- Version 5.36.0
- Published
- 34.8 kB
- 1 dependency
- MIT license
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Ionic Native - Native plugins for ionic apps
variable Keyboard
const Keyboard: KeyboardOriginal;
class KeyboardOriginal
class KeyboardOriginal extends IonicNativePlugin {}
Keyboard keyboard true Keyboard plugin for Cordova.
Requires Cordova plugin:
. For more info, please see the [Keyboard plugin docs](https://github.com/ionic-team/cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard).import { Keyboard } from '@ionic-native/keyboard/ngx';constructor(private keyboard: Keyboard) { }...this.keyboard.show();this.keyboard.hide();
property isVisible
isVisible: boolean;
Check keyboard status visible or not.
method disableScroll
disableScroll: (disable: boolean) => void;
Programatically enable or disable the WebView scroll
Parameter mode
method hide
hide: () => void;
Hide the keyboard if shown.
method hideFormAccessoryBar
hideFormAccessoryBar: (hide: boolean) => void;
Hide the keyboard accessory bar with the next, previous and done buttons.
Parameter hide
method onKeyboardDidHide
onKeyboardDidHide: () => Observable<any>;
Creates an observable that notifies you when the keyboard did hide. Unsubscribe to observable to cancel event watch.
method onKeyboardDidShow
onKeyboardDidShow: () => Observable<any>;
Creates an observable that notifies you when the keyboard did show. Unsubscribe to observable to cancel event watch.
method onKeyboardHide
onKeyboardHide: () => Observable<any>;
Creates an observable that notifies you when the keyboard is hidden. Unsubscribe to observable to cancel event watch.
method onKeyboardShow
onKeyboardShow: () => Observable<any>;
Creates an observable that notifies you when the keyboard is shown. Unsubscribe to observable to cancel event watch.
method onKeyboardWillHide
onKeyboardWillHide: () => Observable<any>;
Creates an observable that notifies you when the keyboard will hide. Unsubscribe to observable to cancel event watch.
method onKeyboardWillShow
onKeyboardWillShow: () => Observable<any>;
Creates an observable that notifies you when the keyboard will show. Unsubscribe to observable to cancel event watch.
method setKeyboardStyle
setKeyboardStyle: (style: KeyboardStyle) => void;
Programatically set Keyboard style
Parameter mode
method setResizeMode
setResizeMode: (mode: KeyboardResizeMode) => void;
Programatically set the resize mode
Parameter mode
method show
show: () => void;
Force keyboard to be shown.
enum KeyboardResizeMode
enum KeyboardResizeMode { Native = 'native', Ionic = 'ionic', Body = 'body', None = 'none',}
enum KeyboardStyle
enum KeyboardStyle { Light = 'light', Dark = 'dark',}
Package Files (1)
Dependencies (1)
Dev Dependencies (0)
No dev dependencies.
Peer Dependencies (2)
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