetLinkRequest
- GetLogMetricRequest
- GetSettingsRequest
- GetSinkRequest
- GetViewRequest
- IBigQueryDataset
- IBigQueryOptions
- IBucketMetadata
- ICmekSettings
- ICopyLogEntriesMetadata
- ICopyLogEntriesRequest
- ICopyLogEntriesResponse
- ICreateBucketRequest
- ICreateExclusionRequest
- ICreateLinkRequest
- ICreateLogMetricRequest
- ICreateSinkRequest
- ICreateViewRequest
- IDeleteBucketRequest
- IDeleteExclusionRequest
- IDeleteLinkRequest
- IDeleteLogMetricRequest
- IDeleteLogRequest
- IDeleteSinkRequest
- IDeleteViewRequest
- IGetBucketRequest
- IGetCmekSettingsRequest
- IGetExclusionRequest
- IGetLinkRequest
- IGetLogMetricRequest
- IGetSettingsRequest
- IGetSinkRequest
- IGetViewRequest
- IIndexConfig
- ILink
- ILinkMetadata
- IListBucketsRequest
- IListBucketsResponse
- IListExclusionsRequest
- IListExclusionsResponse
- IListLinksRequest
- IListLinksResponse
- IListLogEntriesRequest
- IListLogEntriesResponse
- IListLogMetricsRequest
- IListLogMetricsResponse
- IListLogsRequest
- IListLogsResponse
- IListMonitoredResourceDescriptorsRequest
- IListMonitoredResourceDescriptorsResponse
- IListSinksRequest
- IListSinksResponse
- IListViewsRequest
- IListViewsResponse
- ILocationMetadata
- ILogBucket
- ILogEntry
- ILogEntryOperation
- ILogEntrySourceLocation
- ILogExclusion
- ILogMetric
- ILogSink
- ILogSplit
- ILogView
- IndexConfig
- IndexType
- ISettings
- ITailLogEntriesRequest
- ITailLogEntriesResponse
- IUndeleteBucketRequest
- IUpdateBucketRequest
- IUpdateCmekSettingsRequest
- IUpdateExclusionRequest
- IUpdateLogMetricRequest
- IUpdateSettingsRequest
- IUpdateSinkRequest
- IUpdateViewRequest
- IWriteLogEntriesPartialErrors
- IWriteLogEntriesRequest
- IWriteLogEntriesResponse
- LifecycleState
- Link
- LinkMetadata
- ListBucketsRequest
- ListBucketsResponse
- ListExclusionsRequest
- ListExclusionsResponse
- ListLinksRequest
- ListLinksResponse
- ListLogEntriesRequest
- ListLogEntriesResponse
- ListLogMetricsRequest
- ListLogMetricsResponse
- ListLogsRequest
- ListLogsResponse
- ListMonitoredResourceDescriptorsRequest
- ListMonitoredResourceDescriptorsResponse
- ListSinksRequest
- ListSinksResponse
- ListViewsRequest
- ListViewsResponse
- LocationMetadata
- LogBucket
- LogEntry
- LogEntryOperation
- LogEntrySourceLocation
- LogExclusion
- LoggingServiceV2
- LogMetric
- LogSink
- LogSplit
- LogView
- MetricsServiceV2
- OperationState
- Settings
- TailLogEntriesRequest
- TailLogEntriesResponse
- UndeleteBucketRequest
- UpdateBucketRequest
- UpdateCmekSettingsRequest
- UpdateExclusionRequest
- UpdateLogMetricRequest
- UpdateSettingsRequest
- UpdateSinkRequest
- UpdateViewRequest
- WriteLogEntriesPartialErrors
- WriteLogEntriesRequest
- WriteLogEntriesResponse
- CopyLogEntriesCallback
- CreateBucketAsyncCallback
- CreateBucketCallback
- CreateExclusionCallback
- CreateLinkCallback
- CreateSinkCallback
- CreateViewCallback
- DeleteBucketCallback
- DeleteExclusionCallback
- DeleteLinkCallback
- DeleteSinkCallback
- DeleteViewCallback
- GetBucketCallback
- GetCmekSettingsCallback
- GetExclusionCallback
- GetLinkCallback
- GetSettingsCallback
- GetSinkCallback
- GetViewCallback
- ListBucketsCallback
- ListExclusionsCallback
- ListLinksCallback
- ListSinksCallback
- ListViewsCallback
- UndeleteBucketCallback
- UpdateBucketAsyncCallback
- UpdateBucketCallback
- UpdateCmekSettingsCallback
- UpdateExclusionCallback
- UpdateSettingsCallback
- UpdateSinkCallback
- UpdateViewCallback
- CancelOperationRequest
- DeleteOperationRequest
- GetOperationRequest
- ICancelOperationRequest
- IDeleteOperationRequest
- IGetOperationRequest
- IListOperationsRequest
- IListOperationsResponse
- IOperation
- IOperationInfo
- IWaitOperationRequest
- ListOperationsRequest
- ListOperationsResponse
- Operation
- OperationInfo
- Operations
- WaitOperationRequest
- Any
- DescriptorProto
- Duration
- Edition
- Empty
- EnumDescriptorProto
- EnumOptions
- EnumValueDescriptorProto
- EnumValueOptions
- ExtensionRangeOptions
- FeatureSet
- FeatureSetDefaults
- FieldDescriptorProto
- FieldMask
- FieldOptions
- FileDescriptorProto
- FileDescriptorSet
- FileOptions
- GeneratedCodeInfo
- IAny
- IDescriptorProto
- IDuration
- IEmpty
- IEnumDescriptorProto
- IEnumOptions
- IEnumValueDescriptorProto
- IEnumValueOptions
- IExtensionRangeOptions
- IFeatureSet
- IFeatureSetDefaults
- IFieldDescriptorProto
- IFieldMask
- IFieldOptions
- IFileDescriptorProto
- IFileDescriptorSet
- IFileOptions
- IGeneratedCodeInfo
- IListValue
- IMessageOptions
- IMethodDescriptorProto
- IMethodOptions
- IOneofDescriptorProto
- IOneofOptions
- IServiceDescriptorProto
- IServiceOptions
- ISourceCodeInfo
- IStruct
- ITimestamp
- IUninterpretedOption
- IValue
- ListValue
- MessageOptions
- MethodDescriptorProto
- MethodOptions
- NullValue
- OneofDescriptorProto
- OneofOptions
- ServiceDescriptorProto
- ServiceOptions
- SourceCodeInfo
- Struct
- Timestamp
- UninterpretedOption
- Value
variable v2
const v2: any;
function assignSeverityToEntries
assignSeverityToEntries: (entries: Entry | Entry[], severity: string) => Entry[];
Return an array of log entries with the desired severity assigned.
Parameter entries
Log entries.
Parameter severity
The desired severity level.
function detectServiceContext
detectServiceContext: (auth: GoogleAuth) => Promise<ServiceContext | null>;
For logged errors, users can provide a service context. This enables errors to be picked up Cloud Error Reporting. For more information see [this guide]https://cloud.google.com/error-reporting/docs/formatting-error-messages and the [official documentation]https://cloud.google.com/error-reporting/reference/rest/v1beta1/ServiceContext.
function formatLogName
formatLogName: (projectId: string, name: string) => string;
Format the name of a log. A log's full name is in the format of 'projects/{projectId}/logs/{logName}'.
Parameter projectId
Parameter name
class Entry
class Entry {}
Create an entry object to define new data to insert into a meta.
Note, Cloud Logging Quotas and limits dictates that the maximum log entry size, including all LogEntry Resource properties, cannot exceed approximately 256 KB.
Parameter metadata
See a [LogEntry Resource](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/reference/v2/rest/v2/LogEntry).
Parameter data
The data to use as the value for this log entry.
If providing an object, these value types are supported: -
Any other types are stringified with
.Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const syslog = logging.log('syslog');const metadata = {resource: {type: 'gce_instance',labels: {zone: 'global',instance_id: '3'}}};const entry = syslog.entry(metadata, {delegate: 'my_username'});syslog.alert(entry, (err, apiResponse) => {if (!err) {// Log entry inserted successfully.}});//-// You will also receive `Entry` objects when using// Logging#getEntries() and Log#getEntries().//-logging.getEntries((err, entries) => {if (!err) {// entries[0].data = The data value from the log entry.}});
constructor(metadata?: LogEntry, data?: any);
property data
data: any;
property metadata
metadata: LogEntry;
method fromApiResponse_
static fromApiResponse_: (entry: google.logging.v2.LogEntry) => Entry;
Create an Entry object from an API response, such as
.Parameter entry
An API representation of an entry. See a LogEntry.
method toJSON
toJSON: (options?: ToJsonOptions, projectId?: string) => EntryJson;
Serialize an entry to the format the API expects. Read more: https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/reference/v2/rest/v2/LogEntry
Parameter options
Configuration object.
{boolean} [options.removeCircular] Replace circular references in an object with a string value,
.Parameter projectId
GCP Project ID.
method toStructuredJSON
toStructuredJSON: ( projectId?: string, useMessageField?: boolean) => StructuredJson;
Serialize an entry to a standard format for any transports, e.g. agents. Read more: https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/structured-logging
class Log
class Log implements LogSeverityFunctions {}
A log is a named collection of entries, each entry representing a timestamped event. Logs can be produced by Google Cloud Platform services, by third-party services, or by your applications. For example, the log
is produced by the Apache Web Server, but the logcompute.googleapis.com/activity_log
is produced by Google Compute Engine.Parameter logging
Logging instance.
Parameter name
Name of the log.
Parameter options
Configuration object.
{boolean} [options.removeCircular] Replace circular references in logged objects with a string value,
. (Default: false)Parameter
{number} [options.maxEntrySize] A max entry size
{string[]} [options.jsonFieldsToTruncate] A list of JSON properties at the given full path to be truncated. Received values will be prepended to predefined list in the order received and duplicates discarded.
{ApiResponseCallback} [options.defaultWriteDeleteCallback] A default global callback to be used for Log#write and Log#delete APIs when ApiResponseCallback callback was not supplied by caller in function parameters. Note that LogOptions#defaultWriteDeleteCallback is useful when Log#write and Log#delete APIs are called without
and without callback added explicitly to every call - this way LogOptions#defaultWriteDeleteCallback can serve as global callback handler, which for example could be used to catch all errors and eliminate crashes.Parameter
{boolean} [options.partialSuccess] Global flag indicating Whether a batch's valid entries should be written even if some other entry failed due to errors. Default is true. See partialSuccess for more info.
Example 1
import {Logging} from '@google-cloud/logging';import {LogOptions} from '@google-cloud/logging/build/src/log';const options: LogOptions = {maxEntrySize: 256,jsonFieldsToTruncate: ['jsonPayload.fields.metadata.structValue.fields.custom.stringValue',],defaultWriteDeleteCallback: (err: any) => {if (err) {console.log('Error: ' + err);}},};const logging = new Logging();const log = logging.log('syslog', options);
constructor(logging: Logging, name: string, options?: LogOptions);
property defaultWriteDeleteCallback
defaultWriteDeleteCallback?: ApiResponseCallback;
property formattedName_
formattedName_: string;
property jsonFieldsToTruncate
jsonFieldsToTruncate: string[];
property logging
logging: Logging;
property maxEntrySize
maxEntrySize?: number;
property name
name: string;
property partialSuccess
partialSuccess: boolean;
property removeCircular_
removeCircular_: boolean;
method alert
alert: { (entry: Entry | Entry[], options?: WriteOptions): Promise<ApiResponse>; ( entry: Entry | Entry[], options: WriteOptions, callback: ApiResponseCallback ): void; (entry: Entry | Entry[], callback: ApiResponseCallback): void;};
Write a log entry with a severity of "ALERT".
This is a simple wrapper around Log.write. All arguments are the same as documented there.
Parameter entry
A log entry, or array of entries, to write.
Parameter options
Write options
Parameter callback
Callback function.
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const log = logging.log('my-log');const entry = log.entry('gce_instance', {instance: 'my_instance'});log.alert(entry, (err, apiResponse) => {});//-// If the callback is omitted, we'll return a Promise.//-log.alert(entry).then(data => {const apiResponse = data[0];});
method assignSeverityToEntries_
static assignSeverityToEntries_: ( entries: Entry | Entry[], severity: string) => Entry[];
Return an array of log entries with the desired severity assigned.
Parameter entries
Log entries.
Parameter severity
The desired severity level.
method critical
critical: { (entry: Entry | Entry[], options?: WriteOptions): Promise<ApiResponse>; ( entry: Entry | Entry[], options: WriteOptions, callback: ApiResponseCallback ): void; (entry: Entry | Entry[], callback: ApiResponseCallback): void;};
Write a log entry with a severity of "CRITICAL".
This is a simple wrapper around Log.write. All arguments are the same as documented there.
Parameter entry
A log entry, or array of entries, to write.
Parameter options
Write options
Parameter callback
Callback function.
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const log = logging.log('my-log');const entry = log.entry('gce_instance', {instance: 'my_instance'});log.critical(entry, (err, apiResponse) => {});//-// If the callback is omitted, we'll return a Promise.//-log.critical(entry).then(data => {const apiResponse = data[0];});
method debug
debug: { (entry: Entry | Entry[], options?: WriteOptions): Promise<ApiResponse>; ( entry: Entry | Entry[], options: WriteOptions, callback: ApiResponseCallback ): void; (entry: Entry | Entry[], callback: ApiResponseCallback): void;};
Write a log entry with a severity of "DEBUG".
This is a simple wrapper around Log.write. All arguments are the same as documented there.
Parameter entry
A log entry, or array of entries, to write.
Parameter options
Write options
Parameter callback
Callback function.
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const log = logging.log('my-log');const entry = log.entry('gce_instance', {instance: 'my_instance'});log.debug(entry, (err, apiResponse) => {});//-// If the callback is omitted, we'll return a Promise.//-log.debug(entry).then(data => {const apiResponse = data[0];});
method delete
delete: { (gaxOptions?: CallOptions): Promise<ApiResponse>; (gaxOptions: CallOptions, callback: ApiResponseCallback): void; (callback: ApiResponseCallback): void;};
Delete the log.
Parameter gaxOptions
Request configuration options, outlined here: https://googleapis.github.io/gax-nodejs/global.html#CallOptions.
Parameter callback
Callback function.
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const log = logging.log('my-log');log.delete((err, apiResponse) => {if (!err) {// The log was deleted.}});//-// If the callback is omitted, we'll return a Promise.//-log.delete().then(data => {const apiResponse = data[0];});Example 2
include:samples/logs.js region_tag:logging_delete_log Another example:
method emergency
emergency: { ( entry: Entry | Entry[], options: WriteOptions, callback: ApiResponseCallback ): void; (entry: Entry | Entry[], callback: ApiResponseCallback): void;};
Write a log entry with a severity of "EMERGENCY".
This is a simple wrapper around Log.write. All arguments are the same as documented there.
Parameter entry
A log entry, or array of entries, to write.
Parameter options
Write options
Parameter callback
Callback function.
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const log = logging.log('my-log');const entry = log.entry('gce_instance', {instance: 'my_instance'});log.emergency(entry, (err, apiResponse) => {});//-// If the callback is omitted, we'll return a Promise.//-log.emergency(entry).then(data => {const apiResponse = data[0];});
method entry
entry: { (metadata?: LogEntry): Entry; (data?: string | {}): Entry; (metadata?: LogEntry, data?: string | {}): Entry;};
Create an entry object for this log.
Using this method will not itself make any API requests. You will use the object returned in other API calls, such as Log#write.
Note, Cloud Logging Quotas and limits dictates that the maximum log entry size, including all [LogEntry Resource properties]https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/reference/v2/rest/v2/LogEntry, cannot exceed _approximately_ 256 KB.
Parameter metadata
See a [LogEntry Resource](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/reference/v2/rest/v2/LogEntry).
Parameter data
The data to use as the value for this log entry.
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const log = logging.log('my-log');const metadata = {resource: {type: 'gce_instance',labels: {zone: 'global',instance_id: '3'}}};const entry = log.entry(metadata, {delegate: 'my_username'});entry.toJSON();// {// logName: 'projects/grape-spaceship-123/logs/syslog',// resource: {// type: 'gce_instance',// labels: {// zone: 'global',// instance_id: '3'// }// },// jsonPayload: {// delegate: 'my_username'// }// }
method error
error: { (entry: Entry | Entry[], options?: WriteOptions): Promise<ApiResponse>; ( entry: Entry | Entry[], options: WriteOptions, callback: ApiResponseCallback ): void; (entry: Entry | Entry[], callback: ApiResponseCallback): void;};
Write a log entry with a severity of "ERROR".
This is a simple wrapper around Log.write. All arguments are the same as documented there.
Parameter entry
A log entry, or array of entries, to write.
Parameter options
Write options
Parameter callback
Callback function.
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const log = logging.log('my-log');const entry = log.entry('gce_instance', {instance: 'my_instance'});log.error(entry, (err, apiResponse) => {});//-// If the callback is omitted, we'll return a Promise.//-log.error(entry).then(data => {const apiResponse = data[0];});
method formatName_
static formatName_: (projectId: string, name: string) => string;
Format the name of a log. A log's full name is in the format of 'projects/{projectId}/logs/{logName}'.
method getEntries
getEntries: { (options?: GetEntriesRequest): Promise<GetEntriesResponse>; (callback: GetEntriesCallback): void; (options: GetEntriesRequest, callback: GetEntriesCallback): void;};
This method is a wrapper around {module:logging#getEntries}, but with a filter specified to only return entries from this log.
Parameter query
Query object for listing entries.
Parameter callback
Callback function.
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const log = logging.log('my-log');log.getEntries((err, entries) => {// `entries` is an array of Cloud Logging entry objects.// See the `data` property to read the data from the entry.});//-// To control how many API requests are made and page through the results// manually, set `autoPaginate` to `false`.//-function callback(err, entries, nextQuery, apiResponse) {if (nextQuery) {// More results exist.log.getEntries(nextQuery, callback);}}log.getEntries({autoPaginate: false}, callback);//-// If the callback is omitted, we'll return a Promise.//-log.getEntries().then(data => {const entries = data[0];});
method getEntriesStream
getEntriesStream: (options: GetEntriesRequest) => any;
This method is a wrapper around {module:logging#getEntriesStream}, but with a filter specified to only return {module:logging/entry} objects from this log.
Parameter query
Query object for listing entries.
{ReadableStream} A readable stream that emits Entry instances.
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const log = logging.log('my-log');log.getEntriesStream().on('error', console.error).on('data', entry => {// `entry` is a Cloud Logging entry object.// See the `data` property to read the data from the entry.}).on('end', function() {// All entries retrieved.});//-// If you anticipate many results, you can end a stream early to prevent// unnecessary processing and API requests.//-log.getEntriesStream().on('data', function(entry) {this.end();});
method info
info: { (entry: Entry | Entry[], options?: WriteOptions): Promise<ApiResponse>; ( entry: Entry | Entry[], options: WriteOptions, callback: ApiResponseCallback ): void; (entry: Entry | Entry[], callback: ApiResponseCallback): void;};
Write a log entry with a severity of "INFO".
This is a simple wrapper around Log.write. All arguments are the same as documented there.
Parameter entry
A log entry, or array of entries, to write.
Parameter options
Write options
Parameter callback
Callback function.
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const log = logging.log('my-log');const entry = log.entry('gce_instance', {instance: 'my_instance'});log.info(entry, (err, apiResponse) => {});//-// If the callback is omitted, we'll return a Promise.//-log.info(entry).then(data => {const apiResponse = data[0];});
method notice
notice: { (entry: Entry | Entry[], options?: WriteOptions): Promise<ApiResponse>; ( entry: Entry | Entry[], options: WriteOptions, callback: ApiResponseCallback ): void; (entry: Entry | Entry[], callback: ApiResponseCallback): void;};
Write a log entry with a severity of "NOTICE".
This is a simple wrapper around Log.write. All arguments are the same as documented there.
Parameter entry
A log entry, or array of entries, to write.
Parameter options
Write options
Parameter callback
Callback function.
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const log = logging.log('my-log');const entry = log.entry('gce_instance', {instance: 'my_instance'});log.notice(entry, (err, apiResponse) => {});//-// If the callback is omitted, we'll return a Promise.//-log.notice(entry).then(data => {const apiResponse = data[0];});
method tailEntries
tailEntries: (options?: TailEntriesRequest) => any;
This method is a wrapper around {module:logging#tailEntries}, but with a filter specified to only return {module:logging/entry} objects from this log.
Parameter query
Query object for tailing entries.
{DuplexStream} A duplex stream that emits TailEntriesResponses containing an array of Entry instances.
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const log = logging.log('my-log');log.tailEntries().on('error', console.error).on('data', resp => {console.log(resp.entries);console.log(resp.suppressionInfo);}).on('end', function() {// All entries retrieved.});//-// If you anticipate many results, you can end a stream early to prevent// unnecessary processing and API requests.//-log.tailEntries().on('data', function(entry) {this.end();});
method warning
warning: { (entry: Entry | Entry[], options?: WriteOptions): Promise<ApiResponse>; ( entry: Entry | Entry[], options: WriteOptions, callback: ApiResponseCallback ): void; (entry: Entry | Entry[], callback: ApiResponseCallback): void;};
Write a log entry with a severity of "WARNING".
This is a simple wrapper around Log.write. All arguments are the same as documented there.
Parameter entry
A log entry, or array of entries, to write.
Parameter options
Write options
Parameter callback
Callback function.
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const log = logging.log('my-log');const entry = log.entry('gce_instance', {instance: 'my_instance'});log.warning(entry, (err, apiResponse) => {});//-// If the callback is omitted, we'll return a Promise.//-log.warning(entry).then(data => {const apiResponse = data[0];});
method write
write: { (entry: Entry | Entry[], options?: WriteOptions): Promise<ApiResponse>; ( entry: Entry | Entry[], options: WriteOptions, callback: ApiResponseCallback ): void; (entry: Entry | Entry[], callback: ApiResponseCallback): void;};
Write log entries to Cloud Logging.
Note, Cloud Logging Quotas and limits dictates that the maximum cumulative size of all entries per write, including all [LogEntry Resource properties]https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/reference/v2/rest/v2/LogEntry, cannot exceed _approximately_ 10 MB.
Parameter entry
A log entry, or array of entries, to write.
Parameter options
Write options
Parameter callback
Callback function.
Example 1
const entry = log.entry('gce_instance', {instance: 'my_instance'});log.write(entry, (err, apiResponse) => {if (!err) {// The log entry was written.}});//-// You may also pass multiple log entries to write.//-const secondEntry = log.entry('compute.googleapis.com', {user: 'my_username'});log.write([entry,secondEntry], (err, apiResponse) => {if (!err) {// The log entries were written.}});//-// To save some steps, you can also pass in plain values as your entries.// Note, however, that you must provide a configuration object to specify// the resource.//-const entries = [{user: 'my_username'},{home: process.env.HOME}];const options = {resource: 'compute.googleapis.com'};log.write(entries, options, (err, apiResponse) => {});//-// If the callback is omitted, we'll return a Promise.//-log.write(entries).then(data => {const apiResponse = data[0];});Example 2
include:samples/logs.js region_tag:logging_write_log_entry Another example:
Example 3
include:samples/logs.js region_tag:logging_write_log_entry_advanced Another example:
class Logging
class Logging {}
Cloud Logging allows you to store, search, analyze, monitor, and alert on log data and events from Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services (AWS).
See Introduction to the Cloud Logging API
Parameter options
Configuration options.
Example 1
Import the client library
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');Example 2
Create a client that uses Application Default Credentials (ADC):
const logging = new Logging();Example 3
Create a client with explicitcredentials:
const logging = new Logging({ projectId:'your-project-id', keyFilename: '/path/to/keyfile.json'});Example 4
include:samples/quickstart.js region_tag:logging_quickstart Full quickstart example:
constructor(options?: LoggingOptions, gaxInstance?: any);
property api
api: { [key: string]: gax.ClientStub };
property auth
auth: gax.GoogleAuth;
property configService
configService?: any;
property detectedResource
detectedResource?: {};
property loggingService
loggingService?: any;
property options
options: LoggingOptions;
property projectId
projectId: string;
method createSink
createSink: { (name: string, config: CreateSinkRequest): Promise<[Sink, LogSink]>; ( name: string, config: CreateSinkRequest, callback: CreateSinkCallback ): void;};
Parameter err
Request error, if any.
Parameter sink
The new Sink.
Parameter apiResponse
The full API response.
method entry
entry: (resource?: LogEntry, data?: {} | string) => Entry;
Create an entry object.
Using this method will not itself make any API requests. You will use the object returned in other API calls, such as Log#write.
Note, Cloud Logging Quotas and limits dictates that the maximum log entry size, including all [LogEntry Resource properties]https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/reference/v2/rest/v2/LogEntry, cannot exceed _approximately_ 256 KB.
Parameter resource
See a [Monitored Resource](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/reference/v2/rest/v2/MonitoredResource).
Parameter data
The data to use as the value for this log entry.
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const resource = {type: 'gce_instance',labels: {zone: 'global',instance_id: '3'}};const entry = logging.entry(resource, {delegate: 'my_username'});entry.toJSON();// {// resource: {// type: 'gce_instance',// labels: {// zone: 'global',// instance_id: '3'// }// },// jsonPayload: {// delegate: 'my_username'// }// }
method getEntries
getEntries: { (options?: GetEntriesRequest): Promise<GetEntriesResponse>; (callback: GetEntriesCallback): void; (options: GetEntriesRequest, callback: GetEntriesCallback): void;};
List the entries in your logs.
Parameter query
Query object for listing entries.
Parameter callback
Callback function.
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();logging.getEntries((err, entries) => {// `entries` is an array of Cloud Logging entry objects.// See the `data` property to read the data from the entry.});//-// To control how many API requests are made and page through the results// manually, set `autoPaginate` to `false`.//-function callback(err, entries, nextQuery, apiResponse) {if (nextQuery) {// More results exist.logging.getEntries(nextQuery, callback);}}logging.getEntries({autoPaginate: false}, callback);//-// If the callback is omitted, we'll return a Promise.//-logging.getEntries().then(data => {const entries = data[0];});Example 2
include:samples/logs.js region_tag:logging_list_log_entries Another example:
Example 3
include:samples/logs.js region_tag:logging_list_log_entries_advanced Another example:
method getEntriesStream
getEntriesStream: (options?: GetEntriesRequest) => Duplex;
List the Entry objects in your logs as a readable object stream.
Parameter query
Query object for listing entries.
{ReadableStream} A readable stream that emits Entry instances.
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();logging.getEntriesStream().on('error', console.error).on('data', entry => {// `entry` is a Cloud Logging entry object.// See the `data` property to read the data from the entry.}).on('end', function() {// All entries retrieved.});//-// If you anticipate many results, you can end a stream early to prevent// unnecessary processing and API requests.//-logging.getEntriesStream().on('data', function(entry) {this.end();});
method getLogs
getLogs: { (options?: GetLogsRequest): Promise<GetLogsResponse>; (callback: GetLogsCallback): void; (options: GetLogsRequest, callback: GetLogsCallback): void;};
List the entries in your logs.
Parameter query
Query object for listing entries.
Parameter callback
Callback function.
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();logging.getLogs((err, logs) => {// `logs` is an array of Cloud Logging log objects.});//-// To control how many API requests are made and page through the results// manually, set `autoPaginate` to `false`.//-function callback(err, entries, nextQuery, apiResponse) {if (nextQuery) {// More results exist.logging.getLogs(nextQuery, callback);}}logging.getLogs({autoPaginate: false}, callback);//-// If the callback is omitted, we'll return a Promise.//-logging.getLogs().then(data => {const entries = data[0];});Example 2
include:samples/logs.js region_tag:logging_list_logs Another example:
method getLogsStream
getLogsStream: (options?: GetLogsRequest) => Duplex;
List the Log objects in your project as a readable object stream.
Parameter query
Query object for listing entries.
{ReadableStream} A readable stream that emits Log instances.
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();logging.getLogsStream().on('error', console.error).on('data', log => {// `log` is a Cloud Logging log object.}).on('end', function() {// All logs retrieved.});//-// If you anticipate many results, you can end a stream early to prevent// unnecessary processing and API requests.//-logging.getLogsStream().on('data', log => {this.end();});
method getSinks
getSinks: { (options?: GetSinksRequest): Promise<GetSinksResponse>; (callback: GetSinksCallback): void; (options: GetSinksRequest, callback: GetSinksCallback): void;};
Get the sinks associated with this project.
Parameter query
Query object for listing sinks.
Parameter callback
Callback function.
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();logging.getSinks((err, sinks) => {// sinks is an array of Sink objects.});//-// If the callback is omitted, we'll return a Promise.//-logging.getSinks().then(data => {const sinks = data[0];});Example 2
include:samples/sinks.js region_tag:logging_list_sinks Another example:
method getSinksStream
getSinksStream: (options: GetSinksRequest) => Duplex;
Get the Sink objects associated with this project as a readable object stream.
Parameter query
Query object for listing sinks.
{ReadableStream} A readable stream that emits Sink instances.
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();logging.getSinksStream().on('error', console.error).on('data', sink => {// `sink` is a Sink object.}).on('end', function() {// All sinks retrieved.});//-// If you anticipate many results, you can end a stream early to prevent// unnecessary processing and API requests.//-logging.getSinksStream().on('data', function(sink) {this.end();});
method log
log: (name: string, options?: LogOptions) => Log;
Get a reference to a Cloud Logging log.
See Log Overview
Parameter name
Name of the existing log.
Parameter options
Configuration object.
{boolean} [options.removeCircular] Replace circular references in logged objects with a string value,
. (Default: false)Returns
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const log = logging.log('my-log');
method logSync
logSync: ( name: string, transport?: Writable, options?: LogSyncOptions) => LogSync;
Get a reference to a Cloud Logging logSync.
Parameter name
Name of the existing log.
Parameter transport
An optional write stream.
Parameter options
An optional configuration object.
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();// Optional: enrich logs with additional contextawait logging.setProjectId();await logging.setDetectedResource();// Default transport writes to process.stdoutconst log = logging.logSync('my-log');
method request
request: <TResponse = any>( config: RequestConfig, callback?: RequestCallback<TResponse>) => Duplex;
Funnel all API requests through this method, to be sure we have a project ID.
Parameter config
Configuration object.
{object} config.gaxOpts GAX options.
{function} config.method The gax method to call.
{object} config.reqOpts Request options.
Parameter callback
Callback function.
method setAclForBucket_
setAclForBucket_: (config: CreateSinkRequest) => Promise<void>;
This method is called when creating a sink with a Bucket destination. The bucket must first grant proper ACL access to the Cloud Logging account.
The parameters are the same as what Logging#createSink accepts.
method setAclForDataset_
setAclForDataset_: (config: CreateSinkRequest) => Promise<void>;
This method is called when creating a sink with a Dataset destination. The dataset must first grant proper ACL access to the Cloud Logging account.
The parameters are the same as what Logging#createSink accepts.
method setAclForTopic_
setAclForTopic_: (config: CreateSinkRequest) => Promise<void>;
This method is called when creating a sink with a Topic destination. The topic must first grant proper ACL access to the Cloud Logging account.
The parameters are the same as what Logging#createSink accepts.
method setDetectedResource
setDetectedResource: () => Promise<void>;
setResource detects and sets a detectedresource object on the Logging instance. It can be invoked once to ensure ensuing LogSync entries contain resource context.
method setProjectId
setProjectId: (reqOpts?: {}) => Promise<void>;
setProjectId detects and sets a projectId string on the Logging instance. It can be invoked once to ensure ensuing LogSync entries have a projectID.
Parameter reqOpts
method sink
sink: (name: string) => Sink;
Get a reference to a Cloud Logging sink.
See Sink Overview
Parameter name
Name of the existing sink.
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const sink = logging.sink('my-sink');
method tailEntries
tailEntries: (options?: TailEntriesRequest) => Duplex;
Streaming read of live logs as log entries are ingested. Until the stream is terminated, it will continue reading logs.
Parameter query
Query object for tailing entries.
{DuplexStream} A duplex stream that emits TailEntriesResponses containing an array of Entry instances.
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();logging.tailEntries().on('error', console.error).on('data', resp => {console.log(resp.entries);console.log(resp.suppressionInfo);}).on('end', function() {// All entries retrieved.});//-// If you anticipate many results, you can end a stream early to prevent// unnecessary processing and API requests.//-logging.getEntriesStream().on('data', function(entry) {this.end();});
class LogSync
class LogSync implements LogSeverityFunctions {}
A logSync is a named collection of entries in structured log format. In Cloud Logging, structured logs refer to log entries that use the jsonPayload field to add structure to their payloads. In most GCP environments, like GKE and Cloud Functions, structured logs written to process.stdout are automatically picked up and formatted by logging agents.
Recommended for Serverless environment logging, especially where async log calls made by the
class can be dropped by the CPU.Parameter logging
Logging instance.
Parameter name
Name of the logSync.
Parameter transport
transport A custom writable transport stream. Default: process.stdout.
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const log = logging.logSync('mylog');
constructor( logging: Logging, name: string, transport?: Writable, options?: LogSyncOptions);
property formattedName_
formattedName_: string;
property logging
logging: Logging;
property name
name: string;
property transport
transport: Writable;
property useMessageField_
useMessageField_: boolean;
method alert
alert: (entry: Entry | Entry[], options?: WriteOptions) => void;
Write a log entry with a severity of "ALERT".
This is a simple wrapper around LogSync#write. All arguments are the same as documented there.
Parameter entry
A log entry, or array of entries, to write.
Parameter options
Write options
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const log = logging.logSync('my-log');const entry = log.entry('gce_instance', {instance: 'my_instance'});log.alert(entry);
method critical
critical: (entry: Entry | Entry[], options?: WriteOptions) => void;
Write a log entry with a severity of "CRITICAL".
This is a simple wrapper around LogSync#write. All arguments are the same as documented there.
Parameter entry
A log entry, or array of entries, to write.
Parameter options
Write options
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const log = logging.logSync('my-log');const entry = log.entry('gce_instance', {instance: 'my_instance'});log.critical(entry);
method debug
debug: (entry: Entry | Entry[], options?: WriteOptions) => void;
Write a log entry with a severity of "DEBUG".
This is a simple wrapper around LogSync#write. All arguments are the same as documented there.
Parameter entry
A log entry, or array of entries, to write.
Parameter options
Write options
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const log = logging.logSync('my-log');const entry = log.entry('gce_instance', {instance: 'my_instance'});log.debug(entry);
method emergency
emergency: (entry: Entry | Entry[], options?: WriteOptions) => void;
Write a log entry with a severity of "EMERGENCY".
This is a simple wrapper around LogSync#write. All arguments are the same as documented there.
Parameter entry
A log entry, or array of entries, to write.
Parameter options
Write options
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const log = logging.logSync('my-log');const entry = log.entry('gce_instance', {instance: 'my_instance'});log.emergency(entry);
method entry
entry: { (metadata?: LogEntry): Entry; (data?: string | {}): Entry; (metadata?: LogEntry, data?: string | {}): Entry;};
Create an entry object for this log.
Using this method will not itself do any logging.
Parameter metadata
See a [LogEntry Resource](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/reference/v2/rest/v2/LogEntry).
Parameter data
The data to use as the value for this log entry.
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const log = logging.logSync('my-log');const metadata = {resource: {type: 'gce_instance',labels: {zone: 'global',instance_id: '3'}}};const entry = log.entry(metadata, {delegate: 'my_username'});
method error
error: (entry: Entry | Entry[], options?: WriteOptions) => void;
Write a log entry with a severity of "ERROR".
This is a simple wrapper around LogSync#write. All arguments are the same as documented there.
Parameter entry
A log entry, or array of entries, to write.
Parameter options
Write options
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const log = logging.logSync('my-log');const entry = log.entry('gce_instance', {instance: 'my_instance'});log.error(entry);
method info
info: (entry: Entry | Entry[], options?: WriteOptions) => void;
Write a log entry with a severity of "INFO".
This is a simple wrapper around LogSync#write. All arguments are the same as documented there.
Parameter entry
A log entry, or array of entries, to write.
Parameter options
Write options
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const log = logging.logSync('my-log');const entry = log.entry('gce_instance', {instance: 'my_instance'});log.info(entry);
method notice
notice: (entry: Entry | Entry[], options?: WriteOptions) => void;
Write a log entry with a severity of "NOTICE".
This is a simple wrapper around LogSync#write. All arguments are the same as documented there.
Parameter entry
A log entry, or array of entries, to write.
Parameter options
Write options
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const log = logging.logSync('my-log');const entry = log.entry('gce_instance', {instance: 'my_instance'});log.notice(entry);
method warning
warning: (entry: Entry | Entry[], options?: WriteOptions) => void;
Write a log entry with a severity of "WARNING".
This is a simple wrapper around LogSync#write. All arguments are the same as documented there.
Parameter entry
A log entry, or array of entries, to write.
Parameter options
Write options
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const log = logging.logSync('my-log');const entry = log.entry('gce_instance', {instance: 'my_instance'});log.warning(entry);
method write
write: (entry: Entry | Entry[], opts?: WriteOptions) => void;
Write log entries to a custom transport (default: process.stdout).
Parameter entry
A log entry, or array of entries, to write.
Parameter options
Write options
Example 1
const entry = log.entry('gce_instance', {instance: 'my_instance'});log.write(entry);//-// You may also pass multiple log entries to write.//-const secondEntry = log.entry('compute.googleapis.com', {user: 'my_username'});log.write([entry, secondEntry]);//-// To save some steps, you can also pass in plain values as your entries.// Note, however, that you must provide a configuration object to specify// the resource.//-const entries = [{user: 'my_username'},{home: process.env.HOME}];const options = {resource: 'compute.googleapis.com'};log.write(entries, options);log.write(entries);});
class Sink
class Sink {}
A sink is an object that lets you to specify a set of log entries to export to a particular destination. Cloud Logging lets you export log entries to destinations including Cloud Storage buckets (for long term log storage), Google BigQuery datasets (for log analysis), Google Pub/Sub (for streaming to other applications).
Parameter logging
Logging instance.
Parameter name
Name of the sink.
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const sink = logging.sink('my-sink');
constructor(logging: Logging, name: string);
property formattedName_
formattedName_: string;
property logging
logging: Logging;
property metadata
metadata?: google.logging.v2.ILogSink;
property name
name: string;
method create
create: { (config: CreateSinkRequest): Promise<[Sink, LogSink]>; (config: CreateSinkRequest, callback: CreateSinkCallback): void;};
Create a sink.
Parameter config
Config to set for the sink.
Parameter callback
Callback function.
{Error} if a config object is not provided.
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const sink = logging.sink('my-sink');const config = {destination: {// ...}};sink.create(config, (err, sink, apiResponse) => {if (!err) {// The sink was created successfully.}});//-// If the callback is omitted, we'll return a Promise.//-sink.create(config).then(data => {const sink = data[0];const apiResponse = data[1];});Example 2
include:samples/sinks.js region_tag:logging_create_sink Another example:
See Also
method delete
delete: { (gaxOptions?: CallOptions): Promise<DeleteResponse>; (callback: DeleteCallback): void; (gaxOptions: CallOptions, callback: DeleteCallback): void;};
Delete the sink.
Parameter gaxOptions
Request configuration options, outlined here: https://googleapis.github.io/gax-nodejs/global.html#CallOptions.
Parameter callback
Callback function.
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const sink = logging.sink('my-sink');sink.delete((err, apiResponse) => {if (!err) {// The log was deleted.}});//-// If the callback is omitted, we'll return a Promise.//-sink.delete().then(data => {const apiResponse = data[0];});Example 2
include:samples/sinks.js region_tag:logging_delete_sink Another example:
method getMetadata
getMetadata: { (gaxOptions?: CallOptions): Promise<SinkMetadataResponse>; (callback: SinkMetadataCallback): void; (gaxOptions: CallOptions, callback: SinkMetadataCallback): void;};
Get the sink's metadata.
Parameter gaxOptions
Request configuration options, outlined here: https://googleapis.github.io/gax-nodejs/global.html#CallOptions.
Parameter callback
Callback function.
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const sink = logging.sink('my-sink');sink.getMetadata((err, metadata, apiResponse) => {});//-// If the callback is omitted, we'll return a Promise.//-sink.getMetadata().then(data => {const metadata = data[0];});Example 2
include:samples/sinks.js region_tag:logging_get_sink Another example:
method setFilter
setFilter: { (filter: string): Promise<SinkMetadataResponse>; (filter: string, callback: SinkMetadataCallback): void;};
Set the sink's filter.
This will override any filter that was previously set.
Parameter filter
The new filter.
Parameter callback
Callback function.
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const sink = logging.sink('my-sink');const filter = 'metadata.severity = ALERT';sink.setFilter(filter, (err, apiResponse) => {});//-// If the callback is omitted, we'll return a Promise.//-sink.setFilter(filter).then(data => {const apiResponse = data[0];});
method setMetadata
setMetadata: { (metadata: SetSinkMetadata): Promise<SinkMetadataResponse>; (metadata: SetSinkMetadata, callback: SinkMetadataCallback): void;};
Set the sink's metadata.
Note: If the sink was previously created or updated with uniqueWriterIdentity = true, then you must update the sink by setting uniqueWriterIdentity = true. Read more about using a unique writer identity here: https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/api/tasks/exporting-logs#using_a_unique_writer_identity
See Sink Resource See projects.sink.update API Documentation
Parameter metadata
See a [Sink resource](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/reference/v2/rest/v2/projects.sinks#LogSink).
{object} [metadata.gaxOptions] Request configuration options, outlined here: https://googleapis.github.io/gax-nodejs/global.html#CallOptions.
Parameter callback
Callback function.
Example 1
const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging');const logging = new Logging();const sink = logging.sink('my-sink');const metadata = {filter: 'metadata.severity = ALERT'};sink.setMetadata(metadata, (err, apiResponse) => {});//-// If the callback is omitted, we'll return a Promise.//-sink.setMetadata(metadata).then(data => {const apiResponse = data[0];});Example 2
include:samples/sinks.js region_tag:logging_update_sink Another example:
interface AbortableDuplex
interface AbortableDuplex extends Duplex {}
method abort
abort: () => void;
interface CreateSinkCallback
interface CreateSinkCallback {}
call signature
(err: Error | null, sink?: Sink | null, resp?: LogSink): void;
interface CreateSinkRequest
interface CreateSinkRequest {}
property destination
destination: any;
property filter
filter?: string;
property gaxOptions
gaxOptions?: gax.CallOptions;
property includeChildren
includeChildren?: boolean;
property name
name?: string;
property outputVersionFormat
outputVersionFormat?: google.logging.v2.LogSink.VersionFormat;
property uniqueWriterIdentity
uniqueWriterIdentity?: string | boolean;
interface DeleteCallback
interface DeleteCallback {}
call signature
(error?: Error | null, response?: google.protobuf.Empty): void;
interface GetEntriesCallback
interface GetEntriesCallback {}
call signature
( err: Error | null, entries?: Entry[], request?: google.logging.v2.IListLogEntriesRequest, apiResponse?: google.logging.v2.IListLogEntriesResponse): void;
interface GetLogsCallback
interface GetLogsCallback {}
call signature
( err: Error | null, entries?: Sink[], request?: google.logging.v2.IListLogsRequest, apiResponse?: google.logging.v2.IListLogsResponse): void;
interface GetLogsRequest
interface GetLogsRequest {}
property autoPaginate
autoPaginate?: boolean;
property gaxOptions
gaxOptions?: gax.CallOptions;
property maxApiCalls
maxApiCalls?: number;
property maxResults
maxResults?: number;
property pageSize
pageSize?: number;
property pageToken
pageToken?: string;
interface GetSinksCallback
interface GetSinksCallback {}
call signature
( err: Error | null, entries?: Sink[], request?: google.logging.v2.IListSinksRequest, apiResponse?: google.logging.v2.IListSinksResponse): void;
interface GetSinksRequest
interface GetSinksRequest {}
property autoPaginate
autoPaginate?: boolean;
property gaxOptions
gaxOptions?: gax.CallOptions;
property maxApiCalls
maxApiCalls?: number;
property maxResults
maxResults?: number;
property pageSize
pageSize?: number;
property pageToken
pageToken?: string;
interface HttpRequest
interface CloudLoggingHttpRequest {}
property cacheFillBytes
cacheFillBytes?: number;
property cacheHit
cacheHit?: boolean;
property cacheLookup
cacheLookup?: boolean;
property cacheValidatedWithOriginServer
cacheValidatedWithOriginServer?: boolean;
property latency
latency?: { seconds: number; nanos: number;};
property protocol
protocol?: string;
property referer
referer?: string;
property remoteIp
remoteIp?: string;
property requestMethod
requestMethod?: string;
property requestSize
requestSize?: number;
property requestUrl
requestUrl?: string;
property responseSize
responseSize?: number;
property serverIp
serverIp?: string;
property status
status?: number;
property userAgent
userAgent?: string;
interface LoggingOptions
interface LoggingOptions extends gax.GrpcClientOptions {}
property apiEndpoint
apiEndpoint?: string;
property autoRetry
autoRetry?: boolean;
property maxRetries
maxRetries?: number;
interface RequestCallback
interface RequestCallback<TResponse> {}
call signature
(err: Error | null, res?: TResponse): void;
interface RequestConfig
interface RequestConfig {}
interface ServiceContext
interface ServiceContext {}
For logged errors, one can provide a the service context. For more information see [this guide]https://cloud.google.com/error-reporting/docs/formatting-error-messages and the [official documentation]https://cloud.google.com/error-reporting/reference/rest/v1beta1/ServiceContext.
interface TailEntriesResponse
interface TailEntriesResponse {}
property entries
entries: Entry[];
property suppressionInfo
suppressionInfo: google.logging.v2.TailLogEntriesResponse.SuppressionInfo;
enum Severity
enum Severity { emergency = 0, alert = 1, critical = 2, error = 3, warning = 4, notice = 5, info = 6, debug = 7,}
Type Aliases
type Client
type Client = string;
type DeleteResponse
type DeleteResponse = google.protobuf.Empty;
type GetEntriesResponse
type GetEntriesResponse = [ Entry[], google.logging.v2.IListLogEntriesRequest, google.logging.v2.IListLogEntriesResponse];
type GetLogsResponse
type GetLogsResponse = [ Sink[], google.logging.v2.IListLogsRequest, google.logging.v2.IListLogsResponse];
type GetSinksResponse
type GetSinksResponse = [ Sink[], google.logging.v2.IListSinksRequest, google.logging.v2.IListSinksResponse];
type LogSink
type LogSink = google.logging.v2.ILogSink;
type MonitoredResource
type MonitoredResource = google.api.IMonitoredResource;
type SeverityNames
type SeverityNames = keyof typeof Severity;
namespace middleware
module 'build/src/middleware/index.d.ts' {}
namespace express
module 'build/src/middleware/express/index.d.ts' {}
function makeMiddleware
makeMiddleware: <LoggerType>( projectId: string, makeChildLogger: ( trace: string, span?: string, traceSampled?: boolean ) => LoggerType, emitRequestLog?: ( httpRequest: CloudLoggingHttpRequest, trace: string, span?: string, traceSampled?: boolean ) => void) => (req: ServerRequest, res: http.ServerResponse, next: Function) => void;
Generates an express middleware that installs a request-specific logger on the
object. It optionally can do HttpRequest timing that can be used for generating request logs. This can be used to integrate with logging libraries such as winston and bunyan.Parameter projectId
Generated traceIds will be associated with this project.
Parameter makeChildLogger
A function that generates logger instances that will be installed onto
. The logger should include the trace in each log entry's metadata (associated with the LOGGING_TRACE_KEY property.Parameter emitRequestLog
Optional. A function that will emit a parent request log. While some environments like GAE and GCF emit parent request logs automatically, other environments do not. When provided this function will be called with a populated
which can be emitted as request log.
namespace protos
module 'build/protos/protos.d.ts' {}
Namespace google.
namespace protos.google
namespace protos.google {}
Namespace google.
namespace protos.google.api
namespace protos.google.api {}
Namespace api.
class ClientLibrarySettings
class ClientLibrarySettings implements IClientLibrarySettings {}
Represents a ClientLibrarySettings.
constructor(properties?: IClientLibrarySettings);
Constructs a new ClientLibrarySettings.
Parameter properties
Properties to set
property cppSettings
cppSettings?: ICppSettings;
ClientLibrarySettings cppSettings.
property dotnetSettings
dotnetSettings?: IDotnetSettings;
ClientLibrarySettings dotnetSettings.
property goSettings
goSettings?: IGoSettings;
ClientLibrarySettings goSettings.
property javaSettings
javaSettings?: IJavaSettings;
ClientLibrarySettings javaSettings.
property launchStage
ClientLibrarySettings launchStage.
property nodeSettings
nodeSettings?: INodeSettings;
ClientLibrarySettings nodeSettings.
property phpSettings
phpSettings?: IPhpSettings;
ClientLibrarySettings phpSettings.
property pythonSettings
pythonSettings?: IPythonSettings;
ClientLibrarySettings pythonSettings.
property restNumericEnums
restNumericEnums: boolean;
ClientLibrarySettings restNumericEnums.
property rubySettings
rubySettings?: IRubySettings;
ClientLibrarySettings rubySettings.
property version
version: string;
ClientLibrarySettings version.
method create
static create: ( properties?: google.api.IClientLibrarySettings) => google.api.ClientLibrarySettings;
Creates a new ClientLibrarySettings instance using the specified properties.
Parameter properties
Properties to set
ClientLibrarySettings instance
method decode
static decode: ( reader: $protobuf.Reader | Uint8Array, length?: number) => google.api.ClientLibrarySettings;
Decodes a ClientLibrarySettings message from the specified reader or buffer.
Parameter reader
Reader or buffer to decode from
Parameter length
Message length if known beforehand
{Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
{$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
method decodeDelimited
static decodeDelimited: ( reader: $protobuf.Reader | Uint8Array) => google.api.ClientLibrarySettings;
Decodes a ClientLibrarySettings message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
Parameter reader
Reader or buffer to decode from
{Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
{$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
method encode
static encode: ( message: google.api.IClientLibrarySettings, writer?: $protobuf.Writer) => $protobuf.Writer;
Encodes the specified ClientLibrarySettings message. Does not implicitly verify messages.
Parameter message
ClientLibrarySettings message or plain object to encode
Parameter writer
Writer to encode to
method encodeDelimited
static encodeDelimited: ( message: google.api.IClientLibrarySettings, writer?: $protobuf.Writer) => $protobuf.Writer;
Encodes the specified ClientLibrarySettings message, length delimited. Does not implicitly verify messages.
Parameter message
ClientLibrarySettings message or plain object to encode
Parameter writer
Writer to encode to
method fromObject
static fromObject: (object: { [k: string]: any;}) => google.api.ClientLibrarySettings;
Creates a ClientLibrarySettings message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
Parameter object
Plain object
method getTypeUrl
static getTypeUrl: (typeUrlPrefix?: string) => string;
Gets the default type url for ClientLibrarySettings
Parameter typeUrlPrefix
your custom typeUrlPrefix(default "type.googleapis.com")
The default type url
method toJSON
toJSON: () => { [k: string]: any };
Converts this ClientLibrarySettings to JSON.
JSON object
method toObject
static toObject: ( message: google.api.ClientLibrarySettings, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions) => { [k: string]: any };
Creates a plain object from a ClientLibrarySettings message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
Parameter message
Parameter options
Conversion options
Plain object
method verify
static verify: (message: { [k: string]: any }) => string | null;
Verifies a ClientLibrarySettings message.
Parameter message
Plain object to verify
if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
class CommonLanguageSettings
class CommonLanguageSettings implements ICommonLanguageSettings {}
Represents a CommonLanguageSettings.
constructor(properties?: ICommonLanguageSettings);
Constructs a new CommonLanguageSettings.
Parameter properties
Properties to set
property destinations
destinations: ClientLibraryDestination[];
CommonLanguageSettings destinations.
property referenceDocsUri
referenceDocsUri: string;
CommonLanguageSettings referenceDocsUri.
method create
static create: ( properties?: google.api.ICommonLanguageSettings) => google.api.CommonLanguageSettings;
Creates a new CommonLanguageSettings instance using the specified properties.
Parameter properties
Properties to set
CommonLanguageSettings instance
method decode
static decode: ( reader: $protobuf.Reader | Uint8Array, length?: number) => google.api.CommonLanguageSettings;
Decodes a CommonLanguageSettings message from the specified reader or buffer.
Parameter reader
Reader or buffer to decode from
Parameter length
Message length if known beforehand
{Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
{$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
method decodeDelimited
static decodeDelimited: ( reader: $protobuf.Reader | Uint8Array) => google.api.CommonLanguageSettings;
Decodes a CommonLanguageSettings message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
Parameter reader
Reader or buffer to decode from
{Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
{$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
method encode
static encode: ( message: google.api.ICommonLanguageSettings, writer?: $protobuf.Writer) => $protobuf.Writer;
Encodes the specified CommonLanguageSettings message. Does not implicitly verify messages.
Parameter message
CommonLanguageSettings message or plain object to encode
Parameter writer
Writer to encode to
method encodeDelimited
static encodeDelimited: ( message: google.api.ICommonLanguageSettings, writer?: $protobuf.Writer) => $protobuf.Writer;
Encodes the specified CommonLanguageSettings message, length delimited. Does not implicitly verify messages.
Parameter message
CommonLanguageSettings message or plain object to encode
Parameter writer
Writer to encode to
method fromObject
static fromObject: (object: { [k: string]: any;}) => google.api.CommonLanguageSettings;
Creates a CommonLanguageSettings message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
Parameter object
Plain object
method getTypeUrl
static getTypeUrl: (typeUrlPrefix?: string) => string;
Gets the default type url for CommonLanguageSettings
Parameter typeUrlPrefix
your custom typeUrlPrefix(default "type.googleapis.com")
The default type url
method toJSON
toJSON: () => { [k: string]: any };
Converts this CommonLanguageSettings to JSON.
JSON object
method toObject
static toObject: ( message: google.api.CommonLanguageSettings, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions) => { [k: string]: any };
Creates a plain object from a CommonLanguageSettings message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
Parameter message
Parameter options
Conversion options
Plain object
method verify
static verify: (message: { [k: string]: any }) => string | null;
Verifies a CommonLanguageSettings message.
Parameter message
Plain object to verify
if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
class CppSettings
class CppSettings implements ICppSettings {}
Represents a CppSettings.
constructor(properties?: ICppSettings);
Constructs a new CppSettings.
Parameter properties
Properties to set
property common
common?: ICommonLanguageSettings;
CppSettings common.
method create
static create: (properties?: google.api.ICppSettings) => google.api.CppSettings;
Creates a new CppSettings instance using the specified properties.
Parameter properties
Properties to set
CppSettings instance
method decode
static decode: ( reader: $protobuf.Reader | Uint8Array, length?: number) => google.api.CppSettings;
Decodes a CppSettings message from the specified reader or buffer.
Parameter reader
Reader or buffer to decode from
Parameter length
Message length if known beforehand
{Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
{$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
method decodeDelimited
static decodeDelimited: ( reader: $protobuf.Reader | Uint8Array) => google.api.CppSettings;
Decodes a CppSettings message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
Parameter reader
Reader or buffer to decode from
{Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
{$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
method encode
static encode: ( message: google.api.ICppSettings, writer?: $protobuf.Writer) => $protobuf.Writer;
Encodes the specified CppSettings message. Does not implicitly verify messages.
Parameter message
CppSettings message or plain object to encode
Parameter writer
Writer to encode to
method encodeDelimited
static encodeDelimited: ( message: google.api.ICppSettings, writer?: $protobuf.Writer) => $protobuf.Writer;
Encodes the specified CppSettings message, length delimited. Does not implicitly verify messages.
Parameter message
CppSettings message or plain object to encode
Parameter writer
Writer to encode to
method fromObject
static fromObject: (object: { [k: string]: any }) => google.api.CppSettings;
Creates a CppSettings message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
Parameter object
Plain object
method getTypeUrl
static getTypeUrl: (typeUrlPrefix?: string) => string;
Gets the default type url for CppSettings
Parameter typeUrlPrefix
your custom typeUrlPrefix(default "type.googleapis.com")
The default type url
method toJSON
toJSON: () => { [k: string]: any };
Converts this CppSettings to JSON.
JSON object
method toObject
static toObject: ( message: google.api.CppSettings, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions) => { [k: string]: any };
Creates a plain object from a CppSettings message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
Parameter message
Parameter options
Conversion options
Plain object
method verify
static verify: (message: { [k: string]: any }) => string | null;
Verifies a CppSettings message.
Parameter message
Plain object to verify
if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
class CustomHttpPattern
class CustomHttpPattern implements ICustomHttpPattern {}
Represents a CustomHttpPattern.
constructor(properties?: ICustomHttpPattern);
Constructs a new CustomHttpPattern.
Parameter properties
Properties to set
property kind
kind: string;
CustomHttpPattern kind.
property path
path: string;
CustomHttpPattern path.
method create
static create: ( properties?: google.api.ICustomHttpPattern) => google.api.CustomHttpPattern;
Creates a new CustomHttpPattern instance using the specified properties.
Parameter properties
Properties to set
CustomHttpPattern instance
method decode
static decode: ( reader: $protobuf.Reader | Uint8Array, length?: number) => google.api.CustomHttpPattern;
Decodes a CustomHttpPattern message from the specified reader or buffer.
Parameter reader
Reader or buffer to decode from
Parameter length
Message length if known beforehand
{Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
{$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
method decodeDelimited
static decodeDelimited: ( reader: $protobuf.Reader | Uint8Array) => google.api.CustomHttpPattern;
Decodes a CustomHttpPattern message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
Parameter reader
Reader or buffer to decode from
{Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
{$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
method encode
static encode: ( message: google.api.ICustomHttpPattern, writer?: $protobuf.Writer) => $protobuf.Writer;
Encodes the specified CustomHttpPattern message. Does not implicitly verify messages.
Parameter message
CustomHttpPattern message or plain object to encode
Parameter writer
Writer to encode to
method encodeDelimited
static encodeDelimited: ( message: google.api.ICustomHttpPattern, writer?: $protobuf.Writer) => $protobuf.Writer;
Encodes the specified CustomHttpPattern message, length delimited. Does not implicitly verify messages.
Parameter message
CustomHttpPattern message or plain object to encode
Parameter writer
Writer to encode to
method fromObject
static fromObject: (object: { [k: string]: any;}) => google.api.CustomHttpPattern;
Creates a CustomHttpPattern message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
Parameter object
Plain object
method getTypeUrl
static getTypeUrl: (typeUrlPrefix?: string) => string;
Gets the default type url for CustomHttpPattern
Parameter typeUrlPrefix
your custom typeUrlPrefix(default "type.googleapis.com")
The default type url
method toJSON
toJSON: () => { [k: string]: any };
Converts this CustomHttpPattern to JSON.
JSON object
method toObject
static toObject: ( message: google.api.CustomHttpPattern, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions) => { [k: string]: any };
Creates a plain object from a CustomHttpPattern message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
Parameter message
Parameter options
Conversion options
Plain object
method verify
static verify: (message: { [k: string]: any }) => string | null;
Verifies a CustomHttpPattern message.
Parameter message
Plain object to verify
if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
class Distribution
class Distribution implements IDistribution {}
Represents a Distribution.
constructor(properties?: IDistribution);
Constructs a new Distribution.
Parameter properties
Properties to set
property bucketCounts
bucketCounts: any[];
Distribution bucketCounts.
property bucketOptions
bucketOptions?: Distribution.IBucketOptions;
Distribution bucketOptions.
property count
count: any;
Distribution count.
property exemplars
exemplars: Distribution.IExemplar[];
Distribution exemplars.
property mean
mean: number;
Distribution mean.
property range
range?: Distribution.IRange;
Distribution range.
property sumOfSquaredDeviation
sumOfSquaredDeviation: number;
Distribution sumOfSquaredDeviation.
method create
static create: ( properties?: google.api.IDistribution) => google.api.Distribution;
Creates a new Distribution instance using the specified properties.
Parameter properties
Properties to set
Distribution instance
method decode
static decode: ( reader: $protobuf.Reader | Uint8Array, length?: number) => google.api.Distribution;
Decodes a Distribution message from the specified reader or buffer.
Parameter reader
Reader or buffer to decode from
Parameter length
Message length if known beforehand
{Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
{$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
method decodeDelimited
static decodeDelimited: ( reader: $protobuf.Reader | Uint8Array) => google.api.Distribution;
Decodes a Distribution message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
Parameter reader
Reader or buffer to decode from
{Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
{$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
method encode
static encode: ( message: google.api.IDistribution, writer?: $protobuf.Writer) => $protobuf.Writer;
Encodes the specified Distribution message. Does not implicitly verify messages.
Parameter message
Distribution message or plain object to encode
Parameter writer
Writer to encode to
method encodeDelimited
static encodeDelimited: ( message: google.api.IDistribution, writer?: $protobuf.Writer) => $protobuf.Writer;
Encodes the specified Distribution message, length delimited. Does not implicitly verify messages.
Parameter message
Distribution message or plain object to encode
Parameter writer
Writer to encode to
method fromObject
static fromObject: (object: { [k: string]: any }) => google.api.Distribution;
Creates a Distribution message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
Parameter object
Plain object
method getTypeUrl
static getTypeUrl: (typeUrlPrefix?: string) => string;
Gets the default type url for Distribution
Parameter typeUrlPrefix
your custom typeUrlPrefix(default "type.googleapis.com")
The default type url
method toJSON
toJSON: () => { [k: string]: any };
Converts this Distribution to JSON.
JSON object
method toObject
static toObject: ( message: google.api.Distribution, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions) => { [k: string]: any };
Creates a plain object from a Distribution message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
Parameter message
Parameter options
Conversion options
Plain object
method verify
static verify: (message: { [k: string]: any }) => string | null;
Verifies a Distribution message.
Parameter message
Plain object to verify
if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
class DotnetSettings
class DotnetSettings implements IDotnetSettings {}
Represents a DotnetSettings.
constructor(properties?: IDotnetSettings);
Constructs a new DotnetSettings.
Parameter properties
Properties to set
property common
common?: ICommonLanguageSettings;
DotnetSettings common.
property forcedNamespaceAliases
forcedNamespaceAliases: string[];
DotnetSettings forcedNamespaceAliases.
property handwrittenSignatures
handwrittenSignatures: string[];
DotnetSettings handwrittenSignatures.
property ignoredResources
ignoredResources: string[];
DotnetSettings ignoredResources.
property renamedResources
renamedResources: { [k: string]: string };
DotnetSettings renamedResources.
property renamedServices
renamedServices: { [k: string]: string };
DotnetSettings renamedServices.
method create
static create: ( properties?: google.api.IDotnetSettings) => google.api.DotnetSettings;
Creates a new DotnetSettings instance using the specified properties.
Parameter properties
Properties to set
DotnetSettings instance
method decode
static decode: ( reader: $protobuf.Reader | Uint8Array, length?: number) => google.api.DotnetSettings;
Decodes a DotnetSettings message from the specified reader or buffer.
Parameter reader
Reader or buffer to decode from
Parameter length
Message length if known beforehand
{Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
{$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
method decodeDelimited
static decodeDelimited: ( reader: $protobuf.Reader | Uint8Array) => google.api.DotnetSettings;
Decodes a DotnetSettings message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
Parameter reader
Reader or buffer to decode from
{Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
{$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
method encode
static encode: ( message: google.api.IDotnetSettings, writer?: $protobuf.Writer) => $protobuf.Writer;
Encodes the specified DotnetSettings message. Does not implicitly verify messages.
Parameter message
DotnetSettings message or plain object to encode
Parameter writer
Writer to encode to
method encodeDelimited
static encodeDelimited: ( message: google.api.IDotnetSettings, writer?: $protobuf.Writer) => $protobuf.Writer;
Encodes the specified DotnetSettings message, length delimited. Does not implicitly verify messages.
Parameter message
DotnetSettings message or plain object to encode
Parameter writer
Writer to encode to
method fromObject
static fromObject: (object: { [k: string]: any }) => google.api.DotnetSettings;
Creates a DotnetSettings message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
Parameter object
Plain object
method getTypeUrl
static getTypeUrl: (typeUrlPrefix?: string) => string;
Gets the default type url for DotnetSettings
Parameter typeUrlPrefix
your custom typeUrlPrefix(default "type.googleapis.com")
The default type url
method toJSON
toJSON: () => { [k: string]: any };
Converts this DotnetSettings to JSON.
JSON object
method toObject
static toObject: ( message: google.api.DotnetSettings, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions) => { [k: string]: any };
Creates a plain object from a DotnetSettings message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
Parameter message
Parameter options
Conversion options
Plain object
method verify
static verify: (message: { [k: string]: any }) => string | null;
Verifies a DotnetSettings message.
Parameter message
Plain object to verify
if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
class GoSettings
class GoSettings implements IGoSettings {}
Represents a GoSettings.
constructor(properties?: IGoSettings);
Constructs a new GoSettings.
Parameter properties
Properties to set
property common
common?: ICommonLanguageSettings;
GoSettings common.
method create
static create: (properties?: google.api.IGoSettings) => google.api.GoSettings;
Creates a new GoSettings instance using the specified properties.
Parameter properties
Properties to set
GoSettings instance
method decode
static decode: ( reader: $protobuf.Reader | Uint8Array, length?: number) => google.api.GoSettings;
Decodes a GoSettings message from the specified reader or buffer.
Parameter reader
Reader or buffer to decode from
Parameter length
Message length if known beforehand
{Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
{$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
method decodeDelimited
static decodeDelimited: ( reader: $protobuf.Reader | Uint8Array) => google.api.GoSettings;
Decodes a GoSettings message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
Parameter reader
Reader or buffer to decode from
{Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
{$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
method encode
static encode: ( message: google.api.IGoSettings, writer?: $protobuf.Writer) => $protobuf.Writer;
Encodes the specified GoSettings message. Does not implicitly verify messages.
Parameter message
GoSettings message or plain object to encode
Parameter writer
Writer to encode to
method encodeDelimited
static encodeDelimited: ( message: google.api.IGoSettings, writer?: $protobuf.Writer) => $protobuf.Writer;
Encodes the specified GoSettings message, length delimited. Does not implicitly verify messages.
Parameter message
GoSettings message or plain object to encode
Parameter writer
Writer to encode to
method fromObject
static fromObject: (object: { [k: string]: any }) => google.api.GoSettings;
Creates a GoSettings message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
Parameter object
Plain object
method getTypeUrl
static getTypeUrl: (typeUrlPrefix?: string) => string;
Gets the default type url for GoSettings
Parameter typeUrlPrefix
your custom typeUrlPrefix(default "type.googleapis.com")
The default type url
method toJSON
toJSON: () => { [k: string]: any };
Converts this GoSettings to JSON.
JSON object
method toObject
static toObject: ( message: google.api.GoSettings, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions) => { [k: string]: any };
Creates a plain object from a GoSettings message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
Parameter message
Parameter options
Conversion options
Plain object
method verify
static verify: (message: { [k: string]: any }) => string | null;
Verifies a GoSettings message.
Parameter message
Plain object to verify
if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
class Http
class Http implements IHttp {}
Represents a Http.
constructor(properties?: IHttp);
Constructs a new Http.
Parameter properties
Properties to set
property fullyDecodeReservedExpansion
fullyDecodeReservedExpansion: boolean;
Http fullyDecodeReservedExpansion.
property rules
rules: IHttpRule[];
Http rules.
method create
static create: (properties?: google.api.IHttp) => google.api.Http;
Creates a new Http instance using the specified properties.
Parameter properties
Properties to set
Http instance
method decode
static decode: ( reader: $protobuf.Reader | Uint8Array, length?: number) => google.api.Http;
Decodes a Http message from the specified reader or buffer.
Parameter reader
Reader or buffer to decode from
Parameter length
Message length if known beforehand
{Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
{$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
method decodeDelimited
static decodeDelimited: ( reader: $protobuf.Reader | Uint8Array) => google.api.Http;
Decodes a Http message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
Parameter reader
Reader or buffer to decode from
{Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
{$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
method encode
static encode: ( message: google.api.IHttp, writer?: $protobuf.Writer) => $protobuf.Writer;
Encodes the specified Http message. Does not implicitly verify messages.
Parameter message
Http message or plain object to encode
Parameter writer
Writer to encode to
method encodeDelimited
static encodeDelimited: ( message: google.api.IHttp, writer?: $protobuf.Writer) => $protobuf.Writer;
Encodes the specified Http message, length delimited. Does not implicitly verify messages.
Parameter message
Http message or plain object to encode
Parameter writer
Writer to encode to
method fromObject
static fromObject: (object: { [k: string]: any }) => google.api.Http;
Creates a Http message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
Parameter object
Plain object
method getTypeUrl
static getTypeUrl: (typeUrlPrefix?: string) => string;
Gets the default type url for Http
Parameter typeUrlPrefix
your custom typeUrlPrefix(default "type.googleapis.com")
The default type url
method toJSON
toJSON: () => { [k: string]: any };
Converts this Http to JSON.
JSON object
method toObject
static toObject: ( message: google.api.Http, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions) => { [k: string]: any };
Creates a plain object from a Http message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
Parameter message
Parameter options
Conversion options
Plain object
method verify
static verify: (message: { [k: string]: any }) => string | null;
Verifies a Http message.
Parameter message
Plain object to verify
if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
class HttpRule
class HttpRule implements IHttpRule {}
Represents a HttpRule.
constructor(properties?: IHttpRule);
Constructs a new HttpRule.
Parameter properties
Properties to set
property additionalBindings
additionalBindings: IHttpRule[];
HttpRule additionalBindings.
property body
body: string;
HttpRule body.
property custom
custom?: ICustomHttpPattern;
HttpRule custom.
property delete
delete?: string;
HttpRule delete.
property get
get?: string;
HttpRule get.
property patch
patch?: string;
HttpRule patch.
property pattern
pattern?: 'get' | 'put' | 'post' | 'delete' | 'patch' | 'custom';
HttpRule pattern.
property post
post?: string;
HttpRule post.
property put
put?: string;
HttpRule put.
property responseBody
responseBody: string;
HttpRule responseBody.
property selector
selector: string;
HttpRule selector.
method create
static create: (properties?: google.api.IHttpRule) => google.api.HttpRule;
Creates a new HttpRule instance using the specified properties.
Parameter properties
Properties to set
HttpRule instance
method decode
static decode: ( reader: $protobuf.Reader | Uint8Array, length?: number) => google.api.HttpRule;
Decodes a HttpRule message from the specified reader or buffer.
Parameter reader
Reader or buffer to decode from
Parameter length
Message length if known beforehand
{Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
{$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
method decodeDelimited
static decodeDelimited: ( reader: $protobuf.Reader | Uint8Array) => google.api.HttpRule;
Decodes a HttpRule message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
Parameter reader
Reader or buffer to decode from
{Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
{$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
method encode
static encode: ( message: google.api.IHttpRule, writer?: $protobuf.Writer) => $protobuf.Writer;
Encodes the specified HttpRule message. Does not implicitly verify messages.
Parameter message
HttpRule message or plain object to encode
Parameter writer
Writer to encode to
method encodeDelimited
static encodeDelimited: ( message: google.api.IHttpRule, writer?: $protobuf.Writer) => $protobuf.Writer;
Encodes the specified HttpRule message, length delimited. Does not implicitly verify messages.
Parameter message
HttpRule message or plain object to encode
Parameter writer
Writer to encode to
method fromObject
static fromObject: (object: { [k: string]: any }) => google.api.HttpRule;
Creates a HttpRule message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
Parameter object
Plain object
method getTypeUrl
static getTypeUrl: (typeUrlPrefix?: string) => string;
Gets the default type url for HttpRule
Parameter typeUrlPrefix
your custom typeUrlPrefix(default "type.googleapis.com")
The default type url
method toJSON
toJSON: () => { [k: string]: any };
Converts this HttpRule to JSON.
JSON object
method toObject
static toObject: ( message: google.api.HttpRule, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions) => { [k: string]: any };
Creates a plain object from a HttpRule message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
Parameter message
Parameter options
Conversion options
Plain object
method verify
static verify: (message: { [k: string]: any }) => string | null;
Verifies a HttpRule message.
Parameter message
Plain object to verify
if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
class JavaSettings
class JavaSettings implements IJavaSettings {}
Represents a JavaSettings.
constructor(properties?: IJavaSettings);
Constructs a new JavaSettings.
Parameter properties
Properties to set
property common
common?: ICommonLanguageSettings;
JavaSettings common.
property libraryPackage
libraryPackage: string;
JavaSettings libraryPackage.
property serviceClassNames
serviceClassNames: { [k: string]: string };
JavaSettings serviceClassNames.
method create
static create: ( properties?: google.api.IJavaSettings) => google.api.JavaSettings;
Creates a new JavaSettings instance using the specified properties.
Parameter properties
Properties to set
JavaSettings instance
method decode
static decode: ( reader: $protobuf.Reader | Uint8Array, length?: number) => google.api.JavaSettings;
Decodes a JavaSettings message from the specified reader or buffer.
Parameter reader
Reader or buffer to decode from
Parameter length
Message length if known beforehand
{Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
{$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
method decodeDelimited
static decodeDelimited: ( reader: $protobuf.Reader | Uint8Array) => google.api.JavaSettings;
Decodes a JavaSettings message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
Parameter reader
Reader or buffer to decode from
{Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
{$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
method encode
static encode: ( message: google.api.IJavaSettings, writer?: $protobuf.Writer) => $protobuf.Writer;
Encodes the specified JavaSettings message. Does not implicitly verify messages.
Parameter message
JavaSettings message or plain object to encode
Parameter writer
Writer to encode to
method encodeDelimited
static encodeDelimited: ( message: google.api.IJavaSettings, writer?: $protobuf.Writer) => $protobuf.Writer;
Encodes the specified JavaSettings message, length delimited. Does not implicitly verify messages.
Parameter message
JavaSettings message or plain object to encode
Parameter writer
Writer to encode to
method fromObject
static fromObject: (object: { [k: string]: any }) => google.api.JavaSettings;
Creates a JavaSettings message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
Parameter object
Plain object
method getTypeUrl
static getTypeUrl: (typeUrlPrefix?: string) => string;
Gets the default type url for JavaSettings
Parameter typeUrlPrefix
your custom typeUrlPrefix(default "type.googleapis.com")
The default type url
method toJSON
toJSON: () => { [k: string]: any };
Converts this JavaSettings to JSON.
JSON object
method toObject
static toObject: ( message: google.api.JavaSettings, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions) => { [k: string]: any };
Creates a plain object from a JavaSettings message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
Parameter message
Parameter options
Conversion options
Plain object
method verify
static verify: (message: { [k: string]: any }) => string | null;
Verifies a JavaSettings message.
Parameter message
Plain object to verify
if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
class LabelDescriptor
class LabelDescriptor implements ILabelDescriptor {}
Represents a LabelDescriptor.
constructor(properties?: ILabelDescriptor);
Constructs a new LabelDescriptor.
Parameter properties
Properties to set
property description
description: string;
LabelDescriptor description.
property key
key: string;
LabelDescriptor key.
property valueType
valueType: 'STRING' | LabelDescriptor.ValueType | 'BOOL' | 'INT64';
LabelDescriptor valueType.
method create
static create: ( properties?: google.api.ILabelDescriptor) => google.api.LabelDescriptor;
Creates a new LabelDescriptor instance using the specified properties.
Parameter properties
Properties to set
LabelDescriptor instance
method decode
static decode: ( reader: $protobuf.Reader | Uint8Array, length?: number) => google.api.LabelDescriptor;
Decodes a LabelDescriptor message from the specified reader or buffer.
Parameter reader
Reader or buffer to decode from
Parameter length
Message length if known beforehand
{Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
{$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
method decodeDelimited
static decodeDelimited: ( reader: $protobuf.Reader | Uint8Array) => google.api.LabelDescriptor;
Decodes a LabelDescriptor message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
Parameter reader
Reader or buffer to decode from
{Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
{$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
method encode
static encode: ( message: google.api.ILabelDescriptor, writer?: $protobuf.Writer) => $protobuf.Writer;
Encodes the specified LabelDescriptor message. Does not implicitly verify messages.
Parameter message
LabelDescriptor message or plain object to encode
Parameter writer
Writer to encode to
method encodeDelimited
static encodeDelimited: ( message: google.api.ILabelDescriptor, writer?: $protobuf.Writer) => $protobuf.Writer;
Encodes the specified LabelDescriptor message, length delimited. Does not implicitly verify messages.
Parameter message
LabelDescriptor message or plain object to encode
Parameter writer
Writer to encode to
method fromObject
static fromObject: (object: { [k: string]: any }) => google.api.LabelDescriptor;
Creates a LabelDescriptor message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
Parameter object
Plain object
method getTypeUrl
static getTypeUrl: (typeUrlPrefix?: string) => string;
Gets the default type url for LabelDescriptor
Parameter typeUrlPrefix
your custom typeUrlPrefix(default "type.googleapis.com")
The default type url
method toJSON
toJSON: () => { [k: string]: any };
Converts this LabelDescriptor to JSON.
JSON object
method toObject
static toObject: ( message: google.api.LabelDescriptor, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions) => { [k: string]: any };
Creates a plain object from a LabelDescriptor message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
Parameter message
Parameter options
Conversion options
Plain object
method verify
static verify: (message: { [k: string]: any }) => string | null;
Verifies a LabelDescriptor message.
Parameter message
Plain object to verify
if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
class MethodSettings
class MethodSettings implements IMethodSettings {}
Represents a MethodSettings.
constructor(properties?: IMethodSettings);
Constructs a new MethodSettings.
Parameter properties
Properties to set
property autoPopulatedFields
autoPopulatedFields: string[];
MethodSettings autoPopulatedFields.
property longRunning
longRunning?: MethodSettings.ILongRunning;
MethodSettings longRunning.
property selector
selector: string;
MethodSettings selector.
method create
static create: ( properties?: google.api.IMethodSettings) => google.api.MethodSettings;
Creates a new MethodSettings instance using the specified properties.
Parameter properties
Properties to set
MethodSettings instance
method decode
static decode: ( reader: $protobuf.Reader | Uint8Array, length?: number) => google.api.MethodSettings;
Decodes a MethodSettings message from the specified reader or buffer.
Parameter reader
Reader or buffer to decode from
Parameter length
Message length if known beforehand
{Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
{$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
method decodeDelimited
static decodeDelimited: ( reader: $protobuf.Reader | Uint8Array) => google.api.MethodSettings;
Decodes a MethodSettings message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
Parameter reader
Reader or buffer to decode from
{Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
{$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
method encode
static encode: ( message: google.api.IMethodSettings, writer?: $protobuf.Writer) => $protobuf.Writer;
Encodes the specified MethodSettings message. Does not implicitly verify messages.
Parameter message
MethodSettings message or plain object to encode
Parameter writer
Writer to encode to
method encodeDelimited
static encodeDelimited: ( message: google.api.IMethodSettings, writer?: $protobuf.Writer) => $protobuf.Writer;
Encodes the specified MethodSettings message, length delimited. Does not implicitly verify messages.
Parameter message
MethodSettings message or plain object to encode
Parameter writer
Writer to encode to
method fromObject
static fromObject: (object: { [k: string]: any }) => google.api.MethodSettings;
Creates a MethodSettings message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
Parameter object
Plain object
method getTypeUrl
static getTypeUrl: (typeUrlPrefix?: string) => string;
Gets the default type url for MethodSettings
Parameter typeUrlPrefix
your custom typeUrlPrefix(default "type.googleapis.com")
The default type url
method toJSON
toJSON: () => { [k: string]: any };
Converts this MethodSettings to JSON.
JSON object
method toObject
static toObject: ( message: google.api.MethodSettings, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions) => { [k: string]: any };
Creates a plain object from a MethodSettings message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
Parameter message
Parameter options
Conversion options
Plain object
method verify
static verify: (message: { [k: string]: any }) => string | null;
Verifies a MethodSettings message.
Parameter message
Plain object to verify
if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
class Metric
class Metric implements IMetric {}
Represents a Metric.
constructor(properties?: IMetric);
Constructs a new Metric.
Parameter properties
Properties to set
property labels
labels: { [k: string]: string };
Metric labels.
property type
type: string;
Metric type.
method create
static create: (properties?: google.api.IMetric) => google.api.Metric;
Creates a new Metric instance using the specified properties.
Parameter properties
Properties to set
Metric instance
method decode
static decode: ( reader: $protobuf.Reader | Uint8Array, length?: number) => google.api.Metric;
Decodes a Metric message from the specified reader or buffer.
Parameter reader
Reader or buffer to decode from
Parameter length
Message length if known beforehand
{Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
{$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
method decodeDelimited
static decodeDelimited: ( reader: $protobuf.Reader | Uint8Array) => google.api.Metric;
Decodes a Metric message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
Parameter reader
Reader or buffer to decode from
{Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
{$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
method encode
static encode: ( message: google.api.IMetric, writer?: $protobuf.Writer) => $protobuf.Writer;
Encodes the specified Metric message. Does not implicitly verify messages.
Parameter message
Metric message or plain object to encode
Parameter writer
Writer to encode to
method encodeDelimited
static encodeDelimited: ( message: google.api.IMetric, writer?: $protobuf.Writer) => $protobuf.Writer;
Encodes the specified Metric message, length delimited. Does not implicitly verify messages.
Parameter message
Metric message or plain object to encode
Parameter writer
Writer to encode to
method fromObject
static fromObje