- Version 4.0.9
- Published
- 12.8 kB
- 2 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i @oclif/test
yarn add @oclif/test
pnpm add @oclif/test
test helpers for oclif components
function captureOutput
captureOutput: <T>( fn: () => Promise<unknown>, opts?: CaptureOptions) => Promise<CaptureResult<T>>;
Capture the stderr and stdout output of a function
Parameter fn
async function to run
Parameter opts
options - print: Whether to print the output to the console - stripAnsi: Whether to strip ANSI codes from the output
{Promise<CaptureResult>} Captured output - error: Error object if the function throws an error - result: Result of the function if it returns a value and succeeds - stderr: Captured stderr output - stdout: Captured stdout output
function runCommand
runCommand: <T>( args: string | string[], loadOpts?: Interfaces.LoadOptions, captureOpts?: CaptureOptions) => Promise<CaptureResult<T>>;
Capture the stderr and stdout output of a command in your CLI
Parameter args
Command arguments, e.g.
['my:command', '--flag']
or'my:command --flag'
Parameter loadOpts
options for loading oclif
Parameter captureOpts
options for capturing the output - print: Whether to print the output to the console - stripAnsi: Whether to strip ANSI codes from the output
{Promise<CaptureResult>} Captured output - error: Error object if the command throws an error - result: Result of the command if it returns a value and succeeds - stderr: Captured stderr output - stdout: Captured stdout output
function runHook
runHook: <T>( hook: string, options: Record<string, unknown>, loadOpts?: Interfaces.LoadOptions, captureOpts?: CaptureOptions) => Promise<CaptureResult<T>>;
Capture the stderr and stdout output of a hook in your CLI
Parameter hook
Hook name
Parameter options
options to pass to the hook
Parameter loadOpts
options for loading oclif
Parameter captureOpts
options for capturing the output - print: Whether to print the output to the console - stripAnsi: Whether to strip ANSI codes from the output
{Promise<CaptureResult>} Captured output - error: Error object if the hook throws an error - result: Result of the hook if it returns a value and succeeds - stderr: Captured stderr output - stdout: Captured stdout output
Package Files (1)
Dependencies (2)
Dev Dependencies (20)
Peer Dependencies (1)
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