- Version 5.36.0
- Published
- 105 kB
- 1 dependency
- MIT license
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Ionic Native - Native plugins for ionic apps
- checkAvailability()
- cordova()
- Cordova()
- CordovaCheck()
- cordovaFunctionOverride()
- CordovaFunctionOverride()
- cordovaInstance()
- CordovaInstance()
- CordovaProperty()
- cordovaPropertyGet()
- cordovaPropertySet()
- getPromise()
- instanceAvailability()
- InstanceCheck()
- InstanceProperty()
- instancePropertyGet()
- instancePropertySet()
- Plugin()
- wrap()
function checkAvailability
checkAvailability: { (pluginRef: string, methodName?: string, pluginName?: string): | boolean | { error: string }; (pluginObj: any, methodName?: string, pluginName?: string): | boolean | { error: string };};
Checks if plugin/cordova is available {boolean | { error: string } }
function cordova
cordova: ( pluginObj: any, methodName: string, config: CordovaOptions, args: IArguments | any[]) => any;
function Cordova
Cordova: (config?: CordovaOptions) => MethodDecorator;
function CordovaCheck
CordovaCheck: (config?: CordovaOptions) => MethodDecorator;
function cordovaFunctionOverride
cordovaFunctionOverride: ( pluginObj: any, methodName: string, args?: IArguments | any[]) => Observable<any>;
function CordovaFunctionOverride
CordovaFunctionOverride: () => MethodDecorator;
function cordovaInstance
cordovaInstance: ( pluginObj: any, methodName: string, config: CordovaOptions, args: IArguments | any[]) => any;
function CordovaInstance
CordovaInstance: (config?: CordovaOptions) => MethodDecorator;
function CordovaProperty
CordovaProperty: () => PropertyDecorator;
function cordovaPropertyGet
cordovaPropertyGet: (pluginObj: any, key: string) => any;
function cordovaPropertySet
cordovaPropertySet: (pluginObj: any, key: string, value: any) => void;
function getPromise
getPromise: <T>( callback: (resolve: Function, reject?: Function) => any) => Promise<T>;
function instanceAvailability
instanceAvailability: (pluginObj: any, methodName?: string) => boolean;
Checks if _objectInstance exists and has the method/property
function InstanceCheck
InstanceCheck: (config?: CordovaOptions) => MethodDecorator;
function InstanceProperty
InstanceProperty: () => PropertyDecorator;
function instancePropertyGet
instancePropertyGet: (pluginObj: any, key: string) => any;
function instancePropertySet
instancePropertySet: (pluginObj: any, key: string, value: any) => void;
function Plugin
Plugin: (config: PluginConfig) => ClassDecorator;
function wrap
wrap: (pluginObj: any, methodName: string, opts?: CordovaOptions) => WrapFn;
class IonicNativePlugin
class IonicNativePlugin {}
property install
static install: string;
property platforms
static platforms: string[];
property plugin
static plugin: string;
property pluginName
static pluginName: string;
property pluginRef
static pluginRef: string;
property repo
static repo: string;
method getPlugin
static getPlugin: () => any;
Returns the original plugin object
method getPluginInstallName
static getPluginInstallName: () => string;
Returns the plugin's install name
method getPluginName
static getPluginName: () => string;
Returns the plugin's name
method getPluginRef
static getPluginRef: () => string;
Returns the plugin's reference
method getSupportedPlatforms
static getSupportedPlatforms: () => string[];
Returns the plugin's supported platforms
method installed
static installed: () => boolean;
Returns a boolean that indicates whether the plugin is installed {boolean}
interface CordovaOptions
interface CordovaOptions {}
property callbackOrder
callbackOrder?: 'reverse';
Callback order. Set to reverse if the success/error callbacks are the first 2 arguments that the wrapped method takes.
property callbackStyle
callbackStyle?: 'node' | 'object';
Callback style
property clearFunction
clearFunction?: string;
If observable is set to true, this can be set to a different function name that will cancel the observable.
property clearWithArgs
clearWithArgs?: boolean;
This can be used if clearFunction is set. Set this to true to call the clearFunction with the same arguments used in the initial function.
property destruct
destruct?: boolean;
property element
element?: any;
Element to attach the event listener to, this is optional, defaults to
property errorIndex
errorIndex?: number;
Set a custom index for the error callback function. This doesn't work if callbackOrder or callbackStyle are set.
property errorName
errorName?: string;
Error function property name. This must be set if callbackStyle is set to object.
property event
event?: string;
Event name, this must be set if eventObservable is set to true
property eventObservable
eventObservable?: boolean;
Creates an observable that wraps a global event. Replaces document.addEventListener
property methodName
methodName?: string;
If the method-name of the cordova plugin is different from the wrappers one, it can be defined here
property observable
observable?: boolean;
Set to true to return an observable
property otherPromise
otherPromise?: boolean;
Set to true if the wrapped method returns a promise
property platforms
platforms?: string[];
Supported platforms
property successIndex
successIndex?: number;
Set a custom index for the success callback function. This doesn't work if callbackOrder or callbackStyle are set.
property successName
successName?: string;
Success function property name. This must be set if callbackStyle is set to object.
property sync
sync?: boolean;
Set to true if the wrapped method is a sync function
interface PluginConfig
interface PluginConfig {}
property install
install?: string;
Custom install command
property installVariables
installVariables?: string[];
Available installation variables
property platforms
platforms?: string[];
Supported platforms
property plugin
plugin: string;
Plugin NPM package name
property pluginName
pluginName: string;
Plugin name, this should match the class name
property pluginRef
pluginRef?: string;
Plugin object reference
property repo
repo?: string;
Github repository URL
index signature
[key: string]: any;
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Dependencies (1)
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Peer Dependencies (1)
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