
  • Version 4.3.5
  • Published
  • 327 kB
  • 18 dependencies
  • BSD-3-Clause license


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function createReadonlyLabel

createReadonlyLabel: (
panel: IDocumentWidget,
translator?: ITranslator
) => Widget;
  • create readonly label toolbar item


class ABCWidgetFactory

abstract class ABCWidgetFactory<
T extends IDocumentWidget,
U extends DocumentRegistry.IModel = DocumentRegistry.IModel
> implements DocumentRegistry.IWidgetFactory<T, U> {}
  • The default implementation of a widget factory.


constructor(options: DocumentRegistry.IWidgetFactoryOptions<T>);
  • Construct a new ABCWidgetFactory.

property autoStartDefault

autoStartDefault: boolean;
  • Whether to automatically select the preferred kernel during a kernel start

property canStartKernel

readonly canStartKernel: boolean;
  • Whether the widgets can start a kernel when opened.

property defaultFor

readonly defaultFor: string[];
  • The file types for which the factory should be the default.

property defaultRendered

readonly defaultRendered: string[];
  • The file types for which the factory should be the default for rendering a document model, if different from editing.

property fileTypes

readonly fileTypes: string[];
  • The file types the widget can view.

property isDisposed

readonly isDisposed: boolean;
  • Get whether the model factory has been disposed.

property label

readonly label: string;
  • The label of the widget to display in dialogs. If not given, name is used instead.

property modelName

readonly modelName: string;
  • The registered name of the model type used to create the widgets.

property name

readonly name: string;
  • A unique name identifying of the widget.

property preferKernel

readonly preferKernel: boolean;
  • Whether the widgets prefer having a kernel started.

property readOnly

readonly readOnly: boolean;
  • Whether the widget factory is read only.

property shutdownOnClose

shutdownOnClose: boolean;
  • Whether the kernel should be shutdown when the widget is closed.

property translator

readonly translator: ITranslator;
  • The application language translator.

property widgetCreated

readonly widgetCreated: ISignal<DocumentRegistry.IWidgetFactory<T, U>, T>;
  • A signal emitted when a widget is created.

method createNew

createNew: (context: DocumentRegistry.IContext<U>, source?: T) => T;
  • Create a new widget given a document model and a context.

    #### Notes It should emit the [widgetCreated] signal with the new widget.

method createNewWidget

protected abstract createNewWidget: (
context: DocumentRegistry.IContext<U>,
source?: T
) => T;
  • Create a widget for a context.

method defaultToolbarFactory

protected defaultToolbarFactory: (widget: T) => DocumentRegistry.IToolbarItem[];
  • Default factory for toolbar items to be added after the widget is created.

method dispose

dispose: () => void;
  • Dispose of the resources used by the document manager.

class Base64ModelFactory

class Base64ModelFactory extends TextModelFactory {}
  • An implementation of a model factory for base64 files.

property contentType

readonly contentType: Contents.ContentType;
  • The type of the file.

    #### Notes This is a read-only property.

property fileFormat

readonly fileFormat: Contents.FileFormat;
  • The format of the file.

    This is a read-only property.

property name

readonly name: string;
  • The name of the model type.

    #### Notes This is a read-only property.

class Context

class Context<T extends DocumentRegistry.IModel = DocumentRegistry.IModel>
implements DocumentRegistry.IContext<T> {}
  • An implementation of a document context.

    This class is typically instantiated by the document manager.


constructor(options: Context.IOptions<T>);
  • Construct a new document context.

property canSave

readonly canSave: boolean;
  • Whether the document can be saved via the Contents API.

property contentsModel

readonly contentsModel: Omit<Contents.IModel, 'content'>;
  • The document metadata, stored as a services contents model.

    #### Notes The contents model will be null until the context is populated. It will not have a content field.

property disposed

readonly disposed: ISignal<this, void>;
  • A signal emitted when the context is disposed.

property factoryName

readonly factoryName: string;
  • Get the model factory name.

    #### Notes This is not part of the IContext API.

property fileChanged

readonly fileChanged: ISignal<this, Omit<Contents.IModel, 'content'>>;
  • A signal emitted when the model is saved or reverted.

property isDisposed

readonly isDisposed: boolean;
  • Test whether the context is disposed.

property isReady

readonly isReady: boolean;
  • Whether the context is ready.

property lastModifiedCheckMargin

lastModifiedCheckMargin: number;
  • Configurable margin used to detect document modification conflicts, in milliseconds

property localPath

readonly localPath: string;
  • The current local path associated with the document. If the document is in the default notebook file browser, this is the same as the path.

property model

readonly model: DocumentRegistry.IModel;
  • Get the model associated with the document.

property path

readonly path: string;
  • The current path associated with the document.

property pathChanged

readonly pathChanged: ISignal<this, string>;
  • A signal emitted when the path changes.

property ready

readonly ready: Promise<void>;
  • A promise that is fulfilled when the context is ready.

property saveState

readonly saveState: ISignal<this, DocumentRegistry.SaveState>;
  • A signal emitted on the start and end of a saving operation.

property sessionContext

readonly sessionContext: SessionContext;
  • The client session object associated with the context.

property translator

protected translator: ITranslator;

    property urlResolver

    readonly urlResolver: IRenderMime.IResolver;
    • The url resolver for the context.

    method addSibling

    addSibling: (
    widget: Widget,
    options?: DocumentRegistry.IOpenOptions
    ) => IDisposable;
    • Add a sibling widget to the document manager.

      Parameter widget

      The widget to add to the document manager.

      Parameter options

      The desired options for adding the sibling.


      A disposable used to remove the sibling if desired.

      #### Notes It is assumed that the widget has the same model and context as the original widget.

    method createCheckpoint

    createCheckpoint: () => Promise<Contents.ICheckpointModel>;
    • Create a checkpoint for the file.

    method deleteCheckpoint

    deleteCheckpoint: (checkpointId: string) => Promise<void>;
    • Delete a checkpoint for the file.

    method dispose

    dispose: () => void;
    • Dispose of the resources held by the context.

    method download

    download: () => Promise<void>;
    • Download a file.


      A promise which resolves when the file has begun downloading.

    method initialize

    initialize: (isNew: boolean) => Promise<void>;
    • Initialize the context.

      Parameter isNew

      Whether it is a new file.


      a promise that resolves upon initialization.

    method listCheckpoints

    listCheckpoints: () => Promise<Contents.ICheckpointModel[]>;
    • List available checkpoints for a file.

    method rename

    rename: (newName: string) => Promise<void>;
    • Rename the document.

      Parameter newName

      the new name for the document.

    method restoreCheckpoint

    restoreCheckpoint: (checkpointId?: string) => Promise<void>;
    • Restore the file to a known checkpoint state.

    method revert

    revert: () => Promise<void>;
    • Revert the document contents to disk contents.

    method save

    save: () => Promise<void>;
    • Save the document contents to disk.

    method saveAs

    saveAs: () => Promise<void>;
    • Save the document to a different path chosen by the user.

      It will be rejected if the user abort providing a new path.

    class DocumentModel

    class DocumentModel
    extends CodeEditor.Model
    implements DocumentRegistry.ICodeModel {}
    • The default implementation of a document model.


    constructor(options?: DocumentRegistry.IModelOptions<ISharedFile>);
    • Construct a new document model.

    property collaborative

    readonly collaborative: boolean;
    • Whether the model is collaborative or not.

    property contentChanged

    readonly contentChanged: ISignal<this, void>;
    • A signal emitted when the document content changes.

    property defaultKernelLanguage

    readonly defaultKernelLanguage: string;
    • The default kernel language of the document.

      #### Notes This is a read-only property.

    property defaultKernelName

    readonly defaultKernelName: string;
    • The default kernel name of the document.

      #### Notes This is a read-only property.

    property dirty

    dirty: boolean;
    • The dirty state of the document.

    property readOnly

    readOnly: boolean;
    • The read only state of the document.

    property sharedModel

    readonly sharedModel: ISharedFile;
    • The shared notebook model.

    property stateChanged

    readonly stateChanged: ISignal<this, IChangedArgs<any>>;
    • A signal emitted when the document state changes.

    method fromJSON

    fromJSON: (value: PartialJSONValue) => void;
    • Deserialize the model from JSON.

      #### Notes Should emit a [contentChanged] signal.

    method fromString

    fromString: (value: string) => void;
    • Deserialize the model from a string.

      #### Notes Should emit a [contentChanged] signal.

    method initialize

    initialize: () => void;
    • Initialize the model with its current state.

    method toJSON

    toJSON: () => PartialJSONValue;
    • Serialize the model to JSON.

    method toString

    toString: () => string;
    • Serialize the model to a string.

    method triggerContentChange

    protected triggerContentChange: () => void;
    • Trigger a content changed signal.

    method triggerStateChange

    protected triggerStateChange: (args: IChangedArgs<any>) => void;
    • Trigger a state change signal.

    class DocumentRegistry

    class DocumentRegistry implements IDisposable {}
    • The document registry.


    constructor(options?: DocumentRegistry.IOptions);
    • Construct a new document registry.

    property changed

    readonly changed: ISignal<this, DocumentRegistry.IChangedArgs>;
    • A signal emitted when the registry has changed.

    property isDisposed

    readonly isDisposed: boolean;
    • Get whether the document registry has been disposed.

    property translator

    protected translator: ITranslator;

      method addFileType

      addFileType: (
      fileType: Partial<DocumentRegistry.IFileType>,
      factories?: string[]
      ) => IDisposable;
      • Add a file type to the document registry.

        Parameter fileType

        The file type object to register.

        Parameter factories

        Optional factories to use for the file type.


        A disposable which will unregister the command.

        #### Notes These are used to populate the "Create New" dialog.

        If no default factory exists for the file type, the first factory will be defined as default factory.

      method addModelFactory

      addModelFactory: (factory: DocumentRegistry.ModelFactory) => IDisposable;
      • Add a model factory to the registry.

        Parameter factory

        The factory instance.


        A disposable which will unregister the factory.

        #### Notes If a factory with the given name is already registered, or the given factory is already registered, a warning will be logged and this will be a no-op.

      method addWidgetExtension

      addWidgetExtension: (
      widgetName: string,
      extension: DocumentRegistry.WidgetExtension
      ) => IDisposable;
      • Add a widget extension to the registry.

        Parameter widgetName

        The name of the widget factory.

        Parameter extension

        A widget extension.


        A disposable which will unregister the extension.

        #### Notes If the extension is already registered for the given widget name, a warning will be logged and this will be a no-op.

      method addWidgetFactory

      addWidgetFactory: (factory: DocumentRegistry.WidgetFactory) => IDisposable;
      • Add a widget factory to the registry.

        Parameter factory

        The factory instance to register.


        A disposable which will unregister the factory.

        #### Notes If a factory with the given 'name' is already registered, a warning will be logged, and this will be a no-op. If '*' is given as a default extension, the factory will be registered as the global default. If an extension or global default is already registered, this factory will override the existing default. The factory cannot be named an empty string or the string 'default'.

      method defaultRenderedWidgetFactory

      defaultRenderedWidgetFactory: (path: string) => DocumentRegistry.WidgetFactory;
      • Get the default rendered widget factory for a path.

        Parameter path

        The path to for which to find a widget factory.


        The default rendered widget factory for the path.

        ### Notes If the widget factory has registered a separate set of defaultRendered file types and there is a match in that set, this returns that. Otherwise, this returns the same widget factory as [[defaultWidgetFactory]].

        The user setting defaultViewers took precedence on this one too.

      method defaultWidgetFactory

      defaultWidgetFactory: (path?: string) => DocumentRegistry.WidgetFactory;
      • Get the default widget factory for a path.

        Parameter path

        An optional file path to filter the results.


        The default widget factory for an path.

        #### Notes This is equivalent to the first value in [[preferredWidgetFactories]].

      method dispose

      dispose: () => void;
      • Dispose of the resources held by the document registry.

      method fileTypes

      fileTypes: () => IterableIterator<DocumentRegistry.IFileType>;
      • Create an iterator over the file types that have been registered.


        A new iterator of file types.

      method getFileType

      getFileType: (name: string) => DocumentRegistry.IFileType | undefined;
      • Get a file type by name.

      method getFileTypeForModel

      getFileTypeForModel: (model: Contents.IModel) => DocumentRegistry.IFileType;
      • Get the best file type given a contents model.

        Parameter model

        The contents model of interest.


        The best matching file type.

      method getFileTypesForPath

      getFileTypesForPath: (path: string) => DocumentRegistry.IFileType[];
      • Get the file types that match a file name.

        Parameter path

        The path of the file.


        An ordered list of matching file types.

      method getKernelPreference

      getKernelPreference: (
      path: string,
      widgetName: string,
      kernel?: Kernel.IModel
      ) => ISessionContext.IKernelPreference | undefined;
      • Get a kernel preference.

        Parameter path

        The file path.

        Parameter widgetName

        The name of the widget factory.

        Parameter kernel

        An optional existing kernel model.


        A kernel preference.

      method getModelFactory

      getModelFactory: (name: string) => DocumentRegistry.ModelFactory | undefined;
      • Get a model factory by name.

        Parameter name

        The name of the model factory.


        A model factory instance.

      method getWidgetFactory

      getWidgetFactory: (
      widgetName: string
      ) => DocumentRegistry.WidgetFactory | undefined;
      • Get a widget factory by name.

        Parameter widgetName

        The name of the widget factory.


        A widget factory instance.

      method modelFactories

      modelFactories: () => IterableIterator<DocumentRegistry.ModelFactory>;
      • Create an iterator over the model factories that have been registered.


        A new iterator of model factories.

      method preferredWidgetFactories

      preferredWidgetFactories: (path: string) => DocumentRegistry.WidgetFactory[];
      • Get a list of the preferred widget factories.

        Parameter path

        The file path to filter the results.


        A new array of widget factories.

        #### Notes Only the widget factories whose associated model factory have been registered will be returned. The first item is considered the default. The returned array has widget factories in the following order: - path-specific default factory - path-specific default rendered factory - global default factory - all other path-specific factories - all other global factories

      method setDefaultWidgetFactory

      setDefaultWidgetFactory: (fileType: string, factory: string | undefined) => void;
      • Set overrides for the default widget factory for a file type.

        Normally, a widget factory informs the document registry which file types it should be the default for using the defaultFor option in the IWidgetFactoryOptions. This function can be used to override that after the fact.

        Parameter fileType

        The name of the file type.

        Parameter factory

        The name of the factory.

        #### Notes If factory is undefined, then any override will be unset, and the default factory will revert to the original value.

        If factory or fileType are not known to the docregistry, or if factory cannot open files of type fileType, this will throw an error.

      method widgetExtensions

      widgetExtensions: (
      widgetName: string
      ) => IterableIterator<DocumentRegistry.WidgetExtension>;
      • Create an iterator over the registered extensions for a given widget.

        Parameter widgetName

        The name of the widget factory.


        A new iterator over the widget extensions.

      method widgetFactories

      widgetFactories: () => IterableIterator<DocumentRegistry.WidgetFactory>;
      • Create an iterator over the widget factories that have been registered.


        A new iterator of widget factories.

      class DocumentWidget

      class DocumentWidget<
      T extends Widget = Widget,
      U extends DocumentRegistry.IModel = DocumentRegistry.IModel
      extends MainAreaWidget<T>
      implements IDocumentWidget<T, U> {}
      • A document widget implementation.


      constructor(options: DocumentWidget.IOptions<T, U>);

        property context

        readonly context: DocumentRegistry.IContext<U>;

          property isUntitled

          isUntitled?: boolean;
          • Whether the document has an auto-generated name or not.

            #### Notes A document has auto-generated name if its name is untitled and up to the instant the user saves it manually for the first time.

          method setFragment

          setFragment: (fragment: string) => void;
          • Set URI fragment identifier.

          class MimeContent

          class MimeContent extends Widget {}
          • A content widget for a rendered mimetype document.


          constructor(options: MimeContent.IOptions);
          • Construct a new widget.

          property mimeType

          readonly mimeType: string;
          • The mimetype for this rendered content.

          property ready

          readonly ready: Promise<void>;
          • A promise that resolves when the widget is ready.

          property renderer

          readonly renderer: IRenderMime.IRenderer;

            property translator

            protected translator: ITranslator;

              method [Printing.symbol]

              [Printing.symbol]: () => Printing.OptionalAsyncThunk;
              • Print method. Deferred to the renderer.

              method dispose

              dispose: () => void;
              • Dispose of the resources held by the widget.

              method onUpdateRequest

              protected onUpdateRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
              • Handle an update-request message to the widget.

              method setFragment

              setFragment: (fragment: string) => void;
              • Set URI fragment identifier.

              class MimeDocument

              class MimeDocument extends DocumentWidget<MimeContent> {}
              • A document widget for mime content.

              method setFragment

              setFragment: (fragment: string) => void;

                class MimeDocumentFactory

                class MimeDocumentFactory extends ABCWidgetFactory<MimeDocument> {}
                • An implementation of a widget factory for a rendered mimetype document.


                constructor(options: MimeDocumentFactory.IOptions<MimeDocument>);
                • Construct a new mimetype widget factory.

                method createNewWidget

                protected createNewWidget: (context: DocumentRegistry.Context) => MimeDocument;
                • Create a new widget given a context.

                class TextModelFactory

                class TextModelFactory implements DocumentRegistry.CodeModelFactory {}
                • An implementation of a model factory for text files.


                constructor(collaborative?: boolean);
                • Instantiates a TextModelFactory.

                property collaborative

                readonly collaborative: boolean;
                • Whether the model is collaborative or not.

                property contentType

                readonly contentType: Contents.ContentType;
                • The type of the file.

                  #### Notes This is a read-only property.

                property fileFormat

                readonly fileFormat: Contents.FileFormat;
                • The format of the file.

                  This is a read-only property.

                property isDisposed

                readonly isDisposed: boolean;
                • Get whether the model factory has been disposed.

                property name

                readonly name: string;
                • The name of the model type.

                  #### Notes This is a read-only property.

                method createNew

                createNew: (
                options?: DocumentRegistry.IModelOptions<ISharedFile>
                ) => DocumentRegistry.ICodeModel;
                • Create a new model.

                  Parameter options

                  Model options.


                  A new document model.

                method dispose

                dispose: () => void;
                • Dispose of the resources held by the model factory.

                method preferredLanguage

                preferredLanguage: (path: string) => string;
                • Get the preferred kernel language given a file path.


                interface IDocumentWidget

                interface IDocumentWidget<
                T extends Widget = Widget,
                U extends DocumentRegistry.IModel = DocumentRegistry.IModel
                > extends Widget {}
                • An interface for a document widget.

                property content

                readonly content: T;
                • The content widget.

                property context

                readonly context: DocumentRegistry.IContext<U>;
                • The context associated with the document.

                property isUntitled

                isUntitled?: boolean;
                • Whether the document has an auto-generated name or not.

                  #### Notes A document has auto-generated name if its name is untitled and up to the instant the user saves it manually for the first time.

                property revealed

                readonly revealed: Promise<void>;
                • A promise resolving after the content widget is revealed.

                property toolbar

                readonly toolbar: Toolbar<Widget>;
                • The toolbar for the widget.

                method setFragment

                setFragment: (fragment: string) => void;
                • Set URI fragment identifier.


                namespace Context

                namespace Context {}
                • A namespace for Context statics.

                interface IOptions

                interface IOptions<T extends DocumentRegistry.IModel> {}
                • The options used to initialize a context.

                property factory

                factory: DocumentRegistry.IModelFactory<T>;
                • The model factory used to create the model.

                property kernelPreference

                kernelPreference?: ISessionContext.IKernelPreference;
                • The kernel preference associated with the context.

                property lastModifiedCheckMargin

                lastModifiedCheckMargin?: number;
                • Max acceptable difference, in milliseconds, between last modified timestamps on disk and client

                property manager

                manager: ServiceManager.IManager;
                • A service manager instance.

                property opener

                opener?: (widget: Widget) => void;
                • An optional callback for opening sibling widgets.

                property path

                path: string;
                • The initial path of the file.

                property sessionDialogs

                sessionDialogs?: ISessionContext.IDialogs;
                • The dialogs used for the session context.

                property setBusy

                setBusy?: () => IDisposable;
                • A function to call when the kernel is busy.

                property translator

                translator?: ITranslator;
                • The application language translator.

                namespace DocumentRegistry

                namespace DocumentRegistry {}
                • The namespace for the DocumentRegistry class statics.

                function getDefaultDirectoryFileType

                getDefaultDirectoryFileType: (translator?: ITranslator) => IFileType;
                • The default directory file type used by the document registry.

                  Parameter translator

                  The application language translator.


                  The default directory file type.

                function getDefaultFileTypes

                getDefaultFileTypes: (
                translator?: ITranslator
                ) => ReadonlyArray<Partial<IFileType>>;
                • The default file types used by the document registry.

                  Parameter translator

                  The application language translator.


                  The default directory file types.

                function getDefaultNotebookFileType

                getDefaultNotebookFileType: (translator?: ITranslator) => IFileType;
                • The default notebook file type used by the document registry.

                  Parameter translator

                  The application language translator.


                  The default notebook file type.

                function getDefaultTextFileType

                getDefaultTextFileType: (translator?: ITranslator) => IFileType;
                • The default text file type used by the document registry.

                  Parameter translator

                  The application language translator.


                  The default text file type.

                function getFileTypeDefaults

                getFileTypeDefaults: (translator?: ITranslator) => IFileType;
                • The defaults used for a file type.

                  Parameter translator

                  The application language translator.


                  The default file type.

                interface IChangedArgs

                interface IChangedArgs {}
                • An arguments object for the changed signal.

                property change

                readonly change: 'added' | 'removed';
                • Whether the item was added or removed.

                property name

                readonly name?: string;
                • The name of the item or the widget factory being extended.

                property type

                readonly type: 'widgetFactory' | 'modelFactory' | 'widgetExtension' | 'fileType';
                • The type of the changed item.

                interface ICodeModel

                interface ICodeModel extends IModel, CodeEditor.IModel {}
                • The interface for a document model that represents code.

                property sharedModel

                sharedModel: ISharedFile;

                  interface IContext

                  interface IContext<T extends IModel> extends IDisposable {}
                  • The document context object.

                  property contentsModel

                  readonly contentsModel: Omit<Contents.IModel, 'content'> | null;
                  • The document metadata, stored as a services contents model.

                    #### Notes This will be null until the context is 'ready'. Since we only store metadata here, the content attribute is removed.

                  property disposed

                  disposed: ISignal<this, void>;
                  • A signal emitted when the context is disposed.

                  property fileChanged

                  fileChanged: ISignal<this, Omit<Contents.IModel, 'content'>>;
                  • A signal emitted when the contentsModel changes.

                  property isReady

                  readonly isReady: boolean;
                  • Whether the context is ready.

                  property lastModifiedCheckMargin

                  lastModifiedCheckMargin: number;
                  • Configurable margin used to detect document modification conflicts, in milliseconds

                  property localPath

                  readonly localPath: string;
                  • The current local path associated with the document. If the document is in the default notebook file browser, this is the same as the path.

                  property model

                  readonly model: T;
                  • The data model for the document.

                  property path

                  readonly path: string;
                  • The current path associated with the document.

                  property pathChanged

                  pathChanged: ISignal<this, string>;
                  • A signal emitted when the path changes.

                  property ready

                  readonly ready: Promise<void>;
                  • A promise that is fulfilled when the context is ready.

                  property saveState

                  saveState: ISignal<this, SaveState>;
                  • A signal emitted on the start and end of a saving operation.

                  property sessionContext

                  readonly sessionContext: ISessionContext;
                  • The session context object associated with the context.

                  property urlResolver

                  readonly urlResolver: IRenderMime.IResolver;
                  • The url resolver for the context.

                  method addSibling

                  addSibling: (widget: Widget, options?: IOpenOptions) => IDisposable;
                  • Add a sibling widget to the document manager.

                    Parameter widget

                    The widget to add to the document manager.

                    Parameter options

                    The desired options for adding the sibling.


                    A disposable used to remove the sibling if desired.

                    #### Notes It is assumed that the widget has the same model and context as the original widget.

                  method createCheckpoint

                  createCheckpoint: () => Promise<Contents.ICheckpointModel>;
                  • Create a checkpoint for the file.


                    A promise which resolves with the new checkpoint model when the checkpoint is created.

                  method deleteCheckpoint

                  deleteCheckpoint: (checkpointID: string) => Promise<void>;
                  • Delete a checkpoint for the file.

                    Parameter checkpointID

                    The id of the checkpoint to delete.


                    A promise which resolves when the checkpoint is deleted.

                  method download

                  download: () => Promise<void>;
                  • Save the document to a different path chosen by the user.

                  method listCheckpoints

                  listCheckpoints: () => Promise<Contents.ICheckpointModel[]>;
                  • List available checkpoints for the file.


                    A promise which resolves with a list of checkpoint models for the file.

                  method rename

                  rename: (newName: string) => Promise<void>;
                  • Rename the document.

                  method restoreCheckpoint

                  restoreCheckpoint: (checkpointID?: string) => Promise<void>;
                  • Restore the file to a known checkpoint state.

                    Parameter checkpointID

                    The optional id of the checkpoint to restore, defaults to the most recent checkpoint.


                    A promise which resolves when the checkpoint is restored.

                  method revert

                  revert: () => Promise<void>;
                  • Revert the document contents to disk contents.

                  method save

                  save: () => Promise<void>;
                  • Save the document contents to disk.

                  method saveAs

                  saveAs: () => Promise<void>;
                  • Save the document to a different path chosen by the user.

                  interface IFileType

                  interface IFileType extends IRenderMime.IFileType {}
                  • An interface for a file type.

                  property contentType

                  readonly contentType: Contents.ContentType;
                  • The content type of the new file.

                  property fileFormat

                  readonly fileFormat: Contents.FileFormat;
                  • The format of the new file.

                  property icon

                  readonly icon?: LabIcon;
                  • The icon for the file type.

                  interface IModel

                  interface IModel extends IDisposable {}
                  • The interface for a document model.

                  property collaborative

                  readonly collaborative?: boolean;
                  • Whether this document model supports collaboration when the collaborative flag is enabled globally. Defaults to false.

                  property contentChanged

                  contentChanged: ISignal<this, void>;
                  • A signal emitted when the document content changes.

                  property defaultKernelLanguage

                  readonly defaultKernelLanguage: string;
                  • The default kernel language of the document.

                  property defaultKernelName

                  readonly defaultKernelName: string;
                  • The default kernel name of the document.

                  property dirty

                  dirty: boolean;
                  • The dirty state of the model.

                    #### Notes This should be cleared when the document is loaded from or saved to disk.

                  property readOnly

                  readOnly: boolean;
                  • The read-only state of the model.

                  property sharedModel

                  readonly sharedModel: ISharedDocument;
                  • The shared notebook model.

                  property stateChanged

                  stateChanged: ISignal<this, IChangedArgsGeneric<any>>;
                  • A signal emitted when the model state changes.

                  method fromJSON

                  fromJSON: (value: ReadonlyPartialJSONValue) => void;
                  • Deserialize the model from JSON.

                    #### Notes Should emit a [contentChanged] signal.

                  method fromString

                  fromString: (value: string) => void;
                  • Deserialize the model from a string.

                    #### Notes Should emit a [contentChanged] signal.

                  method toJSON

                  toJSON: () => PartialJSONValue;
                  • Serialize the model to JSON.

                  method toString

                  toString: () => string;
                  • Serialize the model to a string.

                  interface IModelFactory

                  interface IModelFactory<
                  T extends IModel,
                  U extends ISharedDocument = ISharedDocument
                  > extends IDisposable {}
                  • The interface for a model factory.

                  property collaborative

                  readonly collaborative?: boolean;
                  • Whether the model is collaborative or not.

                  property contentType

                  readonly contentType: Contents.ContentType;
                  • The content type of the file (defaults to "file").

                  property fileFormat

                  readonly fileFormat: Contents.FileFormat;
                  • The format of the file (defaults to "text").

                  property name

                  readonly name: string;
                  • The name of the model.

                  method createNew

                  createNew: (options?: IModelOptions<U>) => T;
                  • Create a new model for a given path.

                    Parameter options

                    Optional parameters to construct the model.


                    A new document model.

                  method preferredLanguage

                  preferredLanguage: (path: string) => string;
                  • Get the preferred kernel language given a file path.

                  interface IModelOptions

                  interface IModelOptions<T extends ISharedDocument = ISharedDocument> {}
                  • The options used to create a document model.

                  property collaborationEnabled

                  collaborationEnabled?: boolean;
                  • Whether the model is collaborative or not.

                  property languagePreference

                  languagePreference?: string;
                  • The preferred language.

                  property sharedModel

                  sharedModel?: T;
                  • The shared model.

                  interface IOpenOptions

                  interface IOpenOptions {}
                  • The options used to open a widget.

                  property activate

                  activate?: boolean;
                  • Whether to activate the widget. Defaults to true.

                  property mode

                  mode?: DockLayout.InsertMode;
                  • The supported insertion modes.

                    An insert mode is used to specify how a widget should be added to the main area relative to a reference widget.

                  property rank

                  rank?: number;
                  • The rank order of the widget among its siblings.

                    #### Notes This field may be used or ignored depending on shell implementation.

                  property ref

                  ref?: string | null;
                  • The reference widget id for the insert location.

                    The default is null.

                  property type

                  type?: string;
                  • Type of widget to open

                    #### Notes This is the key used to load user customization. Its typical value is: a factory name or the widget id (if singleton)

                  interface IOptions

                  interface IOptions {}
                  • The options used to create a document registry.

                  property initialFileTypes

                  initialFileTypes?: DocumentRegistry.IFileType[];
                  • The initial file types for the registry. The [[DocumentRegistry.defaultFileTypes]] will be used if not given.

                  property textModelFactory

                  textModelFactory?: ModelFactory;
                  • The text model factory for the registry. A default instance will be used if not given.

                  property translator

                  translator?: ITranslator;
                  • The application language translator.

                  interface IToolbarItem

                  interface IToolbarItem extends ToolbarRegistry.IToolbarItem {}
                  • The item to be added to document toolbar.

                  interface IWidgetExtension

                  interface IWidgetExtension<T extends Widget, U extends IModel> {}
                  • An interface for a widget extension.

                  method createNew

                  createNew: (widget: T, context: IContext<U>) => IDisposable | void;
                  • Create a new extension for a given widget.

                  interface IWidgetFactory

                  interface IWidgetFactory<T extends IDocumentWidget, U extends IModel>
                  extends IDisposable,
                  IWidgetFactoryOptions {}
                  • The interface for a widget factory.

                  property widgetCreated

                  widgetCreated: ISignal<IWidgetFactory<T, U>, T>;
                  • A signal emitted when a new widget is created.

                  method createNew

                  createNew: (context: IContext<U>, source?: T) => T;
                  • Create a new widget given a context.

                    Parameter source

                    A widget to clone

                    #### Notes It should emit the [widgetCreated] signal with the new widget.

                  interface IWidgetFactoryOptions

                  interface IWidgetFactoryOptions<T extends Widget = Widget>
                  extends Omit<
                  'primaryFileType' | 'toolbarFactory'
                  > {}
                  • The options used to initialize a widget factory.

                  property autoStartDefault

                  readonly autoStartDefault?: boolean;
                  • Whether to automatically start the preferred kernel

                  property canStartKernel

                  readonly canStartKernel?: boolean;
                  • Whether the widgets can start a kernel when opened.

                  property preferKernel

                  readonly preferKernel?: boolean;
                  • Whether the widgets prefer having a kernel started.

                  property readOnly

                  readonly readOnly?: boolean;
                  • Whether the widget factory is read only.

                  property shutdownOnClose

                  readonly shutdownOnClose?: boolean;
                  • Whether the kernel should be shutdown when the widget is closed.

                  property toolbarFactory

                  readonly toolbarFactory?: (
                  widget: T
                  ) =>
                  | DocumentRegistry.IToolbarItem[]
                  | IObservableList<DocumentRegistry.IToolbarItem>;
                  • A function producing toolbar widgets, overriding the default toolbar widgets.

                  type CodeContext

                  type CodeContext = IContext<ICodeModel>;
                  • A type alias for a code context.

                  type CodeModelFactory

                  type CodeModelFactory = IModelFactory<ICodeModel>;
                  • A type alias for a code model factory.

                  type Context

                  type Context = IContext<IModel>;
                  • A type alias for a context.

                  type ModelFactory

                  type ModelFactory = IModelFactory<IModel>;
                  • A type alias for a standard model factory.

                  type SaveState

                  type SaveState = 'started' | 'failed' | 'completed';
                  • Document save state

                  type WidgetExtension

                  type WidgetExtension = IWidgetExtension<Widget, IModel>;
                  • A type alias for a standard widget extension.

                  type WidgetFactory

                  type WidgetFactory = IWidgetFactory<IDocumentWidget, IModel>;
                  • A type alias for a standard widget factory.

                  namespace DocumentWidget

                  namespace DocumentWidget {}

                    interface IOptions

                    interface IOptions<
                    T extends Widget = Widget,
                    U extends DocumentRegistry.IModel = DocumentRegistry.IModel
                    > extends MainAreaWidget.IOptions<T> {}

                      property context

                      context: DocumentRegistry.IContext<U>;

                        interface IOptionsOptionalContent

                        interface IOptionsOptionalContent<
                        T extends Widget = Widget,
                        U extends DocumentRegistry.IModel = DocumentRegistry.IModel
                        > extends MainAreaWidget.IOptionsOptionalContent<T> {}

                          property context

                          context: DocumentRegistry.IContext<U>;

                            property translator

                            translator?: ITranslator;
                            • The application language translator.

                            namespace MimeContent

                            namespace MimeContent {}
                            • The namespace for MimeDocument class statics.

                            interface IOptions

                            interface IOptions {}
                            • The options used to initialize a MimeDocument.

                            property context

                            context: DocumentRegistry.IContext<DocumentRegistry.IModel>;
                            • Context

                            property dataType

                            dataType?: 'string' | 'json';
                            • Preferred data type from the model.

                            property mimeType

                            mimeType: string;
                            • The mime type.

                            property renderer

                            renderer: IRenderMime.IRenderer;
                            • The renderer instance.

                            property renderTimeout

                            renderTimeout: number;
                            • The render timeout.

                            property translator

                            translator?: ITranslator;
                            • The application language translator.

                            namespace MimeDocumentFactory

                            namespace MimeDocumentFactory {}
                            • The namespace for MimeDocumentFactory class statics.

                            interface IOptions

                            interface IOptions<T extends MimeDocument>
                            extends DocumentRegistry.IWidgetFactoryOptions<T> {}
                            • The options used to initialize a MimeDocumentFactory.

                            property dataType

                            dataType?: 'string' | 'json';
                            • Preferred data type from the model.

                            property factory

                            factory?: IRenderMime.IRendererFactory;
                            • Optional renderer to use (overriding the renderer in the registry)

                            property primaryFileType

                            primaryFileType: DocumentRegistry.IFileType | undefined;
                            • The primary file type associated with the document.

                            property rendermime

                            rendermime: IRenderMimeRegistry;
                            • The rendermime instance.

                            property renderTimeout

                            renderTimeout?: number;
                            • The render timeout.

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