- Version 7.0.10
- Published
- 227 kB
- 8 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i @loopback/boot
yarn add @loopback/boot
pnpm add @loopback/boot
A convention based project Bootstrapper and Booters for LoopBack Applications.
A Booter is a class that can be bound to an Application and is called to perform a task before the Application is started. A Booter may have multiple phases to complete its task. The task for a convention based Booter is to discover and bind Artifacts (Controllers, Repositories, Models, etc.).
An example task of a Booter may be to discover and bind all artifacts of a given type.
A Bootstrapper is needed to manage the Booters and execute them. This is provided in this package. For ease of use, everything needed is packages using a BootMixin. This Mixin will add convenience methods such as boot
and booter
, as well as properties needed for Bootstrapper such as projectRoot
. The Mixin also adds the BootComponent
to your Application
which binds the Bootstrapper
and default Booters
made available by this package.
Type Aliases
variable bindingKeysExcludedFromSubApp
const bindingKeysExcludedFromSubApp: string[];
Binding keys excluded from a sub application. These bindings booted from the sub application won't be added to the main application.
const BOOTER_PHASES: string[];
Export of an array of all the Booter phases supported by the interface above, in the order they should be run.
variable ControllerDefaults
const ControllerDefaults: ArtifactOptions;
Default ArtifactOptions for ControllerBooter.
variable DataSourceDefaults
const DataSourceDefaults: ArtifactOptions;
Default ArtifactOptions for DataSourceBooter.
variable InterceptorProviderDefaults
const InterceptorProviderDefaults: ArtifactOptions;
Default ArtifactOptions for InterceptorProviderBooter.
variable LifeCycleObserverDefaults
const LifeCycleObserverDefaults: ArtifactOptions;
Default ArtifactOptions for DataSourceBooter.
variable ModelDefaults
const ModelDefaults: ArtifactOptions;
Default ArtifactOptions for DataSourceBooter.
variable RepositoryDefaults
const RepositoryDefaults: ArtifactOptions;
Default ArtifactOptions for RepositoryBooter.
variable RestDefaults
const RestDefaults: ArtifactOptions;
Default ArtifactOptions for ControllerBooter.
variable ServiceDefaults
const ServiceDefaults: ArtifactOptions;
Default ArtifactOptions for DataSourceBooter.
function bindBooter
bindBooter: (ctx: Context, booterCls: Constructor<Booter>) => Binding;
Method which binds a given Booter to a given Context with the Prefix and Tags expected by the Bootstrapper
Parameter ctx
The Context to bind the Booter Class
Parameter booterCls
Booter class to be bound
function booter
booter: (artifactNamespace: string, ...specs: BindingSpec[]) => ClassDecorator;
decorator to mark a class as aBooter
and specify the artifact namespace for the configuration of the booterParameter artifactNamespace
Namespace for the artifact. It will be used to inject configuration from boot options. For example, the Booter class decorated with
can receive its configuration via@config()
from thecontrollers
property of boot options.Parameter specs
Extra specs for the binding
Example 1
@booter('controllers')export class ControllerBooter extends BaseArtifactBooter {constructor(@inject(CoreBindings.APPLICATION_INSTANCE) public app: Application,@inject(BootBindings.PROJECT_ROOT) projectRoot: string,@config()public controllerConfig: ArtifactOptions = {},) {// ...}}
function BootMixin
BootMixin: <T extends MixinTarget<Application>>( superClass: T) => (new (...args: any[]) => { projectRoot: string; bootOptions?: BootOptions | undefined; booted: boolean; start(): Promise<void>; boot(): Promise<void>; booters(...booterCls: Constructor<Booter>[]): Binding[]; applicationBooter( subApp: Application & Bootable, filter?: BindingFilter ): Binding<Booter>; component<C extends Component = Component>( componentCtor: Constructor<C>, nameOrOptions?: string | BindingFromClassOptions ): Binding<C>; mountComponentBooters( componentInstanceOrClass: Constructor<unknown> | InstanceWithBooters ): void; readonly options: any; readonly state: string; controller: <T>( controllerCtor: any, nameOrOptions?: string | BindingFromClassOptions | undefined ) => Binding<T>; server: <T_1 extends any>( ctor: Constructor<T_1>, nameOrOptions?: string | BindingFromClassOptions | undefined ) => Binding<T_1>; servers: <T_2 extends any>(ctors: Constructor<T_2>[]) => Binding<any>[]; getServer: <T_3 extends any>(target: any) => Promise<T_3>; init: () => Promise<void>; onInit: ( fn: () => import('@loopback/core').ValueOrPromise<void> ) => Binding<any>; onStart: ( fn: () => import('@loopback/core').ValueOrPromise<void> ) => Binding<any>; stop: () => Promise<void>; onStop: ( fn: () => import('@loopback/core').ValueOrPromise<void> ) => Binding<any>; setMetadata: (metadata: any) => void; lifeCycleObserver: <T_4 extends any>( ctor: Constructor<T_4>, nameOrOptions?: string | BindingFromClassOptions | undefined ) => Binding<T_4>; service: <S>( cls: any, nameOrOptions?: string | import('@loopback/core').ServiceOptions | undefined ) => Binding<S>; interceptor: ( interceptor: | import('@loopback/core').Interceptor | Constructor< import('@loopback/core').Provider< import('@loopback/core').Interceptor > >, nameOrOptions?: | string | import('@loopback/core').InterceptorBindingOptions | undefined ) => Binding<any>; readonly name: string; readonly subscriptionManager: any; scope: BindingScope; readonly parent: Context | undefined; emitEvent: <T_5 extends any>(type: string, event: T_5) => void; emitError: (err: unknown) => void; bind: <ValueType = any>(key: any) => Binding<ValueType>; add: (binding: Binding<unknown>) => Application; configure: <ConfigValueType = any>( key?: import('@loopback/core').BindingAddress | undefined ) => Binding<ConfigValueType>; getConfigAsValueOrPromise: <ConfigValueType_1>( key: any, propertyPath?: string | undefined, resolutionOptions?: import('@loopback/core').ResolutionOptions | undefined ) => any; getConfig: <ConfigValueType_2>( key: any, propertyPath?: string | undefined, resolutionOptions?: import('@loopback/core').ResolutionOptions | undefined ) => Promise<ConfigValueType_2>; getConfigSync: <ConfigValueType_3>( key: any, propertyPath?: string | undefined, resolutionOptions?: import('@loopback/core').ResolutionOptions | undefined ) => ConfigValueType_3; unbind: (key: any) => boolean; subscribe: (observer: any) => any; unsubscribe: (observer: any) => boolean; close: () => void; isSubscribed: (observer: any) => boolean; createView: <T_6 = unknown>( filter: BindingFilter, comparator?: import('@loopback/core').BindingComparator | undefined, options?: | Omit<import('@loopback/core').ResolutionOptions, 'session'> | undefined ) => any; contains: (key: any) => boolean; isBound: (key: any) => boolean; getOwnerContext: ( keyOrBinding: | Readonly<Binding<unknown>> | import('@loopback/core').BindingAddress ) => Context | undefined; getScopedContext: ( scope: BindingScope.APPLICATION | BindingScope.SERVER | BindingScope.REQUEST ) => Context | undefined; getResolutionContext: (binding: Binding<unknown>) => Context | undefined; isVisibleTo: (ctx: Context) => boolean; find: <ValueType_1 = any>( pattern?: string | RegExp | BindingFilter | undefined ) => Binding<ValueType_1>[]; findByTag: <ValueType_2 = any>( tagFilter: RegExp | import('@loopback/core').BindingTag ) => Binding<ValueType_2>[]; get: { <ValueType_3>( keyWithPath: any, session?: import('@loopback/core').ResolutionSession | undefined ): Promise<ValueType_3>; <ValueType_4>(keyWithPath: any, options: any): Promise<ValueType_4>; }; getSync: { <ValueType_5>( keyWithPath: any, session?: import('@loopback/core').ResolutionSession | undefined ): ValueType_5; <ValueType_6>( keyWithPath: any, options?: import('@loopback/core').ResolutionOptions | undefined ): ValueType_6; }; getBinding: { <ValueType_7 = any>(key: any): Binding<ValueType_7>; <ValueType_8>( key: any, options?: { optional?: boolean | undefined } | undefined ): any; }; findOrCreateBinding: <T_7>( key: any, policy?: import('@loopback/core').BindingCreationPolicy | undefined ) => Binding<T_7>; getValueOrPromise: <ValueType_9>( keyWithPath: any, optionsOrSession?: | import('@loopback/core').ResolutionOptionsOrSession | undefined ) => any; toJSON: () => import('@loopback/core').JSONObject; inspect: ( options?: import('@loopback/core').ContextInspectOptions | undefined ) => any; on: { (eventName: 'bind' | 'unbind', listener: any): Application; (event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): Application; }; once: { (eventName: 'bind' | 'unbind', listener: any): Application; (event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): Application; }; addListener: <K_1>( eventName: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void ) => Application; removeListener: <K_2>( eventName: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void ) => Application; off: <K_3>( eventName: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void ) => Application; removeAllListeners: (event?: string | symbol | undefined) => Application; setMaxListeners: (n: number) => Application; getMaxListeners: () => number; listeners: <K_4>(eventName: string | symbol) => Function[]; rawListeners: <K_5>(eventName: string | symbol) => Function[]; emit: <K_6>(eventName: string | symbol, ...args: any[]) => boolean; listenerCount: <K_7>( eventName: string | symbol, listener?: Function | undefined ) => number; prependListener: <K_8>( eventName: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void ) => Application; prependOnceListener: <K_9>( eventName: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void ) => Application; eventNames: () => (string | symbol)[];}) & T;
Mixin for @loopback/boot. This Mixin provides the following: - Implements the Bootable Interface as follows. - Add a
property to the Class - Adds an optionalbootOptions
property to the Class that can be used to store the Booter conventions. - Adds theBootComponent
to the Class (which binds the Bootstrapper and default Booters) - Provides theboot()
convenience method to call Bootstrapper.boot() - Provides thebooter()
convenience method to bind a Booter(s) to the Application - Overridecomponent()
to callmountComponentBooters
- AddsmountComponentBooters
which binds Booters to the application fromcomponent.booters[]
Parameter superClass
Application class
A new class that extends the super class with boot related methods
function createBooterForComponentApplication
createBooterForComponentApplication: ( componentApp: Application & Bootable, filter?: BindingFilter) => Constructor<Booter>;
Create a booter that boots the component application. Bindings that exist in the component application before
are skipped. Locked bindings in the main application will not be overridden.Parameter componentApp
The application exposing a component
Parameter filter
Binding filter to selected bindings to be added
function createComponentApplicationBooterBinding
createComponentApplicationBooterBinding: ( componentApp: Application & Bootable, filter?: BindingFilter) => Binding<Booter>;
Create a binding to register a booter that boots the component application. Bindings that exist in the component application before
are skipped. Locked bindings in the main application will not be overridden.Parameter componentApp
The application exposing a component
Parameter filter
Binding filter to selected bindings to be added
function discoverFiles
discoverFiles: (pattern: string, root: string) => Promise<string[]>;
Returns all files matching the given glob pattern relative to root
Parameter pattern
A glob pattern
Parameter root
Root folder to start searching for matching files
Array of discovered files
function isClass
isClass: (target: any) => target is Constructor<any>;
Given a function, returns true if it is a class, false otherwise.
Parameter target
The function to check if it's a class or not.
True if target is a class. False otherwise.
function loadClassesFromFiles
loadClassesFromFiles: ( files: string[], projectRootDir: string) => Constructor<{}>[];
Returns an Array of Classes from given files. Works by requiring the file, identifying the exports from the file by getting the keys of the file and then testing each exported member to see if it's a class or not.
Parameter files
An array of string of absolute file paths
Parameter projectRootDir
The project root directory
An array of Class constructors from a file
class ApplicationMetadataBooter
class ApplicationMetadataBooter implements Booter {}
Configure the application with metadata from
Parameter app
Application instance
Parameter projectRoot
Root of User Project
constructor(app: Application, projectRoot: string);
property app
app: Application;
method configure
configure: () => Promise<void>;
class BaseArtifactBooter
class BaseArtifactBooter implements Booter {}
This class serves as a base class for Booters which follow a pattern of configure, discover files in a folder(s) using explicit folder / extensions or a glob pattern and lastly identifying exported classes from such files and performing an action on such files such as binding them.
Any Booter extending this base class is expected to
1. Set the 'options' property to a object of ArtifactOptions type. (Each extending class should provide defaults for the ArtifactOptions and use Object.assign to merge the properties with user provided Options). 2. Provide it's own logic for 'load' after calling 'await super.load()' to actually boot the Artifact classes.
Currently supports the following boot phases: configure, discover, load.
constructor(projectRoot: string, options: ArtifactOptions);
property artifactName
readonly artifactName: string;
Get the name of the artifact loaded by this booter, e.g. "Controller". Subclasses can override the default logic based on the class name.
property classes
classes: Constructor<{}>[];
List of exported classes discovered in the files
property dirs
dirs: string[];
Relative paths of directories to be searched
property discovered
discovered: string[];
List of files discovered by the Booter that matched artifact requirements
property extensions
extensions: string[];
File extensions to be searched
property glob
glob: string;
pattern to match artifact paths
property options
readonly options: ArtifactOptions;
Options being used by the Booter.
property projectRoot
readonly projectRoot: string;
Project root relative to which all other paths are resolved
method configure
configure: () => Promise<void>;
Configure the Booter by initializing the 'dirs', 'extensions' and 'glob' properties.
NOTE: All properties are configured even if all aren't used.
method discover
discover: () => Promise<void>;
Discover files based on the 'glob' property relative to the 'projectRoot'. Discovered artifact files matching the pattern are saved to the 'discovered' property.
method load
load: () => Promise<void>;
Filters the exports of 'discovered' files to only be Classes (in case function / types are exported) as an artifact is a Class. The filtered artifact Classes are saved in the 'classes' property.
NOTE: Booters extending this class should call this method (await super.load()) and then process the artifact classes as appropriate.
class BootComponent
class BootComponent implements Component {}
BootComponent is used to export the default list of Booter's made available by this module as well as bind the BootStrapper to the app so it can be used to run the Booters.
constructor(app: Application);
Parameter app
Application instance
property booters
booters: ( | typeof ApplicationMetadataBooter | typeof ControllerBooter | typeof DataSourceBooter | typeof InterceptorProviderBooter | typeof LifeCycleObserverBooter | typeof ModelApiBooter | typeof ModelBooter | typeof RepositoryBooter | typeof ServiceBooter)[];
class Bootstrapper
class Bootstrapper {}
The Bootstrapper class provides the
function that is responsible for finding and executing the Booters in an application based on given options.NOTE: Bootstrapper should be bound as a SINGLETON so it can be cached as it does not maintain any state of it's own.
Parameter app
Application instance
Parameter projectRoot
The root directory of the project, relative to which all other paths are resolved
Parameter bootOptions
The BootOptions describing the conventions to be used by various Booters
constructor(app: any, projectRoot: string, bootOptions?: BootOptions);
method boot
boot: (execOptions?: BootExecutionOptions, ctx?: Context) => Promise<Context>;
Function is responsible for calling all registered Booter classes that are bound to the Application instance. Each phase of an instance must complete before the next phase is started.
Parameter execOptions
Execution options for boot. These determine the phases and booters that are run.
Parameter ctx
Optional Context to use to resolve bindings. This is primarily useful when running app.boot() again but with different settings (in particular phases) such as 'start' / 'stop'. Using a returned Context from a previous boot call allows DI to retrieve the same instances of Booters previously used as they are bound using a CONTEXT scope. This is important as Booter instances may maintain state.
class ControllerBooter
class ControllerBooter extends BaseArtifactBooter {}
A class that extends BaseArtifactBooter to boot the 'Controller' artifact type. Discovered controllers are bound using
.Supported phases: configure, discover, load
Parameter app
Application instance
Parameter projectRoot
Root of User Project relative to which all paths are resolved
Parameter bootConfig
Controller Artifact Options Object
constructor( app: Application, projectRoot: string, controllerConfig?: ArtifactOptions);
property app
app: Application;
property controllerConfig
controllerConfig: ArtifactOptions;
method load
load: () => Promise<void>;
Uses super method to get a list of Artifact classes. Boot each class by binding it to the application using
class DataSourceBooter
class DataSourceBooter extends BaseArtifactBooter {}
A class that extends BaseArtifactBooter to boot the 'DataSource' artifact type. Discovered DataSources are bound using
.Supported phases: configure, discover, load
Parameter app
Application instance
Parameter projectRoot
Root of User Project relative to which all paths are resolved
Parameter bootConfig
DataSource Artifact Options Object
constructor( app: ApplicationWithRepositories, projectRoot: string, datasourceConfig?: ArtifactOptions);
property app
app: ApplicationWithRepositories;
property datasourceConfig
datasourceConfig: ArtifactOptions;
method load
load: () => Promise<void>;
Uses super method to get a list of Artifact classes. Boot each file by creating a DataSourceConstructor and binding it to the application class.
class InterceptorProviderBooter
class InterceptorProviderBooter extends BaseArtifactBooter {}
A class that extends BaseArtifactBooter to boot the 'InterceptorProvider' artifact type.
Supported phases: configure, discover, load
Parameter app
Application instance
Parameter projectRoot
Root of User Project relative to which all paths are resolved
Parameter bootConfig
InterceptorProvider Artifact Options Object
constructor( app: Application, projectRoot: string, interceptorConfig?: ArtifactOptions);
property app
app: Application;
property interceptorConfig
interceptorConfig: ArtifactOptions;
property interceptors
interceptors: Constructor<Provider<Interceptor>>[];
method load
load: () => Promise<void>;
Uses super method to get a list of Artifact classes. Boot each file by creating a DataSourceConstructor and binding it to the application class.
class LifeCycleObserverBooter
class LifeCycleObserverBooter extends BaseArtifactBooter {}
A class that extends BaseArtifactBooter to boot the 'LifeCycleObserver' artifact type.
Supported phases: configure, discover, load
Parameter app
Application instance
Parameter projectRoot
Root of User Project relative to which all paths are resolved
Parameter bootConfig
LifeCycleObserver Artifact Options Object
constructor( app: Application, projectRoot: string, observerConfig?: ArtifactOptions);
property app
app: Application;
property observerConfig
observerConfig: ArtifactOptions;
property observers
observers: Constructor<LifeCycleObserver>[];
method load
load: () => Promise<void>;
Uses super method to get a list of Artifact classes. Boot each file by creating a DataSourceConstructor and binding it to the application class.
class ModelApiBooter
class ModelApiBooter extends BaseArtifactBooter {}
constructor( app: ApplicationWithRepositories, projectRoot: string, getModelApiBuilders: Getter<ModelApiBuilder[]>, booterConfig?: ArtifactOptions);
property app
app: ApplicationWithRepositories;
property booterConfig
booterConfig: ArtifactOptions;
property getModelApiBuilders
getModelApiBuilders: Getter<ModelApiBuilder[]>;
method getApiBuilderForPattern
getApiBuilderForPattern: (pattern: string) => Promise<ModelApiBuilder>;
Retrieve the API builder that matches the pattern provided
Parameter pattern
name of pattern for an API builder
method load
load: () => Promise<void>;
Load the the model config files
method setupModel
setupModel: (configFile: string) => Promise<void>;
Set up the loaded model classes
class ModelBooter
class ModelBooter extends BaseArtifactBooter {}
A class that extends BaseArtifactBooter to boot the 'Model' artifact type.
Supported phases: configure, discover, load
Parameter app
Application instance
Parameter projectRoot
Root of User Project relative to which all paths are resolved
Parameter bootConfig
Model Artifact Options Object
constructor( app: ApplicationWithRepositories, projectRoot: string, modelConfig?: ArtifactOptions);
property app
app: ApplicationWithRepositories;
property modelConfig
modelConfig: ArtifactOptions;
method load
load: () => Promise<void>;
Uses super method to get a list of Artifact classes. Boot each file by creating a DataSourceConstructor and binding it to the application class.
class RepositoryBooter
class RepositoryBooter extends BaseArtifactBooter {}
A class that extends BaseArtifactBooter to boot the 'Repository' artifact type. Discovered repositories are bound using
which must be added to an Application using theRepositoryMixin
.Supported phases: configure, discover, load
Parameter app
Application instance
Parameter projectRoot
Root of User Project relative to which all paths are resolved
Parameter bootConfig
Repository Artifact Options Object
constructor( app: ApplicationWithRepositories, projectRoot: string, repositoryOptions?: ArtifactOptions);
property app
app: ApplicationWithRepositories;
property repositoryOptions
repositoryOptions: ArtifactOptions;
method load
load: () => Promise<void>;
Uses super method to get a list of Artifact classes. Boot each class by binding it to the application using
if present.
class ServiceBooter
class ServiceBooter extends BaseArtifactBooter {}
A class that extends BaseArtifactBooter to boot the 'Service' artifact type. Discovered services are bound using
.Supported phases: configure, discover, load
Parameter app
Application instance
Parameter projectRoot
Root of User Project relative to which all paths are resolved
Parameter bootConfig
Service Artifact Options Object
constructor( app: ApplicationWithServices, projectRoot: string, serviceConfig?: ArtifactOptions);
property app
app: ApplicationWithServices;
property serviceConfig
serviceConfig: ArtifactOptions;
method load
load: () => Promise<void>;
Uses super method to get a list of Artifact classes. Boot each file by creating a DataSourceConstructor and binding it to the application class.
interface Bootable
interface Bootable {}
Interface to describe the additions made available to an Application that uses BootMixin.
property bootOptions
bootOptions?: BootOptions;
Options for boot
property projectRoot
projectRoot: string;
Root directory for the project to be booted
method boot
boot: () => Promise<void>;
Boot up the project
method booters
booters: (...booterClasses: Constructor<Booter>[]) => Binding[];
Register booters
Parameter booterClasses
A list of booter classes
interface Booter
interface Booter {}
Defines the requirements to implement a Booter for LoopBack applications: - configure() - discover() - load()
A Booter will run through the above methods in order.
method configure
configure: () => Promise<void>;
Configure phase of the Booter. It should set options / defaults in this phase.
method discover
discover: () => Promise<void>;
Discover phase of the Booter. It should search for artifacts in this phase.
method load
load: () => Promise<void>;
Load phase of the Booter. It should bind the artifacts in this phase.
interface InstanceWithBooters
interface InstanceWithBooters {}
Interface to describe an object that may have an array of
property booters
booters?: Constructor<Booter>[];
Type Aliases
type ArtifactOptions
type ArtifactOptions = { /** * Array of directories to check for artifacts. * Paths must be relative. Defaults to ['controllers'] */ dirs?: string | string[]; /** * Array of file extensions to match artifact * files in dirs. Defaults to ['.controller.js'] */ extensions?: string | string[]; /** * A flag to control if artifact discovery should check nested * folders or not. Default to true */ nested?: boolean; /** * A `glob` string to use when searching for files. This takes * precedence over other options. */ glob?: string;};
Type definition for ArtifactOptions. These are the options supported by this Booter.
type BootExecutionOptions
type BootExecutionOptions = { /** * Optional array of Booter Classes to bind to the application before running bootstrapper. */ booters?: Constructor<Booter>[]; /** * Filter Object for Bootstrapper */ filter?: { /** * Names of booters that should be run by Bootstrapper */ booters?: string[]; /** * Names of phases that should be run by Bootstrapper */ phases?: string[]; }; /** * Additional Properties */ [prop: string]: any;};
Options for boot() execution
type BootOptions
type BootOptions = { controllers?: ArtifactOptions; repositories?: ArtifactOptions; /** * Additional Properties */ [prop: string]: any;};
Options to configure
namespace BootBindings
namespace BootBindings {}
Namespace for boot related binding keys
const BOOT_OPTIONS: BindingKey<BootOptions>;
Binding key for boot options
const BOOTER_PREFIX: string;
variable BOOTERS
const BOOTERS: string;
Booter binding namespace
const BOOTSTRAPPER_KEY: BindingKey<Bootstrapper>;
Binding key for binding the BootStrapper class
const PROJECT_ROOT: BindingKey<string>;
Binding key for determining project root directory
namespace BootTags
namespace BootTags {}
Namespace for boot related tags
variable BOOTER
const BOOTER: string;
variable BOOTER_TAG
const BOOTER_TAG: string;
Package Files (18)
- dist/boot.component.d.ts
- dist/booters/application-metadata.booter.d.ts
- dist/booters/base-artifact.booter.d.ts
- dist/booters/booter-utils.d.ts
- dist/booters/component-application.booter.d.ts
- dist/booters/controller.booter.d.ts
- dist/booters/datasource.booter.d.ts
- dist/booters/interceptor.booter.d.ts
- dist/booters/lifecyle-observer.booter.d.ts
- dist/booters/model-api.booter.d.ts
- dist/booters/model.booter.d.ts
- dist/booters/repository.booter.d.ts
- dist/booters/service.booter.d.ts
- dist/bootstrapper.d.ts
- dist/index.d.ts
- dist/keys.d.ts
- dist/mixins/boot.mixin.d.ts
- dist/types.d.ts
Dependencies (8)
Dev Dependencies (7)
Peer Dependencies (1)
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