
  • Version 4.2.5
  • Published
  • 232 kB
  • 17 dependencies
  • BSD-3-Clause license


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Type Aliases



variable IDocumentManager

const IDocumentManager: Token<IDocumentManager>;
  • The document registry token.

variable IDocumentWidgetOpener

const IDocumentWidgetOpener: Token<IDocumentWidgetOpener>;
  • The document widget opener token.

variable IRecentsManager

const IRecentsManager: Token<IRecentsManager>;
  • The recent documents database token.


function isValidFileName

isValidFileName: (name: string) => boolean;
  • Test whether a name is a valid file name

    Disallows "/", "", and ":" in file names, as well as names with zero length.

function renameDialog

renameDialog: (
manager: IDocumentManager,
context: DocumentRegistry.Context,
translator?: ITranslator
) => Promise<void | null>;
  • Rename a file with a dialog.

function renameFile

renameFile: (
manager: IDocumentManager,
oldPath: string,
newPath: string
) => Promise<Contents.IModel | null>;
  • Rename a file, asking for confirmation if it is overwriting another.

function shouldOverwrite

shouldOverwrite: (path: string, translator?: ITranslator) => Promise<boolean>;
  • Ask the user whether to overwrite a file.


class DocumentManager

class DocumentManager implements IDocumentManager {}
  • The document manager.

    #### Notes The document manager is used to register model and widget creators, and the file browser uses the document manager to create widgets. The document manager maintains a context for each path and model type that is open, and a list of widgets for each context. The document manager is in control of the proper closing and disposal of the widgets and contexts.


constructor(options: DocumentManager.IOptions);
  • Construct a new document manager.

property activateRequested

readonly activateRequested: ISignal<this, string>;
  • A signal emitted when one of the documents is activated.

property autosave

autosave: boolean;
  • Whether to autosave documents.

property autosaveInterval

autosaveInterval: number;
  • Determines the time interval for autosave in seconds.

property confirmClosingDocument

confirmClosingDocument: boolean;
  • Whether to ask confirmation to close a tab or not.

property isDisposed

readonly isDisposed: boolean;
  • Get whether the document manager has been disposed.

property lastModifiedCheckMargin

lastModifiedCheckMargin: number;
  • Defines max acceptable difference, in milliseconds, between last modified timestamps on disk and client

property registry

readonly registry: DocumentRegistry;
  • The registry used by the manager.

property renameUntitledFileOnSave

renameUntitledFileOnSave: boolean;
  • Whether to ask the user to rename untitled file on first manual save.

property services

readonly services: ServiceManager.IManager;
  • The service manager used by the manager.

property stateChanged

readonly stateChanged: ISignal<IDocumentManager, IChangedArgs<any>>;
  • Signal triggered when an attribute changes.

property translator

protected translator: ITranslator;

    method cloneWidget

    cloneWidget: (widget: Widget) => IDocumentWidget | undefined;
    • Clone a widget.

      Parameter widget

      The source widget.


      A new widget or undefined.

      #### Notes Uses the same widget factory and context as the source, or returns undefined if the source widget is not managed by this manager.

    method closeAll

    closeAll: () => Promise<void>;
    • Close all of the open documents.


      A promise resolving when the widgets are closed.

    method closeFile

    closeFile: (path: string) => Promise<void>;
    • Close the widgets associated with a given path.

      Parameter path

      The target path.


      A promise resolving when the widgets are closed.

    method contextForWidget

    contextForWidget: (widget: Widget) => DocumentRegistry.Context | undefined;
    • Get the document context for a widget.

      Parameter widget

      The widget of interest.


      The context associated with the widget, or undefined if no such context exists.

    method copy

    copy: (fromFile: string, toDir: string) => Promise<Contents.IModel>;
    • Copy a file.

      Parameter fromFile

      The full path of the original file.

      Parameter toDir

      The full path to the target directory.


      A promise which resolves to the contents of the file.

    method createNew

    createNew: (
    path: string,
    widgetName?: string,
    kernel?: Kernel.IModel
    ) => Widget | undefined;
    • Create a new file and return the widget used to view it.

      Parameter path

      The file path to create.

      Parameter widgetName

      The name of the widget factory to use. 'default' will use the default widget.

      Parameter kernel

      An optional kernel name/id to override the default.


      The created widget, or undefined.

      #### Notes This function will return undefined if a valid widget factory cannot be found.

    method deleteFile

    deleteFile: (path: string) => Promise<void>;
    • Delete a file.

      Parameter path

      The full path to the file to be deleted.


      A promise which resolves when the file is deleted.

      #### Notes If there is a running session associated with the file and no other sessions are using the kernel, the session will be shut down.

    method dispose

    dispose: () => void;
    • Dispose of the resources held by the document manager.

    method duplicate

    duplicate: (path: string) => Promise<Contents.IModel>;
    • Duplicate a file.

      Parameter path

      The full path to the file to be duplicated.


      A promise which resolves when the file is duplicated.

    method findWidget

    findWidget: (
    path: string,
    widgetName?: string | null
    ) => IDocumentWidget | undefined;
    • See if a widget already exists for the given path and widget name.

      Parameter path

      The file path to use.

      Parameter widgetName

      The name of the widget factory to use. 'default' will use the default widget.


      The found widget, or undefined.

      #### Notes This can be used to find an existing widget instead of opening a new widget.

    method newUntitled

    newUntitled: (options: Contents.ICreateOptions) => Promise<Contents.IModel>;
    • Create a new untitled file.

      Parameter options

      The file content creation options.

    method open

    open: (
    path: string,
    widgetName?: string,
    kernel?: Kernel.IModel,
    options?: DocumentRegistry.IOpenOptions
    ) => IDocumentWidget | undefined;
    • Open a file and return the widget used to view it.

      Parameter path

      The file path to open.

      Parameter widgetName

      The name of the widget factory to use. 'default' will use the default widget.

      Parameter kernel

      An optional kernel name/id to override the default.


      The created widget, or undefined.

      #### Notes This function will return undefined if a valid widget factory cannot be found.

    method openOrReveal

    openOrReveal: (
    path: string,
    widgetName?: string,
    kernel?: Kernel.IModel,
    options?: DocumentRegistry.IOpenOptions
    ) => IDocumentWidget | undefined;
    • Open a file and return the widget used to view it. Reveals an already existing editor.

      Parameter path

      The file path to open.

      Parameter widgetName

      The name of the widget factory to use. 'default' will use the default widget.

      Parameter kernel

      An optional kernel name/id to override the default.


      The created widget, or undefined.

      #### Notes This function will return undefined if a valid widget factory cannot be found.

    method overwrite

    overwrite: (oldPath: string, newPath: string) => Promise<Contents.IModel>;
    • Overwrite a file.

      Parameter oldPath

      The full path to the original file.

      Parameter newPath

      The full path to the new file.


      A promise containing the new file contents model.

    method rename

    rename: (oldPath: string, newPath: string) => Promise<Contents.IModel>;
    • Rename a file or directory.

      Parameter oldPath

      The full path to the original file.

      Parameter newPath

      The full path to the new file.


      A promise containing the new file contents model. The promise will reject if the newPath already exists. Use [[overwrite]] to overwrite a file.

    class DocumentWidgetManager

    class DocumentWidgetManager implements IDisposable {}
    • A class that maintains the lifecycle of file-backed widgets.


    constructor(options: DocumentWidgetManager.IOptions);
    • Construct a new document widget manager.

    property activateRequested

    readonly activateRequested: ISignal<this, string>;
    • A signal emitted when one of the documents is activated.

    property confirmClosingDocument

    confirmClosingDocument: boolean;
    • Whether to ask confirmation to close a tab or not.

    property isDisposed

    readonly isDisposed: boolean;
    • Test whether the document widget manager is disposed.

    property stateChanged

    readonly stateChanged: ISignal<DocumentWidgetManager, IChangedArgs<any>>;
    • Signal triggered when an attribute changes.

    property translator

    protected translator: ITranslator;

      method adoptWidget

      adoptWidget: (
      context: DocumentRegistry.Context,
      widget: IDocumentWidget
      ) => void;
      • Install the message hook for the widget and add to list of known widgets.

        Parameter context

        The document context object.

        Parameter widget

        The widget to adopt.

      method cloneWidget

      cloneWidget: (widget: Widget) => IDocumentWidget | undefined;
      • Clone a widget.

        Parameter widget

        The source widget.


        A new widget or undefined.

        #### Notes Uses the same widget factory and context as the source, or throws if the source widget is not managed by this manager.

      method closeWidgets

      closeWidgets: (context: DocumentRegistry.Context) => Promise<void>;
      • Close the widgets associated with a given context.

        Parameter context

        The document context object.

      method contextForWidget

      contextForWidget: (widget: Widget) => DocumentRegistry.Context | undefined;
      • Get the document context for a widget.

        Parameter widget

        The widget of interest.


        The context associated with the widget, or undefined.

      method createWidget

      createWidget: (
      factory: DocumentRegistry.WidgetFactory,
      context: DocumentRegistry.Context
      ) => IDocumentWidget;
      • Create a widget for a document and handle its lifecycle.

        Parameter factory

        The widget factory.

        Parameter context

        The document context object.


        A widget created by the factory.


        If the factory is not registered.

      method deleteWidgets

      deleteWidgets: (context: DocumentRegistry.Context) => Promise<void>;
      • Dispose of the widgets associated with a given context regardless of the widget's dirty state.

        Parameter context

        The document context object.

      method dispose

      dispose: () => void;
      • Dispose of the resources used by the widget manager.

      method findWidget

      findWidget: (
      context: DocumentRegistry.Context,
      widgetName: string
      ) => IDocumentWidget | undefined;
      • See if a widget already exists for the given context and widget name.

        Parameter context

        The document context object.


        The found widget, or undefined.

        #### Notes This can be used to use an existing widget instead of opening a new widget.

      method messageHook

      messageHook: (handler: IMessageHandler, msg: Message) => boolean;
      • Filter a message sent to a message handler.

        Parameter handler

        The target handler of the message.

        Parameter msg

        The message dispatched to the handler.


        false if the message should be filtered, of true if the message should be dispatched to the handler as normal.

      method onClose

      protected onClose: (widget: Widget) => Promise<boolean>;
      • Handle 'close-request' messages.

        Parameter widget

        The target widget.


        A promise that resolves with whether the widget was closed.

      method onDelete

      protected onDelete: (widget: Widget) => Promise<void>;
      • Dispose of widget regardless of widget's dirty state.

        Parameter widget

        The target widget.

      method setCaption

      protected setCaption: (widget: Widget) => Promise<void>;
      • Set the caption for widget title.

        Parameter widget

        The target widget.

      class PathStatus

      class PathStatus extends VDomRenderer<PathStatus.Model> {}
      • A status bar item for the current file path (or activity name).


      constructor(opts: PathStatus.IOptions);
      • Construct a new PathStatus status item.

      method render

      render: () => JSX.Element;
      • Render the status item.

      class RecentsManager

      class RecentsManager implements IRecentsManager {}
      • Manager for recently opened and closed documents.


      constructor(options: RecentsManager.IOptions);

        property changed

        readonly changed: ISignal<IRecentsManager, void>;
        • Signal emitted when the recent list changes.

        property isDisposed

        readonly isDisposed: boolean;
        • Whether the manager is disposed or not.

        property maximalRecentsLength

        maximalRecentsLength: number;
        • Maximal number of recent items to list.

        property recentlyClosed

        readonly recentlyClosed: RecentDocument[];
        • List of recently opened items

        property recentlyOpened

        readonly recentlyOpened: RecentDocument[];
        • List of recently opened items

        method addRecent

        addRecent: (
        document: Omit<RecentDocument, 'root'>,
        event: 'opened' | 'closed'
        ) => void;
        • Add a new path to the recent list.

        method clearRecents

        clearRecents: () => void;
        • Clear the recents list

        method dispose

        dispose: () => void;
        • Dispose recent manager resources

        method removeRecent

        removeRecent: (document: RecentDocument, event: 'opened' | 'closed') => void;
        • Remove the document from recents list.

        method updateRootDir

        protected updateRootDir: () => void;
        • Set server root dir.

          Note: protected to allow unit-testing.

        method validate

        validate: (recent: RecentDocument) => Promise<boolean>;
        • Check if the recent item is valid, remove if it from both lists if it is not.

        class SaveHandler

        class SaveHandler implements IDisposable {}
        • A class that manages the auto saving of a document.

          #### Notes Implements https://github.com/ipython/ipython/wiki/IPEP-15:-Autosaving-the-IPython-Notebook.


        constructor(options: SaveHandler.IOptions);
        • Construct a new save handler.

        property isActive

        readonly isActive: boolean;
        • Get whether the handler is active.

        property isDisposed

        readonly isDisposed: boolean;
        • Get whether the save handler is disposed.

        property saveInterval

        saveInterval: number;
        • The save interval used by the timer (in seconds).

        method dispose

        dispose: () => void;
        • Dispose of the resources used by the save handler.

        method start

        start: () => void;
        • Start the autosaver.

        method stop

        stop: () => void;
        • Stop the autosaver.

        class SavingStatus

        class SavingStatus extends VDomRenderer<SavingStatus.Model> {}
        • A VDomRenderer for a saving status item.


        constructor(opts: SavingStatus.IOptions);
        • Create a new SavingStatus item.

        method render

        render: () => JSX.Element | null;
        • Render the SavingStatus item.


        interface IDocumentManager

        interface IDocumentManager extends IDisposable {}
        • The interface for a document manager.

        property activateRequested

        readonly activateRequested: ISignal<this, string>;
        • A signal emitted when one of the documents is activated.

        property autosave

        autosave: boolean;
        • Whether to autosave documents.

        property autosaveInterval

        autosaveInterval: number;
        • Determines the time interval for autosave in seconds.

        property confirmClosingDocument

        confirmClosingDocument: boolean;
        • Whether to ask confirmation to close a tab or not.

        property lastModifiedCheckMargin

        lastModifiedCheckMargin: number;
        • Defines max acceptable difference, in milliseconds, between last modified timestamps on disk and client.

        property registry

        readonly registry: DocumentRegistry;
        • The registry used by the manager.

        property renameUntitledFileOnSave

        renameUntitledFileOnSave: boolean;
        • Whether to ask the user to rename untitled file on first manual save.

        property services

        readonly services: ServiceManager.IManager;
        • The service manager used by the manager.

        property stateChanged

        readonly stateChanged: ISignal<IDocumentManager, IChangedArgs<any>>;
        • Signal triggered when an attribute changes.

        method cloneWidget

        cloneWidget: (widget: Widget) => IDocumentWidget | undefined;
        • Clone a widget.

          Parameter widget

          The source widget.


          A new widget or undefined.

          #### Notes Uses the same widget factory and context as the source, or returns undefined if the source widget is not managed by this manager.

        method closeAll

        closeAll: () => Promise<void>;
        • Close all of the open documents.


          A promise resolving when the widgets are closed.

        method closeFile

        closeFile: (path: string) => Promise<void>;
        • Close the widgets associated with a given path.

          Parameter path

          The target path.


          A promise resolving when the widgets are closed.

        method contextForWidget

        contextForWidget: (widget: Widget) => DocumentRegistry.Context | undefined;
        • Get the document context for a widget.

          Parameter widget

          The widget of interest.


          The context associated with the widget, or undefined if no such context exists.

        method copy

        copy: (fromFile: string, toDir: string) => Promise<Contents.IModel>;
        • Copy a file.

          Parameter fromFile

          The full path of the original file.

          Parameter toDir

          The full path to the target directory.


          A promise which resolves to the contents of the file.

        method createNew

        createNew: (
        path: string,
        widgetName?: string,
        kernel?: Kernel.IModel
        ) => Widget | undefined;
        • Create a new file and return the widget used to view it.

          Parameter path

          The file path to create.

          Parameter widgetName

          The name of the widget factory to use. 'default' will use the default widget.

          Parameter kernel

          An optional kernel name/id to override the default.


          The created widget, or undefined.

          #### Notes This function will return undefined if a valid widget factory cannot be found.

        method deleteFile

        deleteFile: (path: string) => Promise<void>;
        • Delete a file.

          Parameter path

          The full path to the file to be deleted.


          A promise which resolves when the file is deleted.

          #### Notes If there is a running session associated with the file and no other sessions are using the kernel, the session will be shut down.

        method duplicate

        duplicate: (path: string) => Promise<Contents.IModel>;
        • Duplicate a file.

          Parameter path

          The full path to the file to be duplicated.


          A promise which resolves when the file is duplicated.

        method findWidget

        findWidget: (
        path: string,
        widgetName?: string | null
        ) => IDocumentWidget | undefined;
        • See if a widget already exists for the given path and widget name.

          Parameter path

          The file path to use.

          Parameter widgetName

          The name of the widget factory to use. 'default' will use the default widget.


          The found widget, or undefined.

          #### Notes This can be used to find an existing widget instead of opening a new widget.

        method newUntitled

        newUntitled: (options: Contents.ICreateOptions) => Promise<Contents.IModel>;
        • Create a new untitled file.

          Parameter options

          The file content creation options.

        method open

        open: (
        path: string,
        widgetName?: string,
        kernel?: Kernel.IModel,
        options?: DocumentRegistry.IOpenOptions
        ) => IDocumentWidget | undefined;
        • Open a file and return the widget used to view it.

          Parameter path

          The file path to open.

          Parameter widgetName

          The name of the widget factory to use. 'default' will use the default widget.

          Parameter kernel

          An optional kernel name/id to override the default.


          The created widget, or undefined.

          #### Notes This function will return undefined if a valid widget factory cannot be found.

        method openOrReveal

        openOrReveal: (
        path: string,
        widgetName?: string,
        kernel?: Kernel.IModel,
        options?: DocumentRegistry.IOpenOptions
        ) => IDocumentWidget | undefined;
        • Open a file and return the widget used to view it. Reveals an already existing editor.

          Parameter path

          The file path to open.

          Parameter widgetName

          The name of the widget factory to use. 'default' will use the default widget.

          Parameter kernel

          An optional kernel name/id to override the default.


          The created widget, or undefined.

          #### Notes This function will return undefined if a valid widget factory cannot be found.

        method overwrite

        overwrite: (oldPath: string, newPath: string) => Promise<Contents.IModel>;
        • Overwrite a file.

          Parameter oldPath

          The full path to the original file.

          Parameter newPath

          The full path to the new file.


          A promise containing the new file contents model.

        method rename

        rename: (oldPath: string, newPath: string) => Promise<Contents.IModel>;
        • Rename a file or directory.

          Parameter oldPath

          The full path to the original file.

          Parameter newPath

          The full path to the new file.


          A promise containing the new file contents model. The promise will reject if the newPath already exists. Use [[overwrite]] to overwrite a file.

        interface IDocumentWidgetOpener

        interface IDocumentWidgetOpener {}
        • The interface for a widget opener.

        property opened

        readonly opened: ISignal<IDocumentWidgetOpener, IDocumentWidget>;
        • A signal emitted when a widget is opened

        method open

        open: (widget: IDocumentWidget, options?: DocumentRegistry.IOpenOptions) => void;
        • Open the given widget.

        interface IFileContainer

        interface IFileContainer extends JSONObject {}
        • A stripped-down interface for a file container.

        property items

        items: string[];
        • The list of item names in the current working directory.

        property path

        path: string;
        • The current working directory of the file container.

        interface IRecentsManager

        interface IRecentsManager extends IDisposable {}
        • Recent opened items manager.

        property changed

        readonly changed: ISignal<IRecentsManager, void>;
        • Signal emitted when either of the list changes.

        property recentlyClosed

        readonly recentlyClosed: RecentDocument[];
        • Get the recently closed items.

        property recentlyOpened

        readonly recentlyOpened: RecentDocument[];
        • Get the recently opened documents.

        method addRecent

        addRecent: (
        document: Omit<RecentDocument, 'root'>,
        event: 'opened' | 'closed'
        ) => void;
        • Add a new path to the recent list.

        method removeRecent

        removeRecent: (document: RecentDocument, event: 'opened' | 'closed') => void;
        • Remove the document from recents list.

        method validate

        validate: (recent: RecentDocument) => Promise<boolean>;
        • Check if the recent item is valid, remove if it from both lists if it is not.

        Type Aliases

        type RecentDocument

        type RecentDocument = {
        * The server root path.
        * Allows to select only the currently accessible documents.
        root: string;
        * The path to the document.
        path: string;
        * The document content type or `directory` literal for directories.
        contentType: string;
        * The factory that was used when the document was most recently opened or closed.
        factory?: string;
        • The interface for a recent document.


        namespace DocumentManager

        namespace DocumentManager {}
        • A namespace for document manager statics.

        interface IOptions

        interface IOptions {}
        • The options used to initialize a document manager.

        property isConnectedCallback

        isConnectedCallback?: () => boolean;
        • Autosaving should be paused while this callback function returns false. By default, it always returns true.

        property manager

        manager: ServiceManager.IManager;
        • A service manager instance.

        property opener

        opener: IDocumentWidgetOpener;
        • A widget opener for sibling widgets.

        property recentsManager

        recentsManager?: IRecentsManager;
        • The manager for recent documents.

        property registry

        registry: DocumentRegistry;
        • A document registry instance.

        property sessionDialogs

        sessionDialogs?: ISessionContext.IDialogs;
        • The provider for session dialogs.

        property setBusy

        setBusy?: () => IDisposable;
        • A function called when a kernel is busy.

        property translator

        translator?: ITranslator;
        • The application language translator.

        property when

        when?: Promise<void>;
        • A promise for when to start using the manager.

        namespace DocumentWidgetManager

        namespace DocumentWidgetManager {}
        • A namespace for document widget manager statics.

        interface IOptions

        interface IOptions {}
        • The options used to initialize a document widget manager.

        property recentsManager

        recentsManager?: IRecentsManager;
        • The manager for recent documents.

        property registry

        registry: DocumentRegistry;
        • A document registry instance.

        property translator

        translator?: ITranslator;
        • The application language translator.

        namespace PathStatus

        namespace PathStatus {}
        • A namespace for PathStatus statics.

        class Model

        class Model extends VDomModel {}
        • A VDomModel for rendering the PathStatus status item.


        constructor(docManager: IDocumentManager);
        • Construct a new model.

          Parameter docManager

          the application document manager. Used to check whether the current widget is a document.

        property name

        readonly name: string;
        • The name of the current activity.

        property path

        readonly path: string;
        • The current path for the application.

        property widget

        widget: any;
        • The current widget for the application.

        interface IOptions

        interface IOptions {}
        • Options for creating the PathStatus widget.

        property docManager

        docManager: IDocumentManager;
        • The application document manager.

        namespace RecentsManager

        namespace RecentsManager {}
        • Namespace for RecentsManager statics.

        interface IOptions

        interface IOptions {}
        • Initialization options for RecentsManager.

        property contents

        contents: Contents.IManager;
        • Contents manager used for path validation.

        property stateDB

        stateDB: IStateDB;
        • State database used to store the recent documents.

        namespace SaveHandler

        namespace SaveHandler {}
        • A namespace for SaveHandler statics.

        interface IOptions

        interface IOptions {}
        • The options used to create a save handler.

        property context

        context: DocumentRegistry.Context;
        • The context associated with the file.

        property isConnectedCallback

        isConnectedCallback?: () => boolean;
        • Autosaving should be paused while this callback function returns false. By default, it always returns true.

        property saveInterval

        saveInterval?: number;
        • The minimum save interval in seconds (default is two minutes).

        namespace SavingStatus

        namespace SavingStatus {}
        • A namespace for SavingStatus statics.

        class Model

        class Model extends VDomModel {}
        • A VDomModel for the SavingStatus item.


        constructor(docManager: IDocumentManager);
        • Create a new SavingStatus model.

        property status

        readonly status: any;
        • The current status of the model.

        property widget

        widget: any;
        • The current widget for the model. Any widget can be assigned, but it only has any effect if the widget is an IDocument widget known to the application document manager.

        interface IOptions

        interface IOptions {}
        • Options for creating a new SaveStatus item

        property docManager

        docManager: IDocumentManager;
        • The application document manager.

        property translator

        translator?: ITranslator;
        • The application language translator.

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