
  • Version 4.4.1
  • Published
  • 837 kB
  • 21 dependencies
  • BSD-3-Clause license


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Type Aliases



variable ICommandPalette

const ICommandPalette: Token<ICommandPalette>;
  • The command palette token.

variable IKernelStatusModel

const IKernelStatusModel: Token<IKernelStatusModel>;
  • The kernel status indicator model.

variable ISanitizer

const ISanitizer: Token<IRenderMime.ISanitizer>;
  • The sanitizer token.

variable ISessionContextDialogs

const ISessionContextDialogs: Token<ISessionContext.IDialogs>;
  • The session context dialogs token.

variable ISplashScreen

const ISplashScreen: Token<ISplashScreen>;
  • The main menu token.

variable IThemeManager

const IThemeManager: Token<IThemeManager>;
  • The theme manager token.

variable IToolbarWidgetRegistry

const IToolbarWidgetRegistry: Token<IToolbarWidgetRegistry>;
  • The toolbar registry token.

variable IWindowResolver

const IWindowResolver: Token<IWindowResolver>;
  • The default window resolver token.


function createDefaultFactory

createDefaultFactory: (
commands: CommandRegistry
) => (
widgetFactory: string,
widget: Widget,
toolbarItem: ToolbarRegistry.IWidget
) => Widget;
  • Create the default toolbar item widget factory

    Parameter commands

    Application commands registry


    Default factory

function createToolbarFactory

createToolbarFactory: (
toolbarRegistry: IToolbarWidgetRegistry,
settingsRegistry: ISettingRegistry,
factoryName: string,
pluginId: string,
translator: ITranslator,
propertyId?: string
) => (widget: Widget) => IObservableList<ToolbarRegistry.IToolbarItem>;
  • Create the toolbar factory for a given container widget based on a data description stored in settings

    Parameter toolbarRegistry

    Toolbar widgets registry

    Parameter settingsRegistry

    Settings registry

    Parameter factoryName

    Toolbar container factory name

    Parameter pluginId

    Settings plugin id

    Parameter translator


    Parameter propertyId

    Toolbar definition key in the settings plugin


    List of toolbar widgets factory

function setToolbar

setToolbar: (
widget: Toolbar.IWidgetToolbar | Widget,
factory: (
widget: Widget
) =>
| IObservableList<ToolbarRegistry.IToolbarItem>
| ToolbarRegistry.IToolbarItem[],
toolbar?: Toolbar
) => void;
  • Set the toolbar items of a widget from a factory

    Parameter widget

    Widget with the toolbar to set

    Parameter factory

    Toolbar items factory

    Parameter toolbar

    Separated toolbar if widget is a raw widget

function showDialog

showDialog: <T>(
options?: Partial<Dialog.IOptions<T>>
) => Promise<Dialog.IResult<T>>;
  • Create and show a dialog.

    Parameter options

    The dialog setup options.


    A promise that resolves with whether the dialog was accepted.

function showErrorMessage

showErrorMessage: (
title: string,
error: string | Dialog.IError,
buttons?: ReadonlyArray<Dialog.IButton>
) => Promise<void>;
  • Show an error message dialog.

    Parameter title

    The title of the dialog box.

    Parameter error

    the error to show in the dialog body (either a string or an object with a string message property).

function translateKernelStatuses

translateKernelStatuses: (
translator?: ITranslator
) => Record<ISessionContext.KernelDisplayStatus, string>;
  • Helper function to translate kernel statuses mapping by using input translator.

    Parameter translator

    Language translator. The translated kernel status mapping.


class CommandLinker

class CommandLinker implements IDisposable {}
  • A static class that provides helper methods to generate clickable nodes that execute registered commands with pre-populated arguments.


constructor(options: CommandLinker.IOptions);
  • Instantiate a new command linker.

property isDisposed

readonly isDisposed: boolean;
  • Test whether the linker is disposed.

method connectNode

connectNode: (
node: HTMLElement,
command: string,
args?: ReadonlyPartialJSONObject
) => HTMLElement;
  • Connect a command/argument pair to a given node so that when it is clicked, the command will execute.

    Parameter node

    The node being connected.

    Parameter command

    The command ID to execute upon click.

    Parameter args

    The arguments with which to invoke the command.


    The same node that was passed in, after it has been connected.

    #### Notes Only click events will execute the command on a connected node. So, there are two considerations that are relevant: 1. If a node is connected, the default click action will be prevented. 2. The HTMLElement passed in should be clickable.

method disconnectNode

disconnectNode: (node: HTMLElement) => HTMLElement;
  • Disconnect a node that has been connected to execute a command on click.

    Parameter node

    The node being disconnected.


    The same node that was passed in, after it has been disconnected.

    #### Notes This method is safe to call multiple times and is safe to call on nodes that were never connected.

    This method can be called on rendered virtual DOM nodes that were populated using the populateVNodeDataset method in order to disconnect them from executing their command/argument pair.

method dispose

dispose: () => void;
  • Dispose of the resources held by the linker.

method handleEvent

handleEvent: (event: Event) => void;
  • Handle the DOM events for the command linker helper class.

    Parameter event

    The DOM event sent to the class.

    #### Notes This method implements the DOM EventListener interface and is called in response to events on the panel's DOM node. It should not be called directly by user code.

method populateVNodeDataset

populateVNodeDataset: (
command: string,
args?: ReadonlyPartialJSONObject
) => ElementDataset;
  • Populate the dataset attribute within the collection of attributes used to instantiate a virtual DOM node with the values necessary for its rendered DOM node to respond to clicks by executing a command/argument pair.

    Parameter command

    The command ID to execute upon click.

    Parameter args

    The arguments with which to invoke the command.


    A dataset collection for use within virtual node attributes.

    #### Notes The return value can be used on its own as the value for the dataset attribute of a virtual element, or it can be added to an existing dataset as in the example below.

    #### Example

    let command = 'some:command-id';
    let args = { alpha: 'beta' };
    let anchor = h.a({
    className: 'some-class',
    dataset: {
    foo: '1',
    bar: '2',
    ../...linker.populateVNodeDataset(command, args)
    }, 'some text');

class Dialog

class Dialog<T> extends Widget {}
  • A modal dialog widget.


constructor(options?: Partial<Dialog.IOptions<T>>);
  • Create a dialog panel instance.

    Parameter options

    The dialog setup options.

property ready

readonly ready: Promise<void>;
  • A promise that resolves when the Dialog first rendering is done.

method dispose

dispose: () => void;
  • Dispose of the resources used by the dialog.

method handleEvent

handleEvent: (event: Event) => void;
  • Handle the DOM events for the directory listing.

    Parameter event

    The DOM event sent to the widget.

    #### Notes This method implements the DOM EventListener interface and is called in response to events on the panel's DOM node. It should not be called directly by user code.

method launch

launch: () => Promise<Dialog.IResult<T>>;
  • Launch the dialog as a modal window.


    a promise that resolves with the result of the dialog.

method onAfterAttach

protected onAfterAttach: (msg: Message) => void;
  • A message handler invoked on an 'after-attach' message.

method onAfterDetach

protected onAfterDetach: (msg: Message) => void;
  • A message handler invoked on an 'after-detach' message.

method onCloseRequest

protected onCloseRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
  • A message handler invoked on a 'close-request' message.

method reject

reject: () => void;
  • Reject the current dialog with a default reject value.

    #### Notes Will be a no-op if the dialog is not shown.

method resolve

resolve: (index?: number) => void;
  • Resolve the current dialog.

    Parameter index

    An optional index to the button to resolve.

    #### Notes Will default to the defaultIndex. Will resolve the current show() with the button value. Will be a no-op if the dialog is not shown.

class KernelStatus

class KernelStatus extends VDomRenderer<KernelStatus.Model> {}
  • A VDomRenderer widget for displaying the status of a kernel.


constructor(opts: KernelStatus.IOptions, translator?: ITranslator);
  • Construct the kernel status widget.

property translator

translator: ITranslator;

    method render

    render: () => JSX.Element | null;
    • Render the kernel status item.

    class MainAreaWidget

    class MainAreaWidget<T extends Widget = Widget>
    extends Widget
    implements Printing.IPrintable {}
    • A widget meant to be contained in the JupyterLab main area.

      #### Notes Mirrors all of the title attributes of the content. This widget is closable by default. This widget is automatically disposed when closed. This widget ensures its own focus when activated.


    constructor(options: MainAreaWidget.IOptions<T>);
    • Construct a new main area widget.

      Parameter options

      The options for initializing the widget.

    property content

    readonly content: Widget;
    • The content hosted by the widget.

    property contentHeader

    readonly contentHeader: BoxPanel;
    • A panel for widgets that sit between the toolbar and the content. Imagine a formatting toolbar, notification headers, etc.

    property isRevealed

    readonly isRevealed: boolean;
    • Whether the content widget or an error is revealed.

    property revealed

    readonly revealed: Promise<void>;
    • A promise that resolves when the widget is revealed.

    property toolbar

    readonly toolbar: Toolbar;
    • The toolbar hosted by the widget.

    method [Printing.symbol]

    [Printing.symbol]: () => Printing.OptionalAsyncThunk;
    • Print method. Deferred to content.

    method onActivateRequest

    protected onActivateRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
    • Handle 'activate-request' messages.

    method onAfterAttach

    protected onAfterAttach: (msg: Message) => void;
    • Handle after-attach messages for the widget.

    method onBeforeDetach

    protected onBeforeDetach: (msg: Message) => void;
    • Handle before-detach messages for the widget.

    method onCloseRequest

    protected onCloseRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
    • Handle 'close-request' messages.

    method onUpdateRequest

    protected onUpdateRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
    • Handle 'update-request' messages by forwarding them to the content.

    class ModalCommandPalette

    class ModalCommandPalette extends Panel {}
    • Wrap the command palette in a modal to make it more usable.


    constructor(options: ModalCommandPalette.IOptions);

      property palette

      palette: CommandPalette;

        property searchIconGroup

        readonly searchIconGroup: HTMLDivElement;
        • Find the element with search icon group.

        method attach

        attach: () => void;

          method createSearchIconGroup

          protected createSearchIconGroup: () => HTMLDivElement;
          • Create element with search icon group.

          method detach

          detach: () => void;

            method handleEvent

            handleEvent: (event: Event) => void;
            • Handle incoming events.

            method hideAndReset

            hideAndReset: () => void;
            • Hide the modal command palette and reset its search.

            method onActivateRequest

            protected onActivateRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
            • A message handler invoked on an 'activate-request' message.

            method onAfterAttach

            protected onAfterAttach: (msg: Message) => void;
            • A message handler invoked on an 'after-attach' message.

            method onAfterDetach

            protected onAfterDetach: (msg: Message) => void;
            • A message handler invoked on an 'after-detach' message.

            method onAfterShow

            protected onAfterShow: (msg: Message) => void;

              method onBeforeHide

              protected onBeforeHide: (msg: Message) => void;

                class NotificationManager

                class NotificationManager implements IDisposable {}
                • Notification manager



                  property changed

                  readonly changed: ISignal<NotificationManager, Notification.IChange>;
                  • Signal emitted whenever a notification changes.

                  property count

                  readonly count: number;
                  • Total number of notifications.

                  property isDisposed

                  readonly isDisposed: boolean;
                  • Whether the manager is disposed or not.

                  property notifications

                  readonly notifications: Notification.INotification<ReadonlyJSONValue>[];
                  • The list of notifications.

                  method dismiss

                  dismiss: (id?: string) => void;
                  • Dismiss one notification (specified by its id) or all if no id provided.

                    Parameter id

                    Notification id

                  method dispose

                  dispose: () => void;
                  • Dispose the manager.

                  method has

                  has: (id: string) => boolean;
                  • Test whether a notification exists or not.

                    Parameter id

                    Notification id


                    Notification status

                  method notify

                  notify: <T extends ReadonlyJSONValue = ReadonlyJSONValue>(
                  message: string,
                  type: Notification.TypeOptions,
                  options: Notification.IOptions<T>
                  ) => string;
                  • Add a new notification.

                    This will trigger the changed signal with an added event.

                    Parameter message

                    Notification message

                    Parameter type

                    Notification type

                    Parameter options

                    Notification option


                    Notification unique id

                  method update

                  update: <T extends ReadonlyJSONValue = ReadonlyJSONValue>(
                  args: Notification.IUpdate<T>
                  ) => boolean;
                  • Update an existing notification.

                    If the notification does not exists this won't do anything.

                    Once updated the notification will be moved at the begin of the notification stack.

                    Parameter args

                    Update options


                    Whether the update was successful or not.

                  class RunningSessions

                  class RunningSessions extends VDomRenderer<RunningSessions.Model> {}
                  • A VDomRenderer for a RunningSessions status item.


                  constructor(opts: RunningSessions.IOptions);
                  • Create a new RunningSessions widget.

                  property translator

                  protected translator: ITranslator;

                    method dispose

                    dispose: () => void;
                    • Dispose of the status item.

                    method render

                    render: () => JSX.Element | null;
                    • Render the running sessions widget.

                    class Sanitizer

                    class Sanitizer implements IRenderMime.ISanitizer {}
                    • A class to sanitize HTML strings.


                      getAutolink: () => boolean;
                      • Returns

                        Whether to replace URLs by HTML anchors.

                      method sanitize

                      sanitize: (dirty: string, options?: IRenderMime.ISanitizerOptions) => string;
                      • Sanitize an HTML string.

                        Parameter dirty

                        The dirty text.

                        Parameter options

                        The optional sanitization options.


                        The sanitized string.

                      method setAllowedSchemes

                      setAllowedSchemes: (scheme: Array<string>) => void;
                      • Set the allowed schemes

                        Parameter scheme

                        Allowed schemes

                      method setAllowNamedProperties

                      setAllowNamedProperties: (allowNamedProperties: boolean) => void;
                      • Set the whether to allow name and id attributes.

                      setAutolink: (autolink: boolean) => void;
                      • Set the URL replacement boolean.

                        Parameter autolink

                        URL replacement boolean.

                      class SemanticCommand

                      class SemanticCommand {}
                      • Semantic group of commands

                      property DEFAULT_RANK

                      static readonly DEFAULT_RANK: number;
                      • Default rank for semantic command

                      property ids

                      readonly ids: string[];
                      • The command IDs used by this semantic command.

                      method add

                      add: (command: ISemanticCommand) => void;
                      • Add a command to the semantic group

                        Parameter command

                        Command to add

                      method getActiveCommandId

                      getActiveCommandId: (widget: Widget) => string | null;
                      • Get the command id of the enabled command from this group for the given widget.

                        Parameter widget



                        Command id

                      method remove

                      remove: (id: string) => void;
                      • Remove a command ID.

                        Parameter id

                        Command ID to remove

                      class SessionContext

                      class SessionContext implements ISessionContext {}
                      • The default implementation for a session context object.


                      constructor(options: SessionContext.IOptions);
                      • Construct a new session context.

                      property connectionStatusChanged

                      readonly connectionStatusChanged: ISignal<this, Kernel.ConnectionStatus>;
                      • A signal emitted when the kernel status changes, proxied from the kernel.

                      property disposed

                      readonly disposed: ISignal<this, void>;
                      • A signal emitted when the poll is disposed.

                      property hasNoKernel

                      readonly hasNoKernel: boolean;
                      • Whether the kernel is "No Kernel" or not.

                        #### Notes As the displayed name is translated, this can be used directly.

                      property iopubMessage

                      readonly iopubMessage: ISignal<this, KernelMessage.IIOPubMessage>;
                      • A signal emitted for iopub kernel messages, proxied from the kernel.

                      property isDisposed

                      readonly isDisposed: boolean;
                      • Test whether the context is disposed.

                      property isReady

                      readonly isReady: boolean;
                      • Whether the context is ready.

                      property isRestarting

                      readonly isRestarting: boolean;
                      • Whether the context is restarting.

                      property isTerminating

                      readonly isTerminating: boolean;
                      • Whether the context is terminating.

                      property kernelChanged

                      readonly kernelChanged: ISignal<
                      • A signal emitted when the kernel connection changes, proxied from the session connection.

                      property kernelDisplayName

                      readonly kernelDisplayName: string;
                      • The display name of the current kernel, or a sensible alternative.

                        #### Notes This is a convenience function to have a consistent sensible name for the kernel.

                      property kernelDisplayStatus

                      readonly kernelDisplayStatus: any;
                      • A sensible status to display

                        #### Notes This combines the status and connection status into a single status for the user.

                      property kernelManager

                      readonly kernelManager?: Kernel.IManager;
                      • The kernel manager

                      property kernelPreference

                      kernelPreference: ISessionContext.IKernelPreference;
                      • The kernel preference of this client session.

                        This is used when selecting a new kernel, and should reflect the sort of kernel the activity prefers.

                      property kernelPreferenceChanged

                      readonly kernelPreferenceChanged: ISignal<
                      • Signal emitted if the kernel preference changes.

                      property name

                      readonly name: string;
                      • The session name.

                        #### Notes Typically .session.name should be used. This attribute is useful if there is no current session.

                      property noKernelName

                      readonly noKernelName: string;
                      • Get the constant displayed name for "No Kernel"

                      property path

                      readonly path: string;
                      • The session path.

                        #### Notes Typically .session.path should be used. This attribute is useful if there is no current session.

                      property pendingInput

                      readonly pendingInput: boolean;
                      • A flag indicating if the session has pending input, proxied from the kernel.

                      property prevKernelName

                      readonly prevKernelName: string;
                      • The name of the previously started kernel.

                      property propertyChanged

                      readonly propertyChanged: ISignal<this, 'path' | 'name' | 'type'>;
                      • A signal emitted when a session property changes, proxied from the current session.

                      property ready

                      readonly ready: Promise<void>;
                      • A promise that is fulfilled when the context is ready.

                      property session

                      readonly session: any;
                      • The current session connection.

                      property sessionChanged

                      readonly sessionChanged: ISignal<this, IChangedArgs<any, any, 'session'>>;
                      • A signal emitted when the session connection changes.

                      property sessionManager

                      readonly sessionManager: Session.IManager;
                      • The session manager used by the session.

                      property specsManager

                      readonly specsManager: KernelSpec.IManager;
                      • The kernel spec manager

                      property statusChanged

                      readonly statusChanged: ISignal<this, Kernel.Status>;
                      • A signal emitted when the kernel status changes, proxied from the kernel.

                      property type

                      readonly type: string;
                      • The session type.

                        #### Notes Typically .session.type should be used. This attribute is useful if there is no current session.

                      property unhandledMessage

                      readonly unhandledMessage: ISignal<this, KernelMessage.IMessage>;
                      • A signal emitted for an unhandled kernel message, proxied from the kernel.

                      method changeKernel

                      changeKernel: (
                      options?: Kernel.IModel
                      ) => Promise<Kernel.IKernelConnection | null>;
                      • Change the current kernel associated with the session.

                      method dispose

                      dispose: () => void;
                      • Dispose of the resources held by the context.

                      method initialize

                      initialize: () => Promise<boolean>;
                      • Initialize the session context


                        A promise that resolves with whether to ask the user to select a kernel.

                        #### Notes If a server session exists on the current path, we will connect to it. If preferences include disabling canStart or shouldStart, no server session will be started. If a kernel id is given, we attempt to start a session with that id. If a default kernel is available, we connect to it. Otherwise we ask the user to select a kernel.

                      method restartKernel

                      restartKernel: () => Promise<void>;
                      • Restart the current Kernel.


                        A promise that resolves when the kernel is restarted.

                      method shutdown

                      shutdown: () => Promise<void>;
                      • Kill the kernel and shutdown the session.


                        A promise that resolves when the session is shut down.

                      method startKernel

                      startKernel: () => Promise<boolean>;
                      • Starts new Kernel.


                        Whether to ask the user to pick a kernel.

                      class SessionContextDialogs

                      class SessionContextDialogs implements ISessionContext.IDialogs {}
                      • The default implementation of the client session dialog provider.


                      constructor(options?: ISessionContext.IDialogsOptions);

                        method restart

                        restart: (sessionContext: ISessionContext) => Promise<boolean>;
                        • Restart the session.


                          A promise that resolves with whether the kernel has restarted.

                          #### Notes If there is a running kernel, present a dialog. If there is no kernel, we start a kernel with the last run kernel name and resolves with true.

                        method selectKernel

                        selectKernel: (sessionContext: ISessionContext) => Promise<void>;
                        • Select a kernel for the session.

                        class ThemeManager

                        class ThemeManager implements IThemeManager {}
                        • A class that provides theme management.


                        constructor(options: ThemeManager.IOptions);
                        • Construct a new theme manager.

                        property darkThemes

                        readonly darkThemes: readonly string[];
                        • Get the names of the dark themes.

                        property lightThemes

                        readonly lightThemes: readonly string[];
                        • Get the names of the light themes.

                        property preferredDarkTheme

                        readonly preferredDarkTheme: string;
                        • Get the name of the preferred dark theme.

                        property preferredLightTheme

                        readonly preferredLightTheme: string;
                        • Get the name of the preferred light theme.

                        property preferredTheme

                        readonly preferredTheme: string;
                        • Get the name of the preferred theme When adaptive-theme is disabled, get current theme; Else, depending on the system settings, get preferred light or dark theme.

                        property theme

                        readonly theme: string;
                        • Get the name of the current theme.

                        property themeChanged

                        readonly themeChanged: ISignal<this, IChangedArgs<string, string>>;
                        • A signal fired when the application theme changes.

                        property themes

                        readonly themes: readonly string[];
                        • The names of the registered themes.

                        property translator

                        protected translator: ITranslator;

                          method decrFontSize

                          decrFontSize: (key: string) => Promise<void>;
                          • Decrease a font size w.r.t. its current setting or its value in the current theme.

                            Parameter key

                            A Jupyterlab font size CSS variable, without the leading '--jp-'.

                          method getCSS

                          getCSS: (key: string) => string;
                          • Get the value of a CSS variable from its key.

                            Parameter key

                            A Jupyterlab CSS variable, without the leading '--jp-'.


                            value - The current value of the Jupyterlab CSS variable

                          method getDisplayName

                          getDisplayName: (name: string) => string;
                          • Get the display name of the theme.

                          method incrFontSize

                          incrFontSize: (key: string) => Promise<void>;
                          • Increase a font size w.r.t. its current setting or its value in the current theme.

                            Parameter key

                            A Jupyterlab font size CSS variable, without the leading '--jp-'.

                          method isLight

                          isLight: (name: string) => boolean;
                          • Test whether a given theme is light.

                          method isSystemColorSchemeDark

                          isSystemColorSchemeDark: () => boolean;
                          • Test if the system's preferred color scheme is dark

                          method isToggledAdaptiveTheme

                          isToggledAdaptiveTheme: () => boolean;
                          • Test if the user enables adaptive theme.

                          method isToggledThemeScrollbars

                          isToggledThemeScrollbars: () => boolean;
                          • Test if the user has scrollbar styling enabled.

                          method loadCSS

                          loadCSS: (path: string) => Promise<void>;
                          • Load a theme CSS file by path.

                            Parameter path

                            The path of the file to load.

                          method loadCSSOverrides

                          loadCSSOverrides: () => void;
                          • Loads all current CSS overrides from settings. If an override has been removed or is invalid, this function unloads it instead.

                          method register

                          register: (theme: IThemeManager.ITheme) => IDisposable;
                          • Register a theme with the theme manager.

                            Parameter theme

                            The theme to register.


                            A disposable that can be used to unregister the theme.

                          method setCSSOverride

                          setCSSOverride: (key: string, value: string) => Promise<void>;
                          • Add a CSS override to the settings.

                          method setPreferredDarkTheme

                          setPreferredDarkTheme: (name: string) => Promise<void>;
                          • Set the preferred dark theme.

                          method setPreferredLightTheme

                          setPreferredLightTheme: (name: string) => Promise<void>;
                          • Set the preferred light theme.

                          method setTheme

                          setTheme: (name: string) => Promise<void>;
                          • Set the current theme.

                          method themeScrollbars

                          themeScrollbars: (name: string) => boolean;
                          • Test whether a given theme styles scrollbars, and if the user has scrollbar styling enabled.

                          method toggleAdaptiveTheme

                          toggleAdaptiveTheme: () => Promise<void>;
                          • Toggle the adaptive-theme setting.

                          method toggleThemeScrollbars

                          toggleThemeScrollbars: () => Promise<void>;
                          • Toggle the theme-scrollbars setting.

                          method validateCSS

                          validateCSS: (key: string, val: string) => boolean;
                          • Validate a CSS value w.r.t. a key

                            Parameter key

                            A Jupyterlab CSS variable, without the leading '--jp-'.

                            Parameter val

                            A candidate CSS value

                          class Toolbar

                          class Toolbar<T extends Widget = Widget> extends UIToolbar<T> {}
                          • Deprecated

                            since v4 This class is in @jupyterlab/ui-components

                          class ToolbarWidgetRegistry

                          class ToolbarWidgetRegistry implements IToolbarWidgetRegistry {}
                          • Concrete implementation of IToolbarWidgetRegistry interface


                          constructor(options: ToolbarRegistry.IOptions);

                            property defaultFactory

                            defaultFactory: (
                            widgetFactory: string,
                            widget: Widget,
                            toolbarItem: ToolbarRegistry.IWidget
                            ) => Widget;
                            • Default toolbar item factory

                            property factoryAdded

                            readonly factoryAdded: ISignal<this, string>;
                            • A signal emitted when a factory widget has been added.

                            method addFactory

                            addFactory: <T extends Widget = Widget>(
                            widgetFactory: string,
                            toolbarItemName: string,
                            factory: (main: T) => Widget
                            ) => (main: T) => Widget;
                            • Add a new toolbar item factory

                              Parameter widgetFactory

                              The widget factory name that creates the toolbar

                              Parameter toolbarItemName

                              The unique toolbar item

                              Parameter factory

                              The factory function that receives the widget containing the toolbar and returns the toolbar widget.


                              The previously defined factory

                            method createWidget

                            createWidget: (
                            widgetFactory: string,
                            widget: Widget,
                            toolbarItem: ToolbarRegistry.IWidget
                            ) => Widget;
                            • Create a toolbar item widget

                              Parameter widgetFactory

                              The widget factory name that creates the toolbar

                              Parameter widget

                              The newly widget containing the toolbar

                              Parameter toolbarItem

                              The toolbar item definition


                              The widget to be inserted in the toolbar.

                            method registerFactory

                            registerFactory: <T extends Widget = Widget>(
                            widgetFactory: string,
                            toolbarItemName: string,
                            factory: (main: T) => Widget
                            ) => (main: T) => Widget;
                            • Register a new toolbar item factory

                              Parameter widgetFactory

                              The widget factory name that creates the toolbar

                              Parameter toolbarItemName

                              The unique toolbar item

                              Parameter factory

                              The factory function that receives the widget containing the toolbar and returns the toolbar widget.


                              The previously defined factory


                              since v4 use addFactory instead

                            class WidgetTracker

                            class WidgetTracker<T extends Widget = Widget>
                            implements IWidgetTracker<T>, IRestorable<T> {}
                            • A class that keeps track of widget instances on an Application shell.


                            constructor(options: WidgetTracker.IOptions);
                            • Create a new widget tracker.

                              Parameter options

                              The instantiation options for a widget tracker.

                            property currentChanged

                            readonly currentChanged: ISignal<this, T>;
                            • A signal emitted when the current widget changes.

                            property currentWidget

                            readonly currentWidget: Widget;
                            • The current widget is the most recently focused or added widget.

                              #### Notes It is the most recently focused widget, or the most recently added widget if no widget has taken focus.

                            property isDisposed

                            readonly isDisposed: boolean;
                            • Test whether the tracker is disposed.

                            property namespace

                            readonly namespace: string;
                            • A namespace for all tracked widgets, (e.g., notebook).

                            property restored

                            readonly restored: Promise<void>;
                            • A promise resolved when the tracker has been restored.

                            property size

                            readonly size: number;
                            • The number of widgets held by the tracker.

                            property widgetAdded

                            readonly widgetAdded: ISignal<this, T>;
                            • A signal emitted when a widget is added.

                              #### Notes This signal will only fire when a widget is added to the tracker. It will not fire if a widget is injected into the tracker.

                            property widgetUpdated

                            readonly widgetUpdated: ISignal<this, T>;
                            • A signal emitted when a widget is updated.

                            method add

                            add: (widget: T) => Promise<void>;
                            • Add a new widget to the tracker.

                              Parameter widget

                              The widget being added.

                              #### Notes The widget passed into the tracker is added synchronously; its existence in the tracker can be checked with the has() method. The promise this method returns resolves after the widget has been added and saved to an underlying restoration connector, if one is available.

                              The newly added widget becomes the current widget unless the focus tracker already had a focused widget.

                            method defer

                            defer: (options: IRestorable.IOptions<T>) => void;
                            • Save the restore options for this tracker, but do not restore yet.

                              Parameter options

                              The configuration options that describe restoration.

                              ### Notes This function is useful when starting the shell in 'single-document' mode, to avoid restoring all useless widgets. It should not ordinarily be called by client code.

                            method dispose

                            dispose: () => void;
                            • Dispose of the resources held by the tracker.

                            method filter

                            filter: (fn: (widget: T) => boolean) => T[];
                            • Filter the widgets in the tracker based on a predicate.

                              Parameter fn

                              The function by which to filter.

                            method find

                            find: (fn: (widget: T) => boolean) => T | undefined;
                            • Find the first widget in the tracker that satisfies a filter function.

                              Parameter fn

                              The filter function to call on each widget.

                              #### Notes If no widget is found, the value returned is undefined.

                            method forEach

                            forEach: (fn: (widget: T) => void) => void;
                            • Iterate through each widget in the tracker.

                              Parameter fn

                              The function to call on each widget.

                            method has

                            has: (widget: Widget) => boolean;
                            • Check if this tracker has the specified widget.

                              Parameter widget

                              The widget whose existence is being checked.

                            method inject

                            inject: (widget: T) => Promise<void>;
                            • Inject a foreign widget into the widget tracker.

                              Parameter widget

                              The widget to inject into the tracker.

                              #### Notes Injected widgets will not have their state saved by the tracker.

                              The primary use case for widget injection is for a plugin that offers a sub-class of an extant plugin to have its instances share the same commands as the parent plugin (since most relevant commands will use the currentWidget of the parent plugin's widget tracker). In this situation, the sub-class plugin may well have its own widget tracker for layout and state restoration in addition to injecting its widgets into the parent plugin's widget tracker.

                            method onCurrentChanged

                            protected onCurrentChanged: (value: T | null) => void;
                            • Handle the current change event.

                              #### Notes The default implementation is a no-op.

                            method restore

                            restore: (options?: IRestorable.IOptions<T>) => Promise<any>;
                            • Restore the widgets in this tracker's namespace.

                              Parameter options

                              The configuration options that describe restoration.


                              A promise that resolves when restoration has completed.

                              #### Notes This function should not typically be invoked by client code. Its primary use case is to be invoked by a restorer.

                            method save

                            save: (widget: T) => Promise<void>;
                            • Save the restore data for a given widget.

                              Parameter widget

                              The widget being saved.

                            class WindowResolver

                            class WindowResolver implements IWindowResolver {}
                            • A concrete implementation of a window name resolver.

                            property name

                            readonly name: string;
                            • The resolved window name.

                              #### Notes If the resolve promise has not resolved, the behavior is undefined.

                            method resolve

                            resolve: (candidate: string) => Promise<void>;
                            • Resolve a window name to use as a handle among shared resources.

                              Parameter candidate

                              The potential window name being resolved.

                              #### Notes Typically, the name candidate should be a JupyterLab workspace name or an empty string if there is no workspace.

                              If the returned promise rejects, a window name cannot be resolved without user intervention, which typically means navigation to a new URL.


                            interface ICommandPalette

                            interface ICommandPalette {}
                            • The interface for a Jupyter Lab command palette.

                            property placeholder

                            placeholder: string;
                            • The placeholder text of the command palette's search input.

                            method activate

                            activate: () => void;
                            • Activate the command palette for user input.

                            method addItem

                            addItem: (options: IPaletteItem) => IDisposable;
                            • Add a command item to the command palette.

                              Parameter options

                              The options for creating the command item.


                              A disposable that will remove the item from the palette.

                            interface IKernelStatusModel

                            interface IKernelStatusModel {}
                            • Kernel status indicator model.

                            property addSessionProvider

                            addSessionProvider: (
                            provider: (widget: Widget | null) => ISessionContext | null
                            ) => void;
                            • Add a session context provider.

                              A provider will receive the currently active widget and must return the associated session context if it can or null otherwise.

                            interface IPaletteItem

                            interface IPaletteItem extends CommandPalette.IItemOptions {}
                            • The options for creating a command palette item.

                            interface ISessionContext

                            interface ISessionContext extends IObservableDisposable {}
                            • A context object to manage a widget's kernel session connection.

                              #### Notes The current session connection is .session, the current session's kernel connection is .session.kernel. For convenience, we proxy several kernel connection and session connection signals up to the session context so that you do not have to manage slots as sessions and kernels change. For example, to act on whatever the current kernel's iopubMessage signal is producing, connect to the session context .iopubMessage signal.

                            property connectionStatusChanged

                            readonly connectionStatusChanged: ISignal<this, Kernel.ConnectionStatus>;
                            • A signal emitted when the kernel connection status changes, proxied from the session connection.

                            property hasNoKernel

                            readonly hasNoKernel: boolean;
                            • Whether the kernel is "No Kernel" or not.

                              #### Notes As the displayed name is translated, this can be used directly.

                            property iopubMessage

                            readonly iopubMessage: ISignal<this, KernelMessage.IMessage>;
                            • A signal emitted for a kernel messages, proxied from the session connection.

                            property isReady

                            readonly isReady: boolean;
                            • Whether the session context is ready.

                            property isRestarting

                            readonly isRestarting: boolean;
                            • Whether the session context is restarting.

                            property isTerminating

                            readonly isTerminating: boolean;
                            • Whether the session context is terminating.

                            property kernelChanged

                            readonly kernelChanged: ISignal<
                            Kernel.IKernelConnection | null,
                            Kernel.IKernelConnection | null,
                            • A signal emitted when the kernel changes, proxied from the session connection.

                            property kernelDisplayName

                            readonly kernelDisplayName: string;
                            • The sensible display name for the kernel, or translated "No Kernel"

                              #### Notes This is at this level since the underlying kernel connection does not have access to the kernel spec manager.

                            property kernelDisplayStatus

                            readonly kernelDisplayStatus: ISessionContext.KernelDisplayStatus;
                            • A sensible status to display

                              #### Notes This combines the status and connection status into a single status for the user.

                            property kernelManager

                            readonly kernelManager?: Kernel.IManager;
                            • The kernel manager

                              #### Notes In the next major version of this interface, a kernel manager is required.

                            property kernelPreference

                            kernelPreference: ISessionContext.IKernelPreference;
                            • The kernel preference for starting new kernels.

                            property kernelPreferenceChanged

                            readonly kernelPreferenceChanged: ISignal<
                            • Signal emitted if the kernel preference changes.

                            property name

                            readonly name: string;
                            • The session name.

                              #### Notes Typically .session.name should be used. This attribute is useful if there is no current session.

                            property path

                            readonly path: string;
                            • The session path.

                              #### Notes Typically .session.path should be used. This attribute is useful if there is no current session.

                            property pendingInput

                            readonly pendingInput: boolean;
                            • A flag indicating if session is has pending input, proxied from the session connection.

                            property prevKernelName

                            readonly prevKernelName: string;
                            • The previous kernel name.

                            property propertyChanged

                            readonly propertyChanged: ISignal<this, 'path' | 'name' | 'type'>;
                            • A signal emitted when a session property changes, proxied from the session connection.

                            property ready

                            readonly ready: Promise<void>;
                            • A promise that is fulfilled when the session context is ready.

                            property session

                            session: Session.ISessionConnection | null;
                            • The current session connection.

                            property sessionChanged

                            readonly sessionChanged: ISignal<
                            Session.ISessionConnection | null,
                            Session.ISessionConnection | null,
                            • A signal emitted when the session connection changes.

                            property sessionManager

                            readonly sessionManager: Session.IManager;
                            • The session manager used by the session.

                            property specsManager

                            readonly specsManager: KernelSpec.IManager;
                            • The kernel spec manager

                            property statusChanged

                            readonly statusChanged: ISignal<this, Kernel.Status>;
                            • A signal emitted when the kernel status changes, proxied from the session connection.

                            property type

                            readonly type: string;
                            • The session type.

                              #### Notes Typically .session.type should be used. This attribute is useful if there is no current session.

                            property unhandledMessage

                            readonly unhandledMessage: ISignal<this, KernelMessage.IMessage>;
                            • A signal emitted for an unhandled kernel message, proxied from the session connection.

                            method changeKernel

                            changeKernel: (
                            options?: Kernel.IModel
                            ) => Promise<Kernel.IKernelConnection | null>;
                            • Change the kernel associated with the session.

                              Parameter options

                              The optional kernel model parameters to use for the new kernel.


                              A promise that resolves with the new kernel connection.

                            method initialize

                            initialize: () => Promise<boolean>;
                            • Initialize the session context.


                              A promise that resolves with whether to ask the user to select a kernel.

                              #### Notes This includes starting up an initial kernel if needed.

                            method restartKernel

                            restartKernel: () => Promise<void>;
                            • Restart the current Kernel.


                              A promise that resolves when the kernel is restarted.

                            method shutdown

                            shutdown: () => Promise<void>;
                            • Kill the kernel and shutdown the session.


                              A promise that resolves when the session is shut down.

                            method startKernel

                            startKernel: () => Promise<boolean>;
                            • Starts new Kernel.


                              Whether to ask the user to pick a kernel.

                            interface ISessionContextDialogs

                            interface ISessionContextDialogs extends ISessionContext.IDialogs {}
                            • An interface for the session context dialogs.

                            interface ISplashScreen

                            interface ISplashScreen {}
                            • The interface for an application splash screen.

                            method show

                            show: (light?: boolean) => IDisposable;
                            • Show the application splash screen.

                              Parameter light

                              Whether to show the light splash screen or the dark one.


                              A disposable used to clear the splash screen.

                            interface IThemeManager

                            interface IThemeManager {}
                            • An interface for a theme manager.

                            property darkThemes

                            readonly darkThemes?: ReadonlyArray<string> | undefined;
                            • Get the names of the registered dark themes.

                            property lightThemes

                            readonly lightThemes?: ReadonlyArray<string> | undefined;
                            • Get the names of the registered light themes.

                            property preferredDarkTheme

                            readonly preferredDarkTheme?: string | undefined;
                            • Get the name of the preferred dark theme.

                            property preferredLightTheme

                            readonly preferredLightTheme?: string | undefined;
                            • Get the name of the preferred light theme.

                            property preferredTheme

                            readonly preferredTheme?: string | null | undefined;
                            • Get the name of the preferred theme.

                            property theme

                            readonly theme: string | null;
                            • Get the name of the current theme.

                            property themeChanged

                            readonly themeChanged: ISignal<this, IChangedArgs<string, string | null>>;
                            • A signal fired when the application theme changes.

                            property themes

                            readonly themes: ReadonlyArray<string>;
                            • The names of the registered themes.

                            method getDisplayName

                            getDisplayName: (name: string) => string;
                            • Get display name for theme.

                            method isLight

                            isLight: (name: string) => boolean;
                            • Test whether a given theme is light.

                            method loadCSS

                            loadCSS: (path: string) => Promise<void>;
                            • Load a theme CSS file by path.

                              Parameter path

                              The path of the file to load.

                            method register

                            register: (theme: IThemeManager.ITheme) => IDisposable;
                            • Register a theme with the theme manager.

                              Parameter theme

                              The theme to register.


                              A disposable that can be used to unregister the theme.

                            method setTheme

                            setTheme: (name: string) => Promise<void>;
                            • Set the current theme.

                            method themeScrollbars

                            themeScrollbars: (name: string) => boolean;
                            • Test whether a given theme styles scrollbars, and if the user has scrollbar styling enabled.

                            interface IToolbarWidgetRegistry

                            interface IToolbarWidgetRegistry {}
                            • Toolbar widget registry interface

                            property defaultFactory

                            defaultFactory: (
                            widgetFactory: string,
                            widget: Widget,
                            toolbarItem: ToolbarRegistry.IWidget
                            ) => Widget;
                            • Default toolbar item factory

                            property factoryAdded

                            readonly factoryAdded: ISignal<this, string>;
                            • A signal emitted when a factory widget has been added.

                            method addFactory

                            addFactory: <T extends Widget = Widget>(
                            widgetFactory: string,
                            toolbarItemName: string,
                            factory: (main: T) => Widget
                            ) => (main: T) => Widget;
                            • Add a new toolbar item factory

                              Parameter widgetFactory

                              The widget factory name that creates the toolbar

                              Parameter toolbarItemName

                              The unique toolbar item

                              Parameter factory

                              The factory function that receives the widget containing the toolbar and returns the toolbar widget.


                              The previously defined factory

                            method createWidget

                            createWidget: (
                            widgetFactory: string,
                            widget: Widget,
                            toolbarItem: ToolbarRegistry.IWidget
                            ) => Widget;
                            • Create a toolbar item widget

                              Parameter widgetFactory

                              The widget factory name that creates the toolbar

                              Parameter widget

                              The newly widget containing the toolbar

                              Parameter toolbarItem

                              The toolbar item definition


                              The widget to be inserted in the toolbar.

                            method registerFactory

                            registerFactory: <T extends Widget = Widget>(
                            widgetFactory: string,
                            toolbarItemName: string,
                            factory: (main: T) => Widget
                            ) => (main: T) => Widget;
                            • Register a new toolbar item factory

                              Parameter widgetFactory

                              The widget factory name that creates the toolbar

                              Parameter toolbarItemName

                              The unique toolbar item

                              Parameter factory

                              The factory function that receives the widget containing the toolbar and returns the toolbar widget.


                              The previously defined factory


                              since v4 use addFactory instead

                            interface IWidgetTracker

                            interface IWidgetTracker<T extends Widget = Widget> extends IDisposable {}
                            • A tracker that tracks widgets.

                            property currentChanged

                            readonly currentChanged: ISignal<this, T | null>;
                            • A signal emitted when the current instance changes.

                              #### Notes If the last instance being tracked is disposed, null will be emitted.

                            property currentWidget

                            readonly currentWidget: T | null;
                            • The current widget is the most recently focused or added widget.

                              #### Notes It is the most recently focused widget, or the most recently added widget if no widget has taken focus.

                            property restored

                            readonly restored: Promise<void>;
                            • A promise that is resolved when the widget tracker has been restored from a serialized state.

                              #### Notes Most client code will not need to use this, since they can wait for the whole application to restore. However, if an extension wants to perform actions during the application restoration, but after the restoration of another widget tracker, they can use this promise.

                            property size

                            readonly size: number;
                            • The number of instances held by the tracker.

                            property widgetAdded

                            readonly widgetAdded: ISignal<this, T>;
                            • A signal emitted when a widget is added.

                            property widgetUpdated

                            readonly widgetUpdated: ISignal<this, T>;
                            • A signal emitted when a widget is updated.

                            method filter

                            filter: (fn: (obj: T) => boolean) => T[];
                            • Filter the instances in the tracker based on a predicate.

                              Parameter fn

                              The function by which to filter.

                            method find

                            find: (fn: (obj: T) => boolean) => T | undefined;
                            • Find the first instance in the tracker that satisfies a filter function.

                              Parameter fn

                              The filter function to call on each instance.

                              #### Notes If nothing is found, the value returned is undefined.

                            method forEach

                            forEach: (fn: (obj: T) => void) => void;
                            • Iterate through each instance in the tracker.

                              Parameter fn

                              The function to call on each instance.

                            method has

                            has: (obj: Widget) => boolean;
                            • Check if this tracker has the specified instance.

                              Parameter obj

                              The object whose existence is being checked.

                            method inject

                            inject: (obj: T) => void;
                            • Inject an instance into the widget tracker without the tracker handling its restoration lifecycle.

                              Parameter obj

                              The instance to inject into the tracker.

                            interface IWindowResolver

                            interface IWindowResolver {}
                            • The description of a window name resolver.

                            property name

                            readonly name: string;
                            • A window name to use as a handle among shared resources.

                            Type Aliases

                            type ClipboardData

                            type ClipboardData = string | MimeData;

                              type ISanitizer

                              type ISanitizer = IRenderMime.ISanitizer;


                              namespace Clipboard

                              namespace Clipboard {}
                              • The clipboard interface.

                              function copyToSystem

                              copyToSystem: (clipboardData: ClipboardData) => void;
                              • Copy text to the system clipboard.

                                #### Notes This can only be called in response to a user input event.

                              function generateEvent

                              generateEvent: (node: HTMLElement, type?: 'copy' | 'cut') => void;
                              • Generate a clipboard event on a node.

                                Parameter node

                                The element on which to generate the event.

                                Parameter type

                                The type of event to generate. 'paste' events cannot be programmatically generated.

                                #### Notes This can only be called in response to a user input event.

                              function getInstance

                              getInstance: () => MimeData;
                              • Get the application clipboard instance.

                              function setInstance

                              setInstance: (value: MimeData) => void;
                              • Set the application clipboard instance.

                              namespace CommandLinker

                              namespace CommandLinker {}
                              • A namespace for command linker statics.

                              interface IOptions

                              interface IOptions {}
                              • The instantiation options for a command linker.

                              property commands

                              commands: CommandRegistry;
                              • The command registry instance that all linked commands will use.

                              namespace Dialog

                              namespace Dialog {}
                              • The namespace for Dialog class statics.

                              variable defaultRenderer

                              const defaultRenderer: Renderer;
                              • The default renderer instance.

                              variable tracker

                              const tracker: WidgetTracker<Dialog<any>>;
                              • The dialog widget tracker.

                              variable translator

                              let translator: ITranslator;
                              • Translator object.

                              function cancelButton

                              cancelButton: (options?: Partial<IButton>) => Readonly<IButton>;
                              • Create a reject button.

                              function createButton

                              createButton: (value: Partial<IButton>) => Readonly<IButton>;
                              • Create a button item.

                              function flush

                              flush: () => void;
                              • Disposes all dialog instances.

                                #### Notes This function should only be used in tests or cases where application state may be discarded.

                              function okButton

                              okButton: (options?: Partial<IButton>) => Readonly<IButton>;
                              • Create an accept button.

                              function warnButton

                              warnButton: (options?: Partial<IButton>) => Readonly<IButton>;
                              • Create a warn button.

                              class Renderer

                              class Renderer {}
                              • The default implementation of a dialog renderer.

                              method createBody

                              createBody: (value: Body<any>) => Widget;
                              • Create the body of the dialog.

                                Parameter value

                                The input value for the body.


                                A widget for the body.

                              method createButtonNode

                              createButtonNode: (button: IButton) => HTMLButtonElement;
                              • Create a button node for the dialog.

                                Parameter button

                                The button data.


                                A node for the button.

                              method createCheckboxNode

                              createCheckboxNode: (checkbox: ICheckbox) => HTMLElement;
                              • Create a checkbox node for the dialog.

                                Parameter checkbox

                                The checkbox data.


                                A node for the checkbox.

                              method createFooter

                              createFooter: (
                              buttons: ReadonlyArray<HTMLElement>,
                              checkbox: HTMLElement | null
                              ) => Widget;
                              • Create the footer of the dialog.

                                Parameter buttons

                                The buttons nodes to add to the footer.

                                Parameter checkbox

                                The checkbox node to add to the footer.


                                A widget for the footer.

                              method createHeader

                              createHeader: <T>(
                              title: Header,
                              reject?: () => void,
                              options?: Partial<Dialog.IOptions<T>>
                              ) => Widget;
                              • Create the header of the dialog.

                                Parameter title

                                The title of the dialog.


                                A widget for the dialog header.

                              method createIconClass

                              createIconClass: (data: IButton) => string;
                              • Create the class name for the button icon.

                                Parameter data

                                The data to use for the class name.


                                The full class name for the item icon.

                              method createItemClass

                              createItemClass: (data: IButton) => string;
                              • Create the class name for the button.

                                Parameter data

                                The data to use for the class name.


                                The full class name for the button.

                              method renderIcon

                              renderIcon: (data: IButton) => HTMLElement;
                              • Render an icon element for a dialog item.

                                Parameter data

                                The data to use for rendering the icon.


                                An HTML element representing the icon.

                              method renderLabel

                              renderLabel: (data: IButton) => HTMLElement;
                              • Render the label element for a button.

                                Parameter data

                                The data to use for rendering the label.


                                An HTML element representing the item label.

                              interface IBodyWidget

                              interface IBodyWidget<T = string> extends Widget {}
                              • A widget used as a dialog body.

                              method getValue

                              getValue: () => T;
                              • Get the serialized value of the widget.

                              interface IButton

                              interface IButton {}
                              • The options used to make a button item.

                              property accept

                              accept: boolean;
                              • The dialog action to perform when the button is clicked.

                              property actions

                              actions: Array<string>;
                              • The additional dialog actions to perform when the button is clicked.

                              property ariaLabel

                              ariaLabel: string;
                              • The aria label for the button.

                              property caption

                              caption: string;
                              • The caption for the button.

                              property className

                              className: string;
                              • The extra class name for the button.

                              property displayType

                              displayType: 'default' | 'warn';
                              • The button display type.

                              property iconClass

                              iconClass: string;
                              • The icon class for the button.

                              property iconLabel

                              iconLabel: string;
                              • The icon label for the button.

                              property label

                              label: string;
                              • The label for the button.

                              interface ICheckbox

                              interface ICheckbox {}
                              • The options used to make a checkbox item.

                              property caption

                              caption: string;
                              • The caption for the checkbox.

                              property checked

                              checked: boolean;
                              • The initial checkbox state.

                              property className

                              className: string;
                              • The extra class name for the checkbox.

                              property label

                              label: string;
                              • The label for the checkbox.

                              interface IError

                              interface IError {}
                              • Error object interface

                              property message

                              message: string | React.ReactElement<any>;
                              • Error message

                              interface IOptions

                              interface IOptions<T> {}
                              • The options used to create a dialog.

                              property body

                              body: Body<T>;
                              • The main body element for the dialog or a message to display. Defaults to an empty string.

                                #### Notes If a widget is given as the body, it will be disposed after the dialog is resolved. If the widget has a getValue() method, the method will be called prior to disposal and the value will be provided as part of the dialog result. A string argument will be used as raw textContent. All input and select nodes will be wrapped and styled.

                              property buttons

                              buttons: ReadonlyArray<IButton>;
                              • The buttons to display. Defaults to cancel and accept buttons.

                              property checkbox

                              checkbox: Partial<ICheckbox> | null;
                              • The checkbox to display in the footer. Defaults no checkbox.

                              property defaultButton

                              defaultButton: number;
                              • The index of the default button. Defaults to the last button.

                              property focusNodeSelector

                              focusNodeSelector: string;
                              • A selector for the primary element that should take focus in the dialog. Defaults to an empty string, causing the [[defaultButton]] to take focus.

                              property hasClose

                              hasClose: boolean;
                              • When "false", disallows user from dismissing the dialog by clicking outside it or pressing escape. Defaults to "true", which renders a close button.

                              property host

                              host: HTMLElement;
                              • The host element for the dialog. Defaults to document.body.

                              property renderer

                              renderer: IRenderer;
                              • An optional renderer for dialog items. Defaults to a shared default renderer.

                              property title

                              title: Header;
                              • The top level text for the dialog. Defaults to an empty string.

                              interface IRenderer

                              interface IRenderer {}
                              • A dialog renderer.

                              method createBody

                              createBody: (body: Body<any>) => Widget;
                              • Create the body of the dialog.

                                Parameter body

                                The input value for the body.


                                A widget for the body.

                              method createButtonNode

                              createButtonNode: (button: IButton) => HTMLButtonElement;
                              • Create a button node for the dialog.

                                Parameter button

                                The button data.


                                A node for the button.

                              method createCheckboxNode

                              createCheckboxNode: (checkbox: ICheckbox) => HTMLElement;
                              • Create a checkbox node for the dialog.

                                Parameter checkbox

                                The checkbox data.


                                A node for the checkbox.

                              method createFooter

                              createFooter: (
                              buttons: ReadonlyArray<HTMLElement>,
                              checkbox: HTMLElement | null
                              ) => Widget;
                              • Create the footer of the dialog.

                                Parameter buttons

                                The button nodes to add to the footer.

                                Parameter checkbox

                                The checkbox node to add to the footer.


                                A widget for the footer.

                              method createHeader

                              createHeader: <T>(
                              title: Header,
                              reject: () => void,
                              options: Partial<Dialog.IOptions<T>>
                              ) => Widget;
                              • Create the header of the dialog.

                                Parameter title

                                The title of the dialog.


                                A widget for the dialog header.

                              interface IResult

                              interface IResult<T> {}
                              • The result of a dialog.

                              property button

                              button: IButton;
                              • The button that was pressed.

                              property isChecked

                              isChecked: boolean | null;
                              • State of the dialog checkbox.

                                #### Notes It will be null if no checkbox is defined for the dialog.

                              property value

                              value: T | null;
                              • The value retrieved from .getValue() if given on the widget.

                              type Body

                              type Body<T> = IBodyWidget<T> | React.ReactElement<any> | string;
                              • The body input types.

                              type Header

                              type Header = React.ReactElement<any> | string;
                              • The header input types.

                              namespace DOMUtils

                              namespace DOMUtils {}
                              • The namespace for DOM utilities.

                              function createDomID

                              createDomID: () => string;
                              • Create a DOM id with prefix "id-" to solve bug for UUIDs beginning with numbers.

                              function findElement

                              findElement: (parent: HTMLElement, className: string) => HTMLElement;
                              • Find the first element matching a class name. Only use this function when the element existence is guaranteed.

                              function findElements

                              findElements: (
                              parent: HTMLElement,
                              className: string
                              ) => HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLElement>;
                              • Find the first element matching a class name.

                              function hasActiveEditableElement

                              hasActiveEditableElement: (
                              parent: Node | DocumentFragment,
                              root?: ShadowRoot | Document
                              ) => boolean;
                              • Check whether the active element descendant from given parent is editable. When checking active elements it includes elements in the open shadow DOM.

                              function hitTestNodes

                              hitTestNodes: (
                              nodes: HTMLElement[] | HTMLCollection,
                              x: number,
                              y: number
                              ) => number;
                              • Get the index of the node at a client position, or -1.

                              namespace InputDialog

                              namespace InputDialog {}
                              • Namespace for input dialogs

                              function getBoolean

                              getBoolean: (options: IBooleanOptions) => Promise<Dialog.IResult<boolean>>;
                              • Create and show a input dialog for a boolean.

                                Parameter options

                                The dialog setup options.


                                A promise that resolves with whether the dialog was accepted

                              function getItem

                              getItem: (options: IItemOptions) => Promise<Dialog.IResult<string>>;
                              • Create and show a input dialog for a choice.

                                Parameter options

                                The dialog setup options.


                                A promise that resolves with whether the dialog was accepted

                              function getMultipleItems

                              getMultipleItems: (
                              options: IMultipleItemsOptions
                              ) => Promise<Dialog.IResult<string[]>>;
                              • Create and show a input dialog for a choice.

                                Parameter options

                                The dialog setup options.


                                A promise that resolves with whether the dialog was accepted

                              function getNumber

                              getNumber: (options: INumberOptions) => Promise<Dialog.IResult<number>>;
                              • Create and show a input dialog for a number.

                                Parameter options

                                The dialog setup options.


                                A promise that resolves with whether the dialog was accepted

                              function getPassword

                              getPassword: (
                              options: Omit<ITextOptions, 'selectionRange'>
                              ) => Promise<Dialog.IResult<string>>;
                              • Create and show a input dialog for a password.

                                Parameter options

                                The dialog setup options.


                                A promise that resolves with whether the dialog was accepted

                              function getText

                              getText: (options: ITextOptions) => Promise<Dialog.IResult<string>>;
                              • Create and show a input dialog for a text.

                                Parameter options

                                The dialog setup options.


                                A promise that resolves with whether the dialog was accepted

                              interface IBooleanOptions

                              interface IBooleanOptions extends IOptions {}
                              • Constructor options for boolean input dialogs

                              property value

                              value?: boolean;
                              • Default value

                              interface IItemOptions

                              interface IItemOptions extends IOptions {}
                              • Constructor options for item selection input dialogs

                              property current

                              current?: number | string;
                              • Default choice

                                If the list is editable a string with a default value can be provided otherwise the index of the default choice should be given.

                              property editable

                              editable?: boolean;
                              • Is the item editable?

                              property items

                              items: Array<string>;
                              • List of choices

                              property placeholder

                              placeholder?: string;
                              • Placeholder text for editable input

                              interface IMultipleItemsOptions

                              interface IMultipleItemsOptions extends IOptions {}
                              • Constructor options for item selection input dialogs

                              property defaults

                              defaults?: string[];
                              • Default choices

                              property items

                              items: Array<string>;
                              • List of choices

                              interface INumberOptions

                              interface INumberOptions extends IOptions {}
                              • Constructor options for number input dialogs

                              property value

                              value?: number;
                              • Default value

                              interface IOptions

                              interface IOptions extends IBaseOptions {}
                              • Common constructor options for input dialogs

                              property cancelLabel

                              cancelLabel?: string;
                              • Label for cancel button.

                              property checkbox

                              checkbox?: Partial<Dialog.ICheckbox> | null;
                              • The checkbox to display in the footer. Defaults no checkbox.

                              property defaultButton

                              defaultButton?: number;
                              • The index of the default button. Defaults to the last button.

                              property host

                              host?: HTMLElement;
                              • The host element for the dialog. Defaults to document.body.

                              property okLabel

                              okLabel?: string;
                              • Label for ok button.

                              property renderer

                              renderer?: Dialog.IRenderer;
                              • An optional renderer for dialog items. Defaults to a shared default renderer.

                              property title

                              title: Dialog.Header;
                              • The top level text for the dialog. Defaults to an empty string.

                              interface ITextOptions

                              interface ITextOptions extends IOptions {}
                              • Constructor options for text input dialogs

                              property pattern

                              pattern?: string;
                              • Pattern used by the browser to validate the input value.

                              property placeholder

                              placeholder?: string;
                              • Placeholder text

                              property required

                              required?: boolean;
                              • Whether the input is required (has to be non-empty).

                              property selectionRange

                              selectionRange?: number;
                              • Selection range

                                Number of characters to pre-select when dialog opens. Default is to select the whole input text if present.

                              property text

                              text?: string;
                              • Default input text

                              namespace ISanitizer

                              namespace ISanitizer {}
                              • The namespace for ISanitizer related interfaces.

                              type IOptions

                              type IOptions = IRenderMime.ISanitizerOptions;

                              namespace ISessionContext

                              namespace ISessionContext {}
                              • The namespace for session context related interfaces.

                              interface IDialogs

                              interface IDialogs {}
                              • An interface for a session context dialog provider.

                              method restart

                              restart: (session: ISessionContext) => Promise<boolean>;
                              • Restart the session context.


                                A promise that resolves with whether the kernel has restarted.

                                #### Notes If there is a running kernel, present a dialog. If there is no kernel, we start a kernel with the last run kernel name and resolves with true. If no kernel has been started, this is a no-op, and resolves with false.

                              method selectKernel

                              selectKernel: (session: ISessionContext) => Promise<void>;
                              • Select a kernel for the session.

                              interface IDialogsOptions

                              interface IDialogsOptions {}
                              • Session context dialog options

                              property settingRegistry

                              settingRegistry?: ISettingRegistry | null;
                              • Optional setting registry used to access restart dialog preference.

                              property translator

                              translator?: ITranslator;
                              • Application translator object

                              interface IKernelPreference

                              interface IKernelPreference {}
                              • A kernel preference.

                                #### Notes Preferences for a kernel are considered in the order id, name, language. If no matching kernels can be found and autoStartDefault is true, then the default kernel for the server is preferred.

                              property autoStartDefault

                              readonly autoStartDefault?: boolean;
                              • Automatically start the default kernel if no other matching kernel is found (default false).

                              property canStart

                              readonly canStart?: boolean;
                              • A kernel can be started (default true).

                              property id

                              readonly id?: string;
                              • The id of an existing kernel.

                              property language

                              readonly language?: string;
                              • The preferred kernel language.

                              property name

                              readonly name?: string;
                              • The name of the kernel.

                              property shouldStart

                              readonly shouldStart?: boolean;
                              • A kernel should be started automatically (default true).

                              property shutdownOnDispose

                              readonly shutdownOnDispose?: boolean;
                              • Shut down the session when session context is disposed (default false).

                              property skipKernelRestartDialog

                              readonly skipKernelRestartDialog?: boolean;
                              • Skip showing the kernel restart dialog if checked (default false).

                              type KernelDisplayStatus

                              type KernelDisplayStatus =
                              | Kernel.Status
                              | Kernel.ConnectionStatus
                              | 'initializing'
                              | '';

                                namespace IThemeManager

                                namespace IThemeManager {}
                                • A namespace for the IThemeManager sub-types.

                                interface ITheme

                                interface ITheme {}
                                • An interface for a theme.

                                property displayName

                                displayName?: string;
                                • The display name of the theme.

                                property isLight

                                isLight: boolean;
                                • Whether the theme is light or dark. Downstream authors of extensions can use this information to customize their UI depending upon the current theme.

                                property name

                                name: string;
                                • The unique identifier name of the theme.

                                property themeScrollbars

                                themeScrollbars?: boolean;
                                • Whether the theme includes styling for the scrollbar. If set to false, this theme will leave the native scrollbar untouched.

                                method load

                                load: () => Promise<void>;
                                • Load the theme.


                                  A promise that resolves when the theme has loaded.

                                method unload

                                unload: () => Promise<void>;
                                • Unload the theme.


                                  A promise that resolves when the theme has unloaded.

                                namespace KernelStatus

                                namespace KernelStatus {}
                                • A namespace for KernelStatus statics.

                                class Model

                                class Model extends VDomModel {}
                                • A VDomModel for the kernel status indicator.


                                constructor(translator?: ITranslator);

                                  property activityName

                                  activityName: string;
                                  • A display name for the activity.

                                  property kernelName

                                  readonly kernelName: string;
                                  • The name of the kernel.

                                  property sessionContext

                                  sessionContext: ISessionContext;
                                  • The current client session associated with the kernel status indicator.

                                  property status

                                  readonly status: string;
                                  • The current status of the kernel.

                                  property translation

                                  protected translation: ITranslator;

                                    interface IOptions

                                    interface IOptions {}
                                    • Options for creating a KernelStatus object.

                                    property onClick

                                    onClick: () => void;
                                    • A click handler for the item. By default we launch a kernel selection dialog.

                                    property onKeyDown

                                    onKeyDown: (event: KeyboardEvent<HTMLImageElement>) => void;
                                    • A key press handler for the item. By default we launch a kernel selection dialog.

                                    namespace MainAreaWidget

                                    namespace MainAreaWidget {}
                                    • The namespace for the MainAreaWidget class statics.

                                    interface IOptions

                                    interface IOptions<T extends Widget = Widget> extends Widget.IOptions {}
                                    • An options object for creating a main area widget.

                                    property content

                                    content: T;
                                    • The child widget to wrap.

                                    property contentHeader

                                    contentHeader?: BoxPanel;
                                    • The layout to sit underneath the toolbar and above the content, and that extensions can populate. Defaults to an empty BoxPanel.

                                    property reveal

                                    reveal?: Promise<any>;
                                    • An optional promise for when the content is ready to be revealed.

                                    property toolbar

                                    toolbar?: Toolbar;
                                    • The toolbar to use for the widget. Defaults to an empty toolbar.

                                    property translator

                                    translator?: ITranslator;
                                    • The application language translator.

                                    interface IOptionsOptionalContent

                                    interface IOptionsOptionalContent<T extends Widget = Widget>
                                    extends Widget.IOptions {}
                                    • An options object for main area widget subclasses providing their own default content.

                                      #### Notes This makes it easier to have a subclass that provides its own default content. This can go away once we upgrade to TypeScript 2.8 and have an easy way to make a single property optional, ala https://stackoverflow.com/a/46941824

                                    property content

                                    content?: T;
                                    • The child widget to wrap.

                                    property reveal

                                    reveal?: Promise<any>;
                                    • An optional promise for when the content is ready to be revealed.

                                    property toolbar

                                    toolbar?: Toolbar;
                                    • The toolbar to use for the widget. Defaults to an empty toolbar.

                                    namespace MenuFactory {}
                                    • Helper functions to build a menu from the settings

                                    addContextItem: (
                                    item: ISettingRegistry.IContextMenuItem,
                                    menu: ContextMenu,
                                    menuFactory: (options: IMenuOptions) => Menu
                                    ) => void;
                                    • Convert an item description in a context menu item object

                                      Parameter item

                                      Context menu item

                                      Parameter menu

                                      Context menu to populate

                                      Parameter menuFactory

                                      Empty menu factory

                                    createMenus: (
                                    data: ISettingRegistry.IMenu[],
                                    menuFactory: (options: IMenuOptions) => Menu
                                    ) => Menu[];
                                    • Create menus from their description

                                      Parameter data

                                      Menubar description

                                      Parameter menuFactory

                                      Factory for empty menu

                                    updateMenus: (
                                    menus: Menu[],
                                    data: ISettingRegistry.IMenu[],
                                    menuFactory: (options: IMenuOptions) => Menu
                                    ) => Menu[];
                                    • Update an existing list of menu and returns the new elements.

                                      #### Note New elements are added to the current menu list.

                                      Parameter menus

                                      Current menus

                                      Parameter data

                                      New description to take into account

                                      Parameter menuFactory

                                      Empty menu factory


                                      Newly created menus

                                    interface IMenuOptions {}
                                    • Menu constructor options

                                    id: string;
                                    • The unique menu identifier.

                                    label?: string;
                                    • The menu label.

                                    rank?: number;
                                    • The menu rank.

                                    namespace ModalCommandPalette

                                    namespace ModalCommandPalette {}

                                      interface IOptions

                                      interface IOptions {}

                                        property commandPalette

                                        commandPalette: CommandPalette;

                                          namespace Notification

                                          namespace Notification {}
                                          • Notification namespace

                                          variable manager

                                          const manager: NotificationManager;
                                          • The global notification manager.

                                          function dismiss

                                          dismiss: (id?: string) => void;
                                          • Dismiss one notification (specified by its id) or all if no id provided

                                            Parameter id

                                            notification id

                                          function emit

                                          emit: <T extends ReadonlyJSONValue = ReadonlyJSONValue>(
                                          message: string,
                                          type?: TypeOptions,
                                          options?: IOptions<T>
                                          ) => string;
                                          • Helper function to emit a notification.

                                            #### Notes The message will be truncated if longer than 140 characters.

                                            Parameter message

                                            Notification message

                                            Parameter type

                                            Notification type

                                            Parameter options

                                            Options for the error notification


                                            Notification unique id

                                          function error

                                          error: <T extends ReadonlyJSONValue = ReadonlyJSONValue>(
                                          message: string,
                                          options?: IOptions<T>
                                          ) => string;
                                          • Helper function to emit an error notification.

                                            #### Notes The message will be truncated if longer than 140 characters.

                                            Parameter message

                                            Notification message

                                            Parameter options

                                            Options for the error notification


                                            Notification unique id

                                          function info

                                          info: <T extends ReadonlyJSONValue = ReadonlyJSONValue>(
                                          message: string,
                                          options?: IOptions<T>
                                          ) => string;
                                          • Helper function to emit an info notification.

                                            #### Notes The message will be truncated if longer than 140 characters.

                                            Parameter message

                                            Notification message

                                            Parameter options

                                            Options for the info notification


                                            Notification unique id

                                          function promise

                                          promise: <
                                          Pending extends ReadonlyJSONValue = ReadonlyJSONValue,
                                          Success extends ReadonlyJSONValue = Pending,
                                          Error extends ReadonlyJSONValue = Pending
                                          promise: Promise<Success>,
                                          options: IPromiseOptions<Pending, Success, Error>
                                          ) => string;
                                          • Helper function to show an in-progress notification.

                                            #### Notes The message will be truncated if longer than 140 characters.

                                            Parameter promise

                                            Promise to wait for

                                            Parameter options

                                            Options for the in-progress notification


                                            Notification unique id

                                          function success

                                          success: <T extends ReadonlyJSONValue = ReadonlyJSONValue>(
                                          message: string,
                                          options?: IOptions<T>
                                          ) => string;
                                          • Helper function to emit a success notification.

                                            #### Notes The message will be truncated if longer than 140 characters.

                                            Parameter message

                                            Notification message

                                            Parameter options

                                            Options for the success notification


                                            Notification unique id

                                          function update

                                          update: <T extends ReadonlyJSONValue = ReadonlyJSONValue>(
                                          args: IUpdate<T>
                                          ) => boolean;
                                          • Helper function to update a notification.

                                            If the notification does not exists, nothing will happen.

                                            Once updated the notification will be moved at the begin of the notification stack.

                                            #### Notes The message will be truncated if longer than 140 characters.

                                            Parameter args

                                            Update options


                                            Whether the update was successful or not.

                                          function warning

                                          warning: <T extends ReadonlyJSONValue = ReadonlyJSONValue>(
                                          message: string,
                                          options?: IOptions<T>
                                          ) => string;
                                          • Helper function to emit a warning notification.

                                            #### Notes The message will be truncated if longer than 140 characters.

                                            Parameter message

                                            Notification message

                                            Parameter options

                                            Options for the warning notification


                                            Notification unique id

                                          interface IAction

                                          interface IAction {}
                                          • Interface describing an action linked to a notification.

                                          property callback

                                          callback: (event: MouseEvent) => void;
                                          • Callback function to trigger

                                            ### Notes By default execution of the callback will close the toast and dismiss the notification. You can prevent this by calling event.preventDefault() in the callback.

                                          property caption

                                          caption?: string;
                                          • The action caption.

                                            This can be a longer description of the action.

                                          property displayType

                                          displayType?: ActionDisplayType;
                                          • The action display type.

                                            This will be used to modify the action button style.

                                          property label

                                          label: string;
                                          • The action label.

                                            This should be a short description.

                                          interface IChange

                                          interface IChange {}
                                          • Notification change interface

                                          property notification

                                          notification: INotification;
                                          • Notification that changed

                                          property type

                                          type: 'added' | 'removed' | 'updated';
                                          • Change type

                                          interface INotification

                                          interface INotification<T extends ReadonlyJSONValue = ReadonlyJSONValue> {}
                                          • Notification interface

                                          property createdAt

                                          createdAt: number;
                                          • Notification creation date

                                          property id

                                          id: string;
                                          • Notification unique identifier

                                          property message

                                          message: string;
                                          • Notification message

                                            #### Notes The message will be truncated if longer than 140 characters.

                                          property modifiedAt

                                          modifiedAt: number;
                                          • Notification modification date

                                          property options

                                          options: IOptions<T>;
                                          • Notification options

                                          property type

                                          type: TypeOptions;
                                          • Notification type

                                          interface IOptions

                                          interface IOptions<T extends ReadonlyJSONValue> {}
                                          • Notification options

                                          property actions

                                          actions?: Array<IAction>;
                                          • List of associated actions

                                          property autoClose

                                          autoClose?: number | false;
                                          • Autoclosing behavior - false (not closing automatically) or number (time in milliseconds before hiding the notification)

                                            Set to zero if you want the notification to be retained in the notification center but not displayed as toast. This is the default behavior.

                                          property data

                                          data?: T;
                                          • Data associated with a notification

                                          property progress

                                          progress?: number;
                                          • Task progression

                                            ### Notes This should be a number between 0 (not started) and 1 (completed).

                                          interface IPromiseOptions

                                          interface IPromiseOptions<
                                          Pending extends ReadonlyJSONValue,
                                          Success extends ReadonlyJSONValue = Pending,
                                          Error extends ReadonlyJSONValue = Pending
                                          > {}
                                          • Parameters for notification depending on a promise.

                                          property error

                                          error: {
                                          message: (reason: unknown, data?: Error) => string;
                                          options?: IOptions<Error>;
                                          • Message when promise rejects and options

                                            The message factory receives as first argument the error of the promise and as second the error options.data.

                                            #### Notes The message will be truncated if longer than 140 characters.

                                          property pending

                                          pending: {
                                          message: string;
                                          options?: IOptions<Pending>;
                                          • Promise pending message and options

                                            #### Notes The message will be truncated if longer than 140 characters.

                                          property success

                                          success: {
                                          message: (result: unknown, data?: Success) => string;
                                          options?: IOptions<Success>;
                                          • Message when promise resolves and options

                                            The message factory receives as first argument the result of the promise and as second the success options.data.

                                            #### Notes The message will be truncated if longer than 140 characters.

                                          interface IUpdate

                                          interface IUpdate<T extends ReadonlyJSONValue> extends IOptions<T> {}
                                          • Options for updating a notification

                                          property id

                                          id: string;
                                          • Notification unique id

                                          property message

                                          message?: string;
                                          • New notification message

                                          property type

                                          type?: TypeOptions;
                                          • New notification type

                                          type ActionDisplayType

                                          type ActionDisplayType = 'default' | 'accent' | 'warn' | 'link';
                                          • Enumeration of available action display type.

                                          type TypeOptions

                                          type TypeOptions =
                                          | 'info'
                                          | 'in-progress'
                                          | 'success'
                                          | 'warning'
                                          | 'error'
                                          | 'default';
                                          • Type of notifications

                                          namespace Printing

                                          namespace Printing {}
                                          • Any object is "printable" if it implements the IPrintable interface.

                                            To do this it, it must have a method called Printing.symbol which returns either a function to print the object or null if it cannot be printed.

                                            One way of printing is to use the printWidget function, which creates a hidden iframe and copies the DOM nodes from your widget to that iframe and printing just that iframe.

                                            Another way to print is to use the printURL function, which takes a URL and prints that page.

                                          variable symbol

                                          const symbol: Symbol;
                                          • Symbol to use for a method that returns a function to print an object.

                                          function getPrintFunction

                                          getPrintFunction: (val: unknown) => OptionalAsyncThunk;
                                          • Returns the print function for an object, or null if it does not provide a handler.

                                          function isPrintable

                                          isPrintable: (a: unknown) => a is IPrintable;
                                          • Returns whether an object implements a print method.

                                          function printURL

                                          printURL: (url: string) => Promise<void>;
                                          • Prints a URL by loading it into an iframe.

                                            Parameter url

                                            URL to load into an iframe.

                                          function printWidget

                                          printWidget: (widget: Widget) => Promise<void>;
                                          • Prints a widget by copying it's DOM node to a hidden iframe and printing that iframe.

                                          interface IPrintable

                                          interface IPrintable {}
                                          • Objects who provide a custom way of printing themselves should implement this interface.

                                          property [symbol]

                                          [symbol]: () => OptionalAsyncThunk;
                                          • Returns a function to print this object or null if it cannot be printed.

                                          type OptionalAsyncThunk

                                          type OptionalAsyncThunk = (() => Promise<void>) | null;
                                          • Function that takes no arguments and when invoked prints out some object or null if printing is not defined.

                                          namespace RunningSessions

                                          namespace RunningSessions {}
                                          • A namespace for RunningSessions statics.

                                          class Model

                                          class Model extends VDomModel {}
                                          • A VDomModel for the RunningSessions status item.

                                          property sessions

                                          sessions: number;
                                          • The number of active kernel sessions.

                                          property terminals

                                          terminals: number;
                                          • The number of active terminal sessions.

                                          interface IOptions

                                          interface IOptions {}
                                          • Options for creating a RunningSessions item.

                                          property onClick

                                          onClick: () => void;
                                          • A click handler for the item. By default this is used to activate the running sessions side panel.

                                          property onKeyDown

                                          onKeyDown: (event: KeyboardEvent<HTMLImageElement>) => void;
                                          • A key down handler for the item. By default this is used to activate the running sessions side panel.

                                          property serviceManager

                                          serviceManager: ServiceManager.IManager;
                                          • The application service manager.

                                          property translator

                                          translator?: ITranslator;
                                          • The application language translator.

                                          namespace SessionContext

                                          namespace SessionContext {}
                                          • A namespace for SessionContext statics.

                                          function getDefaultKernel

                                          getDefaultKernel: (options: IKernelSearch) => string | null;
                                          • Get the default kernel name given select options.

                                          interface IKernelSearch

                                          interface IKernelSearch {}
                                          • An interface for populating a kernel selector.

                                          property kernels

                                          kernels?: Iterable<Kernel.IModel>;
                                          • The current running kernels.

                                          property preference

                                          preference: ISessionContext.IKernelPreference;
                                          • The kernel preference.

                                          property sessions

                                          sessions?: Iterable<Session.IModel>;
                                          • The current running sessions.

                                          property specs

                                          specs: KernelSpec.ISpecModels | null;
                                          • The Kernel specs.

                                          interface IOptions

                                          interface IOptions {}
                                          • The options used to initialize a context.

                                          property kernelManager

                                          kernelManager?: Kernel.IManager;
                                          • A kernel manager instance.

                                            #### Notes In the next version of this package, kernelManager will be required.

                                          property kernelPreference

                                          kernelPreference?: ISessionContext.IKernelPreference;
                                          • A kernel preference.

                                          property name

                                          name?: string;
                                          • The name of the session.

                                          property path

                                          path?: string;
                                          • The initial path of the file.

                                          property sessionManager

                                          sessionManager: Session.IManager;
                                          • A session manager instance.

                                          property setBusy

                                          setBusy?: () => IDisposable;
                                          • A function to call when the session becomes busy.

                                          property specsManager

                                          specsManager: KernelSpec.IManager;
                                          • A kernel spec manager instance.

                                          property translator

                                          translator?: ITranslator;
                                          • The application language translator.

                                          property type

                                          type?: string;
                                          • The type of the session.

                                          namespace SessionContextDialogs

                                          namespace SessionContextDialogs {}

                                            function kernelOptions

                                            kernelOptions: (
                                            sessionContext: ISessionContext,
                                            translator?: ITranslator | null
                                            ) => IKernelOptions;
                                            • Returns available kernel options grouped based on session context.

                                              #### Notes If a language preference is set in the given session context, the options returned are grouped with the language preference at the top:

                                              - (Start %1 Kernel, language) - { all kernelspecs whose language matches in alphabetical order } - (Use No Kernel) - No Kernel - (Start Kernel) - { all other kernelspecs in alphabetical order } - (Connect to Existing %1 Kernel, language) - { all running kernels whose language matches in alphabetical order } - (Connect to Kernel) - { all other running kernels in alphabetical order }

                                              If no language preference is set, these groups and options are returned:

                                              - (Start Kernel) - { all kernelspecs in alphabetical order } - (Use No Kernel) - No Kernel - (Connect to Existing Kernel) - { all running kernels in alphabetical order }

                                              If the session has a kernel ID and a kernel exists with that id, its corresponding option has selected set to true. Otherwise if the session context language preference is set, the first kernelspec that matches it is selected.

                                            interface IKernelOptions

                                            interface IKernelOptions {}
                                            • An interface that abstracts the available kernel switching choices.

                                            property disabled

                                            disabled?: boolean;
                                            • Whether kernel options should be disabled.

                                            property groups

                                            groups: Array<{
                                            * The option group label.
                                            label: string;
                                            * Individual kernel (and spec) options that correspond with `<option>`.
                                            options: Array<{
                                            * Whether the option is selected.
                                            selected?: boolean;
                                            * The display text of the option.
                                            text: string;
                                            * The display title of the option.
                                            title?: string;
                                            * The underlying (stringified JSON) value of the option.
                                            value: string;
                                            • An array of kernel option groups that correspond with <optgroup>.

                                            namespace ThemeManager

                                            namespace ThemeManager {}

                                              interface IOptions

                                              interface IOptions {}
                                              • The options used to create a theme manager.

                                              property host

                                              host: Widget;
                                              • The host widget for the theme manager.

                                              property key

                                              key: string;
                                              • The setting registry key that holds theme setting data.

                                              property settings

                                              settings: ISettingRegistry;
                                              • The settings registry.

                                              property splash

                                              splash?: ISplashScreen;
                                              • The splash screen to show when loading themes.

                                              property translator

                                              translator?: ITranslator;
                                              • The application language translator.

                                              property url

                                              url: string;
                                              • The url for local theme loading.

                                              namespace Toolbar

                                              namespace Toolbar {}

                                                variable createInterruptButton

                                                const createInterruptButton: (
                                                sessionContext: ISessionContext,
                                                translator?: ITranslator
                                                ) => Widget;

                                                  variable createKernelNameItem

                                                  const createKernelNameItem: (
                                                  sessionContext: ISessionContext,
                                                  dialogs?: ISessionContext.IDialogs,
                                                  translator?: ITranslator
                                                  ) => Widget;

                                                    variable createKernelStatusItem

                                                    const createKernelStatusItem: (
                                                    sessionContext: ISessionContext,
                                                    translator?: ITranslator
                                                    ) => Widget;

                                                      variable createRestartButton

                                                      const createRestartButton: (
                                                      sessionContext: ISessionContext,
                                                      dialogs?: ISessionContext.IDialogs,
                                                      translator?: ITranslator
                                                      ) => Widget;

                                                        variable createSpacerItem

                                                        const createSpacerItem: any;
                                                        • Deprecated

                                                          since v4 This helper function is in @jupyterlab/ui-components

                                                        namespace ToolbarRegistry

                                                        namespace ToolbarRegistry {}
                                                        • The namespace for IToolbarWidgetRegistry related interfaces

                                                        interface IOptions

                                                        interface IOptions {}
                                                        • Options to set up the toolbar widget registry

                                                        property defaultFactory

                                                        defaultFactory: (
                                                        widgetFactory: string,
                                                        widget: Widget,
                                                        toolbarItem: IWidget
                                                        ) => Widget;
                                                        • Default toolbar widget factory

                                                          The factory is receiving 3 arguments:

                                                          Parameter widgetFactory

                                                          The widget factory name that creates the toolbar

                                                          Parameter widget

                                                          The newly widget containing the toolbar

                                                          Parameter toolbarItem

                                                          The toolbar item definition


                                                          The widget to be inserted in the toolbar.

                                                        interface IToolbarItem

                                                        interface IToolbarItem extends IRenderMime.IToolbarItem {}
                                                        • Interface of item to be inserted in a toolbar

                                                        interface IWidget

                                                        interface IWidget extends ISettingRegistry.IToolbarItem {}
                                                        • Interface describing a toolbar item widget

                                                        namespace WidgetTracker

                                                        namespace WidgetTracker {}
                                                        • A namespace for WidgetTracker statics.

                                                        interface IOptions

                                                        interface IOptions {}
                                                        • The instantiation options for a widget tracker.

                                                        property namespace

                                                        namespace: string;
                                                        • A namespace for all tracked widgets, (e.g., notebook).

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