
  • Version 2.2.0
  • Published
  • 562 kB
  • 1 dependency
  • BSD-3-Clause license


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class MimeData

class MimeData {}
  • An object which stores MIME data for general application use.

    #### Notes This class does not attempt to enforce "correctness" of MIME types and their associated data. Since this class is designed to transfer arbitrary data and objects within the same application, it assumes that the user provides correct and accurate data.

method clear

clear: () => void;
  • Remove all data entries from the dataset.

method clearData

clearData: (mime: string) => void;
  • Remove the data entry for the given MIME type.

    Parameter mime

    The MIME type of interest.

    #### Notes This is a no-op if there is no entry for the given MIME type.

method getData

getData: (mime: string) => any | undefined;
  • Get the data value for the given MIME type.

    Parameter mime

    The MIME type of interest.


    The value for the given MIME type, or undefined if the dataset does not contain a value for the type.

method hasData

hasData: (mime: string) => boolean;
  • Test whether the dataset has an entry for the given type.

    Parameter mime

    The MIME type of interest.


    true if the dataset contains a value for the given MIME type, false otherwise.

method setData

setData: (mime: string, data: unknown) => void;
  • Set the data value for the given MIME type.

    Parameter mime

    The MIME type of interest.

    Parameter data

    The data value for the given MIME type.

    #### Notes This will overwrite any previous entry for the MIME type.

method types

types: () => string[];
  • Get an array of the MIME types contained within the dataset.


    A new array of the MIME types, in order of insertion.

class PluginRegistry

class PluginRegistry<T = any> {}
  • Plugin registry.


constructor(options?: PluginRegistry.IOptions);

    property application

    application: {};
    • The application object.

      It will be provided as first argument to the plugins activation and deactivation functions.

      It can only be set once.

      By default, it is null.

    property deferredPlugins

    readonly deferredPlugins: string[];
    • The list of all the deferred plugins.

    method activatePlugin

    activatePlugin: (id: string) => Promise<void>;
    • Activate the plugin with the given ID.

      Parameter id

      The ID of the plugin of interest.


      A promise which resolves when the plugin is activated or rejects with an error if it cannot be activated.

    method activatePlugins

    activatePlugins: (
    kind: 'startUp' | 'defer',
    options?: PluginRegistry.IStartOptions
    ) => Promise<void>;
    • Activate all the deferred plugins.


      A promise which will resolve when each plugin is activated or rejects with an error if one cannot be activated.

    method deactivatePlugin

    deactivatePlugin: (id: string) => Promise<string[]>;
    • Deactivate the plugin and its downstream dependents if and only if the plugin and its dependents all support deactivate.

      Parameter id

      The ID of the plugin of interest.


      A list of IDs of downstream plugins deactivated with this one.

    method deregisterPlugin

    deregisterPlugin: (id: string, force?: boolean) => void;
    • Deregister a plugin with the application.

      Parameter id

      The ID of the plugin of interest.

      Parameter force

      Whether to deregister the plugin even if it is active.

    method getPluginDescription

    getPluginDescription: (id: string) => string;
    • Get a plugin description.

      Parameter id

      The ID of the plugin of interest.


      The plugin description.

    method hasPlugin

    hasPlugin: (id: string) => boolean;
    • Test whether a plugin is registered with the application.

      Parameter id

      The ID of the plugin of interest.


      true if the plugin is registered, false otherwise.

    method isPluginActivated

    isPluginActivated: (id: string) => boolean;
    • Test whether a plugin is activated with the application.

      Parameter id

      The ID of the plugin of interest.


      true if the plugin is activated, false otherwise.

    method listPlugins

    listPlugins: () => string[];
    • List the IDs of the plugins registered with the application.


      A new array of the registered plugin IDs.

    method registerPlugin

    registerPlugin: (plugin: IPlugin<T, any>) => void;
    • Register a plugin with the application.

      Parameter plugin

      The plugin to register.

      #### Notes An error will be thrown if a plugin with the same ID is already registered, or if the plugin has a circular dependency.

      If the plugin provides a service which has already been provided by another plugin, the new service will override the old service.

    method registerPlugins

    registerPlugins: (plugins: IPlugin<T, any>[]) => void;
    • Register multiple plugins with the application.

      Parameter plugins

      The plugins to register.

      #### Notes This calls registerPlugin() for each of the given plugins.

    method resolveOptionalService

    resolveOptionalService: <U>(token: Token<U>) => Promise<U | null>;
    • Resolve an optional service of a given type.

      Parameter token

      The token for the service type of interest.


      A promise which resolves to an instance of the requested service, or null if it cannot be resolved.

      #### Notes Services are singletons. The same instance will be returned each time a given service token is resolved.

      If the plugin which provides the service has not been activated, resolving the service will automatically activate the plugin.

      User code will not typically call this method directly. Instead, the optional services for the user's plugins will be resolved automatically when the plugin is activated.

    method resolveRequiredService

    resolveRequiredService: <U>(token: Token<U>) => Promise<U>;
    • Resolve a required service of a given type.

      Parameter token

      The token for the service type of interest.


      A promise which resolves to an instance of the requested service, or rejects with an error if it cannot be resolved.

      #### Notes Services are singletons. The same instance will be returned each time a given service token is resolved.

      If the plugin which provides the service has not been activated, resolving the service will automatically activate the plugin.

      User code will not typically call this method directly. Instead, the required services for the user's plugins will be resolved automatically when the plugin is activated.

    class PromiseDelegate

    class PromiseDelegate<T> {}
    • A class which wraps a promise into a delegate object.

      #### Notes This class is useful when the logic to resolve or reject a promise cannot be defined at the point where the promise is created.


    • Construct a new promise delegate.

    property promise

    readonly promise: Promise<T>;
    • The promise wrapped by the delegate.

    method reject

    reject: (reason: unknown) => void;
    • Reject the wrapped promise with the given value.

      - The reason for rejecting the promise.

    method resolve

    resolve: (value: T | PromiseLike<T>) => void;
    • Resolve the wrapped promise with the given value.

      Parameter value

      The value to use for resolving the promise.

    class Token

    class Token<T> {}
    • A runtime object which captures compile-time type information.

      #### Notes A token captures the compile-time type of an interface or class in an object which can be used at runtime in a type-safe fashion.


    constructor(name: string, description?: string);
    • Construct a new token.

      Parameter name

      A human readable name for the token.

      Parameter description

      Token purpose description for documentation.

    property description

    readonly description?: string;
    • Token purpose description.

    property name

    readonly name: string;
    • The human readable name for the token.

      #### Notes This can be useful for debugging and logging.


    interface IPlugin

    interface IPlugin<T, U> {}
    • A user-defined application plugin.

    property activate

    activate: (app: T, ...args: any[]) => U | Promise<U>;
    • A function invoked to activate the plugin.

      Parameter app

      The application provided by PluginRegistry.application .

      Parameter args

      The services specified by the requires property.


      The provided service, or a promise to the service.

      #### Notes This function will be called whenever the plugin is manually activated, or when another plugin being activated requires the service it provides.

      This function will not be called unless all of its required services can be fulfilled.

    property autoStart

    autoStart?: boolean | 'defer';
    • Whether the plugin should be activated on application start or waiting for being required. If the value is 'defer' then the plugin should be activated only after the application is started.

      #### Notes The default is false.

    property deactivate

    deactivate?: ((app: T, ...args: any[]) => void | Promise<void>) | null;
    • A function invoked to deactivate the plugin.

      Parameter app

      The application PluginRegistry.application .

      Parameter args

      The services specified by the requires property.

    property description

    description?: string;
    • Plugin description.

      #### Notes This can be used to provide user documentation on the feature brought by a plugin.

    property id

    id: string;
    • The human readable ID of the plugin.

      #### Notes This must be unique within an application.

    property optional

    optional?: Token<any>[];
    • The types of optional services for the plugin, if any.

      #### Notes These tokens correspond to the services that can be used by the plugin if available, but are not necessarily required.

      The optional services will be passed to the activate() function following all required services. If an optional service cannot be resolved, null will be passed in its place.

    property provides

    provides?: Token<U> | null;
    • The type of service provided by the plugin, if any.

      #### Notes This token corresponds to the service exported by the plugin.

      When the plugin is activated, the return value of activate() is used as the concrete instance of the type.

    property requires

    requires?: Token<any>[];
    • The types of required services for the plugin, if any.

      #### Notes These tokens correspond to the services that are required by the plugin for correct operation.

      When the plugin is activated, a concrete instance of each type will be passed to the activate() function, in the order they are specified in the requires array.

    interface JSONArray

    interface JSONArray extends Array<JSONValue> {}
    • A type definition for a JSON array.

    interface JSONObject

    interface JSONObject {}
    • A type definition for a JSON object.

    index signature

    [key: string]: JSONValue;

      interface PartialJSONArray

      interface PartialJSONArray extends Array<PartialJSONValue> {}
      • A type definition for a partial JSON array.

        Note: Partial here means that JSON object attributes can be undefined.

      interface PartialJSONObject

      interface PartialJSONObject {}
      • A type definition for a partial JSON object.

        Note: Partial here means that the JSON object attributes can be undefined.

      index signature

      [key: string]: PartialJSONValue | undefined;

        interface ReadonlyJSONArray

        interface ReadonlyJSONArray extends ReadonlyArray<ReadonlyJSONValue> {}
        • A type definition for a readonly JSON array.

        interface ReadonlyJSONObject

        interface ReadonlyJSONObject {}
        • A type definition for a readonly JSON object.

        index signature

        readonly [key: string]: ReadonlyJSONValue;

          interface ReadonlyPartialJSONArray

          interface ReadonlyPartialJSONArray extends ReadonlyArray<ReadonlyPartialJSONValue> {}
          • A type definition for a readonly partial JSON array.

            Note: Partial here means that JSON object attributes can be undefined.

          interface ReadonlyPartialJSONObject

          interface ReadonlyPartialJSONObject {}
          • A type definition for a readonly partial JSON object.

            Note: Partial here means that JSON object attributes can be undefined.

          index signature

          readonly [key: string]: ReadonlyPartialJSONValue | undefined;

            Type Aliases

            type JSONPrimitive

            type JSONPrimitive = boolean | number | string | null;
            • A type alias for a JSON primitive.

            type JSONValue

            type JSONValue = JSONPrimitive | JSONObject | JSONArray;
            • A type alias for a JSON value.

            type PartialJSONValue

            type PartialJSONValue = JSONPrimitive | PartialJSONObject | PartialJSONArray;
            • A type alias for a partial JSON value.

              Note: Partial here means that JSON object attributes can be undefined.

            type ReadonlyJSONValue

            type ReadonlyJSONValue = JSONPrimitive | ReadonlyJSONObject | ReadonlyJSONArray;
            • A type alias for a readonly JSON value.

            type ReadonlyPartialJSONValue

            type ReadonlyPartialJSONValue =
            | JSONPrimitive
            | ReadonlyPartialJSONObject
            | ReadonlyPartialJSONArray;
            • A type alias for a readonly partial JSON value.

              Note: Partial here means that JSON object attributes can be undefined.


            namespace JSONExt

            namespace JSONExt {}
            • The namespace for JSON-specific functions.

            variable emptyArray

            const emptyArray: ReadonlyJSONArray;
            • A shared frozen empty JSONArray

            variable emptyObject

            const emptyObject: ReadonlyJSONObject;
            • A shared frozen empty JSONObject

            function deepCopy

            deepCopy: <T extends ReadonlyPartialJSONValue>(value: T) => T;
            • Create a deep copy of a JSON value.

              Parameter value

              The JSON value to copy.


              A deep copy of the given JSON value.

            function deepEqual

            deepEqual: (
            first: ReadonlyPartialJSONValue,
            second: ReadonlyPartialJSONValue
            ) => boolean;
            • Compare two JSON values for deep equality.

              Parameter first

              The first JSON value of interest.

              Parameter second

              The second JSON value of interest.


              true if the values are equivalent, false otherwise.

            function isArray

            isArray: {
            (value: JSONValue): value is JSONArray;
            (value: ReadonlyJSONValue): value is ReadonlyJSONArray;
            (value: PartialJSONValue): value is PartialJSONArray;
            (value: ReadonlyPartialJSONValue): value is ReadonlyPartialJSONArray;
            • Test whether a JSON value is an array.

              Parameter value

              The JSON value of interest.


              true if the value is a an array, false otherwise.

            function isObject

            isObject: {
            (value: JSONValue): value is JSONObject;
            (value: ReadonlyJSONValue): value is ReadonlyJSONObject;
            (value: PartialJSONValue): value is PartialJSONObject;
            (value: ReadonlyPartialJSONValue): value is ReadonlyPartialJSONObject;
            • Test whether a JSON value is an object.

              Parameter value

              The JSON value of interest.


              true if the value is a an object, false otherwise.

            function isPrimitive

            isPrimitive: (value: ReadonlyPartialJSONValue) => value is JSONPrimitive;
            • Test whether a JSON value is a primitive.

              Parameter value

              The JSON value of interest.


              true if the value is a primitive,false otherwise.

            namespace PluginRegistry

            namespace PluginRegistry {}
            • PluginRegistry namespace

            interface IOptions

            interface IOptions {}
            • PluginRegistry constructor options.

            property validatePlugin

            validatePlugin?: (plugin: IPlugin<any, any>) => boolean;
            • Validate that a plugin is allowed to be registered.

              Default is () => true.

              Parameter plugin

              The plugin to validate


              Whether the plugin can be registered or not.

              #### Notes We recommend you print a console message with the reason a plugin is invalid.

            interface IStartOptions

            interface IStartOptions {}
            • An options object for application startup.

            property ignorePlugins

            ignorePlugins?: string[];
            • The plugins to **not** activate on startup.

              #### Notes This will override startPlugins and any autoStart plugins.

            property startPlugins

            startPlugins?: string[];
            • The plugins to activate on startup.

              #### Notes These will be *in addition* to any autoStart plugins.

            namespace Random

            namespace Random {}
            • The namespace for random number related functionality.

            variable getRandomValues

            const getRandomValues: (buffer: Uint8Array) => void;
            • A function which generates random bytes.

              Parameter buffer

              The Uint8Array to fill with random bytes.

              #### Notes A cryptographically strong random number generator will be used if available. Otherwise, Math.random will be used as a fallback for randomness.

              The following RNGs are supported, listed in order of precedence: - window.crypto.getRandomValues - window.msCrypto.getRandomValues - `require('crypto').randomFillSync - `require('crypto').randomBytes - Math.random

            namespace UUID

            namespace UUID {}
            • The namespace for UUID related functionality.

            function uuid4

            uuid4: () => string;
            • A function which generates UUID v4 identifiers.


              A new UUID v4 string.

              #### Notes This implementation complies with RFC 4122.

              This uses Random.getRandomValues() for random bytes, which in turn will use the underlying crypto module of the platform if it is available. The fallback for randomness is Math.random.

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