- Version 4.0.4
- Published
- 20 kB
- No dependencies
- MIT license
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Common class used to enable Ovh Api new calls Syntax
function buildOvhProxy
buildOvhProxy: (ovhEngine: OvhRequestable, path: string) => any;
Build Ovh API 2.0 Proxy
Parameter ovhEngine
Parameter path
interface ICacheOptions
interface ICacheOptions {}
params to configure cache
property count
count?: number;
max number of entry in your cache
property silotClass
silotClass?: SlotConstructor;
explicite silot construtor used to overwrite in memory default silotCache
property size
size?: number;
max memmory used to store your cache
property ttl
ttl?: number;
Time to live in second
interface ICacheSilot
interface ICacheSilot {}
Public interface of a silot you can have one silot per Ovh API call
interface OvhRequestable
interface OvhRequestable {}
common interface used to call ovh engine
method cache
cache: (template: string, param: ICacheOptions | CacheAction) => Promise<any>;
cache controle
method doRequest
doRequest: ( httpMethod: string, path: string, pathTemplate: string, params?: any) => Promise<any>;
Execute a request on the API with promise
Parameter httpMethod
Parameter path
: The request final path
Parameter pathTemplate
: The request path with {pathParams}
Parameter params
: The request parameters (passed as query string or body params)
Type Aliases
type CacheAction
type CacheAction = 'flush' | 'disable' | string;
'flush' and 'disable' are the main action, other can be add later
type OvhParamType
type OvhParamType = { [key: string]: any;};
all type that should be sent as parameter to Ovh calls
type SlotConstructor
type SlotConstructor = new (template: string, options: ICacheOptions) => ICacheSilot;
constructor for a silot cache
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