- Version 10.4.5
- Published
- 250 kB
- 19 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i @nestjs/cli
yarn add @nestjs/cli
pnpm add @nestjs/cli
Nest - modern, fast, powerful node.js web framework (@cli)
function exit
exit: () => never;
function retrieveCols
retrieveCols: () => number;
class AbstractAction
abstract class AbstractAction {}
method handle
abstract handle: ( inputs?: Input[], options?: Input[], extraFlags?: string[]) => Promise<void>;
class AddAction
class AddAction extends AbstractAction {}
method handle
handle: ( inputs: Input[], options: Input[], extraFlags: string[]) => Promise<void>;
class BuildAction
class BuildAction extends AbstractAction {}
property assetsManager
protected readonly assetsManager: AssetsManager;
property fileSystemReader
protected readonly fileSystemReader: FileSystemReader;
property loader
protected readonly loader: ConfigurationLoader;
property pluginsLoader
protected readonly pluginsLoader: PluginsLoader;
property tsConfigProvider
protected readonly tsConfigProvider: TsConfigProvider;
property tsLoader
protected readonly tsLoader: TypeScriptBinaryLoader;
method handle
handle: (commandInputs: Input[], commandOptions: Input[]) => Promise<void>;
method runBuild
runBuild: ( commandInputs: Input[], commandOptions: Input[], watchMode: boolean, watchAssetsMode: boolean, isDebugEnabled?: boolean, onSuccess?: () => void) => Promise<void>;
class GenerateAction
class GenerateAction extends AbstractAction {}
method handle
handle: (inputs: Input[], options: Input[]) => Promise<void>;
class InfoAction
class InfoAction extends AbstractAction {}
method buildNestVersionsMessage
buildNestVersionsMessage: ( dependencies: PackageJsonDependencies) => NestDependency[];
method buildNestVersionsWarningMessage
buildNestVersionsWarningMessage: ( nestDependencies: NestDependency[]) => NestDependencyWarnings;
method collectNestDependencies
collectNestDependencies: ( dependencies: PackageJsonDependencies) => NestDependency[];
method displayCliVersion
displayCliVersion: () => void;
method displayNestInformation
displayNestInformation: () => Promise<void>;
method displayNestInformationFromPackage
displayNestInformationFromPackage: () => Promise<void>;
method displayNestVersions
displayNestVersions: (dependencies: PackageJsonDependencies) => void;
method displayPackageManagerVersion
displayPackageManagerVersion: () => Promise<void>;
method displayWarningMessage
displayWarningMessage: (nestDependencies: NestDependency[]) => void;
method format
format: (dependencies: NestDependency[]) => NestDependency[];
method handle
handle: () => Promise<void>;
method readProjectPackageDependencies
readProjectPackageDependencies: () => PackageJsonDependencies;
method rightPad
rightPad: (name: string, length: number) => string;
class NewAction
class NewAction extends AbstractAction {}
method handle
handle: (inputs: Input[], options: Input[]) => Promise<void>;
class StartAction
class StartAction extends BuildAction {}
method createOnSuccessHook
createOnSuccessHook: ( entryFile: string, sourceRoot: string, debugFlag: boolean | string | undefined, outDirName: string, binaryToRun: string) => () => void;
method handle
handle: (commandInputs: Input[], commandOptions: Input[]) => Promise<void>;
Package Files (8)
Dependencies (19)
Dev Dependencies (24)
- @commitlint/cli
- @commitlint/config-angular
- @swc/cli
- @swc/core
- @types/inquirer
- @types/jest
- @types/node
- @types/node-emoji
- @types/webpack-node-externals
- @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin
- @typescript-eslint/parser
- delete-empty
- eslint
- eslint-config-prettier
- gulp
- gulp-clean
- husky
- jest
- lint-staged
- prettier
- release-it
- ts-jest
- ts-loader
- ts-node
Peer Dependencies (2)
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