
  • Version 3.8.17
  • Published
  • 36.3 kB
  • 4 dependencies
  • MIT license


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arg and flag parser for oclif



function flagUsages

flagUsages: (
flags: IFlag<any>[],
options?: FlagUsageOptions
) => [string, string | undefined][];

    function parse

    parse: <TFlags, TArgs extends { [name: string]: string }>(
    argv: string[],
    options: Input<TFlags>
    ) => Output<TFlags, TArgs>;

      Type Aliases

      type Input

      type Input<TFlags extends flags.Output> = {
      flags?: flags.Input<TFlags>;
      args?: args.Input;
      strict?: boolean;
      context?: any;
      '--'?: boolean;

        type Output

        type ParserOutput<TFlags extends OutputFlags<any>, TArgs extends OutputArgs> = {
        flags: TFlags;
        args: TArgs;
        argv: string[];
        raw: ParsingToken[];
        metadata: Metadata;

          type OutputArgs

          type OutputArgs = {
          [name: string]: any;

            type OutputFlags

            type OutputFlags<T extends ParserInput['flags']> = {
            [P in keyof T]: any;


              namespace args

              module 'lib/args.d.ts' {}

                function newArg

                newArg: {
                <T>(arg: IArg<T> & { Parse: ParseFn<T> }): Arg<T>;
                (arg: IArg<string>): Arg<string>;

                  interface ArgBase

                  interface ArgBase<T> {}

                    property default

                    default?: T | (() => T);

                      property description

                      description?: string;

                        property hidden

                        hidden?: boolean;

                          property input

                          input?: string;

                            property name

                            name?: string;

                              property options

                              options?: string[];

                                property parse

                                parse: ParseFn<T>;

                                  interface IArg

                                  interface IArg<T = string> {}

                                    property default

                                    default?: T | (() => T);

                                      property description

                                      description?: string;

                                        property hidden

                                        hidden?: boolean;

                                          property name

                                          name: string;

                                            property options

                                            options?: string[];

                                              property parse

                                              parse?: ParseFn<T>;

                                                property required

                                                required?: boolean;

                                                  interface Output

                                                  interface Output {}

                                                    index signature

                                                    [name: string]: any;

                                                      type Arg

                                                      type Arg<T> = RequiredArg<T> | OptionalArg<T>;

                                                        type Input

                                                        type Input = IArg<any>[];

                                                          type OptionalArg

                                                          type OptionalArg<T> = ArgBase<T> & {
                                                          required: false;
                                                          value?: T;

                                                            type ParseFn

                                                            type ParseFn<T> = (input: string) => T;

                                                              type RequiredArg

                                                              type RequiredArg<T> = ArgBase<T> & {
                                                              required: true;
                                                              value: T;

                                                                namespace flags

                                                                module 'lib/flags.d.ts' {}
                                                                • also accept an environment variable as input

                                                                variable defaultFlags

                                                                const defaultFlags: { color: IBooleanFlag<boolean> };

                                                                  variable integer

                                                                  const integer: Definition<number>;

                                                                    variable string

                                                                    const string: Definition<string>;

                                                                      function boolean

                                                                      boolean: <T = boolean>(options?: Partial<IBooleanFlag<T>>) => IBooleanFlag<T>;

                                                                        function build

                                                                        build: {
                                                                        defaults: { parse: IOptionFlag<T>['parse'] } & Partial<IOptionFlag<T>>
                                                                        ): Definition<T>;
                                                                        (defaults: Partial<IOptionFlag<string>>): Definition<string>;

                                                                          function option

                                                                          option: <T>(
                                                                          options: { parse: IOptionFlag<T>['parse'] } & Partial<IOptionFlag<T>>
                                                                          ) => IOptionFlag<T | undefined>;

                                                                            type Default

                                                                            type Default<T> = T | ((context: DefaultContext<T>) => T);

                                                                              type DefaultContext

                                                                              type DefaultContext<T> = {
                                                                              options: IOptionFlag<T>;
                                                                              flags: {
                                                                              [k: string]: string;

                                                                                type Definition

                                                                                type Definition<T> = {
                                                                                options: {
                                                                                multiple: true;
                                                                                } & Partial<IOptionFlag<T[]>>
                                                                                ): IOptionFlag<T[]>;
                                                                                options: (
                                                                                | {
                                                                                required: true;
                                                                                | {
                                                                                default: Default<T>;
                                                                                ) &
                                                                                ): IOptionFlag<T>;
                                                                                (options?: Partial<IOptionFlag<T>>): IOptionFlag<T | undefined>;

                                                                                  type EnumFlagOptions

                                                                                  type EnumFlagOptions<T> = Partial<IOptionFlag<T>> & {
                                                                                  options: T[];

                                                                                    type IBooleanFlag

                                                                                    type IBooleanFlag<T> = IFlagBase<T, boolean> & {
                                                                                    type: 'boolean';
                                                                                    allowNo: boolean;
                                                                                    * specifying a default of false is the same not specifying a default
                                                                                    default?: Default<boolean>;

                                                                                      type IFlag

                                                                                      type IFlag<T> = IBooleanFlag<T> | IOptionFlag<T>;

                                                                                        type IFlagBase

                                                                                        type IFlagBase<T, I> = {
                                                                                        name: string;
                                                                                        char?: AlphabetLowercase | AlphabetUppercase;
                                                                                        description?: string;
                                                                                        helpLabel?: string;
                                                                                        hidden?: boolean;
                                                                                        required?: boolean;
                                                                                        dependsOn?: string[];
                                                                                        exclusive?: string[];
                                                                                        exactlyOne?: string[];
                                                                                        * also accept an environment variable as input
                                                                                        env?: string;
                                                                                        parse(input: I, context: any): T;

                                                                                          type Input

                                                                                          type Input<T extends Output> = {
                                                                                          [P in keyof T]: IFlag<T[P]>;

                                                                                            type IOptionFlag

                                                                                            type IOptionFlag<T> = IFlagBase<T, string> & {
                                                                                            type: 'option';
                                                                                            helpValue?: string;
                                                                                            default?: Default<T | undefined>;
                                                                                            multiple: boolean;
                                                                                            input: string[];
                                                                                            options?: string[];

                                                                                              type Output

                                                                                              type Output = {
                                                                                              [name: string]: any;

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                                                                                                No peer dependencies.


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