- Version 5.36.0
- Published
- 114 kB
- 1 dependency
- MIT license
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Ionic Native - Native plugins for ionic apps
- addActions()
- cancel()
- cancelAll()
- clear()
- clearAll()
- fireEvent()
- fireQueuedEvents()
- get()
- getAll()
- getAllScheduled()
- getAllTriggered()
- getDefaults()
- getIds()
- getScheduled()
- getScheduledIds()
- getTriggered()
- getTriggeredIds()
- getType()
- hasActions()
- hasPermission()
- hasType()
- isPresent()
- isScheduled()
- isTriggered()
- on()
- removeActions()
- requestPermission()
- schedule()
- setDefaults()
- update()
variable LocalNotifications
const LocalNotifications: LocalNotificationsOriginal;
class LocalNotificationsOriginal
class LocalNotificationsOriginal extends IonicNativePlugin {}
Local Notifications This plugin allows you to display local notifications on the device
import { LocalNotifications } from '@ionic-native/local-notifications/ngx';constructor(private localNotifications: LocalNotifications) { }...// Schedule a single notificationthis.localNotifications.schedule({id: 1,text: 'Single ILocalNotification',sound: isAndroid? 'file://sound.mp3': 'file://beep.caf',data: { secret: key }});// Schedule multiple notificationsthis.localNotifications.schedule([{id: 1,text: 'Multi ILocalNotification 1',sound: isAndroid ? 'file://sound.mp3': 'file://beep.caf',data: { secret:key }},{id: 2,title: 'Local ILocalNotification Example',text: 'Multi ILocalNotification 2',icon: 'http://example.com/icon.png'}]);// Schedule delayed notificationthis.localNotifications.schedule({text: 'Delayed ILocalNotification',trigger: {at: new Date(new Date().getTime() + 3600)},led: 'FF0000',sound: null});ILocalNotification
method addActions
addActions: (groupId: any, actions: ILocalNotificationAction[]) => Promise<any>;
Adds a group of actions
Parameter groupId
The id of the action group
Parameter actions
The actions of this group
method cancel
cancel: (notificationId: any) => Promise<any>;
Cancels single or multiple notifications
Parameter notificationId
A single notification id, or an array of notification ids.
{Promise} Returns a promise when the notification is canceled
method cancelAll
cancelAll: () => Promise<any>;
Cancels all notifications
{Promise} Returns a promise when all notifications are canceled
method clear
clear: (notificationId: any) => Promise<any>;
Clears single or multiple notifications
Parameter notificationId
A single notification id, or an array of notification ids.
{Promise} Returns a promise when the notification had been cleared
method clearAll
clearAll: () => Promise<any>;
Clears all notifications
{Promise} Returns a promise when all notifications have cleared
method fireEvent
fireEvent: (eventName: string, args: any) => void;
Not an official interface, however its possible to manually fire events.
Parameter eventName
The name of the event. Available events: schedule, trigger, click, update, clear, clearall, cancel, cancelall. Custom event names are possible for actions
Parameter args
Optional arguments
method fireQueuedEvents
fireQueuedEvents: () => Promise<any>;
Fire queued events once the device is ready and all listeners are registered.
method get
get: (notificationId: any) => Promise<ILocalNotification>;
Get a notification object
Parameter notificationId
The id of the notification to get
method getAll
getAll: () => Promise<ILocalNotification[]>;
Get all notification objects
method getAllScheduled
getAllScheduled: () => Promise<ILocalNotification[]>;
Get all scheduled notification objects
method getAllTriggered
getAllTriggered: () => Promise<ILocalNotification[]>;
Get all triggered notification objects
method getDefaults
getDefaults: () => Promise<any>;
Gets the (platform specific) default settings.
{Promise} An object with all default settings
method getIds
getIds: () => Promise<number[]>;
Get all the notification ids
method getScheduled
getScheduled: (notificationId: any) => Promise<ILocalNotification>;
Get a scheduled notification object
Parameter notificationId
The id of the notification to get
method getScheduledIds
getScheduledIds: () => Promise<number[]>;
Get the ids of scheduled notifications
{Promise<number[]>} Returns a promise
method getTriggered
getTriggered: (notificationId: any) => Promise<ILocalNotification>;
Get a triggered notification object
Parameter notificationId
The id of the notification to get
method getTriggeredIds
getTriggeredIds: () => Promise<number[]>;
Get the ids of triggered notifications
method getType
getType: (id: number) => Promise<boolean>;
Get the type (triggered, scheduled) for the notification.
Parameter id
The ID of the notification.
method hasActions
hasActions: (groupId: any) => Promise<boolean>;
Checks if a group of actions is defined
Parameter groupId
The id of the action group
{Promise} Whether the group is defined
method hasPermission
hasPermission: () => Promise<boolean>;
Informs if the app has the permission to show notifications.
method hasType
hasType: (id: number, type: string) => Promise<boolean>;
Check if a notification has a given type.
Parameter id
The ID of the notification.
Parameter type
The type of the notification.
method isPresent
isPresent: (notificationId: number) => Promise<boolean>;
Checks presence of a notification
Parameter notificationId
method isScheduled
isScheduled: (notificationId: number) => Promise<boolean>;
Checks is a notification is scheduled
Parameter notificationId
method isTriggered
isTriggered: (notificationId: number) => Promise<boolean>;
Checks if a notification is triggered
Parameter notificationId
method on
on: (eventName: string) => Observable<any>;
Sets a callback for a specific event
Parameter eventName
The name of the event. Available events: schedule, trigger, click, update, clear, clearall, cancel, cancelall. Custom event names are possible for actions {Observable}
method removeActions
removeActions: (groupId: any) => Promise<any>;
Removes a group of actions
Parameter groupId
The id of the action group
method requestPermission
requestPermission: () => Promise<boolean>;
Request permission to show notifications if not already granted.
method schedule
schedule: (options?: ILocalNotification | ILocalNotification[]) => void;
Schedules a single or multiple notifications
Parameter options
method setDefaults
setDefaults: (defaults: any) => Promise<any>;
Overwrites the (platform specific) default settings.
method update
update: (options?: ILocalNotification) => void;
Updates a previously scheduled notification. Must include the id in the options parameter.
Parameter options
interface ILocalNotification
interface ILocalNotification {}
property actions
actions?: string | ILocalNotificationAction[];
Actions id or actions
property attachments
attachments?: string[];
A list of image attachments
property autoClear
autoClear?: boolean;
ANDROID ONLY Make this notification automatically dismissed when the user touches it.
property badge
badge?: number;
The number currently set as the badge of the app icon in Springboard (iOS) or at the right-hand side of the local notification (Android) Default: 0 (which means don't show a number)
property channel
channel?: string;
ANDROID ONLY Specifies the channel the notification should be delivered on.
property clock
clock?: boolean | string;
ANDROID ONLY If and how the notification shall show the when date. Possbile values: boolean: true equals 'clock', false disable a watch/counter 'clock': Show the when date in the content view 'chronometer': Show a stopwatch
property color
color?: string;
ANDROID ONLY RGB value for the background color of the smallIcon. Default: Androids COLOR_DEFAULT, which will vary based on Android version.
property data
data?: any;
Arbitrary data, objects will be encoded to JSON string Default: null
property defaults
defaults?: number;
ANDROID ONLY Set the default notification options that will be used. The value should be one or more of the following fields combined with bitwise-or: DEFAULT_SOUND, DEFAULT_VIBRATE, DEFAULT_LIGHTS.
property foreground
foreground?: boolean;
Make this notification show when app in foreground.
property group
group?: string;
ANDROID ONLY If multiple notifications have the same group your app can present them as a single group.
property groupSummary
groupSummary?: boolean;
ANDROID ONLY If set to 'true' this notification could use 'summary' to summarize the contents of the whole group
property icon
icon?: string;
ANDROID ONLY Uri of the icon that is shown in the ticker and notification Default: res://icon
property id
id?: number;
A unique identifier required to clear, cancel, update or retrieve the local notification in the future Default: 0
property launch
launch?: boolean;
Specifies whether the a click on the notification causes the app to launch in the foreground
property led
led?: | { color: string; on: number; off: number; } | any[] | boolean | string;
ANDROID ONLY Define the blinking of the LED on the device. If set to true, the LED will blink in the default color with timings for on and off set to 1000 ms. If set to a string, the LED will blink in this ARGB value with timings for on and off set to 1000 ms. If set to an array, the value of the key 0 will be used as the color, the value of the key 1 will be used as the 'on' timing, the value of the key 2 will be used as the 'off' timing
property lockscreen
lockscreen?: boolean;
ANDROID ONLY If set to true the notification will be show in its entirety on all lockscreens. If set to false it will not be revealed on a secure lockscreen.
property mediaSession
mediaSession?: string;
ANDROID ONLY Set the token for the media session
property number
number?: number;
ANDROID ONLY Sets the number of items this notification represents.
property priority
priority?: number;
Notification priority. Integers between -2 and 2, whereas -2 is minimum and 2 is maximum priority
property progressBar
progressBar?: ILocalNotificationProgressBar | boolean;
Shows a progress bar Setting a boolean is a shortcut for {enabled: true/false} respectively
property silent
silent?: boolean;
Is a silent notification
property smallIcon
smallIcon?: string;
ANDROID ONLY Uri of the resource (only res://) to use in the notification layouts. Different classes of devices may return different sizes Default: res://ic_popup_reminder
property sound
sound?: string;
Uri of the file containing the sound to play when an alert is displayed Default: res://platform_default
property sticky
sticky?: boolean;
ANDROID ONLY Set whether this is an "ongoing" notification. Ongoing notifications cannot be dismissed by the user, so your application or service must take care of canceling them.
property summary
summary?: string;
ANDROID ONLY Summary of the whole notification group. Should be used in conjuntion with 'groupSummary' set to true
property text
text?: string | string[];
Second row of the notification Default: Empty string
property timeoutAfter
timeoutAfter?: number | false;
ANDROID ONLY Specifies a duration in milliseconds after which this notification should be canceled, if it is not already canceled.
property title
title?: string;
First row of the notification Default: Empty string (iOS) or the app name (Android)
property trigger
trigger?: ILocalNotificationTrigger;
When to trigger the notification
property vibrate
vibrate?: boolean;
ANDROID ONLY Use the default notification vibrate.
property wakeup
wakeup?: boolean;
ANDROID ONLY Wakeup the device. (default is true)
interface ILocalNotificationAction
interface ILocalNotificationAction {}
Notification action
See Also
property choices
choices?: string[];
ANDROID ONLY An array of pre-defined choices for users input
property editable
editable?: boolean;
ANDROID ONLY Specifies whether the user can provide arbitrary text values
property foreground
foreground?: boolean;
Make this notification show when app in foreground.
property icon
icon?: string;
The resource path of the action icon
property id
id?: string;
The id of the action is used as the event name in the listener function
property launch
launch?: boolean;
Specifies whether the action causes the app to launch in the foreground
property needsAuth
needsAuth?: boolean;
Specifies whether the action requires that the user’s device be unlocked. When the user selects an action with this option, the system prompts the user to unlock the device
property submitTitle
submitTitle?: string;
IOS ONLY The title of the text input button that is displayed to the user.
property title
title?: string;
The title of the notification message
property type
type?: ILocalNotificationActionType;
The type of the action. If omitted 'button' is used.
property ui
ui?: string;
If the value is 'decline' the action is displayed with special highlighting to indicate that it performs a destructive task
interface ILocalNotificationEvery
interface ILocalNotificationEvery {}
property day
day?: number;
The day.
property hour
hour?: number;
The hour.
property minute
minute?: number;
The minute.
property month
month?: number;
The month.
property quarter
quarter?: number;
The quarter.
property week
week?: number;
The week of yeaday of the ardinal week.
property weekday
weekday?: number;
The day of week.
property weekdayOrdinal
weekdayOrdinal?: number;
The day of the ordinal week.
property weekOfMonth
weekOfMonth?: number;
The week of month.
property year
year?: number;
The year.
interface ILocalNotificationProgressBar
interface ILocalNotificationProgressBar {}
property description
description?: string;
WINDOWS ONLY Gets or sets an optional string to be displayed instead of the default percentage string. If this isn't provided, something like "70%" will be displayed.
property enabled
enabled?: boolean;
Is the progress bar enabled?
property indeterminate
indeterminate?: boolean;
ANDROID ONLY Show an indeterminate progress bar
property maxValue
maxValue?: number;
ANDROID ONLY The maximum value (default is 100)
property status
status?: string;
WINDOWS ONLY Sets the status (required), which is displayed underneath the progress bar on the left. This string should reflect the status of the operation, like "Downloading..." or "Installing..."
property value
value?: number;
The current value
interface ILocalNotificationTrigger
interface ILocalNotificationTrigger {}
property after
after?: Date;
Only for "match"
property at
at?: Date;
The date and time when the system should deliver the local notification. If the specified value is nil or is a date in the past, the local notification is delivered immediately. Default: now ~ new Date()
property before
before?: Date;
The end of the repeating notification
property center
center?: number[];
IOS ONLY Center of the location Latitude and Longitude values
property count
count?: number;
Amount of units
property every
every?: ELocalNotificationTriggerUnit | ILocalNotificationEvery;
The unit
property firstAt
firstAt?: Date;
The date and time when the system should deliver the local notification. If the specified value is nil or is a date in the past, the local notification is delivered immediately. Only for "repeat" Default: now ~ new Date()
property in
in?: number;
Amount of units
property notifyOnEntry
notifyOnEntry?: boolean;
IOS ONLY Trigger on entry of the location
property notifyOnExit
notifyOnExit?: boolean;
IOS ONLY Trigger on exit of the location
property radius
radius?: number;
IOS ONLY Radius in meters
property single
single?: boolean;
IOS ONLY Trigger only once?
property unit
unit?: ELocalNotificationTriggerUnit;
enum ELocalNotificationTriggerUnit
enum ELocalNotificationTriggerUnit { SECOND = 'second', MINUTE = 'minute', HOUR = 'hour', DAY = 'day', WEEK = 'week', MONTH = 'month', QUARTER = 'quarter', YEAR = 'year', WEEKDAY = 'weekday', WEEKDAY_ORDINAL = 'weekdayOrdinal', WEEK_OF_MONTH = 'weekOfMonth',}
member DAY
DAY = 'day'
member HOUR
HOUR = 'hour'
member MINUTE
MINUTE = 'minute'
member MONTH
MONTH = 'month'
member QUARTER
QUARTER = 'quarter'
member SECOND
SECOND = 'second'
member WEEK
WEEK = 'week'
WEEK_OF_MONTH = 'weekOfMonth'
member WEEKDAY
WEEKDAY = 'weekday'
WEEKDAY_ORDINAL = 'weekdayOrdinal'
member YEAR
YEAR = 'year'
enum ILocalNotificationActionType
enum ILocalNotificationActionType { INPUT = 'input', BUTTON = 'button',}
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