- Version 2.6.0
- Published
- 4.68 MB
- 11 dependencies
- BSD-3-Clause license
npm i @lumino/widgets
yarn add @lumino/widgets
pnpm add @lumino/widgets
- [Symbol.iterator]()
- addWidget()
- attachWidget()
- detachWidget()
- dispose()
- handles()
- hiddenMode
- hitTestTabAreas()
- init()
- isEmpty
- moveHandle()
- onBeforeAttach()
- onBeforeShow()
- onChildHidden()
- onChildShown()
- onFitRequest()
- onResize()
- onUpdateRequest()
- removeWidget()
- renderer
- restoreLayout()
- saveLayout()
- selectedWidgets()
- spacing
- tabBars()
- widgets()
- activateWidget()
- addButtonEnabled
- addRequested
- addWidget()
- dispose()
- handleEvent()
- handles()
- hiddenMode
- isEmpty
- layoutModified
- mode
- onAfterDetach()
- onBeforeAttach()
- onChildAdded()
- onChildRemoved()
- overlay
- processMessage()
- renderer
- restoreLayout()
- saveLayout()
- selectedWidgets()
- selectWidget()
- spacing
- tabBars()
- tabsConstrained
- tabsMovable
- widgets()
- aboutToClose
- activateNextItem()
- activatePreviousItem()
- activeIndex
- activeItem
- addItem()
- childMenu
- clearItems()
- commands
- contentNode
- dispose()
- handleEvent()
- insertItem()
- items
- leafMenu
- menuRequested
- onActivateRequest()
- onAfterDetach()
- onBeforeAttach()
- onCloseRequest()
- onUpdateRequest()
- open()
- parentMenu
- removeItem()
- removeItemAt()
- renderer
- rootMenu
- saveWindowData()
- triggerActiveItem()
- addButtonEnabled
- addButtonNode
- addRequested
- addTab()
- allowDeselect
- clearTabs()
- contentNode
- currentChanged
- currentIndex
- currentTitle
- dispose()
- document
- handleEvent()
- insertBehavior
- insertTab()
- name
- onAfterDetach()
- onBeforeAttach()
- onUpdateRequest()
- orientation
- releaseMouse()
- removeBehavior
- removeTab()
- removeTabAt()
- renderer
- tabActivateRequested
- tabCloseRequested
- tabDetachRequested
- tabMoved
- tabsMovable
- titles
- titlesEditable
- activate()
- addClass()
- children()
- clearFlag()
- close()
- contains()
- dataset
- dispose()
- disposed
- fit()
- hasClass()
- hiddenMode
- hide()
- id
- isAttached
- isDisposed
- isHidden
- isVisible
- layout
- node
- notifyLayout()
- onActivateRequest()
- onAfterAttach()
- onAfterDetach()
- onAfterHide()
- onAfterShow()
- onBeforeAttach()
- onBeforeDetach()
- onBeforeHide()
- onBeforeShow()
- onChildAdded()
- onChildRemoved()
- onCloseRequest()
- onFitRequest()
- onResize()
- onUpdateRequest()
- parent
- processMessage()
- removeClass()
- setFlag()
- setHidden()
- show()
- testFlag()
- title
- toggleClass()
- update()
class AccordionLayout
class AccordionLayout extends SplitLayout {}
A layout which arranges its widgets into collapsible resizable sections.
constructor(options: AccordionLayout.IOptions);
Construct a new accordion layout.
Parameter options
The options for initializing the layout.
#### Notes The default orientation will be vertical.
Titles must be rotated for horizontal accordion panel using CSS: see accordionpanel.css
property renderer
readonly renderer: AccordionLayout.IRenderer;
The renderer used by the accordion layout.
property titles
readonly titles: readonly HTMLElement[];
A read-only array of the section titles in the panel.
property titleSpace
titleSpace: number;
The section title height or width depending on the orientation.
method attachWidget
protected attachWidget: (index: number, widget: Widget) => void;
Attach a widget to the parent's DOM node.
Parameter index
The current index of the widget in the layout.
Parameter widget
The widget to attach to the parent.
method detachWidget
protected detachWidget: (index: number, widget: Widget) => void;
Detach a widget from the parent's DOM node.
Parameter index
The previous index of the widget in the layout.
Parameter widget
The widget to detach from the parent.
#### Notes This is a reimplementation of the superclass method.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Dispose of the resources held by the layout.
method insertWidget
insertWidget: (index: number, widget: Widget) => void;
Insert a widget into the layout at the specified index.
Parameter index
The index at which to insert the widget.
Parameter widget
The widget to insert into the layout.
#### Notes The index will be clamped to the bounds of the widgets.
If the widget is already added to the layout, it will be moved.
#### Undefined Behavior An
which is non-integral.
method moveWidget
protected moveWidget: ( fromIndex: number, toIndex: number, widget: Widget) => void;
Move a widget in the parent's DOM node.
Parameter fromIndex
The previous index of the widget in the layout.
Parameter toIndex
The current index of the widget in the layout.
Parameter widget
The widget to move in the parent.
method updateItemPosition
protected updateItemPosition: ( i: number, isHorizontal: boolean, left: number, top: number, height: number, width: number, size: number) => void;
Update the item position.
Parameter i
Item index
Parameter isHorizontal
Whether the layout is horizontal or not
Parameter left
Left position in pixels
Parameter top
Top position in pixels
Parameter height
Item height
Parameter width
Item width
Parameter size
Item size
method updateTitle
updateTitle: (index: number, widget: Widget) => void;
class AccordionPanel
class AccordionPanel extends SplitPanel {}
A panel which arranges its widgets into resizable sections separated by a title widget.
#### Notes This class provides a convenience wrapper around AccordionLayout.
constructor(options?: AccordionPanel.IOptions);
Construct a new accordion panel.
Parameter options
The options for initializing the accordion panel.
property expansionToggled
readonly expansionToggled: ISignal<this, number>;
A signal emitted when a widget of the AccordionPanel is collapsed or expanded.
property renderer
readonly renderer: AccordionLayout.IRenderer;
The renderer used by the accordion panel.
property titles
readonly titles: readonly HTMLElement[];
A read-only array of the section titles in the panel.
property titleSpace
titleSpace: number;
The section title space.
This is the height if the panel is vertical and the width if it is horizontal.
method addWidget
addWidget: (widget: Widget) => void;
Add a widget to the end of the panel.
Parameter widget
The widget to add to the panel.
#### Notes If the widget is already contained in the panel, it will be moved.
method collapse
collapse: (index: number) => void;
Collapse the widget at position
.#### Notes If no widget is found for
, this will bail.Parameter index
Widget index
method expand
expand: (index: number) => void;
Expand the widget at position
.#### Notes If no widget is found for
, this will bail.Parameter index
Widget index
method handleEvent
handleEvent: (event: Event) => void;
Handle the DOM events for the accordion panel.
Parameter event
The DOM event sent to the panel.
#### Notes This method implements the DOM
interface and is called in response to events on the panel's DOM node. It should not be called directly by user code.
method insertWidget
insertWidget: (index: number, widget: Widget) => void;
Insert a widget at the specified index.
Parameter index
The index at which to insert the widget.
Parameter widget
The widget to insert into to the panel.
#### Notes If the widget is already contained in the panel, it will be moved.
method onAfterDetach
protected onAfterDetach: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on an
method onBeforeAttach
protected onBeforeAttach: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
class BoxLayout
class BoxLayout extends PanelLayout {}
A layout which arranges its widgets in a single row or column.
constructor(options?: BoxLayout.IOptions);
Construct a new box layout.
Parameter options
The options for initializing the layout.
property alignment
alignment: BoxLayout.Alignment;
Get the content alignment for the box layout.
#### Notes This is the alignment of the widgets in the layout direction.
The alignment has no effect if the widgets can expand to fill the entire box layout.
property direction
direction: BoxLayout.Direction;
Get the layout direction for the box layout.
property spacing
spacing: number;
Get the inter-element spacing for the box layout.
method attachWidget
protected attachWidget: (index: number, widget: Widget) => void;
Attach a widget to the parent's DOM node.
Parameter index
The current index of the widget in the layout.
Parameter widget
The widget to attach to the parent.
#### Notes This is a reimplementation of the superclass method.
method detachWidget
protected detachWidget: (index: number, widget: Widget) => void;
Detach a widget from the parent's DOM node.
Parameter index
The previous index of the widget in the layout.
Parameter widget
The widget to detach from the parent.
#### Notes This is a reimplementation of the superclass method.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Dispose of the resources held by the layout.
method init
protected init: () => void;
Perform layout initialization which requires the parent widget.
method moveWidget
protected moveWidget: ( fromIndex: number, toIndex: number, widget: Widget) => void;
Move a widget in the parent's DOM node.
Parameter fromIndex
The previous index of the widget in the layout.
Parameter toIndex
The current index of the widget in the layout.
Parameter widget
The widget to move in the parent.
#### Notes This is a reimplementation of the superclass method.
method onBeforeAttach
protected onBeforeAttach: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onBeforeShow
protected onBeforeShow: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onChildHidden
protected onChildHidden: (msg: Widget.ChildMessage) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onChildShown
protected onChildShown: (msg: Widget.ChildMessage) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onFitRequest
protected onFitRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onResize
protected onResize: (msg: Widget.ResizeMessage) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onUpdateRequest
protected onUpdateRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on an
class BoxPanel
class BoxPanel extends Panel {}
A panel which arranges its widgets in a single row or column.
#### Notes This class provides a convenience wrapper around a BoxLayout.
constructor(options?: BoxPanel.IOptions);
Construct a new box panel.
Parameter options
The options for initializing the box panel.
property alignment
alignment: BoxLayout.Alignment;
Get the content alignment for the box panel.
#### Notes This is the alignment of the widgets in the layout direction.
The alignment has no effect if the widgets can expand to fill the entire box layout.
property direction
direction: BoxLayout.Direction;
Get the layout direction for the box panel.
property spacing
spacing: number;
Get the inter-element spacing for the box panel.
method onChildAdded
protected onChildAdded: (msg: Widget.ChildMessage) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onChildRemoved
protected onChildRemoved: (msg: Widget.ChildMessage) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
class BoxSizer
class BoxSizer {}
A sizer object for use with the box engine layout functions.
#### Notes A box sizer holds the geometry information for an object along an arbitrary layout orientation.
For best performance, this class should be treated as a raw data struct. It should not typically be subclassed.
property done
done: boolean;
An internal storage property for the layout algorithm.
#### Notes This value is used as temporary storage by the layout algorithm.
Changing this value will have no effect.
property maxSize
maxSize: number;
The maximum size of the sizer.
#### Notes The sizer will never be sized greater than this value, even if it means the sizer will underflow the available layout space.
It is assumed that this value lies in the range
[0, Infinity]
and that it is>=
to minSize. Failure to adhere to this constraint will yield undefined results.The default value is
property minSize
minSize: number;
The minimum size of the sizer.
#### Notes The sizer will never be sized less than this value, even if it means the sizer will overflow the available layout space.
It is assumed that this value lies in the range
[0, Infinity)
and that it is<=
to maxSize. Failure to adhere to this constraint will yield undefined results.The default value is
property size
size: number;
The computed size of the sizer.
#### Notes This value is the output of a call to BoxEngine.calc. It represents the computed size for the object along the layout orientation, and will always lie in the range
[minSize, maxSize]
.This value is output only.
Changing this value will have no effect.
property sizeHint
sizeHint: number;
The preferred size for the sizer.
#### Notes The sizer will be given this initial size subject to its size bounds. The sizer will not deviate from this size unless such deviation is required to fit into the available layout space.
There is no limit to this value, but it will be clamped to the bounds defined by minSize and maxSize.
The default value is
property stretch
stretch: number;
The stretch factor for the sizer.
#### Notes This controls how much the sizer stretches relative to its sibling sizers when layout space is distributed. A stretch factor of zero is special and will cause the sizer to only be resized after all other sizers with a stretch factor greater than zero have been resized to their limits.
It is assumed that this value is an integer that lies in the range
[0, Infinity)
. Failure to adhere to this constraint will yield undefined results.The default value is
class CommandPalette
class CommandPalette extends Widget {}
A widget which displays command items as a searchable palette.
constructor(options: CommandPalette.IOptions);
Construct a new command palette.
Parameter options
The options for initializing the palette.
property commands
readonly commands: CommandRegistry;
The command registry used by the command palette.
property contentNode
readonly contentNode: HTMLUListElement;
The command palette content node.
#### Notes This is the node which holds the command item nodes.
Modifying this node directly can lead to undefined behavior.
property inputNode
readonly inputNode: HTMLInputElement;
The command palette input node.
#### Notes This is the actual input node for the search area.
property items
readonly items: readonly CommandPalette.IItem[];
A read-only array of the command items in the palette.
property renderer
readonly renderer: CommandPalette.IRenderer;
The renderer used by the command palette.
property searchNode
readonly searchNode: HTMLDivElement;
The command palette search node.
#### Notes This is the node which contains the search-related elements.
method addItem
addItem: (options: CommandPalette.IItemOptions) => CommandPalette.IItem;
Add a command item to the command palette.
Parameter options
The options for creating the command item.
The command item added to the palette.
method addItems
addItems: (items: CommandPalette.IItemOptions[]) => CommandPalette.IItem[];
Adds command items to the command palette.
Parameter items
An array of options for creating each command item.
The command items added to the palette.
method clearItems
clearItems: () => void;
Remove all items from the command palette.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Dispose of the resources held by the widget.
method handleEvent
handleEvent: (event: Event) => void;
Handle the DOM events for the command palette.
Parameter event
The DOM event sent to the command palette.
#### Notes This method implements the DOM
interface and is called in response to events on the command palette's DOM node. It should not be called directly by user code.
method onActivateRequest
protected onActivateRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on an
method onAfterDetach
protected onAfterDetach: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on an
method onAfterShow
protected onAfterShow: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on an
method onBeforeAttach
protected onBeforeAttach: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onUpdateRequest
protected onUpdateRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on an
method refresh
refresh: () => void;
Clear the search results and schedule an update.
#### Notes This should be called whenever the search results of the palette should be updated.
This is typically called automatically by the palette as needed, but can be called manually if the input text is programatically changed.
The rendered results are updated asynchronously.
method removeItem
removeItem: (item: CommandPalette.IItem) => void;
Remove an item from the command palette.
Parameter item
The item to remove from the palette.
#### Notes This is a no-op if the item is not in the palette.
method removeItemAt
removeItemAt: (index: number) => void;
Remove the item at a given index from the command palette.
Parameter index
The index of the item to remove.
#### Notes This is a no-op if the index is out of range.
class ContextMenu
class ContextMenu {}
An object which implements a universal context menu.
#### Notes The items shown in the context menu are determined by CSS selector matching against the DOM hierarchy at the site of the mouse click. This is similar in concept to how keyboard shortcuts are matched in the command registry.
constructor(options: ContextMenu.IOptions);
Construct a new context menu.
Parameter options
The options for initializing the menu.
property menu
readonly menu: Menu;
The menu widget which displays the matched context items.
method addItem
addItem: (options: ContextMenu.IItemOptions) => IDisposable;
Add an item to the context menu.
Parameter options
The options for creating the item.
A disposable which will remove the item from the menu.
method open
open: (event: MouseEvent) => boolean;
Open the context menu in response to a
event.Parameter event
event of interest.Returns
if the menu was opened, orfalse
if no items matched the event and the menu was not opened.#### Notes This method will populate the context menu with items which match the propagation path of the event, then open the menu at the mouse position indicated by the event.
class DockLayout
class DockLayout extends Layout {}
A layout which provides a flexible docking arrangement.
#### Notes The consumer of this layout is responsible for handling all signals from the generated tab bars and managing the visibility of widgets and tab bars as needed.
constructor(options: DockLayout.IOptions);
Construct a new dock layout.
Parameter options
The options for initializing the layout.
property hiddenMode
hiddenMode: Widget.HiddenMode;
The method for hiding child widgets.
#### Notes If there is only one child widget,
hiding mode will be used regardless of this setting.
property isEmpty
readonly isEmpty: boolean;
Whether the dock layout is empty.
property renderer
readonly renderer: DockLayout.IRenderer;
The renderer used by the dock layout.
property spacing
spacing: number;
Get the inter-element spacing for the dock layout.
method [Symbol.iterator]
[Symbol.iterator]: () => IterableIterator<Widget>;
Create an iterator over all widgets in the layout.
A new iterator over the widgets in the layout.
#### Notes This iterator includes the generated tab bars.
method addWidget
addWidget: (widget: Widget, options?: DockLayout.IAddOptions) => void;
Add a widget to the dock layout.
Parameter widget
The widget to add to the dock layout.
Parameter options
The additional options for adding the widget.
#### Notes The widget will be moved if it is already contained in the layout.
An error will be thrown if the reference widget is invalid.
method attachWidget
protected attachWidget: (widget: Widget) => void;
Attach the widget to the layout parent widget.
Parameter widget
The widget to attach to the parent.
#### Notes This is a no-op if the widget is already attached.
method detachWidget
protected detachWidget: (widget: Widget) => void;
Detach the widget from the layout parent widget.
Parameter widget
The widget to detach from the parent.
#### Notes This is a no-op if the widget is not attached.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Dispose of the resources held by the layout.
#### Notes This will clear and dispose all widgets in the layout.
method handles
handles: () => IterableIterator<HTMLDivElement>;
Create an iterator over the handles in the layout.
A new iterator over the handles in the layout.
method hitTestTabAreas
hitTestTabAreas: ( clientX: number, clientY: number) => DockLayout.ITabAreaGeometry | null;
Find the tab area which contains the given client position.
Parameter clientX
The client X position of interest.
Parameter clientY
The client Y position of interest.
The geometry of the tab area at the given position, or
if there is no tab area at the given position.
method init
protected init: () => void;
Perform layout initialization which requires the parent widget.
method moveHandle
moveHandle: (handle: HTMLDivElement, offsetX: number, offsetY: number) => void;
Move a handle to the given offset position.
Parameter handle
The handle to move.
Parameter offsetX
The desired offset X position of the handle.
Parameter offsetY
The desired offset Y position of the handle.
#### Notes If the given handle is not contained in the layout, this is no-op.
The handle will be moved as close as possible to the desired position without violating any of the layout constraints.
Only one of the coordinates is used depending on the orientation of the handle. This method accepts both coordinates to make it easy to invoke from a mouse move event without needing to know the handle orientation.
method onBeforeAttach
protected onBeforeAttach: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onBeforeShow
protected onBeforeShow: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onChildHidden
protected onChildHidden: (msg: Widget.ChildMessage) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onChildShown
protected onChildShown: (msg: Widget.ChildMessage) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onFitRequest
protected onFitRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onResize
protected onResize: (msg: Widget.ResizeMessage) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onUpdateRequest
protected onUpdateRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on an
method removeWidget
removeWidget: (widget: Widget) => void;
Remove a widget from the layout.
Parameter widget
The widget to remove from the layout.
#### Notes A widget is automatically removed from the layout when its
is set tonull
. This method should only be invoked directly when removing a widget from a layout which has yet to be installed on a parent widget.This method does *not* modify the widget's
method restoreLayout
restoreLayout: (config: DockLayout.ILayoutConfig) => void;
Restore the layout to a previously saved configuration.
Parameter config
The layout configuration to restore.
#### Notes Widgets which currently belong to the layout but which are not contained in the config will be unparented.
method saveLayout
saveLayout: () => DockLayout.ILayoutConfig;
Save the current configuration of the dock layout.
A new config object for the current layout state.
#### Notes The return value can be provided to the
method in order to restore the layout to its current configuration.
method selectedWidgets
selectedWidgets: () => IterableIterator<Widget>;
Create an iterator over the selected widgets in the layout.
A new iterator over the selected user widgets.
#### Notes This iterator yields the widgets corresponding to the current tab of each tab bar in the layout.
method tabBars
tabBars: () => IterableIterator<TabBar<Widget>>;
Create an iterator over the tab bars in the layout.
A new iterator over the tab bars in the layout.
#### Notes This iterator does not include the user widgets.
method widgets
widgets: () => IterableIterator<Widget>;
Create an iterator over the user widgets in the layout.
A new iterator over the user widgets in the layout.
#### Notes This iterator does not include the generated tab bars.
class DockPanel
class DockPanel extends Widget {}
A widget which provides a flexible docking area for widgets.
constructor(options?: DockPanel.IOptions);
Construct a new dock panel.
Parameter options
The options for initializing the panel.
property addButtonEnabled
addButtonEnabled: boolean;
Whether the add buttons for each tab bar are enabled.
property addRequested
readonly addRequested: ISignal<this, TabBar<Widget>>;
A signal emitted when the add button on a tab bar is clicked.
property hiddenMode
hiddenMode: Widget.HiddenMode;
The method for hiding widgets.
property isEmpty
readonly isEmpty: boolean;
Whether the dock panel is empty.
property layoutModified
readonly layoutModified: ISignal<this, void>;
A signal emitted when the layout configuration is modified.
#### Notes This signal is emitted whenever the current layout configuration may have changed.
This signal is emitted asynchronously in a collapsed fashion, so that multiple synchronous modifications results in only a single emit of the signal.
property mode
mode: DockPanel.Mode;
Get the mode for the dock panel.
property overlay
readonly overlay: DockPanel.IOverlay;
The overlay used by the dock panel.
property renderer
readonly renderer: DockLayout.IRenderer;
The renderer used by the dock panel.
property spacing
spacing: number;
Get the spacing between the widgets.
property tabsConstrained
tabsConstrained: boolean;
Whether the tabs are constrained to their source dock panel
property tabsMovable
tabsMovable: boolean;
Whether the tabs can be dragged / moved at runtime.
method activateWidget
activateWidget: (widget: Widget) => void;
Activate a specified widget in the dock panel.
Parameter widget
The widget of interest.
#### Notes This will select and activate the given widget.
method addWidget
addWidget: (widget: Widget, options?: DockPanel.IAddOptions) => void;
Add a widget to the dock panel.
Parameter widget
The widget to add to the dock panel.
Parameter options
The additional options for adding the widget.
#### Notes If the panel is in single document mode, the options are ignored and the widget is always added as tab in the hidden tab bar.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Dispose of the resources held by the panel.
method handleEvent
handleEvent: (event: Event) => void;
Handle the DOM events for the dock panel.
Parameter event
The DOM event sent to the panel.
#### Notes This method implements the DOM
interface and is called in response to events on the panel's DOM node. It should not be called directly by user code.
method handles
handles: () => IterableIterator<HTMLDivElement>;
Create an iterator over the handles in the panel.
A new iterator over the handles in the panel.
method onAfterDetach
protected onAfterDetach: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on an
method onBeforeAttach
protected onBeforeAttach: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onChildAdded
protected onChildAdded: (msg: Widget.ChildMessage) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onChildRemoved
protected onChildRemoved: (msg: Widget.ChildMessage) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method processMessage
processMessage: (msg: Message) => void;
Process a message sent to the widget.
Parameter msg
The message sent to the widget.
method restoreLayout
restoreLayout: (config: DockPanel.ILayoutConfig) => void;
Restore the layout to a previously saved configuration.
Parameter config
The layout configuration to restore.
#### Notes Widgets which currently belong to the layout but which are not contained in the config will be unparented.
The dock panel automatically reverts to
mode when a layout config is restored.
method saveLayout
saveLayout: () => DockPanel.ILayoutConfig;
Save the current layout configuration of the dock panel.
A new config object for the current layout state.
#### Notes The return value can be provided to the
method in order to restore the layout to its current configuration.
method selectedWidgets
selectedWidgets: () => IterableIterator<Widget>;
Create an iterator over the selected widgets in the panel.
A new iterator over the selected user widgets.
#### Notes This iterator yields the widgets corresponding to the current tab of each tab bar in the panel.
method selectWidget
selectWidget: (widget: Widget) => void;
Select a specific widget in the dock panel.
Parameter widget
The widget of interest.
#### Notes This will make the widget the current widget in its tab area.
method tabBars
tabBars: () => IterableIterator<TabBar<Widget>>;
Create an iterator over the tab bars in the panel.
A new iterator over the tab bars in the panel.
#### Notes This iterator does not include the user widgets.
method widgets
widgets: () => IterableIterator<Widget>;
Create an iterator over the user widgets in the panel.
A new iterator over the user widgets in the panel.
#### Notes This iterator does not include the generated tab bars.
class FocusTracker
class FocusTracker<T extends Widget> implements IDisposable {}
A class which tracks focus among a set of widgets.
This class is useful when code needs to keep track of the most recently focused widget(s) among a set of related widgets.
property activeChanged
readonly activeChanged: ISignal<this, FocusTracker.IChangedArgs<T>>;
A signal emitted when the active widget has changed.
property activeWidget
readonly activeWidget: Widget;
The active widget in the tracker.
#### Notes The active widget is the widget among the tracked widgets which has the *descendant node* which is currently focused.
property currentChanged
readonly currentChanged: ISignal<this, FocusTracker.IChangedArgs<T>>;
A signal emitted when the current widget has changed.
property currentWidget
readonly currentWidget: Widget;
The current widget in the tracker.
#### Notes The current widget is the widget among the tracked widgets which has the *descendant node* which has most recently been focused.
The current widget will not be updated if the node loses focus. It will only be updated when a different tracked widget gains focus.
If the current widget is removed from the tracker, the previous current widget will be restored.
This behavior is intended to follow a user's conceptual model of a semantically "current" widget, where the "last thing of type X" to be interacted with is the "current instance of X", regardless of whether that instance still has focus.
property isDisposed
readonly isDisposed: boolean;
A flag indicating whether the tracker is disposed.
property widgets
readonly widgets: readonly T[];
A read only array of the widgets being tracked.
method add
add: (widget: T) => void;
Add a widget to the focus tracker.
Parameter widget
The widget of interest.
#### Notes A widget will be automatically removed from the tracker if it is disposed after being added.
If the widget is already tracked, this is a no-op.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Dispose of the resources held by the tracker.
method focusNumber
focusNumber: (widget: T) => number;
Get the focus number for a particular widget in the tracker.
Parameter widget
The widget of interest.
The focus number for the given widget, or
if the widget has not had focus since being added to the tracker, or is not contained by the tracker.#### Notes The focus number indicates the relative order in which the widgets have gained focus. A widget with a larger number has gained focus more recently than a widget with a smaller number.
will always have the largest focus number.All widgets start with a focus number of
, which indicates that the widget has not been focused since being added to the tracker.
method handleEvent
handleEvent: (event: Event) => void;
Handle the DOM events for the focus tracker.
Parameter event
The DOM event sent to the panel.
#### Notes This method implements the DOM
interface and is called in response to events on the tracked nodes. It should not be called directly by user code.
method has
has: (widget: T) => boolean;
Test whether the focus tracker contains a given widget.
Parameter widget
The widget of interest.
if the widget is tracked,false
method remove
remove: (widget: T) => void;
Remove a widget from the focus tracker.
#### Notes If the widget is the
, the previous current widget will become the newcurrentWidget
.A widget will be automatically removed from the tracker if it is disposed after being added.
If the widget is not tracked, this is a no-op.
class GridLayout
class GridLayout extends Layout {}
A layout which arranges its widgets in a grid.
constructor(options?: GridLayout.IOptions);
Construct a new grid layout.
Parameter options
The options for initializing the layout.
property columnCount
columnCount: number;
Get the number of columns in the layout.
property columnSpacing
columnSpacing: number;
Get the column spacing for the layout.
property rowCount
rowCount: number;
Get the number of rows in the layout.
property rowSpacing
rowSpacing: number;
Get the row spacing for the layout.
method [Symbol.iterator]
[Symbol.iterator]: () => IterableIterator<Widget>;
Create an iterator over the widgets in the layout.
A new iterator over the widgets in the layout.
method addWidget
addWidget: (widget: Widget) => void;
Add a widget to the grid layout.
Parameter widget
The widget to add to the layout.
#### Notes If the widget is already contained in the layout, this is no-op.
method attachWidget
protected attachWidget: (widget: Widget) => void;
Attach a widget to the parent's DOM node.
Parameter widget
The widget to attach to the parent.
method columnStretch
columnStretch: (index: number) => number;
Get the stretch factor for a specific column.
Parameter index
The column index of interest.
The stretch factor for the column.
#### Notes This returns
if the index is out of range.
method detachWidget
protected detachWidget: (widget: Widget) => void;
Detach a widget from the parent's DOM node.
Parameter widget
The widget to detach from the parent.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Dispose of the resources held by the layout.
method init
protected init: () => void;
Perform layout initialization which requires the parent widget.
method onBeforeAttach
protected onBeforeAttach: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onBeforeShow
protected onBeforeShow: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onChildHidden
protected onChildHidden: (msg: Widget.ChildMessage) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onChildShown
protected onChildShown: (msg: Widget.ChildMessage) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onFitRequest
protected onFitRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onResize
protected onResize: (msg: Widget.ResizeMessage) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onUpdateRequest
protected onUpdateRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on an
method removeWidget
removeWidget: (widget: Widget) => void;
Remove a widget from the grid layout.
Parameter widget
The widget to remove from the layout.
#### Notes A widget is automatically removed from the layout when its
is set tonull
. This method should only be invoked directly when removing a widget from a layout which has yet to be installed on a parent widget.This method does *not* modify the widget's
method rowStretch
rowStretch: (index: number) => number;
Get the stretch factor for a specific row.
Parameter index
The row index of interest.
The stretch factor for the row.
#### Notes This returns
if the index is out of range.
method setColumnStretch
setColumnStretch: (index: number, value: number) => void;
Set the stretch factor for a specific column.
Parameter index
The column index of interest.
Parameter value
The stretch factor for the column.
#### Notes This is a no-op if the index is out of range.
method setRowStretch
setRowStretch: (index: number, value: number) => void;
Set the stretch factor for a specific row.
Parameter index
The row index of interest.
Parameter value
The stretch factor for the row.
#### Notes This is a no-op if the index is out of range.
class Layout
abstract class Layout implements Iterable<Widget>, IDisposable {}
An abstract base class for creating lumino layouts.
#### Notes A layout is used to add widgets to a parent and to arrange those widgets within the parent's DOM node.
This class implements the base functionality which is required of nearly all layouts. It must be subclassed in order to be useful.
Notably, this class does not define a uniform interface for adding widgets to the layout. A subclass should define that API in a way which is meaningful for its intended use.
constructor(options?: Layout.IOptions);
Construct a new layout.
Parameter options
The options for initializing the layout.
property fitPolicy
fitPolicy: Layout.FitPolicy;
Get the fit policy for the layout.
#### Notes The fit policy controls the computed size constraints which are applied to the parent widget by the layout.
Some layout implementations may ignore the fit policy.
property isDisposed
readonly isDisposed: boolean;
Test whether the layout is disposed.
property parent
parent: Widget;
Get the parent widget of the layout.
method [Symbol.iterator]
abstract [Symbol.iterator]: () => IterableIterator<Widget>;
Create an iterator over the widgets in the layout.
A new iterator over the widgets in the layout.
#### Notes This abstract method must be implemented by a subclass.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Dispose of the resources held by the layout.
#### Notes This should be reimplemented to clear and dispose of the widgets.
All reimplementations should call the superclass method.
This method is called automatically when the parent is disposed.
method init
protected init: () => void;
Perform layout initialization which requires the parent widget.
#### Notes This method is invoked immediately after the layout is installed on the parent widget.
The default implementation reparents all of the widgets to the layout parent widget.
Subclasses should reimplement this method and attach the child widget nodes to the parent widget's node.
method onAfterAttach
protected onAfterAttach: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on an
message.#### Notes The default implementation of this method forwards the message to all widgets. It assumes all widget nodes are attached to the parent widget node.
This may be reimplemented by subclasses as needed.
method onAfterDetach
protected onAfterDetach: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on an
message.#### Notes The default implementation of this method forwards the message to all widgets. It assumes all widget nodes are attached to the parent widget node.
This may be reimplemented by subclasses as needed.
method onAfterHide
protected onAfterHide: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on an
message.#### Notes The default implementation of this method forwards the message to all non-hidden widgets. It assumes all widget nodes are attached to the parent widget node.
This may be reimplemented by subclasses as needed.
method onAfterShow
protected onAfterShow: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on an
message.#### Notes The default implementation of this method forwards the message to all non-hidden widgets. It assumes all widget nodes are attached to the parent widget node.
This may be reimplemented by subclasses as needed.
method onBeforeAttach
protected onBeforeAttach: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
message.#### Notes The default implementation of this method forwards the message to all widgets. It assumes all widget nodes are attached to the parent widget node.
This may be reimplemented by subclasses as needed.
method onBeforeDetach
protected onBeforeDetach: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
message.#### Notes The default implementation of this method forwards the message to all widgets. It assumes all widget nodes are attached to the parent widget node.
This may be reimplemented by subclasses as needed.
method onBeforeHide
protected onBeforeHide: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
message.#### Notes The default implementation of this method forwards the message to all non-hidden widgets. It assumes all widget nodes are attached to the parent widget node.
This may be reimplemented by subclasses as needed.
method onBeforeShow
protected onBeforeShow: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
message.#### Notes The default implementation of this method forwards the message to all non-hidden widgets. It assumes all widget nodes are attached to the parent widget node.
This may be reimplemented by subclasses as needed.
method onChildHidden
protected onChildHidden: (msg: Widget.ChildMessage) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
message.#### Notes The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
method onChildRemoved
protected onChildRemoved: (msg: Widget.ChildMessage) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
message.#### Notes This will remove the child widget from the layout.
Subclasses should **not** typically reimplement this method.
method onChildShown
protected onChildShown: (msg: Widget.ChildMessage) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
message.#### Notes The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
method onFitRequest
protected onFitRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
message.#### Notes The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
method onResize
protected onResize: (msg: Widget.ResizeMessage) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
message.#### Notes The layout should ensure that its widgets are resized according to the specified layout space, and that they are sent a
message if appropriate.The default implementation of this method sends an
resize message to all widgets.This may be reimplemented by subclasses as needed.
method onUpdateRequest
protected onUpdateRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on an
message.#### Notes The layout should ensure that its widgets are resized according to the available layout space, and that they are sent a
message if appropriate.The default implementation of this method sends an
resize message to all widgets.This may be reimplemented by subclasses as needed.
method processParentMessage
processParentMessage: (msg: Message) => void;
Process a message sent to the parent widget.
Parameter msg
The message sent to the parent widget.
#### Notes This method is called by the parent widget to process a message.
Subclasses may reimplement this method as needed.
method removeWidget
abstract removeWidget: (widget: Widget) => void;
Remove a widget from the layout.
Parameter widget
The widget to remove from the layout.
#### Notes A widget is automatically removed from the layout when its
is set tonull
. This method should only be invoked directly when removing a widget from a layout which has yet to be installed on a parent widget.This method should *not* modify the widget's
class LayoutItem
class LayoutItem implements IDisposable {}
An object which assists in the absolute layout of widgets.
#### Notes This class is useful when implementing a layout which arranges its widgets using absolute positioning.
This class is used by nearly all of the built-in lumino layouts.
constructor(widget: Widget);
Construct a new layout item.
Parameter widget
The widget to be managed by the item.
#### Notes The widget will be set to absolute positioning. The widget will use strict CSS containment.
property isAttached
readonly isAttached: boolean;
Whether the managed widget is attached.
property isDisposed
readonly isDisposed: boolean;
Whether the layout item is disposed.
property isHidden
readonly isHidden: boolean;
Whether the managed widget is hidden.
property isVisible
readonly isVisible: boolean;
Whether the managed widget is visible.
property maxHeight
readonly maxHeight: number;
The computed maximum height of the widget.
#### Notes This value can be updated by calling the
property maxWidth
readonly maxWidth: number;
The computed maximum width of the widget.
#### Notes This value can be updated by calling the
property minHeight
readonly minHeight: number;
The computed minimum height of the widget.
#### Notes This value can be updated by calling the
property minWidth
readonly minWidth: number;
The computed minimum width of the widget.
#### Notes This value can be updated by calling the
property widget
readonly widget: Widget;
The widget managed by the layout item.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Dispose of the the layout item.
#### Notes This will reset the positioning of the widget.
method fit
fit: () => void;
Update the computed size limits of the managed widget.
method update
update: (left: number, top: number, width: number, height: number) => void;
Update the position and size of the managed widget.
Parameter left
The left edge position of the layout box.
Parameter top
The top edge position of the layout box.
Parameter width
The width of the layout box.
Parameter height
The height of the layout box.
class Menu
class Menu extends Widget {}
A widget which displays items as a canonical menu.
constructor(options: Menu.IOptions);
Construct a new menu.
Parameter options
The options for initializing the menu.
property aboutToClose
readonly aboutToClose: ISignal<this, void>;
A signal emitted just before the menu is closed.
#### Notes This signal is emitted when the menu receives a
message, just before it removes itself from the DOM.This signal is not emitted if the menu is already detached from the DOM when it receives the
property activeIndex
activeIndex: number;
Get the index of the currently active menu item.
#### Notes This will be
if no menu item is active.
property activeItem
activeItem: Menu.IItem;
Get the currently active menu item.
property childMenu
readonly childMenu: Menu;
The child menu of the menu.
#### Notes This is
unless the menu has an open submenu.
property commands
readonly commands: CommandRegistry;
The command registry used by the menu.
property contentNode
readonly contentNode: HTMLUListElement;
The menu content node.
#### Notes This is the node which holds the menu item nodes.
Modifying this node directly can lead to undefined behavior.
property items
readonly items: readonly Menu.IItem[];
A read-only array of the menu items in the menu.
property leafMenu
readonly leafMenu: Menu;
The leaf menu of the menu hierarchy.
property menuRequested
readonly menuRequested: ISignal<this, 'next' | 'previous'>;
A signal emitted when a new menu is requested by the user.
#### Notes This signal is emitted whenever the user presses the right or left arrow keys, and a submenu cannot be opened or closed in response.
This signal is useful when implementing menu bars in order to open the next or previous menu in response to a user key press.
This signal is only emitted for the root menu in a hierarchy.
property parentMenu
readonly parentMenu: Menu;
The parent menu of the menu.
#### Notes This is
unless the menu is an open submenu.
property renderer
readonly renderer: Menu.IRenderer;
The renderer used by the menu.
property rootMenu
readonly rootMenu: Menu;
The root menu of the menu hierarchy.
method activateNextItem
activateNextItem: () => void;
Activate the next selectable item in the menu.
#### Notes If no item is selectable, the index will be set to
method activatePreviousItem
activatePreviousItem: () => void;
Activate the previous selectable item in the menu.
#### Notes If no item is selectable, the index will be set to
method addItem
addItem: (options: Menu.IItemOptions) => Menu.IItem;
Add a menu item to the end of the menu.
Parameter options
The options for creating the menu item.
The menu item added to the menu.
method clearItems
clearItems: () => void;
Remove all menu items from the menu.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Dispose of the resources held by the menu.
method handleEvent
handleEvent: (event: Event) => void;
Handle the DOM events for the menu.
Parameter event
The DOM event sent to the menu.
#### Notes This method implements the DOM
interface and is called in response to events on the menu's DOM nodes. It should not be called directly by user code.
method insertItem
insertItem: (index: number, options: Menu.IItemOptions) => Menu.IItem;
Insert a menu item into the menu at the specified index.
Parameter index
The index at which to insert the item.
Parameter options
The options for creating the menu item.
The menu item added to the menu.
#### Notes The index will be clamped to the bounds of the items.
method onActivateRequest
protected onActivateRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on an
method onAfterDetach
protected onAfterDetach: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on an
method onBeforeAttach
protected onBeforeAttach: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onCloseRequest
protected onCloseRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onUpdateRequest
protected onUpdateRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on an
method open
open: (x: number, y: number, options?: Menu.IOpenOptions) => void;
Open the menu at the specified location.
Parameter x
The client X coordinate of the menu location.
Parameter y
The client Y coordinate of the menu location.
Parameter options
The additional options for opening the menu.
#### Notes The menu will be opened at the given location unless it will not fully fit on the screen. If it will not fit, it will be adjusted to fit naturally on the screen.
The menu will be attached under the
element in the DOM (ordocument.body
) and before theref
element (or as the last child ofhost
). The menu may be displayed outside of thehost
element following the rules of CSS absolute positioning.This is a no-op if the menu is already attached to the DOM.
method removeItem
removeItem: (item: Menu.IItem) => void;
Remove an item from the menu.
Parameter item
The item to remove from the menu.
#### Notes This is a no-op if the item is not in the menu.
method removeItemAt
removeItemAt: (index: number) => void;
Remove the item at a given index from the menu.
Parameter index
The index of the item to remove.
#### Notes This is a no-op if the index is out of range.
method saveWindowData
static saveWindowData: () => void;
Save window data used for menu positioning in transient cache.
In order to avoid layout trashing it is recommended to invoke this method immediately prior to opening the menu and any DOM modifications (like closing previously visible menu, or adding a class to menu widget).
The transient cache will be released upon
method triggerActiveItem
triggerActiveItem: () => void;
Trigger the active menu item.
#### Notes If the active item is a submenu, it will be opened and the first item will be activated.
If the active item is a command, the command will be executed.
If the menu is not attached, this is a no-op.
If there is no active item, this is a no-op.
class MenuBar
class MenuBar extends Widget {}
A widget which displays menus as a canonical menu bar.
constructor(options?: MenuBar.IOptions);
Construct a new menu bar.
Parameter options
The options for initializing the menu bar.
property activeIndex
activeIndex: number;
Get the index of the currently active menu.
#### Notes This will be
if no menu is active.
property activeMenu
activeMenu: Menu;
Get the currently active menu.
property childMenu
readonly childMenu: Menu;
The child menu of the menu bar.
#### Notes This will be
if the menu bar does not have an open menu.
property contentNode
readonly contentNode: HTMLUListElement;
Get the menu bar content node.
#### Notes This is the node which holds the menu title nodes.
Modifying this node directly can lead to undefined behavior.
property menus
readonly menus: readonly Menu[];
A read-only array of the menus in the menu bar.
property overflowIndex
readonly overflowIndex: number;
The overflow index of the menu bar.
property overflowMenu
readonly overflowMenu: Menu;
The overflow menu of the menu bar.
property renderer
readonly renderer: MenuBar.IRenderer;
The renderer used by the menu bar.
method addMenu
addMenu: (menu: Menu, update?: boolean) => void;
Add a menu to the end of the menu bar.
Parameter menu
The menu to add to the menu bar.
#### Notes If the menu is already added to the menu bar, it will be moved.
method clearMenus
clearMenus: () => void;
Remove all menus from the menu bar.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Dispose of the resources held by the widget.
method handleEvent
handleEvent: (event: Event) => void;
Handle the DOM events for the menu bar.
Parameter event
The DOM event sent to the menu bar.
#### Notes This method implements the DOM
interface and is called in response to events on the menu bar's DOM nodes. It should not be called directly by user code.
method insertMenu
insertMenu: (index: number, menu: Menu, update?: boolean) => void;
Insert a menu into the menu bar at the specified index.
Parameter index
The index at which to insert the menu.
Parameter menu
The menu to insert into the menu bar.
#### Notes The index will be clamped to the bounds of the menus.
If the menu is already added to the menu bar, it will be moved.
method onActivateRequest
protected onActivateRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on an
method onAfterDetach
protected onAfterDetach: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on an
method onBeforeAttach
protected onBeforeAttach: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onResize
protected onResize: (msg: Widget.ResizeMessage) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onUpdateRequest
protected onUpdateRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on an
method openActiveMenu
openActiveMenu: () => void;
Open the active menu and activate its first menu item.
#### Notes If there is no active menu, this is a no-op.
method removeMenu
removeMenu: (menu: Menu, update?: boolean) => void;
Remove a menu from the menu bar.
Parameter menu
The menu to remove from the menu bar.
#### Notes This is a no-op if the menu is not in the menu bar.
method removeMenuAt
removeMenuAt: (index: number, update?: boolean) => void;
Remove the menu at a given index from the menu bar.
Parameter index
The index of the menu to remove.
#### Notes This is a no-op if the index is out of range.
class Panel
class Panel extends Widget {}
A simple and convenient panel widget class.
#### Notes This class is suitable as a base class for implementing a variety of convenience panel widgets, but can also be used directly with CSS to arrange a collection of widgets.
This class provides a convenience wrapper around a PanelLayout.
constructor(options?: Panel.IOptions);
Construct a new panel.
Parameter options
The options for initializing the panel.
property widgets
readonly widgets: readonly Widget[];
A read-only array of the widgets in the panel.
method addWidget
addWidget: (widget: Widget) => void;
Add a widget to the end of the panel.
Parameter widget
The widget to add to the panel.
#### Notes If the widget is already contained in the panel, it will be moved.
method insertWidget
insertWidget: (index: number, widget: Widget) => void;
Insert a widget at the specified index.
Parameter index
The index at which to insert the widget.
Parameter widget
The widget to insert into to the panel.
#### Notes If the widget is already contained in the panel, it will be moved.
class PanelLayout
class PanelLayout extends Layout {}
A concrete layout implementation suitable for many use cases.
#### Notes This class is suitable as a base class for implementing a variety of layouts, but can also be used directly with standard CSS to layout a collection of widgets.
property widgets
readonly widgets: readonly Widget[];
A read-only array of the widgets in the layout.
method [Symbol.iterator]
[Symbol.iterator]: () => IterableIterator<Widget>;
Create an iterator over the widgets in the layout.
A new iterator over the widgets in the layout.
method addWidget
addWidget: (widget: Widget) => void;
Add a widget to the end of the layout.
Parameter widget
The widget to add to the layout.
#### Notes If the widget is already contained in the layout, it will be moved.
method attachWidget
protected attachWidget: (index: number, widget: Widget) => void;
Attach a widget to the parent's DOM node.
Parameter index
The current index of the widget in the layout.
Parameter widget
The widget to attach to the parent.
#### Notes This method is called automatically by the panel layout at the appropriate time. It should not be called directly by user code.
The default implementation adds the widgets's node to the parent's node at the proper location, and sends the appropriate attach messages to the widget if the parent is attached to the DOM.
Subclasses may reimplement this method to control how the widget's node is added to the parent's node.
method detachWidget
protected detachWidget: (index: number, widget: Widget) => void;
Detach a widget from the parent's DOM node.
Parameter index
The previous index of the widget in the layout.
Parameter widget
The widget to detach from the parent.
#### Notes This method is called automatically by the panel layout at the appropriate time. It should not be called directly by user code.
The default implementation removes the widget's node from the parent's node, and sends the appropriate detach messages to the widget if the parent is attached to the DOM.
Subclasses may reimplement this method to control how the widget's node is removed from the parent's node.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Dispose of the resources held by the layout.
#### Notes This will clear and dispose all widgets in the layout.
All reimplementations should call the superclass method.
This method is called automatically when the parent is disposed.
method init
protected init: () => void;
Perform layout initialization which requires the parent widget.
method insertWidget
insertWidget: (index: number, widget: Widget) => void;
Insert a widget into the layout at the specified index.
Parameter index
The index at which to insert the widget.
Parameter widget
The widget to insert into the layout.
#### Notes The index will be clamped to the bounds of the widgets.
If the widget is already added to the layout, it will be moved.
#### Undefined Behavior An
which is non-integral.
method moveWidget
protected moveWidget: ( fromIndex: number, toIndex: number, widget: Widget) => void;
Move a widget in the parent's DOM node.
Parameter fromIndex
The previous index of the widget in the layout.
Parameter toIndex
The current index of the widget in the layout.
Parameter widget
The widget to move in the parent.
#### Notes This method is called automatically by the panel layout at the appropriate time. It should not be called directly by user code.
The default implementation moves the widget's node to the proper location in the parent's node and sends the appropriate attach and detach messages to the widget if the parent is attached to the DOM.
Subclasses may reimplement this method to control how the widget's node is moved in the parent's node.
method removeWidget
removeWidget: (widget: Widget) => void;
Remove a widget from the layout.
Parameter widget
The widget to remove from the layout.
#### Notes A widget is automatically removed from the layout when its
is set tonull
. This method should only be invoked directly when removing a widget from a layout which has yet to be installed on a parent widget.This method does *not* modify the widget's
method removeWidgetAt
removeWidgetAt: (index: number) => void;
Remove the widget at a given index from the layout.
Parameter index
The index of the widget to remove.
#### Notes A widget is automatically removed from the layout when its
is set tonull
. This method should only be invoked directly when removing a widget from a layout which has yet to be installed on a parent widget.This method does *not* modify the widget's
.#### Undefined Behavior An
which is non-integral.
class ScrollBar
class ScrollBar extends Widget {}
A widget which implements a canonical scroll bar.
constructor(options?: ScrollBar.IOptions);
Construct a new scroll bar.
Parameter options
The options for initializing the scroll bar.
property decrementNode
readonly decrementNode: HTMLDivElement;
The scroll bar decrement button node.
#### Notes Modifying this node directly can lead to undefined behavior.
property incrementNode
readonly incrementNode: HTMLDivElement;
The scroll bar increment button node.
#### Notes Modifying this node directly can lead to undefined behavior.
property maximum
maximum: number;
Get the maximum value of the scroll bar.
property orientation
orientation: ScrollBar.Orientation;
Get the orientation of the scroll bar.
property page
page: number;
Get the page size of the scroll bar.
#### Notes The page size is the amount of visible content in the scrolled region, expressed in data units. It determines the size of the scroll bar thumb.
property pageRequested
readonly pageRequested: ISignal<this, 'decrement' | 'increment'>;
A signal emitted when the user clicks the scroll track.
#### Notes The payload is whether a decrease or increase is requested.
property stepRequested
readonly stepRequested: ISignal<this, 'decrement' | 'increment'>;
A signal emitted when the user clicks a step button.
#### Notes The payload is whether a decrease or increase is requested.
property thumbMoved
readonly thumbMoved: ISignal<this, number>;
A signal emitted when the user moves the scroll thumb.
#### Notes The payload is the current value of the scroll bar.
property thumbNode
readonly thumbNode: HTMLDivElement;
The scroll bar thumb node.
#### Notes Modifying this node directly can lead to undefined behavior.
property trackNode
readonly trackNode: HTMLDivElement;
The scroll bar track node.
#### Notes Modifying this node directly can lead to undefined behavior.
property value
value: number;
Get the current value of the scroll bar.
method handleEvent
handleEvent: (event: Event) => void;
Handle the DOM events for the scroll bar.
Parameter event
The DOM event sent to the scroll bar.
#### Notes This method implements the DOM
interface and is called in response to events on the scroll bar's DOM node.This should not be called directly by user code.
method onAfterDetach
protected onAfterDetach: (msg: Message) => void;
A method invoked on an 'after-detach' message.
method onBeforeAttach
protected onBeforeAttach: (msg: Message) => void;
A method invoked on a 'before-attach' message.
method onUpdateRequest
protected onUpdateRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
A method invoked on an 'update-request' message.
class SingletonLayout
class SingletonLayout extends Layout {}
A concrete layout implementation which holds a single widget.
#### Notes This class is useful for creating simple container widgets which hold a single child. The child should be positioned with CSS.
property widget
widget: Widget;
Get the child widget for the layout.
method [Symbol.iterator]
[Symbol.iterator]: () => IterableIterator<Widget>;
Create an iterator over the widgets in the layout.
A new iterator over the widgets in the layout.
method attachWidget
protected attachWidget: (widget: Widget) => void;
Attach a widget to the parent's DOM node.
Parameter widget
The widget to attach to the parent.
#### Notes This method is called automatically by the single layout at the appropriate time. It should not be called directly by user code.
The default implementation adds the widgets's node to the parent's node at the proper location, and sends the appropriate attach messages to the widget if the parent is attached to the DOM.
Subclasses may reimplement this method to control how the widget's node is added to the parent's node.
method detachWidget
protected detachWidget: (widget: Widget) => void;
Detach a widget from the parent's DOM node.
Parameter widget
The widget to detach from the parent.
#### Notes This method is called automatically by the single layout at the appropriate time. It should not be called directly by user code.
The default implementation removes the widget's node from the parent's node, and sends the appropriate detach messages to the widget if the parent is attached to the DOM.
Subclasses may reimplement this method to control how the widget's node is removed from the parent's node.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Dispose of the resources held by the layout.
method init
protected init: () => void;
Perform layout initialization which requires the parent widget.
method removeWidget
removeWidget: (widget: Widget) => void;
Remove a widget from the layout.
Parameter widget
The widget to remove from the layout.
#### Notes A widget is automatically removed from the layout when its
is set tonull
. This method should only be invoked directly when removing a widget from a layout which has yet to be installed on a parent widget.This method does *not* modify the widget's
class SplitLayout
class SplitLayout extends PanelLayout {}
A layout which arranges its widgets into resizable sections.
constructor(options: SplitLayout.IOptions);
Construct a new split layout.
Parameter options
The options for initializing the layout.
property alignment
alignment: SplitLayout.Alignment;
Get the content alignment for the split layout.
#### Notes This is the alignment of the widgets in the layout direction.
The alignment has no effect if the widgets can expand to fill the entire split layout.
property handles
readonly handles: readonly HTMLDivElement[];
A read-only array of the split handles in the layout.
property orientation
orientation: SplitLayout.Orientation;
Get the layout orientation for the split layout.
property renderer
readonly renderer: SplitLayout.IRenderer;
The renderer used by the split layout.
property spacing
spacing: number;
Get the inter-element spacing for the split layout.
property widgetOffset
protected widgetOffset: number;
method absoluteSizes
absoluteSizes: () => number[];
Get the absolute sizes of the widgets in the layout.
A new array of the absolute sizes of the widgets.
This method **does not** measure the DOM nodes.
method attachWidget
protected attachWidget: (index: number, widget: Widget) => void;
Attach a widget to the parent's DOM node.
Parameter index
The current index of the widget in the layout.
Parameter widget
The widget to attach to the parent.
#### Notes This is a reimplementation of the superclass method.
method detachWidget
protected detachWidget: (index: number, widget: Widget) => void;
Detach a widget from the parent's DOM node.
Parameter index
The previous index of the widget in the layout.
Parameter widget
The widget to detach from the parent.
#### Notes This is a reimplementation of the superclass method.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Dispose of the resources held by the layout.
method init
protected init: () => void;
Perform layout initialization which requires the parent widget.
method moveHandle
moveHandle: (index: number, position: number) => void;
Move the offset position of a split handle.
Parameter index
The index of the handle of the interest.
Parameter position
The desired offset position of the handle.
#### Notes The position is relative to the offset parent.
This will move the handle as close as possible to the desired position. The sibling widgets will be adjusted as necessary.
method moveWidget
protected moveWidget: ( fromIndex: number, toIndex: number, widget: Widget) => void;
Move a widget in the parent's DOM node.
Parameter fromIndex
The previous index of the widget in the layout.
Parameter toIndex
The current index of the widget in the layout.
Parameter widget
The widget to move in the parent.
#### Notes This is a reimplementation of the superclass method.
method onBeforeAttach
protected onBeforeAttach: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onBeforeShow
protected onBeforeShow: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onChildHidden
protected onChildHidden: (msg: Widget.ChildMessage) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onChildShown
protected onChildShown: (msg: Widget.ChildMessage) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onFitRequest
protected onFitRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onResize
protected onResize: (msg: Widget.ResizeMessage) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onUpdateRequest
protected onUpdateRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on an
method relativeSizes
relativeSizes: () => number[];
Get the relative sizes of the widgets in the layout.
A new array of the relative sizes of the widgets.
#### Notes The returned sizes reflect the sizes of the widgets normalized relative to their siblings.
This method **does not** measure the DOM nodes.
method setRelativeSizes
setRelativeSizes: (sizes: number[], update?: boolean) => void;
Set the relative sizes for the widgets in the layout.
Parameter sizes
The relative sizes for the widgets in the panel.
Parameter update
Update the layout after setting relative sizes. Default is True.
#### Notes Extra values are ignored, too few will yield an undefined layout.
The actual geometry of the DOM nodes is updated asynchronously.
method updateItemPosition
protected updateItemPosition: ( i: number, isHorizontal: boolean, left: number, top: number, height: number, width: number, size: number) => void;
Update the item position.
Parameter i
Item index
Parameter isHorizontal
Whether the layout is horizontal or not
Parameter left
Left position in pixels
Parameter top
Top position in pixels
Parameter height
Item height
Parameter width
Item width
Parameter size
Item size
class SplitPanel
class SplitPanel extends Panel {}
A panel which arranges its widgets into resizable sections.
#### Notes This class provides a convenience wrapper around a SplitLayout.
constructor(options?: SplitPanel.IOptions);
Construct a new split panel.
Parameter options
The options for initializing the split panel.
property alignment
alignment: SplitLayout.Alignment;
Get the content alignment for the split panel.
#### Notes This is the alignment of the widgets in the layout direction.
The alignment has no effect if the widgets can expand to fill the entire split panel.
property handleMoved
readonly handleMoved: ISignal<this, void>;
A signal emitted when a split handle has moved.
property handles
readonly handles: readonly HTMLDivElement[];
A read-only array of the split handles in the panel.
property orientation
orientation: SplitLayout.Orientation;
Get the layout orientation for the split panel.
property renderer
readonly renderer: SplitLayout.IRenderer;
The renderer used by the split panel.
property spacing
spacing: number;
Get the inter-element spacing for the split panel.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Dispose of the resources held by the panel.
method handleEvent
handleEvent: (event: Event) => void;
Handle the DOM events for the split panel.
Parameter event
The DOM event sent to the panel.
#### Notes This method implements the DOM
interface and is called in response to events on the panel's DOM node. It should not be called directly by user code.
method onAfterDetach
protected onAfterDetach: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on an
method onBeforeAttach
protected onBeforeAttach: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onChildAdded
protected onChildAdded: (msg: Widget.ChildMessage) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onChildRemoved
protected onChildRemoved: (msg: Widget.ChildMessage) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method relativeSizes
relativeSizes: () => number[];
Get the relative sizes of the widgets in the panel.
A new array of the relative sizes of the widgets.
#### Notes The returned sizes reflect the sizes of the widgets normalized relative to their siblings.
This method **does not** measure the DOM nodes.
method setRelativeSizes
setRelativeSizes: (sizes: number[], update?: boolean) => void;
Set the relative sizes for the widgets in the panel.
Parameter sizes
The relative sizes for the widgets in the panel.
Parameter update
Update the layout after setting relative sizes. Default is True.
#### Notes Extra values are ignored, too few will yield an undefined layout.
The actual geometry of the DOM nodes is updated asynchronously.
class StackedLayout
class StackedLayout extends PanelLayout {}
A layout where visible widgets are stacked atop one another.
#### Notes The Z-order of the visible widgets follows their layout order.
constructor(options?: StackedLayout.IOptions);
property hiddenMode
hiddenMode: Widget.HiddenMode;
The method for hiding widgets.
#### Notes If there is only one child widget,
hiding mode will be used regardless of this setting.
method attachWidget
protected attachWidget: (index: number, widget: Widget) => void;
Attach a widget to the parent's DOM node.
Parameter index
The current index of the widget in the layout.
Parameter widget
The widget to attach to the parent.
#### Notes This is a reimplementation of the superclass method.
method detachWidget
protected detachWidget: (index: number, widget: Widget) => void;
Detach a widget from the parent's DOM node.
Parameter index
The previous index of the widget in the layout.
Parameter widget
The widget to detach from the parent.
#### Notes This is a reimplementation of the superclass method.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Dispose of the resources held by the layout.
method moveWidget
protected moveWidget: ( fromIndex: number, toIndex: number, widget: Widget) => void;
Move a widget in the parent's DOM node.
Parameter fromIndex
The previous index of the widget in the layout.
Parameter toIndex
The current index of the widget in the layout.
Parameter widget
The widget to move in the parent.
#### Notes This is a reimplementation of the superclass method.
method onBeforeAttach
protected onBeforeAttach: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onBeforeShow
protected onBeforeShow: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onChildHidden
protected onChildHidden: (msg: Widget.ChildMessage) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onChildShown
protected onChildShown: (msg: Widget.ChildMessage) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onFitRequest
protected onFitRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onResize
protected onResize: (msg: Widget.ResizeMessage) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onUpdateRequest
protected onUpdateRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on an
class StackedPanel
class StackedPanel extends Panel {}
A panel where visible widgets are stacked atop one another.
#### Notes This class provides a convenience wrapper around a StackedLayout.
constructor(options?: StackedPanel.IOptions);
Construct a new stacked panel.
Parameter options
The options for initializing the panel.
property hiddenMode
hiddenMode: Widget.HiddenMode;
The method for hiding widgets.
#### Notes If there is only one child widget,
hiding mode will be used regardless of this setting.
property widgetRemoved
readonly widgetRemoved: ISignal<this, Widget>;
A signal emitted when a widget is removed from a stacked panel.
method onChildAdded
protected onChildAdded: (msg: Widget.ChildMessage) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onChildRemoved
protected onChildRemoved: (msg: Widget.ChildMessage) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
class TabBar
class TabBar<T> extends Widget {}
A widget which displays titles as a single row or column of tabs.
#### Notes If CSS transforms are used to rotate nodes for vertically oriented text, then tab dragging will not work correctly. The
property should be set tofalse
when rotating nodes from CSS.
constructor(options?: TabBar.IOptions<T>);
Construct a new tab bar.
Parameter options
The options for initializing the tab bar.
property addButtonEnabled
addButtonEnabled: boolean;
Whether the add button is enabled.
property addButtonNode
readonly addButtonNode: HTMLDivElement;
The tab bar add button node.
#### Notes This is the node which holds the add button.
Modifying this node directly can lead to undefined behavior.
property addRequested
readonly addRequested: ISignal<this, void>;
A signal emitted when the tab bar add button is clicked.
property allowDeselect
allowDeselect: boolean;
Whether a tab can be deselected by the user.
#### Notes Tabs can be always be deselected programmatically.
property contentNode
readonly contentNode: HTMLUListElement;
The tab bar content node.
#### Notes This is the node which holds the tab nodes.
Modifying this node directly can lead to undefined behavior.
property currentChanged
readonly currentChanged: ISignal<this, TabBar.ICurrentChangedArgs<T>>;
A signal emitted when the current tab is changed.
#### Notes This signal is emitted when the currently selected tab is changed either through user or programmatic interaction.
Notably, this signal is not emitted when the index of the current tab changes due to tabs being inserted, removed, or moved. It is only emitted when the actual current tab node is changed.
property currentIndex
currentIndex: number;
Get the index of the currently selected tab.
#### Notes This will be
if no tab is selected.
property currentTitle
currentTitle: Title<T>;
Get the currently selected title.
#### Notes This will be
if no tab is selected.
property document
readonly document: Document | ShadowRoot;
The document to use with the tab bar.
The default is the global
property insertBehavior
insertBehavior: TabBar.InsertBehavior;
The selection behavior when inserting a tab.
property name
name: string;
Get the name of the tab bar.
property orientation
orientation: TabBar.Orientation;
Get the orientation of the tab bar.
#### Notes This controls whether the tabs are arranged in a row or column.
property removeBehavior
removeBehavior: TabBar.RemoveBehavior;
The selection behavior when removing a tab.
property renderer
readonly renderer: TabBar.IRenderer<T>;
The renderer used by the tab bar.
property tabActivateRequested
readonly tabActivateRequested: ISignal< this, TabBar.ITabActivateRequestedArgs<T>>;
A signal emitted when a tab is clicked by the user.
#### Notes If the clicked tab is not the current tab, the clicked tab will be made current and the
signal will be emitted first.This signal is emitted even if the clicked tab is the current tab.
property tabCloseRequested
readonly tabCloseRequested: ISignal<this, TabBar.ITabCloseRequestedArgs<T>>;
A signal emitted when a tab close icon is clicked.
#### Notes This signal is not emitted unless the tab title is
property tabDetachRequested
readonly tabDetachRequested: ISignal<this, TabBar.ITabDetachRequestedArgs<T>>;
A signal emitted when a tab is dragged beyond the detach threshold.
#### Notes This signal is emitted when the user drags a tab with the mouse, and mouse is dragged beyond the detach threshold.
The consumer of the signal should call
and remove the tab in order to complete the detach.This signal is only emitted once per drag cycle.
property tabMoved
readonly tabMoved: ISignal<this, TabBar.ITabMovedArgs<T>>;
A signal emitted when a tab is moved by the user.
#### Notes This signal is emitted when a tab is moved by user interaction.
This signal is not emitted when a tab is moved programmatically.
property tabsMovable
tabsMovable: boolean;
Whether the tabs are movable by the user.
#### Notes Tabs can always be moved programmatically.
property titles
readonly titles: readonly Title<T>[];
A read-only array of the titles in the tab bar.
property titlesEditable
titlesEditable: boolean;
Whether the titles can be user-edited.
method addTab
addTab: (value: Title<T> | Title.IOptions<T>) => Title<T>;
Add a tab to the end of the tab bar.
Parameter value
The title which holds the data for the tab, or an options object to convert to a title.
The title object added to the tab bar.
#### Notes If the title is already added to the tab bar, it will be moved.
method clearTabs
clearTabs: () => void;
Remove all tabs from the tab bar.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Dispose of the resources held by the widget.
method handleEvent
handleEvent: (event: Event) => void;
Handle the DOM events for the tab bar.
Parameter event
The DOM event sent to the tab bar.
#### Notes This method implements the DOM
interface and is called in response to events on the tab bar's DOM node.This should not be called directly by user code.
method insertTab
insertTab: (index: number, value: Title<T> | Title.IOptions<T>) => Title<T>;
Insert a tab into the tab bar at the specified index.
Parameter index
The index at which to insert the tab.
Parameter value
The title which holds the data for the tab, or an options object to convert to a title.
The title object added to the tab bar.
#### Notes The index will be clamped to the bounds of the tabs.
If the title is already added to the tab bar, it will be moved.
method onAfterDetach
protected onAfterDetach: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on an
method onBeforeAttach
protected onBeforeAttach: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
method onUpdateRequest
protected onUpdateRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on an
method releaseMouse
releaseMouse: () => void;
Release the mouse and restore the non-dragged tab positions.
#### Notes This will cause the tab bar to stop handling mouse events and to restore the tabs to their non-dragged positions.
method removeTab
removeTab: (title: Title<T>) => void;
Remove a tab from the tab bar.
Parameter title
The title for the tab to remove.
#### Notes This is a no-op if the title is not in the tab bar.
method removeTabAt
removeTabAt: (index: number) => void;
Remove the tab at a given index from the tab bar.
Parameter index
The index of the tab to remove.
#### Notes This is a no-op if the index is out of range.
class TabPanel
class TabPanel extends Widget {}
A widget which combines a
and aStackedPanel
.#### Notes This is a simple panel which handles the common case of a tab bar placed next to a content area. The selected tab controls the widget which is shown in the content area.
For use cases which require more control than is provided by this panel, the
widget may be used independently.
constructor(options?: TabPanel.IOptions);
Construct a new tab panel.
Parameter options
The options for initializing the tab panel.
property addButtonEnabled
addButtonEnabled: boolean;
Get the whether the add button is enabled.
property addRequested
readonly addRequested: ISignal<this, TabBar<Widget>>;
A signal emitted when the add button on a tab bar is clicked.
property currentChanged
readonly currentChanged: ISignal<this, TabPanel.ICurrentChangedArgs>;
A signal emitted when the current tab is changed.
#### Notes This signal is emitted when the currently selected tab is changed either through user or programmatic interaction.
Notably, this signal is not emitted when the index of the current tab changes due to tabs being inserted, removed, or moved. It is only emitted when the actual current tab node is changed.
property currentIndex
currentIndex: number;
Get the index of the currently selected tab.
#### Notes This will be
if no tab is selected.
property currentWidget
currentWidget: Widget;
Get the currently selected widget.
#### Notes This will be
if there is no selected tab.
property stackedPanel
readonly stackedPanel: StackedPanel;
The stacked panel used by the tab panel.
#### Notes Modifying the panel directly can lead to undefined behavior.
property tabBar
readonly tabBar: TabBar<Widget>;
The tab bar used by the tab panel.
#### Notes Modifying the tab bar directly can lead to undefined behavior.
property tabPlacement
tabPlacement: TabPanel.TabPlacement;
Get the tab placement for the tab panel.
#### Notes This controls the position of the tab bar relative to the content.
property tabsMovable
tabsMovable: boolean;
Get the whether the tabs are movable by the user.
#### Notes Tabs can always be moved programmatically.
property widgets
readonly widgets: readonly Widget[];
A read-only array of the widgets in the panel.
method addWidget
addWidget: (widget: Widget) => void;
Add a widget to the end of the tab panel.
Parameter widget
The widget to add to the tab panel.
#### Notes If the widget is already contained in the panel, it will be moved.
The widget's
is used to populate the tab.
method insertWidget
insertWidget: (index: number, widget: Widget) => void;
Insert a widget into the tab panel at a specified index.
Parameter index
The index at which to insert the widget.
Parameter widget
The widget to insert into to the tab panel.
#### Notes If the widget is already contained in the panel, it will be moved.
The widget's
is used to populate the tab.
class Title
class Title<T> implements IDisposable {}
An object which holds data related to an object's title.
#### Notes A title object is intended to hold the data necessary to display a header for a particular object. A common example is the
, which uses the widget title to populate the tab for a child widget.It is the responsibility of the owner to call the title disposal.
constructor(options: Title.IOptions<T>);
Construct a new title.
Parameter options
The options for initializing the title.
property caption
caption: string;
Get the caption for the title.
#### Notes The default value is an empty string.
property changed
readonly changed: ISignal<this, void>;
A signal emitted when the state of the title changes.
property className
className: string;
Get the extra class name for the title.
#### Notes The default value is an empty string.
property closable
closable: boolean;
Get the closable state for the title.
#### Notes The default value is
property dataset
dataset: Title.Dataset;
Get the dataset for the title.
#### Notes The default value is an empty dataset.
property icon
icon: any;
Get the icon renderer for the title.
#### Notes The default value is undefined.
property iconClass
iconClass: string;
Get the icon class name for the title.
#### Notes The default value is an empty string.
property iconLabel
iconLabel: string;
Get the icon label for the title.
#### Notes The default value is an empty string.
property isDisposed
readonly isDisposed: boolean;
Test whether the title has been disposed.
property label
label: string;
Get the label for the title.
#### Notes The default value is an empty string.
property mnemonic
mnemonic: number;
Get the mnemonic index for the title.
#### Notes The default value is
property owner
readonly owner: {};
The object which owns the title.
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Dispose of the resources held by the title.
#### Notes It is the responsibility of the owner to call the title disposal.
class Widget
class Widget implements IMessageHandler, IObservableDisposable {}
The base class of the lumino widget hierarchy.
#### Notes This class will typically be subclassed in order to create a useful widget. However, it can be used directly to host externally created content.
constructor(options?: Widget.IOptions);
Construct a new widget.
Parameter options
The options for initializing the widget.
property dataset
readonly dataset: DOMStringMap;
The dataset for the widget's DOM node.
property disposed
readonly disposed: ISignal<this, void>;
A signal emitted when the widget is disposed.
property hiddenMode
hiddenMode: Widget.HiddenMode;
Get the method for hiding the widget.
property id
id: string;
Get the id of the widget's DOM node.
property isAttached
readonly isAttached: boolean;
Test whether the widget's node is attached to the DOM.
property isDisposed
readonly isDisposed: boolean;
Test whether the widget has been disposed.
property isHidden
readonly isHidden: boolean;
Test whether the widget is explicitly hidden.
property isVisible
readonly isVisible: boolean;
Test whether the widget is visible.
#### Notes A widget is visible when it is attached to the DOM, is not explicitly hidden, and has no explicitly hidden ancestors.
property layout
layout: Layout;
Get the layout for the widget.
property node
readonly node: HTMLElement;
Get the DOM node owned by the widget.
property parent
parent: Widget;
Get the parent of the widget.
property title
readonly title: Title<Widget>;
The title object for the widget.
#### Notes The title object is used by some container widgets when displaying the widget alongside some title, such as a tab panel or side bar.
Since not all widgets will use the title, it is created on demand.
property of the title is set to this widget.
method activate
activate: () => void;
Post an
message to the widget.#### Notes This is a simple convenience method for posting the message.
method addClass
addClass: (name: string) => void;
Add a class name to the widget's DOM node.
Parameter name
The class name to add to the node.
#### Notes If the class name is already added to the node, this is a no-op.
The class name must not contain whitespace.
method children
children: () => IterableIterator<Widget>;
Create an iterator over the widget's children.
A new iterator over the children of the widget.
#### Notes The widget must have a populated layout in order to have children.
If a layout is not installed, the returned iterator will be empty.
method clearFlag
clearFlag: (flag: Widget.Flag) => void;
Clear the given widget flag.
#### Notes This will not typically be called directly by user code.
method close
close: () => void;
Send a
message to the widget.#### Notes This is a simple convenience method for sending the message.
method contains
contains: (widget: Widget) => boolean;
Test whether a widget is a descendant of this widget.
Parameter widget
The descendant widget of interest.
if the widget is a descendant,false
method dispose
dispose: () => void;
Dispose of the widget and its descendant widgets.
#### Notes It is unsafe to use the widget after it has been disposed.
All calls made to this method after the first are a no-op.
method fit
fit: () => void;
Post a
message to the widget.#### Notes This is a simple convenience method for posting the message.
method hasClass
hasClass: (name: string) => boolean;
Test whether the widget's DOM node has the given class name.
Parameter name
The class name of interest.
if the node has the class,false
method hide
hide: () => void;
Hide the widget and make it hidden to its parent widget.
#### Notes This causes the isHidden property to be
.If the widget is explicitly hidden, this is a no-op.
method notifyLayout
protected notifyLayout: (msg: Message) => void;
Invoke the message processing routine of the widget's layout.
Parameter msg
The message to dispatch to the layout.
#### Notes This is a no-op if the widget does not have a layout.
This will not typically be called directly by user code.
method onActivateRequest
protected onActivateRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on an
message.#### Notes The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
method onAfterAttach
protected onAfterAttach: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on an
message.#### Notes The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
method onAfterDetach
protected onAfterDetach: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on an
message.#### Notes The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
method onAfterHide
protected onAfterHide: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on an
message.#### Notes The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
method onAfterShow
protected onAfterShow: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on an
message.#### Notes The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
method onBeforeAttach
protected onBeforeAttach: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
message.#### Notes The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
method onBeforeDetach
protected onBeforeDetach: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
message.#### Notes The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
method onBeforeHide
protected onBeforeHide: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
message.#### Notes The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
method onBeforeShow
protected onBeforeShow: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
message.#### Notes The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
method onChildAdded
protected onChildAdded: (msg: Widget.ChildMessage) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
message.#### Notes The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
method onChildRemoved
protected onChildRemoved: (msg: Widget.ChildMessage) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
message.#### Notes The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
method onCloseRequest
protected onCloseRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
message.#### Notes The default implementation unparents or detaches the widget.
method onFitRequest
protected onFitRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
message.#### Notes The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
method onResize
protected onResize: (msg: Widget.ResizeMessage) => void;
A message handler invoked on a
message.#### Notes The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
method onUpdateRequest
protected onUpdateRequest: (msg: Message) => void;
A message handler invoked on an
message.#### Notes The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
method processMessage
processMessage: (msg: Message) => void;
Process a message sent to the widget.
Parameter msg
The message sent to the widget.
#### Notes Subclasses may reimplement this method as needed.
method removeClass
removeClass: (name: string) => void;
Remove a class name from the widget's DOM node.
Parameter name
The class name to remove from the node.
#### Notes If the class name is not yet added to the node, this is a no-op.
The class name must not contain whitespace.
method setFlag
setFlag: (flag: Widget.Flag) => void;
Set the given widget flag.
#### Notes This will not typically be called directly by user code.
method setHidden
setHidden: (hidden: boolean) => void;
Show or hide the widget according to a boolean value.
Parameter hidden
to hide the widget, orfalse
to show it.#### Notes This is a convenience method for
method show
show: () => void;
Show the widget and make it visible to its parent widget.
#### Notes This causes the isHidden property to be
.If the widget is not explicitly hidden, this is a no-op.
method testFlag
testFlag: (flag: Widget.Flag) => boolean;
Test whether the given widget flag is set.
#### Notes This will not typically be called directly by user code.
method toggleClass
toggleClass: (name: string, force?: boolean) => boolean;
Toggle a class name on the widget's DOM node.
Parameter name
The class name to toggle on the node.
Parameter force
Whether to force add the class (
) or force remove the class (false
). If not provided, the presence of the class will be toggled from its current state.Returns
if the class is now present,false
otherwise.#### Notes The class name must not contain whitespace.
method update
update: () => void;
Post an
message to the widget.#### Notes This is a simple convenience method for posting the message.
interface IOverflowMenuOptions
interface IOverflowMenuOptions {}
Options for overflow menu.
namespace AccordionLayout
namespace AccordionLayout {}
interface IOptions
interface IOptions extends SplitLayout.IOptions {}
An options object for initializing a accordion layout.
property renderer
renderer: IRenderer;
The renderer to use for the accordion layout.
property titleSpace
titleSpace?: number;
The section title height or width depending on the orientation.
The default is
interface IRenderer
interface IRenderer extends SplitLayout.IRenderer {}
A renderer for use with an accordion layout.
property titleClassName
readonly titleClassName: string;
Common class name for all accordion titles.
method createSectionTitle
createSectionTitle: (title: Title<Widget>) => HTMLElement;
Render the element for a section title.
Parameter title
The data to use for rendering the section title.
A element representing the section title.
type Alignment
type Alignment = SplitLayout.Alignment;
A type alias for a accordion layout alignment.
type Orientation
type Orientation = SplitLayout.Orientation;
A type alias for a accordion layout orientation.
namespace AccordionPanel
namespace AccordionPanel {}
The namespace for the
class statics.
variable defaultRenderer
const defaultRenderer: Renderer;
The default
class Renderer
class Renderer extends SplitPanel.Renderer implements IRenderer {}
The default implementation of
property titleClassName
readonly titleClassName: string;
A selector which matches any title node in the accordion.
method createCollapseIcon
createCollapseIcon: (data: Title<Widget>) => HTMLElement;
Render the collapse indicator for a section title.
Parameter data
The data to use for rendering the section title.
A element representing the collapse indicator.
method createSectionTitle
createSectionTitle: (data: Title<Widget>) => HTMLElement;
Render the element for a section title.
Parameter data
The data to use for rendering the section title.
A element representing the section title.
method createTitleKey
createTitleKey: (data: Title<Widget>) => string;
Create a unique render key for the title.
Parameter data
The data to use for the title.
The unique render key for the title.
#### Notes This method caches the key against the section title the first time the key is generated.
interface IOptions
interface IOptions extends Partial<AccordionLayout.IOptions> {}
An options object for initializing a accordion panel.
property layout
layout?: AccordionLayout;
The accordion layout to use for the accordion panel.
If this is provided, the other options are ignored.
The default is a new
type Alignment
type Alignment = SplitLayout.Alignment;
A type alias for a accordion panel alignment.
type IRenderer
type IRenderer = AccordionLayout.IRenderer;
A type alias for a accordion panel renderer.
type Orientation
type Orientation = SplitLayout.Orientation;
A type alias for a accordion panel orientation.
namespace BoxEngine
namespace BoxEngine {}
The namespace for the box engine layout functions.
function adjust
adjust: (sizers: ArrayLike<BoxSizer>, index: number, delta: number) => void;
Adjust a sizer by a delta and update its neighbors accordingly.
Parameter sizers
The sizers which should be adjusted.
Parameter index
The index of the sizer to grow.
Parameter delta
The amount to adjust the sizer, positive or negative.
#### Notes This will adjust the indicated sizer by the specified amount, along with the sizes of the appropriate neighbors, subject to the limits specified by each of the sizers.
This is useful when implementing box layouts where the boundaries between the sizers are interactively adjustable by the user.
function calc
calc: (sizers: ArrayLike<BoxSizer>, space: number) => number;
Calculate the optimal layout sizes for a sequence of box sizers.
This distributes the available layout space among the box sizers according to the following algorithm:
1. Initialize the sizers's size to its size hint and compute the sums for each of size hint, min size, and max size.
2. If the total size hint equals the available space, return.
3. If the available space is less than the total min size, set all sizers to their min size and return.
4. If the available space is greater than the total max size, set all sizers to their max size and return.
5. If the layout space is less than the total size hint, distribute the negative delta as follows:
a. Shrink each sizer with a stretch factor greater than zero by an amount proportional to the negative space and the sum of stretch factors. If the sizer reaches its min size, remove it and its stretch factor from the computation.
b. If after adjusting all stretch sizers there remains negative space, distribute the space equally among the sizers with a stretch factor of zero. If a sizer reaches its min size, remove it from the computation.
6. If the layout space is greater than the total size hint, distribute the positive delta as follows:
a. Expand each sizer with a stretch factor greater than zero by an amount proportional to the postive space and the sum of stretch factors. If the sizer reaches its max size, remove it and its stretch factor from the computation.
b. If after adjusting all stretch sizers there remains positive space, distribute the space equally among the sizers with a stretch factor of zero. If a sizer reaches its max size, remove it from the computation.
7. return
Parameter sizers
The sizers for a particular layout line.
Parameter space
The available layout space for the sizers.
The delta between the provided available space and the actual consumed space. This value will be zero if the sizers can be adjusted to fit, negative if the available space is too small, and positive if the available space is too large.
#### Notes The BoxSizer.size of each sizer is updated with the computed size.
This function can be called at any time to recompute the layout for an existing sequence of sizers. The previously computed results will have no effect on the new output. It is therefore not necessary to create new sizer objects on each resize event.
namespace BoxLayout
namespace BoxLayout {}
The namespace for the
class statics.
function getSizeBasis
getSizeBasis: (widget: Widget) => number;
Get the box layout size basis for the given widget.
Parameter widget
The widget of interest.
The box layout size basis for the widget.
function getStretch
getStretch: (widget: Widget) => number;
Get the box layout stretch factor for the given widget.
Parameter widget
The widget of interest.
The box layout stretch factor for the widget.
function setSizeBasis
setSizeBasis: (widget: Widget, value: number) => void;
Set the box layout size basis for the given widget.
Parameter widget
The widget of interest.
Parameter value
The value for the size basis.
function setStretch
setStretch: (widget: Widget, value: number) => void;
Set the box layout stretch factor for the given widget.
Parameter widget
The widget of interest.
Parameter value
The value for the stretch factor.
interface IOptions
interface IOptions {}
An options object for initializing a box layout.
type Alignment
type Alignment = 'start' | 'center' | 'end' | 'justify';
A type alias for a box layout alignment.
type Direction
type Direction = | 'left-to-right' | 'right-to-left' | 'top-to-bottom' | 'bottom-to-top';
A type alias for a box layout direction.
namespace BoxPanel
namespace BoxPanel {}
The namespace for the
class statics.
function getSizeBasis
getSizeBasis: (widget: Widget) => number;
Get the box panel size basis for the given widget.
Parameter widget
The widget of interest.
The box panel size basis for the widget.
function getStretch
getStretch: (widget: Widget) => number;
Get the box panel stretch factor for the given widget.
Parameter widget
The widget of interest.
The box panel stretch factor for the widget.