- Version 10.4.4
- Published
- 79.9 kB
- 3 dependencies
- MIT license
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Nest - modern, fast, powerful node.js web framework (@websockets)
function ConnectedSocket
ConnectedSocket: () => ParameterDecorator;
function MessageBody
MessageBody: { (): ParameterDecorator; (...pipes: any[]): ParameterDecorator; (propertyKey: string, ...pipes: any[]): ParameterDecorator;};
WebSockets message body parameter decorator.
WebSockets message body parameter decorator.
create(@MessageBody(new ValidationPipe()) createDto: CreateCatDto)Parameter pipes
one or more pipes - either instances or classes - to apply to the bound parameter.
WebSockets message body parameter decorator. Extracts a property from the message payload object. May also apply pipes to the bound parameter.
For example, extracting all params:
findMany(@MessageBody() ids: string[])For example, extracting a single param:
create(@MessageBody('data') createDto: { data: string })For example, extracting a single param with pipe:
create(@MessageBody('data', new ValidationPipe()) createDto: { data: string })Parameter propertyKey
name of single property to extract from the message payload
Parameter pipes
one or more pipes - either instances or classes - to apply to the bound parameter.
function SubscribeMessage
SubscribeMessage: <T = string>(message: T) => MethodDecorator;
Subscribes to messages that fulfils chosen pattern.
function WebSocketGateway
WebSocketGateway: { (port?: number): ClassDecorator; <T extends Record<string, any> = GatewayMetadata>(options?: T): ClassDecorator; <T extends Record<string, any> = GatewayMetadata>( port?: number, options?: T ): ClassDecorator;};
Decorator that marks a class as a Nest gateway that enables real-time, bidirectional and event-based communication between the browser and the server.
function WebSocketServer
WebSocketServer: () => PropertyDecorator;
Attaches native Web Socket Server to a given property.
class AbstractWsAdapter
abstract class AbstractWsAdapter< TServer extends BaseWsInstance = any, TClient extends BaseWsInstance = any, TOptions = any> implements WebSocketAdapter<TServer, TClient, TOptions> {}
constructor(appOrHttpServer?: any);
property httpServer
protected readonly httpServer: any;
method bindClientConnect
bindClientConnect: (server: TServer, callback: Function) => void;
method bindClientDisconnect
bindClientDisconnect: (client: TClient, callback: Function) => void;
method bindMessageHandlers
abstract bindMessageHandlers: ( client: TClient, handlers: WsMessageHandler[], transform: (data: any) => Observable<any>) => any;
method close
close: (server: TServer) => Promise<void>;
method create
abstract create: (port: number, options?: TOptions) => TServer;
method dispose
dispose: () => Promise<void>;
class BaseWsExceptionFilter
class BaseWsExceptionFilter<TError = any> implements WsExceptionFilter<TError> {}
method catch
catch: (exception: TError, host: ArgumentsHost) => void;
method handleError
handleError: <TClient extends { emit: Function }>( client: TClient, exception: TError) => void;
method handleUnknownError
handleUnknownError: <TClient extends { emit: Function }>( exception: TError, client: TClient) => void;
method isExceptionObject
isExceptionObject: (err: any) => err is Error;
class WsException
class WsException extends Error {}
constructor(error: string | object);
method getError
getError: () => string | object;
method initMessage
initMessage: () => void;
interface BaseWsInstance
interface BaseWsInstance {}
interface GatewayMetadata
interface GatewayMetadata {}
External interface
See Also
property adapter
adapter?: any;
The adapter to use the in-memory adapter (https://github.com/socketio/socket.io-adapter)
property allowEIO3
allowEIO3?: boolean;
Whether to enable compatibility with Socket.IO v2 clients false
property allowRequest
allowRequest?: ( req: any, fn: (err: string | null | undefined, success: boolean) => void) => void;
A function that receives a given handshake or upgrade request as its first parameter, and can decide whether to continue or not. The second argument is a function that needs to be called with the decided information: fn(err, success), where success is a boolean value where false means that the request is rejected, and err is an error code.
property allowUpgrades
allowUpgrades?: boolean;
Whether to allow transport upgrades true
property connectTimeout
connectTimeout?: number;
How many ms before a client without namespace is closed 45_000
property cookie
cookie?: any | boolean;
Configuration of the cookie that contains the client sid to send as part of handshake response headers. This cookie might be used for sticky-session. Defaults to not sending any cookie. false
property cors
cors?: CorsOptions;
The options that will be forwarded to the cors module
property destroyUpgrade
destroyUpgrade?: boolean;
Destroy unhandled upgrade requests true
property destroyUpgradeTimeout
destroyUpgradeTimeout?: number;
Milliseconds after which unhandled requests are ended 1_000
property httpCompression
httpCompression?: boolean | object;
Parameters of the http compression for the polling transports (see zlib api docs). Set to false to disable. true
property initialPacket
initialPacket?: any;
An optional packet which will be concatenated to the handshake packet emitted by Engine.IO.
property maxHttpBufferSize
maxHttpBufferSize?: number;
How many bytes or characters a message can be, before closing the session (to avoid DoS). 1e6 (1 MB)
property namespace
namespace?: string | RegExp;
The name of a namespace
property parser
parser?: any;
The parser to use the default parser (https://github.com/socketio/socket.io-parser)
property path
path?: string;
Name of the path to capture "/socket.io"
property perMessageDeflate
perMessageDeflate?: boolean | object;
Parameters of the WebSocket permessage-deflate extension (see ws module api docs). Set to false to disable. false
property pingInterval
pingInterval?: number;
How many ms before sending a new ping packet 25_000
property pingTimeout
pingTimeout?: number;
How many ms without a pong packet to consider the connection closed 20_000
property serveClient
serveClient?: boolean;
Whether to serve the client files true
property transports
transports?: Array<'polling' | 'websocket'>;
The low-level transports that are enabled ["polling", "websocket"]
property upgradeTimeout
upgradeTimeout?: number;
How many ms before an uncompleted transport upgrade is cancelled 10_000
property wsEngine
wsEngine?: string;
What WebSocket server implementation to use. Specified module must conform to the ws interface (see ws module api docs). Default value is ws. An alternative c++ addon is also available by installing uws module.
interface MessageMappingProperties
interface MessageMappingProperties {}
property callback
callback: (...args: any[]) => Observable<any> | Promise<any> | any;
property message
message: any;
property methodName
methodName: string;
interface OnGatewayConnection
interface OnGatewayConnection<T = any> {}
method handleConnection
handleConnection: (client: T, ...args: any[]) => any;
interface OnGatewayDisconnect
interface OnGatewayDisconnect<T = any> {}
method handleDisconnect
handleDisconnect: (client: T) => any;
interface OnGatewayInit
interface OnGatewayInit<T = any> {}
method afterInit
afterInit: (server: T) => any;
interface ServerAndEventStreamsHost
interface ServerAndEventStreamsHost<T = any> {}
property connection
connection: Subject<any>;
property disconnect
disconnect: Subject<any>;
property init
init: ReplaySubject<T>;
property server
server: T;
interface WebSocketServerOptions
interface WebSocketServerOptions {}
interface WsResponse
interface WsResponse<T = any> {}
Package Files (17)
- adapters/ws-adapter.d.ts
- decorators/connected-socket.decorator.d.ts
- decorators/gateway-server.decorator.d.ts
- decorators/message-body.decorator.d.ts
- decorators/socket-gateway.decorator.d.ts
- decorators/subscribe-message.decorator.d.ts
- errors/ws-exception.d.ts
- exceptions/base-ws-exception-filter.d.ts
- gateway-metadata-explorer.d.ts
- index.d.ts
- interfaces/gateway-metadata.interface.d.ts
- interfaces/hooks/on-gateway-connection.interface.d.ts
- interfaces/hooks/on-gateway-disconnect.interface.d.ts
- interfaces/hooks/on-gateway-init.interface.d.ts
- interfaces/server-and-event-streams-host.interface.d.ts
- interfaces/web-socket-server.interface.d.ts
- interfaces/ws-response.interface.d.ts
Dependencies (3)
Dev Dependencies (2)
Peer Dependencies (5)
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