- Version 2.0.2
- Published
- 634 kB
- No dependencies
- BSD-3-Clause license
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function chain
chain: <T>(...objects: Iterable<T>[]) => IterableIterator<T>;
Chain together several iterables.
Parameter objects
The iterable objects of interest.
An iterator which yields the values of the iterables in the order in which they are supplied.
#### Example
import { chain } from '@lumino/algorithm';let data1 = [1, 2, 3];let data2 = [4, 5, 6];let stream = chain(data1, data2);Array.from(stream); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]Deprecated
function each
each: <T>( object: Iterable<T>, fn: (value: T, index: number) => boolean | void) => void;
Invoke a function for each value in an iterable.
Parameter object
The iterable object of interest.
Parameter fn
The callback function to invoke for each value.
#### Notes Iteration can be terminated early by returning
from the callback function.#### Complexity Linear.
#### Example
import { each } from '@lumino/algorithm';let data = [5, 7, 0, -2, 9];each(data, value => { console.log(value); });Deprecated
function empty
empty: <T>() => IterableIterator<T>;
Create an empty iterator.
A new iterator which yields nothing.
#### Example
import { empty } from '@lumino/algorithm';let stream = empty<number>();Array.from(stream); // []
function enumerate
enumerate: <T>( object: Iterable<T>, start?: number) => IterableIterator<[number, T]>;
Enumerate an iterable object.
Parameter object
The iterable object of interest.
Parameter start
The starting enum value. The default is
An iterator which yields the enumerated values.
#### Example
import { enumerate } from '@lumino/algorithm';let data = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'];let stream = enumerate(data, 1);Array.from(stream); // [[1, 'foo'], [2, 'bar'], [3, 'baz']]
function every
every: <T>( object: Iterable<T>, fn: (value: T, index: number) => boolean) => boolean;
Test whether all values in an iterable satisfy a predicate.
Parameter object
The iterable object of interest.
Parameter fn
The predicate function to invoke for each value.
if all values pass the test,false
otherwise.#### Notes Iteration terminates on the first
predicate result.#### Complexity Linear.
#### Example
import { every } from '@lumino/algorithm';let data = [5, 7, 1];every(data, value => value % 2 === 0); // falseevery(data, value => value % 2 === 1); // true
function filter
filter: <T>( object: Iterable<T>, fn: (value: T, index: number) => boolean) => IterableIterator<T>;
Filter an iterable for values which pass a test.
Parameter object
The iterable object of interest.
Parameter fn
The predicate function to invoke for each value.
An iterator which yields the values which pass the test.
#### Example
import { filter } from '@lumino/algorithm';let data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];let stream = filter(data, value => value % 2 === 0);Array.from(stream); // [2, 4, 6]
function find
find: <T>( object: Iterable<T>, fn: (value: T, index: number) => boolean) => T | undefined;
Find the first value in an iterable which matches a predicate.
Parameter object
The iterable object to search.
Parameter fn
The predicate function to apply to the values.
The first matching value, or
if no matching value is found.#### Complexity Linear.
#### Example
import { find } from '@lumino/algorithm';interface IAnimal { species: string, name: string };function isCat(value: IAnimal): boolean {return value.species === 'cat';}let data: IAnimal[] = [{ species: 'dog', name: 'spot' },{ species: 'cat', name: 'fluffy' },{ species: 'alligator', name: 'pocho' }];find(data, isCat).name; // 'fluffy'
function findIndex
findIndex: <T>( object: Iterable<T>, fn: (value: T, index: number) => boolean) => number;
Find the index of the first value which matches a predicate.
Parameter object
The iterable object to search.
Parameter fn
The predicate function to apply to the values.
The index of the first matching value, or
if no matching value is found.#### Complexity Linear.
#### Example
import { findIndex } from '@lumino/algorithm';interface IAnimal { species: string, name: string };function isCat(value: IAnimal): boolean {return value.species === 'cat';}let data: IAnimal[] = [{ species: 'dog', name: 'spot' },{ species: 'cat', name: 'fluffy' },{ species: 'alligator', name: 'pocho' }];findIndex(data, isCat); // 1
function map
map: <T, U>( object: Iterable<T>, fn: (value: T, index: number) => U) => IterableIterator<U>;
Transform the values of an iterable with a mapping function.
Parameter object
The iterable object of interest.
Parameter fn
The mapping function to invoke for each value.
An iterator which yields the transformed values.
#### Example
import { map } from '@lumino/algorithm';let data = [1, 2, 3];let stream = map(data, value => value * 2);Array.from(stream); // [2, 4, 6]
function max
max: <T>( object: Iterable<T>, fn: (first: T, second: T) => number) => T | undefined;
Find the maximum value in an iterable.
Parameter object
The iterable object to search.
Parameter fn
The 3-way comparison function to apply to the values. It should return
< 0
if the first value is less than the second.0
if the values are equivalent, or> 0
if the first value is greater than the second.Returns
The maximum value in the iterable. If multiple values are equivalent to the maximum, the left-most value is returned. If the iterable is empty, this returns
.#### Complexity Linear.
#### Example
import { max } from '@lumino/algorithm';function numberCmp(a: number, b: number): number {return a - b;}max([7, 4, 0, 3, 9, 4], numberCmp); // 9
function min
min: <T>( object: Iterable<T>, fn: (first: T, second: T) => number) => T | undefined;
Find the minimum value in an iterable.
Parameter object
The iterable object to search.
Parameter fn
The 3-way comparison function to apply to the values. It should return
< 0
if the first value is less than the second.0
if the values are equivalent, or> 0
if the first value is greater than the second.Returns
The minimum value in the iterable. If multiple values are equivalent to the minimum, the left-most value is returned. If the iterable is empty, this returns
.#### Complexity Linear.
#### Example
import { min } from '@lumino/algorithm';function numberCmp(a: number, b: number): number {return a - b;}min([7, 4, 0, 3, 9, 4], numberCmp); // 0
function minmax
minmax: <T>( object: Iterable<T>, fn: (first: T, second: T) => number) => [T, T] | undefined;
Find the minimum and maximum values in an iterable.
Parameter object
The iterable object to search.
Parameter fn
The 3-way comparison function to apply to the values. It should return
< 0
if the first value is less than the second.0
if the values are equivalent, or> 0
if the first value is greater than the second.Returns
A 2-tuple of the
[min, max]
values in the iterable. If multiple values are equivalent, the left-most values are returned. If the iterable is empty, this returnsundefined
.#### Complexity Linear.
#### Example
import { minmax } from '@lumino/algorithm';function numberCmp(a: number, b: number): number {return a - b;}minmax([7, 4, 0, 3, 9, 4], numberCmp); // [0, 9]
function once
once: <T>(value: T) => IterableIterator<T>;
Create an iterator which yields a value a single time.
Parameter value
The value to wrap in an iterator.
A new iterator which yields the value a single time.
#### Example
import { once } from '@lumino/algorithm';let stream = once(7);Array.from(stream); // [7]Deprecated
function range
range: (start: number, stop?: number, step?: number) => IterableIterator<number>;
Create an iterator of evenly spaced values.
Parameter start
The starting value for the range, inclusive.
Parameter stop
The stopping value for the range, exclusive.
Parameter step
The distance between each value.
An iterator which produces evenly spaced values.
#### Notes In the single argument form of
defaults to0
defaults to1
.In the two argument form of
range(start, stop)
defaults to1
.#### Example
import { range } from '@lumino/algorithm';let stream = range(2, 4);Array.from(stream); // [2, 3]
function reduce
reduce: { <T>(object: Iterable<T>, fn: (accumulator: T, value: T, index: number) => T): T; <T, U>( object: Iterable<T>, fn: (accumulator: U, value: T, index: number) => U, initial: U ): U;};
Summarize all values in an iterable using a reducer function.
Parameter object
The iterable object of interest.
Parameter fn
The reducer function to invoke for each value.
Parameter initial
The initial value to start accumulation.
The final accumulated value.
#### Notes The
function follows the conventions ofArray#reduce
.If the iterator is empty, an initial value is required. That value will be used as the return value. If no initial value is provided, an error will be thrown.
If the iterator contains a single item and no initial value is provided, the single item is used as the return value.
Otherwise, the reducer is invoked for each element in the iterable. If an initial value is not provided, the first element will be used as the initial accumulated value.
#### Complexity Linear.
#### Example
import { reduce } from '@lumino/algorithm';let data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];let sum = reduce(data, (a, value) => a + value); // 15
function repeat
repeat: <T>(value: T, count: number) => IterableIterator<T>;
Create an iterator which repeats a value a number of times.
Parameter value
The value to repeat.
Parameter count
The number of times to repeat the value.
A new iterator which repeats the specified value.
#### Example
import { repeat } from '@lumino/algorithm';let stream = repeat(7, 3);Array.from(stream); // [7, 7, 7]Deprecated
function retro
retro: <T>(object: IRetroable<T> | ArrayLike<T>) => IterableIterator<T>;
Create an iterator for a retroable object.
Parameter object
The retroable or array-like object of interest.
An iterator which traverses the object's values in reverse.
#### Example
import { retro } from '@lumino/algorithm';let data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];let stream = retro(data);Array.from(stream); // [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
function some
some: <T>( object: Iterable<T>, fn: (value: T, index: number) => boolean) => boolean;
Test whether any value in an iterable satisfies a predicate.
Parameter object
The iterable object of interest.
Parameter fn
The predicate function to invoke for each value.
if any value passes the test,false
otherwise.#### Notes Iteration terminates on the first
predicate result.#### Complexity Linear.
#### Example
import { some } from '@lumino/algorithm';let data = [5, 7, 1];some(data, value => value === 7); // truesome(data, value => value === 3); // false
function stride
stride: <T>(object: Iterable<T>, step: number) => IterableIterator<T>;
Iterate over an iterable using a stepped increment.
Parameter object
The iterable object of interest.
Parameter step
The distance to step on each iteration. A value of less than
will behave the same as a value of1
An iterator which traverses the iterable step-wise.
#### Example
import { stride } from '@lumino/algorithm';let data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];let stream = stride(data, 2);Array.from(stream); // [1, 3, 5];
function take
take: <T>(object: Iterable<T>, count: number) => IterableIterator<T>;
Take a fixed number of items from an iterable.
Parameter object
The iterable object of interest.
Parameter count
The number of items to take from the iterable.
An iterator which yields the specified number of items from the source iterable.
#### Notes The returned iterator will exhaust early if the source iterable contains an insufficient number of items.
#### Example
import { take } from '@lumino/algorithm';let stream = take([5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1], 3);Array.from(stream); // [5, 4, 3]
function toArray
toArray: <T>(object: Iterable<T>) => T[];
Create an array from an iterable of values.
Parameter object
The iterable object of interest.
A new array of values from the given object.
#### Example
import { toArray } from '@lumino/algorithm';let stream = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6][Symbol.iterator]();toArray(stream); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];Deprecated
function toObject
toObject: <T>(object: Iterable<[string, T]>) => { [key: string]: T };
Create an object from an iterable of key/value pairs.
Parameter object
The iterable object of interest.
A new object mapping keys to values.
#### Example
import { toObject } from '@lumino/algorithm';let data: [string, number][] = [['one', 1], ['two', 2], ['three', 3]];toObject(data); // { one: 1, two: 2, three: 3 }
function topologicSort
topologicSort: <T>(edges: Iterable<[T, T]>) => T[];
Topologically sort an iterable of edges.
Parameter edges
The iterable object of edges to sort. An edge is represented as a 2-tuple of
[fromNode, toNode]
The topologically sorted array of nodes.
#### Notes If a cycle is present in the graph, the cycle will be ignored and the return value will be only approximately sorted.
#### Example
import { topologicSort } from '@lumino/algorithm';let data = [['d', 'e'],['c', 'd'],['a', 'b'],['b', 'c']];topologicSort(data); // ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
function zip
zip: <T>(...objects: Iterable<T>[]) => IterableIterator<T[]>;
Iterate several iterables in lockstep.
Parameter objects
The iterable objects of interest.
An iterator which yields successive tuples of values where each value is taken in turn from the provided iterables. It will be as long as the shortest provided iterable.
#### Example
import { zip } from '@lumino/algorithm';let data1 = [1, 2, 3];let data2 = [4, 5, 6];let stream = zip(data1, data2);Array.from(stream); // [[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]
interface IRetroable
interface IRetroable<T> {}
An object which can produce a reverse iterator over its values.
method retro
retro: () => IterableIterator<T>;
Get a reverse iterator over the object's values.
An iterator which yields the object's values in reverse.
namespace ArrayExt
namespace ArrayExt {}
The namespace for array-specific algorithms.
function fill
fill: <T>( array: MutableArrayLike<T>, value: T, start?: number, stop?: number) => void;
Fill an array with a static value.
Parameter array
The mutable array-like object to fill.
Parameter value
The static value to use to fill the array.
Parameter start
The index of the first element in the range to be filled, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.Parameter stop
The index of the last element in the range to be filled, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.#### Notes If
stop < start
the fill will wrap at the end of the array.#### Complexity Linear.
#### Undefined Behavior A
which is non-integral.#### Example
import { ArrayExt } from '@lumino/algorithm';let data = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four'];ArrayExt.fill(data, 'r'); // ['r', 'r', 'r', 'r']ArrayExt.fill(data, 'g', 1); // ['r', 'g', 'g', 'g']ArrayExt.fill(data, 'b', 2, 3); // ['r', 'g', 'b', 'b']ArrayExt.fill(data, 'z', 3, 1); // ['z', 'z', 'b', 'z']
function findFirstIndex
findFirstIndex: <T>( array: ArrayLike<T>, fn: (value: T, index: number) => boolean, start?: number, stop?: number) => number;
Find the index of the first value which matches a predicate.
Parameter array
The array-like object to search.
Parameter fn
The predicate function to apply to the values.
Parameter start
The index of the first element in the range to be searched, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.Parameter stop
The index of the last element in the range to be searched, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.Returns
The index of the first matching value, or
if no matching value is found.#### Notes If
stop < start
the search will wrap at the end of the array.#### Complexity Linear.
#### Undefined Behavior A
which is non-integral.Modifying the length of the array while searching.
#### Example
import { ArrayExt } from '@lumino/algorithm';function isEven(value: number): boolean {return value % 2 === 0;}let data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1];ArrayExt.findFirstIndex(data, isEven); // 1ArrayExt.findFirstIndex(data, isEven, 4); // 5ArrayExt.findFirstIndex(data, isEven, 6); // -1ArrayExt.findFirstIndex(data, isEven, 6, 5); // 1
function findFirstValue
findFirstValue: <T>( array: ArrayLike<T>, fn: (value: T, index: number) => boolean, start?: number, stop?: number) => T | undefined;
Find the first value which matches a predicate.
Parameter array
The array-like object to search.
Parameter fn
The predicate function to apply to the values.
Parameter start
The index of the first element in the range to be searched, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.Parameter stop
The index of the last element in the range to be searched, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.Returns
The first matching value, or
if no matching value is found.#### Notes If
stop < start
the search will wrap at the end of the array.#### Complexity Linear.
#### Undefined Behavior A
which is non-integral.Modifying the length of the array while searching.
#### Example
import { ArrayExt } from '@lumino/algorithm';function isEven(value: number): boolean {return value % 2 === 0;}let data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1];ArrayExt.findFirstValue(data, isEven); // 2ArrayExt.findFirstValue(data, isEven, 2); // 4ArrayExt.findFirstValue(data, isEven, 6); // undefinedArrayExt.findFirstValue(data, isEven, 6, 5); // 2
function findLastIndex
findLastIndex: <T>( array: ArrayLike<T>, fn: (value: T, index: number) => boolean, start?: number, stop?: number) => number;
Find the index of the last value which matches a predicate.
Parameter array
The array-like object to search.
Parameter fn
The predicate function to apply to the values.
Parameter start
The index of the first element in the range to be searched, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.Parameter stop
The index of the last element in the range to be searched, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.Returns
The index of the last matching value, or
if no matching value is found.#### Notes If
start < stop
the search will wrap at the front of the array.#### Complexity Linear.
#### Undefined Behavior A
which is non-integral.Modifying the length of the array while searching.
#### Example
import { ArrayExt } from '@lumino/algorithm';function isEven(value: number): boolean {return value % 2 === 0;}let data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1];ArrayExt.findLastIndex(data, isEven); // 5ArrayExt.findLastIndex(data, isEven, 4); // 3ArrayExt.findLastIndex(data, isEven, 0); // -1ArrayExt.findLastIndex(data, isEven, 0, 1); // 5
function findLastValue
findLastValue: <T>( array: ArrayLike<T>, fn: (value: T, index: number) => boolean, start?: number, stop?: number) => T | undefined;
Find the last value which matches a predicate.
Parameter object
The array-like object to search.
Parameter fn
The predicate function to apply to the values.
Parameter start
The index of the first element in the range to be searched, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.Parameter stop
The index of the last element in the range to be searched, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.Returns
The last matching value, or
if no matching value is found.#### Notes If
start < stop
the search will wrap at the front of the array.#### Complexity Linear.
#### Undefined Behavior A
which is non-integral.Modifying the length of the array while searching.
#### Example
import { ArrayExt } from '@lumino/algorithm';function isEven(value: number): boolean {return value % 2 === 0;}let data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1];ArrayExt.findLastValue(data, isEven); // 2ArrayExt.findLastValue(data, isEven, 4); // 4ArrayExt.findLastValue(data, isEven, 0); // undefinedArrayExt.findLastValue(data, isEven, 0, 1); // 2
function firstIndexOf
firstIndexOf: <T>( array: ArrayLike<T>, value: T, start?: number, stop?: number) => number;
Find the index of the first occurrence of a value in an array.
Parameter array
The array-like object to search.
Parameter value
The value to locate in the array. Values are compared using strict
equality.Parameter start
The index of the first element in the range to be searched, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.Parameter stop
The index of the last element in the range to be searched, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.Returns
The index of the first occurrence of the value, or
if the value is not found.#### Notes If
stop < start
the search will wrap at the end of the array.#### Complexity Linear.
#### Undefined Behavior A
which is non-integral.#### Example
import { ArrayExt } from '@lumino/algorithm';let data = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'one'];ArrayExt.firstIndexOf(data, 'red'); // -1ArrayExt.firstIndexOf(data, 'one'); // 0ArrayExt.firstIndexOf(data, 'one', 1); // 4ArrayExt.firstIndexOf(data, 'two', 2); // -1ArrayExt.firstIndexOf(data, 'two', 2, 1); // 1
function insert
insert: <T>(array: Array<T>, index: number, value: T) => void;
Insert a value into an array at a specific index.
Parameter array
The array of interest.
Parameter index
The index at which to insert the value. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.
Parameter value
The value to set at the specified index.
#### Complexity Linear.
#### Undefined Behavior An
which is non-integral.#### Example
import { ArrayExt } from '@lumino/algorithm';let data = [0, 1, 2];ArrayExt.insert(data, 0, -1); // [-1, 0, 1, 2]ArrayExt.insert(data, 2, 12); // [-1, 0, 12, 1, 2]ArrayExt.insert(data, -1, 7); // [-1, 0, 12, 1, 7, 2]ArrayExt.insert(data, 6, 19); // [-1, 0, 12, 1, 7, 2, 19]
function lastIndexOf
lastIndexOf: <T>( array: ArrayLike<T>, value: T, start?: number, stop?: number) => number;
Find the index of the last occurrence of a value in an array.
Parameter array
The array-like object to search.
Parameter value
The value to locate in the array. Values are compared using strict
equality.Parameter start
The index of the first element in the range to be searched, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.Parameter stop
The index of the last element in the range to be searched, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.Returns
The index of the last occurrence of the value, or
if the value is not found.#### Notes If
start < stop
the search will wrap at the front of the array.#### Complexity Linear.
#### Undefined Behavior A
which is non-integral.#### Example
import { ArrayExt } from '@lumino/algorithm';let data = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'one'];ArrayExt.lastIndexOf(data, 'red'); // -1ArrayExt.lastIndexOf(data, 'one'); // 4ArrayExt.lastIndexOf(data, 'one', 1); // 0ArrayExt.lastIndexOf(data, 'two', 0); // -1ArrayExt.lastIndexOf(data, 'two', 0, 1); // 1
function lowerBound
lowerBound: <T, U>( array: ArrayLike<T>, value: U, fn: (element: T, value: U) => number, start?: number, stop?: number) => number;
Find the index of the first element which compares
to a value.Parameter array
The sorted array-like object to search.
Parameter value
The value to locate in the array.
Parameter fn
The 3-way comparison function to apply to the values. It should return
< 0
if an element is less than a value,0
if an element is equal to a value, or> 0
if an element is greater than a value.Parameter start
The index of the first element in the range to be searched, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.Parameter stop
The index of the last element in the range to be searched, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.Returns
The index of the first element which compares
to the value, orlength
if there is no such element. If the computed index forstop
is less thanstart
, then the computed index forstart
is returned.#### Notes The array must already be sorted in ascending order according to the comparison function.
#### Complexity Logarithmic.
#### Undefined Behavior Searching a range which is not sorted in ascending order.
which is non-integral.Modifying the length of the array while searching.
#### Example
import { ArrayExt } from '@lumino/algorithm';function numberCmp(a: number, b: number): number {return a - b;}let data = [0, 3, 4, 7, 7, 9];ArrayExt.lowerBound(data, 0, numberCmp); // 0ArrayExt.lowerBound(data, 6, numberCmp); // 3ArrayExt.lowerBound(data, 7, numberCmp); // 3ArrayExt.lowerBound(data, -1, numberCmp); // 0ArrayExt.lowerBound(data, 10, numberCmp); // 6
function move
move: <T>( array: MutableArrayLike<T>, fromIndex: number, toIndex: number) => void;
Move an element in an array from one index to another.
Parameter array
The mutable array-like object of interest.
Parameter fromIndex
The index of the element to move. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.
Parameter toIndex
The target index of the element. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.
#### Complexity Linear.
#### Undefined Behavior A
which is non-integral.#### Example
import { ArrayExt } from from '@lumino/algorithm';let data = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4];ArrayExt.move(data, 1, 2); // [0, 2, 1, 3, 4]ArrayExt.move(data, 4, 2); // [0, 2, 4, 1, 3]
function removeAllOf
removeAllOf: <T>( array: Array<T>, value: T, start?: number, stop?: number) => number;
Remove all occurrences of a value from an array.
Parameter array
The array of interest.
Parameter value
The value to remove from the array. Values are compared using strict
equality.Parameter start
The index of the first element in the range to be searched, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.Parameter stop
The index of the last element in the range to be searched, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.Returns
The number of elements removed from the array.
#### Notes If
stop < start
the search will conceptually wrap at the end of the array, however the array will be traversed front-to-back.#### Complexity Linear.
#### Example
import { ArrayExt } from '@lumino/algorithm';let data = [14, 12, 23, 39, 14, 12, 19, 14];ArrayExt.removeAllOf(data, 12); // 2ArrayExt.removeAllOf(data, 17); // 0ArrayExt.removeAllOf(data, 14, 1, 4); // 1
function removeAllWhere
removeAllWhere: <T>( array: Array<T>, fn: (value: T, index: number) => boolean, start?: number, stop?: number) => number;
Remove all occurrences of values which match a predicate.
Parameter array
The array of interest.
Parameter fn
The predicate function to apply to the values.
Parameter start
The index of the first element in the range to be searched, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.Parameter stop
The index of the last element in the range to be searched, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.Returns
The number of elements removed from the array.
#### Notes If
stop < start
the search will conceptually wrap at the end of the array, however the array will be traversed front-to-back.#### Complexity Linear.
#### Example
import { ArrayExt } from '@lumino/algorithm';function isEven(value: number): boolean {return value % 2 === 0;}function isNegative(value: number): boolean {return value < 0;}let data = [0, 12, -13, -9, 23, 39, 14, -15, 12, 75];ArrayExt.removeAllWhere(data, isEven); // 4ArrayExt.removeAllWhere(data, isNegative, 0, 3); // 2
function removeAt
removeAt: <T>(array: Array<T>, index: number) => T | undefined;
Remove and return a value at a specific index in an array.
Parameter array
The array of interest.
Parameter index
The index of the value to remove. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.
The value at the specified index, or
if the index is out of range.#### Complexity Linear.
#### Undefined Behavior An
which is non-integral.#### Example
import { ArrayExt } from '@lumino/algorithm';let data = [0, 12, 23, 39, 14, 12, 75];ArrayExt.removeAt(data, 2); // 23ArrayExt.removeAt(data, -2); // 12ArrayExt.removeAt(data, 10); // undefined;
function removeFirstOf
removeFirstOf: <T>( array: Array<T>, value: T, start?: number, stop?: number) => number;
Remove the first occurrence of a value from an array.
Parameter array
The array of interest.
Parameter value
The value to remove from the array. Values are compared using strict
equality.Parameter start
The index of the first element in the range to be searched, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.Parameter stop
The index of the last element in the range to be searched, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.Returns
The index of the removed value, or
if the value is not contained in the array.#### Notes If
stop < start
the search will wrap at the end of the array.#### Complexity Linear.
#### Example
import { ArrayExt } from '@lumino/algorithm';let data = [0, 12, 23, 39, 14, 12, 75];ArrayExt.removeFirstOf(data, 12); // 1ArrayExt.removeFirstOf(data, 17); // -1ArrayExt.removeFirstOf(data, 39, 3); // -1ArrayExt.removeFirstOf(data, 39, 3, 2); // 2
function removeFirstWhere
removeFirstWhere: <T>( array: Array<T>, fn: (value: T, index: number) => boolean, start?: number, stop?: number) => { index: number; value: T | undefined };
Remove the first occurrence of a value which matches a predicate.
Parameter array
The array of interest.
Parameter fn
The predicate function to apply to the values.
Parameter start
The index of the first element in the range to be searched, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.Parameter stop
The index of the last element in the range to be searched, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.Returns
The removed
{ index, value }
, which will be-1
if the value is not contained in the array.#### Notes If
stop < start
the search will wrap at the end of the array.#### Complexity Linear.
#### Example
import { ArrayExt } from '@lumino/algorithm';function isEven(value: number): boolean {return value % 2 === 0;}let data = [0, 12, 23, 39, 14, 12, 75];ArrayExt.removeFirstWhere(data, isEven); // { index: 0, value: 0 }ArrayExt.removeFirstWhere(data, isEven, 2); // { index: 3, value: 14 }ArrayExt.removeFirstWhere(data, isEven, 4); // { index: -1, value: undefined }
function removeLastOf
removeLastOf: <T>( array: Array<T>, value: T, start?: number, stop?: number) => number;
Remove the last occurrence of a value from an array.
Parameter array
The array of interest.
Parameter value
The value to remove from the array. Values are compared using strict
equality.Parameter start
The index of the first element in the range to be searched, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.Parameter stop
The index of the last element in the range to be searched, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.Returns
The index of the removed value, or
if the value is not contained in the array.#### Notes If
start < stop
the search will wrap at the end of the array.#### Complexity Linear.
#### Example
import { ArrayExt } from '@lumino/algorithm';let data = [0, 12, 23, 39, 14, 12, 75];ArrayExt.removeLastOf(data, 12); // 5ArrayExt.removeLastOf(data, 17); // -1ArrayExt.removeLastOf(data, 39, 2); // -1ArrayExt.removeLastOf(data, 39, 2, 3); // 3
function removeLastWhere
removeLastWhere: <T>( array: Array<T>, fn: (value: T, index: number) => boolean, start?: number, stop?: number) => { index: number; value: T | undefined };
Remove the last occurrence of a value which matches a predicate.
Parameter array
The array of interest.
Parameter fn
The predicate function to apply to the values.
Parameter start
The index of the first element in the range to be searched, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.Parameter stop
The index of the last element in the range to be searched, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.Returns
The removed
{ index, value }
, which will be-1
if the value is not contained in the array.#### Notes If
start < stop
the search will wrap at the end of the array.#### Complexity Linear.
#### Example
import { ArrayExt } from '@lumino/algorithm';function isEven(value: number): boolean {return value % 2 === 0;}let data = [0, 12, 23, 39, 14, 12, 75];ArrayExt.removeLastWhere(data, isEven); // { index: 5, value: 12 }ArrayExt.removeLastWhere(data, isEven, 2); // { index: 1, value: 12 }ArrayExt.removeLastWhere(data, isEven, 2, 1); // { index: -1, value: undefined }
function reverse
reverse: <T>(array: MutableArrayLike<T>, start?: number, stop?: number) => void;
Reverse an array in-place.
Parameter array
The mutable array-like object of interest.
Parameter start
The index of the first element in the range to be reversed, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.Parameter stop
The index of the last element in the range to be reversed, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.#### Complexity Linear.
#### Undefined Behavior A
index which is non-integral.#### Example
import { ArrayExt } from '@lumino/algorithm';let data = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4];ArrayExt.reverse(data, 1, 3); // [0, 3, 2, 1, 4]ArrayExt.reverse(data, 3); // [0, 3, 2, 4, 1]ArrayExt.reverse(data); // [1, 4, 2, 3, 0]
function rotate
rotate: <T>( array: MutableArrayLike<T>, delta: number, start?: number, stop?: number) => void;
Rotate the elements of an array in-place.
Parameter array
The mutable array-like object of interest.
Parameter delta
The amount of rotation to apply to the elements. A positive value will rotate the elements to the left. A negative value will rotate the elements to the right.
Parameter start
The index of the first element in the range to be rotated, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.Parameter stop
The index of the last element in the range to be rotated, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.#### Complexity Linear.
#### Undefined Behavior A
, orstop
which is non-integral.#### Example
import { ArrayExt } from '@lumino/algorithm';let data = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4];ArrayExt.rotate(data, 2); // [2, 3, 4, 0, 1]ArrayExt.rotate(data, -2); // [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]ArrayExt.rotate(data, 10); // [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]ArrayExt.rotate(data, 9); // [4, 0, 1, 2, 3]ArrayExt.rotate(data, 2, 1, 3); // [4, 2, 0, 1, 3]
function shallowEqual
shallowEqual: <T>( a: ArrayLike<T>, b: ArrayLike<T>, fn?: (a: T, b: T) => boolean) => boolean;
Test whether two arrays are shallowly equal.
Parameter a
The first array-like object to compare.
Parameter b
The second array-like object to compare.
Parameter fn
The comparison function to apply to the elements. It should return
if the elements are "equal". The default compares elements using strict===
Whether the two arrays are shallowly equal.
#### Complexity Linear.
#### Undefined Behavior Modifying the length of the arrays while comparing.
#### Example
import { ArrayExt } from '@lumino/algorithm';let d1 = [0, 3, 4, 7, 7, 9];let d2 = [0, 3, 4, 7, 7, 9];let d3 = [42];ArrayExt.shallowEqual(d1, d2); // trueArrayExt.shallowEqual(d2, d3); // false
function slice
slice: <T>(array: ArrayLike<T>, options?: slice.IOptions) => T[];
Create a slice of an array subject to an optional step.
Parameter array
The array-like object of interest.
Parameter options
The options for configuring the slice.
A new array with the specified values.
An exception if the slice
.#### Complexity Linear.
#### Undefined Behavior A
, orstep
which is non-integral.#### Example
import { ArrayExt } from '@lumino/algorithm';let data = [0, 3, 4, 7, 7, 9];ArrayExt.slice(data); // [0, 3, 4, 7, 7, 9]ArrayExt.slice(data, { start: 2 }); // [4, 7, 7, 9]ArrayExt.slice(data, { start: 0, stop: 4 }); // [0, 3, 4, 7]ArrayExt.slice(data, { step: 2 }); // [0, 4, 7]ArrayExt.slice(data, { step: -1 }); // [9, 7, 7, 4, 3, 0]
function upperBound
upperBound: <T, U>( array: ArrayLike<T>, value: U, fn: (element: T, value: U) => number, start?: number, stop?: number) => number;
Find the index of the first element which compares
than a value.Parameter array
The sorted array-like object to search.
Parameter value
The value to locate in the array.
Parameter fn
The 3-way comparison function to apply to the values. It should return
< 0
if an element is less than a value,0
if an element is equal to a value, or> 0
if an element is greater than a value.Parameter start
The index of the first element in the range to be searched, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.Parameter stop
The index of the last element in the range to be searched, inclusive. The default value is
. Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.Returns
The index of the first element which compares
than the value, orlength
if there is no such element. If the computed index forstop
is less thanstart
, then the computed index forstart
is returned.#### Notes The array must already be sorted in ascending order according to the comparison function.
#### Complexity Logarithmic.
#### Undefined Behavior Searching a range which is not sorted in ascending order.
which is non-integral.Modifying the length of the array while searching.
#### Example
import { ArrayExt } from '@lumino/algorithm';function numberCmp(a: number, b: number): number {return a - b;}let data = [0, 3, 4, 7, 7, 9];ArrayExt.upperBound(data, 0, numberCmp); // 1ArrayExt.upperBound(data, 6, numberCmp); // 3ArrayExt.upperBound(data, 7, numberCmp); // 5ArrayExt.upperBound(data, -1, numberCmp); // 0ArrayExt.upperBound(data, 10, numberCmp); // 6
type MutableArrayLike
type MutableArrayLike<T> = { readonly length: number; [index: number]: T;};
An array-like object which supports item assignment.
namespace ArrayExt.slice
namespace ArrayExt.slice {}
The namespace for the
function statics.
interface IOptions
interface IOptions {}
The options for the
property start
start?: number;
The starting index of the slice, inclusive.
Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.
The default is
ifstep > 0
elsen - 1
property step
step?: number;
The step value for the slice.
This must not be
.The default is
property stop
stop?: number;
The stopping index of the slice, exclusive.
Negative values are taken as an offset from the end of the array.
The default is
ifstep > 0
else-n - 1
namespace StringExt
namespace StringExt {}
The namespace for string-specific algorithms.
function cmp
cmp: (a: string, b: string) => number;
A 3-way string comparison function.
Parameter a
The first string of interest.
Parameter b
The second string of interest.
ifa < b
, else1
ifa > b
, else0
function findIndices
findIndices: (source: string, query: string, start?: number) => number[] | null;
Find the indices of characters in a source text.
Parameter source
The source text which should be searched.
Parameter query
The characters to locate in the source text.
Parameter start
The index to start the search.
The matched indices, or
if there is no match.#### Complexity Linear on
.#### Notes In order for there to be a match, all of the characters in
**must** appear insource
in the order given byquery
.Characters are matched using strict
function highlight
highlight: <T>( source: string, indices: ReadonlyArray<number>, fn: (chunk: string) => T) => Array<string | T>;
Highlight the matched characters of a source text.
Parameter source
The text which should be highlighted.
Parameter indices
The indices of the matched characters. They must appear in increasing order and must be in bounds of the source.
Parameter fn
The function to apply to the matched chunks.
An array of unmatched and highlighted chunks.
function matchSumOfDeltas
matchSumOfDeltas: ( source: string, query: string, start?: number) => IMatchResult | null;
A string matcher which uses a sum-of-deltas algorithm.
Parameter source
The source text which should be searched.
Parameter query
The characters to locate in the source text.
Parameter start
The index to start the search.
The match result, or
if there is no match. A lowerscore
represents a stronger match.#### Complexity Linear on
.#### Notes This scoring algorithm uses a sum-of-deltas approach to determine the score. In order for there to be a match, all of the characters in
**must** appear insource
in order. The delta between the indices are summed to create the score. This means that groups of matched characters are preferred, while fragmented matches are penalized.
function matchSumOfSquares
matchSumOfSquares: ( source: string, query: string, start?: number) => IMatchResult | null;
A string matcher which uses a sum-of-squares algorithm.
Parameter source
The source text which should be searched.
Parameter query
The characters to locate in the source text.
Parameter start
The index to start the search.
The match result, or
if there is no match. A lowerscore
represents a stronger match.#### Complexity Linear on
.#### Notes This scoring algorithm uses a sum-of-squares approach to determine the score. In order for there to be a match, all of the characters in
**must** appear insource
in order. The index of each matching character is squared and added to the score. This means that early and consecutive character matches are preferred, while late matches are heavily penalized.
interface IMatchResult
interface IMatchResult {}
The result of a string match function.
property indices
indices: number[];
The indices of the matched characters in the source text.
The indices will appear in increasing order.
property score
score: number;
A score which indicates the strength of the match.
The documentation of a given match function should specify whether a lower or higher score is a stronger match.
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