- Version 5.36.0
- Published
- 35.7 kB
- 1 dependency
- MIT license
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Ionic Native - Native plugins for ionic apps
variable Toast
const Toast: ToastOriginal;
class ToastOriginal
class ToastOriginal extends IonicNativePlugin {}
Toast This plugin allows you to show a native Toast (a little text popup) on iOS, Android and WP8. It's great for showing a non intrusive native notification which is guaranteed always in the viewport of the browser.
Requires Cordova plugin:
. For more info, please see the [Toast plugin docs](https://github.com/EddyVerbruggen/Toast-PhoneGap-Plugin).import { Toast } from '@ionic-native/toast/ngx';constructor(private toast: Toast) { }...this.toast.show(`I'm a toast`, '5000', 'center').subscribe(toast => {console.log(toast);});ToastOptions
method hide
hide: () => Promise<any>;
Manually hide any currently visible toast.
{Promise} Returns a Promise that resolves on success.
method show
show: (message: string, duration: string, position: string) => Observable<any>;
Show a native toast for the given duration at the specified position.
Parameter message
The message to display.
Parameter duration
Duration to show the toast, either 'short', 'long' or any number of milliseconds: '1500'.
Parameter position
Where to position the toast, either 'top', 'center', or 'bottom'.
{Observable} Returns an Observable that notifies first on success and then when tapped, rejects on error.
method showLongBottom
showLongBottom: (message: string) => Observable<any>;
Shorthand for
show(message, 'long', 'bottom')
.Parameter message
{Observable} Returns an Observable that notifies first on success and then when tapped, rejects on error.
method showLongCenter
showLongCenter: (message: string) => Observable<any>;
Shorthand for
show(message, 'long', 'center')
.Parameter message
{Observable} Returns an Observable that notifies first on success and then when tapped, rejects on error.
method showLongTop
showLongTop: (message: string) => Observable<any>;
Shorthand for
show(message, 'long', 'top')
.Parameter message
{Observable} Returns an Observable that notifies first on success and then when tapped, rejects on error.
method showShortBottom
showShortBottom: (message: string) => Observable<any>;
Shorthand for
show(message, 'short', 'bottom')
.Parameter message
{Observable} Returns an Observable that notifies first on success and then when tapped, rejects on error.
method showShortCenter
showShortCenter: (message: string) => Observable<any>;
Shorthand for
show(message, 'short', 'center')
.Parameter message
{Observable} Returns an Observable that notifies first on success and then when tapped, rejects on error.
method showShortTop
showShortTop: (message: string) => Observable<any>;
Shorthand for
show(message, 'short', 'top')
.Parameter message
{Observable} Returns an Observable that notifies first on success and then when tapped, rejects on error.
method showWithOptions
showWithOptions: (options: ToastOptions) => Observable<any>;
Show a native toast with the given options.
Parameter options
Options for showing a toast. Available options: message The message to display. duration Duration to show the toast, either 'short', 'long' or any number of milliseconds: '1500'. position Where to position the toast, either 'top', 'center', or 'bottom'. addPixelsY Offset in pixels to move the toast up or down from its specified position.
{Observable} Returns an Observable that notifies first on success and then when tapped, rejects on error.
interface ToastOptions
interface ToastOptions {}
property addPixelsY
addPixelsY?: number;
Add negative value to move it up a bit
property data
data?: any;
Pass JSON object to be sent back in success callback
property duration
duration?: number;
Duration in ms to show
property message
message?: string;
Message to display
property position
position?: string;
property styling
styling?: { opacity?: number; backgroundColor?: string; textColor?: string; cornerRadius?: number; horizontalPadding?: number; verticalPadding?: number;};
Package Files (1)
Dependencies (1)
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Peer Dependencies (2)
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