- Version 10.2.2
- Published
- 247 kB
- 12 dependencies
- MIT license
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A UI testing library made by Instructure Inc.
function generateA11yTests
generateA11yTests: <Props extends Record<string, any>>( Component: React.ComponentType<any>, componentExample: StoryConfig<Props>, ariaRulesToIgnore?: string[]) => void;
This function will generate a11y tests based on the component and the component example definition json. It will enumerate over the generated component examples and will call the
function on it.const subject = await mount(<Example />)const element = within(subject.getDOMNode())expect(await element.accessible()).to.be.true()Parameter Component
The base Component
Parameter componentExample
The example definition json, this will be the basis for the prop combination generation.
Parameter ariaRulesToIgnore
ARIA rules to ignore. these must be one of the rules described here: https://dequeuniversity.com/rules/axe/4.4
function generateComponentExamples
generateComponentExamples: <Props extends Record<string, any>>( Component: ComponentType<any>, config: StoryConfig<Props>) => ExampleSection<Props>[];
Generates examples for the given component based on the given configuration.
Parameter Component
A React component
Parameter config
A configuration object (stored in xy.examples.jsx files in InstUI)
Array of examples broken into sections and pages if configured to do so. generateComponentExamples
function generatePropCombinations
generatePropCombinations: <T extends Record<string, unknown>>( propValues: Props<T>) => Record<keyof Props<T>, ArrayElement<Props<T>[keyof Props<T>]>>[];
Given possible values for each prop, returns all combinations of those prop values. To generate the prop names and values from the component source see the
utilityParameter propValues
an object with the shape {propName: arrayOfPossibleValues}
{Array} an array of all prop combinations [{propAName: propAValue, propBName: propBValue}]
function waitForExpect
waitForExpect: ( callback?: () => void, { timeout, interval, }?: { timeout?: number | undefined; interval?: number | undefined }) => Promise<{}>;
Type Aliases
type Example
type Example<Props> = { Component: ComponentType; componentProps: Partial<Props>; exampleProps: Record<string, any>; key: string;};
type ExamplesPage
type ExamplesPage<Props> = { examples: Example<Props>[]; index: number; renderExample?: (exampleProps: Example<Props>) => ReactNode; parameters?: Record<string, unknown>;};
type StoryConfig
type StoryConfig<Props> = { /** * Used to divide the resulting examples into sections. It should correspond * to an enumerated prop in the Component */ sectionProp?: keyof Props; /** * Specifies the max number of examples that can exist in a single page * within a section */ maxExamplesPerPage?: number | ((sectionName: string) => number); /** * Specifies the total max number of examples. Default: 500 */ maxExamples?: number; /** * An object with keys that correspond to the component props. Each key has a * corresponding value array. This array contains possible values for that prop. */ propValues?: Partial<Record<keyof Props | string, any[]>>; /** * Prop keys to exclude from propValues. Useful when generating propValues with code. */ excludeProps?: (keyof Props)[]; /** * The values returned by this function are passed to the component. * A function called with the prop combination for the current example. It * returns an object of props that will be passed into the `renderExample` * function as componentProps. */ getComponentProps?: (props: Props & Record<string, any>) => Partial<Props>; /** * The values returned by this function are passed to a `View` that wraps the * example. * A function called with the prop combination for the current example. It * returns an object of props that will be passed into the `renderExample` * function as exampleProps. */ getExampleProps?: (props: Props & Record<string, any>) => Record<string, any>; /** * A function called with the examples and index for the current page of * examples. It returns an object of parameters/metadata for that page of * examples (e.g. to be passed in to a visual regression tool like chromatic). */ getParameters?: (params: ExamplesPage<Props>) => { [key: string]: any; delay?: number; disable?: boolean; }; filter?: (props: Props) => boolean;};
namespace global
namespace global {}
namespace global.Chai
namespace global.Chai {}
interface Assertion
interface Assertion {}
property contain
readonly contain: Assertion;
method accessible
accessible: { (): boolean; (): boolean };
method ancestors
ancestors: { (expected: string): void; (expected: string): void };
method attribute
attribute: { (expectedAttribute: string, expectedAttributeValue?: string): void; (expectedAttribute: string, expectedAttributeValue?: string): void;};
method bounds
bounds: { (expected: string, expectedAttributeValue?: string | number): void; (expected: string, expectedAttributeValue?: string | number): void;};
method checked
checked: { (): boolean; (): boolean };
method children
children: { (expected: string): void; (expected: string): void };
method className
className: { (expected: string): void; (expected: string): void };
method clickable
clickable: { (): boolean; (): boolean };
method descendants
descendants: { (expected: string): void; (expected: string): void };
method disabled
disabled: { (): boolean; (): boolean };
method enabled
enabled: { (): boolean; (): boolean };
method exactly
exactly: { (expected: number): Assertion; (expected: number): Assertion };
method focus
focus: { (): boolean; (): boolean };
method focusable
focusable: { (): boolean; (): boolean };
method focused
focused: { (): boolean; (): boolean };
method id
id: { (expected: string): void; (expected: string): void };
method label
label: { (expected: string): void; (expected: string): void };
method parents
parents: { (expected: string): void; (expected: string): void };
method readonly
readonly: { (): boolean; (): boolean };
method role
role: { (expected: string): void; (expected: string): void };
method selected
selected: { (): boolean; (): boolean };
method style
style: { (expected: string, expectedAttributeValue?: string | number): void; (expected: string, expectedAttributeValue?: string | number): void;};
method tabbable
tabbable: { (): boolean; (): boolean };
method tagName
tagName: { (expected: string): void; (expected: string): void };
method text
text: { (expected: string): void; (expected: string): void };
method title
title: { (expected: string): void; (expected: string): void };
method value
value: { (expected: string): void; (expected: string): void };
method visible
visible: { (): boolean; (): boolean };
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Dependencies (12)
Dev Dependencies (7)
Peer Dependencies (2)
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