
  • Version 10.0.2
  • Published
  • 38.8 kB
  • 1 dependency
  • MIT license


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Nest - modern, fast, powerful node.js web framework (@typeorm)



variable getConnectionToken

const getConnectionToken: (dataSource?: any) => any;
  • Deprecated


function generateString

generateString: () => string;

    function getCustomRepositoryToken

    getCustomRepositoryToken: (repository: Function) => string;
    • This function generates an injection token for an Entity or Repository

      Parameter This

      parameter can either be an Entity or Repository


      {string} The Repository injection token

    function getDataSourceName

    getDataSourceName: (options: DataSourceOptions) => string;

      function getDataSourcePrefix

      getDataSourcePrefix: (
      dataSource?: DataSource | DataSourceOptions | string
      ) => string;
      • This function returns a DataSource prefix based on the dataSource name

        Parameter dataSource

        This optional parameter is either a DataSource, or a DataSourceOptions or a string.


        {string | Function} The DataSource injection token.

      function getDataSourceToken

      getDataSourceToken: (
      dataSource?: DataSource | DataSourceOptions | string
      ) => string | Function | Type<DataSource>;
      • This function returns a DataSource injection token for the given DataSource, DataSourceOptions or dataSource name.

        Parameter dataSource

        This optional parameter is either a DataSource, or a DataSourceOptions or a string.


        {string | Function} The DataSource injection token.

      function getEntityManagerToken

      getEntityManagerToken: (
      dataSource?: DataSource | DataSourceOptions | string
      ) => string | Function;
      • This function returns an EntityManager injection token for the given DataSource, DataSourceOptions or dataSource name.

        Parameter dataSource

        This optional parameter is either a DataSource, or a DataSourceOptions or a string.


        {string | Function} The EntityManager injection token.

      function getRepositoryToken

      getRepositoryToken: (
      entity: EntityClassOrSchema,
      dataSource?: DataSource | DataSourceOptions | string
      ) => Function | string;
      • This function generates an injection token for an Entity or Repository

        Parameter entity

        parameter can either be an Entity or Repository

        Parameter dataSource

        DataSource name


        {string} The Entity | Repository injection token

      function handleRetry

      handleRetry: (
      retryAttempts?: number,
      retryDelay?: number,
      dataSourceName?: string,
      verboseRetryLog?: boolean,
      toRetry?: (err: any) => boolean
      ) => <T>(source: Observable<T>) => Observable<T>;

        function InjectConnection

        InjectConnection: (
        dataSource?: DataSource | DataSourceOptions | string
        ) => ReturnType<typeof Inject>;
        • Deprecated

        function InjectDataSource

        InjectDataSource: (
        dataSource?: DataSource | DataSourceOptions | string
        ) => ReturnType<typeof Inject>;

          function InjectEntityManager

          InjectEntityManager: (
          dataSource?: DataSource | DataSourceOptions | string
          ) => ReturnType<typeof Inject>;

            function InjectRepository

            InjectRepository: (
            entity: EntityClassOrSchema,
            dataSource?: string
            ) => ReturnType<typeof Inject>;


              class TypeOrmModule

              class TypeOrmModule {}

                method forFeature

                static forFeature: (
                entities?: EntityClassOrSchema[],
                dataSource?: DataSource | DataSourceOptions | string
                ) => DynamicModule;

                  method forRoot

                  static forRoot: (options?: TypeOrmModuleOptions) => DynamicModule;

                    method forRootAsync

                    static forRootAsync: (options: TypeOrmModuleAsyncOptions) => DynamicModule;


                      interface TypeOrmModuleAsyncOptions

                      interface TypeOrmModuleAsyncOptions extends Pick<ModuleMetadata, 'imports'> {}

                        property dataSourceFactory

                        dataSourceFactory?: TypeOrmDataSourceFactory;

                          property extraProviders

                          extraProviders?: Provider[];

                            property inject

                            inject?: any[];

                              property name

                              name?: string;

                                property useClass

                                useClass?: Type<TypeOrmOptionsFactory>;

                                  property useExisting

                                  useExisting?: Type<TypeOrmOptionsFactory>;

                                    property useFactory

                                    useFactory?: (
                                    ...args: any[]
                                    ) => Promise<TypeOrmModuleOptions> | TypeOrmModuleOptions;

                                      interface TypeOrmOptionsFactory

                                      interface TypeOrmOptionsFactory {}

                                        method createTypeOrmOptions

                                        createTypeOrmOptions: (
                                        connectionName?: string
                                        ) => Promise<TypeOrmModuleOptions> | TypeOrmModuleOptions;

                                          Type Aliases

                                          type TypeOrmDataSourceFactory

                                          type TypeOrmDataSourceFactory = (options?: DataSourceOptions) => Promise<DataSource>;

                                            type TypeOrmModuleOptions

                                            type TypeOrmModuleOptions = {
                                            * Number of times to retry connecting
                                            * Default: 10
                                            retryAttempts?: number;
                                            * Delay between connection retry attempts (ms)
                                            * Default: 3000
                                            retryDelay?: number;
                                            * Function that determines whether the module should
                                            * attempt to connect upon failure.
                                            * @param err error that was thrown
                                            * @returns whether to retry connection or not
                                            toRetry?: (err: any) => boolean;
                                            * If `true`, entities will be loaded automatically.
                                            autoLoadEntities?: boolean;
                                            * If `true`, connection will not be closed on application shutdown.
                                            * @deprecated
                                            keepConnectionAlive?: boolean;
                                            * If `true`, will show verbose error messages on each connection retry.
                                            verboseRetryLog?: boolean;
                                            * If `true` database initialization will not be performed during module initialization.
                                            * This means that database connection will not be established and migrations will not run.
                                            * Database initialization will have to be performed manually using `DataSource.initialize`
                                            * and it will have to implement own retry mechanism (if necessary).
                                            manualInitialization?: boolean;
                                            } & Partial<DataSourceOptions>;

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