- Version 4.5.0
- Published
- 18.7 kB
- 1 dependency
- MIT license
npm i @pnp/logging
yarn add @pnp/logging
pnpm add @pnp/logging
pnp - light-weight, subscribable logging framework
function ConsoleListener
ConsoleListener: ( prefix?: string, colors?: IConsoleListenerColors) => ILogListener;
function FunctionListener
FunctionListener: (impl: (entry: ILogEntry) => void) => ILogListener;
function PnPLogging
PnPLogging: <T>(activeLevel: LogLevel) => (o: T) => T;
class Logger
class Logger {}
Class used to subscribe ILogListener and log messages throughout an application
property activeLogLevel
static activeLogLevel: LogLevel;
Gets or sets the active log level to apply for log filtering
property count
static readonly count: number;
Gets the current subscriber count
method clearSubscribers
static clearSubscribers: () => ILogListener[];
Clears the subscribers collection, returning the collection before modification
method error
static error: (err: Error) => void;
Logs an error object to the subscribed listeners
Parameter err
The error object
method log
static log: (entry: ILogEntry) => void;
Logs the supplied entry to the subscribed listeners
Parameter entry
The message to log
method subscribe
static subscribe: (...listeners: ILogListener[]) => void;
Adds ILogListener instances to the set of subscribed listeners
Parameter listeners
One or more listeners to subscribe to this log
method write
static write: (message: string, level?: LogLevel) => void;
Writes the supplied string to the subscribed listeners
Parameter message
The message to write
Parameter level
[Optional] if supplied will be used as the level of the entry (Default: LogLevel.Info)
method writeJSON
static writeJSON: (json: any, level?: LogLevel) => void;
Writes the supplied string to the subscribed listeners
Parameter json
The json object to stringify and write
Parameter level
[Optional] if supplied will be used as the level of the entry (Default: LogLevel.Info)
interface IConsoleListenerColors
interface IConsoleListenerColors {}
Text color options for use in the ConsoleListener All values can be specified as known names, hex values, rgb, or rgba values
property color
color?: string;
Default text color for all logging levels unless they're specified
property error
error?: string;
Text color to use for messages with LogLevel.Error
property info
info?: string;
Text color to use for messages with LogLevel.Info
property verbose
verbose?: string;
Text color to use for messages with LogLevel.Verbose
property warning
warning?: string;
Text color to use for messages with LogLevel.Warning
interface ILogEntry
interface ILogEntry {}
Interface that defines a log entry
interface ILogListener
interface ILogListener {}
Interface that defines a log listener
method log
log: (entry: ILogEntry) => void;
Any associated data that a given logging listener may choose to log or ignore
Parameter entry
The information to be logged
Package Files (2)
Dependencies (1)
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Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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