- Version 1.3.6
- Published
- 18.8 kB
- 5 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i @oclif/errors
yarn add @oclif/errors
pnpm add @oclif/errors
display friendly CLI errors and log to error log
variable config
const config: { errorLogger: Logger | undefined; debug: boolean; errlog: string | undefined;};
function error
error: { (input: string | Error, options: { exit: false } & PrettyPrintableError): void; ( input: string | Error, options?: { exit?: number } & PrettyPrintableError ): never;};
function exit
exit: (code?: number) => never;
function handle
handle: ( err: Error & Partial<PrettyPrintableError> & Partial<OclifError>) => void;
function warn
warn: (input: string | Error) => void;
class CLIError
class CLIError extends Error implements OclifError {}
constructor( error: string | Error, options?: { exit?: number | false } & PrettyPrintableError);
property bang
readonly bang: string;
property code
code?: string;
property oclif
oclif: { exit?: number | false };
property stack
readonly stack: string;
method render
render: () => string;
Errors display should be handled by display function, like pretty-print {string} returns a string representing the dispay of the error
class ExitError
class ExitError extends CLIError implements OclifError {}
constructor(exitCode?: number);
property code
code: string;
property oclif
oclif: { exit: number };
method render
render: () => string;
interface PrettyPrintableError
interface PrettyPrintableError {}
property code
code?: string;
a unique error code for this error class
property message
message?: string;
messsage to display related to the error
property ref
ref?: string;
a url to find out more information related to this error or fixing the error
property suggestions
suggestions?: string[];
a suggestion that may be useful or provide additional context
namespace CLIError
namespace CLIError {}
class Warn
class Warn extends CLIError {}
constructor(err: string | Error);
property bang
readonly bang: string;
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