
  • Version 4.3.5
  • Published
  • 1.21 MB
  • 30 dependencies
  • BSD-3-Clause license


npm i @jupyterlab/notebook
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pnpm add @jupyterlab/notebook









Type Aliases



variable INotebookCellExecutor

const INotebookCellExecutor: Token<INotebookCellExecutor>;
  • The notebook cell executor token.

variable INotebookTools

const INotebookTools: Token<INotebookTools>;
  • The notebook tools token.

variable INotebookTracker

const INotebookTracker: Token<INotebookTracker>;
  • The notebook tracker token.

variable INotebookWidgetFactory

const INotebookWidgetFactory: Token<NotebookWidgetFactory.IFactory>;
  • The notebook widget factory token.


function ExecutionIndicatorComponent

ExecutionIndicatorComponent: (
props: ExecutionIndicatorComponent.IProps
) => JSX.Element;
  • A react functional component for rendering execution indicator.

function getIdForHeading

getIdForHeading: (
heading: INotebookHeading,
parser: IRenderMime.IMarkdownParser,
sanitizer: IRenderMime.ISanitizer
) => Promise<string | null>;
  • Get the element id for an heading

    Parameter heading


    Parameter parser

    The markdownparser


    The element id

function runCell

runCell: ({
}: INotebookCellExecutor.IRunCellOptions) => Promise<boolean>;
  • Run a single notebook cell.

    Parameter options

    Cell execution options


    Execution status

function setCellExecutor

setCellExecutor: (executor: INotebookCellExecutor) => void;
  • Set the notebook cell executor and the related signals.


class CellList

class CellList {}
  • A cell list object that supports undo/redo.


constructor(model: ISharedNotebook);
  • Construct the cell list.

property changed

readonly changed: ISignal<this, IObservableList.IChangedArgs<ICellModel>>;
  • A signal emitted when the cell list has changed.

property isDisposed

readonly isDisposed: boolean;
  • Test whether the cell list has been disposed.

property length

readonly length: number;
  • Get the length of the cell list.


    The number of cells in the cell list.

property model

protected model: ISharedNotebook;

    method [Symbol.iterator]

    [Symbol.iterator]: () => IterableIterator<ICellModel>;
    • Create an iterator over the cells in the cell list.


      A new iterator starting at the front of the cell list.

    method dispose

    dispose: () => void;
    • Dispose of the resources held by the cell list.

    method get

    get: (index: number) => ICellModel;
    • Get the cell at the specified index.

      Parameter index

      The positive integer index of interest.


      The cell at the specified index.

    class CellTypeSwitcher

    class CellTypeSwitcher extends ReactWidget {}
    • A toolbar widget that switches cell types.


    constructor(widget: Notebook, translator?: ITranslator);
    • Construct a new cell type switcher.

    property handleChange

    handleChange: (event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLSelectElement>) => void;
    • Handle change events for the HTMLSelect component.

    property handleKeyDown

    handleKeyDown: (event: React.KeyboardEvent) => void;
    • Handle keydown events for the HTMLSelect component.

    method render

    render: () => JSX.Element;

      class CommandEditStatus

      class CommandEditStatus extends VDomRenderer<CommandEditStatus.Model> {}
      • StatusBar item to display which notebook mode user is in.


      constructor(translator?: ITranslator);
      • Construct a new CommandEdit status item.

      property translator

      protected translator: ITranslator;

        method render

        render: () => JSX.Element | null;
        • Render the CommandEdit status item.

        class ExecutionIndicator

        class ExecutionIndicator extends VDomRenderer<ExecutionIndicator.Model> {}
        • A VDomRenderer widget for displaying the execution status.


        constructor(translator?: ITranslator, showProgress?: boolean);
        • Construct the kernel status widget.

        method render

        render: () => JSX.Element | null;
        • Render the execution status item.

        class KernelError

        class KernelError extends Error {}


          constructor(content: KernelMessage.IExecuteReplyMsg);
          • Construct the kernel error.

          property errorName

          readonly errorName: string;
          • Exception name

          property errorValue

          readonly errorValue: string;
          • Exception value

          property traceback

          readonly traceback: string[];
          • Traceback

          class Notebook

          class Notebook extends StaticNotebook {}
          • A notebook widget that supports interactivity.


          constructor(options: Notebook.IOptions);
          • Construct a notebook widget.

          property activeCell

          readonly activeCell: any;
          • Get the active cell widget.

            #### Notes This is a cell or null if there is no active cell.

          property activeCellChanged

          readonly activeCellChanged: ISignal<this, any>;
          • A signal emitted when the active cell changes.

            #### Notes This can be due to the active index changing or the cell at the active index changing.

          property activeCellIndex

          activeCellIndex: number;
          • The active cell index of the notebook.

            #### Notes The index will be clamped to the bounds of the notebook cells.

          property lastClipboardInteraction

          lastClipboardInteraction: 'copy' | 'cut' | 'paste';

            property mode

            mode: NotebookMode;
            • The interactivity mode of the notebook.

            property selectedCells

            readonly selectedCells: Cell[];
            • List of selected and active cells

            property selectionChanged

            readonly selectionChanged: ISignal<this, void>;
            • A signal emitted when the selection state of the notebook changes.

            property stateChanged

            readonly stateChanged: ISignal<this, IChangedArgs<any>>;
            • A signal emitted when the state of the notebook changes.

            method addFooter

            protected addFooter: () => void;
            • Adds a footer to the notebook.

            method deselect

            deselect: (widget: Cell) => void;
            • Deselect a cell widget.

              #### Notes It is a no-op if the value does not change. It will emit the selectionChanged signal.

            method deselectAll

            deselectAll: () => void;
            • Deselect all of the cells.

            method dispose

            dispose: () => void;
            • Dispose of the resources held by the widget.

            method extendContiguousSelectionTo

            extendContiguousSelectionTo: (index: number) => void;
            • Move the head of an existing contiguous selection to extend the selection.

              Parameter index

              The new head of the existing selection.

              #### Notes If there is no existing selection, the active cell is considered an existing one-cell selection.

              If the new selection is a single cell, that cell becomes the active cell and all cells are deselected.

              There is no change if there are no cells (i.e., activeCellIndex is -1).

            method getContiguousSelection

            getContiguousSelection: () =>
            | { head: number; anchor: number }
            | { head: null; anchor: null };
            • Get the head and anchor of a contiguous cell selection.

              The head of a contiguous selection is always the active cell.

              If there are no cells selected, {head: null, anchor: null} is returned.

              Throws an error if the currently selected cells do not form a contiguous selection.

            method handleEvent

            handleEvent: (event: Event) => void;
            • Handle the DOM events for the widget.

              Parameter event

              The DOM event sent to the widget.

              #### Notes This method implements the DOM EventListener interface and is called in response to events on the notebook panel's node. It should not be called directly by user code.

            method isSelected

            isSelected: (widget: Cell) => boolean;
            • Whether a cell is selected.

            method isSelectedOrActive

            isSelectedOrActive: (widget: Cell) => boolean;
            • Whether a cell is selected or is the active cell.

            method moveCell

            moveCell: (from: number, to: number, n?: number) => void;
            • Move cells preserving widget view state.

              #### Notes This is required because at the model level a move is a deletion followed by an insertion. Hence the view state is not preserved.

              Parameter from

              The index of the cell to move

              Parameter to

              The new index of the cell

              Parameter n

              Number of cells to move

            method onActivateRequest

            protected onActivateRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
            • Handle 'activate-request' messages.

            method onAfterAttach

            protected onAfterAttach: (msg: Message) => void;
            • Handle after-attach messages for the widget.

            method onAfterShow

            protected onAfterShow: (msg: Message) => void;
            • A message handler invoked on an 'after-show' message.

            method onBeforeDetach

            protected onBeforeDetach: (msg: Message) => void;
            • Handle before-detach messages for the widget.

            method onBeforeHide

            protected onBeforeHide: (msg: Message) => void;
            • A message handler invoked on an 'before-hide' message.

            method onCellInserted

            protected onCellInserted: (index: number, cell: Cell) => void;
            • Handle a cell being inserted.

            method onCellRemoved

            protected onCellRemoved: (index: number, cell: Cell) => void;
            • Handle a cell being removed.

            method onModelChanged

            protected onModelChanged: (
            oldValue: INotebookModel,
            newValue: INotebookModel
            ) => void;
            • Handle a new model.

            method onResize

            protected onResize: (msg: Widget.ResizeMessage) => void;
            • A message handler invoked on a 'resize' message.

            method onUpdateRequest

            protected onUpdateRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
            • Handle update-request messages sent to the widget.

            method scrollToCell

            scrollToCell: (cell: Cell, align?: WindowedList.ScrollToAlign) => Promise<void>;
            • Scroll so that the given cell is in view. Selects and activates cell.

              Parameter cell

              A cell in the notebook widget.

              Parameter align

              Type of alignment.

            method select

            select: (widget: Cell) => void;
            • Select a cell widget.

              #### Notes It is a no-op if the value does not change. It will emit the selectionChanged signal.

            method setFragment

            setFragment: (fragment: string) => Promise<void>;
            • Set URI fragment identifier.

            method setMode

            protected setMode: (
            newValue: NotebookMode,
            options?: { focus?: boolean }
            ) => void;
            • Set the notebook mode.

              Parameter newValue

              Notebook mode

              Parameter options

              Control mode side-effect


              options.focus Whether to ensure focus (default) or not when setting the mode.

            class NotebookActions

            class NotebookActions {}
            • A collection of actions that run against notebooks.

              #### Notes All of the actions are a no-op if there is no model on the notebook. The actions set the widget mode to 'command' unless otherwise specified. The actions will preserve the selection on the notebook widget unless otherwise specified.

            property executed

            static readonly executed: ISignal<
            notebook: Notebook;
            cell: Cell;
            success: boolean;
            error?: KernelError | null;
            • A signal that emits whenever a cell completes execution.

            property executionScheduled

            static readonly executionScheduled: ISignal<
            { notebook: Notebook; cell: Cell }
            • A signal that emits whenever a cell execution is scheduled.

            property outputCleared

            static readonly outputCleared: ISignal<any, { notebook: Notebook; cell: Cell }>;
            • A signal that emits when a cell's output is cleared.

            property selectionExecuted

            static readonly selectionExecuted: ISignal<
            { notebook: Notebook; lastCell: Cell }
            • A signal that emits when one notebook's cells are all executed.

            class NotebookAdapter

            class NotebookAdapter extends WidgetLSPAdapter<NotebookPanel> {}


              constructor(editorWidget: NotebookPanel, options: IAdapterOptions);

                property activeEditor

                readonly activeEditor: any;
                • Get the activated CM editor.

                property documentPath

                readonly documentPath: string;
                • Get current path of the document.

                property editor

                readonly editor: Notebook;
                • The wrapped Notebook widget.

                property editors

                readonly editors: Document.ICodeBlockOptions[];
                • Get the list of CM editor with its type in the document,

                property editorWidget

                editorWidget: NotebookPanel;

                  property languageFileExtension

                  readonly languageFileExtension: string;
                  • Get the file extension of the document.

                  property mimeType

                  readonly mimeType: string;
                  • Get the mime type of the document.

                  property options

                  protected options: IAdapterOptions;

                    property ready

                    readonly ready: Promise<void>;
                    • Promise that resolves once the adapter is initialized

                    property wrapperElement

                    readonly wrapperElement: HTMLElement;
                    • Get the inner HTMLElement of the document widget.

                    method createVirtualDocument

                    createVirtualDocument: () => VirtualDocument;
                    • Generate the virtual document associated with the document.

                    method dispose

                    dispose: () => void;
                    • Dispose the widget.

                    method getEditorIndex

                    getEditorIndex: (ceEditor: Document.IEditor) => number;
                    • Get the index of input editor

                      Parameter ceEditor

                      instance of the code editor

                    method getEditorIndexAt

                    getEditorIndexAt: (position: IVirtualPosition) => number;
                    • Get the index of editor from the cursor position in the virtual document.

                      Parameter position

                      the position of cursor in the virtual document.


                      This is error-prone and will be removed in JupyterLab 5.0, use getEditorIndex() with virtualDocument.getEditorAtVirtualLine(position) instead.

                    method getEditorWrapper

                    getEditorWrapper: (ceEditor: Document.IEditor) => HTMLElement;
                    • Get the wrapper of input editor.

                      Parameter ceEditor

                      instance of the code editor

                    method handleCellChange

                    handleCellChange: (
                    cells: CellList,
                    change: IObservableList.IChangedArgs<ICellModel>
                    ) => Promise<void>;
                    • Update the virtual document on cell changing event.

                      Parameter cells

                      Observable list of changed cells

                      Parameter change

                      Changed data

                    method initOnceReady

                    protected initOnceReady: () => Promise<void>;
                    • Initialization function called once the editor and the LSP connection manager is ready. This function will create the virtual document and connect various signals.

                    method isReady

                    isReady: () => boolean;
                    • Method to check if the notebook context is ready.

                    method language_info

                    protected language_info: () => nbformat.ILanguageInfoMetadata;
                    • Get the metadata of notebook.

                    method onKernelChanged

                    onKernelChanged: (
                    _session: SessionContext,
                    change: Session.ISessionConnection.IKernelChangedArgs
                    ) => Promise<void>;
                    • Callback on kernel changed event, it will disconnect the document with the language server and then reconnect.

                      Parameter _session

                      Session context of changed kernel

                      Parameter change

                      Changed data

                    class NotebookHistory

                    class NotebookHistory implements INotebookHistory {}
                    • A console history manager object.


                    constructor(options: NotebookHistory.IOptions);
                    • Construct a new console history object.

                    property editor

                    editor: any;
                    • The current editor used by the history manager.

                    property isDisposed

                    readonly isDisposed: boolean;
                    • Get whether the notebook history manager is disposed.

                    property kernelSession

                    readonly kernelSession: string;
                    • Kernel session number for filtering

                    property placeholder

                    readonly placeholder: string;
                    • The placeholder text that a history session began with.

                    method back

                    back: (activeCell: Cell) => Promise<string | undefined>;
                    • Get the previous item in the notebook history.

                      Parameter activeCell

                      The currently selected Cell in the notebook.


                      A Promise resolving to the historical cell content text.

                    method checkSession

                    protected checkSession: (activeCell: Cell) => Promise<void>;
                    • Set placeholder and editor. Start session if one is not already started.

                      Parameter activeCell

                      The currently selected Cell in the notebook.

                    method dispose

                    dispose: () => void;
                    • Dispose of the resources held by the notebook history manager.

                    method forward

                    forward: (activeCell: Cell) => Promise<string | undefined>;
                    • Get the next item in the notebook history.

                      Parameter activeCell

                      The currently selected Cell in the notebook.


                      A Promise resolving to the historical cell content text.

                    method onHistory

                    protected onHistory: (
                    value: KernelMessage.IHistoryReplyMsg,
                    cell?: Cell
                    ) => void;
                    • Populate the history collection on history reply from a kernel.

                      Parameter value

                      The kernel message history reply.

                      #### Notes History entries have the shape: [session: number, line: number, input: string] Contiguous duplicates are stripped out of the API response.

                    method onTextChange

                    protected onTextChange: () => void;
                    • Handle a text change signal from the editor.

                    method reset

                    reset: () => void;
                    • Reset the history navigation state, i.e., start a new history session.

                    method setFilter

                    protected setFilter: (filterStr?: string) => void;
                    • Set the filter data.

                      Parameter filterStr

                      The string to use when filtering the data.

                    method updateEditor

                    updateEditor: (activeCell: Cell, content: string | undefined) => void;
                    • Update the editor of the cell with provided text content.

                      Parameter activeCell

                      The currently selected Cell in the notebook.

                      Parameter content

                      the result from back or forward

                    class NotebookModel

                    class NotebookModel implements INotebookModel {}
                    • An implementation of a notebook Model.


                    constructor(options?: NotebookModel.IOptions);
                    • Construct a new notebook model.

                    property cells

                    readonly cells: CellList;
                    • Get the observable list of notebook cells.

                    property collaborative

                    readonly collaborative: boolean;
                    • Whether the model is collaborative or not.

                    property contentChanged

                    readonly contentChanged: ISignal<this, void>;
                    • A signal emitted when the document content changes.

                    property defaultKernelLanguage

                    readonly defaultKernelLanguage: string;
                    • The default kernel language of the document.

                    property defaultKernelName

                    readonly defaultKernelName: string;
                    • The default kernel name of the document.

                    property deletedCells

                    readonly deletedCells: string[];
                    • A list of deleted cells for the notebook..

                    property dirty

                    dirty: boolean;
                    • The dirty state of the document.

                    property isDisposed

                    readonly isDisposed: boolean;
                    • Whether the model is disposed.

                    property metadata

                    readonly metadata: nbformat.INotebookMetadata;
                    • The metadata associated with the notebook.

                      ### Notes This is a copy of the metadata. Changing a part of it won't affect the model. As this returns a copy of all metadata, it is advised to use getMetadata to speed up the process of getting a single key.

                    property metadataChanged

                    readonly metadataChanged: ISignal<INotebookModel, IMapChange<any>>;
                    • Signal emitted when notebook metadata changes.

                    property nbformat

                    readonly nbformat: number;
                    • The major version number of the nbformat.

                    property nbformatMinor

                    readonly nbformatMinor: number;
                    • The minor version number of the nbformat.

                    property readOnly

                    readOnly: boolean;
                    • The read only state of the document.

                    property sharedModel

                    readonly sharedModel: ISharedNotebook;
                    • The shared notebook model.

                    property standaloneModel

                    protected standaloneModel: boolean;
                    • Whether the model should disposed the shared model on disposal or not.

                    property stateChanged

                    readonly stateChanged: ISignal<this, IChangedArgs<any>>;
                    • A signal emitted when the document state changes.

                    method deleteMetadata

                    deleteMetadata: (key: string) => void;
                    • Delete a metadata

                      Parameter key

                      Metadata key

                    method dispose

                    dispose: () => void;
                    • Dispose of the resources held by the model.

                    method fromJSON

                    fromJSON: (value: nbformat.INotebookContent) => void;
                    • Deserialize the model from JSON.

                      #### Notes Should emit a [contentChanged] signal.

                    method fromString

                    fromString: (value: string) => void;
                    • Deserialize the model from a string.

                      #### Notes Should emit a [contentChanged] signal.

                    method getMetadata

                    getMetadata: (key: string) => any;
                    • Get a metadata

                      ### Notes This returns a copy of the key value.

                      Parameter key

                      Metadata key

                    method setMetadata

                    setMetadata: (key: string, value: any) => void;
                    • Set a metadata

                      Parameter key

                      Metadata key

                      Parameter value

                      Metadata value

                    method toJSON

                    toJSON: () => nbformat.INotebookContent;
                    • Serialize the model to JSON.

                    method toString

                    toString: () => string;
                    • Serialize the model to a string.

                    method triggerContentChange

                    protected triggerContentChange: () => void;
                    • Trigger a content changed signal.

                    method triggerStateChange

                    protected triggerStateChange: (args: IChangedArgs<any>) => void;
                    • Trigger a state change signal.

                    class NotebookModelFactory

                    class NotebookModelFactory
                    implements DocumentRegistry.IModelFactory<INotebookModel> {}
                    • A model factory for notebooks.


                    constructor(options?: NotebookModelFactory.IOptions);
                    • Construct a new notebook model factory.

                    property collaborative

                    readonly collaborative: boolean;
                    • Whether the model is collaborative or not.

                    property contentType

                    readonly contentType: Contents.ContentType;
                    • The content type of the file.

                    property disableDocumentWideUndoRedo

                    disableDocumentWideUndoRedo: boolean;
                    • Define the disableDocumentWideUndoRedo property.


                      • @experimental
                      • @alpha

                    property fileFormat

                    readonly fileFormat: Contents.FileFormat;
                    • The format of the file.

                    property isDisposed

                    readonly isDisposed: boolean;
                    • Get whether the model factory has been disposed.

                    property name

                    readonly name: string;
                    • The name of the model.

                    method createNew

                    createNew: (
                    options?: DocumentRegistry.IModelOptions<ISharedNotebook>
                    ) => INotebookModel;
                    • Create a new model for a given path.

                      Parameter options

                      Model options.


                      A new document model.

                    method dispose

                    dispose: () => void;
                    • Dispose of the model factory.

                    method preferredLanguage

                    preferredLanguage: (path: string) => string;
                    • Get the preferred kernel language given a path.

                    class NotebookPanel

                    class NotebookPanel extends DocumentWidget<Notebook, INotebookModel> {}
                    • A widget that hosts a notebook toolbar and content area.

                      #### Notes The widget keeps the document metadata in sync with the current kernel on the context.


                    constructor(options: DocumentWidget.IOptions<Notebook, INotebookModel>);
                    • Construct a new notebook panel.

                    property model

                    readonly model: INotebookModel;
                    • The model for the widget.

                    property sessionContext

                    readonly sessionContext: ISessionContext;
                    • The session context used by the panel.

                    property translator

                    translator: ITranslator;

                      method [Printing.symbol]

                      [Printing.symbol]: () => () => Promise<void>;
                      • Prints the notebook by converting to HTML with nbconvert.

                      method dispose

                      dispose: () => void;
                      • Dispose of the resources used by the widget.

                      method onBeforeHide

                      protected onBeforeHide: (msg: Message) => void;
                      • A message handler invoked on a 'before-hide' message.

                      method onBeforeShow

                      protected onBeforeShow: (msg: Message) => void;
                      • A message handler invoked on a 'before-show' message.

                      method setConfig

                      setConfig: (config: NotebookPanel.IConfig) => void;
                      • Update the options for the current notebook panel.

                        Parameter config

                        new options to set

                      method setFragment

                      setFragment: (fragment: string) => void;
                      • Set URI fragment identifier.

                      class NotebookSearchProvider

                      class NotebookSearchProvider extends SearchProvider<NotebookPanel> {}
                      • Notebook document search provider


                      constructor(widget: NotebookPanel, translator?: ITranslator);
                      • Constructor

                        Parameter widget

                        The widget to search in

                        Parameter translator

                        Application translator

                      property currentMatchIndex

                      readonly currentMatchIndex: number;
                      • The current index of the selected match.

                      property delayedActiveCellChangeHandlerReady

                      protected delayedActiveCellChangeHandlerReady: Promise<void>;

                        property isReadOnly

                        readonly isReadOnly: boolean;
                        • Set to true if the widget under search is read-only, false if it is editable. Will be used to determine whether to show the replace option.

                        property matchesCount

                        readonly matchesCount: number;
                        • The number of matches.

                        property replaceOptionsSupport

                        readonly replaceOptionsSupport: IReplaceOptionsSupport;
                        • Support for options adjusting replacement behavior.

                        property translator

                        protected translator: ITranslator;

                          method clearHighlight

                          clearHighlight: () => Promise<void>;
                          • Clear currently highlighted match.

                          method createNew

                          static createNew: (
                          widget: NotebookPanel,
                          translator?: ITranslator
                          ) => ISearchProvider;
                          • Instantiate a search provider for the notebook panel.

                            #### Notes The widget provided is always checked using isApplicable before calling this factory.

                            Parameter widget

                            The widget to search on

                            Parameter translator

                            [optional] The translator object


                            The search provider on the notebook panel

                          method dispose

                          dispose: () => void;
                          • Dispose of the resources held by the search provider.

                            #### Notes If the object's dispose method is called more than once, all calls made after the first will be a no-op.

                            #### Undefined Behavior It is undefined behavior to use any functionality of the object after it has been disposed unless otherwise explicitly noted.

                          method endQuery

                          endQuery: () => Promise<void>;
                          • Stop the search and clear all internal state.

                          method getFilters

                          getFilters: () => { [key: string]: IFilter };
                          • Get the filters for the given provider.


                            The filters.

                          method getInitialQuery

                          getInitialQuery: () => string;
                          • Get an initial query value if applicable so that it can be entered into the search box as an initial query


                            Initial value used to populate the search box.

                          method getSelectionState

                          getSelectionState: () => SelectionState;

                            method highlightNext

                            highlightNext: (
                            loop?: boolean,
                            options?: IHighlightAdjacentMatchOptions
                            ) => Promise<ISearchMatch | undefined>;
                            • Highlight the next match.

                              Parameter loop

                              Whether to loop within the matches list.


                              The next match if available.

                            method highlightPrevious

                            highlightPrevious: (
                            loop?: boolean,
                            options?: IHighlightAdjacentMatchOptions
                            ) => Promise<ISearchMatch | undefined>;
                            • Highlight the previous match.

                              Parameter loop

                              Whether to loop within the matches list.


                              The previous match if available.

                            method isApplicable

                            static isApplicable: (domain: Widget) => domain is NotebookPanel;
                            • Report whether or not this provider has the ability to search on the given object

                              Parameter domain

                              Widget to test


                              Search ability

                            method replaceAllMatches

                            replaceAllMatches: (
                            newText: string,
                            options?: IReplaceOptions
                            ) => Promise<boolean>;
                            • Replace all matches in the notebook with the provided text

                              Parameter newText

                              The replacement text.


                              A promise that resolves with a boolean indicating whether a replace occurred.

                            method replaceCurrentMatch

                            replaceCurrentMatch: (
                            newText: string,
                            loop?: boolean,
                            options?: IReplaceOptions
                            ) => Promise<boolean>;
                            • Replace the currently selected match with the provided text

                              Parameter newText

                              The replacement text.

                              Parameter loop

                              Whether to loop within the matches list.


                              A promise that resolves with a boolean indicating whether a replace occurred.

                            method startQuery

                            startQuery: (query: RegExp, filters: IFilters | undefined) => Promise<void>;
                            • Search for a regular expression with optional filters.

                              Parameter query

                              A regular expression to test for

                              Parameter filters

                              Filter parameters to pass to provider

                            method validateFilter

                            validateFilter: (name: string, value: boolean) => Promise<boolean>;

                              class NotebookToCFactory

                              class NotebookToCFactory extends TableOfContentsFactory<NotebookPanel> {}
                              • Table of content model factory for Notebook files.


                              tracker: INotebookTracker,
                              parser: any,
                              sanitizer: IRenderMime.ISanitizer
                              • Constructor

                                Parameter tracker

                                Widget tracker

                                Parameter parser

                                Markdown parser

                                Parameter sanitizer


                              property parser

                              protected parser: any;

                                property sanitizer

                                protected sanitizer: IRenderMime.ISanitizer;

                                  property scrollToTop

                                  scrollToTop: boolean;
                                  • Whether to scroll the active heading to the top of the document or not.

                                  class NotebookToCModel

                                  class NotebookToCModel extends TableOfContentsModel<
                                  > {}
                                  • Table of content model for Notebook files.


                                  widget: NotebookPanel,
                                  parser: any,
                                  sanitizer: IRenderMime.ISanitizer,
                                  configuration?: TableOfContents.IConfig
                                  • Constructor

                                    Parameter widget

                                    The widget to search in

                                    Parameter parser

                                    Markdown parser

                                    Parameter sanitizer


                                    Parameter configuration

                                    Default model configuration

                                  property configMetadataMap

                                  protected configMetadataMap: {
                                  [k: string]: string[];
                                  [k: number]: string[];
                                  [k: symbol]: string[];
                                  • Mapping between configuration options and notebook metadata.

                                    If it starts with !, the boolean value of the configuration option is opposite to the one stored in metadata. If it contains /, the metadata data is nested.

                                  property documentType

                                  readonly documentType: string;
                                  • Type of document supported by the model.

                                    #### Notes A data-document-type attribute with this value will be set on the tree view .jp-TableOfContents-content[data-document-type="..."]

                                  property isAlwaysActive

                                  readonly isAlwaysActive: boolean;
                                  • Whether the model gets updated even if the table of contents panel is hidden or not.

                                  property parser

                                  protected parser: any;

                                    property sanitizer

                                    protected sanitizer: IRenderMime.ISanitizer;

                                      property supportedOptions

                                      readonly supportedOptions: (string | number | symbol)[];
                                      • List of configuration options supported by the model.

                                      method dispose

                                      dispose: () => void;
                                      • Dispose the object

                                      method getCellHeadings

                                      getCellHeadings: (cell: Cell) => INotebookHeading[];
                                      • Get the headings of a given cell.

                                        Parameter cell



                                        The associated headings

                                      method getHeadings

                                      protected getHeadings: () => Promise<INotebookHeading[] | null>;
                                      • Produce the headings for a document.


                                        The list of new headings or null if nothing needs to be updated.

                                      method isHeadingEqual

                                      protected isHeadingEqual: (
                                      heading1: INotebookHeading,
                                      heading2: INotebookHeading
                                      ) => boolean;
                                      • Test if two headings are equal or not.

                                        Parameter heading1

                                        First heading

                                        Parameter heading2

                                        Second heading


                                        Whether the headings are equal.

                                      method loadConfigurationFromMetadata

                                      protected loadConfigurationFromMetadata: () => TableOfContents.IConfig;
                                      • Read table of content configuration from notebook metadata.


                                        ToC configuration from metadata

                                      method onActiveCellChanged

                                      protected onActiveCellChanged: (
                                      notebook: Notebook,
                                      cell: Cell<ICellModel>
                                      ) => void;

                                        method onExecuted

                                        protected onExecuted: (
                                        _: unknown,
                                        args: {
                                        notebook: Notebook;
                                        cell: Cell;
                                        success: boolean;
                                        error: KernelError | null;
                                        ) => void;

                                          method onExecutionScheduled

                                          protected onExecutionScheduled: (
                                          _: unknown,
                                          args: { notebook: Notebook; cell: Cell }
                                          ) => void;

                                            method onHeadingsChanged

                                            protected onHeadingsChanged: () => void;

                                              method onMetadataChanged

                                              protected onMetadataChanged: () => void;

                                                method onOutputCleared

                                                protected onOutputCleared: (
                                                _: unknown,
                                                args: { notebook: Notebook; cell: Cell }
                                                ) => void;

                                                  method setConfiguration

                                                  setConfiguration: (c: TableOfContents.IConfig) => void;
                                                  • Model configuration setter.

                                                    Parameter c

                                                    New configuration

                                                  method toggleCollapse

                                                  toggleCollapse: (options: {
                                                  heading?: INotebookHeading;
                                                  collapsed?: boolean;
                                                  }) => void;
                                                  • Callback on heading collapse.


                                                    options.heading The heading to change state (all headings if not provided)


                                                    options.collapsed The new collapsed status (toggle existing status if not provided)

                                                  method updateRunningStatus

                                                  protected updateRunningStatus: (headings: INotebookHeading[]) => void;

                                                    class NotebookTools

                                                    class NotebookTools extends Widget implements INotebookTools {}
                                                    • A widget that provides metadata tools.


                                                    constructor(options: NotebookTools.IOptions);
                                                    • Construct a new NotebookTools object.

                                                    property activeCell

                                                    readonly activeCell: any;
                                                    • The active cell widget.

                                                    property activeNotebookPanel

                                                    readonly activeNotebookPanel: NotebookPanel;
                                                    • The current notebook.

                                                    property selectedCells

                                                    readonly selectedCells: Cell[];
                                                    • The currently selected cells.

                                                    property translator

                                                    translator: ITranslator;

                                                      method addItem

                                                      addItem: (options: NotebookTools.IAddOptions) => void;
                                                      • Add a cell tool item.

                                                      method addSection

                                                      addSection: (options: NotebookTools.IAddSectionOptions) => void;

                                                        class NotebookTracker

                                                        class NotebookTracker
                                                        extends WidgetTracker<NotebookPanel>
                                                        implements INotebookTracker {}

                                                          property activeCell

                                                          readonly activeCell: any;
                                                          • The currently focused cell.

                                                            #### Notes This is a read-only property. If there is no cell with the focus, then this value is null.

                                                          property activeCellChanged

                                                          readonly activeCellChanged: ISignal<this, any>;
                                                          • A signal emitted when the current active cell changes.

                                                            #### Notes If there is no cell with the focus, then null will be emitted.

                                                          property selectionChanged

                                                          readonly selectionChanged: ISignal<this, void>;
                                                          • A signal emitted when the selection state changes.

                                                          method add

                                                          add: (panel: NotebookPanel) => Promise<void>;
                                                          • Add a new notebook panel to the tracker.

                                                            Parameter panel

                                                            The notebook panel being added.

                                                          method dispose

                                                          dispose: () => void;
                                                          • Dispose of the resources held by the tracker.

                                                          method onCurrentChanged

                                                          protected onCurrentChanged: (widget: NotebookPanel) => void;
                                                          • Handle the current change event.

                                                          class NotebookTrustStatus

                                                          class NotebookTrustStatus extends VDomRenderer<NotebookTrustStatus.Model> {}
                                                          • The NotebookTrust status item.


                                                          constructor(translator?: ITranslator);
                                                          • Construct a new status item.

                                                          property translator

                                                          translator: ITranslator;

                                                            method render

                                                            render: () => JSX.Element | null;
                                                            • Render the NotebookTrust status item.

                                                            class NotebookViewModel

                                                            class NotebookViewModel extends WindowedListModel {}
                                                            • Notebook view model for the windowed list.


                                                            constructor(cells: Cell[], options?: WindowedList.IModelOptions);
                                                            • Construct a notebook windowed list model.

                                                            property cells

                                                            protected cells: Cell[];

                                                              property cellsEstimatedHeight

                                                              protected cellsEstimatedHeight: Map<string, number>;
                                                              • Mapping between the cell ids and the cell estimated heights

                                                                This height is not refreshed with the changes to the document. It is only used to measure cells outside the viewport on CPU idle cycle to improve UX scrolling.

                                                              property DEFAULT_CELL_MARGIN

                                                              static DEFAULT_CELL_MARGIN: number;
                                                              • Default cell margin (top + bottom)

                                                              property DEFAULT_CELL_SIZE

                                                              static DEFAULT_CELL_SIZE: number;
                                                              • Default cell height

                                                              property DEFAULT_EDITOR_LINE_HEIGHT

                                                              static DEFAULT_EDITOR_LINE_HEIGHT: number;
                                                              • Default editor line height

                                                              property estimateWidgetSize

                                                              estimateWidgetSize: (index: number) => number;
                                                              • Cell size estimator

                                                                Parameter index

                                                                Cell index


                                                                Cell height in pixels

                                                              property scrollDownThreshold

                                                              readonly scrollDownThreshold: number;
                                                              • Threshold used to decide if the cell should be scrolled to in the smart mode. Defaults to scrolling when less than a full line of the cell is visible.

                                                              property scrollUpThreshold

                                                              readonly scrollUpThreshold: number;
                                                              • Threshold used to decide if the cell should be scrolled to in the smart mode. Defaults to scrolling when the cell margin or more is invisible.

                                                              property widgetRenderer

                                                              widgetRenderer: (index: number) => Widget;
                                                              • Render the cell at index.

                                                                Parameter index

                                                                Cell index


                                                                Cell widget

                                                              method setEstimatedWidgetSize

                                                              setEstimatedWidgetSize: (cellId: string, size: number | null) => void;
                                                              • Set an estimated height for a cell

                                                                Parameter cellId

                                                                Cell ID

                                                                Parameter size

                                                                Cell height

                                                              class NotebookWidgetFactory

                                                              class NotebookWidgetFactory extends ABCWidgetFactory<
                                                              > {}
                                                              • A widget factory for notebook panels.


                                                              constructor(options: NotebookWidgetFactory.IOptions<NotebookPanel>);
                                                              • Construct a new notebook widget factory.

                                                                Parameter options

                                                                The options used to construct the factory.

                                                              property contentFactory

                                                              readonly contentFactory: NotebookPanel.IContentFactory;
                                                              • The content factory used by the widget factory.

                                                              property editorConfig

                                                              editorConfig: StaticNotebook.IEditorConfig;
                                                              • A configuration object for cell editor settings.

                                                              property mimeTypeService

                                                              readonly mimeTypeService: IEditorMimeTypeService;
                                                              • The service used to look up mime types.

                                                              property notebookConfig

                                                              notebookConfig: StaticNotebook.INotebookConfig;
                                                              • A configuration object for notebook settings.

                                                              property rendermime

                                                              readonly rendermime: IRenderMimeRegistry;

                                                                method createNewWidget

                                                                protected createNewWidget: (
                                                                context: DocumentRegistry.IContext<INotebookModel>,
                                                                source?: NotebookPanel
                                                                ) => NotebookPanel;
                                                                • Create a new widget.

                                                                  #### Notes The factory will start the appropriate kernel.

                                                                class NotebookWindowedLayout

                                                                class NotebookWindowedLayout extends WindowedLayout {}
                                                                • Windowed list layout for the notebook.

                                                                property activeCell

                                                                activeCell: any;
                                                                • Notebook's active cell

                                                                property footer

                                                                footer: any;
                                                                • Notebook widget's footer

                                                                property header

                                                                header: any;
                                                                • Notebook's header

                                                                method attachWidget

                                                                protected attachWidget: (index: number, widget: Widget) => void;
                                                                • Attach a widget to the parent's DOM node.

                                                                  Parameter index

                                                                  The current index of the widget in the layout.

                                                                  Parameter widget

                                                                  The widget to attach to the parent.

                                                                  #### Notes This method is called automatically by the panel layout at the appropriate time. It should not be called directly by user code.

                                                                  The default implementation adds the widgets's node to the parent's node at the proper location, and sends the appropriate attach messages to the widget if the parent is attached to the DOM.

                                                                  Subclasses may reimplement this method to control how the widget's node is added to the parent's node.

                                                                method detachWidget

                                                                protected detachWidget: (index: number, widget: Widget) => void;
                                                                • Detach a widget from the parent's DOM node.

                                                                  Parameter index

                                                                  The previous index of the widget in the layout.

                                                                  Parameter widget

                                                                  The widget to detach from the parent.

                                                                  #### Notes This method is called automatically by the panel layout at the appropriate time. It should not be called directly by user code.

                                                                  The default implementation removes the widget's node from the parent's node, and sends the appropriate detach messages to the widget if the parent is attached to the DOM.

                                                                  Subclasses may reimplement this method to control how the widget's node is removed from the parent's node.

                                                                method dispose

                                                                dispose: () => void;
                                                                • Dispose the layout

                                                                method moveWidget

                                                                protected moveWidget: (
                                                                fromIndex: number,
                                                                toIndex: number,
                                                                widget: Widget
                                                                ) => void;
                                                                • Move a widget in the parent's DOM node.

                                                                  Parameter fromIndex

                                                                  The previous index of the widget in the layout.

                                                                  Parameter toIndex

                                                                  The current index of the widget in the layout.

                                                                  Parameter widget

                                                                  The widget to move in the parent.

                                                                  #### Notes This method is called automatically by the panel layout at the appropriate time. It should not be called directly by user code.

                                                                  The default implementation moves the widget's node to the proper location in the parent's node and sends the appropriate attach and detach messages to the widget if the parent is attached to the DOM.

                                                                  Subclasses may reimplement this method to control how the widget's node is moved in the parent's node.

                                                                method onAfterAttach

                                                                protected onAfterAttach: (msg: Message) => void;

                                                                  method onBeforeDetach

                                                                  protected onBeforeDetach: (msg: Message) => void;

                                                                    method onChildRemoved

                                                                    protected onChildRemoved: (msg: Widget.ChildMessage) => void;
                                                                    • A message handler invoked on a 'child-removed' message.

                                                                      Parameter msg


                                                                    method removeWidget

                                                                    removeWidget: (widget: Widget) => void;
                                                                    • * A message handler invoked on a 'child-removed' message. *

                                                                      Parameter widget

                                                                      The widget to remove from the layout.

                                                                      #### Notes A widget is automatically removed from the layout when its parent is set to null. This method should only be invoked directly when removing a widget from a layout which has yet to be installed on a parent widget.

                                                                      This method does *not* modify the widget's parent.

                                                                    class StaticNotebook

                                                                    class StaticNotebook extends WindowedList<NotebookViewModel> {}
                                                                    • A widget which renders static non-interactive notebooks.

                                                                      #### Notes The widget model must be set separately and can be changed at any time. Consumers of the widget must account for a null model, and may want to listen to the modelChanged signal.


                                                                    constructor(options: StaticNotebook.IOptions);
                                                                    • Construct a notebook widget.

                                                                    property cellCollapsed

                                                                    readonly cellCollapsed: ISignal<this, Cell>;

                                                                      property cellInViewportChanged

                                                                      readonly cellInViewportChanged: ISignal<this, Cell>;

                                                                        property cellsArray

                                                                        protected cellsArray: Cell[];

                                                                          property codeMimetype

                                                                          readonly codeMimetype: string;
                                                                          • Get the mimetype for code cells.

                                                                          property contentFactory

                                                                          readonly contentFactory: StaticNotebook.IContentFactory;
                                                                          • The cell factory used by the widget.

                                                                          property editorConfig

                                                                          editorConfig: StaticNotebook.IEditorConfig;
                                                                          • A configuration object for cell editor settings.

                                                                          property kernelHistory

                                                                          readonly kernelHistory: INotebookHistory;

                                                                            property model

                                                                            model: INotebookModel;
                                                                            • The model for the widget.

                                                                            property modelChanged

                                                                            readonly modelChanged: ISignal<this, void>;
                                                                            • A signal emitted when the model of the notebook changes.

                                                                            property modelContentChanged

                                                                            readonly modelContentChanged: ISignal<this, void>;
                                                                            • A signal emitted when the model content changes.

                                                                              #### Notes This is a convenience signal that follows the current model.

                                                                            property notebookConfig

                                                                            notebookConfig: StaticNotebook.INotebookConfig;
                                                                            • A configuration object for notebook settings.

                                                                            property renderingLayout

                                                                            renderingLayout: RenderingLayout;

                                                                              property renderingLayoutChanged

                                                                              readonly renderingLayoutChanged: ISignal<this, RenderingLayout>;
                                                                              • A signal emitted when the rendering layout of the notebook changes.

                                                                              property rendermime

                                                                              readonly rendermime: IRenderMimeRegistry;
                                                                              • The Rendermime instance used by the widget.

                                                                              property translator

                                                                              readonly translator: ITranslator;
                                                                              • Translator to be used by cell renderers

                                                                              property widgets

                                                                              readonly widgets: readonly Cell[];
                                                                              • A read-only sequence of the widgets in the notebook.

                                                                              method addHeader

                                                                              protected addHeader: () => void;
                                                                              • Adds a message to the notebook as a header.

                                                                              method dispose

                                                                              dispose: () => void;
                                                                              • Dispose of the resources held by the widget.

                                                                              method moveCell

                                                                              moveCell: (from: number, to: number, n?: number) => void;
                                                                              • Move cells preserving widget view state.

                                                                                #### Notes This is required because at the model level a move is a deletion followed by an insertion. Hence the view state is not preserved.

                                                                                Parameter from

                                                                                The index of the cell to move

                                                                                Parameter to

                                                                                The new index of the cell

                                                                                Parameter n

                                                                                Number of cells to move

                                                                              method onCellInserted

                                                                              protected onCellInserted: (index: number, cell: Cell) => void;
                                                                              • Handle a cell being inserted.

                                                                                The default implementation is a no-op

                                                                              method onCellRemoved

                                                                              protected onCellRemoved: (index: number, cell: Cell) => void;
                                                                              • Handle a cell being removed.

                                                                                The default implementation is a no-op

                                                                              method onMetadataChanged

                                                                              protected onMetadataChanged: (sender: INotebookModel, args: IMapChange) => void;
                                                                              • Handle changes to the notebook model metadata.

                                                                                #### Notes The default implementation updates the mimetypes of the code cells when the language_info metadata changes.

                                                                              method onModelChanged

                                                                              protected onModelChanged: (
                                                                              oldValue: INotebookModel | null,
                                                                              newValue: INotebookModel | null
                                                                              ) => void;
                                                                              • Handle a new model.

                                                                                #### Notes This method is called after the model change has been handled internally and before the modelChanged signal is emitted. The default implementation is a no-op.

                                                                              method onModelContentChanged

                                                                              protected onModelContentChanged: (model: INotebookModel, args: void) => void;
                                                                              • Handle changes to the notebook model content.

                                                                                #### Notes The default implementation emits the modelContentChanged signal.

                                                                              method onUpdateRequest

                                                                              protected onUpdateRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
                                                                              • A message handler invoked on an 'update-request' message.

                                                                                #### Notes The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.

                                                                              method removeHeader

                                                                              protected removeHeader: () => void;
                                                                              • Removes the header.

                                                                              method renderCellOutputs

                                                                              renderCellOutputs: (index: number) => void;
                                                                              • Force rendering the cell outputs of a given cell if it is still a placeholder.

                                                                                #### Notes The goal of this method is to allow search on cell outputs (that is based on DOM tree introspection).

                                                                                Parameter index

                                                                                The cell index


                                                                              interface INotebookCellExecutor

                                                                              interface INotebookCellExecutor {}
                                                                              • Notebook cell executor interface

                                                                              method runCell

                                                                              runCell: (options: INotebookCellExecutor.IRunCellOptions) => Promise<boolean>;
                                                                              • Execute a cell.

                                                                                Parameter options

                                                                                Cell execution options

                                                                              interface INotebookHeading

                                                                              interface INotebookHeading extends TableOfContents.IHeading {}
                                                                              • Interface describing a notebook cell heading.

                                                                              property cellRef

                                                                              cellRef: Cell;
                                                                              • Reference to a notebook cell.

                                                                              property isRunning

                                                                              isRunning: RunningStatus;
                                                                              • Running status of the cells in the heading

                                                                              property outputIndex

                                                                              outputIndex?: number;
                                                                              • Index of the output containing the heading

                                                                              property type

                                                                              type: Cell.HeadingType;
                                                                              • Type of heading

                                                                              interface INotebookHistory

                                                                              interface INotebookHistory extends IDisposable {}
                                                                              • The definition of a console history manager object.

                                                                              property editor

                                                                              editor: CodeEditor.IEditor | null;
                                                                              • The current editor used by the history widget.

                                                                              property kernelSession

                                                                              readonly kernelSession: string;
                                                                              • The session number of the current kernel session

                                                                              property placeholder

                                                                              readonly placeholder: string;
                                                                              • The placeholder text that a history session began with.

                                                                              method back

                                                                              back: (activeCell: Cell) => Promise<string | undefined>;
                                                                              • Get the previous item in the console history.

                                                                                Parameter activeCell

                                                                                The currently selected Cell in the notebook.


                                                                                A Promise for console command text or undefined if unavailable.

                                                                              method forward

                                                                              forward: (activeCell: Cell) => Promise<string | undefined>;
                                                                              • Get the next item in the console history.

                                                                                Parameter activeCell

                                                                                The currently selected Cell in the notebook.


                                                                                A Promise for console command text or undefined if unavailable.

                                                                              method reset

                                                                              reset: () => void;
                                                                              • Reset the history navigation state, i.e., start a new history session.

                                                                              method updateEditor

                                                                              updateEditor: (activeCell: Cell, content: string | undefined) => void;
                                                                              • Get the next item in the console history.

                                                                                Parameter activeCell

                                                                                The currently selected Cell in the notebook.

                                                                                Parameter content

                                                                                the result from back or forward

                                                                              interface INotebookModel

                                                                              interface INotebookModel extends DocumentRegistry.IModel {}
                                                                              • The definition of a model object for a notebook widget.

                                                                              property cells

                                                                              readonly cells: CellList;
                                                                              • The list of cells in the notebook.

                                                                              property deletedCells

                                                                              readonly deletedCells: string[];
                                                                              • The array of deleted cells since the notebook was last run.

                                                                              property metadata

                                                                              readonly metadata: nbformat.INotebookMetadata;
                                                                              • The metadata associated with the notebook.

                                                                                ### Notes This is a copy of the metadata. Changing a part of it won't affect the model. As this returns a copy of all metadata, it is advised to use getMetadata to speed up the process of getting a single key.

                                                                              property metadataChanged

                                                                              readonly metadataChanged: ISignal<INotebookModel, IMapChange>;
                                                                              • Signal emitted when notebook metadata changes.

                                                                              property nbformat

                                                                              readonly nbformat: number;
                                                                              • The major version number of the nbformat.

                                                                              property nbformatMinor

                                                                              readonly nbformatMinor: number;
                                                                              • The minor version number of the nbformat.

                                                                              property sharedModel

                                                                              readonly sharedModel: ISharedNotebook;
                                                                              • Shared model

                                                                              method deleteMetadata

                                                                              deleteMetadata: (key: string) => void;
                                                                              • Delete a metadata

                                                                                Parameter key

                                                                                Metadata key

                                                                              method getMetadata

                                                                              getMetadata: (key: string) => any;
                                                                              • Get a metadata

                                                                                ### Notes This returns a copy of the key value.

                                                                                Parameter key

                                                                                Metadata key

                                                                              method setMetadata

                                                                              setMetadata: (key: string, value: any) => void;
                                                                              • Set a metadata

                                                                                Parameter key

                                                                                Metadata key

                                                                                Parameter value

                                                                                Metadata value

                                                                              interface INotebookTools

                                                                              interface INotebookTools extends Widget {}
                                                                              • The interface for notebook metadata tools.

                                                                              property activeCell

                                                                              activeCell: Cell | null;

                                                                                property activeNotebookPanel

                                                                                activeNotebookPanel: NotebookPanel | null;

                                                                                  property selectedCells

                                                                                  selectedCells: Cell[];

                                                                                    method addItem

                                                                                    addItem: (options: NotebookTools.IAddOptions) => void;

                                                                                      method addSection

                                                                                      addSection: (options: NotebookTools.IAddSectionOptions) => void;

                                                                                        interface INotebookTracker

                                                                                        interface INotebookTracker extends IWidgetTracker<NotebookPanel> {}
                                                                                        • An object that tracks notebook widgets.

                                                                                        property activeCell

                                                                                        readonly activeCell: Cell | null;
                                                                                        • The currently focused cell.

                                                                                          #### Notes If there is no cell with the focus, then this value is null.

                                                                                        property activeCellChanged

                                                                                        readonly activeCellChanged: ISignal<this, Cell | null>;
                                                                                        • A signal emitted when the current active cell changes.

                                                                                          #### Notes If there is no cell with the focus, then null will be emitted.

                                                                                        property selectionChanged

                                                                                        readonly selectionChanged: ISignal<this, void>;
                                                                                        • A signal emitted when the selection state changes.


                                                                                        enum RunningStatus

                                                                                        enum RunningStatus {
                                                                                        Idle = -1,
                                                                                        Error = -0.5,
                                                                                        Scheduled = 0,
                                                                                        Running = 1,
                                                                                        • Cell running status

                                                                                        member Error

                                                                                        Error = -0.5
                                                                                        • Cell execution is unsuccessful

                                                                                        member Idle

                                                                                        Idle = -1
                                                                                        • Cell is idle

                                                                                        member Running

                                                                                        Running = 1
                                                                                        • Cell is running

                                                                                        member Scheduled

                                                                                        Scheduled = 0
                                                                                        • Cell execution is scheduled

                                                                                        Type Aliases

                                                                                        type NotebookMode

                                                                                        type NotebookMode = 'command' | 'edit';
                                                                                        • The interactivity modes for the notebook.


                                                                                        namespace CommandEditStatus

                                                                                        namespace CommandEditStatus {}
                                                                                        • A namespace for CommandEdit statics.

                                                                                        class Model

                                                                                        class Model extends VDomModel {}
                                                                                        • A VDomModel for the CommandEdit renderer.

                                                                                        property notebookMode

                                                                                        readonly notebookMode: NotebookMode;
                                                                                        • The current mode of the current notebook.

                                                                                        namespace ExecutionIndicator

                                                                                        namespace ExecutionIndicator {}
                                                                                        • A namespace for ExecutionIndicator statics.

                                                                                        function createExecutionIndicatorItem

                                                                                        createExecutionIndicatorItem: (
                                                                                        panel: NotebookPanel,
                                                                                        translator?: ITranslator,
                                                                                        loadSettings?: Promise<ISettingRegistry.ISettings>
                                                                                        ) => Widget;

                                                                                          function getSettingValue

                                                                                          getSettingValue: (settings: ISettingRegistry.ISettings) => {
                                                                                          showOnToolBar: boolean;
                                                                                          showProgress: boolean;

                                                                                            class Model

                                                                                            class Model extends VDomModel {}
                                                                                            • A VDomModel for the execution status indicator.



                                                                                              property currentNotebook

                                                                                              readonly currentNotebook: Notebook;
                                                                                              • The current activated notebook in model.

                                                                                              property displayOption

                                                                                              displayOption: Private.DisplayOption;
                                                                                              • The display options for progress bar and elapsed time.

                                                                                              property renderFlag

                                                                                              readonly renderFlag: boolean;

                                                                                                method attachNotebook

                                                                                                attachNotebook: (
                                                                                                data: { content?: Notebook; context?: ISessionContext } | null
                                                                                                ) => void;
                                                                                                • Attach a notebook with session context to model in order to keep track of multiple notebooks. If a session context is already attached, only set current activated notebook to input.

                                                                                                  Parameter data

                                                                                                  The notebook and session context to be attached to model

                                                                                                method executionState

                                                                                                executionState: (nb: Notebook) => IExecutionState | undefined;
                                                                                                • Get the execution state associated with a notebook.

                                                                                                  Parameter nb

                                                                                                  The notebook used to identify execution state.


                                                                                                  - The associated execution state.

                                                                                                method updateRenderOption

                                                                                                updateRenderOption: (options: {
                                                                                                showOnToolBar: boolean;
                                                                                                showProgress: boolean;
                                                                                                }) => void;

                                                                                                  interface IExecutionState

                                                                                                  interface IExecutionState {}
                                                                                                  • Execution state of a notebook.

                                                                                                  property executionStatus

                                                                                                  executionStatus: string;
                                                                                                  • Execution status of kernel, this status is deducted from the number of scheduled code cells.

                                                                                                  property interval

                                                                                                  interval: number;
                                                                                                  • Id of setInterval, it is used to start / stop the elapsed time counter.

                                                                                                  property kernelStatus

                                                                                                  kernelStatus: ISessionContext.KernelDisplayStatus;
                                                                                                  • Current status of kernel.

                                                                                                  property needReset

                                                                                                  needReset: boolean;
                                                                                                  • Flag to reset the execution state when a code cell is scheduled for executing.

                                                                                                  property scheduledCell

                                                                                                  scheduledCell: Set<string>;
                                                                                                  • Set of messages scheduled for executing, executionStatus is set to idle if the length of this set is 0 and to busy` otherwise.

                                                                                                  property scheduledCellNumber

                                                                                                  scheduledCellNumber: number;
                                                                                                  • Total number of cells requested for executing, it is used to compute the execution progress in progress bar.

                                                                                                  property timeout

                                                                                                  timeout: number;
                                                                                                  • Id of setTimeout, it is used to create / clear the state resetting request.

                                                                                                  property totalTime

                                                                                                  totalTime: number;
                                                                                                  • Total execution time.

                                                                                                  namespace INotebookCellExecutor

                                                                                                  namespace INotebookCellExecutor {}
                                                                                                  • Notebook cell executor namespace

                                                                                                  interface IRunCellOptions

                                                                                                  interface IRunCellOptions {}
                                                                                                  • Execution options for notebook cell executor.

                                                                                                  property cell

                                                                                                  cell: Cell;
                                                                                                  • Cell to execute

                                                                                                  property notebook

                                                                                                  notebook: INotebookModel;
                                                                                                  • Notebook to which the cell belongs

                                                                                                  property notebookConfig

                                                                                                  notebookConfig: StaticNotebook.INotebookConfig;
                                                                                                  • Notebook widget configuration

                                                                                                  property onCellExecuted

                                                                                                  onCellExecuted: (args: {
                                                                                                  cell: Cell;
                                                                                                  success: boolean;
                                                                                                  error?: KernelError | null;
                                                                                                  }) => void;
                                                                                                  • A callback to notify a cell completed execution.

                                                                                                  property onCellExecutionScheduled

                                                                                                  onCellExecutionScheduled: (args: { cell: Cell }) => void;
                                                                                                  • A callback to notify that a cell execution is scheduled.

                                                                                                  property sessionContext

                                                                                                  sessionContext?: ISessionContext;
                                                                                                  • Document session context

                                                                                                  property sessionDialogs

                                                                                                  sessionDialogs?: ISessionContextDialogs;
                                                                                                  • Session dialogs

                                                                                                  property translator

                                                                                                  translator?: ITranslator;
                                                                                                  • Application translator

                                                                                                  namespace INotebookTools

                                                                                                  namespace INotebookTools {}
                                                                                                  • The namespace for NotebookTools class statics.

                                                                                                  interface IAddOptions

                                                                                                  interface IAddOptions {}
                                                                                                  • The options used to add an item to the notebook tools.

                                                                                                  property rank

                                                                                                  rank?: number;
                                                                                                  • The rank order of the widget among its siblings.

                                                                                                  property section

                                                                                                  section: 'advanced' | string;
                                                                                                  • The section to which the tool should be added.

                                                                                                  property tool

                                                                                                  tool: ITool;
                                                                                                  • The tool to add to the notebook tools area.

                                                                                                  interface IAddSectionOptions

                                                                                                  interface IAddSectionOptions {}
                                                                                                  • The options used to add a section to the notebook tools.

                                                                                                  property label

                                                                                                  label?: string;
                                                                                                  • The label of the new section.

                                                                                                  property rank

                                                                                                  rank?: number;
                                                                                                  • The rank order of the section among its siblings.

                                                                                                  property sectionName

                                                                                                  sectionName: string;
                                                                                                  • The name of the new section.

                                                                                                  property tool

                                                                                                  tool?: INotebookTools.ITool;
                                                                                                  • The tool to add to the notebook tools area.

                                                                                                  interface ITool

                                                                                                  interface ITool extends Widget {}

                                                                                                    property notebookTools

                                                                                                    notebookTools: INotebookTools;
                                                                                                    • The notebook tools object.

                                                                                                    namespace Notebook

                                                                                                    namespace Notebook {}
                                                                                                    • The namespace for the Notebook class statics.

                                                                                                    class ContentFactory

                                                                                                    class ContentFactory extends StaticNotebook.ContentFactory {}
                                                                                                    • The default implementation of a notebook content factory..

                                                                                                      #### Notes Override methods on this class to customize the default notebook factory methods that create notebook content.

                                                                                                    interface IContentFactory

                                                                                                    interface IContentFactory extends StaticNotebook.IContentFactory {}
                                                                                                    • The content factory for the notebook widget.

                                                                                                    interface IOptions

                                                                                                    interface IOptions extends StaticNotebook.IOptions {}
                                                                                                    • An options object for initializing a notebook widget.

                                                                                                    namespace Notebook.ContentFactory

                                                                                                    namespace Notebook.ContentFactory {}
                                                                                                    • A namespace for the notebook content factory.

                                                                                                    interface IOptions

                                                                                                    interface IOptions extends StaticNotebook.ContentFactory.IOptions {}
                                                                                                    • An options object for initializing a notebook content factory.

                                                                                                    namespace NotebookActions

                                                                                                    namespace NotebookActions {}
                                                                                                    • A namespace for NotebookActions static methods.

                                                                                                    function accessNextHistory

                                                                                                    accessNextHistory: (notebook: Notebook) => Promise<void>;
                                                                                                    • Access next notebook history.

                                                                                                      Parameter notebook

                                                                                                      The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                    function accessPreviousHistory

                                                                                                    accessPreviousHistory: (notebook: Notebook) => Promise<void>;

                                                                                                      function changeCellType

                                                                                                      changeCellType: (
                                                                                                      notebook: Notebook,
                                                                                                      value: nbformat.CellType,
                                                                                                      translator?: ITranslator
                                                                                                      ) => void;
                                                                                                      • Change the selected cell type(s).

                                                                                                        Parameter notebook

                                                                                                        The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                        Parameter value

                                                                                                        The target cell type.

                                                                                                        Parameter translator

                                                                                                        The application translator.

                                                                                                        #### Notes It should preserve the widget mode. This action can be undone. The existing selection will be cleared. Any cells converted to markdown will be unrendered.

                                                                                                      function clearAllOutputs

                                                                                                      clearAllOutputs: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                      • Clear all the code outputs on the widget.

                                                                                                        Parameter notebook

                                                                                                        The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                        #### Notes The widget mode will be preserved.

                                                                                                      function clearOutputs

                                                                                                      clearOutputs: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                      • Clear the code outputs of the selected cells.

                                                                                                        Parameter notebook

                                                                                                        The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                        #### Notes The widget mode will be preserved.

                                                                                                      function collapseAllHeadings

                                                                                                      collapseAllHeadings: (notebook: Notebook) => any;
                                                                                                      • Collapse all cells in given notebook.

                                                                                                        Parameter notebook

                                                                                                        The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                      function copy

                                                                                                      copy: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                      • Copy the selected cell(s) data to a clipboard.

                                                                                                        Parameter notebook

                                                                                                        The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                      function cut

                                                                                                      cut: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                      • Cut the selected cell data to a clipboard.

                                                                                                        Parameter notebook

                                                                                                        The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                        #### Notes This action can be undone. A new code cell is added if all cells are cut.

                                                                                                      function deleteCells

                                                                                                      deleteCells: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                      • Delete the selected cells.

                                                                                                        Parameter notebook

                                                                                                        The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                        #### Notes The cell after the last selected cell will be activated. It will add a code cell if all cells are deleted. This action can be undone.

                                                                                                      function deselectAll

                                                                                                      deselectAll: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                      • Deselect all of the cells of the notebook.

                                                                                                        Parameter notebook

                                                                                                        the target notebook widget.

                                                                                                      function disableOutputScrolling

                                                                                                      disableOutputScrolling: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                      • Disable output scrolling for all selected cells.

                                                                                                        Parameter notebook

                                                                                                        The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                      function duplicate

                                                                                                      duplicate: (
                                                                                                      notebook: Notebook,
                                                                                                      mode?: 'below' | 'belowSelected' | 'above' | 'replace'
                                                                                                      ) => void;
                                                                                                      • Duplicate selected cells in the notebook without using the application clipboard.

                                                                                                        Parameter notebook

                                                                                                        The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                        Parameter mode

                                                                                                        the mode of adding cells: 'below' (default) adds cells below the active cell, 'belowSelected' adds cells below all selected cells, 'above' adds cells above the active cell, and 'replace' removes the currently selected cells and adds cells in their place.

                                                                                                        #### Notes The last pasted cell becomes the active cell. This is a no-op if there is no cell data on the clipboard. This action can be undone.

                                                                                                      function enableOutputScrolling

                                                                                                      enableOutputScrolling: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                      • Enable output scrolling for all selected cells.

                                                                                                        Parameter notebook

                                                                                                        The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                      function expandAllHeadings

                                                                                                      expandAllHeadings: (notebook: Notebook) => any;
                                                                                                      • Un-collapse all cells in given notebook.

                                                                                                        Parameter notebook

                                                                                                        The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                      function expandParent

                                                                                                      expandParent: (cell: Cell, notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                      • Finds the "parent" heading of the given cell and expands. Used for the case that a cell becomes active that is within a collapsed heading.

                                                                                                        Parameter cell

                                                                                                        "Child" cell that has become the active cell

                                                                                                        Parameter notebook

                                                                                                        The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                      function extendSelectionAbove

                                                                                                      extendSelectionAbove: (notebook: Notebook, toTop?: boolean) => void;
                                                                                                      • Extend the selection to the cell above.

                                                                                                        Parameter notebook

                                                                                                        The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                        Parameter toTop

                                                                                                        If true, denotes selection to extend to the top.

                                                                                                        #### Notes This is a no-op if the first cell is the active cell. The new cell will be activated.

                                                                                                      function extendSelectionBelow

                                                                                                      extendSelectionBelow: (notebook: Notebook, toBottom?: boolean) => void;
                                                                                                      • Extend the selection to the cell below.

                                                                                                        Parameter notebook

                                                                                                        The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                        Parameter toBottom

                                                                                                        If true, denotes selection to extend to the bottom.

                                                                                                        #### Notes This is a no-op if the last cell is the active cell. The new cell will be activated.

                                                                                                      function findNextParentHeading

                                                                                                      findNextParentHeading: (cell: Cell, notebook: Notebook) => number;
                                                                                                      • Finds the next heading that isn't a child of the given markdown heading.

                                                                                                        Parameter cell

                                                                                                        "Child" cell that has become the active cell

                                                                                                        Parameter notebook

                                                                                                        The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                      function focusActiveCell

                                                                                                      focusActiveCell: (
                                                                                                      notebook: Notebook,
                                                                                                      options?: { waitUntilReady?: boolean; preventScroll?: boolean }
                                                                                                      ) => Promise<void>;
                                                                                                      • If the notebook has an active cell, focus it.

                                                                                                        Parameter notebook

                                                                                                        The target notebook widget

                                                                                                        Parameter options

                                                                                                        Optional options to change the behavior of this function


                                                                                                        options.waitUntilReady If true, do not call focus until activeCell.ready is resolved


                                                                                                        options.preventScroll If true, do not scroll the active cell into view


                                                                                                        a promise that resolves when focus has been called on the active cell's node.

                                                                                                        #### Notes By default, waits until after the active cell has been attached unless called with { waitUntilReady: false }

                                                                                                      function getHeadingInfo

                                                                                                      getHeadingInfo: (cell: Cell) => {
                                                                                                      isHeading: boolean;
                                                                                                      headingLevel: number;
                                                                                                      collapsed?: boolean;
                                                                                                      • If given cell is a markdown heading, returns the heading level. If given cell is not markdown, returns 7 (there are only 6 levels of markdown headings)

                                                                                                        Parameter cell

                                                                                                        The target cell widget.

                                                                                                      function hideAllCode

                                                                                                      hideAllCode: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                      • Hide the code on all code cells.

                                                                                                        Parameter notebook

                                                                                                        The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                      function hideAllOutputs

                                                                                                      hideAllOutputs: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                      • Hide the output on all code cells.

                                                                                                        Parameter notebook

                                                                                                        The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                      function hideCode

                                                                                                      hideCode: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                      • Hide the code on selected code cells.

                                                                                                        Parameter notebook

                                                                                                        The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                      function hideOutput

                                                                                                      hideOutput: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                      • Hide the output on selected code cells.

                                                                                                        Parameter notebook

                                                                                                        The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                      function insertAbove

                                                                                                      insertAbove: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                      • Insert a new code cell above the active cell or in index 0 if the notebook is empty.

                                                                                                        Parameter notebook

                                                                                                        The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                        #### Notes The widget mode will be preserved. This action can be undone. The existing selection will be cleared. The new cell will the active cell.

                                                                                                      function insertBelow

                                                                                                      insertBelow: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                      • Insert a new code cell below the active cell or in index 0 if the notebook is empty.

                                                                                                        Parameter notebook

                                                                                                        The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                        #### Notes The widget mode will be preserved. This action can be undone. The existing selection will be cleared. The new cell will be the active cell.

                                                                                                      function insertSameLevelHeadingAbove

                                                                                                      insertSameLevelHeadingAbove: (notebook: Notebook) => Promise<void>;
                                                                                                      • Insert new heading of same level above active cell.

                                                                                                        Parameter notebook

                                                                                                        The target notebook widget

                                                                                                      function insertSameLevelHeadingBelow

                                                                                                      insertSameLevelHeadingBelow: (notebook: Notebook) => Promise<void>;
                                                                                                      • Insert new heading of same level at end of current section.

                                                                                                        Parameter notebook

                                                                                                        The target notebook widget

                                                                                                      function mergeCells

                                                                                                      mergeCells: (notebook: Notebook, mergeAbove?: boolean) => void;
                                                                                                      • Merge the selected cells.

                                                                                                        Parameter notebook

                                                                                                        The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                        Parameter mergeAbove

                                                                                                        If only one cell is selected, indicates whether to merge it with the cell above (true) or below (false, default).

                                                                                                        #### Notes The widget mode will be preserved. If only one cell is selected and mergeAbove is true, the above cell will be selected. If only one cell is selected and mergeAbove is false, the below cell will be selected. If the active cell is a code cell, its outputs will be cleared. This action can be undone. The final cell will have the same type as the active cell. If the active cell is a markdown cell, it will be unrendered.

                                                                                                      function moveDown

                                                                                                      moveDown: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                      • Move the selected cell(s) down.

                                                                                                        Parameter notebook

                                                                                                        = The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                      function moveUp

                                                                                                      moveUp: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                      • Move the selected cell(s) up.

                                                                                                        Parameter notebook

                                                                                                        The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                      function paste

                                                                                                      paste: (
                                                                                                      notebook: Notebook,
                                                                                                      mode?: 'below' | 'belowSelected' | 'above' | 'replace'
                                                                                                      ) => void;
                                                                                                      • Paste cells from the application clipboard.

                                                                                                        Parameter notebook

                                                                                                        The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                        Parameter mode

                                                                                                        the mode of adding cells: 'below' (default) adds cells below the active cell, 'belowSelected' adds cells below all selected cells, 'above' adds cells above the active cell, and 'replace' removes the currently selected cells and adds cells in their place.

                                                                                                        #### Notes The last pasted cell becomes the active cell. This is a no-op if there is no cell data on the clipboard. This action can be undone.

                                                                                                      function redo

                                                                                                      redo: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                      • Redo a cell action.

                                                                                                        Parameter notebook

                                                                                                        The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                        #### Notes This is a no-op if there are no cell actions to redo.

                                                                                                      function renderAllMarkdown

                                                                                                      renderAllMarkdown: (notebook: Notebook) => Promise<boolean>;

                                                                                                        function renderDefault

                                                                                                        renderDefault: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                        • Render not side-by-side.

                                                                                                          Parameter notebook

                                                                                                          The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                        function renderSideBySide

                                                                                                        renderSideBySide: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                        • Render side-by-side.

                                                                                                          Parameter notebook

                                                                                                          The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                        function replaceSelection

                                                                                                        replaceSelection: (notebook: Notebook, text: string) => void;
                                                                                                        • Replaces the selection in the active cell of the notebook.

                                                                                                          Parameter notebook

                                                                                                          The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                          Parameter text

                                                                                                          The text to replace the selection.

                                                                                                        function run

                                                                                                        run: (
                                                                                                        notebook: Notebook,
                                                                                                        sessionContext?: ISessionContext,
                                                                                                        sessionDialogs?: ISessionContextDialogs,
                                                                                                        translator?: ITranslator
                                                                                                        ) => Promise<boolean>;
                                                                                                        • Run the selected cell(s).

                                                                                                          Parameter notebook

                                                                                                          The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                          Parameter sessionContext

                                                                                                          The client session object.

                                                                                                          Parameter sessionDialogs

                                                                                                          The session dialogs.

                                                                                                          Parameter translator

                                                                                                          The application translator.

                                                                                                          #### Notes The last selected cell will be activated, but not scrolled into view. The existing selection will be cleared. An execution error will prevent the remaining code cells from executing. All markdown cells will be rendered.

                                                                                                        function runAll

                                                                                                        runAll: (
                                                                                                        notebook: Notebook,
                                                                                                        sessionContext?: ISessionContext,
                                                                                                        sessionDialogs?: ISessionContextDialogs,
                                                                                                        translator?: ITranslator
                                                                                                        ) => Promise<boolean>;
                                                                                                        • Run all of the cells in the notebook.

                                                                                                          Parameter notebook

                                                                                                          The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                          Parameter sessionContext

                                                                                                          The client session object.

                                                                                                          Parameter sessionDialogs

                                                                                                          The session dialogs.

                                                                                                          Parameter translator

                                                                                                          The application translator.

                                                                                                          #### Notes The existing selection will be cleared. An execution error will prevent the remaining code cells from executing. All markdown cells will be rendered. The last cell in the notebook will be activated and scrolled into view.

                                                                                                        function runAllAbove

                                                                                                        runAllAbove: (
                                                                                                        notebook: Notebook,
                                                                                                        sessionContext?: ISessionContext,
                                                                                                        sessionDialogs?: ISessionContextDialogs,
                                                                                                        translator?: ITranslator
                                                                                                        ) => Promise<boolean>;
                                                                                                        • Run all of the cells before the currently active cell (exclusive).

                                                                                                          Parameter notebook

                                                                                                          The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                          Parameter sessionContext

                                                                                                          The client session object.

                                                                                                          Parameter sessionDialogs

                                                                                                          The session dialogs.

                                                                                                          Parameter translator

                                                                                                          The application translator.

                                                                                                          #### Notes The existing selection will be cleared. An execution error will prevent the remaining code cells from executing. All markdown cells will be rendered. The currently active cell will remain selected.

                                                                                                        function runAllBelow

                                                                                                        runAllBelow: (
                                                                                                        notebook: Notebook,
                                                                                                        sessionContext?: ISessionContext,
                                                                                                        sessionDialogs?: ISessionContextDialogs,
                                                                                                        translator?: ITranslator
                                                                                                        ) => Promise<boolean>;
                                                                                                        • Run all of the cells after the currently active cell (inclusive).

                                                                                                          Parameter notebook

                                                                                                          The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                          Parameter sessionContext

                                                                                                          The client session object.

                                                                                                          Parameter sessionDialogs

                                                                                                          The session dialogs.

                                                                                                          Parameter translator

                                                                                                          The application translator.

                                                                                                          #### Notes The existing selection will be cleared. An execution error will prevent the remaining code cells from executing. All markdown cells will be rendered. The last cell in the notebook will be activated and scrolled into view.

                                                                                                        function runAndAdvance

                                                                                                        runAndAdvance: (
                                                                                                        notebook: Notebook,
                                                                                                        sessionContext?: ISessionContext,
                                                                                                        sessionDialogs?: ISessionContextDialogs,
                                                                                                        translator?: ITranslator
                                                                                                        ) => Promise<boolean>;
                                                                                                        • Run the selected cell(s) and advance to the next cell.

                                                                                                          Parameter notebook

                                                                                                          The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                          Parameter sessionContext

                                                                                                          The client session object.

                                                                                                          Parameter sessionDialogs

                                                                                                          The session dialogs.

                                                                                                          Parameter translator

                                                                                                          The application translator.

                                                                                                          #### Notes The existing selection will be cleared. The cell after the last selected cell will be activated and scrolled into view. An execution error will prevent the remaining code cells from executing. All markdown cells will be rendered. If the last selected cell is the last cell, a new code cell will be created in 'edit' mode. The new cell creation can be undone.

                                                                                                        function runAndInsert

                                                                                                        runAndInsert: (
                                                                                                        notebook: Notebook,
                                                                                                        sessionContext?: ISessionContext,
                                                                                                        sessionDialogs?: ISessionContextDialogs,
                                                                                                        translator?: ITranslator
                                                                                                        ) => Promise<boolean>;
                                                                                                        • Run the selected cell(s) and insert a new code cell.

                                                                                                          Parameter notebook

                                                                                                          The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                          Parameter sessionContext

                                                                                                          The client session object.

                                                                                                          Parameter sessionDialogs

                                                                                                          The session dialogs.

                                                                                                          Parameter translator

                                                                                                          The application translator.

                                                                                                          #### Notes An execution error will prevent the remaining code cells from executing. All markdown cells will be rendered. The widget mode will be set to 'edit' after running. The existing selection will be cleared. The cell insert can be undone. The new cell will be scrolled into view.

                                                                                                        function runCells

                                                                                                        runCells: (
                                                                                                        notebook: Notebook,
                                                                                                        cells: readonly Cell[],
                                                                                                        sessionContext?: ISessionContext,
                                                                                                        sessionDialogs?: ISessionContextDialogs,
                                                                                                        translator?: ITranslator
                                                                                                        ) => Promise<boolean>;
                                                                                                        • Run specified cells.

                                                                                                          Parameter notebook

                                                                                                          The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                          Parameter cells

                                                                                                          The cells to run.

                                                                                                          Parameter sessionContext

                                                                                                          The client session object.

                                                                                                          Parameter sessionDialogs

                                                                                                          The session dialogs.

                                                                                                          Parameter translator

                                                                                                          The application translator.

                                                                                                          #### Notes The existing selection will be preserved. The mode will be changed to command. An execution error will prevent the remaining code cells from executing. All markdown cells will be rendered.

                                                                                                        function selectAbove

                                                                                                        selectAbove: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                        • Select the above the active cell.

                                                                                                          Parameter notebook

                                                                                                          The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                          #### Notes The widget mode will be preserved. This is a no-op if the first cell is the active cell. This will skip any collapsed cells. The existing selection will be cleared.

                                                                                                        function selectAll

                                                                                                        selectAll: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                        • Select all of the cells of the notebook.

                                                                                                          Parameter notebook

                                                                                                          the target notebook widget.

                                                                                                        function selectBelow

                                                                                                        selectBelow: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                        • Select the cell below the active cell.

                                                                                                          Parameter notebook

                                                                                                          The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                          #### Notes The widget mode will be preserved. This is a no-op if the last cell is the active cell. This will skip any collapsed cells. The existing selection will be cleared.

                                                                                                        function selectHeadingAboveOrCollapseHeading

                                                                                                        selectHeadingAboveOrCollapseHeading: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                        • Select the heading above the active cell or, if already at heading, collapse it.

                                                                                                          Parameter notebook

                                                                                                          The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                          #### Notes The widget mode will be preserved. This is a no-op if the active cell is the topmost heading in collapsed state The existing selection will be cleared.

                                                                                                        function selectHeadingBelowOrExpandHeading

                                                                                                        selectHeadingBelowOrExpandHeading: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                        • Select the heading below the active cell or, if already at heading, expand it.

                                                                                                          Parameter notebook

                                                                                                          The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                          #### Notes The widget mode will be preserved. This is a no-op if the active cell is the last heading in expanded state The existing selection will be cleared.

                                                                                                        function selectLastRunCell

                                                                                                        selectLastRunCell: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                        • Go to the last cell that is run or current if it is running.

                                                                                                          Note: This requires execution timing to be toggled on or this will have no effect.

                                                                                                          Parameter notebook

                                                                                                          The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                        function setCellCollapse

                                                                                                        setCellCollapse: (cell: Cell, collapsing: boolean) => any;
                                                                                                        • If cell is a markdown heading, sets the headingCollapsed field, and otherwise hides the cell.

                                                                                                          Parameter cell

                                                                                                          The cell to collapse / expand

                                                                                                          Parameter collapsing

                                                                                                          Whether to collapse or expand the given cell

                                                                                                        function setHeadingCollapse

                                                                                                        setHeadingCollapse: (
                                                                                                        cell: Cell,
                                                                                                        collapsing: boolean,
                                                                                                        notebook: StaticNotebook
                                                                                                        ) => number;
                                                                                                        • Set the given cell and ** all "child" cells ** to the given collapse / expand if cell is a markdown header.

                                                                                                          Parameter cell

                                                                                                          The cell

                                                                                                          Parameter collapsing

                                                                                                          Whether to collapse or expand the cell

                                                                                                          Parameter notebook

                                                                                                          The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                        function setMarkdownHeader

                                                                                                        setMarkdownHeader: (
                                                                                                        notebook: Notebook,
                                                                                                        level: number,
                                                                                                        translator?: ITranslator
                                                                                                        ) => void;
                                                                                                        • Set the markdown header level.

                                                                                                          Parameter notebook

                                                                                                          The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                          Parameter level

                                                                                                          The header level.

                                                                                                          Parameter translator

                                                                                                          The application translator.

                                                                                                          #### Notes All selected cells will be switched to markdown. The level will be clamped between 1 and 6. If there is an existing header, it will be replaced. There will always be one blank space after the header. The cells will be unrendered.

                                                                                                        function showAllCode

                                                                                                        showAllCode: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                        • Show the code on all code cells.

                                                                                                          Parameter notebook

                                                                                                          The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                        function showAllOutputs

                                                                                                        showAllOutputs: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                        • Show the output on all code cells.

                                                                                                          Parameter notebook

                                                                                                          The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                        function showCode

                                                                                                        showCode: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                        • Show the code on selected code cells.

                                                                                                          Parameter notebook

                                                                                                          The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                        function showOutput

                                                                                                        showOutput: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                        • Show the output on selected code cells.

                                                                                                          Parameter notebook

                                                                                                          The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                        function splitCell

                                                                                                        splitCell: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                        • Split the active cell into two or more cells.

                                                                                                          Parameter notebook

                                                                                                          The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                          #### Notes It will preserve the existing mode. The last cell will be activated if no selection is found. If text was selected, the cell containing the selection will be activated. The existing selection will be cleared. The activated cell will have focus and the cursor will remain in the initial position. The leading whitespace in the second cell will be removed. If there is no content, two empty cells will be created. Both cells will have the same type as the original cell. This action can be undone.

                                                                                                        function toggleAllLineNumbers

                                                                                                        toggleAllLineNumbers: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                        • Toggle the line number of all cells.

                                                                                                          Parameter notebook

                                                                                                          The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                          #### Notes The original state is based on the state of the active cell. The mode of the widget will be preserved.

                                                                                                        function toggleCurrentHeadingCollapse

                                                                                                        toggleCurrentHeadingCollapse: (notebook: Notebook) => any;
                                                                                                        • Toggles the collapse state of the active cell of the given notebook and ** all of its "child" cells ** if the cell is a heading.

                                                                                                          Parameter notebook

                                                                                                          The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                        function toggleOutput

                                                                                                        toggleOutput: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                        • Toggle output visibility on selected code cells. If at least one output is visible, all outputs are hidden. If no outputs are visible, all outputs are made visible.

                                                                                                          Parameter notebook

                                                                                                          The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                        function trust

                                                                                                        trust: (notebook: Notebook, translator?: ITranslator) => Promise<void>;
                                                                                                        • Trust the notebook after prompting the user.

                                                                                                          Parameter notebook

                                                                                                          The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                          Parameter translator

                                                                                                          The application translator.


                                                                                                          a promise that resolves when the transaction is finished.

                                                                                                          #### Notes No dialog will be presented if the notebook is already trusted.

                                                                                                        function undo

                                                                                                        undo: (notebook: Notebook) => void;
                                                                                                        • Undo a cell action.

                                                                                                          Parameter notebook

                                                                                                          The target notebook widget.

                                                                                                          #### Notes This is a no-op if there are no cell actions to undo.

                                                                                                        namespace NotebookHistory

                                                                                                        namespace NotebookHistory {}
                                                                                                        • A namespace for NotebookHistory statics.

                                                                                                        interface IOptions

                                                                                                        interface IOptions {}
                                                                                                        • The initialization options for a console history object.

                                                                                                        property sessionContext

                                                                                                        sessionContext: ISessionContext;
                                                                                                        • The client session used by the foreign handler.

                                                                                                        property translator

                                                                                                        translator?: ITranslator;
                                                                                                        • The application language translator.

                                                                                                        namespace NotebookModel

                                                                                                        namespace NotebookModel {}
                                                                                                        • The namespace for the NotebookModel class statics.

                                                                                                        interface IOptions

                                                                                                        interface IOptions extends DocumentRegistry.IModelOptions<ISharedNotebook> {}
                                                                                                        • An options object for initializing a notebook model.

                                                                                                        property defaultCell

                                                                                                        defaultCell?: 'code' | 'markdown' | 'raw';
                                                                                                        • Default cell type.

                                                                                                        property disableDocumentWideUndoRedo

                                                                                                        disableDocumentWideUndoRedo?: boolean;
                                                                                                        • Defines if the document can be undo/redo.

                                                                                                          Default: true


                                                                                                          • @experimental
                                                                                                          • @alpha

                                                                                                        property translator

                                                                                                        translator?: ITranslator;
                                                                                                        • Language translator.

                                                                                                        namespace NotebookModelFactory

                                                                                                        namespace NotebookModelFactory {}
                                                                                                        • The namespace for notebook model factory statics.

                                                                                                        interface IOptions

                                                                                                        interface IOptions {}
                                                                                                        • The options used to initialize a NotebookModelFactory.

                                                                                                        property collaborative

                                                                                                        collaborative?: boolean;
                                                                                                        • Whether the model is collaborative or not.

                                                                                                        property disableDocumentWideUndoRedo

                                                                                                        disableDocumentWideUndoRedo?: boolean;
                                                                                                        • Defines if the document can be undo/redo.

                                                                                                          Default: true


                                                                                                          • @experimental
                                                                                                          • @alpha

                                                                                                        namespace NotebookPanel

                                                                                                        namespace NotebookPanel {}
                                                                                                        • A namespace for NotebookPanel statics.

                                                                                                        variable IContentFactory

                                                                                                        const IContentFactory: Token<IContentFactory>;
                                                                                                        • The notebook renderer token.

                                                                                                        class ContentFactory

                                                                                                        class ContentFactory extends Notebook.ContentFactory implements IContentFactory {}
                                                                                                        • The default implementation of an IContentFactory.

                                                                                                        method createNotebook

                                                                                                        createNotebook: (options: Notebook.IOptions) => Notebook;
                                                                                                        • Create a new content area for the panel.

                                                                                                        interface IConfig

                                                                                                        interface IConfig {}
                                                                                                        • Notebook config interface for NotebookPanel

                                                                                                        property autoStartDefault

                                                                                                        autoStartDefault: boolean;
                                                                                                        • Whether to automatically start the preferred kernel

                                                                                                        property editorConfig

                                                                                                        editorConfig: StaticNotebook.IEditorConfig;
                                                                                                        • A config object for cell editors

                                                                                                        property kernelShutdown

                                                                                                        kernelShutdown: boolean;
                                                                                                        • Whether to shut down the kernel when closing the panel or not

                                                                                                        property notebookConfig

                                                                                                        notebookConfig: StaticNotebook.INotebookConfig;
                                                                                                        • A config object for notebook widget

                                                                                                        interface IContentFactory

                                                                                                        interface IContentFactory extends Notebook.IContentFactory {}
                                                                                                        • A content factory interface for NotebookPanel.

                                                                                                        method createNotebook

                                                                                                        createNotebook: (options: Notebook.IOptions) => Notebook;
                                                                                                        • Create a new content area for the panel.

                                                                                                        namespace NotebookTools

                                                                                                        namespace NotebookTools {}
                                                                                                        • The namespace for NotebookTools class statics.

                                                                                                        variable ActiveCellMessage

                                                                                                        const ActiveCellMessage: ConflatableMessage;
                                                                                                        • A singleton conflatable 'activecell-changed' message.

                                                                                                        variable ActiveNotebookPanelMessage

                                                                                                        const ActiveNotebookPanelMessage: ConflatableMessage;
                                                                                                        • A singleton conflatable 'activenotebookpanel-changed' message.

                                                                                                        variable SelectionMessage

                                                                                                        const SelectionMessage: ConflatableMessage;
                                                                                                        • A singleton conflatable 'selection-changed' message.

                                                                                                        class MetadataEditorTool

                                                                                                        class MetadataEditorTool extends Tool {}
                                                                                                        • A raw metadata editor.


                                                                                                        constructor(options: MetadataEditorTool.IOptions);
                                                                                                        • Construct a new raw metadata tool.

                                                                                                        property editor

                                                                                                        readonly editor: JSONEditor;
                                                                                                        • The editor used by the tool.

                                                                                                        method createEditor

                                                                                                        protected createEditor: () => void;

                                                                                                          method onActiveNotebookPanelChanged

                                                                                                          protected onActiveNotebookPanelChanged: (msg: Message) => void;
                                                                                                          • Handle a change to the notebook.

                                                                                                          class Tool

                                                                                                          class Tool extends Widget implements INotebookTools.ITool {}
                                                                                                          • The base notebook tool, meant to be subclassed.

                                                                                                          property notebookTools

                                                                                                          notebookTools: INotebookTools;
                                                                                                          • The notebook tools object.

                                                                                                          method dispose

                                                                                                          dispose: () => void;

                                                                                                            method onActiveCellChanged

                                                                                                            protected onActiveCellChanged: (msg: Message) => void;
                                                                                                            • Handle a change to the active cell.

                                                                                                              #### Notes The default implementation is a no-op.

                                                                                                            method onActiveCellMetadataChanged

                                                                                                            protected onActiveCellMetadataChanged: (
                                                                                                            msg: ObservableJSON.ChangeMessage
                                                                                                            ) => void;
                                                                                                            • Handle a change to the metadata of the active cell.

                                                                                                              #### Notes The default implementation is a no-op.

                                                                                                            method onActiveNotebookPanelChanged

                                                                                                            protected onActiveNotebookPanelChanged: (msg: Message) => void;
                                                                                                            • Handle a change to the notebook panel.

                                                                                                              #### Notes The default implementation is a no-op.

                                                                                                            method onActiveNotebookPanelMetadataChanged

                                                                                                            protected onActiveNotebookPanelMetadataChanged: (
                                                                                                            msg: ObservableJSON.ChangeMessage
                                                                                                            ) => void;
                                                                                                            • Handle a change to the metadata of the active cell.

                                                                                                              #### Notes The default implementation is a no-op.

                                                                                                            method onSelectionChanged

                                                                                                            protected onSelectionChanged: (msg: Message) => void;
                                                                                                            • Handle a change to the selection.

                                                                                                              #### Notes The default implementation is a no-op.

                                                                                                            method processMessage

                                                                                                            processMessage: (msg: Message) => void;
                                                                                                            • Process a message sent to the widget.

                                                                                                              Parameter msg

                                                                                                              The message sent to the widget.

                                                                                                            interface IAddOptions

                                                                                                            interface IAddOptions {}
                                                                                                            • The options used to add an item to the notebook tools.

                                                                                                            property rank

                                                                                                            rank?: number;
                                                                                                            • The rank order of the widget among its siblings.

                                                                                                            property section

                                                                                                            section: string;
                                                                                                            • The section to which the tool should be added.

                                                                                                            property tool

                                                                                                            tool: INotebookTools.ITool;
                                                                                                            • The tool to add to the notebook tools area.

                                                                                                            interface IAddSectionOptions

                                                                                                            interface IAddSectionOptions {}
                                                                                                            • The options used to add a section to the notebook tools.

                                                                                                            property label

                                                                                                            label?: string;
                                                                                                            • The label of the new section.

                                                                                                            property rank

                                                                                                            rank?: number;
                                                                                                            • The rank order of the section among its siblings.

                                                                                                            property sectionName

                                                                                                            sectionName: string;
                                                                                                            • The name of the new section.

                                                                                                            property tool

                                                                                                            tool?: INotebookTools.ITool;
                                                                                                            • The tool to add to the notebook tools area.

                                                                                                            interface IOptions

                                                                                                            interface IOptions {}
                                                                                                            • The options used to create a NotebookTools object.

                                                                                                            property tracker

                                                                                                            tracker: INotebookTracker;
                                                                                                            • The notebook tracker used by the notebook tools.

                                                                                                            property translator

                                                                                                            translator?: ITranslator;
                                                                                                            • Language translator.

                                                                                                            interface IToolPanel

                                                                                                            interface IToolPanel {}
                                                                                                            • Interface for an extended panel section.

                                                                                                            property panel

                                                                                                            panel: RankedPanel<NotebookTools.Tool>;
                                                                                                            • The associated panel, only one for a section.

                                                                                                            property rank

                                                                                                            rank?: number | null;
                                                                                                            • The rank of the section on the notebooktools panel.

                                                                                                            property section

                                                                                                            section: string;
                                                                                                            • The name of the section.

                                                                                                            type ReadonlyPartialJSONOptionValueArray

                                                                                                            type ReadonlyPartialJSONOptionValueArray = [
                                                                                                            ReadonlyPartialJSONValue | undefined,
                                                                                                            • A type alias for a readonly partial JSON tuples [option, value]. option should be localized.

                                                                                                              Note: Partial here means that JSON object attributes can be undefined.

                                                                                                            namespace NotebookTools.MetadataEditorTool

                                                                                                            namespace NotebookTools.MetadataEditorTool {}
                                                                                                            • The namespace for MetadataEditorTool static data.

                                                                                                            interface IOptions

                                                                                                            interface IOptions {}
                                                                                                            • The options used to initialize a metadata editor tool.

                                                                                                            property collapsed

                                                                                                            collapsed?: boolean;
                                                                                                            • Initial collapse state, defaults to true.

                                                                                                            property editorFactory

                                                                                                            editorFactory: CodeEditor.Factory;
                                                                                                            • The editor factory used by the tool.

                                                                                                            property label

                                                                                                            label?: string;
                                                                                                            • The label for the JSON editor

                                                                                                            property translator

                                                                                                            translator?: ITranslator;
                                                                                                            • Language translator.

                                                                                                            namespace NotebookTrustStatus

                                                                                                            namespace NotebookTrustStatus {}
                                                                                                            • A namespace for NotebookTrust statics.

                                                                                                            class Model

                                                                                                            class Model extends VDomModel {}
                                                                                                            • A VDomModel for the NotebookTrust status item.

                                                                                                            property activeCellTrusted

                                                                                                            readonly activeCellTrusted: boolean;
                                                                                                            • Whether the active cell is trusted.

                                                                                                            property notebook

                                                                                                            notebook: Notebook;
                                                                                                            • The current notebook for the model.

                                                                                                            property totalCells

                                                                                                            readonly totalCells: number;
                                                                                                            • The total number of code cells in the current notebook.

                                                                                                            property trustedCells

                                                                                                            readonly trustedCells: number;
                                                                                                            • The number of trusted code cells in the current notebook.

                                                                                                            namespace NotebookWidgetFactory

                                                                                                            namespace NotebookWidgetFactory {}
                                                                                                            • The namespace for NotebookWidgetFactory statics.

                                                                                                            interface IFactory

                                                                                                            interface IFactory
                                                                                                            extends DocumentRegistry.IWidgetFactory<NotebookPanel, INotebookModel> {}
                                                                                                            • The interface for a notebook widget factory.

                                                                                                            property autoStartDefault

                                                                                                            autoStartDefault: boolean;
                                                                                                            • Whether to automatically start the preferred kernel.

                                                                                                            property editorConfig

                                                                                                            editorConfig: StaticNotebook.IEditorConfig;
                                                                                                            • A configuration object for cell editor settings.

                                                                                                            property notebookConfig

                                                                                                            notebookConfig: StaticNotebook.INotebookConfig;
                                                                                                            • A configuration object for notebook settings.

                                                                                                            property shutdownOnClose

                                                                                                            shutdownOnClose: boolean;
                                                                                                            • Whether the kernel should be shutdown when the widget is closed.

                                                                                                            interface IOptions

                                                                                                            interface IOptions<T extends NotebookPanel>
                                                                                                            extends DocumentRegistry.IWidgetFactoryOptions<T> {}
                                                                                                            • The options used to construct a NotebookWidgetFactory.

                                                                                                            property contentFactory

                                                                                                            contentFactory: NotebookPanel.IContentFactory;
                                                                                                            • A notebook panel content factory.

                                                                                                            property editorConfig

                                                                                                            editorConfig?: StaticNotebook.IEditorConfig;
                                                                                                            • The notebook cell editor configuration.

                                                                                                            property mimeTypeService

                                                                                                            mimeTypeService: IEditorMimeTypeService;
                                                                                                            • The service used to look up mime types.

                                                                                                            property notebookConfig

                                                                                                            notebookConfig?: StaticNotebook.INotebookConfig;
                                                                                                            • The notebook configuration.

                                                                                                            property rendermime

                                                                                                            rendermime: IRenderMimeRegistry;

                                                                                                              property translator

                                                                                                              translator?: ITranslator;
                                                                                                              • The application language translator.

                                                                                                              namespace StaticNotebook

                                                                                                              namespace StaticNotebook {}
                                                                                                              • The namespace for the StaticNotebook class statics.

                                                                                                              variable defaultEditorConfig

                                                                                                              const defaultEditorConfig: IEditorConfig;
                                                                                                              • Default configuration options for cell editors.

                                                                                                              variable defaultNotebookConfig

                                                                                                              const defaultNotebookConfig: INotebookConfig;
                                                                                                              • Default configuration options for notebooks.

                                                                                                              class ContentFactory

                                                                                                              class ContentFactory extends Cell.ContentFactory implements IContentFactory {}
                                                                                                              • The default implementation of an IContentFactory.

                                                                                                              method createCodeCell

                                                                                                              createCodeCell: (options: CodeCell.IOptions) => CodeCell;
                                                                                                              • Create a new code cell widget.

                                                                                                                #### Notes If no cell content factory is passed in with the options, the one on the notebook content factory is used.

                                                                                                              method createMarkdownCell

                                                                                                              createMarkdownCell: (options: MarkdownCell.IOptions) => MarkdownCell;
                                                                                                              • Create a new markdown cell widget.

                                                                                                                #### Notes If no cell content factory is passed in with the options, the one on the notebook content factory is used.

                                                                                                              method createRawCell

                                                                                                              createRawCell: (options: RawCell.IOptions) => RawCell;
                                                                                                              • Create a new raw cell widget.

                                                                                                                #### Notes If no cell content factory is passed in with the options, the one on the notebook content factory is used.

                                                                                                              interface IContentFactory

                                                                                                              interface IContentFactory extends Cell.IContentFactory {}
                                                                                                              • A factory for creating notebook content.

                                                                                                                #### Notes This extends the content factory of the cell itself, which extends the content factory of the output area and input area. The result is that there is a single factory for creating all child content of a notebook.

                                                                                                              method createCodeCell

                                                                                                              createCodeCell: (options: CodeCell.IOptions) => CodeCell;
                                                                                                              • Create a new code cell widget.

                                                                                                              method createMarkdownCell

                                                                                                              createMarkdownCell: (options: MarkdownCell.IOptions) => MarkdownCell;
                                                                                                              • Create a new markdown cell widget.

                                                                                                              method createRawCell

                                                                                                              createRawCell: (options: RawCell.IOptions) => RawCell;
                                                                                                              • Create a new raw cell widget.

                                                                                                              interface IEditorConfig

                                                                                                              interface IEditorConfig {}
                                                                                                              • A config object for the cell editors.

                                                                                                              property code

                                                                                                              readonly code: Record<string, any>;
                                                                                                              • Config options for code cells.

                                                                                                              property markdown

                                                                                                              readonly markdown: Record<string, any>;
                                                                                                              • Config options for markdown cells.

                                                                                                              property raw

                                                                                                              readonly raw: Record<string, any>;
                                                                                                              • Config options for raw cells.

                                                                                                              interface INotebookConfig

                                                                                                              interface INotebookConfig {}
                                                                                                              • A config object for the notebook widget

                                                                                                              property accessKernelHistory

                                                                                                              accessKernelHistory?: boolean;

                                                                                                                property defaultCell

                                                                                                                defaultCell: nbformat.CellType;
                                                                                                                • The default type for new notebook cells.

                                                                                                                property disableDocumentWideUndoRedo

                                                                                                                disableDocumentWideUndoRedo: boolean;
                                                                                                                • Defines if the document can be undo/redo.

                                                                                                                property enableKernelInitNotification

                                                                                                                enableKernelInitNotification: boolean;
                                                                                                                • Whether to display notification if code cell is run while kernel is still initializing.

                                                                                                                property inputHistoryScope

                                                                                                                inputHistoryScope: 'global' | 'session';
                                                                                                                • Whether to split stdin line history by kernel session or keep globally accessible.

                                                                                                                property maxNumberOutputs

                                                                                                                maxNumberOutputs: number;
                                                                                                                • Defines the maximum number of outputs per cell.

                                                                                                                property overscanCount

                                                                                                                overscanCount: number;
                                                                                                                • Number of cells to render in addition to those visible in the viewport.

                                                                                                                  ### Notes In 'full' windowing mode, this is the number of cells above and below the viewport. In 'defer' windowing mode, this is the number of cells to render initially in addition to the one of the viewport.

                                                                                                                property recordTiming

                                                                                                                recordTiming: boolean;
                                                                                                                • Should timing be recorded in metadata

                                                                                                                property renderingLayout

                                                                                                                renderingLayout: RenderingLayout;
                                                                                                                • Defines the rendering layout to use.
