- Version 11.0.9
- Published
- 454 kB
- 3 dependencies
- MIT license
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Nest - modern, fast, powerful node.js web framework (@common)
- All()
- applyDecorators()
- assignMetadata()
- Bind()
- Body()
- Catch()
- Controller()
- Copy()
- createParamDecorator()
- Delete()
- Dependencies()
- flatten()
- forwardRef()
- Get()
- Global()
- Head()
- Header()
- Headers()
- HostParam()
- HttpCode()
- Inject()
- Injectable()
- Ip()
- Lock()
- mixin()
- Mkcol()
- Module()
- Move()
- Next()
- Optional()
- Options()
- Param()
- Patch()
- Post()
- Propfind()
- Proppatch()
- Put()
- Query()
- RawBody()
- Redirect()
- Render()
- Req()
- Request()
- RequestMapping()
- Res()
- Response()
- Search()
- SerializeOptions()
- Session()
- SetMetadata()
- Sse()
- Unlock()
- UploadedFile()
- UploadedFiles()
- UseFilters()
- UseGuards()
- UseInterceptors()
- UsePipes()
- Version()
- colorize()
- context
- debug()
- error()
- fatal()
- formatContext()
- formatMessage()
- formatPid()
- formatTimestampDiff()
- getInspectOptions()
- getTimestamp()
- inspectOptions
- isLevelEnabled()
- lastTimestampAt
- log()
- options
- originalContext
- printAsJson()
- printMessages()
- printStackTrace()
- resetContext()
- setContext()
- setLogLevels()
- stringifyMessage()
- stringifyReplacer()
- updateAndGetTimestampDiff()
- verbose()
- warn()
- createExceptionFactory()
- errorHttpStatusCode
- exceptionFactory
- expectedType
- flattenValidationErrors()
- isDetailedOutputDisabled
- isPrimitive()
- isTransformEnabled
- loadTransformer()
- loadValidator()
- mapChildrenToValidationErrors()
- prependConstraintsWithParentProp()
- stripProtoKeys()
- toEmptyIfNil()
- toValidate()
- transform()
- transformOptions
- transformPrimitive()
- validate()
- validateCustomDecorators
- validatorOptions
- all()
- applyVersionFilter()
- close()
- copy()
- createMiddlewareFactory()
- delete()
- enableCors()
- end()
- get()
- getHttpServer()
- getInstance()
- getRequestHostname()
- getRequestMethod()
- getRequestUrl()
- getType()
- head()
- init()
- initHttpServer()
- isHeadersSent()
- listen()
- lock()
- mkcol()
- move()
- normalizePath()
- options()
- patch()
- post()
- propfind()
- proppatch()
- put()
- redirect()
- registerParserMiddleware()
- render()
- reply()
- search()
- setBaseViewsDir()
- setErrorHandler()
- setHeader()
- setNotFoundHandler()
- setViewEngine()
- status()
- unlock()
- use()
- useBodyParser()
- useStaticAssets()
- OK
Type Aliases
const VERSION_NEUTRAL: Symbol;
Indicates that this will work for any version passed in the request, or no version.
function All
All: (path?: string | string[]) => MethodDecorator;
Route handler (method) Decorator. Routes all HTTP requests to the specified path.
See Also
function applyDecorators
applyDecorators: ( ...decorators: Array<ClassDecorator | MethodDecorator | PropertyDecorator>) => <TFunction extends Function, Y>( target: object | TFunction, propertyKey?: string | symbol, descriptor?: TypedPropertyDescriptor<Y>) => void;
Function that returns a new decorator that applies all decorators provided by param
Useful to build new decorators (or a decorator factory) encapsulating multiple decorators related with the same feature
Parameter decorators
one or more decorators (e.g.,
function assignMetadata
assignMetadata: <TParamtype = any, TArgs = any>( args: TArgs, paramtype: TParamtype, index: number, data?: ParamData, ...pipes: (Type<PipeTransform> | PipeTransform)[]) => TArgs & { [x: string]: { index: number; data: ParamData | undefined; pipes: (PipeTransform<any, any> | Type<PipeTransform<any, any>>)[]; };};
function Bind
Bind: (...decorators: any[]) => MethodDecorator;
Decorator that binds *parameter decorators* to the method that follows.
Useful when the language doesn't provide a 'Parameter Decorator' feature (i.e., vanilla JavaScript).
Parameter decorators
one or more parameter decorators (e.g.,
function Body
Body: { (): ParameterDecorator; ( ...pipes: (PipeTransform<any, any> | Type<PipeTransform<any, any>>)[] ): ParameterDecorator; ( property: string, ...pipes: (PipeTransform<any, any> | Type<PipeTransform<any, any>>)[] ): ParameterDecorator;};
Route handler parameter decorator. Extracts the entire
object from thereq
object and populates the decorated parameter with the value ofbody
.For example:
async create(@Body() createDto: CreateCatDto)See Also
[Request object](https://docs.nestjs.com/controllers#request-object)
Route handler parameter decorator. Extracts the entire
object from thereq
object and populates the decorated parameter with the value ofbody
. Also applies the specified pipes to that parameter.For example:
async create(@Body(new ValidationPipe()) createDto: CreateCatDto)Parameter pipes
one or more pipes - either instances or classes - to apply to the bound body parameter.
See Also
[Request object](https://docs.nestjs.com/controllers#request-object)
[Working with pipes](https://docs.nestjs.com/custom-decorators#working-with-pipes)
Route handler parameter decorator. Extracts a single property from the
object property of thereq
object and populates the decorated parameter with the value of that property. Also applies pipes to the bound body parameter.For example:
async create(@Body('role', new ValidationPipe()) role: string)Parameter property
name of single property to extract from the
objectParameter pipes
one or more pipes - either instances or classes - to apply to the bound body parameter.
See Also
[Request object](https://docs.nestjs.com/controllers#request-object)
[Working with pipes](https://docs.nestjs.com/custom-decorators#working-with-pipes)
function Catch
Catch: (...exceptions: Array<Type<any> | Abstract<any>>) => ClassDecorator;
Decorator that marks a class as a Nest exception filter. An exception filter handles exceptions thrown by or not handled by your application code.
The decorated class must implement the
interface.Parameter exceptions
one or more exception *types* specifying the exceptions to be caught and handled by this filter.
See Also
[Exception Filters](https://docs.nestjs.com/exception-filters)
Exception filters are applied using the
decorator, or (globally) withapp.useGlobalFilters()
function Controller
Controller: { (): ClassDecorator; (prefix: string | string[]): ClassDecorator; (options: ControllerOptions): ClassDecorator;};
Decorator that marks a class as a Nest controller that can receive inbound requests and produce responses.
An HTTP Controller responds to inbound HTTP Requests and produces HTTP Responses. It defines a class that provides the context for one or more related route handlers that correspond to HTTP request methods and associated routes for example
GET /api/profile
,POST /users/resume
.A Microservice Controller responds to requests as well as events, running over a variety of transports [(read more here)](https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/basics). It defines a class that provides a context for one or more message or event handlers.
See Also
Decorator that marks a class as a Nest controller that can receive inbound requests and produce responses.
An HTTP Controller responds to inbound HTTP Requests and produces HTTP Responses. It defines a class that provides the context for one or more related route handlers that correspond to HTTP request methods and associated routes for example
GET /api/profile
,POST /users/resume
.A Microservice Controller responds to requests as well as events, running over a variety of transports [(read more here)](https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/basics). It defines a class that provides a context for one or more message or event handlers.
Parameter prefix
string that defines a
route path prefix
. The prefix is pre-pended to the path specified in any request decorator in the class.See Also
Decorator that marks a class as a Nest controller that can receive inbound requests and produce responses.
An HTTP Controller responds to inbound HTTP Requests and produces HTTP Responses. It defines a class that provides the context for one or more related route handlers that correspond to HTTP request methods and associated routes for example
GET /api/profile
,POST /users/resume
.A Microservice Controller responds to requests as well as events, running over a variety of transports [(read more here)](https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/basics). It defines a class that provides a context for one or more message or event handlers.
Parameter options
configuration object specifying:
- symbol that determines the lifetime of a Controller instance. [See Scope](https://docs.nestjs.com/fundamentals/injection-scopes#usage) for more details. -prefix
- string that defines aroute path prefix
. The prefix is pre-pended to the path specified in any request decorator in the class. -version
- string, array of strings, or Symbol that defines the version of all routes in the class. [See Versioning](https://docs.nestjs.com/techniques/versioning) for more details.See Also
function Copy
Copy: (path?: string | string[]) => MethodDecorator;
Route handler (method) Decorator. Routes Webdav COPY requests to the specified path.
See Also
function createParamDecorator
createParamDecorator: <FactoryData = any, FactoryOutput = any>( factory: CustomParamFactory<FactoryData, FactoryOutput>, enhancers?: ParamDecoratorEnhancer[]) => ( ...dataOrPipes: (Type<PipeTransform> | PipeTransform | FactoryData)[]) => ParameterDecorator;
Defines HTTP route param decorator
Parameter factory
Parameter enhancers
function Delete
Delete: (path?: string | string[]) => MethodDecorator;
Route handler (method) Decorator. Routes HTTP DELETE requests to the specified path.
See Also
function Dependencies
Dependencies: (...dependencies: Array<unknown>) => ClassDecorator;
Decorator that sets required dependencies (required with a vanilla JavaScript objects)
function flatten
flatten: <T extends unknown[] = any>( arr: T) => T extends (infer R)[] ? R : never;
function forwardRef
forwardRef: (fn: () => any) => ForwardReference;
function Get
Get: (path?: string | string[]) => MethodDecorator;
Route handler (method) Decorator. Routes HTTP GET requests to the specified path.
See Also
function Global
Global: () => ClassDecorator;
Decorator that makes a module global-scoped.
Once imported into any module, a global-scoped module will be visible in all modules. Thereafter, modules that wish to inject a service exported from a global module do not need to import the provider module.
See Also
[Global modules](https://docs.nestjs.com/modules#global-modules)
function Head
Head: (path?: string | string[]) => MethodDecorator;
Route handler (method) Decorator. Routes HTTP HEAD requests to the specified path.
See Also
function Header
Header: (name: string, value: string | (() => string)) => MethodDecorator;
Request method Decorator. Sets a response header.
For example:
@Header('Cache-Control', 'none')
@Header('Cache-Control', () => 'none')
Parameter name
string to be used for header name
Parameter value
string to be used for header value
See Also
function Headers
Headers: (property?: string) => ParameterDecorator;
Route handler parameter decorator. Extracts the
property from thereq
object and populates the decorated parameter with the value ofheaders
.For example:
async update(@Headers('Cache-Control') cacheControl: string)
Parameter property
name of single header property to extract.
See Also
[Request object](https://docs.nestjs.com/controllers#request-object)
function HostParam
HostParam: { (): ParameterDecorator; (property: string): ParameterDecorator };
Route handler parameter decorator. Extracts the
property from thereq
object and populates the decorated parameter with the value ofhosts
. May also apply pipes to the bound parameter.For example, extracting all params:
findOne(@HostParam() params: string[])For example, extracting a single param:
findOne(@HostParam('id') id: string)Parameter property
name of single property to extract from the
objectSee Also
[Request object](https://docs.nestjs.com/controllers#request-object)
function HttpCode
HttpCode: (statusCode: number) => MethodDecorator;
Request method Decorator. Defines the HTTP response status code. Overrides default status code for the decorated request method.
Parameter statusCode
HTTP response code to be returned by route handler.
See Also
[Http Status Codes](https://docs.nestjs.com/controllers#status-code)
function Inject
Inject: ( token?: InjectionToken | ForwardReference) => PropertyDecorator & ParameterDecorator;
Decorator that marks a constructor parameter as a target for [Dependency Injection (DI)](https://docs.nestjs.com/providers#dependency-injection).
Any injected provider must be visible within the module scope (loosely speaking, the containing module) of the class it is being injected into. This can be done by:
- defining the provider in the same module scope - exporting the provider from one module scope and importing that module into the module scope of the class being injected into - exporting the provider from a module that is marked as global using the
decorator#### Injection tokens Can be *types* (class names), *strings* or *symbols*. This depends on how the provider with which it is associated was defined. Providers defined with the
decorator use the class name. Custom Providers may use strings or symbols as the injection token.Parameter token
lookup key for the provider to be injected (assigned to the constructor parameter).
See Also
[Custom Providers](https://docs.nestjs.com/fundamentals/custom-providers)
[Injection Scopes](https://docs.nestjs.com/fundamentals/injection-scopes)
function Injectable
Injectable: (options?: InjectableOptions) => ClassDecorator;
Decorator that marks a class as a [provider](https://docs.nestjs.com/providers). Providers can be injected into other classes via constructor parameter injection using Nest's built-in [Dependency Injection (DI)](https://docs.nestjs.com/providers#dependency-injection) system.
When injecting a provider, it must be visible within the module scope (loosely speaking, the containing module) of the class it is being injected into. This can be done by:
- defining the provider in the same module scope - exporting the provider from one module scope and importing that module into the module scope of the class being injected into - exporting the provider from a module that is marked as global using the
decoratorProviders can also be defined in a more explicit and imperative form using various [custom provider](https://docs.nestjs.com/fundamentals/custom-providers) techniques that expose more capabilities of the DI system.
Parameter options
options specifying scope of injectable
See Also
[Custom Providers](https://docs.nestjs.com/fundamentals/custom-providers)
[Injection Scopes](https://docs.nestjs.com/fundamentals/injection-scopes)
function Ip
Ip: () => ParameterDecorator;
Route handler parameter decorator. Extracts the
property from thereq
object and populates the decorated parameter with the value ofip
.See Also
[Request object](https://docs.nestjs.com/controllers#request-object)
function Lock
Lock: (path?: string | string[]) => MethodDecorator;
Route handler (method) Decorator. Routes Webdav LOCK requests to the specified path.
See Also
function mixin
mixin: <T>(mixinClass: Type<T>) => Type<T>;
function Mkcol
Mkcol: (path?: string | string[]) => MethodDecorator;
Route handler (method) Decorator. Routes Webdav MKCOL requests to the specified path.
See Also
function Module
Module: (metadata: ModuleMetadata) => ClassDecorator;
Decorator that marks a class as a [module](https://docs.nestjs.com/modules).
Modules are used by Nest to organize the application structure into scopes. Controllers and Providers are scoped by the module they are declared in. Modules and their classes (Controllers and Providers) form a graph that determines how Nest performs [Dependency Injection (DI)](https://docs.nestjs.com/providers#dependency-injection).
Parameter metadata
module configuration metadata
See Also
function Move
Move: (path?: string | string[]) => MethodDecorator;
Route handler (method) Decorator. Routes Webdav MOVE requests to the specified path.
See Also
function Next
Next: () => ParameterDecorator;
Route handler parameter decorator. Extracts reference to the
function from the underlying platform and populates the decorated parameter with the value ofNext
function Optional
Optional: () => PropertyDecorator & ParameterDecorator;
Parameter decorator for an injected dependency marking the dependency as optional.
For example:
constructor(@Optional() @Inject('HTTP_OPTIONS')private readonly httpClient: T) {}See Also
[Optional providers](https://docs.nestjs.com/providers#optional-providers)
function Options
Options: (path?: string | string[]) => MethodDecorator;
Route handler (method) Decorator. Routes HTTP OPTIONS requests to the specified path.
See Also
function Param
Param: { (): ParameterDecorator; ( ...pipes: (PipeTransform<any, any> | Type<PipeTransform<any, any>>)[] ): ParameterDecorator; ( property: string, ...pipes: (PipeTransform<any, any> | Type<PipeTransform<any, any>>)[] ): ParameterDecorator;};
Route handler parameter decorator. Extracts the
property from thereq
object and populates the decorated parameter with the value ofparams
. May also apply pipes to the bound parameter.For example, extracting all params:
findOne(@Param() params: string[])For example, extracting a single param:
findOne(@Param('id') id: string)Parameter property
name of single property to extract from the
objectParameter pipes
one or more pipes - either instances or classes - to apply to the bound parameter.
See Also
[Request object](https://docs.nestjs.com/controllers#request-object)
[Working with pipes](https://docs.nestjs.com/custom-decorators#working-with-pipes)
function Patch
Patch: (path?: string | string[]) => MethodDecorator;
Route handler (method) Decorator. Routes HTTP PATCH requests to the specified path.
See Also
function Post
Post: (path?: string | string[]) => MethodDecorator;
Route handler (method) Decorator. Routes HTTP POST requests to the specified path.
See Also
function Propfind
Propfind: (path?: string | string[]) => MethodDecorator;
Route handler (method) Decorator. Routes Webdav PROPFIND requests to the specified path.
See Also
function Proppatch
Proppatch: (path?: string | string[]) => MethodDecorator;
Route handler (method) Decorator. Routes Webdav PROPPATCH requests to the specified path.
See Also
function Put
Put: (path?: string | string[]) => MethodDecorator;
Route handler (method) Decorator. Routes HTTP PUT requests to the specified path.
See Also
function Query
Query: { (): ParameterDecorator; ( ...pipes: (PipeTransform<any, any> | Type<PipeTransform<any, any>>)[] ): ParameterDecorator; ( property: string, ...pipes: (PipeTransform<any, any> | Type<PipeTransform<any, any>>)[] ): ParameterDecorator;};
Route handler parameter decorator. Extracts the
property from thereq
object and populates the decorated parameter with the value ofquery
. May also apply pipes to the bound query parameter.For example:
async find(@Query('user') user: string)Parameter property
name of single property to extract from the
objectParameter pipes
one or more pipes to apply to the bound query parameter
See Also
[Request object](https://docs.nestjs.com/controllers#request-object)
function RawBody
RawBody: { (): ParameterDecorator; ( ...pipes: (PipeTransform<any, any> | Type<PipeTransform<any, any>>)[] ): ParameterDecorator;};
Route handler parameter decorator. Extracts the
Buffer property from thereq
object and populates the decorated parameter with that value.For example:
async create(@RawBody() rawBody: Buffer | undefined)See Also
[Request object](https://docs.nestjs.com/controllers#request-object)
[Raw body](https://docs.nestjs.com/faq/raw-body)
Route handler parameter decorator. Extracts the
Buffer property from thereq
object and populates the decorated parameter with that value. Also applies pipes to the bound rawBody parameter.For example:
async create(@RawBody(new ValidationPipe()) rawBody: Buffer)Parameter pipes
one or more pipes - either instances or classes - to apply to the bound body parameter.
See Also
[Request object](https://docs.nestjs.com/controllers#request-object)
[Raw body](https://docs.nestjs.com/faq/raw-body)
[Working with pipes](https://docs.nestjs.com/custom-decorators#working-with-pipes)
function Redirect
Redirect: (url?: string, statusCode?: number) => MethodDecorator;
Redirects request to the specified URL.
function Render
Render: (template: string) => MethodDecorator;
Route handler method Decorator. Defines a template to be rendered by the controller.
For example:
Parameter template
name of the render engine template file
See Also
function Req
Req: () => ParameterDecorator;
function Request
Request: () => ParameterDecorator;
Route handler parameter decorator. Extracts the
object from the underlying platform and populates the decorated parameter with the value ofRequest
logout(@Request() req)
See Also
[Request object](https://docs.nestjs.com/controllers#request-object)
function RequestMapping
RequestMapping: (metadata?: RequestMappingMetadata) => MethodDecorator;
function Res
Res: (options?: ResponseDecoratorOptions) => ParameterDecorator;
function Response
Response: (options?: ResponseDecoratorOptions) => ParameterDecorator;
Route handler parameter decorator. Extracts the
object from the underlying platform and populates the decorated parameter with the value ofResponse
logout(@Response() res)
function Search
Search: (path?: string | string[]) => MethodDecorator;
Route handler (method) Decorator. Routes HTTP SEARCH requests to the specified path.
See Also
function SerializeOptions
SerializeOptions: ( options: ClassSerializerContextOptions) => import('../../decorators').CustomDecorator<string>;
function Session
Session: () => ParameterDecorator;
Route handler parameter decorator. Extracts the
object from the underlying platform and populates the decorated parameter with the value ofSession
.See Also
[Request object](https://docs.nestjs.com/controllers#request-object)
function SetMetadata
SetMetadata: <K = string, V = any>( metadataKey: K, metadataValue: V) => CustomDecorator<K>;
Decorator that assigns metadata to the class/function using the specified
.Requires two parameters: -
- a value defining the key under which the metadata is stored -value
- metadata to be associated withkey
This metadata can be reflected using the
@SetMetadata('roles', ['admin'])
See Also
function Sse
Sse: (path?: string) => MethodDecorator;
Declares this route as a Server-Sent-Events endpoint
function Unlock
Unlock: (path?: string | string[]) => MethodDecorator;
Route handler (method) Decorator. Routes Webdav UNLOCK requests to the specified path.
See Also
function UploadedFile
UploadedFile: { (): ParameterDecorator; ( ...pipes: (PipeTransform<any, any> | Type<PipeTransform<any, any>>)[] ): ParameterDecorator; ( fileKey?: string, ...pipes: (PipeTransform<any, any> | Type<PipeTransform<any, any>>)[] ): ParameterDecorator;};
Route handler parameter decorator. Extracts the
object and populates the decorated parameter with the value offile
. Used in conjunction with [multer middleware](https://github.com/expressjs/multer) for Express-based applications.For example:
uploadFile(@UploadedFile() file) {console.log(file);}See Also
[Request object](https://docs.nestjs.com/techniques/file-upload)
function UploadedFiles
UploadedFiles: { (): ParameterDecorator; ( ...pipes: (PipeTransform<any, any> | Type<PipeTransform<any, any>>)[] ): ParameterDecorator;};
Route handler parameter decorator. Extracts the
object and populates the decorated parameter with the value offiles
. Used in conjunction with [multer middleware](https://github.com/expressjs/multer) for Express-based applications.For example:
uploadFile(@UploadedFiles() files) {console.log(files);}See Also
[Request object](https://docs.nestjs.com/techniques/file-upload)
function UseFilters
UseFilters: ( ...filters: (ExceptionFilter | Function)[]) => MethodDecorator & ClassDecorator;
Decorator that binds exception filters to the scope of the controller or method, depending on its context.
is used at the controller level, the filter will be applied to every handler (method) in the controller.When
is used at the individual handler level, the filter will apply only to that specific method.Parameter filters
exception filter instance or class, or a list of exception filter instances or classes.
See Also
[Exception filters](https://docs.nestjs.com/exception-filters)
Exception filters can also be set up globally for all controllers and routes using
. [See here for details](https://docs.nestjs.com/exception-filters#binding-filters)
function UseGuards
UseGuards: ( ...guards: (CanActivate | Function)[]) => MethodDecorator & ClassDecorator;
Decorator that binds guards to the scope of the controller or method, depending on its context.
is used at the controller level, the guard will be applied to every handler (method) in the controller.When
is used at the individual handler level, the guard will apply only to that specific method.Parameter guards
a single guard instance or class, or a list of guard instances or classes.
See Also
Guards can also be set up globally for all controllers and routes using
. [See here for details](https://docs.nestjs.com/guards#binding-guards)
function UseInterceptors
UseInterceptors: ( ...interceptors: (NestInterceptor | Function)[]) => MethodDecorator & ClassDecorator;
Decorator that binds interceptors to the scope of the controller or method, depending on its context.
is used at the controller level, the interceptor will be applied to every handler (method) in the controller.When
is used at the individual handler level, the interceptor will apply only to that specific method.Parameter interceptors
a single interceptor instance or class, or a list of interceptor instances or classes.
See Also
Interceptors can also be set up globally for all controllers and routes using
. [See here for details](https://docs.nestjs.com/interceptors#binding-interceptors)
function UsePipes
UsePipes: ( ...pipes: (PipeTransform | Function)[]) => ClassDecorator & MethodDecorator;
Decorator that binds pipes to the scope of the controller or method, depending on its context.
is used at the controller level, the pipe will be applied to every handler (method) in the controller.When
is used at the individual handler level, the pipe will apply only to that specific method.Parameter pipes
a single pipe instance or class, or a list of pipe instances or classes.
See Also
Pipes can also be set up globally for all controllers and routes using
. [See here for details](https://docs.nestjs.com/pipes#class-validator)
function Version
Version: (version: VersionValue) => MethodDecorator;
Sets the version of the endpoint to the passed version
class BadGatewayException
class BadGatewayException extends HttpException {}
Defines an HTTP exception for *Bad Gateway* type errors.
See Also
[Built-in HTTP exceptions](https://docs.nestjs.com/exception-filters#built-in-http-exceptions)
constructor( objectOrError?: any, descriptionOrOptions?: string | HttpExceptionOptions);
Instantiate a
Exception.Parameter objectOrError
string or object describing the error condition.
Parameter descriptionOrOptions
either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause
Example 1
throw new BadGatewayException()
The HTTP response status code will be 502. - The
argument defines the JSON response body or the message string. - ThedescriptionOrOptions
argument contains either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause.By default, the JSON response body contains two properties: -
: this will be the value 502. -message
: the string'Bad Gateway'
by default; override this by supplying a string in theobjectOrError
parameter.If the parameter
is a string, the response body will contain an additional property,error
, with a short description of the HTTP error. To override the entire JSON response body, pass an object instead. Nest will serialize the object and return it as the JSON response body.
class BadRequestException
class BadRequestException extends HttpException {}
Defines an HTTP exception for *Bad Request* type errors.
See Also
[Built-in HTTP exceptions](https://docs.nestjs.com/exception-filters#built-in-http-exceptions)
constructor( objectOrError?: any, descriptionOrOptions?: string | HttpExceptionOptions);
Instantiate a
Exception.Parameter objectOrError
string or object describing the error condition.
Parameter descriptionOrOptions
either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause
Example 1
throw new BadRequestException()
The HTTP response status code will be 400. - The
argument defines the JSON response body or the message string. - ThedescriptionOrOptions
argument contains either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause.By default, the JSON response body contains two properties: -
: this will be the value 400. -message
: the string'Bad Request'
by default; override this by supplying a string in theobjectOrError
parameter.If the parameter
is a string, the response body will contain an additional property,error
, with a short description of the HTTP error. To override the entire JSON response body, pass an object instead. Nest will serialize the object and return it as the JSON response body.
class ClassSerializerInterceptor
class ClassSerializerInterceptor implements NestInterceptor {}
constructor(reflector: any, defaultOptions?: ClassSerializerInterceptorOptions);
property defaultOptions
protected readonly defaultOptions: ClassSerializerInterceptorOptions;
property reflector
protected readonly reflector: any;
method getContextOptions
protected getContextOptions: ( context: ExecutionContext) => ClassSerializerContextOptions | undefined;
method intercept
intercept: (context: ExecutionContext, next: CallHandler) => Observable<any>;
method serialize
serialize: ( response: PlainLiteralObject | Array<PlainLiteralObject>, options: ClassSerializerContextOptions) => PlainLiteralObject | Array<PlainLiteralObject>;
Serializes responses that are non-null objects nor streamable files.
method transformToPlain
transformToPlain: ( plainOrClass: any, options: ClassSerializerContextOptions) => PlainLiteralObject;
class ConfigurableModuleBuilder
class ConfigurableModuleBuilder< ModuleOptions, StaticMethodKey extends string = typeof DEFAULT_METHOD_KEY, FactoryClassMethodKey extends string = typeof DEFAULT_FACTORY_CLASS_METHOD_KEY, ExtraModuleDefinitionOptions = {}> {}
Factory that lets you create configurable modules and provides a way to reduce the majority of dynamic module boilerplate.
constructor( options?: ConfigurableModuleBuilderOptions, parentBuilder?: ConfigurableModuleBuilder< ModuleOptions, 'register', 'create', {} >);
property extras
protected extras: {};
property factoryClassMethodKey
protected factoryClassMethodKey: string;
property logger
protected readonly logger: Logger;
property options
protected readonly options: ConfigurableModuleBuilderOptions;
property staticMethodKey
protected staticMethodKey: string;
property transformModuleDefinition
protected transformModuleDefinition: ( definition: DynamicModule, extraOptions: ExtraModuleDefinitionOptions) => DynamicModule;
method build
build: () => ConfigurableModuleHost< ModuleOptions, StaticMethodKey, FactoryClassMethodKey, ExtraModuleDefinitionOptions>;
Returns an object consisting of multiple properties that lets you easily construct dynamic configurable modules. See "ConfigurableModuleHost" interface for more details.
method setClassMethodName
setClassMethodName: <StaticMethodKey extends string>( key: StaticMethodKey) => ConfigurableModuleBuilder< ModuleOptions, StaticMethodKey, FactoryClassMethodKey, ExtraModuleDefinitionOptions>;
Dynamic modules must expose public static methods that let you pass in configuration parameters (control the module's behavior from the outside). Some frequently used names that you may have seen in other modules are: "forRoot", "forFeature", "register", "configure".
This method "setClassMethodName" lets you specify the name of the method that will be auto-generated.
Parameter key
name of the method
method setExtras
setExtras: <ExtraModuleDefinitionOptions>( extras: ExtraModuleDefinitionOptions, transformDefinition?: ( definition: DynamicModule, extras: ExtraModuleDefinitionOptions ) => DynamicModule) => ConfigurableModuleBuilder< ModuleOptions, StaticMethodKey, FactoryClassMethodKey, ExtraModuleDefinitionOptions>;
Registers the "extras" object (a set of extra options that can be used to modify the dynamic module definition). Values you specify within the "extras" object will be used as default values (that can be overridden by module consumers).
This method also applies the so-called "module definition transform function" that takes the auto-generated dynamic module object ("DynamicModule") and the actual consumer "extras" object as input parameters. The "extras" object consists of values explicitly specified by module consumers and default values.
Example 1
.setExtras<{ isGlobal?: boolean }>({ isGlobal: false }, (definition, extras) =>({ ...definition, global: extras.isGlobal }))
method setFactoryMethodName
setFactoryMethodName: <FactoryClassMethodKey extends string>( key: FactoryClassMethodKey) => ConfigurableModuleBuilder< ModuleOptions, StaticMethodKey, FactoryClassMethodKey, ExtraModuleDefinitionOptions>;
Asynchronously configured modules (that rely on other modules, i.e. "ConfigModule") let you pass the configuration factory class that will be registered and instantiated as a provider. This provider then will be used to retrieve the module's configuration. To provide the configuration, the corresponding factory method must be implemented.
This method ("setFactoryMethodName") lets you control what method name will have to be implemented by the config factory (default is "create").
Parameter key
name of the method
class ConflictException
class ConflictException extends HttpException {}
Defines an HTTP exception for *Conflict* type errors.
See Also
[Built-in HTTP exceptions](https://docs.nestjs.com/exception-filters#built-in-http-exceptions)
constructor( objectOrError?: any, descriptionOrOptions?: string | HttpExceptionOptions);
Instantiate a
Exception.Parameter objectOrError
string or object describing the error condition.
Parameter descriptionOrOptions
either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause
Example 1
throw new ConflictException()
The HTTP response status code will be 409. - The
argument defines the JSON response body or the message string. - ThedescriptionOrOptions
argument contains either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause.By default, the JSON response body contains two properties: -
: this will be the value 409. -message
: the string'Conflict'
by default; override this by supplying a string in theobjectOrError
parameter.If the parameter
is a string, the response body will contain an additional property,error
, with a short description of the HTTP error. To override the entire JSON response body, pass an object instead. Nest will serialize the object and return it as the JSON response body.
class ConsoleLogger
class ConsoleLogger implements LoggerService {}
constructor(context: string);
constructor(options: ConsoleLoggerOptions);
constructor(context: string, options: ConsoleLoggerOptions);
property context
protected context?: string;
The context of the logger (can be set manually or automatically inferred).
property inspectOptions
protected inspectOptions: InspectOptions;
The options used for the "inspect" method.
property lastTimestampAt
protected static lastTimestampAt?: number;
The last timestamp at which the log message was printed.
property options
protected options: ConsoleLoggerOptions;
The options of the logger.
property originalContext
protected originalContext?: string;
The original context of the logger (set in the constructor).
method colorize
protected colorize: (message: string, logLevel: LogLevel) => string;
method debug
debug: { (message: any, context?: string): void; (message: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;};
Write a 'debug' level log, if the configured level allows for it. Prints to
with newline.
method error
error: { (message: any, stackOrContext?: string): void; (message: any, stack?: string, context?: string): void; (message: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;};
Write an 'error' level log, if the configured level allows for it. Prints to
with newline.
method fatal
fatal: { (message: any, context?: string): void; (message: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;};
Write a 'fatal' level log, if the configured level allows for it. Prints to
with newline.
method formatContext
protected formatContext: (context: string) => string;
method formatMessage
protected formatMessage: ( logLevel: LogLevel, message: unknown, pidMessage: string, formattedLogLevel: string, contextMessage: string, timestampDiff: string) => string;
method formatPid
protected formatPid: (pid: number) => string;
method formatTimestampDiff
protected formatTimestampDiff: (timestampDiff: number) => string;
method getInspectOptions
protected getInspectOptions: () => InspectOptions;
method getTimestamp
protected getTimestamp: () => string;
method isLevelEnabled
isLevelEnabled: (level: LogLevel) => boolean;
method log
log: { (message: any, context?: string): void; (message: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;};
Write a 'log' level log, if the configured level allows for it. Prints to
with newline.
method printAsJson
protected printAsJson: ( message: unknown, options: { context: string; logLevel: LogLevel; writeStreamType?: 'stdout' | 'stderr'; errorStack?: unknown; }) => void;
method printMessages
protected printMessages: ( messages: unknown[], context?: string, logLevel?: LogLevel, writeStreamType?: 'stdout' | 'stderr', errorStack?: unknown) => void;
method printStackTrace
protected printStackTrace: (stack: string) => void;
method resetContext
resetContext: () => void;
Resets the logger context to the value that was passed in the constructor.
method setContext
setContext: (context: string) => void;
Set logger context
Parameter context
method setLogLevels
setLogLevels: (levels: LogLevel[]) => void;
Set log levels
Parameter levels
log levels
method stringifyMessage
protected stringifyMessage: (message: unknown, logLevel: LogLevel) => any;
method stringifyReplacer
protected stringifyReplacer: (key: string, value: unknown) => unknown;
method updateAndGetTimestampDiff
protected updateAndGetTimestampDiff: () => string;
method verbose
verbose: { (message: any, context?: string): void; (message: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;};
Write a 'verbose' level log, if the configured level allows for it. Prints to
with newline.
method warn
warn: { (message: any, context?: string): void; (message: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;};
Write a 'warn' level log, if the configured level allows for it. Prints to
with newline.
class DefaultValuePipe
class DefaultValuePipe<T = any, R = any> implements PipeTransform<T, T | R> {}
Defines the built-in DefaultValue Pipe
See Also
[Built-in Pipes](https://docs.nestjs.com/pipes#built-in-pipes)
constructor(defaultValue: {});
property defaultValue
protected readonly defaultValue: {};
method transform
transform: (value?: T, _metadata?: ArgumentMetadata) => T | R;
class FileTypeValidator
class FileTypeValidator extends FileValidator<FileTypeValidatorOptions, IFile> {}
Defines the built-in FileType File Validator. It validates incoming files mime-type matching a string or a regular expression. Note that this validator uses a naive strategy to check the mime-type and could be fooled if the client provided a file with renamed extension. (for instance, renaming a 'malicious.bat' to 'malicious.jpeg'). To handle such security issues with more reliability, consider checking against the file's [magic-numbers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_number_%28programming%29)
See Also
[File Validators](https://docs.nestjs.com/techniques/file-upload#validators)
method buildErrorMessage
buildErrorMessage: (file?: IFile) => string;
method isValid
isValid: (file?: IFile) => boolean;
class FileValidator
abstract class FileValidator< TValidationOptions = Record<string, any>, TFile extends IFile = IFile> {}
Interface describing FileValidators, which can be added to a ParseFilePipe
See Also
constructor(validationOptions: {});
property validationOptions
protected readonly validationOptions: {};
method buildErrorMessage
abstract buildErrorMessage: (file: any) => string;
Builds an error message in case the validation fails.
Parameter file
the file from the request object
method isValid
abstract isValid: ( file?: TFile | TFile[] | Record<string, TFile[]>) => boolean | Promise<boolean>;
Indicates if this file should be considered valid, according to the options passed in the constructor.
Parameter file
the file from the request object
class ForbiddenException
class ForbiddenException extends HttpException {}
Defines an HTTP exception for *Forbidden* type errors.
See Also
[Built-in HTTP exceptions](https://docs.nestjs.com/exception-filters#built-in-http-exceptions)
constructor( objectOrError?: any, descriptionOrOptions?: string | HttpExceptionOptions);
Instantiate a
Exception.Parameter objectOrError
string or object describing the error condition.
Parameter descriptionOrOptions
either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause
Example 1
throw new ForbiddenException()
The HTTP response status code will be 403. - The
argument defines the JSON response body or the message string. - ThedescriptionOrOptions
argument contains either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause.By default, the JSON response body contains two properties: -
: this will be the value 403. -message
: the string'Forbidden'
by default; override this by supplying a string in theobjectOrError
parameter.If the parameter
is a string, the response body will contain an additional property,error
, with a short description of the HTTP error. To override the entire JSON response body, pass an object instead. Nest will serialize the object and return it as the JSON response body.
class GatewayTimeoutException
class GatewayTimeoutException extends HttpException {}
Defines an HTTP exception for *Gateway Timeout* type errors.
See Also
[Built-in HTTP exceptions](https://docs.nestjs.com/exception-filters#built-in-http-exceptions)
constructor( objectOrError?: any, descriptionOrOptions?: string | HttpExceptionOptions);
Instantiate a
Exception.Parameter objectOrError
string or object describing the error condition.
Parameter descriptionOrOptions
either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause
Example 1
throw new GatewayTimeoutException()
The HTTP response status code will be 504. - The
argument defines the JSON response body or the message string. - ThedescriptionOrOptions
argument contains either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause.By default, the JSON response body contains two properties: -
: this will be the value 504. -message
: the string'Gateway Timeout'
by default; override this by supplying a string in theobjectOrError
parameter.If the parameter
is a string, the response body will contain an additional property,error
, with a short description of the HTTP error. To override the entire JSON response body, pass an object instead. Nest will serialize the object and return it as the JSON response body.
class GoneException
class GoneException extends HttpException {}
Defines an HTTP exception for *Gone* type errors.
See Also
[Built-in HTTP exceptions](https://docs.nestjs.com/exception-filters#built-in-http-exceptions)
constructor( objectOrError?: any, descriptionOrOptions?: string | HttpExceptionOptions);
Instantiate a
Exception.Parameter objectOrError
string or object describing the error condition.
Parameter descriptionOrOptions
either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause
Example 1
throw new GoneException()
The HTTP response status code will be 410. - The
argument defines the JSON response body or the message string. - ThedescriptionOrOptions
argument contains either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause.By default, the JSON response body contains two properties: -
: this will be the value 410. -message
: the string'Gone'
by default; override this by supplying a string in theobjectOrError
parameter.If the parameter
is a string, the response body will contain an additional property,error
, with a short description of the HTTP error. To override the entire JSON response body, pass an object instead. Nest will serialize the object and return it as the JSON response body.
class HttpException
class HttpException extends IntrinsicException {}
Defines the base Nest HTTP exception, which is handled by the default Exceptions Handler.
See Also
[Built-in HTTP exceptions](https://docs.nestjs.com/exception-filters#built-in-http-exceptions)
constructor( response: string | Record<string, any>, status: number, options?: HttpExceptionOptions);
Instantiate a plain HTTP Exception.
Parameter response
string, object describing the error condition or the error cause.
Parameter status
HTTP response status code.
Parameter options
An object used to add an error cause.
Example 1
throw new HttpException('message', HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST) throw new HttpException('custom message', HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, { cause: new Error('Cause Error'), })
The constructor arguments define the response and the HTTP response status code. - The
argument (required) defines the JSON response body. alternatively, it can also be an error object that is used to define an error [cause](https://nodejs.org/en/blog/release/v16.9.0/#error-cause). - Thestatus
argument (required) defines the HTTP Status Code. - Theoptions
argument (optional) defines additional error options. Currently, it supports thecause
attribute, and can be used as an alternative way to specify the error cause:const error = new HttpException('description', 400, { cause: new Error() });
By default, the JSON response body contains two properties: -
: the Http Status Code. -message
: a short description of the HTTP error by default; override this by supplying a string in theresponse
parameter.To override the entire JSON response body, pass an object to the
method. Nest will serialize the object and return it as the JSON response body.The
argument is required, and should be a valid HTTP status code. Best practice is to use theHttpStatus
enum imported fromnestjs/common
property cause
cause: {};
Exception cause. Indicates the specific original cause of the error. It is used when catching and re-throwing an error with a more-specific or useful error message in order to still have access to the original error.
method createBody
static createBody: { ( nil: null | '', message: HttpExceptionBodyMessage, statusCode: number ): HttpExceptionBody; ( message: HttpExceptionBodyMessage, error: string, statusCode: number ): HttpExceptionBody; <Body extends Record<string, unknown>>(custom: Body): Body;};
method extractDescriptionAndOptionsFrom
static extractDescriptionAndOptionsFrom: ( descriptionOrOptions: string | HttpExceptionOptions) => DescriptionAndOptions;
Utility method used to extract the error description and httpExceptionOptions from the given argument. This is used by inheriting classes to correctly parse both options.
the error description and the httpExceptionOptions as an object.
method getDescriptionFrom
static getDescriptionFrom: ( descriptionOrOptions: string | HttpExceptionOptions) => string;
method getHttpExceptionOptionsFrom
static getHttpExceptionOptionsFrom: ( descriptionOrOptions: string | HttpExceptionOptions) => HttpExceptionOptions;
method getResponse
getResponse: () => string | object;
method getStatus
getStatus: () => number;
method initCause
initCause: () => void;
Configures error chaining support
See Also
method initMessage
initMessage: () => void;
method initName
initName: () => void;
class HttpVersionNotSupportedException
class HttpVersionNotSupportedException extends HttpException {}
Defines an HTTP exception for *Http Version Not Supported* type errors.
See Also
[Built-in HTTP exceptions](https://docs.nestjs.com/exception-filters#built-in-http-exceptions)
constructor( objectOrError?: any, descriptionOrOptions?: string | HttpExceptionOptions);
Instantiate a
Exception.Parameter objectOrError
string or object describing the error condition.
Parameter descriptionOrOptions
either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause
Example 1
throw new HttpVersionNotSupportedException()
The HTTP response status code will be 505. - The
argument defines the JSON response body or the message string. - ThedescriptionOrOptions
argument contains either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause.By default, the JSON response body contains two properties: -
: this will be the value 505. -message
: the string'HTTP Version Not Supported'
by default; override this by supplying a string in theobjectOrError
parameter.If the parameter
is a string, the response body will contain an additional property,error
, with a short description of the HTTP error. To override the entire JSON response body, pass an object instead. Nest will serialize the object and return it as the JSON response body.
class ImATeapotException
class ImATeapotException extends HttpException {}
Defines an HTTP exception for *ImATeapotException* type errors.
Any attempt to brew coffee with a teapot should result in the error code "418 I'm a teapot". The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.
See Also
[Built-in HTTP exceptions](https://docs.nestjs.com/exception-filters#built-in-http-exceptions)
constructor( objectOrError?: any, descriptionOrOptions?: string | HttpExceptionOptions);
Instantiate an
Exception.Parameter objectOrError
string or object describing the error condition.
Parameter descriptionOrOptions
either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause
Example 1
throw new ImATeapotException()
The HTTP response status code will be 418. - The
argument defines the JSON response body or the message string. - ThedescriptionOrOptions
argument contains either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause.By default, the JSON response body contains two properties: -
: this will be the value 418. -message
: the string"I'm a Teapot"
by default; override this by supplying a string in theobjectOrError
parameter.If the parameter
is a string, the response body will contain an additional property,error
, with a short description of the HTTP error. To override the entire JSON response body, pass an object instead. Nest will serialize the object and return it as the JSON response body.
class InternalServerErrorException
class InternalServerErrorException extends HttpException {}
Defines an HTTP exception for *Internal Server Error* type errors.
See Also
[Built-in HTTP exceptions](https://docs.nestjs.com/exception-filters#built-in-http-exceptions)
constructor( objectOrError?: any, descriptionOrOptions?: string | HttpExceptionOptions);
Instantiate an
Exception.Parameter objectOrError
string or object describing the error condition.
Parameter descriptionOrOptions
either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause
Example 1
throw new InternalServerErrorException()
The HTTP response status code will be 500. - The
argument defines the JSON response body or the message string. - ThedescriptionOrOptions
argument contains either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause.By default, the JSON response body contains two properties: -
: this will be the value 500. -message
: the string'Internal Server Error'
by default; override this by supplying a string in theobjectOrError
parameter.If the parameter
is a string, the response body will contain an additional property,error
, with a short description of the HTTP error. To override the entire JSON response body, pass an object instead. Nest will serialize the object and return it as the JSON response body.
class IntrinsicException
class IntrinsicException extends Error {}
Exception that represents an intrinsic error in the application. When thrown, the default exception filter will not log the error message.
class Logger
class Logger implements LoggerService {}
constructor(context: string);
constructor(context: string, options?: { timestamp?: boolean });
property context
protected context?: string;
property localInstance
readonly localInstance: LoggerService;
property localInstanceRef
protected localInstanceRef?: LoggerService;
property logBuffer
protected static logBuffer: LogBufferRecord[];
property logLevels
protected static logLevels?: LogLevel[];
property options
protected options: { timestamp?: boolean };
property staticInstanceRef
protected static staticInstanceRef?: LoggerService;
method attachBuffer
static attachBuffer: () => void;
Attach buffer. Turns on initialization logs buffering.
method debug
static debug: { (message: any, context?: string): void; (message: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;};
Write a 'debug' level log.
Write a 'debug' level log, if the configured level allows for it. Prints to
with newline.
method detachBuffer
static detachBuffer: () => void;
Detach buffer. Turns off initialization logs buffering.
method error
static error: { (message: any, stackOrContext?: string): void; (message: any, context?: string): void; (message: any, stack?: string, context?: string): void; (message: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;};
Write an 'error' level log.
method fatal
static fatal: { (message: any, context?: string): void; (message: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;};
Write a 'fatal' level log.
method flush
static flush: () => void;
Print buffered logs and detach buffer.
method getTimestamp
static getTimestamp: () => string;
method isLevelEnabled
static isLevelEnabled: (level: LogLevel) => boolean;
method log
static log: { (message: any, context?: string): void; (message: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;};
Write a 'log' level log.
method overrideLogger
static overrideLogger: (logger: LoggerService | LogLevel[] | boolean) => any;
method verbose
static verbose: { (message: any, context?: string): void; (message: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;};
Write a 'verbose' level log.
method warn
static warn: { (message: any, context?: string): void; (message: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;};
Write a 'warn' level log.
class MaxFileSizeValidator
class MaxFileSizeValidator extends FileValidator< MaxFileSizeValidatorOptions, IFile> {}
Defines the built-in MaxSize File Validator
See Also
[File Validators](https://docs.nestjs.com/techniques/file-upload#file-validation)
method buildErrorMessage
buildErrorMessage: (file?: IFile) => string;
method isValid
isValid: (file?: IFile) => boolean;
class MethodNotAllowedException
class MethodNotAllowedException extends HttpException {}
Defines an HTTP exception for *Method Not Allowed* type errors.
See Also
[Built-in HTTP exceptions](https://docs.nestjs.com/exception-filters#built-in-http-exceptions)
constructor( objectOrError?: any, descriptionOrOptions?: string | HttpExceptionOptions);
Instantiate a
Exception.Parameter objectOrError
string or object describing the error condition.
Parameter descriptionOrOptions
either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause
Example 1
throw new MethodNotAllowedException()
The HTTP response status code will be 405. - The
argument defines the JSON response body or the message string. - ThedescriptionOrOptions
argument contains either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause.By default, the JSON response body contains two properties: -
: this will be the value 405. -message
: the string'Method Not Allowed'
by default; override this by supplying a string in theobjectOrError
parameter.If the parameter
is a string, the response body will contain an additional property,error
, with a short description of the HTTP error. To override the entire JSON response body, pass an object instead. Nest will serialize the object and return it as the JSON response body.
class MisdirectedException
class MisdirectedException extends HttpException {}
Defines an HTTP exception for *Misdirected* type errors.
See Also
[Built-in HTTP exceptions](https://docs.nestjs.com/exception-filters#built-in-http-exceptions)
constructor( objectOrError?: any, descriptionOrOptions?: string | HttpExceptionOptions);
Instantiate a
Exception.Parameter objectOrError
string or object describing the error condition.
Parameter descriptionOrOptions
either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause
Example 1
throw new MisdirectedException()
The HTTP response status code will be 421. - The
argument defines the JSON response body or the message string. - ThedescriptionOrOptions
argument contains either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause.By default, the JSON response body contains two properties: -
: this will be the value 421. -message
: the string'Bad Gateway'
by default; override this by supplying a string in theobjectOrError
parameter.If the parameter
is a string, the response body will contain an additional property,error
, with a short description of the HTTP error. To override the entire JSON response body, pass an object instead. Nest will serialize the object and return it as the JSON response body.
class NotAcceptableException
class NotAcceptableException extends HttpException {}
Defines an HTTP exception for *Not Acceptable* type errors.
See Also
[Built-in HTTP exceptions](https://docs.nestjs.com/exception-filters#built-in-http-exceptions)
constructor( objectOrError?: any, descriptionOrOptions?: string | HttpExceptionOptions);
Instantiate a
Exception.Parameter objectOrError
string or object describing the error condition.
Parameter descriptionOrOptions
either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause
Example 1
throw new NotAcceptableException()
The HTTP response status code will be 406. - The
argument defines the JSON response body or the message string. - ThedescriptionOrOptions
argument contains either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause.By default, the JSON response body contains two properties: -
: this will be the value 406. -error
: the string'Not Acceptable'
by default; override this by supplying a string in theerror
parameter.If the parameter
is a string, the response body will contain an additional property,error
, with a short description of the HTTP error. To override the entire JSON response body, pass an object instead. Nest will serialize the object and return it as the JSON response body.
class NotFoundException
class NotFoundException extends HttpException {}
Defines an HTTP exception for *Not Found* type errors.
See Also
[Built-in HTTP exceptions](https://docs.nestjs.com/exception-filters#built-in-http-exceptions)
constructor( objectOrError?: any, descriptionOrOptions?: string | HttpExceptionOptions);
Instantiate a
Exception.Parameter objectOrError
string or object describing the error condition.
Parameter descriptionOrOptions
either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause
Example 1
throw new NotFoundException()
The HTTP response status code will be 404. - The
argument defines the JSON response body or the message string. - ThedescriptionOrOptions
argument contains either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause.By default, the JSON response body contains two properties: -
: this will be the value 404. -message
: the string'Not Found'
by default; override this by supplying a string in theobjectOrError
parameter.If the parameter
is a string, the response body will contain an additional property,error
, with a short description of the HTTP error. To override the entire JSON response body, pass an object instead. Nest will serialize the object and return it as the JSON response body.
class NotImplementedException
class NotImplementedException extends HttpException {}
Defines an HTTP exception for *Not Implemented* type errors.
See Also
[Built-in HTTP exceptions](https://docs.nestjs.com/exception-filters#built-in-http-exceptions)
constructor( objectOrError?: any, descriptionOrOptions?: string | HttpExceptionOptions);
Instantiate a
Exception.Parameter descriptionOrOptions
either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause
Parameter error
a short description of the HTTP error.
Example 1
throw new NotImplementedException()
The HTTP response status code will be 501. - The
argument defines the JSON response body or the message string. - ThedescriptionOrOptions
argument contains either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause.By default, the JSON response body contains two properties: -
: this will be the value 501. -message
: the string'Not Implemented'
by default; override this by supplying a string in theobjectOrError
parameter.If the parameter
is a string, the response body will contain an additional property,error
, with a short description of the HTTP error. To override the entire JSON response body, pass an object instead. Nest will serialize the object and return it as the JSON response body.
class ParseArrayPipe
class ParseArrayPipe implements PipeTransform {}
Defines the built-in ParseArray Pipe
See Also
[Built-in Pipes](https://docs.nestjs.com/pipes#built-in-pipes)
constructor(options?: ParseArrayOptions);
property exceptionFactory
protected exceptionFactory: (error: string) => any;
property options
protected readonly options: ParseArrayOptions;
property validationPipe
protected readonly validationPipe: ValidationPipe;
method isExpectedTypePrimitive
protected isExpectedTypePrimitive: () => boolean;
method transform
transform: (value: any, metadata: ArgumentMetadata) => Promise<any>;
Method that accesses and performs optional transformation on argument for in-flight requests.
Parameter value
currently processed route argument
Parameter metadata
contains metadata about the currently processed route argument
method validatePrimitive
protected validatePrimitive: (originalValue: any, index?: number) => any;
class ParseBoolPipe
class ParseBoolPipe implements PipeTransform<string | boolean, Promise<boolean>> {}
Defines the built-in ParseBool Pipe
See Also
[Built-in Pipes](https://docs.nestjs.com/pipes#built-in-pipes)
constructor(options?: ParseBoolPipeOptions);
property exceptionFactory
protected exceptionFactory: (error: string) => any;
property options
protected readonly options?: ParseBoolPipeOptions;
method isFalse
protected isFalse: (value: string | boolean) => boolean;
Parameter value
currently processed route argument
is said 'false', ie., if it is equal to the booleanfalse
or the string"false"
method isTrue
protected isTrue: (value: string | boolean) => boolean;
Parameter value
currently processed route argument
is said 'true', ie., if it is equal to the booleantrue
or the string"true"
method transform
transform: ( value: string | boolean, metadata: ArgumentMetadata) => Promise<boolean>;
Method that accesses and performs optional transformation on argument for in-flight requests.
Parameter value
currently processed route argument
Parameter metadata
contains metadata about the currently processed route argument
class ParseDatePipe
class ParseDatePipe implements PipeTransform<string | number | undefined | null> {}
constructor(options?: ParseDatePipeOptions);
property exceptionFactory
protected exceptionFactory: (error: string) => any;
method transform
transform: ( value: string | number | undefined | null) => Date | null | undefined;
Method that accesses and performs optional transformation on argument for in-flight requests.
Parameter value
currently processed route argument
Parameter metadata
contains metadata about the currently processed route argument
class ParseEnumPipe
class ParseEnumPipe<T = any> implements PipeTransform<T> {}
Defines the built-in ParseEnum Pipe
See Also
[Built-in Pipes](https://docs.nestjs.com/pipes#built-in-pipes)
constructor(enumType: {}, options?: ParseEnumPipeOptions);
property enumType
protected readonly enumType: {};
property exceptionFactory
protected exceptionFactory: (error: string) => any;
property options
protected readonly options?: ParseEnumPipeOptions;
method isEnum
protected isEnum: (value: T) => boolean;
method transform
transform: (value: T, metadata: ArgumentMetadata) => Promise<T>;
Method that accesses and performs optional transformation on argument for in-flight requests.
Parameter value
currently processed route argument
Parameter metadata
contains metadata about the currently processed route argument
class ParseFilePipe
class ParseFilePipe implements PipeTransform<any> {}
Defines the built-in ParseFile Pipe. This pipe can be used to validate incoming files with
decorator. You can use either other specific built-in validators or provide one of your own, simply implementing it through FileValidator interface and adding it to ParseFilePipe's constructor.See Also
[Built-in Pipes](https://docs.nestjs.com/pipes#built-in-pipes)
constructor(options?: ParseFileOptions);
property exceptionFactory
protected exceptionFactory: (error: string) => any;
method getValidators
getValidators: () => FileValidator< Record<string, any>, import('./interfaces').IFile>[];
list of validators used in this pipe.
method transform
transform: (value: any) => Promise<any>;
method validate
protected validate: (file: any) => Promise<any>;
class ParseFilePipeBuilder
class ParseFilePipeBuilder {}
method addFileTypeValidator
addFileTypeValidator: (options: FileTypeValidatorOptions) => this;
method addMaxSizeValidator
addMaxSizeValidator: (options: MaxFileSizeValidatorOptions) => this;
method addValidator
addValidator: (validator: FileValidator) => this;
method build
build: ( additionalOptions?: Omit<ParseFileOptions, 'validators'>) => ParseFilePipe;
class ParseFloatPipe
class ParseFloatPipe implements PipeTransform<string> {}
Defines the built-in ParseFloat Pipe
See Also
[Built-in Pipes](https://docs.nestjs.com/pipes#built-in-pipes)
constructor(options?: ParseFloatPipeOptions);
property exceptionFactory
protected exceptionFactory: (error: string) => any;
property options
protected readonly options?: ParseFloatPipeOptions;
method isNumeric
protected isNumeric: (value: string) => boolean;
Parameter value
currently processed route argument
is a valid float number
method transform
transform: (value: string, metadata: ArgumentMetadata) => Promise<number>;
Method that accesses and performs optional transformation on argument for in-flight requests.
Parameter value
currently processed route argument
Parameter metadata
contains metadata about the currently processed route argument
class ParseIntPipe
class ParseIntPipe implements PipeTransform<string> {}
Defines the built-in ParseInt Pipe
See Also
[Built-in Pipes](https://docs.nestjs.com/pipes#built-in-pipes)
constructor(options?: ParseIntPipeOptions);
property exceptionFactory
protected exceptionFactory: (error: string) => any;
property options
protected readonly options?: ParseIntPipeOptions;
method isNumeric
protected isNumeric: (value: string) => boolean;
Parameter value
currently processed route argument
is a valid integer number
method transform
transform: (value: string, metadata: ArgumentMetadata) => Promise<number>;
Method that accesses and performs optional transformation on argument for in-flight requests.
Parameter value
currently processed route argument
Parameter metadata
contains metadata about the currently processed route argument
class ParseUUIDPipe
class ParseUUIDPipe implements PipeTransform<string> {}
Defines the built-in ParseUUID Pipe
See Also
[Built-in Pipes](https://docs.nestjs.com/pipes#built-in-pipes)
constructor(options?: ParseUUIDPipeOptions);
property exceptionFactory
protected exceptionFactory: (errors: string) => any;
property options
protected readonly options?: ParseUUIDPipeOptions;
property uuidRegExps
protected static uuidRegExps: { 3: RegExp; 4: RegExp; 5: RegExp; 7: RegExp; all: RegExp;};
method isUUID
protected isUUID: (str: unknown, version?: string) => any;
method transform
transform: (value: string, metadata: ArgumentMetadata) => Promise<string>;
class PayloadTooLargeException
class PayloadTooLargeException extends HttpException {}
Defines an HTTP exception for *Payload Too Large* type errors.
See Also
[Built-in HTTP exceptions](https://docs.nestjs.com/exception-filters#built-in-http-exceptions)
constructor( objectOrError?: any, descriptionOrOptions?: string | HttpExceptionOptions);
Instantiate a
Exception.Parameter objectOrError
string or object describing the error condition.
Parameter descriptionOrOptions
either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause
Example 1
throw new PayloadTooLargeException()
The HTTP response status code will be 413. - The
argument defines the JSON response body or the message string. - ThedescriptionOrOptions
argument contains either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause.By default, the JSON response body contains two properties: -
: this will be the value 413. -message
: the string'Payload Too Large'
by default; override this by supplying a string in theobjectOrError
parameter.If the parameter
is a string, the response body will contain an additional property,error
, with a short description of the HTTP error. To override the entire JSON response body, pass an object instead. Nest will serialize the object and return it as the JSON response body.
class PreconditionFailedException
class PreconditionFailedException extends HttpException {}
Defines an HTTP exception for *Precondition Failed* type errors.
See Also
[Built-in HTTP exceptions](https://docs.nestjs.com/exception-filters#built-in-http-exceptions)
constructor( objectOrError?: any, descriptionOrOptions?: string | HttpExceptionOptions);
Instantiate a
Exception.Parameter objectOrError
string or object describing the error condition.
Parameter descriptionOrOptions
either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause
Example 1
throw new PreconditionFailedException()
The HTTP response status code will be 412. - The
argument defines the JSON response body or the message string. - ThedescriptionOrOptions
argument contains either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause.By default, the JSON response body contains two properties: -
: this will be the value 412. -message
: the string'Precondition Failed'
by default; override this by supplying a string in theobjectOrError
parameter.If the parameter
is a string, the response body will contain an additional property,error
, with a short description of the HTTP error. To override the entire JSON response body, pass an object instead. Nest will serialize the object and return it as the JSON response body.
class RequestTimeoutException
class RequestTimeoutException extends HttpException {}
Defines an HTTP exception for *Request Timeout* type errors.
See Also
[Built-in HTTP exceptions](https://docs.nestjs.com/exception-filters#built-in-http-exceptions)
constructor( objectOrError?: any, descriptionOrOptions?: string | HttpExceptionOptions);
Instantiate a
Exception.Parameter objectOrError
string or object describing the error condition.
Parameter descriptionOrOptions
either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause
Example 1
throw new RequestTimeoutException()
The HTTP response status code will be 408. - The
argument defines the JSON response body or the message string. - ThedescriptionOrOptions
argument contains either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause.By default, the JSON response body contains two properties: -
: this will be the value 408. -message
: the string'Request Timeout'
by default; override this by supplying a string in theobjectOrError
parameter.If the parameter
is a string, the response body will contain an additional property,error
, with a short description of the HTTP error. To override the entire JSON response body, pass an object instead. Nest will serialize the object and return it as the JSON response body.
class ServiceUnavailableException
class ServiceUnavailableException extends HttpException {}
Defines an HTTP exception for *Service Unavailable* type errors.
See Also
[Built-in HTTP exceptions](https://docs.nestjs.com/exception-filters#built-in-http-exceptions)
constructor( objectOrError?: any, descriptionOrOptions?: string | HttpExceptionOptions);
Instantiate a
Exception.Parameter objectOrError
string or object describing the error condition.
Parameter descriptionOrOptions
either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause
Example 1
throw new ServiceUnavailableException()
The HTTP response status code will be 503. - The
argument defines the JSON response body or the message string. - ThedescriptionOrOptions
argument contains either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause.By default, the JSON response body contains two properties: -
: this will be the value 503. -message
: the string'Service Unavailable'
by default; override this by supplying a string in theobjectOrError
parameter.If the parameter
is a string, the response body will contain an additional property,error
, with a short description of the HTTP error. To override the entire JSON response body, pass an object instead. Nest will serialize the object and return it as the JSON response body.
class StreamableFile
class StreamableFile {}
See Also
[Streaming files](https://docs.nestjs.com/techniques/streaming-files)
constructor(buffer: Uint8Array, options?: StreamableFileOptions);
constructor(readable: Readable, options?: StreamableFileOptions);
property errorHandler
readonly errorHandler: (err: Error, response: StreamableHandlerResponse) => void;
property errorLogger
readonly errorLogger: (err: Error) => void;
property handleError
protected handleError: (err: Error, response: StreamableHandlerResponse) => void;
property logError
protected logError: (err: Error) => void;
property logger
protected logger: Logger;
property options
readonly options: StreamableFileOptions;
method getHeaders
getHeaders: () => { type: string; disposition: string | undefined; length: number | undefined;};
method getStream
getStream: () => Readable;
method setErrorHandler
setErrorHandler: ( handler: (err: Error, response: StreamableHandlerResponse) => void) => this;
method setErrorLogger
setErrorLogger: (handler: (err: Error) => void) => this;
class UnauthorizedException
class UnauthorizedException extends HttpException {}
Defines an HTTP exception for *Unauthorized* type errors.
See Also
[Built-in HTTP exceptions](https://docs.nestjs.com/exception-filters#built-in-http-exceptions)
constructor( objectOrError?: any, descriptionOrOptions?: string | HttpExceptionOptions);
Instantiate an
Exception.Parameter objectOrError
string or object describing the error condition.
Parameter descriptionOrOptions
either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause
Example 1
throw new UnauthorizedException()
The HTTP response status code will be 401. - The
argument defines the JSON response body or the message string. - ThedescriptionOrOptions
argument contains either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause.By default, the JSON response body contains two properties: -
: this will be the value 401. -message
: the string'Unauthorized'
by default; override this by supplying a string in theobjectOrError
parameter.If the parameter
is a string, the response body will contain an additional property,error
, with a short description of the HTTP error. To override the entire JSON response body, pass an object instead. Nest will serialize the object and return it as the JSON response body.
class UnprocessableEntityException
class UnprocessableEntityException extends HttpException {}
Defines an HTTP exception for *Unprocessable Entity* type errors.
See Also
[Built-in HTTP exceptions](https://docs.nestjs.com/exception-filters#built-in-http-exceptions)
constructor( objectOrError?: any, descriptionOrOptions?: string | HttpExceptionOptions);
Instantiate an
Exception.Parameter objectOrError
string or object describing the error condition.
Parameter descriptionOrOptions
either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause
Example 1
throw new UnprocessableEntityException()
The HTTP response status code will be 422. - The
argument defines the JSON response body or the message string. - ThedescriptionOrOptions
argument contains either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause.By default, the JSON response body contains two properties: -
: this will be the value 422. -message
: the string'Unprocessable Entity'
by default; override this by supplying a string in theobjectOrError
parameter.If the parameter
is a string, the response body will contain an additional property,error
, with a short description of the HTTP error. To override the entire JSON response body, pass an object instead. Nest will serialize the object and return it as the JSON response body.
class UnsupportedMediaTypeException
class UnsupportedMediaTypeException extends HttpException {}
Defines an HTTP exception for *Unsupported Media Type* type errors.
See Also
[Built-in HTTP exceptions](https://docs.nestjs.com/exception-filters#built-in-http-exceptions)
constructor( objectOrError?: any, descriptionOrOptions?: string | HttpExceptionOptions);
Instantiate an
Exception.Parameter objectOrError
string or object describing the error condition.
Parameter descriptionOrOptions
either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause
Example 1
throw new UnsupportedMediaTypeException()
The HTTP response status code will be 415. - The
argument defines the JSON response body or the message string. - ThedescriptionOrOptions
argument contains either a short description of the HTTP error or an options object used to provide an underlying error cause.By default, the JSON response body contains two properties: -
: this will be the value 415. -message
: the string'Unsupported Media Type'
by default; override this by supplying a string in theobjectOrError
parameter.If the parameter
is a string, the response body will contain an additional property,error
, with a short description of the HTTP error. To override the entire JSON response body, pass an object instead. Nest will serialize the object and return it as the JSON response body.
class ValidationPipe
class ValidationPipe implements PipeTransform<any> {}
See Also
constructor(options?: ValidationPipeOptions);
property errorHttpStatusCode
protected errorHttpStatusCode: ErrorHttpStatusCode;
property exceptionFactory
protected exceptionFactory: (errors: ValidationError[]) => any;
property expectedType
protected expectedType: Type<any>;
property isDetailedOutputDisabled
protected isDetailedOutputDisabled?: boolean;
property isTransformEnabled
protected isTransformEnabled: boolean;
property transformOptions
protected transformOptions: ClassTransformOptions;
property validateCustomDecorators
protected validateCustomDecorators: boolean;
property validatorOptions
protected validatorOptions: ValidatorOptions;
method createExceptionFactory
createExceptionFactory: () => (validationErrors?: ValidationError[]) => unknown;
method flattenValidationErrors
protected flattenValidationErrors: ( validationErrors: ValidationError[]) => string[];
method isPrimitive
protected isPrimitive: (value: unknown) => boolean;
method loadTransformer
protected loadTransformer: ( transformerPackage?: TransformerPackage) => TransformerPackage;
method loadValidator
protected loadValidator: ( validatorPackage?: ValidatorPackage) => ValidatorPackage;
method mapChildrenToValidationErrors
protected mapChildrenToValidationErrors: ( error: ValidationError, parentPath?: string) => ValidationError[];
method prependConstraintsWithParentProp
protected prependConstraintsWithParentProp: ( parentPath: string, error: ValidationError) => ValidationError;
method stripProtoKeys
protected stripProtoKeys: (value: any) => void;
method toEmptyIfNil
protected toEmptyIfNil: <T = any, R = T>( value: T, metatype: Type<unknown> | object) => R | object | string;
method toValidate
protected toValidate: (metadata: ArgumentMetadata) => boolean;
method transform
transform: (value: any, metadata: ArgumentMetadata) => Promise<any>;
method transformPrimitive
protected transformPrimitive: (value: any, metadata: ArgumentMetadata) => any;
method validate
protected validate: ( object: object, validatorOptions?: ValidatorOptions) => Promise<ValidationError[]> | ValidationError[];
interface ArgumentMetadata
interface ArgumentMetadata {}
Interface describing a pipe implementation's
method metadata argument.See Also
property data
readonly data?: string | undefined;
String passed as an argument to the decorator. Example:
would yielduserId
property metatype
readonly metatype?: Type<any> | undefined;
Underlying base type (e.g.,
) of the parameter, based on the type definition in the route handler.
property type
readonly type: Paramtype;
Indicates whether argument is a body, query, param, or custom parameter
interface ArgumentsHost
interface ArgumentsHost {}
Provides methods for retrieving the arguments being passed to a handler. Allows choosing the appropriate execution context (e.g., Http, RPC, or WebSockets) to retrieve the arguments from.
method getArgByIndex
getArgByIndex: <T = any>(index: number) => T;
Returns a particular argument by index.
Parameter index
index of argument to retrieve
method getArgs
getArgs: <T extends any[] = any[]>() => T;
Returns the array of arguments being passed to the handler.
method getType
getType: <TContext extends string = ContextType>() => TContext;
Returns the current execution context type (string)
method switchToHttp
switchToHttp: () => HttpArgumentsHost;
Switch context to HTTP.
interface with methods to retrieve HTTP arguments
method switchToRpc
switchToRpc: () => RpcArgumentsHost;
Switch context to RPC.
interface with methods to retrieve RPC arguments
method switchToWs
switchToWs: () => WsArgumentsHost;
Switch context to WebSockets.
interface with methods to retrieve WebSockets arguments
interface BeforeApplicationShutdown
interface BeforeApplicationShutdown {}
method beforeApplicationShutdown
beforeApplicationShutdown: (signal?: string) => any;
interface CallHandler
interface CallHandler<T = any> {}
Interface providing access to the response stream.
See Also
method handle
handle: () => Observable<T>;
Returns an
representing the response stream from the route handler.
interface CanActivate
interface CanActivate {}
Interface defining the
function that must be implemented by a guard. Return value indicates whether or not the current request is allowed to proceed. Return can be either synchronous (boolean
) or asynchronous (Promise
).See Also
method canActivate
canActivate: ( context: ExecutionContext) => boolean | Promise<boolean> | Observable<boolean>;
Parameter context
Current execution context. Provides access to details about the current request pipeline.
Value indicating whether or not the current request is allowed to proceed.
interface ClassProvider
interface ClassProvider<T = any> {}
Interface defining a *Class* type provider.
For example:
const configServiceProvider = {provide: ConfigService,useClass:process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'? DevelopmentConfigService: ProductionConfigService,};See Also
[Class providers](https://docs.nestjs.com/fundamentals/custom-providers#class-providers-useclass)
[Injection scopes](https://docs.nestjs.com/fundamentals/injection-scopes)
property durable
durable?: boolean;
Flags provider as durable. This flag can be used in combination with custom context id factory strategy to construct lazy DI subtrees.
This flag can be used only in conjunction with scope = Scope.REQUEST.
property inject
inject?: never;
This option is only available on factory providers!
See Also
[Use factory](https://docs.nestjs.com/fundamentals/custom-providers#factory-providers-usefactory)
property provide
provide: InjectionToken;
Injection token
property scope
scope?: Scope;
Optional enum defining lifetime of the provider that is injected.
property useClass
useClass: Type<T>;
Type (class name) of provider (instance to be injected).
interface ClassSerializerContextOptions
interface ClassSerializerContextOptions extends ClassTransformOptions {}
property type
type?: Type<any>;
interface ClassSerializerInterceptorOptions
interface ClassSerializerInterceptorOptions extends ClassTransformOptions {}
property transformerPackage
transformerPackage?: TransformerPackage;
interface ConfigurableModuleAsyncOptions
interface ConfigurableModuleAsyncOptions< ModuleOptions, FactoryClassMethodKey extends string = typeof DEFAULT_FACTORY_CLASS_METHOD_KEY> extends Pick<ModuleMetadata, 'imports'> {}
Interface that represents the module async options object Factory method name varies depending on the "FactoryClassMethodKey" type argument.
property inject
inject?: FactoryProvider['inject'];
Dependencies that a Factory may inject.
property provideInjectionTokensFrom
provideInjectionTokensFrom?: Provider[];
List of parent module's providers that will be filtered to only provide necessary providers for the 'inject' array useful to pass options to nested async modules
property useClass
useClass?: Type< ConfigurableModuleOptionsFactory<ModuleOptions, FactoryClassMethodKey>>;
Injection token resolving to a class that will be instantiated as a provider. The class must implement the corresponding interface.
property useExisting
useExisting?: Type< ConfigurableModuleOptionsFactory<ModuleOptions, FactoryClassMethodKey>>;
Injection token resolving to an existing provider. The provider must implement the corresponding interface.
property useFactory
useFactory?: (...args: any[]) => Promise<ModuleOptions> | ModuleOptions;
Function returning options (or a Promise resolving to options) to configure the cache module.
interface ConfigurableModuleBuilderOptions
interface ConfigurableModuleBuilderOptions {}
property alwaysTransient
alwaysTransient?: boolean;
Indicates whether module should always be "transient" - meaning, every time you call the static method to construct a dynamic module, regardless of what arguments you pass in, a new "unique" module will be created.
property moduleName
moduleName?: string;
By default, an UUID will be used as a module options provider token. Explicitly specifying the "moduleName" will instruct the "ConfigurableModuleBuilder" to use a more descriptive provider token.
For example,
moduleName: "Cache"
will auto-generate the provider token: "CACHE_MODULE_OPTIONS".
property optionsInjectionToken
optionsInjectionToken?: string | symbol;
Specifies what injection token should be used for the module options provider. By default, an auto-generated UUID will be used.
interface ConfigurableModuleHost
interface ConfigurableModuleHost< ModuleOptions = Record<string, unknown>, MethodKey extends string = string, FactoryClassMethodKey extends string = string, ExtraModuleDefinitionOptions = {}> {}
Configurable module host. See properties for more details
ASYNC_OPTIONS_TYPE: ConfigurableModuleAsyncOptions< ModuleOptions, FactoryClassMethodKey> & Partial<ExtraModuleDefinitionOptions>;
Can be used to auto-infer the compound "async module options" type. Note: this property is not supposed to be used as a value.
Example 1
@Module({})class IntegrationModule extends ConfigurableModuleCls {static module = initializer(IntegrationModule);static registerAsync(options: typeof ASYNC_OPTIONS_TYPE): DynamicModule {return super.registerAsync(options);}
property ConfigurableModuleClass
ConfigurableModuleClass: ConfigurableModuleCls< ModuleOptions, MethodKey, FactoryClassMethodKey, ExtraModuleDefinitionOptions>;
Class that represents a blueprint/prototype for a configurable Nest module. This class provides static methods for constructing dynamic modules. Their names can be controlled through the "MethodKey" type argument.
Your module class should inherit from this class to make the static methods available.
Example 1
@Module({})class IntegrationModule extends ConfigurableModuleCls {// ...}
MODULE_OPTIONS_TOKEN: string | symbol;
Module options provider token. Can be used to inject the "options object" to providers registered within the host module.
OPTIONS_TYPE: ModuleOptions & Partial<ExtraModuleDefinitionOptions>;
Can be used to auto-infer the compound "module options" type (options interface + extra module definition options). Note: this property is not supposed to be used as a value.
Example 1
@Module({})class IntegrationModule extends ConfigurableModuleCls {static module = initializer(IntegrationModule);static register(options: typeof OPTIONS_TYPE): DynamicModule {return super.register(options);}
interface ConsoleLoggerOptions
interface ConsoleLoggerOptions {}
property breakLength
breakLength?: number;
The length at which input values are split across multiple lines. Set to Infinity to format the input as a single line (in combination with "compact" set to true). Default Infinity when "compact" is true, 80 otherwise. Ignored when
is enabled, colors are disabled, andcompact
is set to true as it produces a parseable JSON output.
property colors
colors?: boolean;
If enabled, will print the log message in color. Default true if json is disabled, false otherwise
property compact
compact?: boolean | number;
If enabled, will print the log message in a single line, even if it is an object with multiple properties. If set to a number, the most n inner elements are united on a single line as long as all properties fit into breakLength. Short array elements are also grouped together. Default true when
is enabled, false otherwise.
property context
context?: string;
The context of the logger.
property depth
depth?: number;
Specifies the number of times to recurse while formatting object. T This is useful for inspecting large objects. To recurse up to the maximum call stack size pass Infinity or null. Ignored when
is enabled, colors are disabled, andcompact
is set to true as it produces a parseable JSON output. 5
property json
json?: boolean;
If enabled, will print the log message in JSON format.
property logLevels
logLevels?: LogLevel[];
Enabled log levels.
property maxArrayLength
maxArrayLength?: number;
Specifies the maximum number of Array, TypedArray, Map, Set, WeakMap, and WeakSet elements to include when formatting. Set to null or Infinity to show all elements. Set to 0 or negative to show no elements. Ignored when
is enabled, colors are disabled, andcompact
is set to true as it produces a parseable JSON output. 100
property maxStringLength
maxStringLength?: number;
Specifies the maximum number of characters to include when formatting. Set to null or Infinity to show all elements. Set to 0 or negative to show no characters. Ignored when
is enabled, colors are disabled, andcompact
is set to true as it produces a parseable JSON output. 10000.
property prefix
prefix?: string;
A prefix to be used for each log message. Note: This option is not used when
is enabled.
property showHidden
showHidden?: boolean;
If true, object's non-enumerable symbols and properties are included in the formatted result. WeakMap and WeakSet entries are also included as well as user defined prototype properties false
property sorted
sorted?: boolean | ((a: string, b: string) => number);
If enabled, will sort keys while formatting objects. Can also be a custom sorting function. Ignored when
is enabled, colors are disabled, andcompact
is set to true as it produces a parseable JSON output. false
property timestamp
timestamp?: boolean;
If enabled, will print timestamp (time difference) between current and previous log message. Note: This option is not used when
is enabled.
interface ControllerOptions
interface ControllerOptions extends ScopeOptions, VersionOptions {}
Interface defining options that can be passed to
property host
host?: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>;
Specifies an optional HTTP Request host filter. When configured, methods within the controller will only be routed if the request host matches the specified value.
See Also
property path
path?: string | string[];
Specifies an optional
route path prefix
. The prefix is pre-pended to the path specified in any request decorator in the class.Supported only by HTTP-based applications (does not apply to non-HTTP microservices).
See Also
interface DescriptionAndOptions
interface DescriptionAndOptions {}
property description
description?: string;
property httpExceptionOptions
httpExceptionOptions?: HttpExceptionOptions;
interface DynamicModule
interface DynamicModule extends ModuleMetadata {}
Interface defining a Dynamic Module.
See Also
[Dynamic Modules](https://docs.nestjs.com/modules#dynamic-modules)
property global
global?: boolean;
When "true", makes a module global-scoped.
Once imported into any module, a global-scoped module will be visible in all modules. Thereafter, modules that wish to inject a service exported from a global module do not need to import the provider module.
property module
module: Type<any>;
A module reference
interface ExceptionFilter
interface ExceptionFilter<T = any> {}
Interface describing implementation of an exception filter.
See Also
[Exception Filters](https://docs.nestjs.com/exception-filters)
method catch
catch: (exception: T, host: ArgumentsHost) => any;
Method to implement a custom exception filter.
Parameter exception
the class of the exception being handled
Parameter host
used to access an array of arguments for the in-flight request
interface ExecutionContext
interface ExecutionContext extends ArgumentsHost {}
Interface describing details about the current request pipeline.
See Also
[Execution Context](https://docs.nestjs.com/guards#execution-context)
method getClass
getClass: <T = any>() => Type<T>;
Returns the *type* of the controller class which the current handler belongs to.
method getHandler
getHandler: () => Function;
Returns a reference to the handler (method) that will be invoked next in the request pipeline.
interface ExistingProvider
interface ExistingProvider<T = any> {}
Interface defining an *Existing* (aliased) type provider.
For example:
const loggerAliasProvider = {provide: 'AliasedLoggerService',useExisting: LoggerService};See Also
[Alias providers](https://docs.nestjs.com/fundamentals/custom-providers#alias-providers-useexisting)
property provide
provide: InjectionToken;
Injection token
property useExisting
useExisting: any;
Provider to be aliased by the Injection token.
interface FactoryProvider
interface FactoryProvider<T = any> {}
Interface defining a *Factory* type provider.
For example:
const connectionFactory = {provide: 'CONNECTION',useFactory: (optionsProvider: OptionsProvider) => {const options = optionsProvider.get();return new DatabaseConnection(options);},inject: [OptionsProvider],};See Also
[Factory providers](https://docs.nestjs.com/fundamentals/custom-providers#factory-providers-usefactory)
[Injection scopes](https://docs.nestjs.com/fundamentals/injection-scopes)
property durable
durable?: boolean;
Flags provider as durable. This flag can be used in combination with custom context id factory strategy to construct lazy DI subtrees.
This flag can be used only in conjunction with scope = Scope.REQUEST.
property inject
inject?: Array<InjectionToken | OptionalFactoryDependency>;
Optional list of providers to be injected into the context of the Factory function.
property provide
provide: InjectionToken;
Injection token
property scope
scope?: Scope;
Optional enum defining lifetime of the provider that is returned by the Factory function.
property useFactory
useFactory: (...args: any[]) => T | Promise<T>;
Factory function that returns an instance of the provider to be injected.
interface ForwardReference
interface ForwardReference<T = any> {}
property forwardRef
forwardRef: T;
interface HttpExceptionBody
interface HttpExceptionBody {}
property error
error?: string;
property message
message: HttpExceptionBodyMessage;
property statusCode
statusCode: number;
interface HttpExceptionOptions
interface HttpExceptionOptions {}
property cause
cause?: unknown;
original cause of the error
property description
description?: string;
interface HttpRedirectResponse
interface HttpRedirectResponse {}
property statusCode
statusCode: HttpStatus;
property url
url: string;
interface HttpServer
interface HttpServer<TRequest = any, TResponse = any, ServerInstance = any> {}
method all
all: { (path: string, handler: RequestHandler<TRequest, TResponse>): any; (handler: RequestHandler<TRequest, TResponse>): any;};
method applyVersionFilter
applyVersionFilter: ( handler: Function, version: VersionValue, versioningOptions: VersioningOptions) => (req: TRequest, res: TResponse, next: () => void) => Function;
method close
close: () => any;
method copy
copy: { (handler: RequestHandler<TRequest, TResponse>): any; (path: string, handler: RequestHandler<TRequest, TResponse>): any;};
method createMiddlewareFactory
createMiddlewareFactory: ( method: RequestMethod) => | ((path: string, callback: Function) => any) | Promise<(path: string, callback: Function) => any>;
method delete
delete: { (handler: RequestHandler<TRequest, TResponse>): any; (path: string, handler: RequestHandler<TRequest, TResponse>): any;};
method enableCors
enableCors: (options: any) => any;
method end
end: (response: any, message?: string) => any;
method get
get: { (handler: RequestHandler<TRequest, TResponse>): any; (path: string, handler: RequestHandler<TRequest, TResponse>): any;};
method getHttpServer
getHttpServer: () => any;
method getInstance
getInstance: () => ServerInstance;
method getRequestHostname
getRequestHostname: (request: TRequest) => string;
method getRequestMethod
getRequestMethod: (request: TRequest) => string;
method getRequestUrl
getRequestUrl: (request: TRequest) => string;
method getType
getType: () => string;
method head
head: { (handler: RequestHandler<TRequest, TResponse>): any; (path: string, handler: RequestHandler<TRequest, TResponse>): any;};
method init
init: () => Promise<void>;
method initHttpServer
initHttpServer: (options: NestApplicationOptions) => void;
method isHeadersSent
isHeadersSent: (response: any) => boolean;
method listen
listen: { (port: number | string, callback?: () => void): any; (port: string | number, hostname: string, callback?: () => void): any;};
method lock
lock: { (handler: RequestHandler<TRequest, TResponse>): any; (path: string, handler: RequestHandler<TRequest, TResponse>): any;};
method mkcol
mkcol: { (handler: RequestHandler<TRequest, TResponse>): any; (path: string, handler: RequestHandler<TRequest, TResponse>): any;};
method move
move: {