
  • Version 3.0.7
  • Published
  • 1.25 MB
  • 2 dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i @microsoft/microsoft-graph-client
yarn add @microsoft/microsoft-graph-client
pnpm add @microsoft/microsoft-graph-client


Microsoft Graph Client Library






Type Aliases


function getValidRangeSize

getValidRangeSize: (rangeSize?: number) => number;


class AuthenticationHandler

class AuthenticationHandler implements Middleware {}
  • Middleware Class representing AuthenticationHandler


constructor(authenticationProvider: AuthenticationProvider);
  • Creates an instance of AuthenticationHandler

    Parameter authenticationProvider

    The authentication provider for the authentication handler


    • @public

method execute

execute: (context: Context) => Promise<void>;
  • To execute the current middleware

    Parameter context

    The context object of the request


    A Promise that resolves to nothing


    • @public

method setNext

setNext: (next: Middleware) => void;
  • To set the next middleware in the chain

    Parameter next

    The middleware instance




    • @public

class AuthenticationHandlerOptions

class AuthenticationHandlerOptions implements MiddlewareOptions {}
  • MiddlewareOptions Class representing AuthenticationHandlerOptions


authenticationProvider?: AuthenticationProvider,
authenticationProviderOptions?: AuthenticationProviderOptions
  • To create an instance of AuthenticationHandlerOptions

    Parameter authenticationProvider

    The authentication provider instance

    Parameter authenticationProviderOptions

    The authentication provider options instance


    An instance of AuthenticationHandlerOptions


    • @public

property authenticationProvider

authenticationProvider: AuthenticationProvider;
  • A member holding an instance of an authentication provider


    • @public

property authenticationProviderOptions

authenticationProviderOptions: AuthenticationProviderOptions;
  • A member holding an instance of authentication provider options


    • @public

class BatchRequestContent

class BatchRequestContent {}
  • Class for handling BatchRequestContent


constructor(requests?: BatchRequestStep[]);
  • Constructs a BatchRequestContent instance

    Parameter requests

    Array of requests value


    An instance of a BatchRequestContent


    • @public

property requests

requests: Map<string, BatchRequestStep>;
  • To keep track of requests, key will be id of the request and value will be the request json


    • @public

method addDependency

addDependency: (dependentId: string, dependencyId?: string) => void;
  • Adds a dependency for a given dependent request

    Parameter dependentId

    The id of the dependent request

    Parameter dependencyId

    The id of the dependency request, if not specified the preceding request will be considered as a dependency




    • @public

method addRequest

addRequest: (request: BatchRequestStep) => string;
  • Adds a request to the batch request content

    Parameter request

    The request value


    The id of the added request


    • @public

method getContent

getContent: () => Promise<BatchRequestBody>;
  • Serialize content from BatchRequestContent instance


    The body content to make batch request


    • @public

method removeDependency

removeDependency: (dependentId: string, dependencyId?: string) => boolean;
  • Removes a dependency for a given dependent request id

    Parameter dependentId

    The id of the dependent request

    Parameter dependencyId

    The id of the dependency request, if not specified will remove all the dependencies of that request


    The boolean indicating removed status


    • @public

method removeRequest

removeRequest: (requestId: string) => boolean;
  • Removes request from the batch payload and its dependencies from all dependents

    Parameter requestId

    The id of a request that needs to be removed


    The boolean indicating removed status


    • @public

class BatchResponseContent

class BatchResponseContent {}
  • Class that handles BatchResponseContent


constructor(response: BatchResponseBody);
  • Creates the BatchResponseContent instance

    Parameter response

    The response body returned for batch request from server


    An instance of a BatchResponseContent


    • @public

method getResponseById

getResponseById: (requestId: string) => Response;
  • To get the response of a request for a given request id

    Parameter requestId

    The request id value


    The Response object instance for the particular request


    • @public

method getResponses

getResponses: () => Map<string, Response>;
  • To get all the responses of the batch request


    The Map of id and Response objects


    • @public

method getResponsesIterator

getResponsesIterator: () => IterableIterator<[string, Response]>;
  • To get the iterator for the responses


    The Iterable generator for the response objects


    • @public

method update

update: (response: BatchResponseBody) => void;
  • Updates the Batch response content instance with given responses.

    Parameter response

    The response json representing batch response message




    • @public

class ChaosHandler

class ChaosHandler implements Middleware {}
  • Class representing ChaosHandler Class Middleware


options?: ChaosHandlerOptions,
manualMap?: Map<string, Map<string, number>>
  • To create an instance of Testing Handler

    Parameter options

    The testing handler options instance

    Parameter manualMap

    The Map passed by user containing url-statusCode info


    An instance of Testing Handler


    • @public

method execute

execute: (context: Context) => Promise<void>;
  • To execute the current middleware

    Parameter context

    The context object of the request


    A Promise that resolves to nothing


    • @public

method setNext

setNext: (next: Middleware) => void;
  • To set the next middleware in the chain

    Parameter next

    The middleware instance




    • @public

class ChaosHandlerOptions

class ChaosHandlerOptions implements MiddlewareOptions {}
  • Class representing ChaosHandlerOptions Class MiddlewareOptions


chaosStrategy?: ChaosStrategy,
statusMessage?: string,
statusCode?: number,
chaosPercentage?: number,
responseBody?: any,
headers?: Headers
  • To create an instance of Testing Handler Options

    Parameter chaosStrategy

    Specifies the startegy used for the Testing Handler -> RAMDOM/MANUAL

    Parameter statusMessage

    The Message to be returned in the response

    Parameter statusCode

    The statusCode to be returned in the response

    Parameter chaosPercentage

    The percentage of randomness/chaos in the handler

    Parameter responseBody

    The response body to be returned in the response


    An instance of ChaosHandlerOptions


    • @public

property chaosPercentage

chaosPercentage: number;
  • The percentage of randomness/chaos in the handler

    Setting the default value as 10%


    • @public

property chaosStrategy

chaosStrategy: ChaosStrategy;
  • Specifies the startegy used for the Testing Handler -> RANDOM/MANUAL


    • @public

property headers

headers: Headers;
  • The response headers to be returned in the response


    • @public

property responseBody

responseBody: any;
  • The response body to be returned in the response


    • @public

property statusCode

statusCode: number;
  • Status code to be returned in the response


    • @public

property statusMessage

statusMessage: string;
  • The Message to be returned in the response


    • @public

class Client

class Client {}

    method api

    api: (path: string) => GraphRequest;
    • Entry point to make requests

      Parameter path

      The path string value


      The graph request instance


      • @public

    method init

    static init: (options: Options) => Client;
    • To create a client instance with options and initializes the default middleware chain

      Parameter options

      The options for client instance


      The Client instance


      • @public

    method initWithMiddleware

    static initWithMiddleware: (clientOptions: ClientOptions) => Client;
    • To create a client instance with the Client Options

      Parameter clientOptions

      The options object for initializing the client


      The Client instance


      • @public

    class CustomAuthenticationProvider

    class CustomAuthenticationProvider implements AuthenticationProvider {}
    • Class representing CustomAuthenticationProvider AuthenticationProvider


    constructor(provider: AuthProvider);
    • Creates an instance of CustomAuthenticationProvider

      Parameter provider

      An authProvider function


      An instance of CustomAuthenticationProvider


      • @public

    method getAccessToken

    getAccessToken: () => Promise<any>;
    • To get the access token


      The promise that resolves to an access token


      • @public

    class FileUpload

    class FileUpload implements FileObject<SliceType> {}
    • Class used for creating LargeFileUploadTask fileobject. This class accepts files of type ArrayBuffer, Blob, Uint8Array.


    content: ArrayBuffer | Blob | Uint8Array,
    name: string,
    size: number
    • Parameter content

      The file to be uploaded

      Parameter name

      The name of the file to be uploaded

      Parameter size

      The total size of the file to be uploaded


      An instance of the FileUpload class


      • @public

    property content

    content: ArrayBuffer | Blob | Uint8Array;

      property name

      name: string;

        property size

        size: number;

          method sliceFile

          sliceFile: (range: Range) => ArrayBuffer | Blob | Uint8Array;
          • Slices the file content to the given range

            Parameter range

            The range value


            The sliced file part


            • @public

          class GraphClientError

          class GraphClientError extends Error {}
          • Create GraphClientError object to handle client-side errors encountered within the JavaScript Client SDK. Whereas GraphError Class should be used to handle errors in the response from the Graph API.


          constructor(message?: string);
          • Creates an instance of GraphClientError

            Parameter message

            ? - Error message


            An instance of GraphClientError


            • @public

          property customError

          customError?: any;
          • A custom error. This property should set be when the error is not of instanceOf Error/GraphClientError. Example = const client = MicrosoftGraph.Client.init({ defaultVersion: "v1.0", authProvider: (done) => { done({TokenError:"AccessToken cannot be null"}, "<ACCESS_TOKEN>"); });


            • @public

          method setGraphClientError

          static setGraphClientError: (error: any) => GraphClientError;
          • To set the GraphClientError object

            Parameter error

            The error returned encountered by the Graph JavaScript Client SDK while processing request


            GraphClientError object set to the error passed


            • @public

          class GraphError

          class GraphError extends Error {}
          • Class for GraphError @NOTE: This is NOT what is returned from the Graph GraphError is created from parsing JSON errors returned from the graph Some fields are renamed ie, "request-id" => requestId so you can use dot notation


          constructor(statusCode?: number, message?: string, baseError?: Error);
          • Creates an instance of GraphError

            Parameter statusCode

            The status code of the error

            Parameter message

            The message of the error

            Parameter baseError

            The base error


            An instance of GraphError


            • @public

          property body

          body: any;
          • A member holding original error response by the graph service


            • @public

          property code

          code: string;
          • A member holding code i.e name of the error


            • @public

          property date

          date: Date;
          • A member holding processed date and time of the request


            • @public

          property headers

          headers?: Headers;

            property requestId

            requestId: string;
            • A member holding request-id i.e identifier of the request


              • @public

            property statusCode

            statusCode: number;
            • A member holding status code of the error


              • @public

            class GraphRequest

            class GraphRequest {}
            • A Class representing GraphRequest


            constructor(httpClient: HTTPClient, config: ClientOptions, path: string);
            • Creates an instance of GraphRequest

              Parameter httpClient

              The HTTPClient instance

              Parameter config

              The options for making request

              Parameter path

              A path string


              • @public

            method count

            count: (isCount?: boolean) => GraphRequest;
            • To add boolean for count OData Query param. The URL accepts only one $count Odata Query option and its value is set to the most recently passed boolean value.

              Parameter isCount

              The count boolean


              The same GraphRequest instance that is being called with, after adding the boolean value for the $count query option


              • @public

            method create

            create: (content: any, callback?: GraphRequestCallback) => Promise<any>;
            • Alias for Post request call

              Parameter content

              The content that needs to be sent with the request

              Parameter callback

              The callback function to be called in response with async call


              A promise that resolves to the post response


              • @public

            method del

            del: (callback?: GraphRequestCallback) => Promise<any>;
            • Alias for delete request call

              Parameter callback

              The callback function to be called in response with async call


              A promise that resolves to the delete response


              • @public

            method delete

            delete: (callback?: GraphRequestCallback) => Promise<any>;
            • Makes http request with DELETE method

              Parameter callback

              The callback function to be called in response with async call


              A promise that resolves to the delete response


              • @public

            method expand

            expand: (properties: string | string[]) => GraphRequest;
            • To add properties for expand OData Query param

              Parameter properties

              The Properties value


              The same GraphRequest instance that is being called with, after adding the properties for $expand query


              • @public

            method filter

            filter: (filterStr: string) => GraphRequest;
            • To add query string for filter OData Query param. The request URL accepts only one $filter Odata Query option and its value is set to the most recently passed filter query string.

              Parameter filterStr

              The filter query string


              The same GraphRequest instance that is being called with, after adding the $filter query


              • @public

            method get

            get: (callback?: GraphRequestCallback) => Promise<any>;
            • Makes a http request with GET method

              Parameter callback

              The callback function to be called in response with async call


              A promise that resolves to the get response


              • @public

            method getStream

            getStream: (callback?: GraphRequestCallback) => Promise<any>;
            • Makes a http request with GET method to read response as a stream.

              Parameter callback

              The callback function to be called in response with async call


              A promise that resolves to the getStream response


              • @public

            method header

            header: (headerKey: string, headerValue: string) => GraphRequest;
            • Sets the custom header for a request

              Parameter headerKey

              A header key

              Parameter headerValue

              A header value


              The same GraphRequest instance that is being called with


              • @public

            method headers

            headers: (headers: KeyValuePairObjectStringNumber | HeadersInit) => GraphRequest;
            • Sets the custom headers for a request

              Parameter headers

              The request headers


              The same GraphRequest instance that is being called with


              • @public

            method middlewareOptions

            middlewareOptions: (options: MiddlewareOptions[]) => GraphRequest;
            • Sets the middleware options for a request

              Parameter options

              The array of middleware options


              The same GraphRequest instance that is being called with


              • @public

            method option

            option: (key: string, value: any) => GraphRequest;
            • Sets the option for making a request

              Parameter key

              The key value

              Parameter value

              The value


              The same GraphRequest instance that is being called with


              • @public

            method options

            options: (options: { [key: string]: any }) => GraphRequest;
            • Sets the options for making a request

              Parameter options

              The options key value pair


              The same GraphRequest instance that is being called with


              • @public

            method orderby

            orderby: (properties: string | string[]) => GraphRequest;
            • To add properties for orderby OData Query param

              Parameter properties

              The Properties value


              The same GraphRequest instance that is being called with, after adding the properties for $orderby query


              • @public

            method patch

            patch: (content: any, callback?: GraphRequestCallback) => Promise<any>;
            • Makes http request with PATCH method

              Parameter content

              The content that needs to be sent with the request

              Parameter callback

              The callback function to be called in response with async call


              A promise that resolves to the patch response


              • @public

            method post

            post: (content: any, callback?: GraphRequestCallback) => Promise<any>;
            • Makes a http request with POST method

              Parameter content

              The content that needs to be sent with the request

              Parameter callback

              The callback function to be called in response with async call


              A promise that resolves to the post response


              • @public

            method put

            put: (content: any, callback?: GraphRequestCallback) => Promise<any>;
            • Makes http request with PUT method

              Parameter content

              The content that needs to be sent with the request

              Parameter callback

              The callback function to be called in response with async call


              A promise that resolves to the put response


              • @public

            method putStream

            putStream: (stream: any, callback?: GraphRequestCallback) => Promise<any>;
            • Makes a http request with GET method to read response as a stream.

              Parameter stream

              The stream instance

              Parameter callback

              The callback function to be called in response with async call


              A promise that resolves to the putStream response


              • @public

            method query

            query: (
            queryDictionaryOrString: string | KeyValuePairObjectStringNumber
            ) => GraphRequest;
            • Appends query string to the urlComponent

              Parameter queryDictionaryOrString

              The query value


              The same GraphRequest instance that is being called with, after appending the query string to the url component


              • @public

            method responseType

            responseType: (responseType: ResponseType) => GraphRequest;
            • Sets the api endpoint version for a request

              Parameter responseType

              The response type value


              The same GraphRequest instance that is being called with


              • @public

            method search

            search: (searchStr: string) => GraphRequest;
            • To add criterion for search OData Query param. The request URL accepts only one $search Odata Query option and its value is set to the most recently passed search criterion string.

              Parameter searchStr

              The search criterion string


              The same GraphRequest instance that is being called with, after adding the $search query criteria


              • @public

            method select

            select: (properties: string | string[]) => GraphRequest;
            • To add properties for select OData Query param

              Parameter properties

              The Properties value


              The same GraphRequest instance that is being called with, after adding the properties for $select query


              • @public

            method skip

            skip: (n: number) => GraphRequest;
            • To add number for skip OData Query param. The request URL accepts only one $skip Odata Query option and its value is set to the most recently passed number value.

              Parameter n

              The number value


              The same GraphRequest instance that is being called with, after adding the number for the $skip query


              • @public

            method skipToken

            skipToken: (token: string) => GraphRequest;
            • To add token string for skipToken OData Query param. The request URL accepts only one $skipToken Odata Query option and its value is set to the most recently passed token value.

              Parameter token

              The token value


              The same GraphRequest instance that is being called with, after adding the token string for $skipToken query option


              • @public

            method top

            top: (n: number) => GraphRequest;
            • To add number for top OData Query param. The request URL accepts only one $top Odata Query option and its value is set to the most recently passed number value.

              Parameter n

              The number value


              The same GraphRequest instance that is being called with, after adding the number for $top query


              • @public

            method update

            update: (content: any, callback?: GraphRequestCallback) => Promise<any>;
            • Alias for PATCH request

              Parameter content

              The content that needs to be sent with the request

              Parameter callback

              The callback function to be called in response with async call


              A promise that resolves to the patch response


              • @public

            method version

            version: (version: string) => GraphRequest;
            • Sets the api endpoint version for a request

              Parameter version

              The version value


              The same GraphRequest instance that is being called with


              • @public

            class HTTPMessageHandler

            class HTTPMessageHandler implements Middleware {}
            • Middleware Class for HTTPMessageHandler

            method execute

            execute: (context: Context) => Promise<void>;
            • To execute the current middleware

              Parameter context

              The request context object


              A promise that resolves to nothing


              • @public

            class LargeFileUploadTask

            class LargeFileUploadTask<T> {}
            • Class representing LargeFileUploadTask


            client: Client,
            file: FileObject<T>,
            uploadSession: LargeFileUploadSession,
            options?: LargeFileUploadTaskOptions
            • Constructs a LargeFileUploadTask

              Parameter client

              The GraphClient instance

              Parameter file

              The FileObject holding details of a file that needs to be uploaded

              Parameter uploadSession

              The upload session to which the upload has to be done

              Parameter options

              The upload task options


              An instance of LargeFileUploadTask


              • @public

            property client

            protected client: Client;
            • The GraphClient instance

            property file

            protected file: FileObject<T>;
            • The object holding file details

            property nextRange

            protected nextRange: Range;
            • The next range needs to be uploaded

            property options

            protected options: LargeFileUploadTaskOptions;
            • The object holding options for the task

            property uploadSession

            protected uploadSession: LargeFileUploadSession;
            • The object for upload session

            method cancel

            cancel: () => Promise<unknown>;
            • Deletes upload session in the server


              The promise resolves to cancelled response


              • @public

            method createUploadSession

            static createUploadSession: (
            client: Client,
            requestUrl: string,
            payload: any,
            headers?: KeyValuePairObjectStringNumber
            ) => Promise<LargeFileUploadSession>;
            • Makes request to the server to create an upload session

              Parameter client

              The GraphClient instance

              Parameter requestUrl

              The URL to create the upload session

              Parameter payload

              The payload that needs to be sent

              Parameter headers

              The headers that needs to be sent


              The promise that resolves to LargeFileUploadSession


              • @public

            method getNextRange

            getNextRange: () => Range;
            • Gets next range that needs to be uploaded


              The range instance


              • @public

            method getStatus

            getStatus: () => Promise<unknown>;
            • Gets status for the upload session


              The promise resolves to the status enquiry response


              • @public

            method getUploadSession

            getUploadSession: () => LargeFileUploadSession;
            • Get the upload session information


              The large file upload session


              • @public

            method resume

            resume: () => Promise<unknown>;
            • Resumes upload session and continue uploading the file from the last sent range


              The promise resolves to the uploaded response


              • @public

            method sliceFile

            sliceFile: (range: Range) => ArrayBuffer | Blob;
            • Parameter range

              The range value


              The sliced ArrayBuffer or Blob


              • @public


              This function has been moved into FileObject interface.

              Slices the file content to the given range

            method upload

            upload: () => Promise<UploadResult>;
            • Uploads file to the server in a sequential order by slicing the file


              The promise resolves to uploaded response


              • @public

            method uploadSlice

            uploadSlice: (
            fileSlice: ArrayBuffer | Blob | File,
            range: Range,
            totalSize: number
            ) => Promise<unknown>;
            • Uploads given slice to the server

              Parameter fileSlice

              The file slice

              Parameter range

              The range value

              Parameter totalSize

              The total size of a complete file


              The response body of the upload slice result


              • @public

            method uploadSliceGetRawResponse

            uploadSliceGetRawResponse: (
            fileSlice: unknown,
            range: Range,
            totalSize: number
            ) => Promise<Response>;
            • Uploads given slice to the server

              Parameter fileSlice

              The file slice

              Parameter range

              The range value

              Parameter totalSize

              The total size of a complete file


              The raw response of the upload slice result


              • @public

            class MiddlewareFactory

            class MiddlewareFactory {}
            • Class containing function(s) related to the middleware pipelines.

            method getDefaultMiddlewareChain

            static getDefaultMiddlewareChain: (
            authProvider: AuthenticationProvider
            ) => Middleware[];
            • Returns the default middleware chain an array with the middleware handlers

              Parameter authProvider

              The authentication provider instance


              an array of the middleware handlers of the default middleware chain


              • @public

            class OneDriveLargeFileUploadTask

            class OneDriveLargeFileUploadTask<T> extends LargeFileUploadTask<T> {}
            • Class representing OneDriveLargeFileUploadTask


            client: Client,
            file: FileObject<T>,
            uploadSession: LargeFileUploadSession,
            options: LargeFileUploadTaskOptions
            • Constructs a OneDriveLargeFileUploadTask

              Parameter client

              The GraphClient instance

              Parameter file

              The FileObject holding details of a file that needs to be uploaded

              Parameter uploadSession

              The upload session to which the upload has to be done

              Parameter options

              The upload task options


              An instance of OneDriveLargeFileUploadTask


              • @public

            method commit

            commit: (requestUrl: string, conflictBehavior?: string) => Promise<unknown>;
            • Commits upload session to end uploading

              Parameter requestUrl

              The URL to commit the upload session

              Parameter conflictBehavior

              Conflict behaviour option. Default is 'rename'


              The promise resolves to committed response


              • @public

            method create

            static create: (
            client: Client,
            file: Blob | Uint8Array | File,
            options: OneDriveLargeFileUploadOptions
            ) => Promise<OneDriveLargeFileUploadTask<Blob | ArrayBuffer | Uint8Array>>;
            • Creates a OneDriveLargeFileUploadTask

              Parameter client

              The GraphClient instance

              Parameter file

              File represented as Blob, Uint8Array or File

              Parameter options

              The options for upload task


              The promise that will be resolves to OneDriveLargeFileUploadTask instance


              • @public

            method createTaskWithFileObject

            static createTaskWithFileObject: <T>(
            client: Client,
            fileObject: FileObject<T>,
            options: OneDriveLargeFileUploadOptions
            ) => Promise<OneDriveLargeFileUploadTask<T>>;
            • Creates a OneDriveLargeFileUploadTask

              Parameter client

              The GraphClient instance

              Parameter fileObject

              FileObject instance

              Parameter options

              The options for upload task


              The promise that will be resolves to OneDriveLargeFileUploadTask instance


              • @public

            method createUploadSession

            static createUploadSession: (
            client: Client,
            requestUrl: string,
            payloadOptions: OneDriveFileUploadSessionPayLoad
            ) => Promise<LargeFileUploadSession>;
            • Makes request to the server to create an upload session

              Parameter client

              The GraphClient instance

              Parameter requestUrl

              The URL to create the upload session

              Parameter payloadOptions

              The payload option. Default conflictBehavior is 'rename'


              The promise that resolves to LargeFileUploadSession


              • @public

            class PageIterator

            class PageIterator {}
            • Class for PageIterator


            client: Client,
            pageCollection: PageCollection,
            callback: PageIteratorCallback,
            requestOptions?: GraphRequestOptions
            • Creates new instance for PageIterator

              Parameter client

              The graph client instance

              Parameter pageCollection

              The page collection object

              Parameter callBack

              The callback function

              Parameter requestOptions

              The request options


              An instance of a PageIterator


              • @public
            getDeltaLink: () => string | undefined;
            • Getter to get the deltaLink in the current response


              A deltaLink which is being used to make delta requests in future


              • @public

            method isComplete

            isComplete: () => boolean;
            • To get the completeness status of the iterator


              Boolean indicating the completeness


              • @public

            method iterate

            iterate: () => Promise<any>;
            • Iterates over the collection and kicks callback for each item on iteration. Fetches next set of data through nextLink and iterates over again This happens until the nextLink is drained out or the user responds with a red flag to continue from callback


              A Promise that resolves to nothing on completion and throws error incase of any discrepancy.


              • @public

            method resume

            resume: () => Promise<any>;
            • To resume the iteration Note: This internally calls the iterate method, It's just for more readability.


              A Promise that resolves to nothing on completion and throws error incase of any discrepancy


              • @public

            class Range

            class Range {}
            • Class representing Range


            constructor(minVal?: number, maxVal?: number);
            • Creates a range for given min and max values

              Parameter minVal

              The minimum value.

              Parameter maxVal

              The maximum value.


              An instance of a Range


              • @public

            property maxValue

            maxValue: number;
            • The maximum value of the range


              • @public

            property minValue

            minValue: number;
            • The minimum value of the range


              • @public

            class RedirectHandler

            class RedirectHandler implements Middleware {}
            • Class Middleware Class representing RedirectHandler


            constructor(options?: RedirectHandlerOptions);
            • To create an instance of RedirectHandler

              Parameter options

              The redirect handler options instance


              An instance of RedirectHandler


              • @public

            method execute

            execute: (context: Context) => Promise<void>;
            • To execute the current middleware

              Parameter context

              The context object of the request


              A Promise that resolves to nothing


              • @public

            method setNext

            setNext: (next: Middleware) => void;
            • To set the next middleware in the chain

              Parameter next

              The middleware instance




              • @public

            class RedirectHandlerOptions

            class RedirectHandlerOptions implements MiddlewareOptions {}
            • MiddlewareOptions A class representing RedirectHandlerOptions


            constructor(maxRedirects?: number, shouldRedirect?: ShouldRedirect);
            • To create an instance of RedirectHandlerOptions

              Parameter maxRedirects

              The max redirects value

              Parameter shouldRedirect

              The should redirect callback


              An instance of RedirectHandlerOptions


              • @public

            property maxRedirects

            maxRedirects: number;
            • A member holding max redirects value


              • @public

            property shouldRedirect

            shouldRedirect: ShouldRedirect;
            • A member holding shouldRedirect callback


              • @public

            class RetryHandler

            class RetryHandler implements Middleware {}
            • Middleware Class for RetryHandler


            constructor(options?: RetryHandlerOptions);
            • To create an instance of RetryHandler

              Parameter options

              The retry handler options value


              An instance of RetryHandler


              • @public

            method execute

            execute: (context: Context) => Promise<void>;
            • To execute the current middleware

              Parameter context

              The context object of the request


              A Promise that resolves to nothing


              • @public

            method setNext

            setNext: (next: Middleware) => void;
            • To set the next middleware in the chain

              Parameter next

              The middleware instance




              • @public

            class RetryHandlerOptions

            class RetryHandlerOptions implements MiddlewareOptions {}
            • MiddlewareOptions Class for RetryHandlerOptions


            constructor(delay?: number, maxRetries?: number, shouldRetry?: ShouldRetry);
            • To create an instance of RetryHandlerOptions

              Parameter delay

              The delay value in seconds

              Parameter maxRetries

              The maxRetries value

              Parameter shouldRetry

              The shouldRetry callback function


              An instance of RetryHandlerOptions


              • @public

            property delay

            delay: number;
            • A member holding delay value in seconds


              • @public

            property maxRetries

            maxRetries: number;
            • A member holding maxRetries value


              • @public

            property shouldRetry

            shouldRetry: ShouldRetry;
            • A member holding shouldRetry callback


              • @public

            method getMaxDelay

            getMaxDelay: () => number;
            • To get the maximum delay


              A maximum delay


              • @public

            class StreamUpload

            class StreamUpload implements FileObject<NodeStream> {}
            • FileObject class for Readable Stream upload


            constructor(content: NodeStream, name: string, size: number);

              property content

              content: NodeStream;

                property name

                name: string;

                  property size

                  size: number;

                    method sliceFile

                    sliceFile: (range: Range) => Promise<SliceType>;
                    • Slices the file content to the given range

                      Parameter range

                      The range value


                      The sliced file part


                      • @public

                    class TelemetryHandler

                    class TelemetryHandler implements Middleware {}
                    • Middleware Class for TelemetryHandler

                    method execute

                    execute: (context: Context) => Promise<void>;
                    • To execute the current middleware

                      Parameter context

                      The context object of the request


                      A Promise that resolves to nothing


                      • @public

                    method setNext

                    setNext: (next: Middleware) => void;
                    • To set the next middleware in the chain

                      Parameter next

                      The middleware instance




                      • @public

                    class TelemetryHandlerOptions

                    class TelemetryHandlerOptions implements MiddlewareOptions {}
                    • MiddlewareOptions Class for TelemetryHandlerOptions

                    method getFeatureUsage

                    getFeatureUsage: () => string;
                    • To get the feature usage


                      A feature usage flag as hexadecimal string


                      • @public

                    method updateFeatureUsageFlag

                    static updateFeatureUsageFlag: (
                    context: Context,
                    flag: FeatureUsageFlag
                    ) => void;
                    • To update the feature usage in the context object

                      Parameter context

                      The request context object containing middleware options

                      Parameter flag

                      The flag value




                      • @public

                    class UploadResult

                    class UploadResult {}
                    • Class representing a successful file upload result


                    constructor(responseBody: {}, location: string);
                    • Parameter responsebody

                      The response body from the completed upload response

                      Parameter location

                      The location value from the headers from the completed upload response


                      • @public

                    property location

                    location: string;
                    • Get of the location value. Location value is looked up in the response header


                      • @public

                    property responseBody

                    responseBody: {};
                    • Get The response body from the completed upload response


                      • @public

                    method CreateUploadResult

                    static CreateUploadResult: (
                    responseBody?: unknown,
                    responseHeaders?: Headers
                    ) => UploadResult;
                    • Parameter responseBody

                      The response body from the completed upload response

                      Parameter responseHeaders

                      The headers from the completed upload response


                      • @public


                    interface AuthenticationProvider

                    interface AuthenticationProvider {}
                    • A signature representing Authentication provider {Function} getAccessToken - The function to get the access token from the authentication provider

                    property getAccessToken

                    getAccessToken: (
                    authenticationProviderOptions?: AuthenticationProviderOptions
                    ) => Promise<string>;
                    • To get access token from the authentication provider

                      Parameter authenticationProviderOptions

                      The authentication provider options instance


                      A promise that resolves to an access token

                    interface AuthenticationProviderOptions

                    interface AuthenticationProviderOptions {}
                    • A signature represents the Authentication provider options {string[]} [scopes] - The array of scopes

                    property scopes

                    scopes?: string[];

                      interface BatchRequestBody

                      interface BatchRequestBody {}
                      • Signature representing batch request body {BatchRequestData[]} requests - Array of request data, a json representation of requests for batch

                      property requests

                      requests: BatchRequestData[];

                        interface BatchRequestData

                        interface BatchRequestData extends RequestData {}
                        • Signature representing batch request data {string} id - Unique identity for the request, Should not be an empty string {string[]} [dependsOn] - Array of dependencies

                        property dependsOn

                        dependsOn?: string[];

                          property id

                          id: string;

                            interface BatchRequestStep

                            interface BatchRequestStep {}
                            • Signature representing BatchRequestStep data {string} id - Unique identity for the request, Should not be an empty string {string[]} [dependsOn] - Array of dependencies {Request} request - The Request object

                            property dependsOn

                            dependsOn?: string[];

                              property id

                              id: string;

                                property request

                                request: Request;

                                  interface BatchResponseBody

                                  interface BatchResponseBody {}
                                  • Signature representing Batch response body {KeyValuePairObject[]} responses - An array of key value pair representing response object for every request {string} [@odata.nextLink] - The nextLink value to get next set of responses in case of asynchronous batch requests

                                  property "@odata.nextLink"

                                  '@odata.nextLink'?: string;

                                    property responses

                                    responses: KeyValuePairObject[];

                                      interface ClientOptions

                                      interface ClientOptions {}
                                      • Options for initializing the Graph Client {Function} [authProvider] - The authentication provider instance {string} [baseUrl] - Base url that needs to be appended to every request {boolean} [debugLogging] - The boolean to enable/disable debug logging {string} [defaultVersion] - The default version that needs to be used while making graph api request {FetchOptions} [fetchOptions] - The options for fetch request {Middleware| Middleware[]} [middleware] - The first middleware of the middleware chain or an array of the Middleware handlers {Set}[customHosts] - A set of custom host names. Should contain hostnames only.

                                      property authProvider

                                      authProvider?: AuthenticationProvider;

                                        property baseUrl

                                        baseUrl?: string;

                                          property customHosts

                                          customHosts?: Set<string>;
                                          • Example - If URL is "https://test_host/v1.0", then set property "customHosts" as "customHosts: Set(["test_host"])"

                                          property debugLogging

                                          debugLogging?: boolean;

                                            property defaultVersion

                                            defaultVersion?: string;

                                              property fetchOptions

                                              fetchOptions?: FetchOptions;

                                                property middleware

                                                middleware?: Middleware | Middleware[];

                                                  interface Context

                                                  interface Context {}
                                                  • {RequestInfo} request - The request url string or the Request instance {FetchOptions} [options] - The options for the request {Response} [response] - The response content {MiddlewareControl} [middlewareControl] - The options for the middleware chain {Set}[customHosts] - A set of custom host names. Should contain hostnames only.

                                                  property customHosts

                                                  customHosts?: Set<string>;
                                                  • Example - If URL is "https://test_host", then set property "customHosts" as "customHosts: Set(["test_host"])"

                                                  property middlewareControl

                                                  middlewareControl?: MiddlewareControl;

                                                    property options

                                                    options?: FetchOptions;

                                                      property request

                                                      request: RequestInfo;

                                                        property response

                                                        response?: Response;

                                                          interface FetchOptions

                                                          interface FetchOptions extends RequestInit, NodeFetchInit {}

                                                          interface FileObject

                                                          interface FileObject<T> {}
                                                          • Signature to define the properties and content of the file in upload task {ArrayBuffer | File} content - The actual file content {string} name - Specifies the file name with extension {number} size - Specifies size of the file

                                                          property content

                                                          content: T;

                                                            property name

                                                            name: string;

                                                              property size

                                                              size: number;

                                                                method sliceFile

                                                                sliceFile: (range: Range) => SliceType | Promise<SliceType>;

                                                                  interface GraphRequestOptions

                                                                  interface GraphRequestOptions {}
                                                                  • Signature to define the request options to be sent during request. The values of the GraphRequestOptions properties are passed to the Graph Request object. {HeadersInit} headers - the header options for the request {MiddlewareOptions[]} middlewareoptions - The middleware options for the request {FetchOptions} options - The fetch options for the request

                                                                  property headers

                                                                  headers?: HeadersInit;

                                                                    property middlewareOptions

                                                                    middlewareOptions?: MiddlewareOptions[];

                                                                      property options

                                                                      options?: FetchOptions;

                                                                        interface LargeFileUploadSession

                                                                        interface LargeFileUploadSession {}
                                                                        • Signature to represent upload session resulting from the session creation in the server {string} url - The URL to which the file upload is made {Date} expiry - The expiration of the time of the upload session

                                                                        property expiry

                                                                        expiry: Date;

                                                                          property isCancelled

                                                                          isCancelled?: boolean;

                                                                            property url

                                                                            url: string;

                                                                              interface LargeFileUploadTaskOptions

                                                                              interface LargeFileUploadTaskOptions {}
                                                                              • Signature to define options for upload task {number} [rangeSize = LargeFileUploadTask.DEFAULT_FILE_SIZE] - Specifies the range chunk size {UploadEventHandlers} uploadEventHandlers - UploadEventHandlers attached to an upload task

                                                                              property rangeSize

                                                                              rangeSize?: number;

                                                                                property uploadEventHandlers

                                                                                uploadEventHandlers?: UploadEventHandlers;

                                                                                  interface Middleware

                                                                                  interface Middleware {}
                                                                                  • {Function} execute - The method to execute the middleware {Function} [setNext] - A method to set the next middleware in the chain

                                                                                  property execute

                                                                                  execute: (context: Context) => Promise<void>;

                                                                                    property setNext

                                                                                    setNext?: (middleware: Middleware) => void;

                                                                                      interface MiddlewareOptions

                                                                                      interface MiddlewareOptions {}
                                                                                      • Signature representing the middleware options

                                                                                      interface NodeFetchInit

                                                                                      interface NodeFetchInit {}
                                                                                      • https://github.com/bitinn/node-fetch/#options Signature to define the fetch request options for node environment {number} [follow] - node-fetch option: maximum redirect count. 0 to not follow redirect {number} [compress] - node-fetch option: support gzip/deflate content encoding. false to disable {number} [size] - node-fetch option: maximum response body size in bytes. 0 to disable {any} [agent] - node-fetch option: HTTP(S).Agent instance, allows custom proxy, certificate, lookup, family etc. {number} [highWaterMark] - node-fetch option: maximum number of bytes to store in the internal buffer before ceasing to read from the underlying resource. {boolean} [insecureHTTPParser] - node-fetch option: use an insecure HTTP parser that accepts invalid HTTP headers when true.

                                                                                      property agent

                                                                                      agent?: any;

                                                                                        property compress

                                                                                        compress?: boolean;

                                                                                          property follow

                                                                                          follow?: number;

                                                                                            property highWaterMark

                                                                                            highWaterMark?: number;

                                                                                              property insecureHTTPParser

                                                                                              insecureHTTPParser?: boolean;

                                                                                                property size

                                                                                                size?: number;

                                                                                                  interface OneDriveLargeFileUploadOptions

                                                                                                  interface OneDriveLargeFileUploadOptions {}
                                                                                                  • Signature to define options when creating an upload task {string} fileName - Specifies the name of a file to be uploaded (with extension) {string} [fileDescription] - Specifies the description of the file to be uploaded {string} [path] - The path to which the file needs to be uploaded {number} [rangeSize] - Specifies the range chunk size {string} [conflictBehavior] - Conflict behaviour option {UploadEventHandlers} [uploadEventHandlers] - UploadEventHandlers attached to an upload task

                                                                                                  property conflictBehavior

                                                                                                  conflictBehavior?: string;

                                                                                                    property fileDescription

                                                                                                    fileDescription?: string;

                                                                                                      property fileName

                                                                                                      fileName: string;

                                                                                                        property path

                                                                                                        path?: string;

                                                                                                          property rangeSize

                                                                                                          rangeSize?: number;

                                                                                                            property uploadEventHandlers

                                                                                                            uploadEventHandlers?: UploadEventHandlers;

                                                                                                              property uploadSessionURL

                                                                                                              uploadSessionURL?: string;

                                                                                                                interface Options

                                                                                                                interface Options {}
                                                                                                                • Options for initializing the Graph Client {AuthProvider} authProvider - The function to get the authentication token {string} [baseUrl] - Base url that needs to be appended to every request {boolean} [debugLogging] - The boolean to enable/disable debug logging {string} [defaultVersion] - The default version that needs to be used while making graph api request {FetchOptions} [fetchOptions] - The options for fetch request {Set}[customHosts] - A set of custom host names. Should contain hostnames only.

                                                                                                                property authProvider

                                                                                                                authProvider: AuthProvider;

                                                                                                                  property baseUrl

                                                                                                                  baseUrl?: string;

                                                                                                                    property customHosts

                                                                                                                    customHosts?: Set<string>;
                                                                                                                    • Example - If URL is "https://test_host/v1.0", then set property "customHosts" as "customHosts: Set(["test_host"])"

                                                                                                                    property debugLogging

                                                                                                                    debugLogging?: boolean;

                                                                                                                      property defaultVersion

                                                                                                                      defaultVersion?: string;

                                                                                                                        property fetchOptions

                                                                                                                        fetchOptions?: FetchOptions;

                                                                                                                          interface PageCollection

                                                                                                                          interface PageCollection {}
                                                                                                                          • Signature representing PageCollection {any[]} value - The collection value {string} [@odata.nextLink] - The nextLink value {string} [@odata.deltaLink] - The deltaLink value {any} Additional - Any number of additional properties (This is to accept the any additional data returned by in the response to the nextLink request)

                                                                                                                          property "@odata.deltaLink"

                                                                                                                          '@odata.deltaLink'?: string;

                                                                                                                            property "@odata.nextLink"

                                                                                                                            '@odata.nextLink'?: string;

                                                                                                                              property value

                                                                                                                              value: any[];

                                                                                                                                index signature

                                                                                                                                [Key: string]: any;

                                                                                                                                  interface RequestData

                                                                                                                                  interface RequestData extends RequestInit {}

                                                                                                                                  property url

                                                                                                                                  url: string;

                                                                                                                                    interface UploadEventHandlers

                                                                                                                                    interface UploadEventHandlers {}
                                                                                                                                    • Interface enabling progress handling with callbacks.

                                                                                                                                    property extraCallbackParam

                                                                                                                                    extraCallbackParam?: unknown;
                                                                                                                                    • Parameters that are passed into the progress, completed, failure callback options.

                                                                                                                                    property progress

                                                                                                                                    progress?: (range?: Range, extraCallbackParam?: unknown) => void;
                                                                                                                                    • Callback function called on each slice upload during the LargeFileUploadTask.upload() process

                                                                                                                                    interface URLComponents

                                                                                                                                    interface URLComponents {}
                                                                                                                                    • Signature to define URL components http://graph.microsoft.com/VERSION/PATH?QUERYSTRING&OTHER_QUERY_PARAMS

                                                                                                                                      {string} host - The host to which the request needs to be made {string} version - Version of the graph endpoint {string} [path] - The path of the resource request {KeyValuePairObjectStringNumber} oDataQueryParams - The oData Query Params {KeyValuePairObjectStringNumber} otherURLQueryParams - The other query params for a request {string[]} otherURLQueryOptions - The non key-value query parameters. Example- '/me?$whatif'

                                                                                                                                    property host

                                                                                                                                    host: string;

                                                                                                                                      property oDataQueryParams

                                                                                                                                      oDataQueryParams: KeyValuePairObjectStringNumber;

                                                                                                                                        property otherURLQueryOptions

                                                                                                                                        otherURLQueryOptions?: string[];

                                                                                                                                          property otherURLQueryParams

                                                                                                                                          otherURLQueryParams: KeyValuePairObjectStringNumber;

                                                                                                                                            property path

                                                                                                                                            path?: string;

                                                                                                                                              property version

                                                                                                                                              version: string;


                                                                                                                                                enum ChaosStrategy

                                                                                                                                                enum ChaosStrategy {
                                                                                                                                                MANUAL = 0,
                                                                                                                                                RANDOM = 1,
                                                                                                                                                • Strategy used for Testing Handler

                                                                                                                                                member MANUAL

                                                                                                                                                MANUAL = 0

                                                                                                                                                  member RANDOM

                                                                                                                                                  RANDOM = 1

                                                                                                                                                    enum FeatureUsageFlag

                                                                                                                                                    enum FeatureUsageFlag {
                                                                                                                                                    NONE = 0,
                                                                                                                                                    REDIRECT_HANDLER_ENABLED = 1,
                                                                                                                                                    RETRY_HANDLER_ENABLED = 2,
                                                                                                                                                    AUTHENTICATION_HANDLER_ENABLED = 4,
                                                                                                                                                    • {number} NONE - The hexadecimal flag value for nothing enabled {number} REDIRECT_HANDLER_ENABLED - The hexadecimal flag value for redirect handler enabled {number} RETRY_HANDLER_ENABLED - The hexadecimal flag value for retry handler enabled {number} AUTHENTICATION_HANDLER_ENABLED - The hexadecimal flag value for the authentication handler enabled

                                                                                                                                                    member AUTHENTICATION_HANDLER_ENABLED

                                                                                                                                                    AUTHENTICATION_HANDLER_ENABLED = 4

                                                                                                                                                      member NONE

                                                                                                                                                      NONE = 0

                                                                                                                                                        member REDIRECT_HANDLER_ENABLED

                                                                                                                                                        REDIRECT_HANDLER_ENABLED = 1

                                                                                                                                                          member RETRY_HANDLER_ENABLED

                                                                                                                                                          RETRY_HANDLER_ENABLED = 2

                                                                                                                                                            enum ResponseType

                                                                                                                                                            enum ResponseType {
                                                                                                                                                            ARRAYBUFFER = 'arraybuffer',
                                                                                                                                                            BLOB = 'blob',
                                                                                                                                                            DOCUMENT = 'document',
                                                                                                                                                            JSON = 'json',
                                                                                                                                                            RAW = 'raw',
                                                                                                                                                            STREAM = 'stream',
                                                                                                                                                            TEXT = 'text',

                                                                                                                                                            member ARRAYBUFFER

                                                                                                                                                            ARRAYBUFFER = 'arraybuffer'

                                                                                                                                                              member BLOB

                                                                                                                                                              BLOB = 'blob'

                                                                                                                                                                member DOCUMENT

                                                                                                                                                                DOCUMENT = 'document'

                                                                                                                                                                  member JSON

                                                                                                                                                                  JSON = 'json'

                                                                                                                                                                    member RAW

                                                                                                                                                                    RAW = 'raw'

                                                                                                                                                                      member STREAM

                                                                                                                                                                      STREAM = 'stream'

                                                                                                                                                                        member TEXT

                                                                                                                                                                        TEXT = 'text'

                                                                                                                                                                          Type Aliases

                                                                                                                                                                          type AuthProvider

                                                                                                                                                                          type AuthProvider = (done: AuthProviderCallback) => void;
                                                                                                                                                                          • Signature that holds authProvider - The anonymous callback function which takes a single param

                                                                                                                                                                          type AuthProviderCallback

                                                                                                                                                                          type AuthProviderCallback = (error: any, accessToken: string | null) => void;
                                                                                                                                                                          • Signature that defines callback for an authentication provider - The anonymous callback function which takes two params

                                                                                                                                                                          type GraphRequestCallback

                                                                                                                                                                          type GraphRequestCallback = (
                                                                                                                                                                          error: GraphError,
                                                                                                                                                                          response: any,
                                                                                                                                                                          rawResponse?: any
                                                                                                                                                                          ) => void;
                                                                                                                                                                          • Signature to define the GraphRequest callback - The anonymous callback function

                                                                                                                                                                          type PageIteratorCallback

                                                                                                                                                                          type PageIteratorCallback = (data: any) => boolean;
                                                                                                                                                                          • Signature representing callback for page iterator {Function} callback - The callback function which should return boolean to continue the continue/stop the iteration.

                                                                                                                                                                          type ShouldRedirect

                                                                                                                                                                          type ShouldRedirect = (response: Response) => boolean;
                                                                                                                                                                          • A type declaration for shouldRetry callback

                                                                                                                                                                          type ShouldRetry

                                                                                                                                                                          type ShouldRetry = (
                                                                                                                                                                          delay: number,
                                                                                                                                                                          attempt: number,
                                                                                                                                                                          request: RequestInfo,
                                                                                                                                                                          options: FetchOptions | undefined,
                                                                                                                                                                          response: Response
                                                                                                                                                                          ) => boolean;
                                                                                                                                                                          • A type declaration for shouldRetry callback

                                                                                                                                                                          type SliceType

                                                                                                                                                                          type SliceType = ArrayBuffer | Blob | Uint8Array;
                                                                                                                                                                          • Representing the return type of the sliceFile function that is type of the slice of a given range.

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                                                                                                                                                                          No peer dependencies.


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