- Version 19.0.1
- Published
- 427 kB
- 1 dependency
- MIT license
npm i @ngrx/router-store
yarn add @ngrx/router-store
pnpm add @ngrx/router-store
Bindings to connect @angular/router to @ngrx/store
Type Aliases
const ROUTER_CANCEL: string;
An action dispatched when the router cancels navigation.
const ROUTER_CONFIG: InjectionToken<unknown>;
const ROUTER_ERROR: string;
An action dispatched when the router errors.
const ROUTER_NAVIGATED: string;
An action dispatched after navigation has ended and new route is active.
const ROUTER_NAVIGATION: string;
An action dispatched when the router navigates.
const ROUTER_REQUEST: string;
An action dispatched when a router navigation request is fired.
variable routerCancelAction
const routerCancelAction: any;
variable routerErrorAction
const routerErrorAction: any;
variable routerNavigatedAction
const routerNavigatedAction: any;
variable routerNavigationAction
const routerNavigationAction: any;
variable routerRequestAction
const routerRequestAction: any;
function createRouterSelector
createRouterSelector: <State extends Record<string, any>>() => MemoizedSelector< State, RouterReducerState<SerializedRouterStateSnapshot>>;
function getRouterSelectors
getRouterSelectors: <V extends Record<string, any>>( selectState?: (state: V) => RouterReducerState<any>) => RouterStateSelectors<V>;
function provideRouterStore
provideRouterStore: < T extends BaseRouterStoreState = SerializedRouterStateSnapshot>( config?: StoreRouterConfig<T>) => EnvironmentProviders;
Connects the Angular Router to the Store.
bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {providers: [provideStore({ router: routerReducer }),provideRouterStore(),],});
function routerReducer
routerReducer: < RouterState extends BaseRouterStoreState = SerializedRouterStateSnapshot, Result = RouterReducerState<RouterState>>( state: Result | undefined, action: Action) => Result;
class FullRouterStateSerializer
class FullRouterStateSerializer implements RouterStateSerializer<SerializedRouterStateSnapshot> {}
method serialize
serialize: (routerState: RouterStateSnapshot) => SerializedRouterStateSnapshot;
class MinimalRouterStateSerializer
class MinimalRouterStateSerializer implements RouterStateSerializer<MinimalRouterStateSnapshot> {}
method serialize
serialize: (routerState: RouterStateSnapshot) => MinimalRouterStateSnapshot;
class RouterStateSerializer
abstract class RouterStateSerializer< T extends BaseRouterStoreState = BaseRouterStoreState> {}
method serialize
abstract serialize: (routerState: RouterStateSnapshot) => T;
class StoreRouterConnectingModule
class StoreRouterConnectingModule {}
Connects RouterModule with StoreModule.
During the navigation, before any guards or resolvers run, the router will dispatch a ROUTER_NAVIGATION action, which has the following signature:
export type RouterNavigationPayload = {routerState: SerializedRouterStateSnapshot,event: RoutesRecognized}Either a reducer or an effect can be invoked in response to this action. If the invoked reducer throws, the navigation will be canceled.
If navigation gets canceled because of a guard, a ROUTER_CANCEL action will be dispatched. If navigation results in an error, a ROUTER_ERROR action will be dispatched.
Both ROUTER_CANCEL and ROUTER_ERROR contain the store state before the navigation which can be used to restore the consistency of the store.
@NgModule({declarations: [AppCmp, SimpleCmp],imports: [BrowserModule,StoreModule.forRoot(mapOfReducers),RouterModule.forRoot([{ path: '', component: SimpleCmp },{ path: 'next', component: SimpleCmp }]),StoreRouterConnectingModule.forRoot()],bootstrap: [AppCmp]})export class AppModule {}
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<StoreRouterConnectingModule, never>;
property ɵinj
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<StoreRouterConnectingModule>;
property ɵmod
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration< StoreRouterConnectingModule, never, never, never>;
method forRoot
static forRoot: <T extends BaseRouterStoreState = SerializedRouterStateSnapshot>( config?: StoreRouterConfig<T>) => ModuleWithProviders<StoreRouterConnectingModule>;
interface BaseRouterStoreState
interface BaseRouterStoreState {}
Simple router state. All custom router states / state serializers should have at least the properties of this interface.
property url
url: string;
interface MinimalActivatedRouteSnapshot
interface MinimalActivatedRouteSnapshot {}
property children
children: MinimalActivatedRouteSnapshot[];
property data
data: ActivatedRouteSnapshot['data'];
property firstChild
firstChild?: MinimalActivatedRouteSnapshot;
property fragment
fragment: ActivatedRouteSnapshot['fragment'];
property outlet
outlet: ActivatedRouteSnapshot['outlet'];
property params
params: ActivatedRouteSnapshot['params'];
property queryParams
queryParams: ActivatedRouteSnapshot['queryParams'];
property routeConfig
routeConfig: ActivatedRouteSnapshot['routeConfig'];
property title
title: ActivatedRouteSnapshot['title'];
property url
url: ActivatedRouteSnapshot['url'];
interface MinimalRouterStateSnapshot
interface MinimalRouterStateSnapshot extends BaseRouterStoreState {}
interface SerializedRouterStateSnapshot
interface SerializedRouterStateSnapshot extends BaseRouterStoreState {}
interface StoreRouterConfig
interface StoreRouterConfig< T extends BaseRouterStoreState = SerializedRouterStateSnapshot> {}
property navigationActionTiming
navigationActionTiming?: NavigationActionTiming;
By default, ROUTER_NAVIGATION is dispatched before guards and resolvers run. Therefore, the action could run too soon, for example there may be a navigation cancel due to a guard saying the navigation is not allowed. To run ROUTER_NAVIGATION after guards and resolvers, set this property to NavigationActionTiming.PostActivation.
property routerState
routerState?: RouterState;
Decides which router serializer should be used, if there is none provided, and the metadata on the dispatched @ngrx/router-store action payload. Set to
to use theMinimalRouterStateSerializer
and to set a minimal router event with the navigation id and url as payload. Set toFull
to use theFullRouterStateSerializer
and to set the angular router events as payload.
property serializer
serializer?: new (...args: any[]) => RouterStateSerializer;
property stateKey
stateKey?: StateKeyOrSelector<T>;
enum NavigationActionTiming
enum NavigationActionTiming { PreActivation = 1, PostActivation = 2,}
member PostActivation
PostActivation = 2
member PreActivation
PreActivation = 1
enum RouterState
enum RouterState { Full = 0, Minimal = 1,}
Minimal = Serializes the router event with MinimalRouterStateSerializer Full = Serializes the router event with FullRouterStateSerializer
Type Aliases
type RouterAction
type RouterAction< T, V extends BaseRouterStoreState = SerializedRouterStateSnapshot> = | RouterRequestAction<V> | RouterNavigationAction<V> | RouterCancelAction<T, V> | RouterErrorAction<T, V> | RouterNavigatedAction<V>;
A union type of router actions.
type RouterCancelAction
type RouterCancelAction< T, V extends BaseRouterStoreState = SerializedRouterStateSnapshot> = { type: typeof ROUTER_CANCEL; payload: RouterCancelPayload<T, V>;};
An action dispatched when the router cancels navigation.
type RouterCancelPayload
type RouterCancelPayload< T, V extends BaseRouterStoreState = SerializedRouterStateSnapshot> = { routerState: V; storeState: T; event: NavigationCancel;};
type RouterErrorAction
type RouterErrorAction< T, V extends BaseRouterStoreState = SerializedRouterStateSnapshot> = { type: typeof ROUTER_ERROR; payload: RouterErrorPayload<T, V>;};
An action dispatched when the router errors.
type RouterErrorPayload
type RouterErrorPayload< T, V extends BaseRouterStoreState = SerializedRouterStateSnapshot> = { routerState: V; storeState: T; event: NavigationError;};
Payload of ROUTER_ERROR.
type RouterNavigatedAction
type RouterNavigatedAction< T extends BaseRouterStoreState = SerializedRouterStateSnapshot> = { type: typeof ROUTER_NAVIGATED; payload: RouterNavigatedPayload<T>;};
An action dispatched after navigation has ended and new route is active.
type RouterNavigatedPayload
type RouterNavigatedPayload< T extends BaseRouterStoreState = SerializedRouterStateSnapshot> = { routerState: T; event: NavigationEnd;};
type RouterNavigationAction
type RouterNavigationAction< T extends BaseRouterStoreState = SerializedRouterStateSnapshot> = { type: typeof ROUTER_NAVIGATION; payload: RouterNavigationPayload<T>;};
An action dispatched when the router navigates.
type RouterNavigationPayload
type RouterNavigationPayload< T extends BaseRouterStoreState = SerializedRouterStateSnapshot> = { routerState: T; event: RoutesRecognized;};
type RouterReducerState
type RouterReducerState< T extends BaseRouterStoreState = SerializedRouterStateSnapshot> = { state: T; navigationId: number;};
type RouterRequestAction
type RouterRequestAction< T extends BaseRouterStoreState = SerializedRouterStateSnapshot> = { type: typeof ROUTER_REQUEST; payload: RouterRequestPayload<T>;};
An action dispatched when a router navigation request is fired.
type RouterRequestPayload
type RouterRequestPayload< T extends BaseRouterStoreState = SerializedRouterStateSnapshot> = { routerState: T; event: NavigationStart;};
type StateKeyOrSelector
type StateKeyOrSelector< T extends BaseRouterStoreState = SerializedRouterStateSnapshot> = string | Selector<any, RouterReducerState<T>>;
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