- Version 1.2.0
- Published
- 45.5 kB
- 1 dependency
- BSD-3-Clause license
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PhosphorJS - Virtual DOM
Type Aliases
- a
- abbr
- address
- area
- article
- aside
- audio
- b
- bdi
- bdo
- blockquote
- br
- button
- canvas
- caption
- Child
- cite
- code
- col
- colgroup
- data
- datalist
- dd
- del
- dfn
- div
- dl
- dt
- em
- embed
- fieldset
- figcaption
- figure
- footer
- form
- h1
- h2
- h3
- h4
- h5
- h6
- header
- hr
- i
- IFactory
- iframe
- img
- input
- ins
- kbd
- label
- legend
- li
- main
- map
- mark
- meter
- nav
- noscript
- object
- ol
- optgroup
- option
- output
- p
- param
- pre
- progress
- q
- rp
- rt
- ruby
- s
- samp
- section
- select
- small
- source
- span
- strong
- sub
- summary
- sup
- table
- tbody
- td
- textarea
- tfoot
- th
- thead
- time
- title
- tr
- track
- u
- ul
- var_
- video
- wbr
function h
h: typeof h;
Create a new virtual element node.
Parameter tag
The tag name for the element.
Parameter attrs
The attributes for the element, if any.
Parameter children
The children for the element, if any.
A new virtual element node for the given parameters.
#### Notes The children may be string literals, other virtual nodes,
, or an array of those things. Strings are converted into text nodes, and arrays are inlined as if the array contents were given as positional arguments. This makes it simple to build up an array of children by any desired means.null
child values are simply ignored.A bound function for each HTML tag name is available as a static function attached to the
function. E.g.h('div', ...)
is equivalent toh.div(...)
class VirtualElement
class VirtualElement {}
A virtual node which represents an HTML element.
#### Notes User code will not typically create a
node directly. Instead, theh()
function will be used to create an element tree.
constructor(tag: string, attrs: ElementAttrs, children: readonly VirtualNode[]);
Construct a new virtual element node.
Parameter tag
The element tag name.
Parameter attrs
The element attributes.
Parameter children
The element children.
property attrs
readonly attrs: ElementAttrs;
The attributes for the element.
property children
readonly children: readonly VirtualNode[];
The children for the element.
property tag
readonly tag: string;
The tag name for the element.
property type
readonly type: string;
The type of the node.
This value can be used as a type guard for discriminating the
union type.
class VirtualText
class VirtualText {}
A virtual node which represents plain text content.
#### Notes User code will not typically create a
node directly. Instead, theh()
function will be used to create an element tree.
constructor(content: string);
Construct a new virtual text node.
Parameter content
The text content for the node.
property content
readonly content: string;
The text content for the node.
property type
readonly type: string;
The type of the node.
This value can be used as a type guard for discriminating the
union type.
Type Aliases
type CSSPropertyNames
type CSSPropertyNames = | 'alignContent' | 'alignItems' | 'alignSelf' | 'alignmentBaseline' | 'animation' | 'animationDelay' | 'animationDirection' | 'animationDuration' | 'animationFillMode' | 'animationIterationCount' | 'animationName' | 'animationPlayState' | 'animationTimingFunction' | 'backfaceVisibility' | 'background' | 'backgroundAttachment' | 'backgroundClip' | 'backgroundColor' | 'backgroundImage' | 'backgroundOrigin' | 'backgroundPosition' | 'backgroundPositionX' | 'backgroundPositionY' | 'backgroundRepeat' | 'backgroundSize' | 'baselineShift' | 'border' | 'borderBottom' | 'borderBottomColor' | 'borderBottomLeftRadius' | 'borderBottomRightRadius' | 'borderBottomStyle' | 'borderBottomWidth' | 'borderCollapse' | 'borderColor' | 'borderImage' | 'borderImageOutset' | 'borderImageRepeat' | 'borderImageSlice' | 'borderImageSource' | 'borderImageWidth' | 'borderLeft' | 'borderLeftColor' | 'borderLeftStyle' | 'borderLeftWidth' | 'borderRadius' | 'borderRight' | 'borderRightColor' | 'borderRightStyle' | 'borderRightWidth' | 'borderSpacing' | 'borderStyle' | 'borderTop' | 'borderTopColor' | 'borderTopLeftRadius' | 'borderTopRightRadius' | 'borderTopStyle' | 'borderTopWidth' | 'borderWidth' | 'bottom' | 'boxShadow' | 'boxSizing' | 'breakAfter' | 'breakBefore' | 'breakInside' | 'captionSide' | 'clear' | 'clip' | 'clipPath' | 'clipRule' | 'color' | 'colorInterpolationFilters' | 'columnCount' | 'columnFill' | 'columnGap' | 'columnRule' | 'columnRuleColor' | 'columnRuleStyle' | 'columnRuleWidth' | 'columnSpan' | 'columnWidth' | 'columns' | 'content' | 'counterIncrement' | 'counterReset' | 'cssFloat' | 'cssText' | 'cursor' | 'direction' | 'display' | 'dominantBaseline' | 'emptyCells' | 'enableBackground' | 'fill' | 'fillOpacity' | 'fillRule' | 'filter' | 'flex' | 'flexBasis' | 'flexDirection' | 'flexFlow' | 'flexGrow' | 'flexShrink' | 'flexWrap' | 'floodColor' | 'floodOpacity' | 'font' | 'fontFamily' | 'fontFeatureSettings' | 'fontSize' | 'fontSizeAdjust' | 'fontStretch' | 'fontStyle' | 'fontVariant' | 'fontWeight' | 'glyphOrientationHorizontal' | 'glyphOrientationVertical' | 'height' | 'imeMode' | 'justifyContent' | 'kerning' | 'left' | 'letterSpacing' | 'lightingColor' | 'lineHeight' | 'listStyle' | 'listStyleImage' | 'listStylePosition' | 'listStyleType' | 'margin' | 'marginBottom' | 'marginLeft' | 'marginRight' | 'marginTop' | 'marker' | 'markerEnd' | 'markerMid' | 'markerStart' | 'mask' | 'maxHeight' | 'maxWidth' | 'minHeight' | 'minWidth' | 'msContentZoomChaining' | 'msContentZoomLimit' | 'msContentZoomLimitMax' | 'msContentZoomLimitMin' | 'msContentZoomSnap' | 'msContentZoomSnapPoints' | 'msContentZoomSnapType' | 'msContentZooming' | 'msFlowFrom' | 'msFlowInto' | 'msFontFeatureSettings' | 'msGridColumn' | 'msGridColumnAlign' | 'msGridColumnSpan' | 'msGridColumns' | 'msGridRow' | 'msGridRowAlign' | 'msGridRowSpan' | 'msGridRows' | 'msHighContrastAdjust' | 'msHyphenateLimitChars' | 'msHyphenateLimitLines' | 'msHyphenateLimitZone' | 'msHyphens' | 'msImeAlign' | 'msOverflowStyle' | 'msScrollChaining' | 'msScrollLimit' | 'msScrollLimitXMax' | 'msScrollLimitXMin' | 'msScrollLimitYMax' | 'msScrollLimitYMin' | 'msScrollRails' | 'msScrollSnapPointsX' | 'msScrollSnapPointsY' | 'msScrollSnapType' | 'msScrollSnapX' | 'msScrollSnapY' | 'msScrollTranslation' | 'msTextCombineHorizontal' | 'msTextSizeAdjust' | 'msTouchAction' | 'msTouchSelect' | 'msUserSelect' | 'msWrapFlow' | 'msWrapMargin' | 'msWrapThrough' | 'opacity' | 'order' | 'orphans' | 'outline' | 'outlineColor' | 'outlineStyle' | 'outlineWidth' | 'overflow' | 'overflowX' | 'overflowY' | 'padding' | 'paddingBottom' | 'paddingLeft' | 'paddingRight' | 'paddingTop' | 'pageBreakAfter' | 'pageBreakBefore' | 'pageBreakInside' | 'perspective' | 'perspectiveOrigin' | 'pointerEvents' | 'position' | 'quotes' | 'resize' | 'right' | 'rubyAlign' | 'rubyOverhang' | 'rubyPosition' | 'stopColor' | 'stopOpacity' | 'stroke' | 'strokeDasharray' | 'strokeDashoffset' | 'strokeLinecap' | 'strokeLinejoin' | 'strokeMiterlimit' | 'strokeOpacity' | 'strokeWidth' | 'tableLayout' | 'textAlign' | 'textAlignLast' | 'textAnchor' | 'textDecoration' | 'textIndent' | 'textJustify' | 'textKashida' | 'textKashidaSpace' | 'textOverflow' | 'textShadow' | 'textTransform' | 'textUnderlinePosition' | 'top' | 'touchAction' | 'transform' | 'transformOrigin' | 'transformStyle' | 'transition' | 'transitionDelay' | 'transitionDuration' | 'transitionProperty' | 'transitionTimingFunction' | 'unicodeBidi' | 'verticalAlign' | 'visibility' | 'webkitAlignContent' | 'webkitAlignItems' | 'webkitAlignSelf' | 'webkitAnimation' | 'webkitAnimationDelay' | 'webkitAnimationDirection' | 'webkitAnimationDuration' | 'webkitAnimationFillMode' | 'webkitAnimationIterationCount' | 'webkitAnimationName' | 'webkitAnimationPlayState' | 'webkitAnimationTimingFunction' | 'webkitAppearance' | 'webkitBackfaceVisibility' | 'webkitBackgroundClip' | 'webkitBackgroundOrigin' | 'webkitBackgroundSize' | 'webkitBorderBottomLeftRadius' | 'webkitBorderBottomRightRadius' | 'webkitBorderImage' | 'webkitBorderRadius' | 'webkitBorderTopLeftRadius' | 'webkitBorderTopRightRadius' | 'webkitBoxAlign' | 'webkitBoxDirection' | 'webkitBoxFlex' | 'webkitBoxOrdinalGroup' | 'webkitBoxOrient' | 'webkitBoxPack' | 'webkitBoxSizing' | 'webkitColumnBreakAfter' | 'webkitColumnBreakBefore' | 'webkitColumnBreakInside' | 'webkitColumnCount' | 'webkitColumnGap' | 'webkitColumnRule' | 'webkitColumnRuleColor' | 'webkitColumnRuleStyle' | 'webkitColumnRuleWidth' | 'webkitColumnSpan' | 'webkitColumnWidth' | 'webkitColumns' | 'webkitFilter' | 'webkitFlex' | 'webkitFlexBasis' | 'webkitFlexDirection' | 'webkitFlexFlow' | 'webkitFlexGrow' | 'webkitFlexShrink' | 'webkitFlexWrap' | 'webkitJustifyContent' | 'webkitOrder' | 'webkitPerspective' | 'webkitPerspectiveOrigin' | 'webkitTapHighlightColor' | 'webkitTextFillColor' | 'webkitTextSizeAdjust' | 'webkitTransform' | 'webkitTransformOrigin' | 'webkitTransformStyle' | 'webkitTransition' | 'webkitTransitionDelay' | 'webkitTransitionDuration' | 'webkitTransitionProperty' | 'webkitTransitionTimingFunction' | 'webkitUserModify' | 'webkitUserSelect' | 'webkitWritingMode' | 'whiteSpace' | 'widows' | 'width' | 'wordBreak' | 'wordSpacing' | 'wordWrap' | 'writingMode' | 'zIndex' | 'zoom';
The names of the supported HTML5 CSS property names.
If a standardized or widely supported name is missing, please open an issue to have it added.
The property names were collected from the following sources: - TypeScript's
type ElementAttrNames
type ElementAttrNames = | 'abbr' | 'accept' | 'accept-charset' | 'accesskey' | 'action' | 'allowfullscreen' | 'alt' | 'autocomplete' | 'autofocus' | 'autoplay' | 'autosave' | 'checked' | 'cite' | 'cols' | 'colspan' | 'contenteditable' | 'controls' | 'coords' | 'crossorigin' | 'data' | 'datetime' | 'default' | 'dir' | 'dirname' | 'disabled' | 'download' | 'draggable' | 'dropzone' | 'enctype' | 'form' | 'formaction' | 'formenctype' | 'formmethod' | 'formnovalidate' | 'formtarget' | 'headers' | 'height' | 'hidden' | 'high' | 'href' | 'hreflang' | 'id' | 'inputmode' | 'integrity' | 'ismap' | 'kind' | 'label' | 'lang' | 'list' | 'loop' | 'low' | 'max' | 'maxlength' | 'media' | 'mediagroup' | 'method' | 'min' | 'minlength' | 'multiple' | 'muted' | 'name' | 'novalidate' | 'optimum' | 'pattern' | 'placeholder' | 'poster' | 'preload' | 'readonly' | 'rel' | 'required' | 'reversed' | 'rows' | 'rowspan' | 'sandbox' | 'scope' | 'selected' | 'shape' | 'size' | 'sizes' | 'span' | 'spellcheck' | 'src' | 'srcdoc' | 'srclang' | 'srcset' | 'start' | 'step' | 'tabindex' | 'target' | 'title' | 'type' | 'typemustmatch' | 'usemap' | 'value' | 'width' | 'wrap';
The names of the supported HTML5 DOM element attributes.
This list is not all-encompassing, rather it attempts to define the attribute names which are relevant for use in a virtual DOM context. If a standardized or widely supported name is missing, please open an issue to have it added.
The attribute names were collected from the following sources: - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Attributes - https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/index.html#attributes-1 - https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/indices.html#attributes-3
type ElementAttrs
type ElementAttrs = ElementBaseAttrs & ElementEventAttrs & ElementSpecialAttrs;
The full set of attributes supported by a virtual element node.
This is the combination of the base element attributes, the inline element event listeners, and the special element attributes.
type ElementBaseAttrs
type ElementBaseAttrs = { readonly [T in ElementAttrNames]?: string;};
The base attributes for a virtual element node.
These are the attributes which are applied to a real DOM element via
. The supported attribute names are defined by theElementAttrNames
type.Node attributes are specified using the lower-case HTML name instead of the camel-case JS name due to browser inconsistencies in handling the JS versions.
type ElementDataset
type ElementDataset = { readonly [name: string]: string;};
An object which represents a dataset for a virtual DOM element.
The names of the dataset properties will be automatically prefixed with
before being added to the node, e.g.{ thing: '12' }
will be rendered asdata-thing='12'
in the DOM element.Dataset property names should not contain spaces.
type ElementEventAttrs
type ElementEventAttrs = { readonly [T in keyof ElementEventMap]?: ( this: HTMLElement, event: ElementEventMap[T] ) => any;};
The inline event listener attributes for a virtual element node.
The supported listeners are defined by the
type ElementEventMap
type ElementEventMap = { onabort: UIEvent; onauxclick: MouseEvent; onblur: FocusEvent; oncanplay: Event; oncanplaythrough: Event; onchange: Event; onclick: MouseEvent; oncontextmenu: PointerEvent; oncopy: ClipboardEvent; oncuechange: Event; oncut: ClipboardEvent; ondblclick: MouseEvent; ondrag: DragEvent; ondragend: DragEvent; ondragenter: DragEvent; ondragexit: DragEvent; ondragleave: DragEvent; ondragover: DragEvent; ondragstart: DragEvent; ondrop: DragEvent; ondurationchange: Event; onemptied: Event; onended: MediaStreamErrorEvent; onerror: ErrorEvent; onfocus: FocusEvent; oninput: Event; oninvalid: Event; onkeydown: KeyboardEvent; onkeypress: KeyboardEvent; onkeyup: KeyboardEvent; onload: Event; onloadeddata: Event; onloadedmetadata: Event; onloadend: Event; onloadstart: Event; onmousedown: MouseEvent; onmouseenter: MouseEvent; onmouseleave: MouseEvent; onmousemove: MouseEvent; onmouseout: MouseEvent; onmouseover: MouseEvent; onmouseup: MouseEvent; onmousewheel: WheelEvent; onpaste: ClipboardEvent; onpause: Event; onplay: Event; onplaying: Event; onpointercancel: PointerEvent; onpointerdown: PointerEvent; onpointerenter: PointerEvent; onpointerleave: PointerEvent; onpointermove: PointerEvent; onpointerout: PointerEvent; onpointerover: PointerEvent; onpointerup: PointerEvent; onprogress: ProgressEvent; onratechange: Event; onreset: Event; onscroll: UIEvent; onseeked: Event; onseeking: Event; onselect: UIEvent; onselectstart: Event; onstalled: Event; onsubmit: Event; onsuspend: Event; ontimeupdate: Event; onvolumechange: Event; onwaiting: Event;};
A mapping of inline event name to event object type.
This mapping is used to create the event listener properties for the virtual DOM element attributes object. If a standardized or widely supported name is missing, please open an issue to have it added.
The event names were collected from the following sources: - TypeScript's
file - https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/index.html#attributes-1 - https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/webappapis.html#idl-definitions
type ElementInlineStyle
type ElementInlineStyle = { readonly [T in CSSPropertyNames]?: string;};
The inline style for for a virtual DOM element.
Style attributes use the JS camel-cased property names instead of the CSS hyphenated names for performance and security.
type ElementSpecialAttrs
type ElementSpecialAttrs = { /** * The key id for the virtual element node. * * If a node is given a key id, the generated DOM node will not be * recreated during a rendering update if it only moves among its * siblings in the render tree. * * In general, reordering child nodes will cause the nodes to be * completely re-rendered. Keys allow this to be optimized away. * * If a key is provided, it must be unique among sibling nodes. */ readonly key?: string; /** * The JS-safe name for the HTML `class` attribute. */ readonly className?: string; /** * The JS-safe name for the HTML `for` attribute. */ readonly htmlFor?: string; /** * The dataset for the rendered DOM element. */ readonly dataset?: ElementDataset; /** * The inline style for the rendered DOM element. */ readonly style?: ElementInlineStyle;};
The special-cased attributes for a virtual element node.
type VirtualNode
type VirtualNode = VirtualElement | VirtualText;
A type alias for a general virtual node.
namespace h
namespace h {}
The namespace for the
function statics.
variable a
const a: IFactory;
variable abbr
const abbr: IFactory;
variable address
const address: IFactory;
variable area
const area: IFactory;
variable article
const article: IFactory;
variable aside
const aside: IFactory;
variable audio
const audio: IFactory;
variable b
const b: IFactory;
variable bdi
const bdi: IFactory;
variable bdo
const bdo: IFactory;
variable blockquote
const blockquote: IFactory;
variable br
const br: IFactory;
variable button
const button: IFactory;
variable canvas
const canvas: IFactory;
variable caption
const caption: IFactory;
variable cite
const cite: IFactory;
variable code
const code: IFactory;
variable col
const col: IFactory;
variable colgroup
const colgroup: IFactory;
variable data
const data: IFactory;
variable datalist
const datalist: IFactory;
variable dd
const dd: IFactory;
variable del
const del: IFactory;
variable dfn
const dfn: IFactory;
variable div
const div: IFactory;
variable dl
const dl: IFactory;
variable dt
const dt: IFactory;
variable em
const em: IFactory;
variable embed
const embed: IFactory;
variable fieldset
const fieldset: IFactory;
variable figcaption
const figcaption: IFactory;
variable figure
const figure: IFactory;
variable footer
const footer: IFactory;
variable form
const form: IFactory;
variable h1
const h1: IFactory;
variable h2
const h2: IFactory;
variable h3
const h3: IFactory;
variable h4
const h4: IFactory;
variable h5
const h5: IFactory;
variable h6
const h6: IFactory;
variable header
const header: IFactory;
variable hr
const hr: IFactory;
variable i
const i: IFactory;
variable iframe
const iframe: IFactory;
variable img
const img: IFactory;
variable input
const input: IFactory;
variable ins
const ins: IFactory;
variable kbd
const kbd: IFactory;
variable label
const label: IFactory;
variable legend
const legend: IFactory;
variable li
const li: IFactory;
variable main
const main: IFactory;
variable map
const map: IFactory;
variable mark
const mark: IFactory;
variable meter
const meter: IFactory;
variable nav
const nav: IFactory;
variable noscript
const noscript: IFactory;
variable object
const object: IFactory;
variable ol
const ol: IFactory;
variable optgroup
const optgroup: IFactory;
variable option
const option: IFactory;
variable output
const output: IFactory;
variable p
const p: IFactory;
variable param
const param: IFactory;
variable pre
const pre: IFactory;
variable progress
const progress: IFactory;
variable q
const q: IFactory;
variable rp
const rp: IFactory;
variable rt
const rt: IFactory;
variable ruby
const ruby: IFactory;
variable s
const s: IFactory;
variable samp
const samp: IFactory;
variable section
const section: IFactory;
variable select
const select: IFactory;
variable small
const small: IFactory;
variable source
const source: IFactory;
variable span
const span: IFactory;
variable strong
const strong: IFactory;
variable sub
const sub: IFactory;
variable summary
const summary: IFactory;
variable sup
const sup: IFactory;
variable table
const table: IFactory;
variable tbody
const tbody: IFactory;
variable td
const td: IFactory;
variable textarea
const textarea: IFactory;
variable tfoot
const tfoot: IFactory;
variable th
const th: IFactory;
variable thead
const thead: IFactory;
variable time
const time: IFactory;
variable title
const title: IFactory;
variable tr
const tr: IFactory;
variable track
const track: IFactory;
variable u
const u: IFactory;
variable ul
const ul: IFactory;
variable var_
const var_: IFactory;
variable video
const video: IFactory;
variable wbr
const wbr: IFactory;
interface IFactory
interface IFactory {}
A bound factory function for a specific
call signature
(...children: Child[]): VirtualElement;
call signature
(attrs: ElementAttrs, ...children: Child[]): VirtualElement;
type Child
type Child = (string | VirtualNode | null) | Array<string | VirtualNode | null>;
A type alias for the supported child argument types.
namespace VirtualDOM
namespace VirtualDOM {}
The namespace for the virtual DOM rendering functions.
function realize
realize: (node: VirtualElement) => HTMLElement;
Create a real DOM element from a virtual element node.
Parameter node
The virtual element node to realize.
A new DOM element for the given virtual element node.
#### Notes This creates a brand new *real* DOM element with a structure which matches the given virtual DOM node.
If virtual diffing is desired, use the
function instead.
function render
render: ( content: VirtualNode | ReadonlyArray<VirtualNode> | null, host: HTMLElement) => void;
Render virtual DOM content into a host element.
Parameter content
The virtual DOM content to render.
Parameter host
The host element for the rendered content.
#### Notes This renders the delta from the previous rendering. It assumes that the content of the host element is not manipulated by external code.
content will clear the rendering.Externally modifying the provided content or the host element will result in undefined rendering behavior.
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