
  • Version 14.0.0
  • Published
  • 901 kB
  • 10 dependencies
  • MIT license


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The Material Components for the web slider component







variable attributes

const attributes: {
INPUT_MIN: string;
INPUT_MAX: string;
INPUT_VALUE: string;
INPUT_STEP: string;
  • Slider attributes.

variable cssClasses

const cssClasses: {
DISABLED: string;
DISCRETE: string;
INPUT: string;
RANGE: string;
THUMB: string;
THUMB_KNOB: string;
THUMB_TOP: string;
TICK_MARKS: string;
TRACK: string;
  • Slider element classes.

variable events

const events: { CHANGE: string; INPUT: string };
  • Slider events.

variable numbers

const numbers: { STEP_SIZE: number; MIN_RANGE: number; THUMB_UPDATE_MIN_PX: number };
  • Slider numbers.

variable strings

const strings: {
  • Slider strings.


class MDCSlider

class MDCSlider extends MDCComponent<MDCSliderFoundation> {}
  • Vanilla JS implementation of slider component.

property root

root: HTMLElement;

    method attachTo

    static attachTo: (
    root: Element,
    options?: { skipInitialUIUpdate?: boolean }
    ) => MDCSlider;

      method getDefaultFoundation

      getDefaultFoundation: () => MDCSliderFoundation;

        method getDisabled

        getDisabled: () => boolean;
        • Slider disabled state.

        method getValue

        getValue: () => number;

          method getValueStart

          getValueStart: () => number;

            method initialize

            initialize: ({
            }?: {
            skipInitialUIUpdate?: boolean;
            }) => void;
            • Initializes component, with the following options: - skipInitialUIUpdate: Whether to skip updating the UI when initially syncing with the DOM. This should be enabled when the slider position is set before component initialization.

            method initialSyncWithDOM

            initialSyncWithDOM: () => void;

              method layout

              layout: () => void;
              • Redraws UI based on DOM (e.g. element dimensions, RTL).

              method setDisabled

              setDisabled: (disabled: boolean) => void;
              • Sets slider disabled state.

              method setValue

              setValue: (value: number) => void;

                method setValueStart

                setValueStart: (valueStart: number) => void;

                  method setValueToAriaValueTextFn

                  setValueToAriaValueTextFn: (mapFn: (value: number) => string) => void;
                  • Sets a function that maps the slider value to the value of the aria-valuetext attribute on the thumb element.

                  class MDCSliderFoundation

                  class MDCSliderFoundation extends MDCFoundation<MDCSliderAdapter> {}
                  • Foundation class for slider. Responsibilities include: - Updating slider values (internal state and DOM updates) based on client 'x' position. - Updating DOM after slider property updates (e.g. min, max).


                  constructor(adapter?: Partial<MDCSliderAdapter>);

                    property defaultAdapter

                    static readonly defaultAdapter: MDCSliderAdapter;

                      property SUPPORTS_POINTER_EVENTS

                      static SUPPORTS_POINTER_EVENTS: boolean;

                        method destroy

                        destroy: () => void;

                          method getDisabled

                          getDisabled: () => boolean;

                            method getIsRange

                            getIsRange: () => boolean;
                            • Whether the slider is a range slider.

                            method getMax

                            getMax: () => number;

                              method getMin

                              getMin: () => number;

                                method getMinRange

                                getMinRange: () => number;

                                  method getStep

                                  getStep: () => number;

                                    method getValue

                                    getValue: () => number;
                                    • - For single point sliders, returns the thumb value. - For range (two-thumb) sliders, returns the end thumb's value.

                                    method getValueStart

                                    getValueStart: () => number;
                                    • Only applicable for range sliders. The start thumb's value.

                                    method handleDown

                                    handleDown: (event: PointerEvent | MouseEvent | TouchEvent) => void;
                                    • Handles pointer down events on the slider root element.

                                    method handleInputBlur

                                    handleInputBlur: (thumb: Thumb) => void;
                                    • Removes activated state and value indicator from thumb(s).

                                    method handleInputChange

                                    handleInputChange: (thumb: Thumb) => void;
                                    • Handles input change event by setting internal slider value to match input's new value.

                                    method handleInputFocus

                                    handleInputFocus: (thumb: Thumb) => void;
                                    • Shows activated state and value indicator on thumb(s).

                                    method handleMousedownOrTouchstart

                                    handleMousedownOrTouchstart: (event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent) => void;

                                      method handleMove

                                      handleMove: (event: PointerEvent | MouseEvent | TouchEvent) => void;
                                      • Handles pointer move events on the slider root element.

                                      method handlePointerdown

                                      handlePointerdown: (event: PointerEvent) => void;

                                        method handleResize

                                        handleResize: () => void;
                                        • Handles resize events on the window.

                                        method handleThumbMouseenter

                                        handleThumbMouseenter: () => void;
                                        • For range, discrete slider, shows the value indicator on both thumbs.

                                        method handleThumbMouseleave

                                        handleThumbMouseleave: () => void;
                                        • For range, discrete slider, hides the value indicator on both thumbs.

                                        method handleUp

                                        handleUp: () => void;
                                        • Handles pointer up events on the slider root element.

                                        method init

                                        init: () => void;

                                          method layout

                                          layout: ({ skipUpdateUI }?: { skipUpdateUI?: boolean }) => void;
                                          • - Syncs slider boundingClientRect with the current DOM. - Updates UI based on internal state.

                                          method setDisabled

                                          setDisabled: (disabled: boolean) => void;
                                          • Sets disabled state, including updating styles and thumb tabindex.

                                          method setHasTickMarks

                                          setHasTickMarks: (value: boolean) => void;

                                            method setIsDiscrete

                                            setIsDiscrete: (value: boolean) => void;

                                              method setMax

                                              setMax: (value: number) => void;

                                                method setMin

                                                setMin: (value: number) => void;

                                                  method setMinRange

                                                  setMinRange: (value: number) => void;
                                                  • Only applicable for range sliders. Sets the minimum difference between the start and end values.

                                                  method setStep

                                                  setStep: (value: number) => void;

                                                    method setValue

                                                    setValue: (value: number) => void;
                                                    • - For single point sliders, sets the thumb value. - For range (two-thumb) sliders, sets the end thumb's value.

                                                    method setValueStart

                                                    setValueStart: (valueStart: number) => void;
                                                    • Only applicable for range sliders. Sets the start thumb's value.


                                                    interface MDCSliderAdapter

                                                    interface MDCSliderAdapter {}
                                                    • Defines the shape of the adapter expected by the foundation. Implement this adapter for your framework of choice to delegate updates to the component in your framework of choice. See architecture documentation for more details. https://github.com/material-components/material-components-web/blob/master/docs/code/architecture.md

                                                    method addClass

                                                    addClass: (className: string) => void;
                                                    • Adds the given class to the slider root element.

                                                    method addThumbClass

                                                    addThumbClass: (className: string, thumb: Thumb) => void;
                                                    • Adds the class to the given thumb element.

                                                    method deregisterBodyEventHandler

                                                    deregisterBodyEventHandler: <K extends EventType>(
                                                    evtType: K,
                                                    handler: SpecificEventListener<K>
                                                    ) => void;
                                                    • Deregisters an event listener on the body element.

                                                    method deregisterEventHandler

                                                    deregisterEventHandler: <K extends EventType>(
                                                    evtType: K,
                                                    handler: SpecificEventListener<K>
                                                    ) => void;
                                                    • Deregisters an event listener on the root element.

                                                    method deregisterInputEventHandler

                                                    deregisterInputEventHandler: <K extends EventType>(
                                                    thumb: Thumb,
                                                    evtType: K,
                                                    handler: SpecificEventListener<K>
                                                    ) => void;
                                                    • Deregisters an event listener on the given input element.

                                                    method deregisterThumbEventHandler

                                                    deregisterThumbEventHandler: <K extends EventType>(
                                                    thumb: Thumb,
                                                    evtType: K,
                                                    handler: SpecificEventListener<K>
                                                    ) => void;
                                                    • Deregisters an event listener on the given thumb element.

                                                    method deregisterWindowEventHandler

                                                    deregisterWindowEventHandler: <K extends EventType>(
                                                    evtType: K,
                                                    handler: SpecificEventListener<K>
                                                    ) => void;
                                                    • Deregisters an event listener on the window.

                                                    method emitChangeEvent

                                                    emitChangeEvent: (value: number, thumb: Thumb) => void;
                                                    • Emits a change event from the slider root, indicating that the value has been changed and committed on the given thumb, from a user event. Mirrors the native change event: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/change_event

                                                    method emitDragEndEvent

                                                    emitDragEndEvent: (value: number, thumb: Thumb) => void;
                                                    • Emits an event on drag end, containing the final value on the thumb that was dragged.

                                                    method emitDragStartEvent

                                                    emitDragStartEvent: (value: number, thumb: Thumb) => void;
                                                    • Emits an event on drag start, containing the current value on the thumb being dragged.

                                                    method emitInputEvent

                                                    emitInputEvent: (value: number, thumb: Thumb) => void;
                                                    • Emits an input event from the slider root, indicating that the value has been changed on the given thumb, from a user event. Mirrors the native input event: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/input_event

                                                    method focusInput

                                                    focusInput: (thumb: Thumb) => void;
                                                    • - If thumb is Thumb.START, focuses start input (range slider variant). - If thumb is Thumb.END, focuses end input (or only input for single point slider).

                                                    method getAttribute

                                                    getAttribute: (attribute: string) => string | null;
                                                    • Returns the given attribute value on the slider root element.

                                                    method getBoundingClientRect

                                                    getBoundingClientRect: () => DOMRect;
                                                    • Returns the bounding client rect for the slider root element.

                                                    method getInputAttribute

                                                    getInputAttribute: (attribute: string, thumb: Thumb) => string | null;
                                                    • - If thumb is Thumb.START, returns the attribute value on the start input (for range slider variant). - If thumb is Thumb.END, returns the attribute value on the end input (or only input for single point slider).

                                                    method getInputValue

                                                    getInputValue: (thumb: Thumb) => string;
                                                    • - If thumb is Thumb.START, returns the value property on the start input (for range slider variant). - If thumb is Thumb.END, returns the value property on the end input (or only input for single point slider).

                                                    method getThumbBoundingClientRect

                                                    getThumbBoundingClientRect: (thumb: Thumb) => DOMRect;
                                                    • Returns the bounding client rect of the given thumb.

                                                    method getThumbKnobWidth

                                                    getThumbKnobWidth: (thumb: Thumb) => number;
                                                    • Returns the width of the given thumb knob.

                                                    method getValueIndicatorContainerWidth

                                                    getValueIndicatorContainerWidth: (thumb: Thumb) => number;
                                                    • Returns the width of the given value indicator container.

                                                    method getValueToAriaValueTextFn

                                                    getValueToAriaValueTextFn: () => (value: number, thumb: Thumb) => string;
                                                    • Returns a function that maps the slider value to the value of the aria-valuetext attribute on the thumb element. If null, the aria-valuetext attribute is unchanged when the value changes.

                                                    method hasClass

                                                    hasClass: (className: string) => boolean;
                                                    • Returns true if the slider root element has the given class.

                                                    method isInputFocused

                                                    isInputFocused: (thumb: Thumb) => boolean;
                                                    • Returns true if the given input is focused.

                                                    method isRTL

                                                    isRTL: () => boolean;
                                                    • Returns true if the root element is RTL, otherwise false

                                                    method registerBodyEventHandler

                                                    registerBodyEventHandler: <K extends EventType>(
                                                    evtType: K,
                                                    handler: SpecificEventListener<K>
                                                    ) => void;
                                                    • Registers an event listener on the body element.

                                                    method registerEventHandler

                                                    registerEventHandler: <K extends EventType>(
                                                    evtType: K,
                                                    handler: SpecificEventListener<K>
                                                    ) => void;
                                                    • Registers an event listener on the root element.

                                                    method registerInputEventHandler

                                                    registerInputEventHandler: <K extends EventType>(
                                                    thumb: Thumb,
                                                    evtType: K,
                                                    handler: SpecificEventListener<K>
                                                    ) => void;
                                                    • Registers an event listener on the given input element.

                                                    method registerThumbEventHandler

                                                    registerThumbEventHandler: <K extends EventType>(
                                                    thumb: Thumb,
                                                    evtType: K,
                                                    handler: SpecificEventListener<K>
                                                    ) => void;
                                                    • Registers an event listener on the given thumb element.

                                                    method registerWindowEventHandler

                                                    registerWindowEventHandler: <K extends EventType>(
                                                    evtType: K,
                                                    handler: SpecificEventListener<K>
                                                    ) => void;
                                                    • Registers an event listener on the window.

                                                    method removeClass

                                                    removeClass: (className: string) => void;
                                                    • Removes the given class from the slider root element.

                                                    method removeInputAttribute

                                                    removeInputAttribute: (attribute: string, thumb: Thumb) => void;
                                                    • - If thumb is Thumb.START, removes the attribute on the start input (for range slider variant). - If thumb is Thumb.END, removes the attribute on the end input (or only input for single point slider).

                                                    method removeThumbClass

                                                    removeThumbClass: (className: string, thumb: Thumb) => void;
                                                    • Removes the class from the given thumb element.

                                                    method removeThumbStyleProperty

                                                    removeThumbStyleProperty: (propertyName: string, thumb: Thumb) => void;
                                                    • Removes the given style property from the thumb element. - If thumb is Thumb.START, removes style from the start thumb (for range slider variant). - If thumb is Thumb.END, removes style from the end thumb (or only thumb for single point slider).

                                                    method removeTrackActiveStyleProperty

                                                    removeTrackActiveStyleProperty: (propertyName: string) => void;
                                                    • Removes the given style property from the active track element.

                                                    method setInputAttribute

                                                    setInputAttribute: (attribute: string, value: string, thumb: Thumb) => void;
                                                    • - If thumb is Thumb.START, sets the attribute on the start input (for range slider variant). - If thumb is Thumb.END, sets the attribute on the end input (or only input for single point slider).

                                                    method setInputValue

                                                    setInputValue: (value: string, thumb: Thumb) => void;
                                                    • - If thumb is Thumb.START, sets the value property on the start input (for range slider variant). - If thumb is Thumb.END, sets the value property on the end input (or only input for single point slider).

                                                    method setPointerCapture

                                                    setPointerCapture: (pointerId: number) => void;
                                                    • Sets pointer capture on the slider root. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/setPointerCapture

                                                    method setThumbStyleProperty

                                                    setThumbStyleProperty: (
                                                    propertyName: string,
                                                    value: string,
                                                    thumb: Thumb
                                                    ) => void;
                                                    • Sets a style property of the thumb element to the passed value. - If thumb is Thumb.START, sets style on the start thumb (for range slider variant). - If thumb is Thumb.END, sets style on the end thumb (or only thumb for single point slider).

                                                    method setTrackActiveStyleProperty

                                                    setTrackActiveStyleProperty: (propertyName: string, value: string) => void;
                                                    • Sets a style property of the active track element to the passed value.

                                                    method setValueIndicatorText

                                                    setValueIndicatorText: (value: number, thumb: Thumb) => void;
                                                    • Sets value indicator text based on the given value. - If thumb is Thumb.START, updates value indicator on start thumb (for range slider variant). - If thumb is Thumb.END, updates value indicator on end thumb (or only thumb for single point slider).

                                                    method shouldHideFocusStylesForPointerEvents

                                                    shouldHideFocusStylesForPointerEvents: () => boolean;
                                                    • Returns true if focus styles should be hidden for pointer events.

                                                    method updateTickMarks

                                                    updateTickMarks: (tickMarks: TickMark[]) => void;
                                                    • Updates tick marks container element with tick mark elements and their active/inactive classes, based on the given mappings: - TickMark.ACTIVE => cssClasses.TICK_MARK_ACTIVE - TickMark.INACTIVE => cssClasses.TICK_MARK_INACTIVE

                                                    interface MDCSliderChangeEventDetail

                                                    interface MDCSliderChangeEventDetail {}
                                                    • Interface for detail of slider custom change and input events.

                                                    property thumb

                                                    thumb: Thumb;

                                                      property value

                                                      value: number;


                                                        enum Thumb

                                                        enum Thumb {
                                                        START = 1,
                                                        END = 2,
                                                        • Thumb types: range slider has two thumbs (START, END) whereas single point slider only has one thumb (END).

                                                        member END

                                                        END = 2

                                                          member START

                                                          START = 1

                                                            enum TickMark

                                                            enum TickMark {
                                                            ACTIVE = 0,
                                                            INACTIVE = 1,
                                                            • Tick mark enum, for discrete sliders.

                                                            member ACTIVE

                                                            ACTIVE = 0

                                                              member INACTIVE

                                                              INACTIVE = 1

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