
  • Version 6.1.3
  • Published
  • 181 kB
  • 3 dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i @loopback/core
yarn add @loopback/core
pnpm add @loopback/core


The core foundation for LoopBack 4. It can also serve as the platform to build large-scale Node.js applications and frameworks.


For examples of how to leverage @loopback/core to build composable and extensible projects, check out the core tutorial.






Type Aliases





    variable lifeCycleObserverFilter

    const lifeCycleObserverFilter: BindingTagFilter;
    • Find all life cycle observer bindings. By default, a binding tagged with CoreTags.LIFE_CYCLE_OBSERVER. It's used as BindingFilter.


    function addExtension

    addExtension: (
    context: Context,
    extensionPointName: string,
    extensionClass: Constructor<unknown>,
    options?: BindingFromClassOptions
    ) => Binding<unknown>;
    • Register an extension for the given extension point to the context

      Parameter context

      Context object

      Parameter extensionPointName

      Name of the extension point

      Parameter extensionClass

      Class or a provider for an extension

      Parameter options

      Options Options for the creation of binding from class

    function asLifeCycleObserver

    asLifeCycleObserver: <T = unknown>(binding: Binding<T>) => Binding<T>;
    • A BindingTemplate function to configure the binding as life cycle observer by tagging it with CoreTags.LIFE_CYCLE_OBSERVER.

      Parameter binding

      Binding object

    function asService

    asService: (serviceInterface: ServiceInterface) => BindingTemplate;
    • Create a binding template for a service interface

      Parameter serviceInterface

      Service interface

    function createServiceBinding

    createServiceBinding: <S>(
    cls: ServiceOrProviderClass<S>,
    options?: ServiceOptions
    ) => Binding<S>;
    • Create a service binding from a class or provider

      Parameter cls

      Service class or provider

      Parameter options

      Service options

    function extensionFilter

    extensionFilter: (...extensionPointNames: string[]) => BindingFilter;
    • A factory function to create binding filter for extensions of a named extension point

      Parameter extensionPointNames

      A list of names of extension points

    function extensionFor

    extensionFor: (...extensionPointNames: string[]) => BindingTemplate;
    • A factory function to create binding template for extensions of the given extension point

      Parameter extensionPointNames

      Names of the extension point

    function extensionPoint

    extensionPoint: (name: string, ...specs: BindingSpec[]) => ClassDecorator;
    • Decorate a class as a named extension point. If the decoration is not present, the name of the class will be used.

      Parameter name

      Name of the extension point

      Example 1

      import {extensionPoint} from '@loopback/core';
      export class GreetingService {
      // ...

    function extensions

    extensions: typeof extensions;
    • Shortcut to inject extensions for the given extension point.

      Parameter extensionPointName

      Name of the extension point. If not supplied, we use the name tag from the extension point binding or the class name of the extension point class. If a class needs to inject extensions from multiple extension points, use different extensionPointName for different types of extensions.

      Parameter metadata

      Optional injection metadata

      Example 1

      import {Getter} from '@loopback/context';
      import {extensionPoint, extensions} from '@loopback/core';
      export class GreetingService {
      @extensions() // Inject extensions for the extension point
      private getGreeters: Getter<Greeter[]>,
      // ...
      ) {
      // ...

    function filterByServiceInterface

    filterByServiceInterface: (serviceInterface: ServiceInterface) => BindingFilter;
    • Create a binding filter by service class

      Parameter serviceInterface

      Service class matching the one used by binding.toClass()

      Parameter options

      Options to control if subclasses should be skipped for matching

    function isLifeCycleObserver

    isLifeCycleObserver: (obj: object) => obj is LifeCycleObserver;
    • Test if an object implements LifeCycleObserver

      Parameter obj

      An object

    function isLifeCycleObserverClass

    isLifeCycleObserverClass: (
    ctor: Constructor<unknown>
    ) => ctor is Constructor<LifeCycleObserver>;
    • Test if a class implements LifeCycleObserver

      Parameter ctor

      A class

    function lifeCycleObserver

    lifeCycleObserver: (group?: string, ...specs: BindingSpec[]) => ClassDecorator;
    • Sugar decorator to mark a class as life cycle observer

      Parameter group

      Optional observer group name

      Parameter specs

      Optional bindings specs

    function mountComponent

    mountComponent: (app: Application, component: Component) => void;
    • Mount a component to an Application.

      Parameter app


      Parameter component

      Component instance

    function service

    service: (
    serviceInterface?: ServiceInterface,
    metadata?: InjectionMetadata
    ) => (
    target: Object,
    member: string | undefined,
    | number
    | TypedPropertyDescriptor<any>
    | undefined
    ) => void;
    • @service injects a service instance that matches the class or interface.

      Parameter serviceInterface

      Interface for the service. It can be in one of the following forms:

      - A class, such as MyService - A string that identifies the interface, such as 'MyService' - A symbol that identifies the interface, such as Symbol('MyService')

      If not provided, the value is inferred from the design:type of the parameter or property

      Example 1

      const ctx = new Context();
      export class MyController {
      constructor(@service(MyService) private myService: MyService) {}
      private logger: Logger;
      await myController = ctx.get<MyController>('my-controller');


    class Application

    class Application extends Context implements LifeCycleObserver {}
    • Application is the container for various types of artifacts, such as components, servers, controllers, repositories, datasources, connectors, and models.


    constructor(parent: Context);
    • Create an application with the given parent context

      Parameter parent

      Parent context


    constructor(config?: ApplicationConfig, parent?: Context);
    • Create an application with the given configuration and parent context

      Parameter config

      Application configuration

      Parameter parent

      Parent context

    property options

    readonly options: ApplicationConfig;

      property state

      readonly state: string;
      • Get the state of the application. The initial state is created and it can transition as follows by start and stop:

        1. start - !started -> starting -> started - started -> started (no-op) 2. stop - (started | initialized) -> stopping -> stopped - ! (started || initialized) -> stopped (no-op)

        Two types of states are expected: - stable, such as started and stopped - in process, such as booting and starting

        Operations such as start and stop can only be called at a stable state. The logic should immediately set the state to a new one indicating work in process, such as starting and stopping.

      method assertInStates

      protected assertInStates: (op: string, ...states: string[]) => void;
      • Assert current state of the application to be one of the expected values

        Parameter op

        The operation name, such as 'boot', 'start', or 'stop'

        Parameter states

        Valid states

      method assertNotInProcess

      protected assertNotInProcess: (op: string) => void;
      • Assert there is no other operation is in progress, i.e., the state is not *ing, such as starting or stopping.

        Parameter op

        The operation name, such as 'boot', 'start', or 'stop'

      method awaitState

      protected awaitState: (state: string) => Promise<void>;

        method component

        component: <T extends Component = Component>(
        componentCtor: Constructor<T>,
        nameOrOptions?: string | BindingFromClassOptions
        ) => Binding<T>;
        • Add a component to this application and register extensions such as controllers, providers, and servers from the component.

          Parameter componentCtor

          The component class to add.

          Parameter nameOrOptions

          Optional component name or options, default to the class name

          Example 1

          export class ProductComponent {
          controllers = [ProductController];
          repositories = [ProductRepo, UserRepo];
          providers = {
          [AUTHENTICATION_STRATEGY]: AuthStrategy,
          [AUTHORIZATION_ROLE]: Role,

        method controller

        controller: <T>(
        controllerCtor: Constructor<T>,
        nameOrOptions?: string | BindingFromClassOptions
        ) => Binding<T>;
        • Register a controller class with this application.

          Parameter controllerCtor

          The controller class (constructor function).

          Parameter name

          Optional controller name, default to the class name


          The newly created binding, you can use the reference to further modify the binding, e.g. lock the value to prevent further modifications.

          Example 1

          class MyController {

        method getServer

        getServer: <T extends Server>(target: Constructor<T> | string) => Promise<T>;
        • Retrieve the singleton instance for a bound server.

          Parameter ctor

          The constructor that was used to make the binding.


          A Promise of server instance

        method init

        init: () => Promise<void>;
        • Initialize the application, and all of its registered observers. The application state is checked to ensure the integrity of initialize.

          If the application is already initialized, no operation is performed.

          This method is automatically invoked by start() if the application is not initialized.

        method interceptor

        interceptor: (
        interceptor: Interceptor | Constructor<Provider<Interceptor>>,
        nameOrOptions?: string | InterceptorBindingOptions
        ) => Binding<Interceptor>;
        • Register an interceptor

          Parameter interceptor

          An interceptor function or provider class

          Parameter nameOrOptions

          Binding name or options

        method lifeCycleObserver

        lifeCycleObserver: <T extends LifeCycleObserver>(
        ctor: Constructor<T>,
        nameOrOptions?: string | BindingFromClassOptions
        ) => Binding<T>;
        • Register a life cycle observer class

          Parameter ctor

          A class implements LifeCycleObserver

          Parameter nameOrOptions

          Optional name or options for the life cycle observer

        method onInit

        onInit: (fn: () => ValueOrPromise<void>) => Binding<LifeCycleObserver>;
        • Register a function to be called when the application initializes.

          This is a shortcut for adding a binding for a LifeCycleObserver implementing a init() method.

          Parameter fn

          The function to invoke, it can be synchronous (returning void) or asynchronous (returning Promise<void>).


          The LifeCycleObserver binding created.

        method onStart

        onStart: (fn: () => ValueOrPromise<void>) => Binding<LifeCycleObserver>;
        • Register a function to be called when the application starts.

          This is a shortcut for adding a binding for a LifeCycleObserver implementing a start() method.

          Parameter fn

          The function to invoke, it can be synchronous (returning void) or asynchronous (returning Promise<void>).


          The LifeCycleObserver binding created.

        method onStop

        onStop: (fn: () => ValueOrPromise<void>) => Binding<LifeCycleObserver>;
        • Register a function to be called when the application starts.

          This is a shortcut for adding a binding for a LifeCycleObserver implementing a start() method.

          Parameter fn

          The function to invoke, it can be synchronous (returning void) or asynchronous (returning Promise<void>).


          The LifeCycleObserver binding created.

        method server

        server: <T extends Server>(
        ctor: Constructor<T>,
        nameOrOptions?: string | BindingFromClassOptions
        ) => Binding<T>;
        • Bind a Server constructor to the Application's master context. Each server constructor added in this way must provide a unique prefix to prevent binding overlap.

          Parameter server

          The server constructor.

          Parameter nameOrOptions

          Optional override for name or options.


          Binding for the server class

          Example 1

          // This server constructor will be bound under "servers.RestServer".
          app.server(RestServer, "v1API");
          // This server instance will be bound under "servers.v1API".

        method servers

        servers: <T extends Server>(ctors: Constructor<T>[]) => Binding[];
        • Bind an array of Server constructors to the Application's master context. Each server added in this way will automatically be named based on the class constructor name with the "servers." prefix.

          Parameter ctors

          An array of Server constructors.


          An array of bindings for the registered server classes


          If you wish to control the binding keys for particular server instances, use the app.server function instead.

          // Creates a binding for "servers.RestServer" and a binding for
          // "servers.GRPCServer";

        method service

        service: <S>(
        cls: ServiceOrProviderClass<S>,
        nameOrOptions?: string | ServiceOptions
        ) => Binding<S>;
        • Add a service to this application.

          Parameter cls

          The service or provider class

          Example 1

          // Define a class to be bound via ctx.toClass()
          @injectable({scope: BindingScope.SINGLETON})
          export class LogService {
          log(msg: string) {
          // Define a class to be bound via ctx.toProvider()
          import {v4 as uuidv4} from 'uuid';
          export class UuidProvider implements Provider<string> {
          value() {
          return uuidv4();
          // Register the local services
          app.service(UuidProvider, 'uuid');
          export class MyController {
          @inject('services.uuid') private uuid: string,
          @inject('services.LogService') private log: LogService,
          ) {
          greet(name: string) {
          this.log(`Greet request ${this.uuid} received: ${name}`);
          return `${this.uuid}: ${name}`;

        method setMetadata

        setMetadata: (metadata: ApplicationMetadata) => void;
        • Set application metadata. @loopback/boot calls this method to populate the metadata from package.json.

          Parameter metadata

          Application metadata

        method setState

        protected setState: (state: string) => void;
        • Transition the application to a new state and emit an event

          Parameter state

          The new state

        method setupShutdown

        protected setupShutdown: () => (signal: string) => Promise<void>;
        • Set up signals that are captured to shutdown the application

        method start

        start: () => Promise<void>;
        • Start the application, and all of its registered observers. The application state is checked to ensure the integrity of start.

          If the application is not initialized, it calls first init() to initialize the application. This only happens if start() is called for the first time.

          If the application is already started, no operation is performed.

        method stop

        stop: () => Promise<void>;
        • Stop the application instance and all of its registered observers. The application state is checked to ensure the integrity of stop.

          If the application is already stopped or not started, no operation is performed.

        class LifeCycleObserverRegistry

        class LifeCycleObserverRegistry implements LifeCycleObserver {}
        • A context-based registry for life cycle observers


        context: Context,
        observersView: ContextView<LifeCycleObserver>,
        options?: LifeCycleObserverOptions

          property context

          protected readonly context: Context;

            property observersView

            protected readonly observersView: ContextView<LifeCycleObserver>;

              property options

              protected readonly options: LifeCycleObserverOptions;

                method getObserverGroup

                protected getObserverGroup: (binding: Binding<LifeCycleObserver>) => string;
                • Get the group for a given life cycle observer binding

                  Parameter binding

                  Life cycle observer binding

                method getObserverGroupsByOrder

                getObserverGroupsByOrder: () => LifeCycleObserverGroup[];
                • Get observer groups ordered by the group

                method init

                init: () => Promise<void>;
                • Notify all life cycle observers by group of init

                method invokeObserver

                protected invokeObserver: (
                observer: LifeCycleObserver,
                event: keyof LifeCycleObserver
                ) => Promise<void>;
                • Invoke an observer for the given event

                  Parameter observer

                  A life cycle observer

                  Parameter event

                  Event name

                method notifyGroups

                protected notifyGroups: (
                events: (keyof LifeCycleObserver)[],
                groups: LifeCycleObserverGroup[],
                reverse?: boolean
                ) => Promise<void>;
                • Emit events to the observer groups

                  Parameter events

                  Event names

                  Parameter groups

                  Observer groups

                method notifyObservers

                protected notifyObservers: (
                observers: LifeCycleObserver[],
                bindings: Readonly<Binding<LifeCycleObserver>>[],
                event: keyof LifeCycleObserver
                ) => Promise<void>;
                • Notify an observer group of the given event

                  Parameter group

                  A group of bindings for life cycle observers

                  Parameter event

                  Event name

                method setOrderedGroups

                setOrderedGroups: (groups: string[]) => void;

                  method sortObserverBindingsByGroup

                  protected sortObserverBindingsByGroup: (
                  bindings: Readonly<Binding<LifeCycleObserver>>[]
                  ) => LifeCycleObserverGroup[];
                  • Sort the life cycle observer bindings so that we can start/stop them in the right order. By default, we can start other observers before servers and stop them in the reverse order

                    Parameter bindings

                    Life cycle observer bindings

                  method start

                  start: () => Promise<void>;
                  • Notify all life cycle observers by group of start

                  method stop

                  stop: () => Promise<void>;
                  • Notify all life cycle observers by group of stop


                  interface ApplicationConfig

                  interface ApplicationConfig {}
                  • Configuration for application

                  property name

                  name?: string;
                  • Name of the application context

                  property shutdown

                  shutdown?: ShutdownOptions;
                  • Configuration for signals that shut down the application

                  index signature

                  [prop: string]: any;
                  • Other properties

                  interface ApplicationMetadata

                  interface ApplicationMetadata extends JSONObject {}
                  • Type description for package.json

                  property description

                  description: string;

                    property name

                    name: string;

                      property version

                      version: string;

                        interface ClassMap

                        interface ClassMap {}
                        • A map of classes to be bound to a context

                        index signature

                        [key: string]: Constructor<BoundValue>;

                          interface Component

                          interface Component {}
                          • A component declares a set of artifacts so that they can be contributed to an application as a group

                          property bindings

                          bindings?: Binding[];
                          • An array of bindings to be aded to the application context.

                            Example 1

                            const bindingX = Binding.bind('x').to('Value X');
                            this.bindings = [bindingX]

                          property classes

                          classes?: ClassMap;
                          • A map of classes to be bound to the application context.

                            Example 1

                            'rest.body-parsers.xml': XmlBodyParser

                          property components

                          components?: Constructor<Component>[];
                          • An array of component classes

                          property controllers

                          controllers?: ControllerClass[];
                          • An array of controller classes

                          property lifeCycleObservers

                          lifeCycleObservers?: Constructor<LifeCycleObserver>[];

                            property providers

                            providers?: ProviderMap;
                            • A map of providers to be bound to the application context

                              Example 1

                              'authentication.strategies.ldap': LdapStrategyProvider

                            property servers

                            servers?: {
                            [name: string]: Constructor<Server>;
                            • A map of name/class pairs for servers

                            property services

                            services?: ServiceOrProviderClass[];
                            • An array of service or provider classes

                            index signature

                            [prop: string]: any;
                            • Other properties

                            interface LifeCycleObserver

                            interface LifeCycleObserver {}
                            • Observers to handle life cycle init/start/stop events

                            method init

                            init: (...injectedArgs: unknown[]) => ValueOrPromise<void>;
                            • The method to be invoked during init. It will only be called at most once for a given application instance.

                            method start

                            start: (...injectedArgs: unknown[]) => ValueOrPromise<void>;
                            • The method to be invoked during start

                            method stop

                            stop: (...injectedArgs: unknown[]) => ValueOrPromise<void>;
                            • The method to be invoked during stop

                            interface ProviderMap

                            interface ProviderMap {}
                            • A map of provider classes to be bound to a context

                            index signature

                            [key: string]: Constructor<Provider<BoundValue>>;

                              interface Server

                              interface Server extends LifeCycleObserver {}
                              • Defines the requirements to implement a Server for LoopBack applications: start() : Promise stop() : Promise It is recommended that each Server implementation creates its own child Context, which inherits from the parent Application context. This way, any Server-specific bindings will remain local to the Server instance, and will avoid polluting its parent module scope.

                              property listening

                              readonly listening: boolean;
                              • Tells whether the server is listening for connections or not

                              interface ServiceOptions

                              interface ServiceOptions extends BindingFromClassOptions {}
                              • Options to register a service binding

                              property interface

                              interface?: ServiceInterface;

                                Type Aliases

                                type ControllerClass

                                type ControllerClass<T = any> = Constructor<T>;

                                  type LifeCycleObserverGroup

                                  type LifeCycleObserverGroup = {
                                  * Observer group name
                                  group: string;
                                  * Bindings for observers within the group
                                  bindings: Readonly<Binding<LifeCycleObserver>>[];
                                  • A group of life cycle observers

                                  type LifeCycleObserverOptions

                                  type LifeCycleObserverOptions = {
                                  * Control the order of observer groups for notifications. For example,
                                  * with `['datasource', 'server']`, the observers in `datasource` group are
                                  * notified before those in `server` group during `start`. Please note that
                                  * observers are notified in the reverse order during `stop`.
                                  orderedGroups: string[];
                                  * Override and disable lifecycle observer groups. This setting applies to
                                  * both ordered groups (i.e. those defined in `orderedGroups`) and unordered
                                  * groups.
                                  disabledGroups?: string[];
                                  * Notify observers of the same group in parallel, default to `true`
                                  parallel?: boolean;

                                    type MixinTarget

                                    type MixinTarget<T extends object> = Constructor<{
                                    [P in keyof T]: T[P];
                                    • A replacement for typeof Target to be used in mixin class definitions. This is a workaround for TypeScript limitation described in - https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/17293 - https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/17744 - https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/36060

                                      Example 1

                                      export function MyMixin<T extends MixinTarget<Application>>(superClass: T) {
                                      return class extends superClass {
                                      // contribute new class members

                                      TypeScript does not allow class mixins to access protected members from the base class. You can use the following approach as a workaround:

                                      // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
                                      // @ts-ignore
                                      (this as unknown as {YourBaseClass}).protectedMember

                                      The directive @ts-ignore suppresses compiler error about accessing a protected member from outside. Unfortunately, it also disables other compile-time checks (e.g. to verify that a protected method was invoked with correct arguments, and so on). This is the same behavior you would get by using Constructor<any> instead of MixinTarget<Application>. The major improvement is that TypeScript can still infer the return type of the protected member, therefore any is NOT introduced to subsequent code.

                                      TypeScript also does not allow mixin class to overwrite a method inherited from a mapped type, see https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/38496 As a workaround, use @ts-ignore to disable the error.

                                      export function RepositoryMixin<T extends MixinTarget<Application>>(
                                      superClass: T,
                                      ) {
                                      return class extends superClass {
                                      // @ts-ignore
                                      public component<C extends Component = Component>(
                                      componentCtor: Constructor<C>,
                                      nameOrOptions?: string | BindingFromClassOptions,
                                      ) {
                                      const binding = super.component(componentCtor, nameOrOptions);
                                      // ...
                                      return binding;

                                    type ServiceInterface

                                    type ServiceInterface = string | symbol | Function;
                                    • Representing an interface for services. In TypeScript, the interface does not have reflections at runtime. We use a string, a symbol or a Function as the type for the service interface.

                                    type ServiceOrProviderClass

                                    type ServiceOrProviderClass<T = any> =
                                    | Constructor<T | Provider<T>>
                                    | DynamicValueProviderClass<T>;

                                      type ShutdownOptions

                                      type ShutdownOptions = {
                                      * An array of signals to be trapped for graceful shutdown
                                      signals?: NodeJS.Signals[];
                                      * Period in milliseconds to wait for the grace shutdown to finish before
                                      * exiting the process
                                      gracePeriod?: number;
                                      • Options to set up application shutdown


                                      namespace CoreBindings

                                      namespace CoreBindings {}
                                      • Namespace for core binding keys

                                      variable APPLICATION_CONFIG

                                      const APPLICATION_CONFIG: BindingKey<ApplicationConfig>;
                                      • Binding key for application configuration

                                      variable APPLICATION_INSTANCE

                                      const APPLICATION_INSTANCE: BindingKey<Application>;
                                      • Binding key for application instance itself

                                      variable APPLICATION_METADATA

                                      const APPLICATION_METADATA: BindingKey<ApplicationMetadata>;
                                      • Binding key for the content of package.json

                                      variable COMPONENTS

                                      const COMPONENTS: string;
                                      • Binding key for components

                                      variable CONTROLLER_CLASS

                                      const CONTROLLER_CLASS: BindingKey<Constructor<T>>;
                                      • Binding key for the controller class resolved in the current request context

                                      variable CONTROLLER_CURRENT

                                      const CONTROLLER_CURRENT: BindingKey<unknown>;
                                      • Binding key for the controller instance resolved in the current request context

                                      variable CONTROLLER_METHOD_META

                                      const CONTROLLER_METHOD_META: string;
                                      • Binding key for the controller method metadata resolved in the current request context

                                      variable CONTROLLER_METHOD_NAME

                                      const CONTROLLER_METHOD_NAME: BindingKey<string>;
                                      • Binding key for the controller method resolved in the current request context

                                      variable CONTROLLERS

                                      const CONTROLLERS: string;

                                        variable LIFE_CYCLE_OBSERVER_OPTIONS

                                        const LIFE_CYCLE_OBSERVER_OPTIONS: BindingKey<LifeCycleObserverOptions>;
                                        • Binding key for life cycle observer options

                                        variable LIFE_CYCLE_OBSERVER_REGISTRY

                                        const LIFE_CYCLE_OBSERVER_REGISTRY: BindingKey<LifeCycleObserverRegistry>;
                                        • Binding key for life cycle observer options

                                        variable LIFE_CYCLE_OBSERVERS

                                        const LIFE_CYCLE_OBSERVERS: string;

                                          variable SERVERS

                                          const SERVERS: string;
                                          • Binding key for servers

                                          namespace CoreTags

                                          namespace CoreTags {}

                                            variable COMPONENT

                                            const COMPONENT: string;
                                            • Binding tag for components

                                            variable CONTROLLER

                                            const CONTROLLER: string;
                                            • Binding tag for controllers

                                            variable EXTENSION_FOR

                                            const EXTENSION_FOR: string;
                                            • Binding tag for extensions to specify name of the extension point that an extension contributes to.

                                            variable EXTENSION_POINT

                                            const EXTENSION_POINT: string;
                                            • Binding tag for an extension point to specify name of the extension point

                                            variable LIFE_CYCLE_OBSERVER

                                            const LIFE_CYCLE_OBSERVER: string;
                                            • Binding tag for life cycle observers

                                            variable LIFE_CYCLE_OBSERVER_GROUP

                                            const LIFE_CYCLE_OBSERVER_GROUP: string;
                                            • Binding tag for group name of life cycle observers

                                            variable SERVER

                                            const SERVER: string;
                                            • Binding tag for servers

                                            variable SERVICE

                                            const SERVICE: string;
                                            • Binding tag for services

                                            variable SERVICE_INTERFACE

                                            const SERVICE_INTERFACE: string;
                                            • Binding tag for the service interface

                                            namespace extensions

                                            namespace extensions {}

                                              function list

                                              list: (
                                              extensionPointName?: string,
                                              metadata?: InjectionMetadata
                                              ) => (
                                              target: Object,
                                              member: string | undefined,
                                              | number
                                              | TypedPropertyDescriptor<any>
                                              | undefined
                                              ) => void;
                                              • Inject an array of resolved extension instances for the extension point. The list is a snapshot of registered extensions when the injection is fulfilled. Extensions added or removed afterward won't impact the list.

                                                Parameter extensionPointName

                                                Name of the extension point. If not supplied, we use the name tag from the extension point binding or the class name of the extension point class. If a class needs to inject extensions from multiple extension points, use different extensionPointName for different types of extensions.

                                                Parameter metadata

                                                Optional injection metadata

                                                Example 1

                                                import {extensionPoint, extensions} from '@loopback/core';
                                                export class GreetingService {
                                                @extensions.list() // Inject an array of extensions for the extension point
                                                private greeters: Greeter[],
                                                // ...
                                                ) {
                                                // ...

                                              function view

                                              view: (
                                              extensionPointName?: string,
                                              metadata?: InjectionMetadata
                                              ) => (
                                              target: Object,
                                              member: string | undefined,
                                              | number
                                              | TypedPropertyDescriptor<any>
                                              | undefined
                                              ) => void;
                                              • Inject a ContextView for extensions of the extension point. The view can then be listened on events such as bind, unbind, or refresh to react on changes of extensions.

                                                Parameter extensionPointName

                                                Name of the extension point. If not supplied, we use the name tag from the extension point binding or the class name of the extension point class. If a class needs to inject extensions from multiple extension points, use different extensionPointName for different types of extensions.

                                                Parameter metadata

                                                Optional injection metadata

                                                Example 1

                                                import {extensionPoint, extensions} from '@loopback/core';
                                                export class GreetingService {
                                                @extensions.view() // Inject a context view for extensions of the extension point
                                                private greetersView: ContextView<Greeter>,
                                                // ...
                                                ) {
                                                // ...

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