- Version 9.10.1
- Published
- 476 kB
- 9 dependencies
- MIT license
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A React utility library made by Instructure Inc.
Type Aliases
variable deprecated
const deprecated: DeprecatedDecorator;
variable DeterministicIdContext
const DeterministicIdContext: React.Context<DeterministicIdProviderValue>;
function callRenderProp
callRenderProp: <P extends Record<string, unknown>>( value: Renderable<P>, props?: P) => any;
--- category: utilities/react --- Evaluate a provided value to create a renderable React element. callRenderProp
Parameter value
Parameter props
function DeterministicIdContextProvider
DeterministicIdContextProvider: ({ children, instanceCounterMap,}: React.PropsWithChildren<{ instanceCounterMap?: DeterministicIdProviderValue;}>) => React.JSX.Element;
--- category: components/utilities --- WARNING: providing the
prop will result in unexpected behaviour. DO NOT USE IT!DEPRECATED: the
prop is deprecated. You don't need to supply theinstanceCounterMap
to the component. It handles it internally.This is utility component for wrapping components with
See detailed documentation about how to use it: [InstUISettingsProvider](/#InstUISettingsProvider)
function ensureSingleChild
ensureSingleChild: (child: ReactNode, props?: {}) => React.JSX.Element | null;
--- category: utilities/react ---
Ensure a single child. If it is a child of length 1, return a cloned instance of the child. If it is a child of length > 1, wrap in a span and return the child. Return null if child has no length. ensureSingleChild
Parameter child
Parameter props
props for child
{ReactElement|null} cloned instance for a single child, or children wrapped in a span
function experimental
experimental: ( ...args: unknown[]) => (ComposedComponent: ComponentClass<any>) => any;
function generateInstanceCounterMap
generateInstanceCounterMap: () => DeterministicIdProviderValue;
function getDisplayName
getDisplayName: (ReactComponent: string | ComponentType) => string;
--- category: utilities/react --- Get the displayName of a React component. needs a babel plugin to work https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/4915 !! getDisplayName
Parameter ReactComponent
{String} the component displayName
function getElementType
getElementType: <T extends PropsObject>( Component: Omit<ComponentType<T>, 'propTypes'>, props: T, getDefault?: () => AsElementType<T>) => | 'symbol' | 'object' | 'a' | 'abbr' | 'address' | 'area' | 'article' | 'aside' | 'audio' | 'b' | 'base' | 'bdi' | 'bdo' | 'big' | 'blockquote' | 'body' | 'br' | 'button' | 'canvas' | 'caption' | 'center' | 'cite' | 'code' | 'col' | 'colgroup' | 'data' | 'datalist' | 'dd' | 'del' | 'details' | 'dfn' | 'dialog' | 'div' | 'dl' | 'dt' | 'em' | 'embed' | 'fieldset' | 'figcaption' | 'figure' | 'footer' | 'form' | 'h1' | 'h2' | 'h3' | 'h4' | 'h5' | 'h6' | 'head' | 'header' | 'hgroup' | 'hr' | 'html' | 'i' | 'iframe' | 'img' | 'input' | 'ins' | 'kbd' | 'keygen' | 'label' | 'legend' | 'li' | 'link' | 'main' | 'map' | 'mark' | 'menu' | 'menuitem' | 'meta' | 'meter' | 'nav' | 'noscript' | 'ol' | 'optgroup' | 'option' | 'output' | 'p' | 'param' | 'picture' | 'pre' | 'progress' | 'q' | 'rp' | 'rt' | 'ruby' | 's' | 'samp' | 'search' | 'slot' | 'script' | 'section' | 'select' | 'small' | 'source' | 'span' | 'strong' | 'style' | 'sub' | 'summary' | 'sup' | 'table' | 'template' | 'tbody' | 'td' | 'textarea' | 'tfoot' | 'th' | 'thead' | 'time' | 'title' | 'tr' | 'track' | 'u' | 'ul' | 'var' | 'video' | 'wbr' | 'webview' | 'animate' | 'circle' | 'clipPath' | 'defs' | 'desc' | 'ellipse' | 'feBlend' | 'feColorMatrix' | 'feComponentTransfer' | 'feComposite' | 'feConvolveMatrix' | 'feDiffuseLighting' | 'feDisplacementMap' | 'feDistantLight' | 'feDropShadow' | 'feFlood' | 'feFuncA' | 'feFuncB' | 'feFuncG' | 'feFuncR' | 'feGaussianBlur' | 'feImage' | 'feMerge' | 'feMergeNode' | 'feMorphology' | 'feOffset' | 'fePointLight' | 'feSpecularLighting' | 'feSpotLight' | 'feTile' | 'feTurbulence' | 'filter' | 'foreignObject' | 'g' | 'image' | 'line' | 'linearGradient' | 'marker' | 'mask' | 'metadata' | 'path' | 'pattern' | 'polygon' | 'polyline' | 'radialGradient' | 'rect' | 'stop' | 'svg' | 'switch' | 'text' | 'textPath' | 'tspan' | 'use' | 'view' | import('react').FunctionComponent<any> | import('react').ComponentClass<any, any> | 'noindex' | 'animateMotion' | 'animateTransform' | 'mpath' | import('react').ComponentClass<T, any> | import('react').FunctionComponent<T> | NonNullable<T['as']>;
--- category: utilities/react --- Get the React element type for a component.
Parameter Component
Parameter props
Parameter getDefault
an optional function that returns the default element type
{String} the element type
function getInteraction
getInteraction: ({ props, interactionTypes,}?: GetInteractionOptions) => InteractionType;
--- category: utilities/react --- Parse the component props for the interaction type. It will return one of 'enabled', 'disabled', or 'readonly'. This is useful for form elements where consumers are able to either use the interaction prop as specified or the native html disabled or readonly attributes getInteraction
Parameter args
{Object} args.props - the component props
{string} args.props.interaction - specifies the interaction mode, one of 'enabled', 'disabled', or 'readonly'
{boolean} args.props.disabled - specifies if the component is disabled. Will take precedence over readOnly
{boolean} args.props.readOnly - specifies if the component is readonly
{Array} args.interactionTypes - an array specifying the interaction types available to the component, ['disabled', 'readonly'] by default
{String} one of 'enabled', 'disabled', or 'readonly'
function hack
hack: (...args: unknown[]) => (ComposedComponent: any) => any;
--- category: utilities/react --- Flag React component props as hack props. Warnings will display in the console when hack props are used.
class Example extends Component {static propTypes = {currentProp: PropTypes.func}}export default hack(['hackProp'])(Example)hack
Parameter hackProps
Parameter message
{function} React component flagged as having hack props
function matchComponentTypes
matchComponentTypes: <Type extends ReactElement = ReactElement>( componentInstance: ReactNode, types?: string[] | ComponentType[] | ComponentType<any>[]) => componentInstance is Type;
--- category: utilities/react --- Check if a React component instance (React element) matches one of the specified types.
Parameter componentInstance
Parameter types
an array of React components
{Boolean} true if the component matches at least one of the types
function omitProps
omitProps: <T extends Record<string, any>>( props: T, propsToOmit?: Record<string, any> | string[], exclude?: string[]) => Record<string, any>;
--- category: utilities/react --- Return an object with the remaining props after the given props are omitted.
Automatically excludes the following props: 'theme', 'children', 'className', 'style', 'styles', 'makeStyles', 'themeOverride', 'deterministicId' omitProps
Parameter props
The object to process
Parameter propsToOmit
list disallowed prop keys or an object whose keys will be omitted. If not specified the automatically excluded props will be removed.
Parameter exclude
an optional array of disallowed prop names to omit
props object without the excluded props omitProps
function passthroughProps
passthroughProps: <P extends Record<string, unknown>>( props: P) => Record<string, unknown>;
Removes disallowed keys from the given object. Allowed keys: Valid props for HTML or SVG elements (see https://github.com/emotion-js/emotion/tree/main/packages/is-prop-valid)
Disallowed is anything else and 'style', 'styles', 'className', 'children', 'makeStyles', 'deterministicId'
Parameter props
The props to process
function pickProps
pickProps: <T extends Record<string, any>>( props: T, propTypesOrAllowedPropList: Record<string, any> | string[], include?: string[]) => Record<string, unknown>;
--- category: utilities/react --- Return a props object with only specified propTypes. pickProps
Parameter props
React component props
Parameter propTypesOrAllowedPropList
React component propTypes or the list of allowed prop keys
Parameter include
an optional array of prop names to include
{Object} props object with only the included props pickProps
function safeCloneElement
safeCloneElement: < E extends ReactElement = ReactElement, P extends GetProps<E> = GetProps<E>>( element: { ref?: any } & E, props: { style?: any } & Partial<Attributes> & Partial<P>, ...children: ReactNode[]) => E;
--- category: utilities/react --- Clones a React element without overwriting refs.
Parameter element
The element to clone
Parameter props
Props of the element
Parameter children
function windowMessageListener
windowMessageListener: (...args: unknown[]) => (ComposedComponent: any) => any;
--- category: utilities/react --- A decorator or higher order component that provides methods for cross-origin communication (between iframes/windows).
see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/postMessage windowMessageListener
Parameter messageHandler
a handler for messages receieved by the component
Parameter validSource
an optional function that would restrict message handling to a specified source.
{Function} a function that decorates a React component with the behavior
function withDeterministicId
withDeterministicId: ( ...args: unknown[]) => (ComposedComponent: React.ComponentClass<any>) => any;
This decorator is used to enable the decorated class to use the
which is needed for deterministic id generation.The context is there for the users to pass an
Map which is then used in the child components to deterministically create ids for them based on theinstanceCounterMap
. Read more about it here: [SSR guide](https://instructure.design/#server-side-rendering)
Type Aliases
type DeterministicIdProviderValue
type DeterministicIdProviderValue = Map<string, number>;
type GetInteractionOptions
type GetInteractionOptions = { props?: { interaction?: InteractionType | null; disabled?: boolean | null; readOnly?: boolean | null; [key: string]: any; }; interactionTypes?: InteractionType[];};
type InteractionType
type InteractionType = 'enabled' | 'disabled' | 'readonly';
type WithDeterministicIdProps
type WithDeterministicIdProps = { deterministicId?: (instanceName?: string) => string;};
Package Files (19)
- types/DeterministicIdContext/DeterministicIdContext.d.ts
- types/DeterministicIdContext/DeterministicIdContextProvider.d.ts
- types/DeterministicIdContext/generateInstanceCounterMap.d.ts
- types/DeterministicIdContext/withDeterministicId.d.ts
- types/callRenderProp.d.ts
- types/deprecated.d.ts
- types/ensureSingleChild.d.ts
- types/experimental.d.ts
- types/getDisplayName.d.ts
- types/getElementType.d.ts
- types/getInteraction.d.ts
- types/hack.d.ts
- types/index.d.ts
- types/matchComponentTypes.d.ts
- types/omitProps.d.ts
- types/passthroughProps.d.ts
- types/pickProps.d.ts
- types/safeCloneElement.d.ts
- types/windowMessageListener.d.ts
Dependencies (9)
Dev Dependencies (4)
Peer Dependencies (2)
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