- Version 4.7.7
- Published
- 51.2 kB
- 5 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i @platform/ts
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TypesScript build, prepare and publish toolchain.
Type Aliases
type IPackageFieldMap
type IPackageFieldMap = { [key: string]: string;};
type IPackageJson
type IPackageJson = { name?: string; description?: string; main?: string; types?: string; dependencies?: IPackageFieldMap; devDependencies?: IPackageFieldMap; scripts?: IPackageFieldMap; files?: string[];};
type ITypescriptConfig
type ITypescriptConfig = { extends?: string; compilerOptions?: { outDir?: string; rootDir?: string; };};
namespace cmds
module 'lib/cmds/cmds.d.ts' {}
function build
build: (args: IArgs) => Promise<IResult & { errorLog?: string }>;
function buildAs
buildAs: (formats: BuildFormat[], args?: IBuildArgs) => Promise<IResult>;
function chmod
chmod: (args?: { silent?: boolean; permissions?: string }) => Promise<IResult>;
function lint
lint: (args?: { dir?: string; silent?: boolean }) => Promise<IResult>;
function prepare
prepare: (args?: { dir?: string; silent?: boolean }) => Promise<IResult>;
function processArgs
processArgs: ( args: IArgs) => Promise< | { code: number; error: Error; cwd?: undefined; outDir?: undefined; silent?: undefined; watch?: undefined; as?: undefined; tsconfig?: undefined; } | { code: number; cwd: string; outDir: string; silent: boolean | undefined; watch: boolean | undefined; as: BuildFormat; tsconfig: string | undefined; error?: undefined; }>;
function publish
publish: (args?: { silent?: boolean; dir?: string; outDir?: string;}) => Promise<IResult>;
function test
test: (args?: { dir?: string; silent?: boolean; watch?: boolean; suffix?: string;}) => Promise<IResult>;
type BuildFormat
type BuildFormat = 'COMMON_JS' | 'ES_MODULE';
type IBuildArgs
type IBuildArgs = { silent?: boolean; watch?: boolean; dir?: string; outDir?: string; tsconfig?: string;};
Package Files (9)
Dependencies (5)
Dev Dependencies (1)
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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